What can be seen in Leviathan. What can be seen with a telescope. Reviews of optical equipment and accessories

It is easier to see the sun during the day, but you should not look at it directly - you can seriously damage your eyes. During eclipses, the danger increases many times over. However, it is also easy to protect yourself from this - with special light filters or by observing the projection.

The moon is also by no means a rare guest in the daytime sky, it appears with different frequency and brightness depending on its own phases. It is easiest to find it on a new moon.

Venus, also called the "morning star" and "evening star", reflects the light of the Sun so well that it is relatively easy to see it during the day, especially if you know the location. It appears as a tiny flashing white dot.

Satellites. At night, the satellites look like "moving stars" and it takes attention and patience to see them. But during the day you can also see at least one type of satellite - "Iridium". Their antennas periodically reflect light so brightly that the effect is called "Iridium flares" and is visible even in the daytime sky.

Jupiter is extremely difficult to see in the daytime sky. It requires keen eyesight and excellent atmospheric conditions. The best time to observe is when Jupiter is at 90 degrees from the Sun during the first and last quarter of the Moon.

Mars. If Jupiter is difficult to see during the day, Mars is almost impossible. But exactly what is "almost" - under rare conditions similar to those when observing Jupiter, the red planet can be seen in the daytime sky.

The stars can really be seen during the day during a solar eclipse, although this is a dishonest move. Nevertheless, such observations were of great historical importance, once confirming Einstein's theories of relativity. With perfect vision and incredible luck, you can see the brightest stars like Sirius in the daytime sky, but it's better to use a telescope.

Comets flying near the Earth are easy to see in the daytime - the main thing is to wait for the right moment. For example, Comet McNaught of 2007 was perfectly visible during the day, as was Halley's Comet in 1910.

Meteors are a rare and unpredictable phenomenon, but the brightest of them are clearly visible in the daytime sky. They are even filmed, as was the case in one of the most famous sightings in the US in 1972.

Supernova explosions can be seen from Earth with the naked eye at irregular intervals from 20 to 300 years. The last evidence that such a phenomenon was observed during the day dates back to 1572. The first candidate for a new explosion is the star Betelgeuse. Of course, its supernova will be visible during the day, but whether the explosion will occur tomorrow or thousands of years later is unknown.

Of course, the Sun is at the top of this list - as the most obvious candidate, but the rest of the objects may surprise. For some, you will have to strain your eyes properly or use binoculars, for others, you will have to wait for the right moment. What bodies from space are visible on Earth during the day?


The monster is oblo, mischievous, stozevno and barking

What can be seen in Leviathan

It's funny that the review trail, which stretches for the fourth film by Andrei Zvyagintsev, is almost more interesting than the film itself. So, for example, superficial interpretations and assessments, usually located in the same plane, this time occupy several “floors” - from “the most direct and honest statement about ...” and “the most brutal portrait of modern Russia” to “the most severe social criticism in modern Russian cinema". And the genre and stylistic characteristics, if you collect them from different publications in one paragraph, form some kind of surreal fan: comedy and tragedy, reaching ancient heights, blackness and farce, satire and opportunistic order, grotesque and the pinnacle of realism, tight crime drama and parody to such, which collected all the stamps of Russian cinema and television of the 90s.

Perhaps none of Zvyagintsev's previous works evoked such a lively and stormy picture of responses. However, there is no desire to fit into it, at the risk of drowning imperceptibly. So I'll try to say about the film from scratch.

Of course, this actual philosophical parable is not a portrait of modern Russia. Although the material in the film is undoubtedly Russian, and the knowledge that the script is based on the story of a US citizen does not change things here. But we are not surprised that the action of the novels of Leo Tolstoy or Fyodor Dostoevsky unfolds on Russian soil. If they lived in the UK or in Germany, they would probably write about the same thing, but against some other national background.

Social criticism? No. Seeing social criticism in Leviathan seems to me offensive to the artist. If only because the images and plot twists used in the film, if viewed from this perspective, are really the day before yesterday and have already gone rotten twenty-eight thousand times in criminal television series. Yes, and visual solutions, and the atmosphere is taken away to a completely different jungle.

Satire? Yes. But the satire of the highest is given, the satire with a black belt, the satire on the person as such. And the fact that we are talking here about more or less our contemporaries is completely unimportant. It could be Renaissance people or some ancient Egyptians. The nature of power, sin, betrayal, the relationship of man to man and man to God at all times and in every weight is almost unchanged.

Unfortunately, before expressing my own feeling and understanding of Leviathan, I have to express a reasonable suspicion: the Golden Globe and all sorts of bears with lions and branches are already given to the picture and will continue to be given abroad, not because of its artistic merit (according to to me, obvious, although not as much as in other paintings by Zvyagintsev), but because of its correspondence. It corresponds to the image that was established in the minds of prosperous non-Russian people not even in the era of the last Cold War, but two hundred years before it began. Apparently, even the most educated Slavists in another highly developed country are often sure that "War and Peace" or "Crime and Punishment" was written not at all about them and their fellow citizens, not about all people in the world, but only about distant, annoyingly mysterious , endlessly reflective, heavy-drinking, and little-working Russians.

A strained, superficial look at Leviathan from the “beautiful far away” just gives a picture confirming the thickest propaganda sketches regarding Russian life and the Russian mentality: the weather is rubbish, there is no sun in the sky, vodka flows like water, people are silent, officials steal and rage, people are all gloomy, boring, poorly dressed, work on an antediluvian smelly conveyor of a fish factory, etc. In short, it's time to choke.

But - thank God - living in Russia, we are able to discern something much deeper and more terrible behind these gloomy scenery than some really unpleasant aspects of our provincial life. In any case, there is hope for such a reading.

So, if it seemed to someone that the film was made in order to once again caricature the nastiest representatives of state power, local self-government and the Orthodox Church, in a friendly criminal impulse, spreading rot on a decent person and a businessman of all trades named Nikolai (performed by Alexei Serebryakov ), I recommend doing a simple operation in your mind. Remove all of the above from the script. Imagine: there is no disgusting mayor (Roman Madyanov), there is no church at all (what is it for, really? After all, religion is an opium for the deceived people), there are no corrupt judges, irresponsible patter issuing unjust sentences ...

What will happen to the protagonist's life then? Nothing good. An army friend who has become a capital lawyer will also come to visit him in order to treacherously seduce his wife; he will also make friends with the local cops, dutifully repair their boss's car, scolding him behind his back, eat barbecue and vodka with them to the accompaniment of vulgar jokes; he will go about his business and hold on to this end of the earth simply because his father and grandfather held on to him, in the hope of passing this almost reflex grip on to his son. And he will pass it on if he doesn’t finish off his wife and army sidekick first, accidentally catching them in a tight body. And in any case, he will die with an empty lost soul. As the saying goes, give your soul to God. But why does the Almighty need it, empty and dead?

I did not see any other options in Leviathan. Why, then, are all these mayors with the chief police officers and combat jocks, the archimandrite with the prosecutor, in a word, everyone to whom even God cannot help, and who makes the already unsightly life of Nikolai completely unbearable, piled up in it? Probably, a similar question may also arise when reading the Old Testament Book of Job, to which there are enough hints and direct references in the picture. Why does the Lord send one after another, and one more terrible than the other, trials and suffering - fire, robbers, leprosy?

There is only one answer: to salvation. This answer is also suitable for the life of cinematic Nikolai. Why is the Lord so cruel? Or is there truth in the bitter irony of the protagonist, with which, having just buried his wife and taking a sip of vodka from his throat, he asks the local priest: “Well, father Vasily, and where is your merciful God ?!”.

“My God is with me,” the priest replies. Where is yours, I don't know. Who are you praying to?"

Do you think that Nikolai and poor fellows like him do not pray to anyone? No, they pray to Mammon, devoting their lives to their own well-being (fight for justice, you say? Well, yes, well, yes ...), and in this they are no different from the hated mayor. On an equal footing they talk with this mayor, on an equal footing with vodka they fill their empty souls.

They can also fall to Venus, easily sacrificing natural affection for their own son. And Bacchus is not forgotten either in sorrow or in joy.

Poor Nikolai cannot tear himself away from these gods that are destroying him in order to turn to the only one who saves him. And the good father with his "biblical tales" is also, alas, weak. But the powerful of this world, the bearers of power, cruel, shameless, godless with all their hypocritical participation in liturgies and church improvement - yes, these can.

So the instructions sounding in the film from the lips of, to put it mildly, an unsympathetic archimandrite and addressed to the nasty mayor - "All power is from God" and "We do a common cause" - are fully consistent with the truth. Did you think that sweet vitamins help from the most serious diseases and only good shepherds and angels on a pink wing participate in the work of salvation?

Returning to a superficial glance, I’m sad in the end: I can imagine with what life-affirming pleasure Russians will watch Zvyagintsev’s new film, who are inclined to blame those in power for all their own and other people’s troubles! They, of course, recognize themselves in Nicholas, a desperate fighter for justice against the formidable Leviathan, but they will not notice that he himself has long since become an organic part and even an active internal organ of this monster. However, the coming hurricane, brewing in the final shots of the film, can sharply clear vision.

. It may not coincide with the editorial opinion.



1. Recognize, learn by looking. see something in the dark. Look through binoculars.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what "LOOK" is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    LOOK, I eat, you eat; conv., whom (what). 1. The same as to consider (in 1 value). 2. trans. The same as recognizing. The sycophant was not seen. | incompatibility to look at, ah, ah. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    I owl. transition 1. See, notice. 2. trans. Recognize. II owl. transition see look at the Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    See, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, ... ... Forms of words

    Verb, St., Use. often Morphology: I saw, you see, he / she / it will see, we will see, you will see, they will see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see, see see nsv ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    discern- see, yazh y, poison it ... Russian spelling dictionary

    I look, I look; St. that or with an appendage. add. 1. See, recognize, peering intently; consider. R. in the dark, a knife in his hands. R. in the mist tree. R. mushroom in the grass. 2. Expand. Understand, find out, find out what l. properties, features of whom ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    discern- I look /, look / sh; St. that or with an appendage. add. 1) See, recognize, peering intently; consider. You can see the knife in your hands in the dark. See a tree in the mist. See a mushroom in the grass. 2) unfold Understand, find out, find out what ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    discern- 1.6.2., OSM 1 ... Experimental syntactic dictionary


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What can be seen in the flame of a candle ...

candle flame can symbolize different meanings. An uneven, trembling flame means uncertainty, failure, illness, upcoming conflict. The flame, tending upward, personifies prosperity, harmonious relationships, recovery, success. For example, you need to find out what the upcoming meeting promises. Look at the flame of a candle and draw the appropriate conclusions. The flame of a candle can be materialized on paper to tell fortunes. To do this, take a white sheet of paper and move it over a lit candle so that dark characters are printed on the paper. This operation can be carried out several times. You can get concentric circles, starfish, wavy lines, fantastic plants and animals.

You can ask all sorts of questions. For example: What should I expect from a date? What are my chances of finding a job? Are you going to visit? concentric circles means change, a turn for the better. But do not rely entirely on chance, changes must come from your initiative and enterprise. Don't be afraid of new things!

Stars symbolize joy, positive emotions. The distant will seem close, and the unrealizable - real. Any of your actions will be regarded as adequate to the plan and purpose. Wavy lines indicate that the execution of the plan is postponed indefinitely. Don't let doubt take over you. Take an active approach to life.

Image of fantastic plants and animals means that you can completely break away from the real life. Your separation is fraught with material problems. Try to do something specific.

You can guess on the flame of a candle visually. To do this, you need to take 6-8 candles, arrange them in a semicircle and light them. Focus your gaze on one point of the flame and stare until you see a face, a circle, numbers. You have to watch for a long time. You may not see anything the first time. Face could mean your imminent engagement. Circle symbolizes the fate of your family and loved ones. Their condition may improve. Seen numbers answer questions like “How many children (or husbands) will I have?” or “When will I get married?” In the latter case, the number means the month.

How to choose the right candles for divination.

You are going to guess, but, being ignorant in this matter, you want to know which candles are right for you. Fortune telling is a sacrament, and it is quite obvious that huge household candles will look somewhat out of place. The more beautiful, unusual, elegant the candle is, the more chances for successful divination. Our ancestors divined on homemade candles, and modernized candles will be at your disposal. An important condition is your faith and hope, as well as the absence of malicious intent. You should be aware that the color and shape of the candles may depend on the nature of the divination.

Candle color and shape:

There are fortune-telling that predict future fortune-telling for a betrothed, for life in the new year, for the number of children, etc.), and fortune-telling, the purpose of which is to predict answers to everyday questions that concern you (about an upcoming date, about work, about attitude to those around you, etc.). Divination candles come in a variety of colors. Each color is responsible for a certain symbolism. For example, white candles are intended for divination for a betrothed. White color originally personified innocence.

Fortune telling on white candles means that your desires and thoughts are pure, far from self-interest and profit. Bright yellow, orange candles are usually used in divination for a long journey, for travel. Red candles are divined to give you some guidance on what to do. That is, you feel that others are waiting for you to take a decisive step. How can you be? Try reading red candles. If you are overwhelmed by gloomy thoughts about the fulfillment of a desired or long-planned one, try telling fortunes on blue or green candles. We do not recommend using dark candles, as they can harm you yourself. As for the shape of the candle, it is not as important as the color.

Twisted candles are used in divination for the future life, since the twisted form represents the spiral development of life. Candles in the form of houses are good for divination related to your personal life. It is good to guess at the betrothed with the help of ordinary candles. A prerequisite is that candles must be from the church, purchased during matins, since the beginning of the day will symbolize changes, the beginning of your new life. Candles in the form of various geometric shapes are used in divination for everyday questions.

Divination by candles and mirrors.

Two candles:
Take two candles, the same length. One candle will represent the feminine, the other - the masculine. Light them up at the same time. See which candle burns faster. It is this candle that will be subordinate to its slow (strong) one. For fortune-telling, take one white candle and any candle that will be your symbol. Light your candle first. Carefully look at the uniformity of the burning of the candle. If wax drips from one edge, then most likely you are uneven, impressionable nature. From your candle, light the candle of the betrothed. If his candle melts as unevenly as yours, you can safely go down the aisle, because your union will be very harmonious. Burning both candles without crackling means a quiet, calm life, without emotional outbursts.

If the pangs of jealousy overcame you, try to tell fortunes. Take two candles - one thin, the other thicker. Put them in a glass, which is circled with chalk. Write your name on one candle. Then say the following spell: "Let my candle go out without completely decaying, if my dear in thoughts and deeds is unfaithful." Light the candles. If your candle goes out, then your sweetheart is cheating on you.

Divination with three candles:

With the help of three candles, you can find out what awaits you in the coming year: prosperity or poverty. Take three twisted candles. The first means the new year, the second candle will be the focus of your positive emotions, and the third will store negative emotions. Arrange the candles in the following order: second, first, third. Light all the candles at the same time. The candle of the year, located in the middle, will be your pointer. If the combustion is even, then your position in the new year will be moderately stable. If the candle of the year melts towards the candle of positive emotions, good luck and material success will accompany you; If the wax from the candle of the year drips towards the candle of negative emotions, then material difficulties await you.

Three candles can be used in divination for a future husband, if there are several applicants. One candle will symbolize you, the other two - narrowed. Light the candles; your candle should be in the middle. In the direction of whose candle your candle melts, he will be your true betrothed. If your candle burns evenly, then do not rush to choose.

Divination in the attic:

If courage and composure are the hallmarks of you and your girlfriends, you can tell fortunes in the attic. You will need a large mirror and pieces of chalk. For divination, you need to free yourself from material shackles, that is, from clothes, and let your hair down. The first thing you need to do is to appeal to the Lord of the Mirror Kingdom with the help of a conspiracy: “Lord of the Mirror Kingdom, give us an answer to our questions, don’t joke about girlish questions, don’t frighten us with answers.” Ask questions in such a way that they can be answered with “yes” or “no”. Having asked a question, you need to turn away from the mirror, and the Lord will write the answer on the mirror with chalk.

Divination with a mirror on a full moon:

On the mirror, write the name of the betrothed or your desire. On the night of the full moon, put a mirror under your pillow. Going to bed, say a spell: "Dream, betrothed, come, mummers." At night, you will dream about the answer to the riddle. Or you can leave a mirror with a question that interests you and a pencil near the bed. According to legend, the evil spirit on the mirror will write the answer.

Fortune telling in the bath (in the sauna):

For this comic fortune-telling, a group of girls usually gathers. Take a mirror to the steam room. A prophetess is chosen in advance, who sits with her back to the others. Each girl in turn mentally asks a question to the fortune-teller, who writes the answer on the misted glass.

Divination with a mirror and salt:

Sprinkle salt on a flat plate. Light a candle and drip wax onto the salt. The resulting wax figure should be reflected in the mirror. Boat (boat) means the upcoming journey. If we get a flower, then you will be presented with a gift. The ring means that you will get married soon. The bed signals that you will get sick. The tree symbolizes the birth of a child with you or your loved ones. The cloud fully reflects your essence - you are a dreamy person. The cloud means that your desire is not yet feasible.

Divination for a betrothed:

You will need two mirrors and two candles. Mirrors can be the same, you can take two mirrors of different sizes. Set them opposite each other. For lighting, place two identical candles on the sides of the mirrors. You can do it the other way: hang one mirror on the wall, and put the other on the table. Point the mirrors in such a way that a corridor is formed. Looking closely into the corridor, wait until the image of our betrothed appears. We warn you that you have to watch for a long time. Few can see the image. Fortune telling with a mirror and a candle can be varied.

Fortune telling "Tunnel":

Prepare three mirrors of different sizes and twelve candles. Each mirror must be an order of magnitude larger than the next. Set the smallest mirror opposite the middle one, and the largest behind the small one. Place six candles on either side of the mirrors. The divination technique is the same as in the first divination: gazing into the distance of the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel you can see the light. It means that in the near future fate will present you with an unexpected gift. Perhaps routine stability will turn aside and give way to confident recklessness.

You can see a woman's face at the end of the tunnel. This is a signal of the infidelity of a loved one (in the event that the face is unfamiliar to you). If this is the face of a loved one, he needs your help. If at the end of the tunnel you see the outlines of a house, then we can safely assume that you will live in just such a house. But do not flatter yourself: the house will have to be earned, earned. People with highly developed intuition can see children's faces at the end of the tunnel. They will tell you if you will have children and how many. If you dreamed of native children's faces, then we advise you to pay more attention to your children.

Fortune telling "Castle":

For divination, you will need seven candles and a mirror. Sit at a table covered with a dark thick tablecloth. The room should be quiet and dark. Place a large oval mirror in front of you. Arrange the candles in the following order: but put three candles in a row on both sides of the mirror, but so that the candles are reflected in the mirror. The seventh candle should form an angle with the six candles. The mirror should reflect you and seven candles in the form of a castle. Try to renounce the vanity of your life and penetrate into the mystery of the mirror. If successful, you can see ... your face, but slightly changed, aged. A cheerful expression on your face indicates prosperity in your future life.

A sad, unhealthy face means that trouble awaits you in a future life. The key to them should be looked for in today's life. A dreaming unfamiliar male face will play a fatal role in your future life: a brunette will cause grief, a blond-happiness, a brown-haired man will make an ideal couple. Dead relatives sometimes come to impressionable persons. Fortune-telling "Castle" belongs to the number of complex fortune-telling. There is a good chance that you won't succeed the first time.

Divination by desire with candles and mirrors.

1 way:

It is better to guess by this method late at night: At this time, a connection is established between man and the forces of space. Sit at a large long table. Take two mirrors - large and small. The reverse side of the small mirror should be matte. Place two candles along the edges of the table: This is necessary not only for lighting, but also for attracting demonic spirits. On the back of a small mirror, draw the head of a horned devil and say: “Damn, damn, help; what should I do, tell me." Then silently say the wish. Place a mirror under your pillow and fall asleep immediately. If you have a prophetic dream that will help you sort out your troubles, then your wish will come true. In case of failure, repeat fortune-telling every other day.

2 way:

Take a round mirror (preferably from a powder box). Light a candle and smear the mirror with wax. Write a wish with charcoal and put it in a cold place. Spray with cold water after a few hours. If the inscription has disappeared, then the wish will not come true. In the event that the inscription has been preserved, you can be sure that the Higher Forces are giving you a sign to act.

3 way:

Take glass with a mirror surface. Make a wish and look at the glass for a long time, concentrating your attention. Then wrap the glass in a handkerchief and throw it against the wall. If the glass breaks to smithereens (to the smallest particles), then higher powers consider your desire unrealizable. It will come true if the mirror is unharmed or with minimal damage. Moreover, by the number of damages, you can judge the degree of difficulties that you have to overcome on the way to fulfilling your desire.

Colored and bright photographs of galaxies, planets and star clusters can enchant anyone who is not indifferent to space and the study of the Universe. And many of us, inspired by the experience of astrophotographers, will want to try this exciting hobby ourselves. On the one hand, everything is quite simple: there is no need for special skills or long training sessions, as when skating. I bought myself a telescope, the necessary lens, waited for the night - and you can proceed. But in fact, not everything is so simple. It seems to many of us that as soon as we point the telescope tube at the night sky, colorful planets the size of a soccer ball, numerous star clusters and even entire galaxies will pop up from everywhere. Like in the movies. Or maybe a comet will immediately fly by in front of you and wave its shining tail at you? Unfortunately no. The reality is much more prosaic. Nevertheless, with the correct use of the telescope, you will get a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions from viewing space objects.

First, let's try to figure out how a telescope works. First, the ability to zoom in on distant objects - the magnification of a telescope - has very little to do with what kind of picture you see in it. Even on the cheapest telescope, you can achieve almost any magnification, but this does not mean that you can see something. The main characteristic of a telescope is its resolution, or the ability of an optical instrument to draw two closely spaced details in focus. For clarity, imagine a phone camera. Remember the old Nokias with 1-2 megapixel cameras? Now compare them with the cameras on modern iPhones. It seems to be, and there and there the camera. And you are the same. And fit into the frame equally well. You can zoom in and out. But the photos are completely different: one is dull, blurry, completely without details. And on the other, beautiful and bright, you can even see the tips of the eyelashes. It's all about resolution. The same is true for the telescope. Imagine that the telescope is the "camera" of your eye. And if you buy a cheap and simple "camera", you can clearly see objects magnified, for example, 70 times. If you increase further, they will become dull and blurry. And if you have a good, expensive camera, you can get up to 500x magnification without losing picture quality. In this case, the size of the objects will be the same as the size of your face in both photos in the phone example.

Resolution is measured in arcseconds (it's only 0.00028 degrees). The larger the diameter of the lens, the better the resolution and the more distant objects you can see. In order for the image to be as clear and sharp as possible, ideally the magnification should be no more than the diameter of the lens in millimeters. For example, for a 100x magnification, you need a 100mm lens. Some use 1.5x to 2x magnification for this diameter, if lens quality and atmospheric conditions allow. You should not increase these values ​​further.

You probably can't wait to find out what you can see through a telescope. We will tell you about it and answer common questions that beginner astronomers have. First, let's dispel a few popular myths:

Will I be able to see an artificial satellite?

No, they're moving too fast. You are unlikely to be able to catch the satellite "on sight".

Can I see a star through a telescope?

To see - yes, to see - no. The only star you can see is the Sun.

Well, if you hope to examine in detail the stellar disks and find out how the stars in the constellation Ursa Major differ from the stars in Ursa Minor - alas, it will not work. The closest star to us, Proxima Centauri, is 7 times smaller than the Sun and is 4 light years away. In order to see it, you would need a telescope with a mirror with a diameter of 140 m, which is impossible in terrestrial conditions. The largest optical telescope currently in existence, the Grand Canary Telescope (Gran Telescopio Canarias), has a mirror diameter of only 10.4 meters. Therefore, in the near future, we will be able to see stars only as luminous blurry spots surrounded by concentric rings.

What about the footprints of the first man on the moon? American flag? Lunokhod?

No, no and NO. Why, then, do we see entire galaxies that are so far away from us, but cannot see objects located on the Moon, very close to us? For the same reason as distant stars. The resolving power of any optical telescope is too small to see such small objects, although they are at a much closer distance. Using the same Gran Telescopio Canarias telescope, objects of this size can be distinguished at a maximum distance of 10,000 km. And the Moon is removed from us by as much as 380 thousand km. Therefore, the smallest object that can be seen on it must be at least 20 m in size. In addition, galaxies glow and stand out against the dark background of outer space, while objects left on the Moon do not. They do not give any contrast, and the most that we could see there is a faint shadow.

Why do I need a telescope then? you ask disappointedly and stomp your foot. Do not rush to despair. There are a lot of amazing, fantastic in their beauty things that you can observe through a telescope.

1. Moon

The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth and a wonderful object for observation. Even a small telescope will be enough to view its many craters, crevices, seas and furrows. At magnifications from 100x, it will not even fit into the field of view of your telescope. You will have to look at it piece by piece. And the most interesting thing is that you can observe the Moon at least every night, if the weather permits. Depending on the changing phases of the moon, you will be able to see more and more details.

Photo taken by amateur astronomer Vladimir Suvorov for www.site

2. Sun

Here it is, the only star that you and I can see through a telescope. But take your time! Before observing the Sun, be sure (!) Buy a reliable solar filter, otherwise there will be nothing to consider it. No self-made films, smoked glasses and floppy disks! Save your eyes! The sun can only be observed through a special, professionally manufactured solar filter. Otherwise, vision can be irreparably damaged - up to complete blindness. Only once is enough, unfortunately. Remember that the finder when observing the Sun must be closed with a lid or removed - without a solar filter, looking at the Sun through the finder is no less dangerous than looking through the telescope tube.

Once you have purchased a solar filter and attached it securely to your telescope tube, you are ready to begin your observations. Even with the smallest telescope, you can see sunspots - dark spots on the bright surface of the Sun. The sun rotates with a frequency of 25 days, and by observing the movements of the spots every day, you can see its rotation. The sun is the only astronomical object that can be observed during the day.

3. Planets

The planets of our solar system can also be seen through a telescope. They won't look as big and bright as they do in photographs taken by spacecraft flying near them. Rather, the planets will look like luminous peas. For example, Mercury, when viewed through small telescopes, will look like an asterisk. If you use a telescope with a larger diameter, you can see the phase of Mercury - a small "sickle".

The brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon is Venus, also known as the morning star. Sometimes you can even see it during the day with the naked eye. It is impossible to see any details on Venus, because it is covered with a dense, opaque atmosphere. But you can observe phases similar to the moon.

Mars, on the other hand, is visible even through a large telescope as a small circle, so the myth that once a year it can be seen in the sky as a huge red disk, the size of two moons, is really just a myth. During oppositions, when the distance between Mars and Earth is minimal, dark spots can be seen on the planet, which are called seas.

Saturn will definitely not disappoint you. This is perhaps the most beautiful planet. The ring can be seen even in the smallest telescope. It is best to observe Saturn in telescopes with a diameter of 200 mm or more. Then you can see its satellites, the main separation between the rings (Cassini gap) and cloud belts.

Jupiter, from which the history of astronomical observations began, has a slightly flattened appearance due to its rapid rotation around its axis. Even with a small telescope, you can see two bands on the planet's disk - these are cloudy belts. If you look at Jupiter through a larger telescope, you will see 5-6 bands. The famous giant vortex in the form of a red spot is also visible. And you can also notice the four Galilean satellites (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto), which cast their shadows on Jupiter when they pass in front of the planet's disk.

Uranus and Neptune, even in the largest telescopes, will be visible as bluish-green luminous peas.

4. Galaxies

Each galaxy is made up of billions of stars. In a telescope, they are visible as small colorless specks. At sufficiently high magnification, one can see their shape and spiral arms. Surely you have seen on the Internet a lot of colorful photos of what can be seen through a telescope. Including many beautiful color photographs of galaxies taken with electronic cameras. The fact is that these photographs were taken with a long exposure, when light accumulates in the camera's matrix. As a result, they are so bright. And our eye is not able to make a long exposure, so we see most space objects in black and white. The Andromeda Nebula is one of the closest galaxies to us. And even it is at a distance of 2.5 million light years. Due to its great remoteness, the light travels to us for a very long time, and now we see only how the galaxy looked 2.5 million years ago, when there were no people on Earth yet.

5. Starry clusters

Star clusters, or pleiades of stars, are spherical and scattered. All the stars in the cluster are linked together by gravity and move as a whole in the gravitational field of the galaxy. Open clusters usually do not have a definite shape or appreciable concentration towards the center. One of the most famous open clusters is the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. The scattered pleiades will be seen as more or less uniform clusters of stars. And spherical ones look like round spots, which, with a telescope diameter of 150 mm or more, will decay into stars. They are like a swarm of bees: the closer to the center, the more densely they are located to each other.

Photo taken by amateur astronomer Richard Flynn (USA)

6. Double stars

Not only planets can revolve around stars (as in our solar system), but also other stars. Such pairs or small clusters of stars are called binary or multiple. Although you will not be able to see the stellar disks in detail, as we have already said, double stars are undoubtedly worth your attention. Often they come in different colors - for example, one star is yellow, the other is red or blue. You can observe these little shining lights even with a small telescope or binoculars. One of the most beautiful double stars is Albireo in the constellation Cygnus.

7. Nebulae

Nebulae, like galaxies, need to be observed in very dark skies. In urban illumination, you are unlikely to be able to see something in detail, it is better to go further into nature. You will also see nebulae only in black and white, for the same reason - our eye is not able to accumulate light and is insensitive to colors in the dark. Imagine that you are in a dark room. Look at the objects around, they will all be in different shades of gray. Your eyes will switch from "color sensitivity" mode to "light sensitivity" mode. To view the nebula in detail, you will need a telescope with a diameter of at least 200 mm. But even with a small telescope, you can see the Orion Nebula, the Ring in the constellation Lyra, the Dumbbell Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula and many others.

Photo taken by amateur astronomer Richard Flynn (USA)

8. Comets

Comets appear in the night sky many times a year. You just need to know where and when to look for them (for this it would be nice to get a calendar of astronomical phenomena). Like nebulae and galaxies, comets are visible as small specks of light, but with tails. Bright comets are much rarer, and they're all over the astronomy news, so you're unlikely to miss them.

9. Ground facilities

The telescope can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a large telescope. Do you want to see a house far away on top of a mountain? Or a train leaving in the distance? See the inscription on the billboard far from you? You can see all this with a telescope. Remember that astronomical telescopes tend to show upside down images. Therefore, for ground-based observations, you will additionally need a special inverting prism.

So we told you about what you can see through a telescope. Of course, at first not everything will turn out, you need a certain skill. But the more you practice, try different telescopes, nozzles, filters, the more colorful and diverse objects you will be able to see. And if you want to take a picture. And do not think that an expensive telescope is necessary for a good result. An experienced amateur with a small telescope will see much more than a beginner with a bunch of expensive optical equipment. Astronomy and astrophotography is a fascinating hobby that has many followers around the world. Go outdoors, climb on your rooftop, take your friends with you, share a photo of what you see through a telescope with them, travel the world with a telescope - your possibilities are limited only by your own imagination.

August 2017

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see also

Other reviews and articles about telescopes and astronomy:

Reviews of optical equipment and accessories:

Articles about the telescopes. How to choose, set up and make first observations:

All about the basics of astronomy and "space" objects:

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