Large dog in a city apartment: tips for care. Big dog in a city apartment: care tips Which pets are pets

The picture is drawn differently, but tempting - you proudly walk through the forest park with your big pet, feeling completely safe, and someone is frightened, someone enthusiastically looks after you. But there is a catch - you do not live in a large private house, but in a standard city apartment.

To begin with, it will be a good idea to determine which dogs are called large. It is believed that these are those whose adult weight is more than 26 kilograms, and their height is 60 centimeters. This, for example, Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler or, let's say, a large Labrador. There are those that can rightly be called gigantic. The growth of such animals at the withers exceeds 75 centimeters. These are Moscow Watchdog, Caucasian, Central Asian and South Russian Shepherd Dogs, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhound, Mastiff, Leonberger, Bullmastiff, Mastino-Napoletano, Newfoundland, St. Bernard.


Pros. With good training and proper upbringing, you will have a reliable guard - both for the house and for walks.

In a sense, such dogs are also helpers - they can be taught, for example, to roll a stroller with a baby or carry a bag in their teeth.

Minuses. It is clear that the main one is that the larger the dog, the more space it needs. And if there is not enough space, the dog will suffer.

A large dog needs to establish an active lifestyle, otherwise it will destroy everything in the house. Such pets are also more expensive to maintain - after all, the greater the weight of the animal, the more food it needs, and even you will spend money on it. Veterinary treatment will also cost more, and for example, overexposure for the duration of the vacation - the price in this case depends on the height and weight of the dog.

In addition to increasing costs, there is also the problem of investing effort. It is clear that combing such a dog (especially if it is the owner of a long and thick coat), and washing its paws is a more time-consuming process than in the case of small pets. Some wash large dogs in the bathroom, but this requires constant "scraping" after street dirt brought by the dog into the house. To clean up after such a dog on a city street, frankly, is also much more difficult.

Large dogs age earlier, their life expectancy is shorter than that of small and medium breeds. They are predisposed to certain diseases: dilatation-torsion of the stomach, osteo-articular disorders, heart pathologies, bone and tumor diseases.

Who Shouldn't Get Large Dogs

Those who are not able to provide the dog with care and the necessary active and long walking due to lack of time. Also, parents with small children or those who are expecting a baby should not start such dogs. An exception in the latter case may be good dogs of large breeds - Labradors or Golden Retrievers.

People without experience with "serious" breeds you can get a retriever, husky, but think carefully before getting a rottweiler or a Caucasian shepherd dog, which has a tough temper.

People who do not have training experience and are not ready to hire professionals. Large dogs simply need a course in obedience. Let's take a simple example. If a tiny poodle pulls you along on a leash, you can handle it, but if a big dog entails, it is quite possible to plow the ground with your nose, or even get seriously injured.

If you still decide

The most popular large dogs for a city apartment are the Doberman, Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Airedale, Labrador, Golden Retriever, and German Shepherd.

To solve the problem of disproportionate development of the body due to too rapid growth, it is important to properly feed.

Do not forget to provide the pet with constant activity on a walk, then the apartment will be healthier. It is not bad to include running (preferably with obstacles) in the “program” of walking, and swimming in the appropriate season.

And most importantly - you need to give your pet enough space. It is not necessary to give him a personal sofa (although this can be provided), but there should be a large sunbed. There are cases when dogs with thick hair - for example, Malamute - are kept on glazed balconies. Still some savings. The door to the balcony should be constantly open, because the pet needs to move around the apartment during the day.

A large dog needs a special food bowl holder so that he does not have to lower his head too low. A balanced diet is important because these dogs tend to be more obese than others. The weak point of large dogs is the deformation of bones and joints, which, among other things, can be caused by excess weight. Nutrition should be rich in B vitamins, potassium, fish oil. The weight of a large dog should be constantly monitored. The optimal daily diet for a pet weighing 30 kilograms (if it is not on dry food) is 500 grams of meat, 120 grams of bread, 140 grams of cereals, 260 grams of vegetables and 10 grams of bone meal.

If your large dog is phlegmatic by nature and too active in movement, you should massage him from time to time.

It must also be borne in mind that a large dog can pose a certain danger to others.

When deciding which dog is better to have in an apartment, they pay attention to the nature, size and purpose of the pet.

When choosing a breed for urban conditions, the following factors should be considered:

  1. Dog size. Small and medium breeds get along better in an apartment. Bowls and a stove bench can be placed literally two meters apart. And big dogs need a vast "territory".
  2. Temperament. Active pets need a lot of space to play. They are also very noisy, which can annoy the neighbors. Such dogs get along in high-rise buildings only when they receive intense physical activity. Otherwise, dogs will become real destroyers. It is better to start calm, balanced breeds.
  3. Tendency to molt. Dogs with a thick undercoat shed the most: huskies, shepherds, spitz. But short-haired breeds also cause trouble. If long hair is easy to collect from floors and furniture, then small coarse hairs dig into the coatings and are not easy to get rid of.
  4. "Dribbling". Some breeds are prone to excessive salivation: bulldogs, boxers, bullmastiffs, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands. When keeping such people in an apartment, drooling will be everywhere - not only on the floor, but also on furniture, bedspreads, walls. For such dogs, you will literally have to walk with a rag.

Not always small breeds are better than large breeds for apartment maintenance. For example, spaniels are too active, make a lot of noise, you need to work with them for a long time. Whereas mastiffs prefer to wallow on a couch all day.

They also take into account the lifestyle of the owners, the presence of children, other pets. It is desirable that the dog is not left alone for a long time. If the owner has only a couple of free hours in the evening, it is better to refuse to buy a puppy. Otherwise, the animal will develop behavioral problems.

A small child is incompatible with small dogs - he can cripple a pet. Also, most popular dogs (dachshunds, pit bulls, terriers) were originally bred for hunting. Therefore, they can pursue the owner's and other people's cats, birds, rodents.

Given the general rules for choosing a puppy, you can select the most suitable breeds for life in an apartment.

Overview of the best breeds for apartment maintenance

Yorkshire Terrier

In recent years, Yorkies have become more popular than another "home" breed - the Pekingese. The Miniature Terrier hardly sheds, eats little, and does not need long walks.

Dog hair is similar in structure to human hair. Therefore, it is often turned on by allergy sufferers.

The Yorkshire Terrier is docile, obedient, he easily recognizes the authority of the owner and familiar people. There are no problems with training. Since Yorkies are companion dogs, it is enough for them to remember a few basic commands.

It is not worth starting a Yorkie with a small child. The dog is small, fragile, the baby can inadvertently harm him. The pet is ideal for children from 7 to 10 years old.

Like all small dogs, the Yorkie suffers from the "Napoleon complex". He can pounce on a bird, cat or dog, even if they are several times larger.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier is quite difficult. Necessary:

  • brush daily;
  • bathe every few weeks;
  • do grooming;
  • trim nails;
  • clean your ears and wipe your eyes every day;
  • clothes and shoes in cold weather.

Feeding dry food will not cause problems. The main thing is to choose a special line of a good manufacturer. But natural nutrition will have to be carefully considered: even a slight deviation from the diet will immediately affect the appearance and health of the dog.

Golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a large, beautiful and kind dog. She is the perfect babysitter. It can be left with children of any age.

The Golden Retriever is a smart, obedient dog. Parenting problems are rare. However, do not expect an instant reaction from the animal. Before he executes the command, he needs to think carefully.

The Retriever gets along well with other pets. But he still remains a hunter. Unfamiliar animals can be perceived as prey.

The Golden Retriever is calm and needs moderate exercise. Two walks a day for an hour will be enough. On weekends, it is advisable to get out into nature so that the dog throws out energy.

The Golden Retriever is unpretentious. His care is standard. Increased attention requires only long hair with a thick undercoat.


Basenji is a cat in the body of a dog. She is clean, curious, loves to climb high surfaces and dislikes water.

Due to the average size (40 - 43 cm height, weight up to 12 kg), dogs feel great even in a small apartment. They also get along well with children. They get along well with pets, but only if they grew up with them.

Basenji care is not difficult. They themselves monitor their hygiene, avoid puddles and dirt. Short hair will also not cause trouble. It is enough to comb the animal once a week and bathe every month.

However, a number of features should be taken into account:

  • a large amount of physical activity is required, preferably sports;
  • the amount of food is carefully regulated, otherwise the dog will quickly gain weight;
  • Basenji are thermophilic, so they buy clothes for autumn and winter;
  • beginners are not recommended to start dogs of this breed - they have a proud, stubborn character, they tend to make decisions themselves.

Because of the structure of the throat, the Basenji cannot bark. Generally. But this does not mean that she will remain silent. The dog is "talkative": constantly howling, squealing, "grunting" and making a whole series of sounds similar to croaking or meowing.


The Beagle is an unpretentious, strong and healthy breed of medium size. It's easy to take care of them. Enough combing once a week and bathing once every 1 - 2 months.

Dogs get along well in the apartment. However, constant active walking is required.

Often there are problems with education. This is a stubborn and freedom-loving dog. In addition, she is very curious, so it is difficult for her to hold attention for a long time.

On a walk, the beagle is not let off the leash. He was bred as a hound. Having felt an interesting smell, the dog is easily carried away and can run away.

Beagles get along well with children of all ages and other pets. Occasionally they show aggression, but this is usually the result of an incorrect test or mental disorders.


Pomeranian gets along well in an apartment due to its small size and low need for active loads. Its size does not exceed 22 cm, and its weight is 3.5 kg.

But with this breed there are certain difficulties:

  • Pomeranians are noisy, bark a lot;
  • Spitz are prone to dominance, there may be problems with obedience;
  • show aggression towards other dogs;
  • they are hard to tolerate heat: heat strokes often occur in summer;
  • Pomeranians need careful care: without daily combing, the hair gets tangled, you need to regularly check the skin, wipe your eyes, brush your teeth, ears, and trim your nails.

The Pomeranian is smart, easy to train, learns tricks. He gets along well with other pets. However, it is recommended to start it for a child not younger than 10 years old.


Bulldogs are a paradise for dog lovers and opponents of outdoor activities. Dogs are living "sofa cushions". They sleep more than cats. On a walk, they will decorously nurse next to the owner. Only puppies can frolic a little.

Bulldogs get along well with children, especially teenagers. Cats are treated loyally, but sometimes they are played too cruelly.

The real problem is getting the bulldog to move. Physical activity is needed, as dogs are prone to obesity. Excess weight, coupled with a flattened muzzle, often leads to problems with the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

In the apartment you can start any kind of bulldog breed: American, English or French.

But it will not suit squeamish people: the dog constantly snores, drools and gases, champs.


Collies are large dogs, 50 to 60 cm high at the withers. They are smart, loyal animals with a balanced character. Puppies are playful, mischievous, often arrange riots. However, adult dogs are reserved and calm.

Collies have many positive qualities:

  • easy to train, remember both commands from the general course and everyday ones (bring a newspaper, slippers);
  • they will never harm children, so they can be started with children of any age;
  • obedient, do not try to dominate;
  • they like to participate in all household chores and often imitate people in everyday life, for example, they can carry a rag on the floor, carry a garbage bag to the tank, knock dust out of pillows;
  • they do not show aggression towards strangers and animals, however, in case of danger, they come to the defense of the owner.

The only problem is the long thick coat with a dense undercoat. It must be combed out at least once every two days, regardless of whether the animal is kept at home or in an aviary. You also have to cut the tangles.

Keeping a fluffy collie coat clean is easier when the dog lives in an apartment.


Dalmatians are suitable for apartment keeping, but only if they have a lot of work with them. The breed is active and needs a lot of attention. Need active walks for at least 1.5 - 2 hours every day.

The Dalmatian is clean and rarely gets sick. However, he is prone to allergies and obesity, so the menu is regulated.

Although the coat of the Dalmatian is short, it sheds all year round. Therefore, the dog is combed out at least every other day.

A dog of this breed does not show aggression towards children, it is loyal to other pets. He is wary of strangers. She makes a good guard.


There are 4 varieties of poodles: large, small, dwarf and toy. Any of them feels great in apartment buildings. Poodles are one of the most popular breeds today.

The main advantages of the breed:

  • hypoallergenic coat, no shedding;
  • sharp mind and complaisance: the poodle is easily trained, remembers tricks;
  • versatility: dogs are used for hunting birds, in search and rescue service, at customs, for protection, as a "circus performer";
  • friendly character: the dog easily finds a common language with kids and other animals.

The poodle is considered one of the smartest dogs. In terms of intelligence, he is second only to the Border Collie.

Poodle is suitable for active people. The dog requires a lot of attention and strength. Even toys need frequent active walks.

Grooming is simple, with the exception of grooming. The poodle will have to be bathed every 2 weeks and cut regularly.

welsh corgi

According to legend, Welsh Corgis were given to people by fairies who used them for riding. Allegedly, since then they have left traces of the saddle on their backs.

Welsh Corgis were bred to herd herds. Today, sheep are "replaced" by family members. They bite adults and children by the legs, as if knocking them into a heap.

Corgis are suitable for inexperienced owners. Dogs quickly memorize commands, often for the 2nd - 3rd time.

Care is also easy. Welsh Corgis feel good even in a one-room apartment. They need to be combed a couple of times a week, bathed once a month, wipe their paws, stomach after a walk, regularly inspect their ears and eyes.

Corgi's weak point is food. Dogs often overeat and should be limited.


Small to medium sized companion dogs are suitable for an apartment. Pay attention to the character: the dog must be moderately active, without pronounced hunting instincts, aggression, get along well with children and other pets.

Traditional "urban" pets are Yorkshire terriers, poodles, bulldogs, spitz, retrievers.

It’s a paradox, but by 2018, Russian legislation did not find a place for the long-awaited and demanded law on the treatment of a person both with their own pets and with street animals.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 245 provides for liability for cruelty to animals, meaning by this the infliction of pain and suffering. But liability for neglect of pets is still not regulated, just as no law has been adopted prescribing the rules for keeping them by citizens and owners of "living corners", zoos, dolphinariums, circuses, etc.

Legislation of the Russian Federation on the responsible treatment of animals

The draft federal law "On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" was submitted for consideration back in 2010 (!). The document includes a conceptual apparatus, establishes the powers of state bodies of local self-government and subjects of the Russian Federation to supervise the treatment of animals, provides for a ban on priming stations, mobile dolphinariums and contact zoos in shopping centers. The draft law also refers to the creation of shelters, castration and chipping of stray dogs and cats. Finally, the text of the law names the requirements for keeping, handling pets and stray animals, and their use.

Federal law on wildlife in the latest edition, read

Read the Federal Guardianship Act 2018

In March 2011, the draft was adopted by the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the first reading. But for some reason the process stopped.

Read about the latest changes in competition law

After footage of the brutal massacre of two girls from Khabarovsk over cats and dogs thundered on the Internet in the fall of 2016, which stirred up society, the issue of the speedy adoption of the law was raised again by the President. Consideration of the normative legal act in the second reading was scheduled first for mid-June, then for the end of July 2017. Later it was stated that the bill was “almost at the exit” and would be adopted in the coming months simultaneously with the relevant by-laws (we are talking about a government decree). As of early March 2018, the law is still not officially published.

Read also the main provisions of Federal Law No. 73 in the new edition

However, progress is being made on this issue. At the end of December 2017, amendments to Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation were approved, which toughened the responsibility of a person for cruelty to animals. Now the law provides for punishment in the form of a large fine, corrective or compulsory labor, arrest, as well as imprisonment for up to three years. The same acts committed under aggravating circumstances threaten, at best, with a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, at worst, with imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years.

You will be interested in: Federal Law on the Constitutional Court in the Russian Federation. Read more in the article

At the end of December 2017, in order to prevent cruelty to animals, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted amendments to the Federal Law on hunting and conservation of hunting resources. After adjusting the bill with the participation of the commission, on February 28, 2018, the document was approved. According to the content of the adopted law, the preparation and training of dogs for hunting is allowed only in relation to hunting breeds. It can be carried out only in fixed hunting grounds. Animals in captivity and used in the process of training hunting dogs must not be physically harmed. Ill-treatment is unacceptable. Guards must be used to prevent harm to the animal by a hunting dog.

Read about the main provisions of Federal Law 311

In the article we will consider the provisions of the mentioned bill, which sooner or later will be adopted by Russian legislators.

9. Obligations of owners;
10. Registration;
11. Transportation;
12. Shelters;
13. Pets.

Rules for keeping dogs in the apartment

The dog is the property of the owner, therefore the owner is responsible both for life and health and for its actions.

Let's generalize rules for keeping dogs in apartment buildings:

  • In an apartment building, it is allowed to keep dogs not only in privatized apartments, but also in communal ones, if your neighbors have no medical contraindications. At the same time, they are forbidden to be kept in the common areas of an apartment building: in the stairwell, attic, basement, etc.
  • The maximum number of dogs living in one apartment is not regulated by law. However, their number should be correlated with living conditions and the ability of the owner to comply with the rules for keeping all pets.
  • Dogs must not disturb public silence at night, the limits of which are established by local laws (the national average is the period from 10 pm to 8 am). Including, being outside the house, the owner must take care that the pet does not whine or bark at this time (FZ on silence more)
  • Dogs should not contaminate public places and adjacent territory. Almost everywhere in Russia there are local laws that provide for special conditions for dog walking.
    Owners should keep the following in mind:
    1. When walking, the pet must be on a leash and in a muzzle. You can let the dog go only in sparsely populated places;
    2. A card (token) with the contact details of the owners is attached to the collar;
    3. Children under 14 years of age and persons in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication are not allowed to walk;
    4. Walking a dog in public places (parks, squares), as well as near children's institutions and on children's playgrounds is prohibited;
    5. Animals must be cleaned up.

Read more on our website.

The procedure and conditions for keeping dogs in a private house

We described how to legally keep dogs in an apartment. Now let's look at the rules for keeping dogs in a private house.

Walking, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous breeds, without a muzzle and a leash, regardless of the place of walking, is prohibited. An exception is the situation when the dog is in a fenced area that belongs to its owner on a legal basis (ownership, lease agreement). The presence of such a dog is informed by a warning sign at the entrance to the territory of the house.

The following rules are relevant for pets living both in apartments and in houses.
Owners are required to:

  • Register dogs with local veterinary authorities, vaccinate annually against rabies and other "local" infections (when appropriate orders are received at the regional level).
  • Seek immediate veterinary care. In the event of the death of a dog, his body is handed over to the veterinary service.
  • Keep the dog in conditions corresponding to its biological characteristics. It is forbidden to leave dogs unattended for a long time and physically punish them.

What breeds are forbidden to keep in the apartment?

There are over a thousand breeds of dogs in the world. Some of them were naturally formed by nature. Others, due to the proximity to humans, were bred artificially by crossing. Among the variety of breeds there are companions, shepherds, guards, wolfhounds and others.

Some of the bred breeds are considered dangerous to humans. In most countries, they are banned or the law imposes certain restrictions on their content. The main purpose of such regulation is to prevent injury and death from dog bites.

In Russia, dangerous breeds are recognized:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • South African Boerboel;
  • Karelian Bear Dog;
  • Anatolian Karabash;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Alabai;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Metis (crossbreed) of the listed breeds.

Dogs of especially dangerous breeds are subject to mandatory registration. Their maintenance and walking is prohibited:

  • Persons with disabilities;
  • People who do not have a certificate of special education;
  • Minor citizens.

Restrictions related to the place of residence of a pet are not established by current laws. Any dogs can be kept in apartments if living conditions allow fulfilling the maintenance requirements stipulated by law.

What to do if your neighbor's dog is constantly barking?

What to do if the source of noise in an apartment building is endless barking or howling? This question, for objective reasons, is rather ambiguous and scrupulous. Many animals experience anxiety when left alone in an apartment, even for a short time. To solve this problem, first have a conversation with the owner.

If the neighbors are sure that the howling or barking is caused by the fact that the dog is being physically punished (screams, blows, noise are heard), they have the right to write a complaint to the police against the owner of the dog, referring to Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on cruelty to animals. Photo and video evidence, as well as the testimony of neighbors, will not be superfluous. Police officers are required to visit the owner of the apartment and check the conditions of the dog.

Download the text of the law for dog owners

The common truth, which says that "we are responsible for those whom we have tamed," will never lose its relevance. Our smaller brothers are completely dependent on us, we are responsible for their maintenance, care, upbringing, health, treatment, behavior and other aspects.

In Russia, there is still no clear legislative regulation of the issue of keeping dogs and other domestic animals. There is hope that soon the bill, which has been at the approval stage since 2010, will nevertheless be adopted. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the provisions of the regulatory act on the maintenance of dogs in advance.

and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” in the latest edition published today.

Moscow Government

dated 07.10.2008 N 900-PP)

1. General Provisions

1.1. These rules apply to all owners of dogs and cats in Moscow, including enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination.

1.2. It is allowed to keep animals both in apartments occupied by one family and in rooms of communal apartments in the absence of medical contraindications (allergies) from neighbors.

1.3. An obligatory condition for keeping an animal is the observance of sanitary and hygienic, veterinary and sanitary rules and norms of the hostel.

1.4. It is not allowed to keep animals in common areas: kitchens, corridors, stairwells, attics, basements, as well as on balconies and loggias.

1.5. Dogs owned by citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations are subject to mandatory registration, annual re-registration and vaccination against rabies from the age of 3 months, regardless of breed, in state veterinary institutions at the place of residence of citizens, the location of enterprises, institutions and organizations - owners of animals. Newly acquired animals must be registered within 2 weeks.

1.6. When registering dogs, the owner is issued a registration certificate and is familiarized with these rules.

1.7. When selling and transporting dogs outside the city, a standard veterinary certificate is issued, which indicates the date of vaccination against rabies.

1.8. It is allowed to transport animals by all types of land transport, subject to conditions that exclude the anxiety of passengers. Dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash. Small animals are allowed on the subway in closed bags.

1.9. It is not forbidden to settle in the hotel of the owner with a dog or a cat in agreement with the administration and subject to sanitary and hygienic rules.

1.10. It is forbidden to appear with a dog without a leash and a muzzle in shops, institutions, playgrounds, markets, beaches and transport, as well as walking dogs on the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions and institutions working with minors.

(clause 1.10 as amended by the resolution

1.11. It is prohibited to breed cats and dogs for the purpose of using the skin and meat of an animal, as well as for the purpose of conducting animal fights.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 07.10.2008 N 900-PP)

1.12. When a dog or cat bites a person or animal, pet owners are required to report this to the nearest state veterinary institutions, deliver animals for examination and quarantine, if necessary, to veterinary institutions within 10 days.

1.13. Dogs and cats that are in public places without accompanying persons, except for those left by the owners on a leash at shops, pharmacies, consumer services, clinics, etc., are subject to capture at the request of interested organizations.

2. Responsibilities of the animal owner

2.1. The owner of the animal is obliged to keep it in accordance with its biological characteristics, to treat the animal humanely, not to leave it unattended, without food and water, not to beat it, and in case of illness of the animal, to resort to veterinary care in time.

2.2. Pet owners are required to maintain the sanitary condition of the house and the surrounding area. Dogs are prohibited from contaminating entrances, stairwells, elevators, as well as playgrounds, paths, sidewalks. If the dog has left excrement in these areas, it must be removed by the owner.

2.3. Pet owners are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of other people and animals.

2.4. Owners of dogs and cats are obliged to provide them at the request of the state veterinary inspector for examination, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and therapeutic and prophylactic treatments.

2.5. When walking dogs and in residential areas, owners must ensure silence - prevent dogs from barking from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 07.10.2008 N 900-PP)

2.6. It is forbidden to walk dogs and appear with them in public places and in transport to persons in a state of intoxication and children under 14 years of age.

2.7. Take the dog for a walk on a leash with a token attached to the collar, which indicates the dog's name, owner's address, phone number. You can let your dog off the leash only in sparsely populated areas. Vicious dogs should wear a muzzle.

2.8. Owners of dogs who have a land plot in use may keep dogs free-range only in a well-fenced area or on a leash. A warning notice must be posted at the entrance to the site about the presence of a dog.

2.9. When crossing the street and near highways, the owner of the dog is obliged to take it on a leash in order to avoid traffic accidents and death of the dog on the carriageway of the streets.

2.10. If further maintenance is impossible, the animal must be transferred to another owner or handed over to a veterinary institution.

2.11. The owner reports the acquisition, loss or death of the dog to the housing maintenance organizations at the place of residence.

2.12. When an animal dies, its corpse is handed over to a veterinary institution. It is forbidden to throw away the corpse of a dead animal. The registration certificate of the dog is handed over to the veterinary institution where it was registered.

3. Rights of the animal owner

3.1. Any animal is the property of the owner and, like any property, is protected by law.

3.2. The animal may be confiscated from the owner by a court decision or in another manner in cases provided for by applicable law.

3.3. The owner has the right for a limited time to leave his dog tied on a short leash near a store or other institution (a large dog - in a muzzle).

4. Responsibility of the animal owner

for compliance with these rules

4.1. For non-compliance with these Temporary Rules, the owners of dogs and cats are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.2. Harm caused to the health of citizens, or damage caused to property by dogs and cats, is compensated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.3. For cruelty to an animal or for an animal thrown into the street, the owner bears administrative responsibility, if his actions cannot be regarded as malicious hooliganism and are not subject to criminal punishment in accordance with applicable law.

5. Monitoring compliance with these rules

5.1. Housing maintenance organizations:

Ensure the maintenance of sanitary condition in the territory of households;

Ensure the maintenance of basements, attics and other utility rooms in accordance with the rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock;

Notify organizations engaged in catching about the presence of stray dogs and cats on their territory;

Provide assistance to veterinary service employees in carrying out anti-epizootic measures, allocate free premises for preventive vaccinations against rabies in the winter-spring period;

Hang out in a conspicuous place for familiarization of citizens "Temporary rules for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow", addresses and telephone numbers of veterinary institutions that carry out registration, re-registration and treatment of animals; an organization that catches stray dogs and cats, and the Public Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals in Moscow.

5.2. Bodies of veterinary supervision:

Carry out control over the fulfillment of veterinary requirements by animal owners and carry out explanatory work among the population in order to prevent animal diseases;

Carry out registration and re-registration of dogs, as well as the issuance of registration certificates.

5.3. Public Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals in Moscow:

Explains and promotes the implementation of these Temporary Rules;

Provides assistance to owners in the maintenance of animals, if necessary;

Together with law enforcement agencies, he is holding pet owners accountable for violating the "Temporary Rules for Keeping Dogs and Cats in Moscow".

An apartment building is not a natural habitat for pets. The responsibility for ensuring normal living conditions must be assumed by its owner.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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The legislation contains norms that protect both the pets themselves and the people around them from those owners who neglect their duties.

General information

Pets are almost family members. They give the owners joy and positive emotions. However, this also has a downside. First, they remain animals. They have their own needs. For example, they need to somehow go to the toilet, walk. They may chew on shoes or drop a vase on the floor. In addition, good relations with loved ones do not mean that they will be the same with neighbors and passers-by.

Sooner or later conflicts may arise. This may be a loud barking of dogs, an expression of aggression towards passers-by, or a situation when a dog shits in the stairwell or on the street.

It is important for both owners and people around them to know if the law establishes rules for keeping animals and whether there are penalties for those who ignore these rules.

The one who gets pets not only enjoys communicating with them, but also takes full responsibility for creating appropriate conditions for them and for ensuring that they do not create problems for the people around them.


A draft Law on the Keeping of Dogs is currently being considered, detailing the rules that must be met by pet owners. At the moment, this law has not yet been adopted.

Keeping dogs in an apartment building

The owner is not only obliged to feed and walk the dogs, he must take care that they do not get sick, that their diet contains all the substances and trace elements they need.

In addition, it must be remembered that for pets it is necessary to provide the possibility of physical activity.

Sanitary standards

In an apartment building for dogs, the living environment is largely uncomfortable. If a person has got a dog, then he bears, among other things, a moral responsibility to provide it with the necessary conditions.

This requires the following:

  • It is necessary that the dog not only visits the street once, but also walks well and gets the opportunity for physical activity.
  • You need to handle the dog in such a way that you do not give him a reason for loud barking. At the same time, for example, it is unacceptable to lock the dog on the balcony while away from home.
  • If the dog is large, then walking can only be done in a muzzle.
  • One person is not allowed to walk more than two dogs at the same time.
  • When walking with a dog, one must be at least thirty meters away from entrances and from crowds of people.
  • If you happen to transport the dog in public transport, then be sure to put him on a leash. It is allowed to use a basket for transportation.

There is no mandatory registration of dogs in Russia. In many countries around the world, pets must undergo this procedure. It is not necessary for a pet to have an issued vaccination card. However, in cases where the animal is taken with them on a tourist trip abroad, the dog may not be released without such a document.

The law does not provide for the possibility of selecting pets. This can be done if there is inhumane treatment and only by ransom.

Liability for infringement

Violations related to the keeping of animals can be of a different nature. On the one hand, they need to be provided with normal opportunities for their species. On the other hand, in exceptional cases, cruel acts can be carried out against animals.

In the latter case, punishment is provided for in the relevant article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The Administrative Code stipulates that the owner is obliged to ensure cleanliness and tidiness where he keeps the dog. These and similar issues are dealt with in Article 6.3.

What is the punishment?

If there was cruelty towards a pet, then the culprit falls under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The crime can be made from hooligan or sadistic, while leading to the mutilation of the animal. It is noted that cruel acts in the presence of young children are also subject to punishment on the basis of this article.

It has two parts. In the second, the punishment is determined in cases where the crime was a group or by prior conspiracy.

The first part provides for the imposition of one of the following penalties:

  • A fine of up to 80 thousand rubles can be imposed.
  • The amount of the fine may correspond to the amount of the perpetrator's salary for a period of up to six months.
  • The offender may be sentenced to compulsory work lasting up to 360 hours.
  • It is possible to assign correctional labor for no longer than one year.
  • An arrest is allowed, which can last up to six months.

For those to whom the second part applies, the punishments are more severe:

  • Now the penalty has not only an upper, but also a lower limit. It can have a value from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.
  • Penalties up to one year's salary may be imposed.
  • Compulsory work can be scheduled for up to 480 hours.
  • Forced labor for up to two years is allowed.
  • The article also provides for imprisonment for up to two years.

Another article of the Civil Code deals with inhuman treatment of animals. Almost any form of mistreatment of a pet falls under it. On the other hand, it provides for the forced redemption of the animal in question by mutual agreement or at a price set at a court session.

The Civil Code provides for the protection of those animals that have no owner. These issues are discussed in articles,.

Where to complain if the neighbor's dog constantly barks?

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