General information. Introduction to macroeconomics - Matveeva T.Yu

The Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics (hereinafter referred to as HSE Publishing House) was founded in 2000. Today it is a highly professional publishing house specializing in the production and distribution of scientific and educational literature. Like the School, which “grew up” from faculties of economics, the Publishing House, having started with the publication of books on economics, now publishes books on cultural studies, psychology, law, and history. We are growing together with the School. Both books by Russian authors and translated literature are published.

Our Book Chronicle numbers about 2000 publications, of which more than 120 are translated. In 2018, 127 book publications were published with a total volume of 1,500 academic publications. sheets, with a total circulation of about 56 thousand copies.

A number of serial projects are being implemented. Among them is the series “Textbooks of the Higher School of Economics”. Since its founding in 2003, the series has published 53 books with a total circulation of over 170 thousand copies. Since 2009, there has been a project to publish serial monographs on socio-economic sciences. In it, books by leading Russian researchers are presented on a par with books by their famous foreign colleagues. Four book series are published: “Economic Theory”, “Social Theory”, “Political Theory”, “Cultural Studies”. During its existence, the project has published more than 130 book titles, and work is underway on another 20 books.

In 2014, the series “Library of the Journal “Education Issues”” was formed. The editorial board of the journal actively shapes its saturation with books. 21 books have been published in this project, and work is underway on a number of more books.

University support is a huge help in the conditions of the poor state of the Russian book trade, which does not allow textbook authors to receive royalties that compensate for labor costs, and the financial costs of a translated educational book are almost impossible to recoup while keeping the price affordable. We hope that such an active publishing policy of the School will give tangible results in replenishing the output with popular publications that are noticeable on the book market.

We have experience working with foreign partners in obtaining and transferring rights to translate and publish books. We have licensed more than 150 titles of educational and scientific literature. Our sales of rights, alas, are more modest due to the limited demand for Russian-language literature on the world book market. In 2001, the rights to publish the textbook “Mathematics of Financial Obligations” by Alexander Melnikov, Sergei Volkov and Mikhail Nechaev were transferred to the American Mathematical Society. The book was published in the USA in English in 2002. In the same year, an agreement was signed with the publishing house Bunrikaku Ltd (Japan) to publish Jacob Pappe’s book “Oligarchs” in Japanese (released in 2003). An agreement was reached with the Springer publishing house on the transfer of rights to publish in English the textbook by Vladlen Timorin “Geometry of Hamiltonian systems and partial differential equations”, published by the HSE Publishing House at the end of 2016.

In 2016, we signed an agreement with the Scientific Electronic Library for the placement of books from the HSE Publishing House in the RSCI database on the eLIBRARY portal. The task has been set to place both newly published books and previously published ones. More than 140 books have already been posted. Since 2017, books from the HSE Publishing House began to be assigned DOIs, which simplifies the introduction of our publications into international scientific circulation.

The products of the HSE Publishing House are presented both at major international book exhibitions and at regional Russian and Moscow festivals. ID books can traditionally be seen at the International Fair of Intellectual Literature Non/fiction, the Frankfurt Book Fair, and the London Book Fair. We are also interested in the Beijing International Book Fair, the Barcelona International Book Fair, and the Warsaw Book Fair. We are also exploring book festivals in post-Soviet countries, where books in Russian are especially in demand. This includes the International Book Exhibition in Almaty and book salons in Kyiv and Minsk. And of course, we are regular participants in book festivals in Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan.

The publishing house annually holds more than 10 book presentations with the participation of Russian and foreign authors. Traditionally, this happens at the Higher School of Economics. But recently other sites have also been actively used - the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, Muzeon Park, the Phalanster store, and the State Literary Museum. Book festival sites are also actively used.

Thus, presentations of books by the HSE Publishing House have already been held four times on Red Square as part of All-Russian book festivals. Since 2015, we have been holding the “School Yard” book festival in the courtyard of the main building of the Higher School of Economics at 20 Myasnitskaya Street, timed to coincide with the beginning of the academic year.

Since 2015, the HSE Publishing House began creating and posting book trailers for textbooks on the official HSE YouTube channel, in which the authors address readers and talk about their books and their usefulness in the educational process. The first book trailers were created for the textbooks by Anton Selivanovsky “Legal regulation of the securities market”, Natalia Erpyleva “Private International Law”, Alexey Zakharov “Game Theory in Social Sciences”, Vladimir Gordin “Differential and Difference Equations”, Anna Novikova and Ilya Kiriya “History and media theory”, Haruo Shirane “Classical Japanese: Grammar”. They received over 1500 views.

In 2017, with the support of the Enlightener Prize, three short films were made with S.Yu. Kavtaradze in the title role, dedicated to three concepts from the many architectural topics outlined in his book “Anatomy of Architecture. Seven books about logic, form and meaning”: arch, order and space. The films are publicly available on the Internet (

The release of new books traditionally causes a wide response in the media. More than 50 reviews, interviews, and information articles are published annually. Reviews of our books are published in the magazines “Expert”, “Problems of Economics”, Sociological Research”, “University Book”, “Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics”, in the newspapers “Vedomosti”, “NG-Exlibris”, “Book Business”, “AiF” ”, “Izvestia”, excerpts from books are published by such online publications as, PostNauka, Afisha, Theories and Practices, Pro-Books, etc. In 2015 and 2016. reviews of Alexander Bikbov’s book “The Grammar of Order” were published in the French academic journals Cahiers du Monde Russe and Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest.

There is evidence of official recognition of our books. I'll name the last ones. The book by Peter Wohlleben, translated by Natalia Shtilmark, won in the category “Popular Science Literature”. The first edition of the book was published by the HSE Publishing House in 2017 in the “Cultural Studies” series.
The HSE Publishing House was awarded an honorary diploma of the German Merck Translation Prize in the category “Popular Science Literature” for its activities in the field of publishing translations from German and publishing books.

In 2018, the winner of the “Book of the Year” competition in the “Textbook of the 21st Century” category was a textbook for universities under the general title. ed. A.G. Kachkaeva, S.A. Shomova, published by the HSE Publishing House in 2017, in the series “HSE Textbooks”.

In 2016, Sergei Kavtaradze’s monograph won the Dmitry Zimin “Enlightener” award in the “Humanities” category for the best popular science book in Russian. In 2017, Sergei Kavtaradze, as a laureate of the Enlightener Prize, gave a series of scientific and educational lectures in different cities of Russia: Moscow, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, etc.

The textbook by Anna Novikova and Ilya Kiriya “ ” in 2017 became a laureate of the International Media Research Competition “NAMMI - 2017”, taking first place in the “Textbook” category. In 2017
Sergei Gashkov, for his translation from French of Yves Gengres's book, became a laureate in the “Humanities” category of the annual Maurice Waxmacher Prize, awarded by the French Embassy in the Russian Federation.

In 2017, Vadim Rudnev’s book won the Andrei Bely Prize in the “Humanitarian Research” category.
In 2018, the textbook edited by Anna Kachkaeva and Svetlana Shomova became a diploma winner of the “Best Books of the Year” competition held by ASKI in the “Best Educational Book” category.

The range of traded book products includes 277 titles of books on paper and about 250 in electronic form. There is an extensive distribution system for book products - the publishing house has about 200 Russian and foreign trading partners.

The wholesale link is represented by bookselling companies “INFRA-M”, “Grand Fair” and others. Retail covers many bookstores in Moscow: “Biblio-Globus”, MDK, “Tsiolkovsky”, “Falanster”, the bookstore “At the Centaur” (RGGU) , a specialized business book store “Academy” (at RANEPA), etc. Urban cultural venues are widely used, opening their own stores recently: the Center for Contemporary Art “Garage”, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the State Center for Contemporary Art, etc. There are our books and in stores in St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, etc.

Catalog trade is carried out by the HSE Publishing House through the Non-profit Foundation “Pushkin Library” and the Central Collector of Libraries (CDB) “BIBKOM”. Foreign libraries form their Russian collections through the East View Information Services company and the catalog of Natalia Kozmenko, in which our books are widely present.

Books from the HSE Publishing House are widely represented in the Russian online stores “Labyrinth”,,,,, “Permkniga”, etc. Abroad, they are available to readers in the online store East View Information Services, operating in many countries around the world. Our books are also available in the sales areas of bookstores abroad, for example, in the Russian book department of Waterstone’s Piccadilly bookstore in London, in the Humanitas store in Vilnius, Intelektuāla grāmata in Riga, etc.

Our publications are distributed in electronic form by leading aggregators of electronic resources: “LitRes”, “University Library Online”, “KnigaFond”, Biblio Rossica, “Lan”. A catalog of electronic publications has been created on the HSE Publishing House website with direct links from the descriptions to the corresponding pages of our strategic partner and the largest Russian B2C aggregator of electronic content, liters. This allows site visitors to purchase our books in electronic form in one click. E-books are available to readers in different formats: pdf, epub, mobi, etc. In 2016, agreements were signed for the distribution of books in epub format through the largest platforms focused on distributing e-books around the world, such as Amazon. We are actively developing this promising direction, making books available to readers everywhere, regardless of the presence of bookstores and online stores.

Develops publishing house and own trade. Since April 2014, the online store of the HSE Publishing House (HSE) has been operating and gaining momentum. Thanks to him, our books became available to residents of more than 300 Russian cities connected to the delivery system. And their number is expanding.

Since 2009, the University bookstore “BukVyshka” has been successfully operating, located in the School building on Myasnitskaya street, 20. Along with books from the HSE Publishing House, it sells books from other Russian publishing houses, and also presents a wide range of books from foreign publishing houses in English, French, German and Italian. These are scientific, educational and reference literature on the specialized disciplines of the School, books for preparing for exams IELTS, FCE, CAE, CRE, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, ACCA, children's books in foreign languages, multi-level readers, art albums. Books from foreign publishers are widely represented, primarily in English. These are the publishing houses Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, Collins, Pearson, Longman, Penguin, Palgrave, Kaplan, Barron's, BPP, Cengage, Usborne, Ladybird, Ullmann, Prestel, Parkstone, Dorling Kindersley, etc. There are also books in German (Hueber, CIDEB), French (LeRobert, Pocket, Hachette, Folio), Chinese, Japanese, Italian and Spanish (CIDEB, ALMA, ELI). You will be greeted at the store by experienced sales consultants who speak English. The range of souvenirs with the HSE logo will not leave students, staff and guests of the university indifferent.

The store, although small, is quite noticeable on the Moscow book market. He also has evidence of his first public recognition. In 2010, following the results of the “Best Bookstore in Moscow” competition, it received a special prize “Discovery of the Year”, and in 2013 it won the “Best Specialized Store” nomination. In 2011, the laureate of this competition in the category “Best Book Trade Specialist” was Elena Makarova, a merchandise expert at BukVyshka, who has been working here since the opening day.

With the assistance of the HSE Publishing House, eight scientific journals are published and distributed: “Education Issues”, “HSE Economic Journal”, “Issues of State and Municipal Administration”, “Law. HSE Magazine”, “Foresight”, “Bulletin of International Organizations: Education, Science, New Economics”, “Psychology. HSE Journal”, “Urban Research and Practice”, as well as a reference and analytical review “Russian Economy: Forecasts and Trends”. All scientific journals are included in the list of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and in the Russian Citation Index. Thanks to a professional distribution system, our periodicals have become available throughout the country and abroad. Subscriptions are accepted by leading Russian and foreign agencies: “Rospechat”, “Kniga-Service”, “Ural-Press”, “Soyuzpressa”, “Pressinform”, “Interpress”, “Ruspressa”, East View Information Services, “Informnauka”, etc. Libraries of universities, enterprises, and schools predominate among subscribers.

Director of the Publishing House
Higher School of Economics
E.A. Ivanova

UDC 330.101.541 BBK 65.9

Matveeva, T. Yu. Introduction to macroeconomics [Text]: textbook. allowance /

M33 T. Yu. Matveeva; State University - Higher School of Economics. - 5th ed., rev. -

M.: Publishing house. house of State University Higher School of Economics, 2007. - 511, p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-7598-0543-4

The textbook is an introductory level macroeconomics course. It examines the main problems of macroeconomic theory and policy and the most important macroeconomic models. Definitions of basic concepts are given; theoretical concepts are illustrated with graphs; basic formulas for calculating macroeconomic indicators are presented. The theoretical material of each topic is accompanied by a workshop - methodological materials containing more than two thousand tasks of various types (tests, problems, etc.) with answers and solutions. These materials

lys will help students understand the theory and test their knowledge, and teachers

we need to quickly and objectively evaluate them.

For applicants to the faculties of economics and management; students studying

economic theory at an introductory level; teachers of schools and universities, as well as for everyone who is interested in issues of economic theory and politics and wants independent

gain a thorough understanding of the complex world of macroeconomics.

UDC 330.101.541

PREFACE .....................................

Topic 1



1.1. Subject of macroeconomics

1.2. Macroeconomic analysis.......................................................

1.3. Circulation of product, expenses and income

1.4. Macroeconomic models and their indicators ....................................

Topic 2


SYSTEM OF NAL.(IONAL ACCOUNTS..........................................................

2.1. System of national accounts and its indicators ....................................

2.2. Gross domestic product........................................................

2.3. Methods for measuring GDP....

2.4. Correlation of indicators in the System of National Accounts ....66

2.5. Nominal and real GDP. Price indices .....................................

Topic 3


AND TOTAL PROF.JIZATION (AD-AS MODEL) ...............................

3.1. Aggregate demand and its factors..............................................

3.2. Aggregate offer in classical

and Keynesian models.....................................................

3.3. Aggregate supply in the long run

and short-term periods and its factors ................................

3.4. Equilibrium in the model AD-AS ..................................................... ........

3.5. Shocks to aggregate demand and aggregate supply

Workshop .....................

Topic 4


AND THE ECONOMIC CYCLE.................................................... .......................

4.1. Economic growth and its indicators......................................

4.2. Factors and types of economic growth,

its significance and costs..............................................................

4.3. Public policy and economic growth...................................

4.4. Economic cycle, its phases, causes and indicators........

4.5. Types of economic cycles......................................................

Workshop:........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 5

UNEMPLOYMENT ..................................................... ...........................................

5.1. Concept and indicators of unemployment............................................

5.2. Types of unemployment. Natural rate of unemployment.........

5.3. Consequences of unemployment............................................................

5.4. State policy to combat unemployment


Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 6

INFLATION .................................................... ...................................................

6.1. Inflation, its indicators and types................................................

6.2. Causes of inflation....................................................

".".. "".".".284

6.3. Consequences and costs of inflation""""."."""""".""........ ..

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .


Topic 7

MONEY ................................................. ........................................................ .....

7.1. Money and its functions....................................................................

7.2. Types of money .................................................... ....................................

7.3. Cash assets........................................................................

7.4. Equation of the quantity theory of money.

Consequences of money emission........................................................

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 8

BANKING SYSTEM..............................................................................

8.1. Banking system and its structure." .........................................

8.2. Commercial banks and their operations. Bank reserves......

8.3. Money creation by commercial banks.

Bank multiplier........................................................

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 9

MONETARY POLICY..........................................................................

9.1. The essence and goals of monetary policy....................................

9.2. Monetary Policy Instruments..........................................

9.3. Types of monetary policy........................................................

9.4. The impact of monetary policy on the economy ....................................

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 10

TAXES ..................................................... ........................................................ .....

10.1. Tax system and principles of taxation .................

10.2. Types of taxes ...............

" .... "" ...... " ..............

" .. " ............

10.3. The impact of taxes on the economy ..................

" ......................

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 11



11.1. Main types of expenses and income

state budget......... .. .. ....................

11.2. State ........ ...... budget concepts

11.3. State budget deficit and ways

its financing.....................................................

11.4. Public debt........., its types and consequences

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

Topic 12

FISCAL POLICY .... " ..... ............ ....... .... ... .......................

12.1. Goals and instruments ... of fiscal policy.""""

12.2. Impact of Fiscal Policy Instruments

on aggregate demand........... ... .. ....... .... ...

12.3. Types of fiscal policy .....""""""""."""""""""."

Workshop ........................................................ ........................................................ .

ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS..............................................................................


This book is for those who are just beginning to get acquainted with macroeconomic theory. It was intended as a short summary of all topics in the macroeconomics course, with staying in the program of the preparatory department of the State University

site - Higher School of Economics (HSE), as a kind of cheat sheet that

would make it easier for applicants to prepare for entrance exams in social studies (economics). It was supposed to include only OS new definitions, most important formulas and graphs. However, during the work

It is obvious that every term, every formula, every graph must be

explained and interpreted, and the cheat sheet turned into a whole training manual property Then the idea arose to accompany the presentation of the theory with practical materials that would allow readers to test their knowledge and apply it to solving problems, tests, multiple choice tasks, to learn more deeply and consolidate studied material.

It must be said that manuals containing similar materials on macroeconomics

Moreover, in such a volume, there is practically none in Russian. Available in the library

kah, for example, State University Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov, manuals for teachers

and students (study-guides, test-books, students" manuals, ipstructors" manuals) unavailable

us for the general reader. In addition, they are designed for specific training courses.

ki, the level of complexity of which does not always correspond to the introductory level and is poorly

acceptable for people just starting to study macroeconomics, especially in Russia. The materials contained in them must be in a certain way from branes and processed.

For this purpose, almost all existing publics of this kind were studied.

cation, the materials of which were adapted for the introductory course of macroeconomic theory and for Russian readers. A large number of new tasks and tasks were invented and developed that allow one to firmly master the fundamental skills

provisions of macroeconomics and understand the patterns of macroeconomic processes

(in total, the workshop includes more than two thousand tasks of various types). ·

When preparing the manual, the goal was not only to provide knowledge of the basics of Mac

roeconomics, explain complex macroeconomic processes in an accessible form

people who are getting to know them for the first time, but also to awaken interest in studying this science and show how fascinating it is. Why are some countries developing rapidly?


more than others; why is the standard of living of most Russian citizens lower than in

many other, for example European, countries; what needs to be done to achieve the following

generation lived better than the current one; Why is unemployment bad for an individual and

the economy as a whole and what measures can be taken to reduce it; what are the reasons

we and the consequences of inflation and whether it is possible to reduce inflation to zero; why not Paul

Do the population trust Russian banks and how can financial stabilization be ensured in the country; why is public debt dangerous? what taxes should be established in order, on the one hand, to stimulate economic development, and

on the other hand, to provide the state with the means to carry out its numerous

functions, in particular economic regulation; why is the Russian exchange rate falling?

ruble and what is necessary to stabilize it, etc.

Moreover, macroeconomics is a very useful science. After all, prices, wages wages, unemployment, inflation, money, consumption, savings, taxes- all this

integral part of our life, problems that directly affect us

each of us. Macroeconomics teaches people to analyze the economic situation,

navigate the surrounding reality, make the right decisions,

make the best choices, behave rationally, and achieve your goals in an optimal manner. Therefore, an important task when writing a theoretical part on The goal was to show the logic and mechanism of economic processes, the patterns of economic functioning, and on this basis try to develop an economic way of thinking among readers.

Based on a synthesis of eight years of experience in teaching macroeconomics courses

Miki of various levels (introductory and intermediate), the author sought to make educational

This manual is as universal as possible, suitable for use in the most

various purposes: when preparing for exams, developing homework,

role-playing works, olympiads, preparation for lectures, seminars,

meaningful study of the subject. Therefore, the range of use of the manual is very wide. It can be useful to teachers of economic and non-economic universities, school teachers, students, applicants, students of advanced education faculties

lification, people independently studying macroeconomics and simply interested

facing economic problems, etc.

The materials included in this manual have been successfully tested for fa

cult of pre-university training, are very widely used in the teaching process

studies of macroeconomics in the first year of the faculties of economics, sociology, political science and law (theoretical material is distributed to students in the form of lectures, it

placed on the website on the Internet), as well as in retraining and advanced training institutes

qualifications from the State University Higher School of Economics. The workshop materials form the basis of the Mac task bank.

economics for the entrance exam to the State University Higher School of Economics in social studies and all types of written work, including tests and examinations, for first-year students

course. These materials were published in the journals "school economic magazine" and

Economics at school (No. 3 and No. 4 for 2000, No. 1 and No. 2 for 2001), which, despite

for the additional editions required, were instantly sold out and are currently


have now become almost a bibliographic rarity, receiving very high what is the assessment of teachers of economic theory at universities and schools not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of Russia.

The manual includes twelve topics that outline the theoretical foundations of macroeconomics and discuss the most important macroeconomic models.

definitions of basic concepts are given, the most important formulas and graphs are given.

Theoretical provisions are accompanied by methodological materials, presentation "

which constitute a system of tasks for each topic studied (answers and detailed analysis of solutions to typical problems is given in the final section of the book!~. This is pos

allows you to deeply assimilate theoretical material, master logic, terminology and the basic tools of economic science and provides the opportunity to conduct

share your knowledge.

The textbook begins with a definition of the subject, consideration of the basic methodological principles and methods of macroeconomic analysis, especially

of macroeconomic indicators (topic 1). Then the main

indicators of the System of National Equities (topic 2), main (basic) macroeconomics

mic model of “aggregate demand - aggregate supply and its conditions”

balance (topic 3). Next comes an analysis of the main macroeconomic problems, such as economic growth and the economic cycle (topic 4), unemployment (topic 5), inflation (topic 6), money and monetary circulation (topic 7). Paying great attention It is devoted to the analysis of the principles of functioning of the banking system (topic 8) and the mechanism of monetary policy (topic 9), features of the formation of the state budget (topics 10 and 11) and problems of fiscal policy (topic 12).

Unfortunately, this manual does not cover some of the introductory topics.

macroeconomics courses, such as macroeconomic problems of open economics

ki, Skeynesian cross model, short-term aggregate supply models

nia, since they are not included in the program of the preparatory department and study

I'm in my first year. These topics will be presented in detail in a forthcoming textbook for first-year students of economics faculties. It will

is built on the same principles as this manual (in addition to theory it will contain

reap extensive methodological material). Work on this manual is planned for

to be completed in 2003

The author is deeply grateful to his colleagues from the Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova R.M. Nureyev, V.S. Avtonomov, O.I. Ananyin, I.L. Kavitskaya, A.A. Friedman, E.A. Tumanova, etc. Agapova, S.F. Seregina, L.B. Shchukina, A.V. Anosova, D.V. Akimov

for valuable advice, wishes and critical comments made during the work

you are working on the manual and preparing it for publication.

The author is also grateful to the students of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Pre-University Training at the State University Higher School of Economics, whose “feedback” allowed us to identify the most difficult problems of the course and explain them in the most accessible and understandable form in the theoretical part of the manual. Besides, they were you

all assignments have been completed and all tasks included in the workshop have been solved, errors have been identified


ki, incorrect wording and inaccuracies that were eliminated in the process preparing the manual for publication.

Sincere gratitude- Heads of the publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics E.A. Willow Novaya and E.A. Ryazantseva, editor E.N. Rostislavskaya, technical editor N.A. Veselova, without whom the textbook would not have been able to see the light of day.

especially Natasha, who provided invaluable assistance in preparing methodological materials

terials, as well as to her husband A.A. Sspunkov, who created the most favorable

Topic 1

and methodological



Subject of macroeconomics. Difference between macroeconomics

from microeconomics.

Main macroeconomic problems. Importance of Studying


Macroeconomic methods

analysis. Aggregation.

Macroeconomic agents

and macroeconomic markets

Circulation of product, expenses and income. Macroeconomic


Macroeconomic models.



Introduction to macroeconomics. Matveeva T.Yu.

5th ed., rev. - M.: Publishing house. House of State University Higher School of Economics, 2007. - 511 p.

The textbook is an introductory level macroeconomics course. It examines the main problems of macroeconomic theory and policy and the most important macroeconomic models. Definitions of basic concepts are given; theoretical positions are illustrated with graphs; basic formulas for calculating macroeconomic indicators are presented. The theoretical material of each topic is accompanied by a workshop - methodological materials containing more than two thousand tasks of various types (tests, problems, etc.) with answers and solutions. These materials will help students understand the theory and test their knowledge, and teachers will quickly and objectively evaluate it.

For applicants to the faculties of economics and management; students studying economic theory at the introductory level; teachers of schools and universities, as well as for everyone who is interested in issues of economic theory and politics and wants to independently understand the complex world of macroeconomics.

Format: djvu

Size: 10.9 MB


Topic 1
1.1. Macroeconomics subject 12
1.2. Macroeconomic analysis 14
1.3. Circulation of product, expenses and income 20
1.4. Macroeconomic models and their indicators 29
Workshop 32
Topic 2
2.1. System of national accounts and its indicators 52
2.2. Gross Domestic Product 54
2.3. Methods for measuring GDP 59
2.4. Correlation of indicators in the System of National Accounts....66
2.5. Nominal and real GDP. Price indices 70
Workshop 75
Topic 3
3.1. Aggregate demand and its factors 124
3.2. Aggregate supply in classical and Keynesian models 134
3.3. Aggregate supply in the long and short term and its factors 146
3.4. Equilibrium in the AD-AS 152 model
3.5. Shocks to aggregate demand and aggregate supply 156
Workshop 161
Topic 4
4.1. Economic growth and its indicators 202
4.2. Factors and types of economic growth, its significance and costs 207
4.3. Public Policy and Economic Growth 213
4.4. Economic cycle, its phases, causes and indicators 216
4.5. Types of economic cycles 222
Workshop 224
Topic 5
5.1. Concept and indicators of unemployment 244
5.2. Types of unemployment. Natural rate of unemployment 247
5.3. Consequences of unemployment 252
5.4. State policy to combat unemployment 255
Workshop 256
Topic 6
6.1. Inflation, its indicators and types 282
6.2. Causes of inflation 284
6.3. Consequences and costs of inflation 286
Workshop 296
Topic 7
7.1. Money and its functions 316
7.2. Types of money 319
7.3. Monetary aggregates 322
7.4. Equation of the quantity theory of money.
Consequences of money emission 325
Workshop 327
Topic 8
8.1. Banking system and its structure 346
8.2. Commercial banks and their operations. Bank reserves 348
8.3. Money creation by commercial banks.
Bank multiplier 353
Workshop 359
Topic 9
9.1. The essence and goals of monetary policy 374
9.2. Monetary policy instruments 375
9.3. Types of monetary policy 382
9.4. The impact of monetary policy on the economy 383
Workshop 386
Topic 10
10.1. Tax system and principles of taxation 404
10.2. Types of taxes 406
10.3. The Impact of Taxes on the Economy 410
Workshop 413
Topic 11
11.1. Main types of expenses and revenues of the state budget 424
11.2. State Budget Concepts 426
11.3. State budget deficit and methods of financing it 428
11.4. Public debt, its types and consequences 432
Workshop 435
Topic 12
12.1. Goals and instruments of fiscal policy 446
12.2. The impact of fiscal policy instruments on aggregate demand 447
12.3. Types of fiscal policy 456
Workshop 460

03.04.2007, № 58 (1832)
Andrey Kuzmichev

New items from book sales

Business "to the bone"

Why are the French involved in high fashion, the Germans in mechanical engineering, and the Swiss in international banking? Professor Nicole Biggart is seriously concerned about these seemingly simple questions. Together with fellow business researchers on both sides of the Atlantic, speaking from the perspective of “economic sociology,” she attempts to analyze “how, in reality, historical factors, institutions and patterns of relationships that develop in different societies ultimately turn into institutionalized sets of opportunities and institutional structures that provide a given society with advantages at the level of the world economy." However, this is only a small part of the vast scientific field presented in the book, which also contains interviews with leading scientists and reviews of scientific trends in the world and in Russia.

This fundamental work (40 author's sheets can be easily converted into signs and gives an impressive figure of 1,600,000) is a look from Russia at the new economy of the planet and those who are trying to study it. Having mastered it, you understand that those who call themselves economic sociologists, or those who have joined the fashionable movement, not only successfully study business, but also teach at the best business schools, managing to devote part of their time to consulting the world's largest corporations.

For example, Professor Howard Aldrich, who has been involved in the evolutionary sociology of farms and industries, firms, and entrepreneurship all his life, recalls that sociologists in the 70s. of the last century “began to be lured into business schools when the latter required scientific accuracy.” As an example, he cites Paul Hirsch's research on corporate governance, where the now familiar concepts of “golden parachute”, “golden handcuffs” and other popular terms first appeared.

The world of entrepreneurship is also not ignored by scientists. Anna-Lee Saxenian of Berkeley has been studying Silicon Valley and the 128 in the Boston area for many years, where MTI (the world's leading centers for advanced technology development) is located. So, the results of her research show that if earlier “there was a “brain drain” to places like Silicon Valley, where highly qualified personnel flocked from developing countries - India, China, Taiwan, Korea, etc. ”, now “these immigrants build networks that enable these industries to develop in their home countries."

There are no such centers of attraction for the best minds in Russia yet, and researchers are studying the evolution of the entire business. Academician Tatyana Zaslavskaya noted the small work of V. Titov on clothing markets. In her opinion, this is “an incredibly interesting analysis of the clothing market from the inside. A thesaurus is attached, and even raises the question of the specific language of the clothing market.” The study noted “that those whom people call “shuttle traders” call themselves entrepreneurs, and sellers workers.”

The book does not answer the question of what top managers in Russia call themselves, but you can learn a lot of interesting things about the language of venture capitalists. Professor Harrison White, who studies it, believes that the chances of becoming a venture capitalist are influenced by "an individual's belonging to a particular social class." In the study, the professor emphasizes that everyone in this class “interacts effectively with each other, easily learns new things, learns to think and speak differently. And if you can just listen and hear them, you can understand a lot. You don’t have to ask them questions, write a questionnaire. Just learn to understand their language."

The reader may be surprised to learn where the focus of global business research has moved in recent decades. “Over the past 20-30 years, the main theoretical ideas have come from Europeans,” says Professor Neil Smelser. One could argue with him, but where can one hide from, for example, the fact that in Britain the theory of organizations is the most developed part of sociological science, and even in Hungary scientific passions are seething: the problems of adaptation of companies to a new market environment, privatization have come to the attention of scientists , paying taxes. The same questions concern domestic researchers. But Tatyana Zaslavskaya laments: “If you take the masses, mass groups, for us they largely remain a kind of black box, because they are silent. How long will they endure and remain silent?”

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