A story about cholesterol and muscle mass. How many eggs can children, adults and athletes eat per day? Protein in eggs for muscles

Good afternoon When working out in the gym, you've probably already heard that bodybuilders eat a lot of eggs to gain mass - especially before important competitions. At the same time, there is an opinion that this product is rich in bad cholesterol - and you should absolutely not eat a lot of them.

And when planning your diet, you faced a dilemma - how many eggs can you eat per week? Therefore, today I will tell you about how they are useful for athletes and how to eat them correctly.


The most important thing is that they are a source of protein and promote lean mass gain, because they contain no carbohydrates and little fat (only 5 grams). Therefore, if you work out in the gym, you must include them in your diet - regardless of whether you are losing weight or want to gain weight.

What makes this product controversial is the presence of cholesterol - 185 milligrams per piece. However, studies have shown that cholesterol obtained from dietary products (and eggs are one of them) does not have a negative effect on the body. Moreover, they contain Omega-3, which reduce the concentration of fatty acids in the blood, which cause problems with blood vessels.

  • contain folic acid and ryboflavin;
  • are a source of a number of vitamins – A, D, B12, B6;
  • from them the body receives zinc, iron and calcium.

That is, they are not only useful for a man to build muscle mass, but in general they are a source of essential vitamins and microelements.

How to eat correctly, and most importantly - how much

In bodybuilding, it is allowed to use this product in fairly large quantities - up to ten pieces per day. It all depends on your personal protein needs, as well as your diet. So, cutting athletes need to give up the yolk - and during this period, eat up to six proteins a day.

And with a normal training regimen, there is no need to give up the yolk - it increases the nutritional value of the protein, it contains amino acids that are beneficial for the body. Of course, the above ten pieces should be divided into several meals, and not eaten in one sitting.

Many athletes prefer quail eggs - they have greater nutritional value compared to chicken eggs: they contain more protein, vitamins, and minerals.

And the most important advantage is that they can be drunk raw, because quails do not suffer from salmonellosis. Athletes recommend eating up to 20 pieces per day - raw or boiled. By the way, they also increase hemoglobin levels and also do not cause allergies.

How many eggs are there for those who don't play sports?

I have already talked about how and how many eggs a bodybuilder needs to eat. What about “ordinary” people? - you ask. Of course, in this case the norm is different due to the fact that bodybuilders have a greater need for protein - therefore they can eat more.

An adult needs 3-4 pieces per week, maximum 7 per week. The larger the physique, the higher the need will be.

  • from one to three years - half an egg 3 times;
  • from three to seven years – 2 pieces;
  • from seven to sixteen years – 3 pieces.

Of course, in this case everything is individual - if a child, for example, plays sports, then the norm may be higher. In any case, the child needs to eat eggs - after all, a growing organism requires “building material” - protein. Without it, normal development is simply impossible.

As for pregnant women, eggs are an indispensable product for them, because protein is needed for the normal development of the child. The choline they contain is responsible for the normal mental development of the unborn baby and reduces the risk of developing abnormalities. How many pieces should pregnant women eat?

For today, that’s all I wanted to tell you about the diet. Share this article with your friends on social networks. And don't skip training. Good luck!

Eggs are a staple in bodybuilding. Egg white is recognized as a standard, and its price allows you to save on nutrition.

Today we will talk about how to properly consume eggs and how they will help you in bodybuilding.

The benefits and harms of eggs in bodybuilding

This is a great product for a bodybuilder due to the following factors:

  • High content of animal proteins and fats. The amino acid profile of egg white is optimal for an athlete. In terms of healthy fat content, the product is also a record holder. The yolk contains a lot of dietary cholesterol, a useful raw material for the construction of the testosterone molecule. Without muscle growth, muscle mass is impossible, and in the drying process you will lose all your muscles. Dietary cholesterol also prevents atherosclerosis, vascular disorders, and heart disease. In general, anyone who throws away the yolk for the sake of health only harms himself;
  • Cheapness. With a complete amino acid profile, 1 gram of protein from eggs costs significantly less than a gram of protein from meat, fish or other animal products. Consuming protein from chicken eggs is the most effective way to save money while getting maximum results;
  • The product contains vitamins and microelements necessary for health, muscle gain and weight loss. B vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron - eggs are rich in all of this. This is one of the healthiest foods in terms of vitamins and minerals. Without zinc, which egg products are rich in, it is impossible to build a testosterone molecule. Therefore, muscle growth is impossible;

The main harm of eggs for an athlete is their absence in the diet. Only those athletes who have kidney problems need to be careful: a high protein content will harm the diseased kidney. For other athletes, eggs in bodybuilding are extremely beneficial.

How to cook eggs in bodybuilding?

The answer to this question depends greatly on your goals.

We have only 3 of them:

  • Gain muscle mass;
  • Lose weight;
  • Improve your health.

Depending on the purpose, the method of preparing eggs will vary, as well as the amount of food eaten.

Let's figure it out one by one.

Eggs for

When gaining muscle mass, we use the following rules:

  1. Do not throw away the yolk under any circumstances. If you want to throw something away, throw away the protein;
  2. We use it in a variety of forms. Boiled, steamed, in salads, various forms of preparation. If there are no significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract - fried eggs, omelet.
  3. We consume in large quantities. 5-10 eggs per day. There is no money for meat and fish - we eat up to 20 eggs. The speed of muscle gain will amaze you. Faster than the best sports nutrition;
  4. Add spices and seasonings. If you follow all the rules of a healthy diet, and at the same time eat 20 pieces a day, you will have serious digestive problems. By day 3-4, the thought of the best protein product in the world will make you sick. Without a variety of cooking methods, you won’t gain weight, but you can lose your stomach.
  5. Don't get hung up. , dairy products, meat, fish are also excellent sources of protein.
  6. Don't forget about fiber - 20-30 grams of dietary fiber is the minimum required for a bodybuilder. Otherwise, the protein and yolk, which do not contain PV, simply will not be digested.

Eggs for

When losing weight, we use the following settings:

  1. We don't give up fat. It is advisable to get the bulk of your fats from eggs. We reduce fat consumption to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight, but do not give it up completely: this will lead to hormonal imbalance, loss of muscle mass instead of fat;
  2. We use cooking methods that do not increase the calorie content of the dish. Frying and omelettes are prohibited;
  3. We eat eggs along with vegetables. Tomatoes and cucumbers are excellent sources of dietary fiber and vitamins for weight loss. When cutting, we consume fewer carbohydrates, so we won’t be able to get the required amount of fiber from it.

Chicken or quail

The eternal dispute between supporters of a healthy lifestyle. If we look at the composition of chicken and quail eggs, we will not see a significant difference. In a ratio of 1 gram to 1 there is almost no difference. The only difference is that quail eggs can be eaten raw, which adds variety to your diet.

There is a lot of debate about how many eggs you can eat per day, partly inspired by medical concerns, partly by everyday experience. But they are all, one way or another, built on one thing. Eggs are one of the best sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the ideal ratios in which the body needs them. By composition

and their usefulness can only be compared with mushrooms, beans, low-fat cottage cheese or chicken, but they also have their own catch. Medical studies have shown that consuming large quantities of eggs increases the risk of coronary disease, promotes the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and promotes the formation of plaques in blood vessels. All this sounds scary, but what is it like in real life, far from medical terms? Let's figure out how many eggs you can eat per day without risk to health or harm to the body.

For athletes

Weightlifters, especially bodybuilders, often brush aside all doctors' warnings, since their experience shows that eggs are absolutely harmless

for a person engaged in intense training, since with a high level of metabolism, typical of athletes, they are absorbed faster than they can do harm. To the question “how many eggs can athletes eat per day”, the answer is clear - no more than 4-6 eggs per day, taking into account their consumption raw at breakfast or after a hard workout. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that our body needs proteins and carbohydrates the most, which means that cholesterol, which nutritionists are so afraid of, simply does not have time to form and be deposited in the blood. And even doctors confirm this. But if everything is clear with the daily norm, then the question of how many eggs you can eat per week still remains open. Constant consumption is not always beneficial, and certainly not in such volumes, but athletes solve this issue very simply: as a rule, every other day they take a break, using protein and gainers as an additional source.

For ordinary people

If everything is very clear with people leading an active lifestyle, then the question arises: “How many eggs can those who spend most of it in a stationary, sitting position eat per day?” Here the numbers are much more modest: no more than 1-2 pieces per day, taking into account two or three days of break for every five days. And all again thanks to the influence of our metabolism on the formation of cholesterol. This is understandable - the less we move, the more prone we are to accumulating excess fat, and, accordingly, over time we completely lose the habit of training our body.

circulatory system and heart. And consuming large quantities of eggs, fried potatoes, meat or mushrooms becomes not only unhealthy food for us, but also real poison.

So, in the examples we have given, we answered the question “how many eggs can you eat per day” in some detail, but we should not forget about the natural characteristics of each organism. In particular, you should check your blood cholesterol levels at least once every six months in order to avoid the risk of unwanted diseases and correctly plan your daily diet.

For a beautiful, pumped-up body, going to the gym is half the battle. Properly building muscle mass and productively burning excess fat is possible only with a balanced diet. One of the main food ingredients for those who want to get relief shapes should be eggs.

Does egg white help you gain weight?

The high biological value of this product is explained by the fact that all useful substances are contained in it in ideal proportions, which are called the “gold standard”. This type of protein is most effectively used by the body for its growth. It already follows from this that you shouldn’t overthink it with questions like whether you can gain muscle mass from egg whites. The main difficulty is to separate the white from the yolk, which contains all the unnecessary cholesterol. However, there is a nuance here too. The amount of protein is evenly divided: 3 grams each in the white and yolk. And the biological value of the egg is much more noticeable if everything goes together. Therefore, it is recommended that out of the required 10-11 eggs each morning, leave about 2 yolks, which are mixed with the whites. And cholesterol in this product is practically insoluble, so it will be safe even in such quantities every day.

Diet with quail eggs for weight gain

Quail eggs for weight gain have several advantages. It contains more protein relative to the yolk than chicken. Even allergy sufferers can eat them, and in terms of the range of nutrients they are superior to chicken in many respects.
Quail eggs contain significantly more:

  • vitamin A,
  • nicotinic acid,
  • phosphorus,
  • copper,
  • cobalt,
  • various amino acids.

During such a diet, you need to remember what you can and cannot do.


  • milk (3.5%),
  • fresh vegetables,
  • greenery,
  • cottage cheese (9-18%).
  • flour, meat and fish products,
  • canned food,
  • cereals (buckwheat, as an exception),
  • vegetable oil,
  • potato,
  • sweets in all forms.

How to drink egg powder to gain weight

First of all, you should know that powdered eggs contain almost three times more protein than boiled eggs. Therefore, this supplement should be used correctly and without fanaticism. This crumbly substance has the qualities of a fresh product, but is not as dangerous in terms of bacterial contamination and is easier to use.

You need to take protein according to this calculation - 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of weight. It turns out that the daily dose of egg powder is three to four spoons in each pack. Taking this product during a busy day is as follows:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Half an hour before training.
  3. After her.
  4. Before bedtime.

And when you don’t go to the gym, do it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.
But you need to constantly adjust the use of this product depending on weight, height and individual characteristics of the body.

Lift weights with eggs

It is quite possible to gain weight on eggs, but after increasing muscle mass, drying on eggs must occur. That is, first you gain mass in the muscles, which then get rid of excess fluids, which makes the body lean. The more eggs you eat or drink, the more muscle mass you will gain. And don’t forget to add extra hours of training on the machines, which will help you create a beautiful relief while drying your muscles.
So how to gain weight with eggs? Regardless of the form in which you consume them, in order to gain weight with eggs, your diet should contain much more protein than in your normal diet. Practical studies have clearly demonstrated that even three eggs for breakfast almost doubles the growth of muscle mass.

Eggs have long been firmly established in the human diet, both as an independent product and as part of a variety of dishes - they are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Let's figure out why eggs are good for the human body, and in what quantity they are safe to eat.

Composition and calorie content of chicken eggs

The nutritional value of the product is approximately 157 kilocalories for every 100 g of weight. Depending on the size, an egg can weigh on average from 50 to 70 g, that is, one piece will contain about 78 - 110 kilocalories. The yolk is much more nutritious than the protein - 358 kilocalories per 100 g of weight versus 45 kilocalories.

The main components of a chicken egg:

  1. Fats, carbohydrates and proteins, including a number of essential amino acids
  2. Fatty acid
  3. Vitamins A, D, E, K and group B
  4. Macro- and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and others.

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Dosage: How many eggs can you eat per day?

Although eggs are rich in substances that are beneficial and necessary for the human body, no one should abuse them, especially people with high cholesterol levels in the blood. The following amount is considered safe for humans:

  • For healthy adults: no more than 3 pieces per day and 6-8 in total per week
  • For adults on a therapeutic diet or with cholesterol problems: 2-3 pieces per week
  • Athletes: up to 8-10 pieces every other day when gaining muscle mass or the same amount, but exclusively protein, when the drying phase is underway
  • Elderly: 1-2 per day and up to 4-5 per week.

Egg yolk can be introduced into children's diets from about six months with the permission of the pediatrician. You need to start with small pieces, carefully monitoring the child’s condition and the absence of allergy symptoms. Protein is a much stronger potential allergen, and it is better not to give it to a child until about a year old. Starting from the age of one, by the age of three you can gradually increase the number of eggs in the diet from 1-2 to 3.

Read also:

How to eat correctly

Before eating, eggs must be heat-treated, and it is better to rinse the shell with water. You can’t eat them raw - you can catch salmonellosis or other dangerous diseases. In addition, the raw product is much less digestible and puts a lot of strain on the gastrointestinal tract, while fried or boiled eggs are absorbed almost completely. Yolk and white have a similar composition, although the yolk has more calories due to its higher fat content and is less likely to cause allergies. Therefore, when dieting for weight loss, it is recommended to eat protein, and if you are prone to allergies, it is recommended to eat yolk.

Other types of eggs

Although chicken eggs are most often used in Russian cuisine, they are not limited to them. A person can, without harm to the body, consume heat-treated eggs of many birds, both domestic ones like geese and ducks, and wild ones - blackbirds, seagulls or even penguins. But after chicken, quail are the most popular, and they differ from the former not only in a different color, smaller size and weight, but also in composition.

The nutritional value of these products is approximately the same - about 150 kilocalories per 100 g of weight. The weight of one quail egg, depending on the breed of bird, ranges from 9-18 g, respectively, the calorie content of a quail egg (one piece) is 13-26 kilocalories. Quail eggs are richer in micro- and macroelements and have a more delicate and light taste. Another plus is that there is a significantly lower likelihood of an allergic reaction. But the risk of contracting intestinal diseases when eating raw chicken and quail eggs is approximately the same, so the latter must also be boiled or fried before eating.

  • The norm of quail eggs for an adult is up to 5-6 pieces per day and up to 20-25 pieces per week
  • The product is introduced into the children's menu from about one year of age, starting with a couple of pieces per week
  • By the age of three, this amount can be increased to 1-2 eggs per day.
  • For ages 4-10 years, optimally no more than 3 pieces daily
  • From 10 to 18 years old, children can eat up to 4 eggs per day.

Who should not eat eggs and when?

The only absolute contraindication to eating eggs is their individual intolerance. Elderly people should not give up the product completely, but its amount in the diet should be reduced - with age, eggs begin to be absorbed worse. If a person has diabetes, high cholesterol, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. It will help determine how many eggs you can eat without harm to the body.


Eggs are a very healthy food product that everyone should have in their diet. They are rich in protein, including essential amino acids, valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Regular moderate consumption of eggs will help maintain the health of the nervous and circulatory systems, improve bone health, and have a positive effect on memory and cognitive abilities.

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