Rapid ejaculation (premature ejaculation) - home treatment. The most effective recipe for early ejaculation. What is he

Violations in the sexual sphere can manifest themselves in different ways and occur at absolutely any age. Single situations when premature ejaculation occurs usually do not cause alarm, and they are not given serious importance. However, if this happens all the time, the man begins to panic; in some cases, such failures lead to the development of chronic depression, which develops into a protracted depressive state.


Rapid ejaculation can be caused by various factors. They can be divided into 2 groups.

Physiological prerequisites for violation:

  • Lack of magnesium in the body;
  • Short frenulum of the penis;
  • The presence of inflammation and injuries of the genitals;
  • Increased;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • CNS diseases that adversely affect the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • The consequences of taking medications;

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation:

  • A reflex formed during youthful masturbation;
  • The beginning of sexual activity in;
  • Excessive arousal;
  • An obsessive fear that arose after several failures;
  • Neuroses, developed on the basis of regular "punctures";
  • Minimal experience of intimate relationships with women;
  • , depression, constant exposure to stress factors;
  • Fears associated with possible infection with infectious diseases;
  • Big break;
  • Subjectively, too beautiful and exciting partner.

Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that until now it has not been precisely determined by clinicians, it is generally accepted that ejaculation is premature if friction during intimacy lasted no more than 2 minutes.

Signs by which you can also determine the presence of a violation:

  • The release of ejaculate occurs within a few seconds or even before the onset of sexual intercourse;
  • The eruption of the seed occurs at the sight of the female genitalia.

Less commonly, the symptoms of premature ejaculation include a situation where a man has reached orgasm before his partner did.

How to treat premature ejaculation?

There are several ways to correct premature ejaculation. Treatment includes psychotherapeutic techniques and use. Also can help, including herbal medicine, physical activity and non-traditional methods. In case of severe severity of the disease resort to surgical intervention.


Medicines include creams, sprays and which are used topically and for oral administration, directly affecting the problem of premature ejaculation.

Also, for therapy, drugs are used that were originally developed for the treatment of depressive and anxiety states, which side-effects delay ejaculation.

Means of topical application

The main principle of the method is the use of products containing anesthetic components. Application or spraying on the genitals blocks the nerve endings of the penis. Due to this, orgasm and ejaculation occurs later.

The main active ingredient is lidocaine, or substances with a similar effect. It is recommended to use them under a condom, otherwise getting the product on the walls of the female vagina can deprive the partner of orgasm. Emla gel, SS-cream, Stud 5000 spray are the most popular drugs that can be used for anesthetic treatment of ejaculation disorders.

The disadvantage of this therapy is that many people are allergic to lidocaine and analogues. In this case, it is necessary to look for an alternative way to prolong sexual intercourse.

Dapoxetine and Ogoplex

Drugs, clinical trials of which have confirmed high efficiency in the treatment of rapid ejaculation. You can start taking only after consulting a doctor, the funds have side effects and can cause negative physiological reactions of the body.

Dapoxetine slows down the rate of ejaculate release and prolongs sexual intercourse. At the moment, tablets are considered the most effective in the treatment of the disease. The drug is forbidden to be taken by men with pathologies of the kidneys and heart. Also, they can not be combined with alcohol and tranquilizers.

Ogoplex capsules delay ejaculation, as well as:

  • Improve spermatogenesis;
  • Activate prostate metabolism;
  • Enhance physiological arousal;
  • They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

This drug is safer for the male body. The only reason for refusing therapy is hypersensitivity to the components.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors belong to the group of antidepressants. The main indications for the use of SSRIs are the treatment of disorders and a number of mental illnesses.

In the course of tests and studies, it was found that an additional effect of drugs is the ability to delay ejaculation. It has been proven that treatment with this group of antidepressants has a high recovery rate, which is why this type of therapy is considered a promising way to correct rapid ejaculation.

The most famous means: Paxil, Sertraline, Fluoxetine. Given the peculiarity of the composition and indications for use, it is impossible to purchase these drugs on their own, they are under strict control.

However, some clinicians are opposed to this method of treatment. They believe that the use of side effects to correct the problem is fundamentally wrong, in addition, SSRIs can cause severely tolerated concomitant reactions:

  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • confusion.

Moreover: taking antidepressants can lead to the opposite effect, disrupting sexual function and. Therefore, despite the proven effectiveness of such a technique, it is considered quite controversial, and before resorting to it, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons along with.

dietary supplements

In the instructions for many, it is indicated that they can be used to treat premature ejaculation in men.

According to the reviews of professionals and patients, the most effective and proven ones are Sealex, Vimax, Neurodose.


Pharmaceutical Preparation Sealex is a dietary supplement with a complex effect. In addition to the main purpose - delaying ejaculation, it can be used to increase stamina and sexual activity, strengthen the immune system and give orgasm brightness and saturation.

As part of dietary supplements, only plant components:, extracts of eurycoma, creeping palm and, extracts from licorice roots and sowing. The drug does not work for everyone, but side effects are extremely rare.


Herbal medicine, standing on the first positions of the ratings of dietary supplements, which can cure premature ejaculation. Capsules have a prolonged action, respectively, course treatment is necessary for several weeks.

With the help of the drug, sexual intercourse becomes longer, sperm release slows down, it is provided. Natural formula includes:

  • ginseng and eurycoma;
  • dodder seeds;
  • Creeping anchors;
  • Water chestnut.


Neurodose is another example of a natural complex that successfully copes with the problem of premature ejaculation.

Designed specifically to correct violations of the completion of sexual intercourse, it can also be used as an additional source that a man's body needs.

The product consists of 2 amino acids, magnesium, vitamin B6, L-glutamine and phenylalanine. These components inhibit the process of ejaculation, fight anxiety and the effects of stress.

Physical exercise

An alternative method for managing your own ejaculation is developed by Kegel. From his point of view, the basis of the disorder is a violation of the mechanism of innervation of the organs located in the pelvic region.

The main exercise is that 2-3 times a day you need to strain and then relax the pubococcygeal muscle. At the beginning, you can limit yourself to 15 times, but gradually it is necessary to bring the number of repetitions to 50 times.

Muscle contraction should occur during inhalation, after which you need to wait 2-3 seconds and relax while exhaling. There are no special requirements for breathing, it must be free.

Other techniques and tricks

Due to the fact that half of the prerequisites that cause premature ejaculation are psychological in nature, many men are recommended to undergo a full course of psychotherapy. In the process, the main cause that caused the disease is found, and the patient, together with the psychotherapist, is engaged in its correction.

There is also a special technique that allows you to control ejaculation, called "Start-Stop". Its essence is as follows:

  • At the time of the onset of ejaculation, the man removes the genital organ from the vagina;
  • Strongly squeezes it at the base of the head, blocking the release of sperm;
  • As soon as the feeling of an approaching orgasm recedes, sexual intercourse can be continued;

Thus, you can gradually extend the time of intimacy.

The Simmans technique is also effective, provided that there is a trusting relationship with a regular partner. It is built on the principle of masturbation without orgasm. First, stimulation is carried out independently, then with the help of a woman. Another way is to press with 3 fingers on a point located between the scrotum and anus. Its activation must be carried out before the onset of the climax.

Acupuncture, oriental spiritual practices, and breathing also help. A successful way is to count frictions in combination with breath control. The man focuses on the counting process, thereby slowing down the onset of ejaculation.

Herbal medicine is another non-traditional method, thanks to which it is possible to prevent premature ejaculation. Means based on motherwort, oregano and will be effective if properly collected and prepared according to the directions listed in the recipe. Sometimes supporters of the occult can accompany such treatment with conspiracies and rituals. Such methods are still popular in remote villages and remote areas of the country.


To avoid violations in the reproductive system, it is important to adhere to a number of principles:

  • Timely prevention of conflict situations that provoke stress;
  • Avoidance of hypothermia;
  • Entering into sexual contact only with a permanent partner;
  • Compliance with the correct mode;
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle: regular walks and visits to the gym;
  • Minimize glasses of alcohol and smoked cigarettes.

It is also very important to regularly visit a urologist for preventive examinations and not to ignore the primary symptoms of any diseases. A neglected pathology can give various complications, in particular, to the urogenital area.

Quite common in the modern world is such a pathology as premature ejaculation, the treatment of which should be comprehensive and begin as early as possible so as not to start the disease and not lead to surgery. Early ejaculation begins due to psychological and emotional problems, and this can be fraught with erectile dysfunction. It is necessary to recognize this pathology in time, consult a doctor and start treatment with appropriate medications and exercises.

What is ejaculation and types of early ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a pathological condition of the male genital area, in which ejaculation occurs very early. Such a situation happened at least once in the life of any man, and in isolated cases no one attaches special importance to such failures. But if early ejaculation happens all the time, then this indicates a serious disorder, and it is urgent to go to an appointment with a specialist. Often, the representatives of the stronger sex are embarrassed by such situations, the patient begins to panic, withdraw into himself, and he may develop depression, which will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Modern medicine has revealed 3 features of this disease:

  1. Semen ejaculation occurs before the phallus enters the vagina, or when trying to restrain this process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age, comorbidities, general physical condition.
  2. Premature ejaculation brings discord and inconvenience to the family and personal life of a man, can cause anxiety and frustration.
  3. Problems in the genital area can occur regardless of the intake of various medications.

What are the symptoms of early ejaculation? The main symptom is a short sexual intercourse, in which the man does not get proper pleasure, not to mention the partner. In this case, male ejaculation occurs 1-2 minutes after the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

The main symptom is the short duration of sexual intercourse.

Important: the duration of genital contact does not always indicate violations in this area. A symptom of malaise is the dissatisfaction of both partners after sexual intimacy.

The main sign of a serious disorder is the onset of ejaculation before the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

Why can early evacuation develop? Types of premature ejaculation depend on several reasons:

  1. Primary early ejaculation is congenital and is associated with the disrupted functioning of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. Such a disorder is rare, it is caused by a violation of intrauterine development or trauma during childbirth, and it manifests itself as a failure during the first sexual experience.
  2. Secondary early ejaculation is the result of the influence of various pathogenic factors: trauma, infectious diseases, taking certain medications. If adequate therapy is followed, sexual function is fully restored.

What are the causes of discord?

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the causes of rapid ejaculation in men. There are 5 groups of reasons why a man begins to feel inferior:

  1. Organic causes, i.e. some pathological process takes place in the body. These can be urological diseases, prostatitis, phimosis, injuries of the lumbosacral region, hormonal disorders, intoxication of the body, etc. Vesiculitis or inflammation of the spermatic cord is a common cause of early eruption.
  2. Premature eruption of the seed can cause the intake of certain drugs: Amitriptyline, Elenium, Methadone, Ephedrine, Haloperidol
  3. Physiological factors: individual increased sensitivity of the glans penis, a long absence of intimate relationships, a new partner, a lack of magnesium in the body.
  4. Psychological reasons: lack of trust between partners, fears, stress, anxiety, lack of understanding of the partner.
  5. genetic predisposition. If any of the men in the family had similar violations in the genital area, then the likelihood of developing early ejaculation on a regular basis is high.

Often the reason why rapid ejaculation occurs is the fear of sex. This happens from ignorance of the process itself: the couple does not know how long the sexual intercourse should last, the partners do not take into account the individual characteristics of each other. It happens that intimacy brings torment, and this happens because of ignorance of the characteristics of sexual relations.

In addition, often young people masturbate and try to achieve ejaculation and orgasm faster, not paying attention to caresses and pleasant sensations. A quick eruption is achieved by the inability to control one’s feelings, to treat a partner, and sex “on the go” also leads to early evacuation. Sometimes overexcitation from the actions of a partner can provoke rapid ejaculation.

How to treat the disease?

What to do with a disorder of normal ejaculation? It is possible to cure these failures in the male reproductive system only with an individual approach to the patient and his problem. First of all, they find out the reasons that provoked this disorder, and only then prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Special techniques and exercises

How to cure rapid ejaculation? If premature ejaculation in a man occurs in rare cases and there are no significant violations, then you can prolong sexual intercourse with the help of special techniques.

A popular and effective technique is the "Start-Stop Method". It consists in the fact that the man caught the moment before the onset of ejaculation and removed the penis from the vagina, and then squeezed well at the base of the head with his fingers. Then sexual intercourse can be extended. At the next approach of ejaculation, this technique must be repeated. Thanks to this technique, sexual intercourse can be slightly extended.

Another technique is Kegel exercises. It consists in violation of the innervation of the pelvic organs in men with early evacuation. Kegel developed a system of special exercises for pumping up the muscles of the perineum, which are simultaneously aimed at regulating the ability to control ejaculation.

Exercise for early ejaculation consists in tension and relaxation of the pubococcygeal muscle 15 times 2-3 sets a day with calm breathing. The load increases gradually, up to 15 squeezing-unclenching per session. Over time, you need to complicate the exercise: while inhaling, strain and hold the muscles in this position, and relax while exhaling.

The lift exercise is also effective. It is necessary to gradually strain the muscles of the perineum, as if you were climbing stairs or an elevator, from minimum tension to maximum. And then vice versa. Breathing is easy.

Drug therapy for the disease

Treatment of premature evacuation can be carried out by therapeutic methods using medications that have long proven themselves in this area. It is recommended to combine drugs in order to achieve the fastest possible therapeutic effect. If the act does not last even 2 minutes, then it is better to use drug therapy.

The following groups of drugs can be used:

  1. Creams and gels with anesthetic - Lidocaine, Emla, Instilagel. Means are applied 5-10 minutes before the onset of sexual relations. But with a weak erection, they are not used.
  2. Antidepressants. It is used to treat early ejaculation with psychological and emotional problems.
  3. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - Fluoxetine, Paxil, Dapoxetine. These are drugs to regulate the level of serotonin in the blood, quite effective and common means to solve the problem with an early eruption.
  4. Preparations for stimulating erection - Viagra, Jenagra, Levitra.
  5. 5-hydroxytryptophan is a food supplement.

These medications help prevent premature ejaculation. It is necessary to carry out therapy of concomitant disorders of the body. If there is an infection of the genitourinary system, then you need to be treated with antimicrobials. If there are problems with the spine, then neuroprotectors, vascular preparations and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

How to treat a psychological disorder? Often the spouse decides to go to see a psychologist and thus solve the problem of depression, depression and emotional imbalance. Often this method helps to find harmony for a man. A psychotherapist may prescribe drugs to treat the nervous system.

With increased sensitivity of the head of the penis, you can use a condom, it will dull the sensations. It can also be used in combination with anesthetics.

How to prevent an early eruption

Premature ejaculation can be avoided with a trusting relationship with a partner. In this case, it is worth trying out the L. Simmons technique:

  1. A man needs to masturbate with a dry hand for about 15 minutes without ejaculation (3 times).
  2. The man must masturbate for 15 minutes with lubrication without ejaculation (3 times).
  3. Masturbation should be done with the partner's dry hand to maintain an erection, but without ejaculation.
  4. The partner must masturbate with her lubricated hand.
  5. Sex in the "rider" position, you can intermittently, the duration of the act is 15 minutes without ejaculation. You should try to complete 3 attempts.
  1. Use a condom with an anesthetic lubricant.
  2. To avoid an early eruption will help training retention of urination, for this you need to train the muscles of the urethral sphincter.
  3. You can avoid premature ejaculation if you distract your thoughts, and in order to maintain an erection at this time, you need to think about something neutral.
  4. You can not squeeze the urethra with your hands, this can provoke the development of stagnant processes.

It is also important to eat well, while not overeating, do gymnastics and sports, have enough rest and sleep, have regular sexual relations, carry out prophylaxis with drugs to enhance potency, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke, if necessary, consult a psychologist.

It is also possible to solve the problem with a surgical method. But operations are carried out in extreme cases, they are not always safe and can lead to sexual dysfunction.

Let's take a closer look at 28 reasons for rapid ejaculation in men:

  1. worked out reflex descend quickly after hasty youthful self-satisfaction;
  2. syndrome of obsessive expectation of an oversight from oneself;
  3. failures in past create suspiciousness, uncertainty and fiasco in the present;
  4. only the first Start sexual relations (in young people);
  5. infectious diseases of the organ itself;
  6. disorders and defects in the pelvic region ( hernia in the spine, lower back or injury);
  7. hypersensitivity;
  8. nervous disorders and stressful situations in everyday life;
  9. hormonal disorders, deficiency testosterone;
  10. poisoning toxins, antidepressants;
  11. due to drinking a large amount of alcohol;
  12. frequent absence partners and instability of sexual relations;
  13. problems with what badly worth", cause a reflex to shoot quickly while the unit is ready;
  14. not the best choice places is also one of the reasons on the topic of why a man has a quick ejaculation;
  15. you have little time, she or you need to go somewhere hurry;
  16. fear of spoiling everything, of being ridiculed;
  17. during intimacy, the girl screams a lot and makes sounds, and men are very susceptible to groans partners;
  18. too short frenulum of the organ;
  19. coldness from a woman, tension in a relationship;
  20. mental beliefs about the proximity of the species - this is immoral and dirty;
  21. fear of picking up something venereal and serious from a girl;
  22. fear of failing too soon the stronger you are afraid of this, the more likely it will happen);
  23. fear the fact that the girl suddenly "flies" from you;
  24. weakness muscles buttocks and pelvis;
  25. inability to slow down and take pauses when the speed is too intense;
  26. misunderstanding of the subtleties poses;
  27. a lack of air and greater intensity and frequency of breaths with proximity;
  28. your attention and the focus is completely only on the male organs and the energy accumulated there.

As it became clear, most of the causes of appearance are divided into 2 types:

  • violations in the physiology of the body;
  • psychological problem.

Many do not know which doctor to contact with rapid ejaculation.

In these questions the urologist or the sexopathologist has to be competent.

18 Ways to Solve a Problem

1. Choose a passive position

Here we are talking about the position when you are under it and lying down. on the back. Use it, it is one of the safest.

Now, your pelvic organs and abs are not under tension, body more relaxed and there is no great danger of crossing the critical line.

2. Do one exercise in the toilet

Learn how to stop and resume the flow of the jet when you go to the toilet in a small way. Do this exercise 2 times every day in the toilet.

In bed with your beloved, when the body is approaching the finish line like a locomotive, you must compress and strain the same muscle that was squeezed in the toilet.

3. Relax your body and dangerous muscle groups

Relaxed body important for long-term intimacy. The longer your body is relaxed, the longer you can hold out. Thus, you will know everything about how to control ejaculation.

What parts of the body should not be strained:

  • press;
  • buttocks;
  • arms and shoulders.

Watch for the absence of tension in these parts of the body during intimacy with a girl.

4. Do the exercise "Boat"

Pumped up and strong muscles of the pelvis and buttocks are the secret of endurance and the key to success. Train them.

It is useful to do the following exercise:

  1. lie down on the stomach, hands forward.
  2. You begin to simultaneously pull and lift your arms forward, and your legs back.
  3. Hold your body in this stretched position (arms stretch forward and raised, and legs back) for about 3-4 seconds and then lower.
  4. Repeat the exercise for about 4 minutes.
  5. To start you can limit yourself to 4 minutes, and then add time every day.

We talked about the importance of physical activity for the pelvis in an earlier article.

This is such a kind of treatment for rapid ejaculation with folk remedies, in which, at the cost of your efforts and patience, you can achieve good results in bed.

See this video for a visual exercise.

5. Focus on your breath and do it right

Common mistakes and shoals of rapid firers:

  • breathing too hard;
  • breathe in the upper part of the lungs.

Rapid shallow breathing → a signal for the body about a lack of oxygen → anxiety → the sympathetic nervous system turns on → a shot and finish just so that you calm down and the stress goes away.

How to

  1. Inhalation and exhalation is performed 2 times deeper than usual and not in a hurry.
  2. Breathe in your belly. We also wrote about proper breathing before another.

Keep these nuances in mind and know all about how to prolong ejaculation and delay this fiasco.

6. Do a proper solo session

Those guys who do not have a girlfriend need to know about the right satisfaction of oneself.

What is the essence of a single solo session:

  • You can’t press the gas pedal for anything and approach the finish line;
  • Learning to do pauses and stop when approached the point of no return, we wait and endure;
  • So we don't lose much. energy because they kept the seed;
  • Reprogramming the body's reflexes for endurance. We also mentioned this method in the previous site.

7. Do the following exercise for the buttocks

Since weak buttock muscles are one of the most common causes of early ejaculation, it is important to do a variety of exercises to strengthen them.

What is the point:

  1. You can either lie down or lean on the edge of the sofa elbows and put your feet on the floor. In the first case, it will be a little harder, but this does not mean that it is ineffective.
  2. Now you start to mimic reciprocating motions pelvis, similar to friction during intimacy.
  3. If you are doing this lying on the couch, then try all the way lift the pelvis up and focus on it. Then you lower your pelvis again and repeat the movements.
  4. If you're doing this with your elbows on the edge of the couch, it's easier and you can increase your speed and frequency. You will feel a slight tension in the groin muscles, and this is normal.
  5. It's okay if you feel like laughing while doing the exercise. Some will feel a little awkward. Keep doing the movements despite the sensations. This practice will be useful for those who need it.
  6. Some advise doing this exercise with open mouth as shown in the video.

visual video

8. Folk methods

Here are some grandfatherly ways on how to get rid of rapid ejaculation with folk remedies.

  • Juice from the root celery. Squeeze the juice out of it and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Useful for male strength and rich in zinc. They eat 25 pumpkin seeds daily.
  • Take fresh purslane about 2 pinches and let it brew in a thermos with 250 ml of water. Drink before meals 1 sip.
  • Also take seeds coriander in relation to water 1 tablespoon per 1 cup and boil for about 5 minutes. The tincture is drunk for 3 days.

9. Medical method

  • Products from our site.
  • Kapikachu.
  • Dapoxetine.

10. Follow the principle of "let the lady go first"

In addition to the use of pills for rapid ejaculation and drugs, you must also pre-cleanse your head with the right psychological settings.

By following this principle, you will know everything about.

  • essence of this principle is that your lady must come to the finish line first.
  • You will never allow yourself to complete the act until your girlfriend has experienced many pleasures and herself comes to an end first.
  • Tune in to it mentally. It usually takes about 20 minutes.
  • If you endure these first twenty minutes, then later on you no longer need to hold back and hard will be at all come to the finish line! Remember this edge in time.

11. Follow the rule "Came in and wait"

13. Don't look at her body

Particularly impressionable and subtle natures should not look too much at the beautiful figure partners during intimacy.

This amplifies the heat.

Better take away look ahead, close your eyes, or focus on your breath, or use some other technique, but don't focus on her beautiful curves.

14. Need more pelvic activity

Especially for those who spend a lot of time computer, physical education is necessary for the tone of the pelvic muscles. Necessarily!

Many guys ask questions about how to delay ejaculation and what drugs will help to do this. When in fact you need to pay due attention to physical exercises and sports.

What is useful:

  • jogging;
  • gym;
  • gymnastics;
  • cross-fit exercises.

15. Share with her your delicate problem, remove unnecessary tension

Somehow I shared this problem with a new girl before the first intimacy. And instead of ridicule or a bad reaction, I heard a completely normal and stress-relieving answer: "It's okay, I don't love for a long time either."

With this answer, she removed everything superfluous pressure and tension from my shoulders, I felt relieved and our night passed long and safely.

16. Teach her to fulfill your requests.

  • The next rule in the topic of how to cure premature ejaculation at home is the ability to open up to your girlfriend and stipulate moments for pauses.
  • You don't have to keep everything to yourself and lock yourself up. The right move would be to stipulate in advance moments when she should stop moving.
  • That is, it is normal during intimacy say her: "Stop, don't move." And you are both waiting.
  • Sometimes you really have to freeze and wait for both. Freezing only you alone will not help. Sometimes the slightest movement on her part can end your entire session.

17. Don't forget about the second try, because it will be much longer

Yes, it happens that a spouse is traveling and sexual intimacy cannot be stable in any way. And then there's nothing to be done, what after abstinence during intercourse, you came to the finish line very early and unexpectedly.

Now you are confused and thinking about what to do if the drugs for rapid ejaculation, taken in large doses, did not delay the first shot. Just know that with a very long abstinence, this Fine.

Now, if this happens, you don't get dressed in any way, but you just wait a little time, lying together in bed. For some, 5 minutes is enough, for others a little longer.

The bottom line is that after second the shot will not be very soon, and nothing will be pumped up.

18. Move your focus to other areas of the body

Open the lid of a boiling kettle and let the steam go up and take over your entire body, not everything coming out through the spout of the kettle.

And when we say open the lid of the teapot, it means to shift the focus of your attention to other parts of the body.

And the plus is that the energy accumulated in one place from the bottom will also shift up, and nothing will escalate.

What do they do for this:

  • Tingling in any other part of the body higher abdomen, but not the genitals;
  • Earlobe biting by a girl (just ask her about it);
  • girl doing massage back;
  • The girl touches your chest;
  • Licking lobes ear girl.

You can also come up with your own ways to shift the focus of attention.

That's all. Now you know 18 effective techniques on how to get rid of premature ejaculation when treating an ailment with a urologist or other male health expert.

If earlier the problems of the sexual sphere concerned mainly men of middle and advanced age, today numerous patients of urologists and sexologists belong to the golden youth. And the most common reason for contacting specialists is the problem of premature ejaculation. This concept is understood as the onset of ejaculation after just a few frictions during intercourse.

To find the best ways to solve the problem, how to treat premature ejaculation, it is important to first make sure that it is present, and then find the causes of such dysfunction. Only after passing a thorough examination and complex diagnostics, it is possible to identify all sorts of disorders and disorders in the genitourinary system and other organs and systems. Further, the specialist selects the necessary methods and drugs that can prevent premature ejaculation.

Causes of premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is considered a problem if it occurs shortly before sexual intercourse during foreplay, and also literally immediately after intercourse, but subject to a regular sexual life. In some cases, a man may experience false ejaculation, the causes of which may be the following points:

  • excessive sexual arousal;
  • excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis.

If a real premature ejaculation is diagnosed by a specialist, some factors may precede this:

  • magnesium deficiency throughout the body;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • back injury;
  • genital trauma;
  • side effects from taking drugs.

For reference! The most common cause of early ejaculation is prolonged abstinence, rare sexual intercourse, as well as excessive arousal of a man.

The importance of psychology in the treatment of this phenomenon

It can also be said that all the existing causes of such a problem can be divided into two classes - physiological and psychological. Speaking about the psychological side of the problem, premature ejaculation can occur against the background of prolonged stress and neuroses, especially if a man is too fixated on his lack of stamina in sexual relations.

For reference! Among patients with a similar problem, there are often young men who do not yet have sufficient experience in sexual activity, and premature ejaculation is the result of a banal self-doubt. A sensitive partner can help solve almost all psychological problems.

As practice has shown, numerous psychological causes of premature ejaculation go away on their own with time. Time and accumulated experience become an assistant in establishing the quality of sexual life. If the problems tend to aggravate and grow in scale, a man will need the qualified help of a sex therapist and a psychologist who will tell you how to get rid of barriers and complexes.

Folk remedies and methods for premature ejaculation

If the causes of premature ejaculation are not serious inflammatory processes and diseases of the genitourinary system, traditional medicine can help to cure this problem. In this case, it would be advisable to resort to non-traditional methods, since they do not entail side effects, have a mild effect on the body, and also do not involve addiction and withdrawal syndrome.

Alternative treatment of premature ejaculation involves the following recipes:

  1. Lovage roots. For this, the roots of the plant must be washed, crushed and mixed with alcohol or vodka. A decoction of this plant will also be useful. To prepare it, 10 grams of chopped root must be mixed with a glass of boiling water, then boil everything over low heat for about 10 minutes. After infusing the decoction under the lid for 30 minutes, it is taken before each meal in a third of a glass. By the same principle, a decoction of hoof roots is prepared (only 3 grams of the plant is taken per glass of water), which is taken before each meal, 1 tablespoon.
  2. Calendula and oregano. Having mixed the dry flowering of both herbs together in a ratio of 1: 2 (more oregano), in a glass of boiling water you need to brew a tablespoon of this mixture, and then insist for half an hour. After each meal, drink 100 grams of the drug for 1.5 months.
  3. Herbal medicines for therapy to avoid premature ejaculation. Herbs are first crushed, then mixed with each other and take 2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. After boiling the mixture for 10 minutes, the resulting broth must be kept in a thermos for one night. The resulting remedy is taken orally before each meal, half a stack for 3-4 months. Traditional medicine offers three types of collection, which must be taken in courses in turn:
  • rose hips, roots of two-leafed love, roots of angelica officinalis, common colza;
  • five-lobed motherwort, oregano, peppermint and yarrow;
  • three-leaf watch foliage, rose hips, officinalis calendula flowering, five-lobed motherwort flowering.

Also, alternative therapy offers a very pleasant way to treat premature ejaculation in men - masturbation. You need to perform it regularly and for a certain period of time, during which you need to try to delay the moment of ejaculation. To deal with such a problem, you only need a regular and systematic approach, following the recommendations for as long as the prescription requires.

Which doctor to go to if everything is very bad?

Before deciding which doctor to contact with the problem of premature ejaculation, you need to make sure that such problems exist. There are generally accepted norms for the duration of sexual intercourse, namely:

  • on average, the normal duration of sexual intercourse should be 7 minutes;
  • if a man is able to have sexual intercourse for no more than 3 minutes, this causes serious psychological disorders;
  • too long sexual intercourse lasts longer than half an hour.

If a man is not able to withstand the onset of ejaculation within 2-3 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, this is considered a problem. A urologist or a sex therapist can solve such sexual disorders. In the course of finding out the reasons for this, additional consultation with a neurologist, psychologist, endocrinologist, etc. may be required.

For reference! In large clinics, there is a new specialist in a narrow field - an andrologist, who is also competent in such matters.

Doctors' advice on what to do with premature ejaculation

Only after establishing the causes of premature ejaculation, the doctor can choose methods to eliminate the problem. But there are a number of recommendations that all patients should adhere to:

  • refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • refusal of medicines that could affect the quality of sexual life;
  • in case of excessive sensitivity, the use of condoms;
  • the choice of such a position in sex, so that there is a minimum load on the frenulum and the head of the penis.

Psychological consultation may be required to address the emotional background of the problem. Numerous visitors to such specialists found that problems in bed were the result of traumas and problems of childhood and adolescence. Removing stress, complexes and anxiety with the help of a specialist, you can improve your sex life.

It is better not to joke with men's health, remember this! The best way to deal with the disease is to make an appointment with a good doctor!

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Premature ejaculation is a dangerous disorder, as it minimizes the risk of conception. There are many reasons for the development of the disease, therefore, before starting therapy, a comprehensive examination by a doctor is necessary.



Rapid ejaculation is very easy to identify by a number of symptoms:

  1. Changing the duration of contact - it either becomes shorter or longer.
  2. Sexual intercourse lasts longer if partners use a condom. A similar situation is observed after drinking alcohol.
  3. Special means for prolonging sexual intercourse.

More often the disease develops in the presence of the following factors:

  • short bridle;
  • other diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal injury;
  • long sexual abstinence.

Premature ejaculation is of 2 types: primary and secondary. In the first case, the defect is not related to the brain. In the second, it's the other way around. The main thing is to know the main reasons:

  1. Psychogenic - lack of experience, development of a conditioned reflex during youthful masturbation, failures with former partners.
  2. Organic - neurological diseases leading to disorders of the pelvic organs, inflammatory diseases, high sensitivity of the penis.

The most common reason is hypersensitivity. It manifests itself in the fact that the receptors react incorrectly to stimuli, resulting in instant ejaculation.

Possible treatment

The question is how to deal with rapid ejaculation, you should know several methods of therapy:

  1. Psychotherapy - helps to get rid of the fear of sexual relations, which often appears in the absence of experience or for other reasons.
  2. If diseases of the genitourinary system are detected, an appropriate course of treatment is carried out.
  3. Behavioral therapy - the doctor selects the exercises that should be performed during sex.
  4. Local treatment of premature ejaculation - all kinds of lubricants and creams are prescribed to reduce sensitivity.

How to treat

If the underlying causes are identified, home treatment is possible using various methods. Often the doctor prescribes not medicines, but recommends folk recipes. This method is the best, as it is absolutely safe for health. But first you need to make sure that there are no individual contraindications for the selected herbs.

The question of how to get rid of rapid ejaculation should be addressed comprehensively. First of all, you should strengthen your immune system, change your lifestyle, diet. In most cases, it is an unhealthy lifestyle that causes premature ejaculation.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to provide good nutrition, paying special attention to proteins. From all fatty, fried should be abandoned. Adjust the daily routine, avoid constant overwork, stress. Often problems with erection, instant ejaculation occur when the patient is dissatisfied with work, family, he does not have enough time for proper sleep, rest.

The use of various tablets, ointments, gels is designed to reduce the sensitivity of the head and eliminate psychological problems. In the second case, the effect is given by tablets of valerian, motherwort and other similar preparations. Recipes of healers help well, for example, decoctions of thyme, chamomile.

If you come to the doctor with a question about what to do about rapid ejaculation, he may prescribe drugs that normalize serotonin levels. In fact, these drugs are antidepressants. This may be the drug Priligy, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil. Fluoxetine is also popular, which eliminates erectile dysfunction. A small effect is given by hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel, which is injected under the skin. Its components penetrate the skin, become a barrier between it and the receptors that provide the release of the seed, orgasm. The gel resolves within eight to twelve months. This time is enough for a man to regain confidence in his abilities. But this method cannot be used in the presence of inflammation and poor blood clotting.

A special place among the folk remedies used to treat the causes of premature ejaculation is occupied by bee products.

They are very useful for, and you can buy them at any market or store. Honey products can be taken alone or in combination with other remedies prescribed by your doctor.

Also, motherwort, calendula, yarrow, oregano, valerian, hop cones are used to fight the disease. But first you need to go through a full examination. For example, hops belong to the phytohormones of the female group, so men should not take it in large quantities. St. John's wort has a harmful effect on the liver.

If you do not know how to get rid of premature ejaculation, try the following recipes:

  1. Mix hop cones and motherwort, pour boiling water over it, insulate for five hours, strain, take for a month.
  2. Pour periwinkle with water, hold in a water bath for ten minutes. Then cool the broth, strain, drink 2 times a day, ten drops.
  3. Mix oregano, mint, motherwort in equal proportions, pour boiling water over, leave for at least twenty minutes. Then strain the broth and drink twice a day for two hundred milliliters. The course is two weeks.
  4. Collection from the root of angelica, colza, rose hips. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients, soak for half an hour. Drink every day for two months.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation can take a long time. As a rule, when using folk methods, a positive effect appears after a couple of weeks. At the same time, they are completely natural, safe, which cannot be said about chemicals and surgical intervention. It is important to take tinctures and decoctions regularly, not to interrupt the course.

The problem of premature ejaculation can only be solved by a doctor. In addition to medicines and traditional medicine recipes, surgery will help overcome the violation. It is carried out with high sensitivity of the glans penis and only after passing the lidocaine test. This is necessary in order to exclude the appearance of erectile dysfunction in men suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis.

There are two ways to operate:

  1. Denervation with subsequent restoration of nerve trunks. The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin and exposes the nerves. The trunks are excised and then sutured. In many cases, this technique involves circumcision of the foreskin. As a result, sensitivity decreases for three to four months, then partially restored. It is important that a man can have regular intercourse after the operation.
  2. selective denervation. The operation is carried out in a similar way, but the nerve trunks are not sutured. This reduces the sensitivity of the head by sixty percent, and the effect lasts for a long time.

Surgical treatment of rapid ejaculation in men is carried out in cases where conventional methods are not effective.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation

It is useful for any man to know how to prevent premature ejaculation. First, determine the cause, this can only be done by a doctor. After diagnosis and examination, he will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Prevention is of particular importance:

  • lead the right way of life and avoid emotional stress;
  • eat quality foods and food that contains a lot of zinc and magnesium;
  • exercise regularly, walk in the fresh air more often.

Compliance with the rules will save you from having to decide how to treat premature ejaculation. A complex of psychological methods is also used for prevention. In rare cases, the patient is recommended a masturbation technique.

Premature ejaculation in men is a problem that can occur at any age. It is dealt with by a psychologist, a sex therapist and a urologist. Modern medicine has learned to quickly treat the disorder with psychological and physiotherapeutic methods. But remember that only a doctor can determine the appropriate method of treatment.

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