Rhinoplasty tips after surgery. Recovery period after rhinoplasty. How to get rid of swelling and bruising as soon as possible

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty can be different, depending on the operation. For example, with a slight correction, the consequences of the surgeon's work will be insignificant. In the case of complex rhinoplasty, when the entire surface of the face is affected, the rehabilitation will last longer.


Recovery after rhinoplasty can take place within two to six months. The main factors affecting the duration are the method, complexity and quality of the operation performed.

Changes happen about every week. After the first week, the edema subsides, after two weeks you can use cosmetics, after a month all traces of the operation disappear.

Rehabilitation in the early postoperative period

At the end of rhinoplasty, the patient begins to wake up after anesthesia. Most often, the effect of sleep is used, so the complexity of this part depends on the correct choice and calculation of medicines. In order to minimize discomfort after the operation, the patient is prescribed premedication.

At this point in recovery, a number of symptoms are observed:

  • Dizziness .
  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Constant desire sleep.

The above symptoms will disappear immediately after the end of the drugs. To avoid irritation and inflammation and to prevent high fever, a number of antibiotics are usually taken after rhinoplasty.

The course of treatment is most often individual. In some cases, the patient also takes pain medication.

Fixation of the nose after surgery

Recovery after rhinoplasty is a difficult period, as you need to constantly monitor the condition of the nose. The slightest damage can cause serious damage to regenerating tissues.

To protect the nose during the recovery period, special fixing devices are used, the main of which are:

  • Plaster bandages (langet).
  • Thermoplastic.

Thermoplastic is more popular, as it does not need to be constantly adjusted to reduce swelling. Also, during the recovery period, special nose plugs should be used.

They absorb secretions from tumors and make rehabilitation less uncomfortable. Nowadays, hemostatics or silicone devices are used.

These fixators are removed within two weeks after the operation.

Rehabilitation in the late postoperative period

The first few weeks are the hardest part of recovery. After several weeks of rehabilitation, the patient is no longer burdened by some of the restrictions associated with the operation.

In a month, all visually visible traces disappear. After the swelling and bruising subside, the loss of sensation in the skin of the nose will also disappear.

Whether the client follows the regimen or not will determine how long the nose heals after rhinoplasty. In order not to face the consequences after the operation, you need to follow some rules:

  • Dream only in the lying position face up.
  • Do without heavy loads and slopes.
  • Refuse to practice sports for the recovery period.
  • Don't go to solarium, or to the beach for two months.
  • Eat only moderate food temperature.
  • Do not wear glasses within three months.

The attending physician should monitor the recovery process, any restrictions are imposed or removed only with his permission.

It should be remembered that patients in the recovery period do not have external signs of the consequences of the operation after a month. But the tumors will completely disappear only after a few months or even after six months.

Full recovery may take a year. It all depends on the scale. The tip of the nose will heal faster than the treatment after complex rhinoplasty.

The type of operation will also affect the treatment. If the rhinoplasty was closed, then the recovery will last up to six months. In the case when such a procedure was carried out openly, then it will take more time for the regeneration of the nose itself and the scar to come off.

How to speed up recovery

The speed of recovery is directly related to the overall health of the client. However, there are ways to speed up recovery.

In order to remove bruises after rhinoplasty, you should follow a diet that excludes alcohol and foods high in salt from the diet.

It will become more difficult to breathe for a short time after the operation. This symptom is associated with drying of the ichor in the respiratory tract (after mechanical intervention).

In no case should you try to get rid of the dried ichor, it should peel itself off. Otherwise, there is a very high probability of damaging the mucosa and thereby prolonging the recovery time.

Medicines after

To speed up the disappearance of edema during the recovery process, such drugs after rhinoplasty as Lioton, Dimexide and Troksivasin will help. Medicines must be prescribed by the attending physician.

In order to get rid of swollen cartilage and edema, it is recommended to do a nose massage. This series of exercises is available for self-conduct:

  • Massaging tip nose with two fingers.
  • Massaging nose bridge two fingers.

Procedures should be performed several times a day, for thirty seconds each.


It may seem that the recovery will be very long and difficult: an abundance of bruises, plaster casts, breathing difficulties. In fact, this procedure is one of the most painless corrections. Unpleasant sensations pass very quickly, but each person should be aware that there are a number of contraindications for the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty.

Basic prohibitions during the recovery period

  • Forbidden dream in any position except face up.
  • Forbidden to wear points, due to the risk of nasal deformity. For people with poor eyesight, it is recommended to wear lenses for three months after surgery.
  • No heavy loads.
  • Can't take hot bathroom or shower.
  • Refusal of any kind solar baths for one to two months.
  • None basin during two months
  • Try to limit yourself from getting sick cold or any similar disease that irritates and affects the mucous membranes.
  • Any stressful situations.

There is a very common fear that after rhinoplasty surgery, irreparable scars may remain on the face. This is not true. In both open and closed surgery, the skin on the main part of the face and nose is not exposed to any kind of damage.

The only part of the skin where any traces will remain is the septum between the nostrils, but even on it, with proper care, there will be no trace of surgical intervention.

  • An independent decision to carry out this operation is possible only upon the occurrence coming of age, otherwise, with the written permission of the parents.
  • Changing the shape of the nose is only in certain borders, otherwise, the tip plate may not withstand.
  • After the operation should be carried out in hospital some time: from several days to a week.
  • It is worth waiting for the final result only after the full passage rehabilitation.
  • To work should be started no earlier than a few weeks after the operation.
  • The operation itself is associated with several risks. You should be aware of the reaction to anesthesia and carefully choose a clinic with good equipment and competent specialists.
  • The entire rehabilitation period should be very carefully deal with the nose, as any damage may lead to the need for a second rhinoplasty.
  • Repeated rhinoplasty can be done only a year after the end of rehabilitation.

Rhinoplasty is one of the safest procedures, and if you follow the recommendations and instructions of doctors, then rehabilitation after it will be easier than it seems.

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to correct congenital or acquired defects of the nose. Many patients resort to this type of surgery to change the shape of either the tip of the nose or reduce its size.

During such an operation, plastic surgeons make harmonious adjustments to the appearance of a person, while maintaining his individual facial features.

After rhinoplasty, patients should undergo a course of rehabilitation measures that will help them recover faster and return to their normal lifestyle.

How long is the rehabilitation period

The process of rehabilitation of patients who have undergone rhinoplasty takes a lot of time and takes place in several stages.

In total, all rehabilitation activities are carried out for several months, after which patients can lead an active lifestyle, avoiding contact sports and injuries.

Subtleties of the postoperative period

The postoperative period after rhinoplasty has its own nuances and subtleties that all patients should be familiar with.

This will help them recover faster and evaluate the result of the surgical intervention.


Many patients who decide to undergo rhinoplasty are afraid that scars will appear on their faces that will spoil their appearance.

Currently, modern medical centers use advanced surgical techniques, thanks to which no visible consequences remain on the skin. This result is typical of closed rhinoplasty, during which the surgeon makes an incision inside the nose.

With open rhinoplasty, scars can be slightly noticeable, but their number and size directly depend on the professionalism and experience of the surgeon.

To make scars less noticeable, patients are recommended a course of laser resurfacing, which can be carried out a year after surgery.


After rhinoplasty, patients experience edema, which usually accompanies any surgical intervention.

If the site of edema bothers or the swelling spreads to neighboring areas of the skin, you should contact your doctor and get advice.

Postoperative hematomas appear in all patients undergoing rhinoplasty. They develop as a result of injury to blood vessels during incisions made by the surgeon.

Bruises and bruises are the result of the decomposition of hemoglobin, the components of which give such a bright color. To prevent hematomas, patients immediately after the operation, ice is applied to the injury site.

In the future, special ointments and lotions are prescribed.


Patients experience pain after any surgical intervention, during which incisions or punctures of the skin were made.

Discomfort and pain after rhinoplasty disappears after 2-3 weeks, if the patient strictly follows the instructions of his doctor.

Side effects

Such surgical interventions may be accompanied by side effects:

  • loss of smell (partial or complete);
  • ugly nose shape;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • the formation of adhesions;
  • deviated septum of the nose;
  • the development of the inflammatory process in the periosteum;
  • the appearance of callus;
  • large scars;
  • severe bleeding during surgery;
  • wound infection and suppuration;
  • sepsis (can be fatal).


The duration of the diet can be 2 months, during which the following foods should be excluded:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • smoked meats, pickles, etc.;
  • fried food;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • limit carbohydrates;
  • control the amount of proteins.

Eat should be fractional, 5-6 times a day in small portions.

How does it go

The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty consists of several stages:

  1. The first stage lasts 7-10 days (patients experience pain and discomfort, they have difficulty breathing, swelling and bruising are present).
  2. The second stage lasts 10 days. Patients are removed from the cast, they can return to work and gradually restore their previous activity.
  3. The third stage lasts 3-4 months. Patients can evaluate the result of plastic surgery.
  4. The fourth and final stage of rehabilitation lasts from 6 months to 1 year. Patients fully restore physical activity and can lead a normal life.

After Secondary Rhinoplasty

After repeated rhinoplasty, the recovery process for patients is more difficult and longer than after the first surgical intervention.

The sutures are removed only after a week, and swelling and bruising can go away within 4 weeks.

After closed rhinoplasty

After closed rhinoplasty, the rehabilitation of patients is much faster.

Despite the fact that this operation is not too traumatic, plaster bandages are applied to patients, the wearing time of which is determined by the surgeon individually in each case.

Within a few weeks after closed rhinoplasty, patients should follow the recommendations of specialists, and physical activity will have to be abandoned for 3 months.


After rhinoplasty, patients are prohibited from:

  • at first, sleep only on your back;
  • you can not blow your nose for 2 months;
  • do not visit the pool, bath and sauna, natural reservoirs;
  • do not lift heavy objects and refuse physical activity;
  • it is impossible to take too hot or cold water procedures during rehabilitation;
  • it is forbidden to sunbathe, visit the solarium and be under the rays of the scorching sun;
  • you can not smoke and drink alcoholic beverages;
  • take medications only after consulting with your doctor, etc.

  • avoid stress;
  • take walks in the fresh air;
  • take vitamins;
  • normalize your sleep;
  • wear sunglasses when going outside;
  • eat healthy foods, etc.

A photo

Frequently asked Questions

How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

After rhinoplasty, patients usually stay in the hospital for a day. If the doctor has doubts about the patient's condition, he may recommend that he stay in the hospital for a few more days.

Are additional procedures needed?

During rehabilitation, patients may be prescribed additional physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser, etc.). The attending physician, who controls the healing process, individually develops a program for each patient aimed at a speedy recovery.

Is plaster applied?

After plastic surgery on the nose, patients are put on a plaster cast, the function of which is to protect the septum from any external influence (impact, bruise, etc.). The gypsum also helps to fix the shape of the nose changed during rhinoplasty (it is usually removed after 1 or 2 weeks).

When can you play sports?

After rhinoplasty, patients are prohibited from being physically active for 4 weeks. You can return to regular classes no earlier than after 4 months, while contact sports (football, basketball, boxing, etc.) should be avoided.

Is a quick recovery possible?

In every medical institution that performs rhinoplasty, there are special rehabilitation courses aimed at accelerating the healing process. Patients are prescribed a course of magnetic nuclear resonance and ointments with a certain composition, after rubbing which bruises and hematomas disappear several times faster.

Video: Recovery after rhinoplasty

Video: Rehabilitation and revision rhinoplasty

Video: Re-rhinoplasty


People who are not satisfied with the shape of the nose or who have congenital or acquired defects in the nasal septum will benefit from rhinoplasty to make their appearance more attractive.

This type of plastic surgery can be performed in several ways, but, despite this, patients will need long-term rehabilitation. In order to recover as quickly as possible and begin to lead an active lifestyle, patients should strictly follow all the prescriptions of doctors.

In pursuit of beauty, many are ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Rhinoplasty is the most common operation in this area. But not many are ready for the consequences, much less think about rehabilitation. Rhinoplasty as a procedure is quite simple if it is performed by a qualified specialist. But this is only part of the overall process aimed at changing the appearance. Consolidation of "achieved success" depends largely on the patient. Incorrectly spent recovery time leads to complications. It is worth noting that after carrying out, the rehabilitation period is easier, due to physiological characteristics.

According to statistics, nose correction is no longer a complex operation. The mechanisms of the procedure have been worked out to the smallest detail, there are a huge number of positive results. But at the same time, the risk of postoperative complications in some cases still remains. Among them:

  1. Fatal outcome. This factor occupies the smallest niche, since the risk of dying during or after the operation is negligible. This usually happens due to anaphylactic shock (approximately 0.01% of the total number of cases with complications, and it is death from anaphylaxis that occurs in only 10% of cases from the above number).
  2. vascular network. It is rather a visual defect that does not pose a particular danger to the patient.
  3. Changing the shape of the nose in a negative direction - an overly upturned tip, saddle-shaped, beak-shaped.
  4. Changing the seams - their divergence, the formation of coarse adhesions and scars.
  5. Increased skin pigmentation.
  6. Allergic reaction.
  7. Wound infection.
  8. Violation of breathing, smell.
  9. Perforation.
  10. Osteotomy.
  11. tissue necrosis.
  12. Hematomas and edema.
  13. Atrophy of the nasal cartilages.
  14. Toxic shock.


Plastic surgeon, Pavlov E.A.:

Hello, my name is Evgeny Pavlov, and I am a leading plastic surgeon at a well-known Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is over 15 years. Every year I do hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many do not suspect that in 90% of cases, surgery is not required! modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most of the flaws in appearance without the help of plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery carefully hides many non-surgical methods of appearance correction. I talked about one of them, check out this method

Some of the above complications can be caused by improper technique of performing the procedure, some of the complications are caused by the peculiarities of the body, its reaction to external intervention. But many of the above factors can occur when the rehabilitation after rhinoplasty.

How to avoid disastrous consequences?

We will immediately stipulate that no doctor will give you a 100% guarantee of the absence of complications. The same hematomas and edema will appear after the procedure in almost 100% of cases. But they pass in a few weeks completely, while it goes rehabilitation after rhinoplasty.

After the operation, you may feel some discomfort, ranging from weakness to fever and nausea. All these symptoms can be dealt with. If you are very worried about this or that aspect, we recommend that you contact your doctor immediately. He will help you solve the problem that has arisen during the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty.

But in order to minimize the negative consequences after nose correction, a number of diagnostic procedures should be completed even before it. It will be necessary to pass a series of tests, undergo an examination by a dentist, do a fluorography and an ECG. A conversation with the anesthesiologist will also be mandatory. If you have any type of allergy, you should tell your doctor. The approval of the therapist will also be required to obtain permission for the operation. All this is important not only during rhinoplasty. Recovery time largely depends on your health condition.

Note that many complications during and after surgery arise due to the fact that patients are silent or do not consider it important to inform the doctor about their allergic reactions, as well as about the medications they take. For example, a week before surgery, you need to stop taking coagulants and even aspirin. They reduce blood clotting, which leads to disastrous results. Therefore, at the consultation and the surgeon, you must list all the medications and dietary supplements that you take.

Another way to quickly put yourself in order before surgery is a diet. Here we do not mean starvation. It is necessary to abandon spicy, fatty, salty, fried foods. Moreover, all this is done a week before the date X. It is obligatory to give up bad habits and energy drinks. But the most important thing after rhinoplasty is the stages of recovery, during which the doctor prescribes specific actions and can, if necessary, correct the result of the operation in a hospital setting.

Our readers write

Subject: Corrected the nose

From: Catherine S. (ekary*** [email protected])

To: Site Administration

Hello! My name is Ekaterina S., I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to change the shape of my nose. Now I am very pleased with my face and no longer complex.

And here is my story

From the age of 15, I began to notice that my nose was not as I would like, there was not a big hump and wide wings. By the age of 30, the nose had grown even more and became quite a “potato”, I was terribly complex about this and even wanted to have an operation, but the prices are simply cosmic for this procedure.

Everything changed when a friend gave me one to read. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally gave me a second life. Within a few months, my nose became almost perfect: the wings narrowed noticeably, the hump smoothed out and even the tip slightly rose.

Now I do not complex about my appearance at all. And I'm not even shy about meeting new men, you know))

Stages of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

The effectiveness of each operation is a purely individual factor. It depends on the complexity of the operation, the experience of the surgeon, the technique of execution, the characteristics of the patient's body, and so on. In each case, the doctor gives individual recommendations based on the performed rhinoplasty. The rehabilitation period also takes different periods of time for each person. Someone will see the final result in six months and forget about the side effects of the operation, while someone will wait a year and a half for the body to calm down after surgery. But any time allotted for recovery can conditionally be divided into several stages. How is the rehabilitation after rhinoplasty?

First stage

So, rhinoplasty is done. How is the first week of recovery? If we talk about sensations, then the first seven days will be quite unpleasant. Soreness will be clearly felt, facial expressions will cause pronounced inconvenience and pain. Reviews of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty indicate that at first you will have to adapt to a restrained pace of life, and even more so emotions.

At first, you will have to wear a bandage or plaster after the operation. Naturally, in ordinary everyday life they will annoy, and obviously they will not add beauty. In addition, at first, these “decorations” can cause some discomfort after rhinoplasty. Recovery will seem very slow.

The pain will be severe only for the first couple of days, but it can be drowned out with painkillers. But the feeling of discomfort, as well as swelling, will be felt for some time. If you have undergone an osteotomy, then you are guaranteed to get, in addition to bruises and swelling, also bruises, redness of the whites of the eyes. They are caused by broken blood vessels. This defect disappears over time, leaving no trace.

The recovery period after rhinoplasty lasts much longer. The patient at this time must adhere to the recommendations, which we will talk about a little later. We do not advise you to independently carry out any manipulations with the operated olfactory organ, unless the doctor has approved this or that care.

Second phase

At the second stage, you will have a more pleasant appearance compared to the first days. This stage starts around day 10 and lasts about three weeks. On the tenth day, the doctor removes the cast. The network has a lot of photos of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty of this particular period.

Stories from our readers

Corrected the shape of the nose at home! It's been half a year since I forgot what a hump of the nose is. Although in society it is generally accepted that appearance is not the main thing for a man, but I really did not like my nose. In addition, I also work in a field where appearance matters, I work as a wedding host.

Oh, how many consultations I attended in total - all the doctors called exorbitant prices and talked about a long rehabilitation, but for me this does not suit at all because weddings go on all the time, especially during the season. Once I got an appointment with Dr. Pavlov E.A. He told me that in my case it is quite possible to do without surgery, it is enough to wear a special proofreader every day. Here is an article in which he describes this method in detail. I obediently wore the corrector every day for several months and was amazed at the result, judge for yourself. In the end, I am very glad that I was able to get by with "little blood"

If you have the same problems with finances or do not want to go under the knife, then I recommend that you read this article.

In addition to the cast, the bandage and splints are also removed. Stitches are removed if they are not self-absorbable (they are also called organic). The doctor rinses the nose to remove clots of mucus and blood. After that, the shape of the newly acquired face decoration is checked. We will immediately stipulate that after removing the plaster and the bandage, the nose will seem ugly. Do not rush to panic! The form is restored completely with time. At this stage, you can already go to work or go about your daily life, if there are no complications.

Recovery after rhinoplasty will last long enough. The same bruises and swelling will subside for a long time. At this stage, they will only slightly decrease. Puffiness goes away in about a month - one and a half from the moment of the operation. But the term may fluctuate in one direction or another, since everything depends on the characteristics of the organism, the operation performed, its method.

Third stage

The third stage starts from the 5th week and up to the 12th. During this period, the restoration of the nose, its shape and integrity is accelerated. Rhinoplasty has a huge impact on the recovery period. So, for example, an open way to perform an operation will give larger side effects. But already at this stage they will almost completely disappear:

  • Hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • Stitches and wounds;
  • The shape of the nose is restored.

Now you can gradually look at the mirror, but the process is still far from complete. Moreover, the final shape of the nose will appear only a year and a half from the moment of rhinoplasty. Recovery after the operation continues, and the tip and wings of the nose will recover for a long time and take the final shape. Therefore, during this stage, the nose can still change its shape.

Note that the main mistake of many patients is the desire to correct the shape of the nose with their own hands. Such gross interference is unacceptable. Otherwise, it makes no sense to blame the doctor, since the result is spoiled by the person himself. Remember that the nose is not a stool that you can fix yourself at home. Restoration of the nose after rhinoplasty will last at least six months, and therefore you should not panic in advance, as the shape may still change.

Fourth stage

This stage is final. Already on it you can talk about how quickly the recovery process after rhinoplasty of the nose goes. It stretches up to a year, but already at this time you can calmly look in the mirror, as the bruises and swelling have disappeared, and the face has taken on a new look.

Even during this time, the form can change dramatically. If you have noted a negative trend, be sure to contact the surgeon. The reasons may be different: the manifestation of roughness, unevenness, asymmetry. In such cases, it can be appointed, but only a year from the moment of the last correction.

Contraindications during rehabilitation

So, finally, the main prohibitions and rules for the full recovery period after rhinoplasty should be clarified. These include:

  • Swimming pool visit. This condition is especially important at first. Moreover, even when taking a shower or bath, the bandage and plaster must remain dry.
  • You will have to sleep lying on your back, and your head should be as high as possible. This factor is especially important in the first two stages.
  • For the first three months, wearing glasses is prohibited. If this is necessary for vision, then go for the lenses for now. Otherwise, nose deformity may occur.
  • Heavy lifting, intense physical labor or sports activities are strictly contraindicated.
  • Cold, hot showers or baths are also contraindicated.
  • You should forget about saunas, baths, pools in the first three stages.
  • Two months you can not enjoy sunbathing and solariums.

For the period of rehabilitation, we advise you to drink vitamins, as well as drugs that will support immunity. After surgery, the patient is usually prescribed antibiotics. It is necessary to restore immunity, since infectious diseases can cause serious complications. To describe the consequences more clearly, even a slight sneeze often leads to nose deformity and rupture of surgical threads.

Sports become available only after a month, and then the maximum is light fitness or yoga. Biking is also possible. Football, boxing, martial arts and so on are contraindicated for at least six months. Heavy sports like bodybuilding or powerlifting are also contraindicated for six months.

Separately, about alcohol: it is not recommended to take it, as it increases swelling, impairs metabolism and the process of removing decay products from the body. Consider also the factor that this bad habit is clearly not compatible with the medications that you will have to take. And if we take into account the deterioration of coordination, then the risk of falling with subsequent deformation of the nose increases. The maximum that is possible after a month from the moment of nose correction is non-carbonated drinks like wine or skate, and then in small quantities. Carbonated analogues like beer and champagne should be abandoned for six months.

Medicines after rhinoplasty

The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty will not be complete without the use of special medical devices. Only the doctor who performed the operation should prescribe medication. A prerequisite is an individual selection of dosage for a specific case.

A prerequisite is the presence in the diet of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, as well as painkillers. Medicines to reduce inflammation are consumed 2 times a day for the indicated period. Painkillers are usually drunk for 4-10 days. Sometimes, to reduce swelling, experts recommend injections. The most popular drug that is used after rhinoplasty is Diprospan. To reduce bruising and swelling, Traumeel C and Lyoton are used.

Massages and physiotherapy

To speed up the healing process of scars, as well as to prevent an increase in bone tissue, specialists prescribe to patients as a rehabilitation after rhinoplasty, to conduct a special type of massage and physiotherapy. It is recommended to conduct such sessions every day. If only a specialized specialist will help with physiotherapy, then massage manipulations can be done independently:

  • you need to slightly pinch the tip of the respiratory organ with both fingers, fix it for half a minute;
  • then release, repeat the procedure, but place your fingers a little higher.

Massage is performed up to 10-15 times during the day.

Rhinoplasty is considered a complex plastic surgery: a possible mistake by the doctor, violation of the rules of the recovery period by the patient can lead to serious complications in the postoperative period.

Complications lead not only to an unsatisfactory aesthetic result of the operation, but also to a noticeable deterioration in health. According to statistics, complications after rhinoplasty occur in 8-15% of cases.

Among the complications after rhinoplasty are the following:

  1. during the operation, due to the mistake of the surgeon, damage to the skin and cartilaginous tissue of the nose may occur, after which rough scars and adhesions are formed, which must be removed separately.
  2. damage to the structure of bone tissue: also a consequence of the mistake of the surgeon during the dissection of the bones of the nose. This is a serious complication that leads to an unsatisfactory aesthetic and functional result. With such a complication, as a rule, a second operation is needed.
  3. heavy bleeding during surgery(occurs due to a violation of the process of blood clotting). Eliminated with medication.
  4. infection and, as a result, additional complications. To eliminate them, antibiotics and other drugs are used.
  5. as a result of unnecessary incisions, cauterization during surgery, poor blood supply, an infectious factor, such a formidable complication as necrosis of the skin, bone and cartilage tissue of the nose can occur. Dead tissue must be removed.
  6. divergence of seams: the main thing is to notice in time and take adequate measures, then there will be no serious consequences. The incision is repaired and the sutures are re-applied. If this is not done, scars may form;
  7. diverse nose deformities, breathing problems- all this can provoke scars, impaired blood supply and other healing factors. This situation may be the result of a surgeon's mistakes.

The above complications can be regarded as functional.

There are also aesthetic complications:

  1. lowered or excessively upturned tip of the nose;
  2. coracoid, saddle deformity of the nose, its curvature and other deformities.

Such complications after rhinoplasty are often associated with insufficient or excessive tissue resection, asymmetry. With insufficient tissue removal, the problem is much easier to fix.

But the correction of excessive resection is difficult, sometimes complicated by scarring, and transplantation may be required.

Video: How it goes

Prohibitions after surgery

To reduce the likelihood of unpleasant complications, it is necessary to follow the rules of the rehabilitation period, which involve a number of prohibitions:

  1. it is necessary to completely stop smoking both before the operation (at least two weeks) and after it: nicotine has an extremely negative effect on the regenerative function of tissues;
  2. do not take aspirin and other drugs that affect the process of blood clotting;
  3. abstinence from any physical activity in order to prevent an increase in blood pressure and not injure the organ of smell;
  4. you need to sleep on your back, raising the head: this will contribute to the process of subsidence of edema;
  5. for 2-3 weeks after the operation, do not visit the solarium, swimming pool, beach, do not take a hot bath in order to prevent nosebleeds;
  6. do not plan pregnancy within a year after the operation;
  7. do not use cosmetics for 2 weeks.
  1. for two weeks, you need to wear a special plaster mold-bandage on your nose until the tissues get stronger;
  2. for several weeks, take food only in a warm form, excluding both too hot and cold food;
  3. for one and a half months you can not blow your nose, to cleanse the nose you need to use special sticks;
  4. exclude wearing glasses for 2-3 months (put pressure on the bridge of the nose);
  5. you need to carefully monitor your health and avoid colds - after all, coughing and sneezing after rhinoplasty surgery can completely cancel out the result of the operation. In addition, after rhinoplasty, it is very undesirable to use nose drops for several months.

Photo: Before and after

Recovery periods after rhinoplasty

The postoperative period after rhinoplasty takes place in four stages:

  1. The first stage lasts about a week. This is the period when it is necessary to constantly wear a cast or a bandage, inside the nose - tampons. Significant functional difficulties arise: it is difficult to breathe, the open mouth dries up, washing, brushing your teeth is also problematic. In addition, during the first period bruises, bruising around the eyes, swelling appear;
  2. the second stage lasts from the end of the first week and lasts up to three weeks. At the end of the first week, bandages, plaster, tampons, and most of the stitches are removed. The nasal cavity is washed, freeing from blood clots and mucus. Breathing improves. There is swelling, but by the end of the second stage, they begin to subside, as well as bruises and bruises. The nose is still deformed, swollen;
  3. the third stage lasts from the third week after the operation to three months. In this period, the edema practically subsides, and by the end of the period they are no longer visible to others. Patients in this period are often still dissatisfied with their new nose: not as desired, the tip of the nose, the shape of the nostrils. We need to wait a little more:
  4. the fourth period lasts from the third month to a year. Already by the end of the first year after the plastic surgery of the olfactory organ, we can talk about the final result of the operation.

Sports and alcohol after surgery

You can start playing sports after rhinoplasty no earlier than a month later, and then with such sports that do not put a lot of stress on the body (yoga, fitness).

Three months you can not do sports exercises that require a lot of muscle tension.

Six months you can not play football, handball, boxing, martial arts - that is, those sports where there is an increased risk of hitting the nose.

A return to big sport is possible only after a year.

For a month and a half after rhinoplasty, alcohol is strictly prohibited, as its use can negate the results of the operation and lead to complications.

Alcohol contributes to:

  1. promotes an increase in swelling;
  2. impairs metabolic processes, as well as the process of removing decay products from the body;
  3. not combined with drugs that must be taken in the rehabilitation period;
  4. disrupts coordination of movements: you can fall and damage your nose.

If a non-alcoholic lifestyle is violated during recovery, the nose may swell, become purple-red.

After a month, small amounts of non-carbonated alcoholic beverages can be consumed:

  • cognac;
  • vodka;
  • wine.

But carbonated alcoholic drinks - champagne, beer, cocktails should be abandoned for at least six months.

Medicines to help

Recovery after rhinoplasty also takes place with the help of medications.

You cannot prescribe medications on your own: only a doctor can prescribe them, based on your condition, tendency to allergic reactions, etc.

Be sure to prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers.

Antibiotics are taken according to the scheme, from 5 to 7 days, painkillers - about 7 - 10 days.

You may also be prescribed drugs to get rid of edema as soon as possible; ointments, gels, possibly hormonal preparations.

Massage and physiotherapy

Massage and physiotherapy after rhinoplasty are prescribed by a doctor.

For the speedy recovery, reduction of puffiness, the following physiotherapy procedures are prescribed:

  1. darsonvalization: a low current stimulates the outflow of venous blood, accelerates metabolic processes;
  2. ultraphonophoresis(impact on certain areas of ultrasound in combination with drugs);
  3. electrophoresis(use of electric current in conjunction with drugs);
  4. phototherapy (combined exposure to infrared and blue ranges) is also effective.

It is impossible for friends and acquaintances to honestly advise you on some other drugs, but only a doctor who knows your characteristics and is responsible for the result is able to objectively assess which drug is right for you.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex operations in aesthetic medicine.

According to official statistics, complications after it occur in 7-13% of patients. They are associated with the negligence of the surgeon, and with the neglect of rehabilitation standards on the part of the patient.

In this article, I covered in detail the stages of rehabilitation and gave basic recommendations for protection against side effects for patients.

Recovery "after" depends on what is done "during" the operation.

Important There is no difference between closed and open rhinoplasty in terms of recovery!

During the operation with a closed technique, the skin of the nose is also exfoliated from soft tissues, the same capillaries and vessels are also cut. If we are talking about rehabilitation, then here are illustrative examples of patients immediately after the removal of the cast.

As you can see, there is no difference between open and closed rhinoplasty recovery.

Bruising and bruising during surgery - what will the anesthesiologist say?

Many patients are afraid of bruising, swelling of the nose and around the eyes. Primary edema develops even in the process of surgical manipulations during the operation. If it is significant, it prevents the doctor from working qualitatively and carefully with cartilage and soft tissues. Added to this is bleeding. The manifestation of these processes depends on the anesthesiologist, and not on the surgeon! During the operation and immediately before it, the anesthesiologist injects adrenaline-based drugs that cause transient vascular spasm.

"Dry operating field" is an ideal option for the surgeon to consistently and correctly implement the goals and objectives conceived before rhinoplasty. And this is the merit of an intelligent anesthesiologist, working with whom is real luck.

And now remember how many times you heard about it from the lips of surgeons at a consultation or read on the websites of different clinics? Good surgeons are proud of their team. Bad - save on it.

The role of the plastic surgeon

During operations on the face, I use special medicines that stop the development of edema. This step contributes to a faster postoperative neutralization of congestion.

Important! The best way to protect yourself from complications is to choose not even a surgeon, but his team - an experienced and competent anesthesiologist, rehabilitators and junior medical staff!

The duration and complexity of rehabilitation strongly depends on the algorithm of the doctor's actions during the intervention.

Immediately after surgery

The nose itself at the end of the operation looks like this:

It looks creepy, but this blue-violet color disappears already for 2-3 days, the patient does not see it - the fixing bandage hides everything!

Any work of a plastic surgeon entails the formation of hematomas (common name - bruises). Surgeons working in outdated rafter-type techniques leave extensive blue-violet marks on the faces of patients, localized not only on the nose, but also around the eyes. I perform rhinoplasty using modern and advanced technologies, so my patients are not afraid of their reflection in the mirror after the operation - there are no bruises around the eyes immediately after the operation! The exception is those cases when a person has increased fragility of blood vessels. In this situation, I recommend taking medications in advance that increase their elasticity and strength.

By the time the plaster bandage is removed from the “new” nose, the cyanosis is already gone and the nose itself acquires its natural color. But hematomas under the eyes can persist a little longer. Therefore, I advise you to undergo a cycle of special procedures to speed up the rehabilitation period (more on this below).

First 3 days

For the first three days, you will be able to breathe mainly through your mouth, because there will be special splints in the nasal passages, which, although they allow you to breathe, make this process difficult. They stop bleeding and keep fit. Under no circumstances should you take them off!

First 7-10 days and beyond

During the first 10 days, there is a splint on the nose - a special plaster bandage or a metal overlay that holds back swelling and fixes the new shape.

After the bandage is removed, the swelling increases. The main temporary problem will be difficulty breathing. There is no cause for concern: the edema will subside and breathing will be restored. Edema in deeper tissues disappears for quite a long time, so you can evaluate a stabilized result no earlier than a year later.

After plastic surgery, keep in constant contact with me and my assistants: 1-2 consultations in the first week, once after the removal of the plaster and scheduled examinations throughout the year.

Global (residual) edema

Edema after rhinoplasty is a sore subject. It is known that they go from 4 to 12 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. The final result of the operation can be assessed only after the complete disappearance of congestion. Visually, they appear exclusively on the nose itself - it seems to you that the nose is a little swollen, sometimes it seems that the tip of the nose protrudes strongly and is larger than necessary in itself.

The final shape of the nose will take 8-12 months after the date of surgery. No need to knead, massage and soak it; puffiness is a natural physiological process that we cannot speed up, unlike bruising.

Once again about the scar with an open technique

The topic of scars after open and closed rhinoplasty still causes heated debate in the professional and consumer environment.

Some surgeons have a special "fashion" - to promote closed rhinoplasty under the auspices of the absence of any traces of intervention. It is pointless to argue with the latter factor - closed rhinoplasty really does not leave the slightest scar on the outer nose. But isn't this price too high for the fact that your nose will hardly change?

Please note that with closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon receives extremely limited options for correction, therefore, it will not be possible to radically change the nose. For example, if we are talking about a hump, it will decrease by a maximum of 1.5-2 mm. It is not at all customary to operate on the tip of the nose with a closed access - the work is too scrupulous, subtle and "jewelry" to actually perform it blindly. One more important nuance is added to these shortcomings - surgeons who really know how to work in a closed technique can be counted on the fingers.

After open rhinoplasty, in which I and the vast majority of my colleagues in Russia and in the West work, there is a seam across the columella. By the time the plaster is removed, it looks like this:

After posting this photo on Instagram, I got a lot of questions like “Where is the scar?” from subscribers. The secret is that it is really difficult to notice a scar after an open rhinoplasty performed by a professional surgeon with the naked eye. And if within 10-14 days it is still visible in the form of a thin pinkish strip, then a month later it completely merges with the surrounding skin in terms of shade, structure and relief.

I have not met a single person who has dealt with a columella scar with laser resurfacing. Just because after 3-6 months, my patients themselves find it difficult to show where it was located.

Of course, there are exceptions here too. Surgeons who have not mastered the university or institute program well make incisions and sutures inaccurately, and therefore the wounds are scarred accordingly. They also undertake to perform the operation for those who suffer from keloidosis. I think it is beneficial for them to promote exclusively closed rhinoplasty.

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