How to teach your dog basic commands at home. How to teach your dog special commands

Before anyone who decides to have a four-legged friend, the question always arises of how to teach a dog commands. First of all, you need to decide for yourself why you will train your dog. After all, every person, having a pet, pursues his own goals. One needs an affectionate friend, another needs a faithful guard, and someone is looking for a comrade for sports.

Why does a dog need to know commands?

A dog living in a society of people must be brought up so that its behavior does not cause inconvenience to either the owner or others. Agree, it’s very unpleasant when a beloved dog, having met your good friends on a walk, without a twinge of conscience joyfully puts dirty paws on your friend’s clean clothes. Or when your husky drives a neighbor's cat up a tree, digs a hole right in the middle of a well-groomed flower bed, raises its paw in the stairwell, or barks at a woman with a baby passing by.

This article is about how to teach a dog commands and what it takes. So your shaggy friend will become a pleasant companion, with whom it is not a shame to go out in public.

What commands to teach a dog?

Of course, what your pet will be accustomed to is up to you. But it is generally accepted that a trained dog should know: “Place!”, “Lie down!”, “To me!”, “Next!”, “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Aport!”, “Fu!” . Well, what to teach a dog is up to you.

How to quickly teach a dog the commands “Come!” and "Location!"

An obedient and well-mannered dog, at the first call or order, should go to you. "To me!" - this is the most basic team, your "pupil" will hear it more often than any others. Before proceeding with training, we will discuss with you how to teach a dog the commands "Come!" and "Location!".

The dog must be sure that the approach to the owner will always end up with something good for her. Or give something tasty, or caress. You are required to ensure that your dog does not agree to exchange the call of your beloved owner for anything else.

To teach your dog the "Come!" command, hold something tasty in your hand. Standing at a distance of about two meters from the animal, call it by name and show a treat. When the pet pays attention to you, say his nickname and order: "Come to me!" For example: "Dick, come to me!"

Cheer the dog, heading in your direction. Be sure to caress the dog that comes up to you and reward it with a treat. After a while, when the command "Come to me!" will be firmly absorbed by your pet, replace the delicacy with praise and affection.

Remember! You should never use the “Come!” command if you want to call the offending dog in this way and punish it. This can harm the psyche of your animal!

After you bring your puppy home, be sure to give him his own space. It can be a basket or a shallow box. The main thing is that the puppy feels safe there.

Never disturb a puppy if he has gone to his place to rest. Only in rare cases can you pull him out of the corner in order to scold or punish him for the dirty trick he has done.

Such intrusions into the dog's territory deprive her of her sense of security and make her nervous. If you have children, do not allow them to climb on the puppy when he is in his place. Such unceremonious intrusions tire dogs, make them nervous and shy.

Explain to the children that a dog is not a toy, but a living creature that needs rest and peace. Teach children to wait for the animal to come out of its corner on its own.

In order to accustom the puppy to his place, simply take and take him to the corner allotted to him, accompanying these actions by repeating the command “Place!”. Repeat these steps several times throughout the day. Until the dog understands what is required of him.

How to teach your dog the commands "Give!" and "Aport!"

Dog training is hard work. And before you start it, you need to figure out how to do it more efficiently. To answer the question of how to teach a dog the Fetch commands! and “Give!”, we just need to remember their natural inclinations.

In nature, wild dogs bring prey to their den. In order to feed the offspring and eat themselves. A puppy living in the house, having received a bone or finding an old shoe, will surely drag the prey to its corner. And on a walk in a field or forest, he will gladly bring his findings to you. With the help of training, you just need to develop the natural inclinations of the dog.

Start teaching the puppy the command "Fetch!" possible from a very young age. Just throw a small ball or soft toy in the room next to it. The kid will definitely run after the toy and grab it with his teeth.

After that, call him with the command “Come to me!”, And when he runs up to you, gently stroke him and at the same time praise him with enthusiasm in your voice. Don't forget that dogs are very sensitive to both the mood and expression of their owner's emotions. So praise as enthusiastically as you can.

After praising the puppy, command "Give!" and carefully, but at the same time decisively, release the brought toy from his teeth. But at the same time, in no case do not make sharp jerks and do not use force.

After picking up the toy, praise your pet, immediately throw it back, prompting him to bring it to you again. Thus, your puppy will soon understand that in order for the game to continue, you need to give the toy to the owner.

After learning how to teach a dog commands, "Fetch!" including, hasten to apply knowledge in practice. The best way to train a dog is in infancy.

How to quickly teach your dog the command "Sit!" And


Training is a complex procedure that will require a lot of patience and endurance from you. Before we figure out how to teach your dog the commands "Sit!", "Place!", let's recall why they are needed.

Teaching your pet the commands "Sit!" and "Location!" is an extremely useful method for initial training. Knowing them will help protect your pet from injury, and sometimes death under the wheels of a car.

The easiest way is to teach the dog the “Sit!” command. To do this, you need to simultaneously say "Sit!" and press your palm on the croup of the dog standing next to you, forcing it to sit down. As soon as the four-legged has sat down, immediately treat him with a treat and praise.

To consolidate the skill on a walk, call the watchdog and, praising him for coming up to you, order him to sit down. Do not forget to reward the pet for the precise execution of the command. Thus, you will consolidate the new skills of your dog.

Features of the learning process

A dog is an animal that lends itself very well to training. With the command "Sit!" seat your pet. Place your palm in front of his nose. Without removing your palms, say "Place!" and stand facing him. Hold the leash with your free hand and be ready to tug the moment it starts to leave. If the dog does get up, start practicing the command from the beginning.

Your dog must obey you. To do this, you need to get the animal to command "Sit!" / "Place!" it immediately sat down and did not move, even if you move away from it.

After the dog understands what exactly you want from him, put the leash on the floor and gradually move away. Do not lower your hand so that it remains in the field of view of the dog. Order "Sit! Place!" as many times as needed. Gradually increase the distance between you and the dog.

Do I need to teach the dog commands "Face!" or "Take!"?

It is known that no one likes aggressive dogs. Especially if this is a family pet, and he will often be in contact with children. Despite this, many owners of four-legged friends, especially large breeds, are thinking about how to teach the dog the commands “Face!” or “Take!”, so that their dog, on their orders, boldly rushes to the defense of his master.

Training must be carried out only under the guidance of a competent instructor-canine handler.

Do not try to provoke aggression in your dog on your own. This will harm her psyche. Not to mention the fact that not every breed of dog is suitable for training guard skills.

It must be said that any dog ​​devoted to his master boldly rushes to his defense even without learning the “Get!” command. But there are exceptions. It doesn't hurt to learn how to teach your dog the commands "Face!" and “Take it!”, and, if necessary, apply this knowledge in practice. We hope that you will not need this in everyday life.

Teaching the dog the command "Fu!"

Often puppies begin to play pranks and try to tear the pillow, pull off the blanket, and so on. Team Fu! - this is what your puppy has heard from early childhood. As soon as your dog starts doing something inappropriate, strictly say "Fu!" and to reinforce your words, lightly slap on the face.

But keep in mind that cotton in the face should be just light. It is best to use a rolled-up newspaper for this purpose. Do not, under any circumstances, cause severe pain to the puppy. This can intimidate your dog.

Only small puppies should be slapped on the nose. A teenage dog can be pulled up with a sharp jerk on the leash. The most effective way to punish a grown dog is to take it by the scruff of the neck, lift it up and give it a good shake. Don't forget to say "Fu!".

I must say that almost the same way the mother dog brings up insolent puppies.

Teaching the dog commands "Voice!" and "Near!"

On a walk, it is desirable that the dog walks alongside and does not try to catch up with some cat. This is especially true for large dogs. Want this, but don't know how to teach your dog the "Voice!" or "Nearby!"? In fact, everything is very simple. To teach your dog the “Voice!” command, sit him down and hold a treat above his head. Hold the yummy up high so he can't reach out and snatch it out of your hands.

Simultaneously say: "Voice!" As soon as your four-legged friend makes a sound, immediately give him a treat and praise him. Some dogs do not immediately understand what is required of them. Most often they try to jump up to get a tidbit. As soon as the pet makes an attempt to jump, tell him: “Fu! Sit!" And repeat the lesson from the beginning.

It happens that instead of loud barking, the animal begins to yelp or whine timidly. This should also be rewarded. Over time, the dog will learn to bark loudly. Now you know how to teach your dog commands ("Voice!" and others)? There is very little left.

As for the next one, it's a bit more complicated here. But before you learn how to teach your dog the commands "Next!" and “Voice!”, you need to know why this is needed. They will be needed when you need your pet to walk quietly near you without a leash or start barking to attract attention.

This command should be taught on a walk, when your animal runs and gets a little tired. While your dog is walking beside you on a leash, don't let him get ahead of you or trail behind you. Easily pull it or pull it towards you, while saying: “Next!”.

If your dog walks right next to you for a while, cheer him up with praise and give him a treat. Such training should be carried out every day.

When the pet realizes what you want from him, and the skill is fixed, continue training without a leash.

How to teach a dog to commands?

Many watchdog owners are interested in a cynologist: “How to teach a dog to commands?” But there is nothing super complicated in this. In order for your pet to learn new skills well and get used to them unquestioningly, do training every day. Practice at home and on the go. Classes should be regular. Please your pet and do not tire him with training. It's best to do it in between.

Which commands to teach the dog is up to you, but do not forget to call the animal from time to time and order the trick to be learned. Don't forget to give thanks for a job well done. Now you know how to teach your dog commands.

But in the end, I would like to add that regular classes, combined with affection, care and good care, will do their job. And in the end, as a reward for your work, you will receive an ideally educated, faithful friend and protector.


If the dog has recently come to you, do not rush with training, wait for some time to pass and she got used to it, got used to the house and began to trust you. Start teaching teams only after you have established contact, stock up on patience and love.

Learn modern training methods that negate the use of a contrast training method, when a dog receives a reward for a correctly executed command, and punishment or even pain for an incorrect execution. Such methods involve the use of tight collars and other instruments that cause pain to the animal. This leads to the fact that dog training is associated with constant stress for her.

Modern methods of training are based on the principle of "stimulus-response", which follows from the teachings of I.P. Pavlov. It allows you to teach an adult dog commands, developing a conditioned reflex based on innate, unconditioned reflexes: defensive, food, orienting. To develop a conditioned reflex in your pet, purchase a clicker at the pet store - a small metal or plastic box that, when pressed, makes a quiet click.

Start practicing each command at home, when there are no distractions. After 2-3 days, transfer the lesson to the street. Make sure that the dog's attention is focused on you when the dog command is given. When giving a command, watch the behavior of your “student”. Once the command is executed correctly, quickly click the clicker and immediately give the dog a reward. He develops a conditioned reflex: the correct execution of the command - the click of the clicker - a treat.

Once your dog has made some progress, add distractions to your sessions. If your dog gets distracted while executing a command, don't punish him - press the clicker to get his attention. Then repeat the command and get it done by rewarding it with a treat. The dog will quickly realize that obedience is well stimulated. As soon as the reflex is developed, you will no longer need the clicker.

Conduct classes with the dog a couple of hours before feeding and 2-3 hours after it, at different times of the day. Practice and consolidate commands in a complex way - several at a time. Practicing commands should not last more than 10 minutes, so that the dog does not get too tired, repeat one technique no more than 3-5 times. Start the lesson by practicing a new command, then repeat with it those that are already familiar. A dog, even an adult, is quite capable of learning, only it will take a little more time to work out the commands and learn them than a puppy.

Almost every dog ​​owner dreams of teaching their pet at least simple commands. Someone hires a trainer for this, although training is not a cheap pleasure.

And some owners, on the contrary, prefer to engage in training on their own, preferring to teams with their own hands. And let the pet, under your guidance, learn only the simplest commands - he will forever feel in you, and you will feel the feeling of victory when the puppy first executes your command. In the debate about when is the best time to start learning, the proponents of early learning are likely right. This does not mean that you need to start learning commands from. But already from 3 months old, your friend is quite capable of learning commands. Naturally, each performance of the desired action, the dog must be praised and treated with a pre-stored treat.

Each command is first spoken in a loud, clear voice and completed with a gesture corresponding to that command. It is advisable to conduct training in a protected, relatively quiet place where you can communicate with your pet one on one. For example, the command “Come to me” in the presence of other people and animals is generally problematic to learn. The dog will inevitably be distracted, which means it simply will not remember the commands.

The “face” command is generally not useful for every dog. For example, dogs that belong to peaceful, domestic breeds practically do not need to use it. But “sit”, “lie down” and “fetch” are universal commands and are among the first to be learned. Experts advise to watch the dog and try to be the first to learn commands related to your pet's favorite actions. If the dog likes to bark, you need to start learning the “voice” command with it. If he runs after a stick with pleasure and sometimes brings it to you, learn the “fetch” command. If the dog at first hardly understands the command “come to me”, it is advisable to take a couple of steps towards it. And gradually your shaggy friend will learn all the components of a dog's literacy. And you will be proud that you managed to teach the dog commands. After all, two people are involved in the learning process: the teacher and the student. And both of them also get pleasure from the results achieved. Not only the dog rejoices at the praise of the owner, but the owner is always happy with the new successes of his pet.

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If you are planning to get a dog, try to prepare in advance for the fact that the animal will appear in the house. Keeping a dog is not an easy task, and in order for your four-legged friend to feel good, you will have to master the basics of cynology. It doesn't matter if you are planning to buy a purebred puppy in a kennel or pick up a homeless dog on the street - in any case, at the first stage you will need to tame a dog in order to further engage in its upbringing.

  1. Remember that the first few days will get used to a new habitat. Therefore, do not demand unquestioning obedience and strict adherence to the routine from her. A change of scenery for an animal is a lot of stress, so first you have to spend a certain amount of time and effort in order to establish friendly and trusting relationships with. This usually takes at least four to five days. All this time, try to pay maximum attention, feed her with your own hands - this will help to establish contact. Come up with a suitable name for it and see how he reacts to it. Well, if the dog immediately begins to respond to a new name. But even if at this stage the animal does not respond to its nickname, do not be discouraged - over time, any name will take root, and the dog will get used to it.

  2. Even the most incredulous dog, one way or another, lends itself to training and training. But you can proceed directly to raising a dog only after it begins to respond to its own name. In order for your dog to get used to you faster and begin to perceive you as an owner, try to spend more time with him, for example, feeding him or playing with him. Both small and large dogs love to play with balls, bones, any rubber toys.

  3. From the very first days of the dog's stay in your house, try to walk it with your own hands (if the age and size of the animal allow it). Joint walks contribute to the establishment of warm and trusting relationships with the animal, and also have a positive effect on the process of its socialization. If the dog is afraid of something, you need to calm him down - sit down next to him, pet him and talk to him. If you show enough patience, you can tame a dog in a matter of days - these animals quickly reciprocate when treated well.

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A smart and well-mannered dog is an ideal companion for a person. In order for your pet to graduate with honors from dog school, it is necessary to start his training from the first day when a puppy appeared in your house.


First of all, the dog must learn "household": respond to its name, know where to go, understand the commands "Place" and "Quiet". It is easier to teach to respond to the name when feeding: put the bowl on the floor and call the animal several times. Then, in between feedings, call the baby and treat him to something tasty, after which you can replace the treat with affection or play. So the dog will quickly get used to his name. Getting used to is the most troublesome stage. At first, you can teach the puppy to go to the tray, then after vaccination you can move on to. For every puddle and pile made in the right place, praise your pet. Place team. Take the baby to his bed, gently hold, repeating "Place", treat him with a treat. If the puppy sat quietly for a while, praise vigorously. Gradually begin to move away, ensuring that your pet stays in place. The next step is to teach the dog to go to the bed itself at the first request of the owner. The "Quiet" command is needed in order to prevent unnecessary noise. If your pet barks - strictly command him "Quiet!" and gently close the mouth with your hand. Praise. Gradually, you must achieve that at the word "Quiet!" the dog immediately becomes silent and does not try to renew its attempts to bark.

The next block of commands must be mastered. Main team - "Come to me!" Your dog must perform it perfectly - the safety of the surrounding people and the animal itself depends on it. Start training at home. Periodically call the puppy with the word "Come to me", give a treat, play with him. This team should be associated with pleasant, the dog should approach the owner with pleasure. Then the same should be repeated on the street. As a result, the dog should come to you at the first call. The next team is "Fu!". It is also worth starting to practice it from the apartment. As soon as you notice that the puppy is trying to take something unlawful into its mouth, shout "Fu!" sharply. You can also slap the naughty with a newspaper - a loud bang will be unpleasant for the baby. But not more! Remember that the dog must not be beaten with a hand or a leash! By cruelty you will never achieve trust and true obedience.

You should also teach the dog the commands "Sit", "Lie down", "Stand", "Next". This is best done after studying special literature or under the supervision of a cynologist. Take your pet to a local kennel club or join a dog group. Training a dog along with other relatives has a positive effect on its psyche. If something doesn’t work out, then you can always work out individually. In order to get a well-mannered dog, you need to go through a general training course (OKD), if you are the owner of a large dog, then cynologists advise taking a protective training course (ZKS) after OKD. There, your dog will be trained to protect the owner and his property.

You can go further and master with your dog agility (fast overcoming obstacles by a dog under the guidance of the owner), canicross (a person and a dog run together), skitjoring (a dog and a person on skis run a certain distance) and much, much more! The most important thing is that joint training gives you and your pet pleasure!

Helpful advice

When training your dog, be strict but not cruel. Firmness and patience are your best helpers.

Do not skimp on praise - if the dog does what is required of it, treat it with a treat or reward it with affection.

Before you start learning, read the specialized literature. The more you understand training issues, the easier it will be to get what you want from your pet.

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Many owners only think that they are in charge of their pets. In fact, it is often dogs who control people. The main goal of training a dog is to prevent him from becoming a manipulator.

You will need

  • First of all - love, trust and patience.


Repeat the action. Repetition is key when you are teaching your dog commands. They need consistency to understand what action they are being asked to perform, and repetition so that the action is reinforced in the behavior of the animal.

Work with the dog every day. Training must be done on a regular basis so that commands become reflexes and rules for the dog. Practicing at a specific time and every day will ensure that the commands that have been learned in the past will stick in the dog's memory.

Use the clicker. Food is a good choice, but since dogs process information with their ears and smell more than humans, use a clicker to train your dog. Clickers can be purchased at any pet store. Use the clicker properly to teach your dog to become familiar with the sound and follow the command. You can use treats as a reward, but the clicker can be the ultimate learning tool.

Use verbal and physical commands. Dogs can associate word and hand movement with various actions. When you tell your dog to roll over and show with your hands, he will be able to better understand and remember the command.


  • List of basic training commands and how to teach them to your dog

Dog training is a broad concept. This includes training, that is, teaching the dog commands, and elementary education. It is through training that a dog becomes a true faithful and devoted friend and helper of a person.

You will need

  • Goodies, newspaper.


As soon as he appeared in the house, encourage the right actions and do not allow undesirable actions from your point of view. So, if the puppy went to the toilet in the right place, then you need to praise him and give him a treat, and if the dog tears your slippers, shout at him and threaten him with a newspaper.

Immediately wean the dog from whining when you sleep, or close yourself from him in another room, in no case do not run to him, so he will understand that he can achieve what he wants in this way, and the next time he will whine even more actively. Ignore the puppy, and after a while he will calm down, realizing that no one will come to him. If the dog does not let up, go out and scold him loudly, throw something noisy at the dog's side, such as a bunch of keys. Such tricks will discourage your friend from waking everyone up in the middle of the night.

Once your dog has learned the basic rules of behavior, you can start training. And the first command that you teach your puppy should be the command "to me." To do this, take a treat in your hand, raise your hand vertically up and say "come to me!", Adding the dog's name. After the dog remembers the command, you can not use the treat, but limit yourself to only praise.

It's very easy for the dog to hold a hand with a treat, and say "give a paw!". The puppy will stretch its paw to your fist in the hope of taking the delicious. After the puppy remembers the command, the treat can also be removed, but do not forget to reward the dog after a correctly executed command each time so that he does not lose interest in learning.

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  • training and education of dogs

Every owner dreams of learning and raising a well-mannered and obedient dog. To make the pet follow all your commands with great desire and joy, make the learning process an exciting and interesting activity for him.

You will need

  • pet treat


Training should begin with the “Come to me” command. She is the most important. The approach to the owner should always be perceived only with positive feelings. The command “Come to me” is very easy to teach a puppy. When you call the puppy to you, say this command, for example: "Jack, come to me!". To get the puppy to come faster, get his attention by clapping your hands or tapping on the floor.

To accustom a puppy to and take out for a walk should be after a course of all necessary vaccinations. Choose a soft collar made of leather, its width should be 2-2.5 cm. A long leash made of leather is better. First put a collar on the puppy and leave it until the evening. Then you can fasten the leash and go for a walk. Go in the direction the puppy wants, not you. Never pull or tug on the leash as this can create a negative perception of the collar and leash and cause injury. The pet will eventually get used to the leash and will perceive it as a signal for a walk.

Now start training for the "Next" command. It is very difficult to accustom to it, especially for inexperienced dog owners. On a walk, when the puppy runs, take him by the leash. Lead him to your left. Hold a treat or his favorite toy in your right hand. Start moving, while keeping the treat at the level at which the puppy should go, and repeat the command “Near”. In no case do not pull on the leash, the pet must go on its own. If the dog walked at least a few meters correctly, then praise him and give him a treat. Trying not to overwork the puppy, repeat all over again. After a few days, start going without treats. Do not forget to praise him if he does everything right. Never get angry or scold your pet if he does not succeed. After a few days of training, he will learn.

After the puppy has fully mastered the “Near” command, proceed to teaching the “Sit” command. After you give the pet the command "Near", walk a few meters and stop. Show the puppy a treat and hold him over his head so that he sits down, while saying the command "Sit". As soon as he sits, praise him and give him a treat. Repeat these steps 3-4 more times. In the following classes, do without treats. After mastering this command while walking, start practicing it without the “Near” command. To do this, call the puppy to you and say the command “Sit”. Perhaps the dog sits down immediately, if this does not happen, help him by holding a treat over his head. Repeat several times with a treat, and then without it. Over time, the pet will learn this command and will carry it out in any case.

To teach your puppy the “Down” command, take the treat in your right hand, place the left hand on the pet’s shoulder blades, and release the treat down so that the puppy lies down, while saying the “Down” command. The dog should be on your left. Don't put pressure on your puppy's back or force him to lie down. When the pet lies down, hold it for several seconds in this position without unclenching your hand with a treat. Then give the treat and praise the puppy. To consolidate the result, repeat these steps several times.

When teaching the “Stand” command, the puppy should be in a lying or sitting position to your left. Take the treat in your right hand, and place the left under the pet's stomach. Bring the treat to the dog's nose, say the command "Stand" and lift the treat up and forward so that the puppy stands up. Repeat these steps until you get the result.

If a dog has appeared in your house, then you should seriously think about its training, regardless of how old your new pet is. Teaching a dog to follow commands means teaching him to speak the same language as you. But remember that the skills of the animal will not appear by themselves, there will be enhanced daily training.


First of all, you must prepare yourself for learning commands. Remember that one must be trained, and not all family members in turn, because only one leader must know. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time. You must learn to calmly respond to the failures of the pet. Scolding and shouting you will not be able to teach the dog commands.

Prepare your dog's favorite treats as a compliment. Remember that any action performed correctly should be encouraged. The pet tries to please you by performing the answer should please him with something tasty.

The easiest way is to teach your dog action commands. The simplest of them: "To me!".
The main advantage of this team is that it can be trained anywhere and in any environment. Choose a moment when your pet will be busy with some of his own business, and attract his attention by loudly saying or shouting: "Come!". If the dog does not immediately run to your call, do not be discouraged, but keep repeating the command until the animal does what you want from it. As soon as the dog finally comes running to you, start praising him actively and exaggeratedly: caress, treat delicacy. After that, let the dog go back to his own business.
Repeat the procedure several times. Increase the number of workouts every day until the dog starts following the command without waiting for a treat for doing so.

Similarly, and even simultaneously with the previous command, you can teach your pet the “Walk!” command. When the pet is next to you or after the pet ran up to you on the command “Come!”, You must release it by saying “Walk!” loudly and clearly. If you repeat this procedure regularly, the dog will remember that such a command means the possibility of free action.

When you are sure that your dog has learned the active commands perfectly, move on to the inhibitory ones: “Sit!”, “Down!” and “Place!”. From the listed commands “Sit!” - the simplest, because if you bring a treat to the dog's head and start to take it a little behind the animal's back, the dog will sit down automatically. For which you praise her.
If your pet is overly active and does not want to sit down, but only moves back, then seat him yourself by gently pressing on the body. Don't forget to praise your pet, even if he completed the necessary action with your help.

It is best to start teaching your dog commands from an early age. A two-three-month-old puppy is just beginning to explore this big world, so classes will become a fun game for him, and knowledge will be learned for life.
Adult animals are less susceptible to training, because their psyche is already formed. If for several years of a dog’s life you didn’t demand anything from it, then it is simply not ready to see a leader in a person and obey him. In this case, you will have to spend much more time on training, while maintaining calm.

Helpful advice

Before you start training your dog, decide what results you want to achieve. There are various training courses. You must clearly understand what commands your pet should know, because a dog can be a companion, a guard, a detective, a show star or a trickster.

The degree of unquestioned obedience that you want to achieve in the process of training your dog depends largely on the breed you have chosen. Of course, guard dogs and fighting dogs must obey their master perfectly and clearly carry out many commands. For companion dogs and indoor training requirements are much lower. But, in any case, it is necessary to train and educate any dog, regardless of its breed.

It is important to bear in mind that taste preferences, like those of people, are quite extensive and varied, as well as purely individual. And the duty of the owners is to teach their wards to the right food - it is better to be proud of the fact that the dog sparkles with health and is active, the dog is cheap and cheesecakes, interspersed with caramels.

How to keep your dog healthy by diversifying his diet

According to dog handlers, even before a person decides to start, he should get the initial information about caring for him, in particular, feeding. Otherwise, there is a high risk not only to spoil the health of your pet, but to face a number of problems. It is known when dogs that do not receive the required amount of important substances in their diet tried to replenish it on their own - for example, in a trash can.

By teaching dogs to eat fatty, smoked and too salty foods (smoked sausage, lard, chips, etc.), owners risk bringing their pets to the veterinary clinic. The dog's digestive system is not only not designed to digest this kind of food, but often does not withstand such extreme tests. After some time, animals may need quite a long and expensive treatment.

Retraining an adult dog to chew on a carrot instead of a piece of serval can be even more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him the basics of proper nutrition from an early age. If the puppy is healthy, he spends a lot of time in active play, demonstrating a good appetite as a result. It's time to teach him how to eat right!

To teach your dog to vegetables, you can first try adding finely chopped carrots to porridge or soup. There are quite a few dogs that enjoy eating carrots or raw potatoes. Do not interfere with them - in this way they make up for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in their diet. If the pet does not agree to eat properly, it is worth showing patience and ingenuity, next time mixing healthy ingredients with the most delicious and favorite ones.

Do not accustom dogs to flour products. Quite quickly, dogs can “taste” them and get used to them, refusing vegetables and even meat products. If the animal lives in an urban environment and does not spend a lot of time outdoors, wasting energy, there may be a risk of obesity. This is especially true for representatives of some decorative breeds, for example, pugs or cocker spaniels.

So that your puppy can fulfill basic requests, obey, and you can curb his activity, you need to train him from childhood. Then he will be able not only to overcome the barrier or bring a stick, but to serve or walk not on a leash, but on his own. How to teach a dog commands at home, and how to quickly teach basic requirements, you ask. But this is quite real, it is enough to get a little advice from experienced dog handlers, watch training videos and clearly follow the rules that we will mention below.

Why does a dog need to know commands?

It is necessary to train commands in order for the pet to exist normally with other animals and people, especially for and. Although without education they can grow up no less aggressive and uncontrollable. Training is also necessary in order to correct behavior, eradicate bad habits, develop the natural instincts of the animal.

Can an adult dog be trained? It is possible, but much more difficult, so it is better to start classes from the age of six months, although they are carried out in a playful way. The process will go much faster, as puppies are more active and love to learn new things.

But before starting classes, you need to consider the following points:

  • the nature and habits of the pet;
  • set priorities;
  • do not retreat from classes, make them permanent;
  • praise and encourage the puppy, make the exercises more interesting;
  • distinguish between work and play moments.

It is also important to take into account the fact that exercises do not need to be arranged after lunch or dinner, but training should be carried out only on an empty stomach.

Basic commands

What commands do you need to learn?

Basic commands:

  • near;
  • lie;
  • sit;
  • give paw;
  • it is forbidden;
  • stranger;
  • stand;
  • bring;
  • walk.

These exercises will be needed in order to develop mobility, agility and quick wits and obedience.

But commands such as spin, barrier, somersault, die, search and bring are considered quite complex, not all dogs perform them, and only at a more mature age. For this, the pet must be encouraged with food and repeated classes constantly.

Team "voice" especially useful for those dogs that are used for hunting, guarding the house or in the process of searching for people. But initially you need to take into account that some breeds will not be able to learn at all and make a loud bark, and Labradors and Shepherds learn the fastest.

  • tie the dog near the tree and step on the leash;
  • do not let your pet jump on you when he sees food;
  • ask to vote and show a yummy;
  • encourage the pet after the command;
  • repeat the exercise two or three times.

It is important not to encourage the animal if it barks and barks without command, otherwise the exercise will not be remembered correctly.


"down" command can also come in handy in everyday life, especially if you travel a lot with your pet or often go to visit. Training begins at three months, simultaneously with the “sit” command. If the command is correctly executed, give a treat, and if there is no reaction, press on the withers.

Easy, for this you need:

  • go to a quiet place, even outside. But there should be no dampness and snow on the ground;
  • press on the withers and back, saying "lie";
  • at this time, you need to show the yummy in the other hand at ground level;
  • after following the instructions, release the animal with the words to walk.

Remember that training can take up to a year, but it should take place without rudeness, gradually becoming more difficult. If at first the pet is trained at home, then later, on the street or in a public place. And do not expect that the first time the dog will be able to lie on the ground for a long time.


How to teach your dog the "next" command almost everyone knows, but not everyone knows how to do it right. Training begins at six months, when the pet is already accustomed to walking on a leash. Note that the exercise is considered the most difficult and is remembered for a year.

It is important that the puppy is on your left side and walks beside you until you let him go for a walk.

You need to start training like this:

  • take the dog on a leash and bring it as close to you as possible;
  • say "near" and lead the pet near you for a few steps;
  • then let go and say "walk";
  • give a treat as a reward;
  • then call the puppy and repeat the exercise a few more times;
  • each time you need to loosen the tension on the leash and let the dog go free more and more.

It must be remembered that if the command is not followed, it is enough to pull the leash closer to you and repeat the exercise.


Fas Team is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous, but training should begin from three months of life, when the pet has weaned from the mother.

Remember that a pet spoiled by attention and affection may not follow your commands or do it with stubbornness. Therefore, try to pamper him less, and be more strict.

How to teach a dog the “face” command, we will describe below.

For this you need:

  • find a closed area on the street without people;
  • put on a protective suit;
  • find props in the form of sticks, tires, stuffed animals;
  • then tie the dog on a leash and sit next to it;
  • then tease the pet with the chosen object and speak face;
  • each time it will annoy more, and the dog will rush;
  • reward the dog with a treat after the command is completed.


Before describing how to teach a dog "sit" command Let's highlight a few important points. For example, learning starts from early childhood, from three to five months. To perform the exercises, use the method of encouragement and punishment - press on the sacrum when not doing it and give a treat when doing it.

The training scheme is as follows:

  • call your pet to you;
  • call him by name, say "sit" and press on the sacrum;
  • hold the dog in that position for a few seconds, and then give a treat;
  • complete the exercise with the words walk;
  • repeat the exercise every five to seven minutes.

give paw

How to teach a dog command "give paw" a dog handler can tell, but this is easy to teach at home. Then the pet, at your request, will give you its paw.

The exercise is carried out as follows:

  • sit the dog next to you;
  • call by name and say "give paw";
  • point to a paw and show a treat in your hand;
  • take the paw in your hands;
  • repeat the command several times and after execution, give the yummy.

Few people know, but you need to start training the team from six to eight months, and decorative breeds are trained the worst.

How to teach your dog the fu and not commands

Team "fu" considered one of the most important, similar to command "no", because it makes the dog refuse your things or some items. It will be useful on the street, at a party or at home. How to teach a dog a command "ugh" And "it is forbidden"?

Simple enough:

  • show or give the pet a forbidden thing;
  • point to it or take it in your hand and say "fu, you can't";
  • pick up the item and repeat the command;
  • make sure that the pet gives the thing himself and does not take it without your permission;
  • give a treat as a reward.

Keep in mind that you need to start the exercise at the moment when the puppy has decided to perform an action, but has not yet done anything wrong. Talk to him only looking into his eyes.


Team "Aport" can be trained quickly, although some breeds have difficulty. The exercise implies that the puppy returns the thing that the owner threw, then the dog sits next to him and waits for further instructions. Training begins from the eighth month of life, after the commands “sit and beside”. How to teach a dog the “fetch” command, we will consider together:

  • find a stick or bone;
  • show it to the dog, tease a little;
  • throw a thing and say fetch;
  • let the animal run after the thing and return it to you;
  • praise and give a treat;
  • repeat the exercises three to five times.


This command must be taught to both an adult and a small pet. Although there are two types, when the dog lies down in its place in the house or near the specified object. How to teach a dog command "place"? Simple enough, all you need to do is lure the puppy with a treat or point your finger there, saying “place”. Upon completion, the dog is encouraged. And in order for the dog to stay in place longer, throw his favorite toy there.

It is also important that when returning from a place without a command, you need to return the pet there, pointing your finger there, saying in a menacing voice.


Before deciding how to train a dog team "foreign", we determine that it is important for many pets, as it notifies that an unknown person with bad intentions is in front of them. Then the dog should give a voice, growl or go to the side.

For training you need:

  • find an assistant who will attack you;
  • then look at the animal and repeat the command "stranger";
  • repeat this for five to seven minutes;
  • after the pet approaches you and starts to growl or bark, praise.


"Stand" command you need to teach from the age of seven to nine months, after mastering the basic exercises. For training, a contrasting method of reward and punishment is used. The command is necessary in order for the animal to obey you while bathing, combing or doctor's examination. How do you teach your dog the "stand" command?

Learning together:

  • bring your pet to you;
  • push him under his stomach so that he gets up and listens to you;
  • as a reward, give a treat;
  • if the dog lies down, lift it by the coat;
  • combine command with words "walk".


Bring command has much in common with "fetch", but in this case it is not necessary to throw a thing.

To complete the exercise you will have to:

  • sit the pet next to you;
  • point to a thing and say bring;
  • if necessary, come up and hold the thing in your hands;
  • show a yummy, sit down and repeat the instruction again;
  • after completion, encourage.


The search command especially important for hunting and guard dogs, bloodhounds. She is taught from a year of life, after the exercises "fetch, sit, alien and fu."

The training is carried out as follows:

  • take a certain thing;
  • let the dog sniff it;
  • hide a thing;
  • give a command "search", repeat several times;
  • if the dog chooses the wrong thing, say "ugh", and repeat "seek well";
  • after finding, repeat the exercise and praise the animal.

Interestingly, you need to start learning by looking for a thing with your smell, then complicate it and force someone else to look for a thing.


"serve" command also called "bunny", and it is easier for small pets to perform it. Because it will be more difficult for the big ones to keep the body with a straight back.

It is not difficult to train, for this:

  • invite a puppy to you;
  • pick up a tasty treat;
  • raise your hand with the treat above the dog's head and say "serve";
  • after the pet lifts its front paws off the floor, reward it;
  • each time, force yourself to rise higher and hold the position longer.


Education command "wait" implies that the pet will remain motionless until you allow it to leave. Training begins at nine months, using a contrast method with rewards and punishments.

The training is carried out as follows:

  • call your pet;
  • seat him or lay him down by pressing on the sacrum;
  • Tell "wait" and hold with your hand;
  • show a treat
  • after a couple of minutes, give the treat and say "walk";
  • repeat the exercise several times.

Few people know, but team training begins at home, and only after a couple of months of classes, you can transfer classes to a noisy street.


Team "walk" most necessary for pets used in the security or detective service. Most often used after the execution of other commands, as a reward. For training, it is enough to pat the animal on the back, let go and say "walk".


Education team "somersault" not difficult, if the puppy already knows how to lie on his back, the exercise is very similar to "die" command.

To perform it is necessary:

  • put the dog on its back;
  • show a treat, give it a sniff;
  • hold a yummy along the ridge;
  • do not let the dog get up;
  • it is important that the dog follows the food and smoothly turns on its side;
  • and this is repeated several times.

start exercise "die" It is possible from any age, even with an adult dog. To do this, it is enough to fill up the pet on its back or give it the appropriate command, take a treat in your hand and let it smell. After that, hold your hand with food to the side, further along the ridge. When the animal falls on its side, give the reward.


Exercise "barrier" must be performed after a year of life, and then your pet will learn to overcome obstacles. It is important that the first height is no more than 45 cm, even for a large breed.

The training is carried out as follows:

  • find a small horizontal bar, obstacle or rope;
  • stand on the other side and show the puppy a treat;
  • beckon him and call to you;
  • after the dog jumps over, give a reward.

Not everyone knows, but even a hoop, a living barrier made of a person, can be used for training. But each time the load should increase, putting several barriers in a row.

spin around

Exercise "turn around" it looks like a somersault, because the technique is the same. In this case, you need to lay the puppy on its back, show a treat, run your hand along the ridge. After the dog falls on its side and rolls over, repeat the manipulation. When the dog has made several turns, give the reward.


Train "snake" it will be easy if the puppy already knows how to perform "eight". The exercise itself implies that the owner goes forward, and the dog passes between his legs.

The training method is as follows:

  • say "close" and seat the pet near the left leg;
  • show yummy;
  • take a step forward and show the food to the dog;
  • wait for the dog to take a step;
  • then take a step with the other foot and again show the food;
  • after the first five steps and following the commands, give the reward.

It is important that you do not move quickly and give food not in one step, but in full fulfillment of the conditions of the exercise.

High five

Exercise "high five" suitable for large and small breeds, the point is that the pet brings both paws to your hands on command.

It's easy to do this:

  • show yummy;
  • raise your hands and bring them to the animal;
  • say "high five" and wait for a reaction;
  • after completing, give the food.

For the first time, it is enough for the dog to simply bring his paw to your palms..

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

The appearance in the house of a fluffy lump - a dog - is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. If you do not take up education in time, do not train a puppy, the consequences can be sad. Damaged shoes and furniture, unpleasant odors in the apartment are nothing compared to when the dog feels like the main one and becomes a threat to the household.

When to start training your puppy

In order for you to feel comfortable, and the pet does not bring unnecessary problems and troubles, it is necessary to start the educational process from the first day. The animal will get used to the new place for about a month, the owner's task is to help get used to it as soon as possible, to replace the mother. Before adopting a dog, a person must:

  • know for what purposes it is needed;
  • read articles and books about the characteristics of breeds - the method of training and the behavior of the animal depend on this;
  • study manuals about raising a puppy;
  • take training courses at home.

Fighting dogs have traditionally been bred by cultivating the aggression gene for fighting. How to train a puppy with such inclinations? To cope with an animal is within the power of a person with a firm, strong-willed character. Weasel with such a dog can not cope. If the animal feels the weakness of the owner, it is better to refuse it. Contact an experienced trainer when you realize that you are not coping. Fighting breeds:

  • boxer;
  • pit bull;
  • English mastiff;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • alabai.

A feature of hunting dogs is a passion for movement. They need long walks and runs. How to train a puppy in this case? A dog intended for hunting cannot be kept at home. It is advisable to give her training to a special school, where, under the guidance of a trainer, lessons will be held, taking into account the breed. They will begin to learn by solving the problems of hunting:

  • husky - for a fur-bearing animal;
  • dachshund - according to burrows;
  • terrier - for water game;
  • hounds - persecution by the smell of blood.

Service dogs are used to protect private property or apartments. Labradors are good at helping visually impaired people, but this requires special training. German Shepherds cooperate with shepherds. Often guard dogs are stubborn, you need to put a lot of effort into education. Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Spitz are good for guarding the apartment. Guard breeds, which easily tolerate temperature changes, can live on the street, guarding the house:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Central asian shepherd dog.

Small companion dogs often have a good temperament, they are affectionate, friendly, easy to train at home. Puppies from the age of one month become attached to the owners, get along well with children. Smart animals learn commands quickly. Among pets:

  • poodle;
  • chihuahua;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • pug;
  • pinscher;
  • Pekingese.

At what age should a puppy be trained? It is considered correct to start from the first day of the appearance of the baby in the house. This is not entirely true. Education and training are two different things. Command training should be carried out when the puppy gets used to the house, learns obedience. The day of the German Shepherd is two months old, for a Labrador a little earlier - one and a half.

How to raise a puppy

A puppy that got into the house should get used to it, get used to the new environment, smells. How to raise a puppy? To teach the rules of behavior, use a system of rewards and punishments. Training is based on a system of conditioned reflexes. Animals cannot be physically punished. They well understand the strict intonation of the owner when he is dissatisfied. In an exceptional case, you can take it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, as a mother does with a dog.

The punishment should be only at the moment of committing the wrong actions, so that the puppy understands what he did wrong. A delayed scolding will not have educational value, it can cause aggression of the animal. For a correctly executed command, they are rewarded with:

  • delicacies - cheese, sausage, crackers;
  • praise with kind words;
  • stroking;
  • game.

How to properly train a puppy

The dog lives according to the laws of the pack, and the person must become the leader for her - the main and authoritative one. The task of training is to establish contact between the owner and the puppy, to teach relationships with people and other animals. First, he must know his nickname. To teach, you need to call by name, and when it suits - give a treat. Also encouraged when the dog comes to the place of sleep - it should be installed immediately. If you let me sleep with you, then it will be difficult to retrain.

How to teach your puppy commands

So that training does not cause problems, you need to train it, observing certain rules. Conduct self-study in a good mood, starting with a short duration, gradually increasing the time. For the process to be effective, it is necessary:

  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • practice before the feeding process;
  • achieve even small results.

When training a puppy it is important:

  • postpone the lesson if it doesn’t work out so as not to cause aggression and anger;
  • exclude repetition of the same command twice;
  • conduct classes several times a day, but little by little;
  • work out the next command only after mastering the previous one;
  • conduct classes on the street in places where nothing will distract the animal;
  • change the sequence of commands.

Often, trying to tame a puppy, the owner makes mistakes, communicating with him as with a thinking creature. Experienced dog breeders note such miscalculations in training:

  • giving commands in a loud voice;
  • physical punishment;
  • the presence of two owners - the leader must be one;
  • often using a nickname, connecting it with commands;
  • long, tiring activities for the dog;
  • multiple repetition of commands;
  • cruelty of treatment;
  • delayed punishment;
  • simultaneous processing of several commands;
  • excessive softness;
  • abuse of delicacy - it is desirable to encourage the word.

How to teach a puppy commands up to 3 months

No matter how playful the puppy is, he must understand the commands the first time. The fulfillment of each is reinforced by encouragement, while approving words and strokes are more important than treats. In addition to his nickname, up to three months the puppy must learn the basic commands:

  • “Come to me” - she will protect from the dangers that lie in wait for the dog on the street;
  • "Fu" - will help prevent puddles in the house, protect furniture and shoes from damage, save the puppy's life;
  • "Fetch" - will increase the activity of the dog for a walk.

Teaching a puppy commands after 3 months

When the puppy grows up and adapts, it is advisable to send him to the club to train him. He will undergo a general training course, where specialists will train, get used to a leash, collar, muzzle. To achieve the result, the same incentives are used. They are punished by pulling, pulling on the leash, pressing with the palm of the hand. In this case, it is impossible to cause fear or aggression of the puppy. At this age, he masters the commands:

  • "Near";
  • "Sit";
  • "Lie";
  • "Place";
  • "Forward".

Video: puppy home training

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So, the long-awaited four-legged friend appeared in the house, and with him a lot of questions, including those on his upbringing.

Many dog ​​owners ask the question: Is it possible without resorting to the services of an experienced cynologist?

Of course yes, but this will require a certain patience and maximum endurance.

Before you start learning, you need to learn a few not difficult, but very important rules:

Best age to start training is generally considered to be 4-6 months. You can later, but this will complicate the process.

You need to do one or two times a day, no more than 15-20 minutes.

Do not exercise late in the evening, and also on a full stomach.

After every correct command to encourage the dog.

Do not change gestures and commands during the learning process.

The dog must be trained by one person.

In no case do not shout, and also limit the use of physical force.

It is very important to pay attention to the little things. In many ways, the result of training depends on the mood of the trainer.

Enjoy your workout should not only a pet, but also a trainer. Praise of food or attention awakens in the dog an interest in activities.

Don't feed your puppy, a small piece will be enough to encourage.

Also, do not forget about praise. This should be done as emotionally as possible. It is necessary to encourage only at the moment of command execution (without delay), then the dog will develop a positive association with the task.

Training should begin with comprehending the simplest, but at the same time fundamental commands.

These, in particular, include: “to me”, “sit”, “lie”, “next”, “wait”, “fu” and “voice”. Each of them should be analyzed in more detail.

How to teach your dog commands at home

How to teach your dog the "come" command.

- rightfully one of the most important teams, which in some cases, without exaggeration, can save your pet's life.

This team is taught one of the first and it must be brought to perfection.

This team is best trained while walking on the street. The place should be calm, nothing should distract the dog.

It is required to call the dog by its name, at the same time enticing with a treat and pronouncing the command “come to me”.

This command must be executed in any situation the first time. Otherwise, letting the dog off the leash will be risky.

How to teach your dog the "sit" command.

The next, no less important command is “sit”. This command is useful when practicing shutter speed and the “close” command.

At the initial stage of training, this command is pronounced at the moment when the puppy begins to sit down.

Then the dog calls and the hand with a delicacy is extended in front.

At the moment when the dog has sat down, it needs to be praised and given a treat. If it is necessary to seat the dog from a prone position, make a slight jerk with the leash up.

How to teach your dog the down command.

Start teaching the “down” command, it is necessary after the pupil has learned the command "sit".

When executing it The puppy should be at the left foot. You should take a delicacy in your hand and put it down, saying the command “lie down”.

If you try to reach the treat, your pet will have to lie down.

How to teach your dog the "next" command.

To learn the team“First of all, you need to accustom your pet to a collar and leash.

After that, you can proceed directly to training the team.

Need to put the dog on a leash, give the command "sit" and then start moving with the pronunciation of the command "next".

The dog must move on the left side and the leash should not be stretched.

If the dog takes the lead, you should pull the leash towards you and give the command again.

Praise should follow every correct execution of the command.

How to teach your dog the "wait" command.

"wait" command used to teach a dog to endure.

It is advisable to start training this team from the age of 9 months.

When voicing this command, the dog must remain in place, no matter how far the owner has moved.

How to teach your dog the "fu" command.

Team "fu" necessary so that at a certain moment the pet stops performing any forbidden action, for example, picking up food, biting, etc.

Need to train a dog precisely at the moment of committing an unacceptable action for him.

For example, if the pet tries to pick up a bone on the street, in this case it is necessary to take it away, strictly pronounce the “fu” command and sharply pull the leash back.

For a dog, this command should become universal when she wants to do something forbidden.

How to teach your dog the voice command.

It can turn out to be no less useful, and if the dog is in the guard or search service, it is simply vital.

By barking, the dog warns of the approach of an outsider or of the discovery of a missing person.

How to teach your dog the "paw up" command.

For example, when visiting the veterinarian, you may need the command “give paw”.

It will not be superfluous if you need to wash your paws or trim your pet's claws. This team is very easy to learn.

First you need to seat the pet, and then say the command and raise the puppy's paw with your hand.

Do not forget to treat with treats and praise.

How to teach your dog the "bring the slippers" command.

Comic, at first glance, but no less useful, is the command "bring slippers."

A bad habit of playing with slippers can be turned into a good one.

Should seize the moment, when the fidget once again wakes up the desire to sip slippers, you need to give the command “give slippers” and pick them up from the mouth.

Be sure to praise and treat delicious. Probably, every owner will be pleased when, after returning home, a four-legged friend will bring slippers.

Follow the elementary rules, and training will turn into an exciting and completely uncomplicated process, and an obedient and devoted friend will become a reward for diligence and patience.

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