Polyclinic 25 online appointment

For the first time in my life, I came to the polyclinic 25 with a problem on my face (with such a face, gentlemen, you can’t go out into people) in May 14 on the recommendation of Professor Klyuchareva from the Mechnikov Institute. I was treated there, but it didn’t give any effect and she said to be examined completely .In the clinic in May 2014, they brought me a card and I went to the district police officer, who did not receive me very cordially and with the words: “You are not a cancer patient and your problem does not require an immediate solution.” As a result, at the reception, he said that I had menopause and my problem should be solved by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, to whom I also ran running. But a gynecologist-endocrinologist candidate medical sciences Ulfan.T, after conducting all the examinations, issued a verdict that my problem was not related to gynecology. Meanwhile, I stupidly went to all the doctors of the clinic (infectionist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist) in the hope that maybe my problem is their profile, I did an EGD (doctor Garder at first he sent me away, although I brought a referral from the Nevsky District KVD, but in the end, in room 118, they gave me the go-ahead for this procedure), blood tests. another one joined - she began to twist and burn her legs, she didn’t sleep at night and redness and burning began to flare up on her neck at the same time. in turn, to the Pavlov Institute to take tests for rheumatic factor, antinuclear factor for 6 types of luminescence and antibodies to double-stranded DNA - all this turned out to be normal. I completely forgot about my face, since I had such a burning sensation that it was impossible to endure, and when I came to the therapist Tanaev, I was not at all happy, like whatever you want - in the analyzes the norm !!! In November 2014, my husband took me to the seaside, and when I returned from there, 10 days later, I woke up from the fact that my hands and legs were burning strongly from the knee down to the feet. I ran back to the clinic and took a ticket to the surgeon Iskhakova T. with these complaints , but she answered me like this: you have a menopause and I survived all this and you will have to endure for about 5 years, well, I wrote a consultation with a neurologist for osteochondrosis. The neurologist Buttsev honestly said by my symptoms that he didn’t know what I had. - it burned my arms and legs and even in the morning a pink spot began to appear on one leg, which disappeared without a trace after 30 minutes and I observed it for 2 months, and after 2 months the same spot began to appear on the other leg from the outside The burning sensation in my legs and arms continued and I went back to the surgeon, this time Malushko, they took pictures of my legs and arms, well, osteoarthritis and the appointment of movalis. May 2015 came and my spots in the morning were no longer only on my knees, but already on my elbows appear a and on the gro di, only 6 pieces, but after waking up after 30 minutes everything dissipated. I photographed them and went to the KVD, there the doctor Kim said, well, like you don’t eat what you need and prescribed Kestin for a month. And he burns and twists his legs and arms so that Mom, don’t worry, and at the end of May I ran back to the clinic to the district police officer Tanaev, I say spots and burns my whole body. He chuckled, what are the stains? hives, and a tourniquet type on nervous ground and prescribed atarax. At that time, I ran to 2 more paid rheumatologists in the hope that maybe something had already developed in me. One sent me back to the Pavlov Institute to take the same analysis for 3 indicators and he was back to normal another rheumatologist from the clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 157 Kononenko wrote like an exacerbation of gonarthrosis? And in general, no one connected my spots on the body and joint problems together. And by this time I had donated blood for everything that was possible - and the sugar curve and electroneuromyography and thyroid hormones and ultrasound of all organs were already in the second round (2014.15 year) and everything is normal. And again to the infectious disease specialist Kournikova, well, like a spot, burns and twists the limbs. They sent me to the Botkin hospital to be examined for hepatitis B, passed PCR and thymol test and some other antibodies - the tests are normal and there is nothing in activity, but I burn so that my mother does not grieve. In December 2015, I started coughing non-stop, I went to the therapist, bronchitis. this disease, and here I have a cough for a month without stopping and with a whistle (I don’t smoke and don’t take alcohol at all) And my husband called a doctor for me, the cough does not stop day or night. The doctor came on call just a pulmonologist and says: “U Has anyone in your family been sick with whooping cough?” I coughed for a month and I still have sputum. In January, the spots began to appear on my face near the nose on both sides and in parallel, and my problem that I noticed then calmed down, then came, and now in March 2016 for a year burning, twisting and already global spots on the floor of the face, shoulders began to come at the same time - and these spots above the skin did not protrude, did not itch or itch, but were very bright, but they did not manifest themselves in any way. she had 2 appointments and 2 times she kicked me off to a gastroenterologist, like my problem in his profile. , a coprogram and a test for Helix - everything is fine and again she writes a referral to the allergist Tsukanova. I came to her, and she says - urticaria - these are blisters that rise above the skin and itch you don’t have these signs, which means you don’t come to me. Woo In general, in October 2016, I asked her for at least some piece of paper. That I came to her, but she didn’t give, in general, she got a temporary card there, I don’t know what I wrote in it. In October 2016, I was pressed again, Yes, so much that I cry, and I don’t sleep at night, and then problems with my eyes began, then the eye doesn’t see one in the morning, then there are flashes. They said on Mokhovaya: “Look problem, in front of there is some influence” I come to Tanaev, I tell him, he answers me: “What about you? Have been coming here for 3 years and don’t know where they measure eye pressure in the clinic?” As a result, I went to the doctor Skripnikova, like sputum from the throat, something with eyes, it burns my arms, legs, red spots and twists my legs. She sent me to a rheumatologist at the 25th polyclinic to a rheumatologist with suspicion of vasculitis. Rheumatologist Trosman prescribed examinations and there is no vasculitis. In 2016, ring-shaped erythema still began to appear on my hands for 3 minutes (they didn’t itch, didn’t itch over the skin) it was not possible to show the doctors and I took pictures of everything. Maybe I would have run for another 10 years in search of a diagnosis , but then my inner circle began to have the same symptoms as mine. The chain closed - the disease was contagious, as it turned out. provisional diagnosis which, after passing detailed specific tests, was confirmed: Chronic recurrent urticaria against the background of viral infection(herpes 1,2 types, VVZ, VEB, CMV, herpes-6 type) persistent. They said to be treated for a long time. Everything is in a neglected form, but happiness is already that the burning sensation has passed and the twisting of the joints too. Well, relatives and friends are also now being treated .From the moment of problems to the diagnosis, 2 and a half years passed, about the amounts that I spent during this time on various surveys it is better to keep silent. All confirmatory tests, diagnoses under ???, examinations are available a whole volume in the clinic there was already such a thick card that they said to bring a new clean one and keep this one at home. The history is genuine. Brovtseva Elena Gennadievna Age 52

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