Atrial fibrillation causes and symptoms. Why atrial fibrillation occurs, symptoms and modern methods of treating pathology. Relapse prevention and prevention measures

The human heart creates and conducts electrical impulses through a special system. Normally, the organ contracts 60-80 times per minute with approximately the same frequency. Some diseases of the heart and other body systems lead to conduction and rhythm disturbances, resulting in asynchronous myocardial contractions. The disease that leads to such pathological changes is called arrhythmia. There are many types of arrhythmias, and some of them are quite dangerous for human life. Atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation, is a serious heart disorder that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.

What is atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation in Latin means "madness of the heart." The term "atrial fibrillation" is a synonym, and the definition of the disease is as follows: atrial fibrillation is a type of supraventricular tachycardia characterized by chaotic atrial activity with their contraction at a frequency of 350-700 per minute. This heart rhythm disorder is quite common and can occur at any age - in children, the elderly, men and women of middle and young age. Up to 30% of cases of need for emergency care and hospitalization for rhythm disturbances are associated precisely with the consequences of atrial fibrillation. With age, the frequency of the disease increases: if up to 60 years it is observed in 1% of patients, then later the disease is recorded already in 6-10% of people.

With atrial fibrillation, atrial contraction occurs in the form of their twitching, the atria seem to tremble, flickering ripples go through them, while individual groups of fibers work uncoordinated with respect to each other. The disease leads to a regular violation of the activity of the right and left ventricles, which cannot eject a sufficient amount of blood into the aorta. Therefore, with atrial fibrillation, the patient often has a pulse deficit in large vessels and heart rate irregularity. The final diagnosis can be made by ECG, which reflects the pathological electrical activity of the atria, and also reveals the random, inadequate nature of the cardiac cycles.

The pathogenesis of the disease, that is, the mechanism of its development, is as follows. The pathology is based on the re-entry of excitation into the heart muscle, while the primary and re-entry occur along different paths. Atrial fibrillation is due to the circulation of excitation in the region of the Purkinje fibers, and atrial flutter is due to the circulation of impulses along the conducting paths. For a repeated impulse to take place, it is necessary to have a zone with impaired conduction in the myocardium. Triggering of atrial fibrillation occurs after the occurrence of an atrial extrasystole, when it appears after a normal atrial contraction, but not in all fibers. Due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the atrioventricular node, there is also an irregularity in the work of the ventricles with atrial fibrillation. Weak impulses in the AV node fade as they move along it, and therefore only the strongest impulses that come from the atria enter the ventricles. As a result, the contraction of the ventricles is not complete, there are various complications of atrial fibrillation.

What is the danger of the disease

Since patients with atrial fibrillation have a lack of cardiac output, over time this can cause heart failure. As the arrhythmia persists, chronic circulatory failure progresses and can become acute. Especially often there is heart failure in individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and heart defects, in particular, with mitral stenosis. It is very difficult and can be accompanied by pulmonary edema, cardiac asthma, sudden cardiac arrest and death. A lethal outcome can also occur against the background of an arrhythmogenic form of cardiogenic shock due to a serious drop in cardiac output.

Against the background of asynchronous atrial contraction, blood can stagnate, which creates serious prerequisites for thrombosis. Usually, blood clots form in the left atrium, from where they easily enter the cerebral vessels and provoke an ischemic stroke. If it is not possible to stop atrial fibrillation at an early stage, then the risk of stroke is up to 6% per year. Such strokes are a very serious disease and cause serious consequences in the future. Acute thrombosis of cerebral vessels can develop with prolonged paroxysm of arrhythmia (over 2 days), if it is not possible to relieve the attack in time.

Risk factors for the development of severe complications of atrial fibrillation are the presence of diabetes mellitus in a patient, age over 70 years, previous pulmonary embolism or thromboembolism of other localizations, severe arterial hypertension, congestive heart failure.

Types of atrial fibrillation

There are several classifications of atrial fibrillation that are used in modern cardiology. According to the nature of the course, arrhythmia can be:

  • chronic (permanent or permanent form) - continues until surgical treatment and is determined by the ineffectiveness of electrical cardioversion;
  • persistent - lasts more than 7 days;
  • transient (a form with attacks of paroxysm) - the development of the disease occurs within 1-6 days, while an attack of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation can be primary and recurrent.

According to the type of atrial rhythm disorder, the disease is divided into two forms:

  1. Atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation. This pathology is caused by the contraction of individual groups of myocardial fibers so that there is no overall coordinated contraction of the entire atrium. Part of the impulses is delayed in the atrioventricular junction, the other part passes into the heart muscle of the ventricles, forcing them to also contract with an irregular rhythm. Paroxysm of atrial fibrillation leads to inefficient contraction of the atria, the ventricles are filled with blood in diastole, so there is no normal discharge of blood into the aorta. Frequent atrial fibrillation carries a high risk of developing ventricular fibrillation - in fact, cardiac arrest.
  2. Atrial flutter. It is an increase in the heartbeat up to 400 beats per minute, at which the atria contract correctly, while maintaining the correct, coordinated rhythm. There is no diastolic rest during flutter, the atria contract almost continuously. The flow of blood into the ventricles is sharply reduced, the ejection of blood into the aorta is disturbed.

Forms of atrial fibrillation, which are differentiated by the frequency of contraction of the ventricles following the malfunction of the atria, are as follows:

  • tachysystolic form, or tachyform (ventricular contractions from 90 per minute);
  • normosystolic form (ventricular contractions 60-90 per minute);
  • bradysystolic form, or bradyform (ventricular contractions occur according to the type of bradyarrhythmia - less than 60 per minute).

Atrial fibrillation can be assigned one of four classes according to the severity of its course:

  1. first class - no symptoms;
  2. the second class - minor signs of the disease, there are no complications, vital activity is not disturbed;
  3. the third class - the way of life is changed, pronounced symptoms of pathology are observed;
  4. fourth grade - severe arrhythmia, causing disability, ordinary life becomes impossible.

Causes of arrhythmia

Not all causes of the disease are due to cardiac pathologies and other severe disorders. Up to 10% of all cases of atrial fibrillation in the form of paroxysmal seizures are due to simultaneous causes, and the leading one concerns those people who prefer to drink alcohol in large quantities. Wine, strong alcohol, and coffee are drinks that disturb the balance of electrolytes and metabolism, which entails a kind of pathology - the so-called "holiday arrhythmia."

In addition, atrial fibrillation often occurs after severe overexertion and against the background of chronic stress, after operations, a stroke, with too fatty, abundant food and overeating at night, with prolonged constipation, an insect bite, wearing too tight clothes, heavy and regular physical exertion . Fans of dieting, taking diuretic drugs in excess also run the risk of getting atrial fibrillation. In a child and adolescent, the disease often occurs hidden, lubricated and provoked by mitral valve prolapse or other congenital heart defects.

And yet, in most cases, atrial fibrillation is caused by cardiogenic causes and diseases of the vascular system. These include:

  • cardiosclerosis of various etiologies;
  • acute myocarditis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • valvular insufficiency (valvular defects);
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • sometimes - myocardial infarction;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • damage to the coronary arteries by atherosclerosis;
  • pericarditis;
  • damage to the sinus node - pacemaker;
  • heart failure;
  • heart tumors - angiosarcomas, myxomas.

Non-cardiac causes of atrial fibrillation and flutter can be:

  • thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism);
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • other hormonal disorders;
  • poisoning with poisons, toxic substances, carbon monoxide and other poisonous gases;
  • overdose of drugs - antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides;
  • VSD (rarely);
  • severe neuropsychic stress;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • serious viral, bacterial infections;
  • electric shock.

Risk factors for the development of atrial fibrillation are obesity, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, especially when they are combined with each other. Often, under the guise of atrial fibrillation, another pathology appears - SSS - a syndrome of weakness of the sinus node, when it ceases to fully carry out its work. Up to 30% of people with atrial fibrillation and flutter have a family history of the disease, meaning it could theoretically be inherited. In some cases, it is not possible to establish the cause of the disease, so the arrhythmia is considered idiopathic.

Symptoms of manifestation

The initial stages of the disease often do not give any clinical picture. Sometimes some manifestations are observed after exercise, for example, during exercise. Objective signs of atrial fibrillation, even at this stage, can only be detected during the examination. As the pathology progresses, characteristic symptoms appear, which will largely depend on the form of atrial fibrillation and on whether the disease is permanent or manifests itself in attacks.

The tachysystolic form of the disease is much worse tolerated by a person. The chronic course leads to the fact that a person adapts to live with arrhythmia and notices little of its symptoms. Usually, the patient initially has paroxysmal forms of atrial fibrillation, and then its permanent form is established. Occasionally, throughout life, as the provoking factors influence, rare attacks of the disease can occur, and a permanent disease is never established.

Sensations during the development of arrhythmia may be as follows (the specific list of signs depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the type of disease that caused flickering or fluttering):

  • feeling of lack of air;
  • heaviness, tingling in the heart;
  • sharp, chaotic twitching of the heart;
  • shiver;
  • weakness;
  • severe sweating;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • strong fear, panic;
  • increase in the amount of urine;
  • disordered pulse, heart rate.

Paroxysm of atrial fibrillation can lead to dizziness, nausea, fainting and the occurrence of an attack of Morgagni-Adams-Stokes, which is quickly stopped by taking antiarrhythmic drugs. With the complication of atrial fibrillation with heart failure, the patient develops swelling of the extremities, angina pectoris pain in the heart, decreased performance, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, enlarged liver. Due to the wear and tear of the myocardium, this development of events is natural, so it is important to start urgent treatment of the disease as early as possible.

Carrying out diagnostics

Usually, an experienced cardiologist can make a presumptive diagnosis already during an external examination, counting the pulse, and auscultation of the heart. A differential diagnosis already at an early stage of the examination should be made with frequent extrasystoles. The characteristic signs of atrial fibrillation are as follows:

  • irregularity of the pulse, which is much rarer than the heart rate;
  • significant fluctuations in the volume of heart sounds;
  • moist rales in the lungs (with edema, congestive heart failure);
  • The tonometer reflects normal or lowering pressure during an attack.

Differential diagnosis with other types of arrhythmias is possible after an ECG examination. The decoding of the cardiogram with atrial fibrillation is as follows: the absence of a P wave, a different distance between the complexes of ventricular contractions, small waves of fibrillation instead of normal contractions. In flutter, on the contrary, large waves of flutter are noted, the same periodicity of ventricular complexes. Sometimes the ECG shows signs of myocardial ischemia, as the vessels of the heart cannot cope with its need for oxygen.

In addition to the standard 12-lead ECG, Holter monitoring is performed to more accurately formulate the diagnosis and to search for the paroxysmal form. It allows you to identify short atrial fibrillations or flutters that are not recorded on a simple ECG.

Other methods for diagnosing atrial fibrillation and its causes are:

  1. Ultrasound of the heart with dopplerography. Necessary for finding organic lesions of the heart, valvular disorders, blood clots. A more informative diagnostic method is transesophageal ultrasound.
  2. Tests for thyroid hormones. It is definitely recommended for implementation in case of newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation, as well as in case of recurrence of the disease after cardioversion.
  3. Chest x-ray, MRI, CT. Necessary to exclude stagnation in the lungs, search for blood clots, assess the configuration of the heart.

First aid

Methods of treatment of permanent and paroxysmal forms of the disease differ greatly. With the development of an attack, emergency relief of paroxysms should be performed to restore heart rhythms. It is necessary to restore the heart rhythm as early as possible from its onset, because any attack is potentially dangerous for the development of severe complications and death.

First aid at home should include calling an ambulance, before the arrival of which the person should be laid in a horizontal position. If necessary, it is necessary to do an indirect heart massage. It is allowed to take antiarrhythmic drugs prescribed by the doctor in the usual dosage. Standards of treatment for all patients with an attack of atrial fibrillation suggest hospitalization to search for the cause of the pathology and differentiation from the chronic form of arrhythmia.

You can stop the attack with such drugs:

  • Quinidine (there are many contraindications to the drug, so it is not used in every case and only under ECG control);
  • Disopyramide (you can not give it with prostate adenoma, glaucoma);
  • Novocainamide;
  • Bancor;
  • Alapinin;
  • Ethacizin.

To prevent acute heart failure, the patient is usually prescribed cardiac glycosides (Korglikon). The treatment protocol for an attack of atrial flutter involves the intravenous administration of Finoptin, Isoptin, but with atrial fibrillation this will not be an effective treatment. Other antiarrhythmic drugs will not be able to normalize the heart rhythm, so they are not used.

A painful but much more effective procedure for restoring sinus rhythm is electrical cardioversion. It is usually used if the arrhythmia does not go away after taking medication, as well as to stop the paroxysm of arrhythmia with acute left ventricular failure. Before such treatment, sedatives are administered or general anesthesia is given for a short time. Discharges start at 100 J, increasing each by 50 J. Cardioversion helps restart the heart and eliminate an attack of atrial fibrillation.

Treatment Methods

Etiotropic therapy for hyperthyroidism and some other diseases helps to stop the development of atrial fibrillation, but under other conditions, symptomatic treatment is required for its occurrence. Clinical recommendations for the asymptomatic form of pathology suggest observational tactics, but only in the absence of a pulse deficit and the presence of a heart rate not higher than 100 beats per minute.

Medical treatment

With the development of heart failure, organic heart pathologies, a pronounced degree of atrial fibrillation, it is necessary to treat pathologies more actively, therefore, such pills and injections can be prescribed:

  • cardiac glycosides for the prevention of heart failure and its treatment;
  • beta-blockers to reduce stagnation in the small and large circles of blood circulation;
  • anticoagulants to thin the blood and prevent thrombosis, as well as before the planned treatment of arrhythmias;
  • thrombolytic enzymes with existing thrombosis;
  • diuretics and vasodilators for pulmonary edema and cardiac asthma.

Anti-relapse treatment of this disease is carried out for a long time - sometimes for several years. The patient needs to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor, the only reason for stopping the intake is intolerance and lack of effect.

Operations and other treatments

After the restoration of sinus rhythm, many patients are recommended to conduct breathing exercises, which will help improve the heartbeat and normalize conduction. Special therapeutic exercises are also recommended, and you can play sports only if there is no recurrence of the disease for a long time.

Surgical treatment is planned in the absence of results from conservative therapy, that is, when taking pills is ineffective. The following types of surgical interventions are used:

  1. Radiofrequency catheter ablation. This method is a cauterization of the pathological area in the myocardium, which is the source of the arrhythmia. During treatment, the doctor leads the conductor through the femoral artery directly to the heart, gives an electrical impulse that eliminates all disorders.
  2. Ablation with the installation of a pacemaker. It is required for serious types of arrhythmia, in which the sinus rhythm is disturbed. Before sewing in the pacemaker, the bundle of His or the atrioventricular node is destroyed, causing a complete blockade, and only then an artificial pacemaker is implanted.
  3. Installation of a cardioverter-defibrillator. This device is sewn into the upper chest subcutaneously and is used to immediately stop an arrhythmia attack.
  4. Operation labyrinth. This intervention is performed on an open heart. Incisions are made in the atria in the form of a labyrinth, which will redirect electrical impulses, and the organ will continue to work normally.

Nutrition and folk remedies

After the approval of the doctor, you can not be limited to conservative medicine and apply alternative treatment for atrial fibrillation. Below are the most effective folk recipes for this disease:

  1. Collect and dry viburnum berries. Daily brew a glass of berries with 2 cups of boiling water, put on fire, cook for 3 minutes. Then leave the decoction for an hour, take 150 ml three times a day for at least a month.
  2. Grind the yarrow grass, fill half the bottle with it, fill it with vodka to the top. Leave the product for 10 days in a dark place. Take a teaspoon of tincture against atrial fibrillation twice a day before meals for a month.
  3. Brew 1/3 cup of dill seeds with 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for an hour. Strain the infusion, drink, divided into 3 parts, three times a day before meals. The course of therapy is 14 days.
  4. Grind 100 g of walnuts, add half a liter of honey. Consume on an empty stomach a tablespoon every morning for at least a month.
  5. Grind a small onion and 1 apple with a blender, take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day after meals for 14 days.

Very important for atrial fibrillation is dietary nutrition, the consumption of only the right foods. Changing the diet often helps to reduce the clinical manifestations of the disease. You should refuse fatty meat, smoked meats, an abundance of butter, since this food only contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and the progression of arrhythmia. Spicy foods, vinegar, excess salt, and sweet foods negatively affect the heart. The diet should include lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. The number of meals per day - 4-6, in small portions.

What Not to Do

In no case should patients with atrial fibrillation independently stop taking the drugs prescribed by their doctor. It is also not recommended to do the following:

  • ignore the daily routine;
  • forget about sufficient sleep and rest;
  • take alcohol;
  • smoke;
  • practice sports and other physical activities;
  • allow stress, moral overstrain;
  • plan pregnancy without prior health monitoring by a cardiologist and obstetrician;
  • try to relieve an acute attack of arrhythmia with folk remedies.

Forecast and prevention

If there are no organic pathologies of the heart, the functional state of the myocardium is normal, then the prognosis is favorable.

For the prevention of atrial fibrillation and flutter, the following measures are important:

  • timely treatment of all cardiac and non-cardiac diseases that can cause arrhythmias;
  • quitting smoking, alcohol, junk food;
  • reduction of physical and moral stress, regular rest;
  • consumption of a large amount of plant foods, intake of vitamins, minerals;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • avoiding stress, mastering the technique of auto-training;
  • if necessary - taking sedative drugs;
  • control of cholesterol and blood glucose.

Violation of the heart rhythm is a symptom of internal failures or external factors that affect the conduction system. Atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation) is characterized by an increase in heart rate up to 400-500 beats per minute. The contraction of the ventricles and atria occurs chaotically. Most often, it is detected in older men who have had heart disease for a long time. Medications form the basis of the treatment regimen. It is possible to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks of atrial fibrillation by supplementing the course of treatment with folk remedies. They saturate the body with useful substances and have a minimum number of contraindications.

Blinking (flutter) of the atria and ventricles is a chaotic contraction of individual muscle tissues, due to which hemodynamics (blood flow) is disturbed. The cause of arrhythmia lies in the violation of the conduction system of the heart. Her trigger (trigger attack) often becomes extrasystole. This type of failure is characterized by extraordinary reductions.

According to the form of manifestation, atrial fibrillation is of the following types:

According to the frequency of contractions, this type of arrhythmia is of the following types:

Reasons for the development of a failure

The main culprit of violations in the conduction system of the heart, causing atrial fibrillation, is a weakened sinus node (natural pacemaker). Its functions fill the arisen foci of ectopic (replacing) signals. Various external and internal factors affect the development of failure, which are divided into cardiac and non-cardiac. The first category includes the following reasons:

A group of non-cardiac factors affecting the development of arrhythmia:

Clinical picture

Attacks of atrial fibrillation are manifested by a whole range of symptoms. The main one among them is heart palpitations. The ventricles can contract up to 180 times per minute, and the atria up to 400-500. The heart may not withstand such a rhythm and takes short breaks, as a result of which the patient feels that it stops beating at some moments. The pulse against the background of the onset of an attack is poorly palpable. A similar phenomenon is associated due to insufficient blood flow to the ventricles, since the atria, contracting at such a frequency, cannot fill them fully.

Among other manifestations of a failure in the heartbeat, the most basic can be distinguished:

  • Pain in the chest area occurs due to overwork of the heart muscle or its malnutrition. The nerve endings located in the organ send appropriate impulses, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant sensations.
  • General weakness, loss of consciousness and dizziness is manifested due to cerebral hypoxia against the background of hemodynamic disturbances during an attack.
  • An increase in the synthesis of urine (urine) occurs under the influence of high pressure and a malfunction in the nervous system. Afferent nerves transmit a signal that makes the kidneys work harder.

  • Shortness of breath occurs when receiving physical exertion. Experts believe that this symptom is a consequence of the excitation of the respiratory center, which is provoked by malfunctions in the heart. The vagus nerve transmits impulses to the respiratory tract and a characteristic clinical picture appears.

Effective folk remedies

Heart failures are the result of a number of factors. Without their elimination, it will not be possible to fully recover. Folk remedies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation allow you to stop attacks at home. They must be used in combination with the main methods of therapy. They are based on tablets with antiarrhythmic and heart-supporting effects. In severe cases, doctors will recommend surgery. This method is used in the absence of the effect of the main course of treatment and often saves the patient's life.

Folk remedies for attacks of atrial fibrillation are prepared from natural ingredients. The most relevant recipes are made on viburnum, dill seed, dried apricots, honey, rose hips and mint. If desired, you can purchase medicinal fees at the pharmacy. The duration of the course is usually 1-2 months, followed by a break.


Traditional medicine and herbal medicine are 2 interrelated concepts. The essence of the latter is the use of plants with a healing effect and medicines based on them. As a treatment for atrial fibrillation, you must purchase (or prepare yourself) a collection of the following components:

  • elecampane;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • dill;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • Linden blossom.

Mix all components in the same proportion and pour 60 g of the finished collection with a glass of boiling water. The tool will need 1-2 hours to infuse, and then you can get raw materials out of it. Consume ½ cup morning and evening for 1 month.

Honey therapy

Honey has an invaluable composition, so it is often added to various decoctions and infusions used in atrial fibrillation. As a means of treatment, you can prepare the following medicine based on this component:

  • grind 1 kg of lemons;
  • mix the resulting slurry with 200 ml of honey;
  • The finished product should be consumed 30 ml 2 times a day.

If honey is used as a component of various decoctions or infusions, then you will need to wait until they cool down. Otherwise, it will lose its medicinal properties.

Kalina. Viburnum berries allow you to saturate the heart with essential substances. A useful decoction is prepared from them as follows:

  • 200 g of viburnum pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • put the container on a small fire;
  • after 5 minutes, remove from the stove;
  • drink a decoction of ½ cup in the morning and evening.

Dill seeds. Dill seeds stabilize blood pressure and reduce the severity of arrhythmia. You can make a decoction of them according to the recipe below:

  • pour 50 g of dill seed 250 ml of water;
  • put the container on the stove and bring to a boil;
  • take out the raw materials and drink 70 ml 3 times a day.

Medicinal properties of wild rose. You can prepare a rosehip decoction that is healthy for the heart according to the recipe below:

  • get seeds from 50 g of rose hips;
  • pour the purified ingredient with 700 ml of boiling water;
  • put the container in a water bath;
  • after 10 minutes, remove the broth from the heat and strain;
  • add 60 ml of honey to the cooled product;
  • drink medicine before meals for 0.5 cups.

A mixture of dried apricots, nuts and raisins. You can stop atrial fibrillation and improve heart function with gruel made from dried apricots, nuts and raisins. Her recipe is as follows:

  • 20 g of raisins, 50 g of nuts and 200 g of dried apricots mix together;
  • add 1 grated lemon and 150 ml of honey to the gruel;
  • let the medicine brew for 2-3 hours;
  • take 60 ml after meals in the morning.

Combination of mint and calendula. Peppermint and calendula relieve nervous tension, stabilize heart rate and dilate blood vessels. A medicine is prepared from them according to the following recipe:

  • mix in equal proportions mint and calendula;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water 50 g of the collection;
  • after cooling, strain the product and add 30 ml of honey;
  • drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

Diet for arrhythmia

For any type of heart failure, a strict diet must be followed. It is advisable for the patient to abandon fatty foods in favor of plant foods. In the daily diet should be more foods rich in magnesium and potassium (cocoa, nuts, cereals, sorrel, legumes, seaweed, beans). They will stabilize the electrolyte balance and improve the conductivity of the pulse.

A list of tips for the correct diet for arrhythmias can be seen below:

  • Fruits and vegetables should be on the daily menu. It is advisable to use them fresh.
  • Experts recommend reducing the load on the stomach and heart by grinding the components in a blender.
  • Cooking is only by boiling, stewing or steaming. Preservation, as well as fatty and smoked foods, should be discarded.
  • It is advisable to replace coffee with decoctions of herbs (valerian, hawthorn, motherwort) or green tea.
  • The amount of confectionery consumed should be reduced.
  • Spices and salt are recommended to stop using or reduce to a minimum.

The daily diet should be composed in such a way that plant foods are approximately 60%, and protein and carbohydrates are 20-30% each. By following the recommendations voiced, you can reduce the likelihood of seizures by improving the degree of assimilation of products and metabolic processes in general.

Atrial fibrillation often occurs in adults due to various irritating factors. Her attacks can be fatal, as there are severe disruptions in hemodynamics. As a treatment, doctors recommend sticking to traditional methods in combination with folk remedies. They will saturate the body with useful substances and improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

A dangerous form of impaired automatism and conduction of the heart can cause sudden cardiac arrest. It is necessary to accurately understand and know what atrial fibrillation is in order to perform a comprehensive examination in a timely manner, start effective therapy and prevent the sad outcome of arrhythmic failure of cardiac function.

Atrial and ventricular fibrillation

A typical atrial paroxysm of atrial fibrillation is a sharp increase in the number of impulses that provoke continuous complexes of excitation and contraction of the heart muscle in the atrial region.

The frequency of impulses can reach 350-700 per minute, which in the worst case leads to a transition from flicker to flutter.

When the rhythm is disturbed, leading to a chaotic contraction of individual muscle fibers of the ventricles, flutter syndrome first occurs (frequency 150-300 per minute). In most cases, ventricular flutter turns into flicker, which is a common cause of death in various severe variants of internal organ failure.

The result of any form of atrial fibrillation is a violation of the pumping function of the heart: inadequate contraction of the heart muscle cannot push blood into the vascular bed, which leads to acute cardiovascular failure with a sharp increase in the risk of intracardiac thrombosis.

Causal factors of pathology

All causes of atrial fibrillation can be divided into 2 groups - cardiac and non-cardiac.

The most important cardiac causative factors include the following diseases and conditions:

  • chronic ischemic disease ();
  • heart failure with the formation and cardiosclerosis;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • rheumatic affection of the cardiac valves;
  • inflammatory processes (myocarditis, endocarditis);
  • tumors and neoplasms in the heart and pericardial region;
  • surgical interventions on the heart.

External causes that have a negative impact on the automatism of cardiac activity include:

  • pathology of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxic goiter);
  • severe forms of arterial hypertension;
  • complicated course of chronic pathology of internal organs (diabetes, liver and lung diseases);
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency.

It is necessary to take into account the negative impact on the work of the conduction system of the heart of the following provoking factors:

  • prolonged or unreasonable use of drugs with arrhythmogenic effect;
  • abuse, smoking and hard liquor;
  • acute psycho-emotional stress.

Often a person himself creates the conditions for the occurrence of life-threatening conditions: in the presence of any heart disease, it is extremely important to strictly follow the recommendations of a cardiologist, giving up bad habits and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Any episode of alcoholic excesses in case of heart pathology (holiday arrhythmia) is categorically unacceptable.

Separately, idiopathic atrial fibrillation is distinguished, in which it is impossible to determine the causative factor.

Variants of atrial fibrillation

All variants of flickering and fluttering of the heart chambers are dangerous types of cardiac pathology that require urgent medical and diagnostic assistance. Depending on the significance of the symptoms and the severity of the effect on cardiac functions, the following are distinguished:

  • newly discovered atrial fibrillation (first paroxysm);
  • paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, a recurrent variant in which the attack resolves without treatment;
  • recurrent paroxysms requiring mandatory drug therapy;
  • a persistent variant of the pathology is a permanent form of atrial fibrillation, in which there is no effect from any type of therapy.

The classification of atrial fibrillation, taking into account the heart rate, determines the following types of pathology:

  • with a decrease in frequency of less than 60 beats per minute (bradysystolic);
  • normosystolic;
  • with a pronounced increase in heart rate of more than 90 beats (tachysystolic form of atrial fibrillation).

Manifestations of dangerous conditions

In the absence of violations of the heart rate or against the background of a bradycardic variant, the symptoms of atrial fibrillation do not affect a person's life in any way: weakness and slight pressing sensations in the chest area are possible. It happens much worse with an increase in heart rate, when the following signs of atrial fibrillation appear in a sick person:

  • sudden severe weakness with dizziness and the possibility of loss of consciousness;
  • feeling of frequent heartbeat with episodes of stopping;
  • chest pain;
  • shortness of breath, sweating;
  • psychological discomfort (fear, panic and anxiety).

The pulse with atrial fibrillation, determined on the wrist, does not coincide with the frequency of cardiac contractions.

The first aid methods used for tachycardia (massage of the carotid sinus, holding the breath) do not help.

In the worst case, symptoms of heart failure and circulatory disorders increase.

Examination methods

The basis of the primary diagnosis for paroxysm is electrocardiography. ECG with atrial fibrillation is manifested by the following typical signs:

  • absence of a P wave;
  • a large number of flickering waves;
  • sinusoidal type of curved line with ventricular flutter.

Atrial fibrillation on ECG

The mandatory diagnostic methods for a complete examination include the following studies:

  • general clinical tests with an assessment of the functions of the liver, kidneys and endocrine organs;
  • daily monitoring;
  • Ultrasound of the heart (conventional and transesophageal);
  • chest x-ray.

An important condition for successful treatment is the most accurate determination of the causative factor of the pathology. In most cases, flickering and fluttering is a syndrome that has arisen against the background of severe cardiac dysfunction, so timely cardiotropic therapy started can help restore the rhythm.

Types and principles of therapy

Depending on the specific situation and the severity of the symptoms, the following types of medical care are distinguished:

  1. Urgent - against the background of an attack;
  2. Drug - to prevent paroxysms;
  3. Surgical - in the absence of the effect of conservative measures.

Urgent Care

In the initial attack, it is very important to quickly perform cardioversion to return the heart to sinus rhythm (cardioversion is the transition from atrial fibrillation to a normal cardiac rhythm). The paroxysm detected for the first time, which lasts less than 1 week, is optimally stopped conservatively: drug cardioversion in atrial fibrillation is performed using antiarrhythmic drugs.

Electrical cardioversion (use of a low-voltage discharge) is used in the absence of the effect of the drug or against the background of severe disorders of the heart (loss of consciousness, signs of acute ischemia and cardiac failure, pressure drop with atrial fibrillation).

conservative methods

The main goal of treatment is to prevent the next paroxysmal attack. For this, individually selected ones are used. Regular medical monitoring and prevention of thromboembolism with the help of anticoagulant drugs is required.

Surgical intervention

In the absence of the effect of drug therapy and the progression of the pathology, the following types of operations should be used:

  • radiofrequency ablation (suppression of pathological rhythm sources);
  • pacemaker implantation;
  • use of an atrial defibrillator (cardioverter implantation).

Pacemaker implantation

For each surgical technique, there are indications and contraindications, which are determined by the cardiac surgeon.

Therapy of pronounced rhythm disturbances refers to complex types of treatment for cardiac pathology, therefore the answer to the question of whether atrial fibrillation can be cured is individual - for each person, the tactics of therapy are selected individually and, with strict observance of medical recommendations, the prognosis for a cure is quite favorable.

Complications and dangers

With atrial fibrillation, the prognosis of life worsens, especially if acute myocardial ischemia has become the cause of the disease. The main dangers of heart failure are:

  • cerebral ischemia (stroke);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thromboembolism of large vessels;
  • progressive heart failure.

Any of these conditions can lead to a sudden or disruption of blood flow in the vital centers of the human body. It is these complications of atrial fibrillation that threaten human life.

Preventive actions

As with any acute life-threatening condition, the risk of pathology must be anticipated and prevented. The basis for the prevention of atrial fibrillation are the following activities:

  • obligatory rejection of bad habits (no smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking energy drinks);
  • timely treatment of diseases that provoke rhythm failure (maintaining normal blood pressure, correction of endocrinopathies,);
  • maintaining physical fitness (walking, physical education);
  • proper nutrition with atrial fibrillation (it is necessary to add foods containing a sufficient amount of trace elements to the diet, constantly eat vegetables and fruits, giving up fatty meats and a large amount of carbohydrates);
  • avoiding stressful situations and taking sedatives.

Atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation syndrome is most often a consequence of acute pathology of the heart. Even a single attack is the basis for constant monitoring and treatment by a cardiologist. You need to know how atrial fibrillation is manifested and how dangerous it is in order to create maximum conditions for preventing the recurrence of the disease.

If you feel that your pulse has gone out of rhythm, and your heart is beating intermittently, you may have atrial fibrillation. Another name for it is atrial fibrillation. During an attack of this disease, the heart muscle either speeds up its work, then the beats become slower, then they disappear completely for a second or two.

This condition occurs when the work of the atria is disrupted. Instead of powerfully contracting 60-80 times per minute and pushing the blood through the ventricles, these parts of the heart tremble and tremble non-rhythmically.

The attack of the disease brings discomfort. There is pain in the chest, a lump in the throat, a panic attack may occur. You can get rid of these phenomena with the help of medicines, but the main danger is different. Atrial fibrillation causes the formation of a blood clot in the atrium. This blood clot can travel through the vessels to the brain and cause a stroke or even death.

Atrial fibrillation is a very common heart disorder. 2% of the world's population suffer from this type of arrhythmia. The number of patients increases year by year, these are people of all ages. Men are more likely to suffer from this disease. After the age of 40, they have a 26% risk of getting sick, and 23% for women. After 80 years, 8% of people make this diagnosis.

Scientists have calculated that people with this diagnosis are 4 times more likely than others to get a stroke. In addition, acute heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system may appear. But modern medicine is in a hurry to reassure: taking the right medications and a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid attacks and the consequences of atrial fibrillation.

Anatomy of the conduction system of the heart

Normally, our heart beats at a rate of 60-80 beats per minute. We do not need to make any effort to control its activities. The autonomous work of the heart (automatism) is ensured by its unique structure.

The heart consists of four sections: the right and left atria, the right and left ventricles. The atria receive blood from the veins, they fill and contract, pushing blood into the ventricles. And these structures with a powerful push send blood through the arteries into the body. The work of the heart is quite complex and it needs to be managed. Performs a leadership function conducting system of the heart .

The system consists of special cells that can create electrical impulses. Cells do not contract well, but generate and conduct impulses well. These electrical discharges are commands to contract different parts of the heart. By the way, on the cardiogram we see these impulses in the form of teeth.

conduction system of the heart This is a special formation in the heart muscle. It consists of nodes that generate electrical signals and beams through which they are transmitted. The system can be divided into two parts.

  1. The sinoatrial part regulates the work of the atria. It includes:
    • sinoatrial(sinus node or pacemaker) - it is the main component that ensures the normal activity of the heart. The node is located in the right atrium, its dimensions are 15/5/2 mm. The right parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves of the heart approach it. They set the pace for the work of the body, depending on our emotions and physical activity.
    • Three bundles of internodal fast conduction are "wires". Their task is to transmit a signal from the atria to the ventricles.
    • Interatrial bundlespeedy transmits a signal from the right atrium to the left.
  2. The atrioventricular part regulates the work of the ventricles. It includes:
    • atrioventricular node(AV node) controls the work of the ventricles. Its main part lies on the interventricular septum, the dimensions are smaller - 6/3 mm. The main task of the AV node is to slightly delay the nerve impulse. This is necessary so that the ventricles are excited after the atria contract and fill them.
      If, due to illness, the sinus node does not cope with its task, then the atrioventricular node ensures the automatism of the heart, setting a pace of 40-60 beats per minute.
    • Bundle of His- coordinates the work of the atria and ventricles. It splits into two legs that terminate in the right and left ventricles.
    • Purkinje fibers fibers that extend from the bundle of His into the muscular wall of the ventricles.

Causes of atrial fibrillation

The main cause of atrial fibrillation is considered to be a malfunction in the conduction system of the heart. In this case, the order of contractions of the heart is disturbed. Muscle fibers do not contract all together, but individually - "anyhow." The atria do not make one powerful push every second, but, as it were, tremble, finely and often, without pushing blood into the ventricles.

Doctors named the culprits of this phenomenon. The sinus node does not do its job well, it does not command its “subordinates” rigidly enough. And saboteur cells are trying to control the work of the atria. They cause the muscle wall to contract small, often and irregularly. As a result, trembling or flickering occurs in different parts of the atria.

The causes of atrial fibrillation are divided into cardiac and non-cardiac.

cardiac causes

  1. Increased blood pressure. With hypertension, the heart works in an enhanced mode and pushes a lot of blood into the vessels. But the heart muscle from such a load increases, stretches and weakens. As a result, disturbances occur in the sinus node and conduction bundles.
  2. Diseases of the arteries of the heart. The sinus node and other components of the conduction system of the heart need a constant supply of arterial blood to supply them with oxygen. If its supply is broken, then the functions are poorly performed.
  3. Valvular heart disease. For example, mitral or aortic valve prolapse. This valve defect usually causes atrial fibrillation in young adults. The valve does not close tightly, so when the ventricles contract, part of the blood returns to the atria and joins a portion of the venous blood. As a result, the volume of the atria and the thickness of their walls increase. This weakens the heart and impairs its work.
  4. congenital heart defects. With these diseases, the vessels that feed the heart do not develop enough, and the heart muscle is weakly formed in places.
  5. Consequences of heart surgery. After surgery, conductive fibers may be damaged or scar tissue may appear. It replaces the unique cells of the conduction system of the heart, so the nerve impulse travels in other ways.
  6. heart failureb can be both a cause and a consequence of atrial fibrillation. The heart begins to work worse due to overwork caused by hypertension or defects. As a result, its automatism is violated.
  7. Pericarditis and myocarditis. These diseases cause inflammation of the walls of the heart. As a result, conductivity is impaired. That is, the commands that the nervous system or the sinus node sends remain unheard in other parts of the heart.
  8. Tumors of the heart. The tumor causes a violation in the structure of the conduction system of the heart and interferes with the passage of the impulse.
non-cardiac reasons
  1. Alcohol and bad habits. Large doses of alcohol cause attacks of atrial fibrillation, which are called "holiday arrhythmia." Nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine can cause arrhythmias and more serious heart damage.
  2. stress. Nervous shocks cause discord in the central and autonomic nervous system, which affects the rhythm of the heart. In addition, in stressful situations, adrenaline is released, which speeds up the speed of blows.
  3. Physical exercise. Muscle work requires a large blood flow. At the same time, the heart speeds up to its rhythm by 2 times. During this period, the conducting system does not have time to coordinate its work.
  4. Large dose of caffeine. Coffee and strong tea contain a lot of this substance, which accelerates the pulse.
  5. Medication. Adrenaline, atropine, diuretics affect the functioning of the heart, disrupting the balance of microelements that are involved in creating an electrical impulse.
  6. Viral diseases. An increase in temperature by 1 degree accelerates the pulse by 10 beats per minute. In addition, during illness, intoxication disrupts the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Together, these factors cause the sinus node to malfunction.
  7. Thyroid diseases. Enlargement of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) is accompanied by high levels of hormones. 3-iodine-thyronine increases the number of heart beats per minute and can make the rhythm irregular.
  8. Electrolytic disorders. Eating disorders and various diets for weight loss can cause a lack of potassium and calcium, magnesium. Deficiency of these trace elements in the blood and heart cells causes disturbances in automatism. An electrolytic impulse is not formed and is not conducted through the tissues of the heart.
  9. Chronic lung disease. Diseases of the respiratory system can cause oxygen starvation, and it has a very bad effect on the conduction system of the heart. As a result of a lack of oxygen, the sinus node cannot generate impulses evenly.
  10. Diabetesaccompanied by obesity. This disease disrupts the metabolism and blood supply to all organs. The heart and brain are more sensitive than others to a lack of oxygen, and as a result, their work is disrupted.
  11. sleep apnea syndrome. Stopping breathing during sleep for 10 seconds or more causes oxygen starvation and a violation of the biochemical composition of the blood. These causes worsen the work of the sinus node, although the mechanism of the violation has not been fully elucidated.
  12. electric shock. The correct contraction of the heart is provided by electrical impulses, and after an electric shock, this well-functioning mechanism fails. Sites of electrical excitation occur not only in the conduction system, but also in other cells, causing random atrial contraction.

Symptoms and signs of atrial fibrillation

The main symptom of atrial fibrillation is increase in heart rate . Moreover, the atria can make up to 600 beats per minute, and the ventricles up to 180. But the heart cannot withstand such a frantic rhythm, and it takes a break. At the same time, it may seem that "the heart either beats or not." There is also a form of atrial fibrillation, in which the heartbeat is slow. This is due to the fact that the conduction is broken. Not all nerve impulses reach the ventricles and cause the heart to contract.

Chest pain . The heart during an attack of atrial fibrillation works for wear and tear. The heart muscle is rich in nerve endings, and when it overworks or the coronary arteries do not bring enough blood to it, a person experiences pain.

People with atrial fibrillation need to consume the following foods daily:

  • lemons, oranges;
  • onion garlic;
  • walnuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts;
  • cranberries and viburnum;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
  • germinated grains of wheat;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetable oils.
It is forbidden to eat: alcohol, coffee and chocolate, lard and fatty meats. You should not eat sweet and flour dishes, canned and smoked meats, strong rich broths.

A delicious and healthy mixture of dried fruits will help saturate the body with useful minerals. In equal proportions (200 g each) take: lemons, dark raisins, dried apricots, walnuts and honey. All products are washed, scalded with boiling water and dried on a paper towel. Then they need to be crushed in a blender or meat grinder, mix thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Every day before breakfast, eat a full tablespoon of this mixture. For the course, you must use the entire portion. Repeat treatment every 3 months.

Apple cider vinegar will help thin the blood, prevent blood clots and saturate the heart with potassium. 2 tsp diluted in a glass of warm water. Also add a teaspoon of honey. You need to drink this drink 30-40 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of arrhythmias with medications

An attack of atrial fibrillation can pass on its own in a few minutes, or it can last for hours or even days. If you feel an attack of non-rhythmic heartbeat, then this must be reported to the doctor. And if the attack lasts for several hours, then this is an occasion to urgently seek medical help.

In the event that the attack lasts less than a day, doctors will immediately begin to restore the normal rhythm of the heart. If atrial fibrillation lasts more than 24 hours, then you will have to take blood thinners for 10-14 days. Such treatment will help get rid of blood clotsthat could form in the heart during an attack.
Various groups of drugs are used to treat atrial fibrillation.

Drug group Mechanism of action on the heart Name of the drug How the drug is taken The effect of taking the drug
Beta blockers
Neutralize the action of the hormones of adrenaline and norepinephrine, block receptors that are sensitive to these substances.
Balance the action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and reduce the number of heartbeats.
Reduce pressure.
Reduce the concentration of potassium ions due to this, the contractility of the heart decreases. Disappears excitation in different parts of the atria.
Thanks to this action, it is possible to get rid of atrial flutter, which occurs with atrial fibrillation.
Atenolol To relieve an attack, take 1 tablet (50 mg), but the doctor may increase the dose to 4 tablets.
Take the tablet before meals with water.
To maintain the rhythm, it is enough to take half a tablet a day.
The pressure decreases, the nervous system calms down, the normal rhythm of the heart is restored.
Anaprilin Take 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. As prescribed by the doctor, the dose can be gradually increased several times.
The doctor prescribes a long course along with cardiac glycosides: Korglikon, Strofantin.
The work of the nervous system improves, the pulse and pressure decrease.
metoprolol Take with food. 1 tablet (5 mg) 3-4 times a day to maintain a rhythm.
To stop an attack in severe cases, 2-5 mg is administered intravenously. Then they switch to taking pills.
Decreased blood pressure and heart rate. Reduces the risk of attacks of atrial fibrillation and heart attack.
Obzidan Take a whole or half a tablet 3 times a day. The daily dose is 60-120 mg.
The tablets must not be chewed. Consume 15-20 minutes before meals with water. If there is no effect, then the dose can be increased.
Decreases blood pressure and heart rate. The drug helps prevent attacks of atrial fibrillation (with frequent contractions) and migraines.
Antiarrhythmic drugs
Reduce excitability in the heart muscle and conduction in the atria. Areas of uncontrolled excitation that cause atrial flutter disappear.
Increase the pause between heartbeats, bringing the rhythm back to normal.
Relax the blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in pressure.
Quinidine Dose 2 tablets (0.4 g) every 6 hours until the attack is relieved. If there is no effect, then the doctor can double it.
To prevent recurrent attacks, the doctor selects the dose individually.
Tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing. You can drink water or milk.
Pain subsides, heart rate and blood pressure decrease.
Fights an attack of atrial fibrillation and helps maintain a normal pulse.
Novocainamide To relieve an attack, 100-500 mg is administered intravenously.
After the attack has passed, take the drug orally, 3 tablets every 3-6 hours, with water. The doctor prescribes the exact dose.
A normal heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute is restored.
The pressure decreases and the condition of the heart improves.
Kordaron The dose is selected individually. The first 10-14 days it can be 3-4 tablets throughout the day.
After such a course, small doses are prescribed to maintain a normal rhythm: half a tablet 1 time per day
Eliminates atrial fibrillation resistant to other drugs.
Prevents the appearance of new attacks of atrial flutter.
Cardiac glycosides (calcium blockers)
They make the contraction of the heart strong, powerful and short, increase the pause between heartbeats.
Slow down the impulses that pass through the conduction system of the heart.
Digoxin Taken 3 times a day. 2 tablets in the morning, one in the afternoon, and half a tablet in the evening. This is the most common scheme, but it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, the doctor selects the dose separately for each patient. Normalizes the number of contractions of the heart, facilitates its work.
Edema and shortness of breath disappear.
Celanide To bring the heart rhythm back to normal during an attack, the drug is administered intravenously in 1-2 ml of a 0.02% solution.
To maintain a normal rhythm, half a tablet is prescribed in the morning and evening. Take a long time.
Reduces the number of heartbeats per minute, relieves swelling, has a diuretic effect.
Small doses of the drug help to maintain the heart rate at the right level.
Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents
Reduce blood clotting and prevent blood clots from forming.
They prevent blood cells from sticking together and forming blood clots.
Reduce the activity of thrombin and the production of prothrombin in the liver.
warfarin In most cases, take 1 tablet (2.5 mg) per day. But in different patients, the dose can vary greatly.
Take after meals with water. The course of treatment is 6-12 months.
It thins the blood and prevents the formation of a blood clot in the atria during an attack of atrial fibrillation.
Acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin) The dose is selected individually by 0.5 or by the whole tablet 3 times a day.
Aspirin is taken after meals. It must be dissolved in 100 ml of water and drunk.
Makes the blood more fluid and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Please note that only an experienced doctor should select the drug and dose. All drugs for the treatment of atrial fibrillation have contraindications and side effects. In addition, a remedy that helped one person can cause a new attack of the disease in another.

"Pill in your pocket" strategy

This name was given to the tactics of combating attacks of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Doctors prescribe it to those patients in whom atrial fibrillation does not appear often. In this case, there is no need to constantly take drugs to maintain the heart rhythm. But you should always have medicine with you to relieve an attack. In this case, take Propanorm or Propafenone. These antiarrhythmic drugs successfully relieve attacks in 45-80% of patients in 2-4 hours.

Electrical cardioversion

This is another method of restoring the normal rhythm of the heart. It is carried out when, during an attack of atrial fibrillation, the condition deteriorated sharply, pulmonary edema, shock, cerebral ischemia began.

In such a situation, it is necessary to act quickly, so the patient is given intravenous anesthesia and the heart is started in the correct rhythm using a high-voltage defibrillator. A strong discharge of current passes through the heart and causes its muscle fibers to contract at the same time. After that, the ability to control the rhythm returns to the sinus node.

Surgery for atrial fibrillation, pacemaker

Surgery for atrial fibrillation is needed if medications do not help to cope with the disease. In this case, the doctor will recommend one of the types of surgical treatment.

Catheter ablation

This method does not require a large incision and is considered to be less traumatic. The operation takes place under local anesthesia. Through the femoral or subclavian vein, the doctor inserts electrodes into the heart. At this time, the surgeon with the help of x-rays controls everything that happens.

At the first stage of the operation, the doctor conducts an examination. With the help of special sensors, he determines where the zones are that cause atrial fibrillation. An intracardiac ECG shows the reaction of the heart to tests performed by a doctor.

At the second stage of the operation, the doctor “neutralizes” the atrial zones in which flicker occurs. He does this with RF energy using a "healing" electrode. Also for these purposes, you can use a laser and chemicals. It destroys small groups of cells that produce an impulse that makes the atria flutter.

Pacemaker implantation

A pacemaker or artificial pacemaker is a special medical device that restores the normal heart rate.

What does a pacemaker look like? The stimulator is a small metal box and thin electrodes 20-30 cm long. The body of the device is made of a special alloy that does not cause rejection in the body. The pacemaker housing contains a microprocessor and a battery. While a person's heart is working normally, the pacemaker is inactive. But when he catches that the rhythm has gone astray, the device sends weak electrical impulses to the heart through the electrodes. They force the heart muscle to contract at the desired frequency.

The pacemaker can cause contraction of the atrium only (single chamber) or the atrium and ventricle (dual chamber). Most modern stimulants adapt to the physical stress that a person experiences. Therefore, during sports or other activities, they will help speed up the heart rate in order to better supply blood to the muscles and lungs.

Also, stimulants store information about the work of your heart in memory. During visits to the clinic, the doctor will be able to read it using a computer.

How is the operation going? The operation to implant (implant) a pacemaker takes place under local anesthesia and lasts less than two hours. It has several stages:

  • make a skin incision under the collarbone;
  • electrodes are inserted through a vein into the cavity of the heart under x-ray control;
  • check the operation of the electrodes;
  • the ends of the electrodes are fixed in the right place with the help of small tips in the form of hooks or a corkscrew;
  • in the subcutaneous fatty tissue near the collarbone, a bed is formed where the pacemaker body will be located;
  • the stimulator is connected to the electrodes;
  • put stitches.
How to live after the installation of a pacemaker? The pacemaker brings many benefits, improves general condition and makes you more resilient. But from the moment of the operation, you will have to remember that you are constantly carrying a complex device with you.

The first day after the operation, it is advisable not to get out of bed. But the very next day they are allowed to walk, and after 3-5 days you can return home. Doctors will tell you how to process the seam. If the temperature suddenly rises, the seams open or discharge from the wound appears, then you need to urgently inform the doctor about this.

You will have to visit a cardiologist regularly:

  • 3 months after the operation;
  • in 6 months;
  • thereafter 1-2 times a year.
The first month you need to take care of yourself. If you feel very tired, then take time and rest. It is better to postpone sports activities for 2-3 months.

Modern pacemakers are not sensitive to radiation from household appliances. But still, it is not recommended to stand near a working microwave and keep a mobile phone near a pacemaker. It is impossible to be near powerful sources of magnetic and electromagnetic fields (transformer substations, power lines).

After the operation, a special document will be issued that confirms that you have a pacemaker installed. This certificate will be useful, for example, at the airport. You won't need to go through a scanner that could damage the pacemaker.

There are things you can't do after having a pacemaker installed. You will have to come to terms with the fact that you are forbidden:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (computed tomography is allowed);
  • physiotherapy;
  • Ultrasound on the area of ​​the stimulator;
  • blows to the pacemaker area;
  • any exposure to electric current (at home, during operations or cosmetic procedures).
To summarize: there are many ways to deal with atrial fibrillation. Properly selected treatment will help you live for many years without attacks of the disease and avoid complications.

Atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation, is a dangerous heart disease. It occurs predominantly in older people. The disease is characterized by periodic attacks, in which there is a chaotic excitation of individual parts of the vital organ. In the absence of timely treatment, pathology often leads to ischemic stroke in a patient and other dangerous complications.

Some statistics

According to medical studies in Russia and abroad, atrial fibrillation is more common in the fair sex. Women get sick almost twice as often. At the same time, the risk of developing pathology increases significantly after 50 years. According to statistics, it also turned out that the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes in people with this disease increases by 5 times. This is the greatest danger of atrial fibrillation.

What happens to the body

Atrial fibrillation, or flickering, arrhythmia has a complex mechanism of development. Pathology occurs under the influence of various provoking factors, as a result of which the structure of the muscle layer of the heart muscle is disturbed. In a healthy person, electrical impulses are transmitted from the normal pacemaker - the sinus node - to the region of the atrioventricular junction.

In the presence of any obstacles (inflammation, tissue ischemia, infectious lesions), the electrical impulse cannot pass along its normal path, therefore it returns back. This process is accompanied by re-excitation of the newly contracted sections of the muscle layer. Due to damage to the myocardium, pathological foci of electrical conduction are formed in it. In this case, not a single number of such foci is formed, but a much larger number of them. Because of such changes, a chaotic, that is, disordered contraction of various parts of the heart occurs.

Causes of arrhythmia

Not always the causes of atrial fibrillation are the patient has congenital or acquired diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Often, rhythm disturbance develops as a result of drinking large amounts of alcohol, strong tea, and coffee. This happens because of the ability of such drinks to disrupt the electrolyte balance and metabolic processes of the heart.

Pathology develops under the influence of cardiac and non-cardiac provoking factors

Non-cardiac provoking factors also include the influence of stressful situations on the body, strong physical exertion, undergoing surgery, and malnutrition. Arrhythmia can be provoked by wearing too tight clothes for a long time, following a diet while taking diuretic drugs. In children during puberty, atrial fibrillation is often combined with mitral valve prolapse.

Despite this, in most cases of the disease, the violation of the electrical conduction of the heart is still due to heart disease. These include:

  • changes in the structure of the myocardium against the background of cardiosclerosis;
  • myocarditis with severe course;
  • cardiac rheumatism;
  • congenital or acquired valve defects;
  • ischemic disease;
  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • disruption of the sinus node;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological diseases of the myocardium.

In addition, it is worth mentioning such non-cardiac causes of atrial fibrillation as thyroid diseases with impaired hormone production, chemical poisoning, including drug overdose. Rarely provokes a violation of the heartbeat vegetovascular dystonia, obstructive bronchitis, viral and bacterial lesions of the heart muscle. Sometimes the pathology occurs as a result of being hit by a strong discharge of electric current.

Important! Among the provoking factors of the disease, overweight, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and chronic kidney pathologies cannot be ignored.


In the form of atrial fibrillation, it is customary to divide into several types. Doctors distinguish between paroxysmal, persistent, and permanent (permanent) atrial flutter.

Atrial fibrillation is accompanied by the appearance of pathological impulses of the conduction of the heart


Paroxysmal is accompanied by a course of up to 7 days. During this period, the patient has attacks of rapid heartbeat occur up to several times a day. In most cases, the arrhythmia goes away on its own. During an attack, the patient experiences excitement, shortness of breath, fear for his life, chest pains, tinnitus and many other unpleasant symptoms.


This form of pathology is characterized by the presence of pathological impulses in the atria, lasts more than 7 days. In people with this diagnosis, the restoration of the heart rhythm does not go away on its own. As a rule, such patients require treatment with the help of special medications. Sometimes therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.


A stable or permanent form of atrial fibrillation is the most severe course of the pathology, in which it is not possible to restore normal in a person with the help of conservative types of therapy. The disease is characterized by frequent heart rhythm disturbances, accompanied by rather severe symptoms. Even with the help of surgery, it can be very difficult to cure it.

Symptoms of the disease

In many ways, the symptoms of atrial fibrillation and their intensity depend on the form of the disease. In the paroxysmal type of the disease, the clinical picture in the patient is less pronounced than in the persistent or stable form. The onset of an attack is characterized, as a rule, by the appearance of discomfort in the chest area. The pain in this case can be different. Patients report pressing, stabbing, cutting pains or burning in the sternum. It is worth noting that the main difference between atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction is the localization of these sensations. With a heart attack, pain often spills into the stomach, gives to the collarbone, shoulder blade. With arrhythmia, it has a clear localization and is noted in the left side of the chest.

Pathology is characterized by bouts of rapid heartbeat, sometimes up to 600 beats per minute

In addition, signs of atrial fibrillation may be of the following nature:

  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath. A characteristic feature of atrial fibrillation is an increase in pain when inhaling. The person is breathing heavily, sometimes there is a short-term cessation of breathing;
  • convulsive contraction of the limbs, more often the legs. Often this happens during sleep or when in a static position for a long time;
  • trembling of the limbs. Tremor in the disease is observed both at rest and during movement. Trembling of the hands, legs, head is most often noted;
  • numbness and tingling in the limbs. Due to a violation of the heart rhythm, blood circulation throughout the body is disturbed. As a result, the limbs do not receive enough oxygen and other nutrients, which leads to numbness;
  • reinforced sweat compartment. An attack of cardiac fibrillation often entails increased sweating even at rest. Excessive sweating is aggravated to an even greater extent during physical exertion;
  • increase in daily urine output. One of the symptoms of pathology is dry mouth and a constant feeling of thirst. In this regard, the volume of urine increases, there is a violation of the electrolyte balance;
  • pulse with atrial fibrillation is non-uniform. When listening to the heart, there is inconsistency in its work, which is called "flickering".

On the part of the psychological state, there are such changes as the appearance of irritability, isolation, fear. This is quite normal, because the patient experiences a real fear for his life. In especially difficult situations, the patient feels nausea, vomiting often occurs, fainting occurs. Such manifestations require immediate medical intervention, since complications of arrhythmia can be the most negative.

Possible complications of pathology

Why is atrial fibrillation dangerous and can the disease provoke the death of a person? Violation of the heart rhythm of this type is considered the most dangerous among other types of arrhythmias. If the patient does not receive supportive drug therapy, the course of the disease progresses, which entails a lot of life-threatening and health-threatening complications. First of all, due to a violation of normal blood circulation, all internal organs suffer. They do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which adversely affects their functioning.

From the side of the heart, the disease can lead to the development of myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest and death.

The disease often provokes heart attacks, strokes and other complications.

Important! Due to the high number of dangerous complications, it is necessary to timely and correctly diagnose and treat this serious condition.

Diagnostic methods

The most informative instrumental methods for diagnosing atrial fibrillation are electrocardiography and Holter monitoring. When examining a patient, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle at rest is valuable for making a diagnosis. Based on these figures, the specialist selects certain drugs for a person. To determine the pulse during physical exertion, the patient is given special stress tests.

The description of the ECG with atrial fibrillation is as follows:

  • P waves are absent;
  • fibrillation waves F are visible on the electrocardiogram;
  • ventricular GRS complexes have variable amplitude and distance;
  • R-R teeth have unequal spacing.

Such indicators indicate a violation of the order of contraction of the heart, which makes it possible to suspect the presence of atrial fibrillation.

First aid to the patient during an attack

If a person has an attack at home, on the street or at work, help with atrial fibrillation should be provided to the victims themselves, loved ones or colleagues. It is as follows:

  • call an ambulance;
  • calm the patient, give him any remedy with a sedative effect. It can be motherwort tincture, Corvalol, Validol;
  • ask the patient to take a half-sitting position, measure the pulse and pressure;
  • provide fresh air to the room;
  • relieve the patient of tight clothing.

If the victim is taking antihypertensive drugs and the pressure has risen above normal, he should be given a pill.

Sometimes the patient's condition continues to worsen even after taking sedatives and following all first aid recommendations. He may choke, wheeze, convulse. The person providing assistance should ensure that the victim does not injure himself, if necessary, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions before the arrival of doctors.

Types of treatment

The decision on how to treat atrial fibrillation in a particular patient is made by the doctor, based on the course of the disease and the patient's symptoms. Methods of treatment for atrial fibrillation of the heart may be conservative or surgical. Consider the features of each of them.

Conservative treatment of the disease is carried out with the help of various drugs.

Conservative treatment

Treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a conservative way is carried out using various medications. Therapy with pills in many cases helps to normalize the heart rhythm, alleviate the patient's condition, and prevent the development of serious complications. In this case, drugs of the following groups are prescribed:

  • calcium channel blockers. Such medicines well reduce the pulse with high blood pressure, and also provide compression of the ventricles of the heart, which helps to block the passage of electrical impulses through them. Such agents include Verapamil, Amiodarone, Dronedarone and others;
  • beta blockers. The drugs of this drug group are designed to block impulses of the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. This type of treatment helps to significantly reduce the risk of developing severe complications in atrial fibrillation, and normalize the pulse. This includes funds such as Atenolol, Betaxolol, Timolol and others;
  • . This name is given to medicines that have the ability to block calcium and potassium channels. They are produced on a natural basis, include extracts of natural herbs and vitamins. This includes Korglikon, Digoxin, Celanide and others.

In addition, for most patients, a specialist usually prescribes treatment with vitamins and minerals. To normalize cardiac activity, a person needs to take vitamins A, C, E, P and B, as well as calcium, magnesium, selenium and phosphorus. Among the popular vitamin preparations, Asparkam, Cardio Forte, Direct and others should be highlighted.

Important! Treatment with tablets should be carried out strictly according to the prescription of a specialist. If any side effects develop, this should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Radical treatments

Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation is carried out in severe pathology. Indications for surgical intervention are a constant deterioration in the functioning of the heart, the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, the presence of constant atrial fibrillation, and a threat to life.

The operation is performed in severe cases of atrial fibrillation

Types of surgery:

  • method called "maze". This type of intervention is carried out using the incision and suture method. In this case, the surgeon creates passages in the region of the left atrium in the form of small incisions that prevent the pathological return of the electrical impulse to the sinus node. This obstruction allows the electrical signal to find the correct path to the atrioventricular plexus;
  • pacemaker. Subcutaneous implantation of an electrical stimulator allows you to set a normal rhythm for myocardial contraction. The device is installed in the region of the heart under fatty tissue, and its electrodes are in direct contact with the heart;
  • radiofrequency ablation of the atrioventricular node. Here, with the help of a special electrode, stimulation of the right ventricle of the heart is performed. The electrode is fixed in the area of ​​the right atrium to block the supply of impulses that enter through this area into the right ventricle. The method is considered effective. The disadvantage is the need to use a pacemaker;
  • catheter ablation. This operation is performed by inserting a special catheter, which removes pathological areas that transmit electrical impulses. The control is carried out with the help of x-rays.

The prognosis for a patient after surgery depends on many factors. These include the severity of the course of the disease, the professionalism of doctors, the quality of rehabilitation. With the timely operation of the operation, the chances of avoiding serious complications are significantly increased.

Diet and lifestyle in case of illness

Why is diet important for atrial fibrillation? The fact is that nutrition in the disease, indeed, plays an important role. Often, heart pathology occurs due to micronutrient deficiencies, overweight and some other factors that are directly dependent on nutritional culture.

Diet and proper daily routine are important

Patients with arrhythmias need to first adjust their daily routine and diet. At the same time, experts recommend following these tips:

  • give up bad habits (smoking alcohol);
  • ensure proper rest and sleep;
  • saturate the diet with essential vitamins and minerals;
  • include in the diet plant foods, cereals, low-fat dairy products, lean fish and meat;
  • refuse products that increase cholesterol - fatty meat, butter, margarine, chocolate, fast foods, carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee;
  • eliminate excessive excitement and stress;
  • refuse to perform hard physical work. If necessary, you may need to change the type of work activity.

Patients need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, learn to adequately deal with stressful situations, strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations on the use of medications.

Folk methods for normalizing heart rate

Alternative treatment for atrial fibrillation is to use natural-based recipes to maintain the normal functioning of the heart muscle. This type of therapy should be carried out only as directed by a doctor, otherwise negative consequences may occur.

Popular recipes:

  • take a tablespoon of St. John's wort, rosemary, valerian and mint, mix the ingredients well. Pour a spoonful of the finished mixture with half a liter of boiling water, simmer the medicine in a water bath for 10 - 15 minutes. Take the remedy 50 ml three times a day;
  • mix a glass of walnuts with the same amount of dried apricots and raisins. Before this, grind the products with a meat grinder or blender. Season the finished mixture with two tablespoons of honey, mix well. The medicine helps to normalize the electrolyte balance. You need to take it in a teaspoon three times a day;
  • combine a tablespoon of crushed rose hips and hawthorn, pour them with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil over low heat and leave to brew for at least an hour. The finished drink can be drunk instead of tea with the addition of sugar or honey.

Alternative treatment is a good way to supplement drug therapy.

Important! Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to their components.

Do they give disability in case of illness

Atrial fibrillation causes many dangerous complications, including heart attacks, strokes and others. The assignment of disability to patients is carried out in accordance with state legislation in the presence of strict indications. The disability group is assigned as follows:

  • the first group is assigned to patients who have completely lost the ability to self-service;
  • the second group is assigned to patients with a partial loss of the necessary social and household functions;
  • the third group is assigned for temporary disability and the possibility of self-service.

Despite the fact that atrial fibrillation is considered the most dangerous type of cardiac contractility disorder, modern methods of treatment help to effectively fight the disease. Timely diagnosis and implementation of all the rules for the treatment of pathology gives patients every chance to live a normal life.

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