Who is Maxim Serkin. The imprisoned banker collected six billion rubles at large. Financial genius Maxim Serkin woke up in prison

Going shopping abroad or returning from vacation with souvenirs for friends is a common practice for modern tourists. However, not many of them first study the customs rules of Russia. This document indicates things (and their quantity) that you can freely carry with you across the border, and you also need to declare or even pay a customs fee. The customs rules of Russia in 2019 have undergone changes.

From January 1, 2019, the amount for which you can import goods duty-free has been reduced by three times, and the allowable weight has been halved.

Today, without paying customs duties, it is possible to transport goods for personal use across the border in the amount equivalent to 500 EUR and weighing up to 25 kg.

The new customs rules apply only to those who cross the Russian border by car, train or ferry. Innovations are relevant for everyone. For air travelers, the old rules still apply.

Sample of filling out a customs declaration

Not a single trip is complete without the tourist not having the necessary amount of money. For everyone it is different. You can not declare your financial capabilities at the border and then have no problems if the import of foreign currency (the total amount of cash and traveller's checks) does not exceed 10,000 dollars. Moreover, the available funds can be in any currency, but should not exceed the specified threshold.

Import and export of any currency is allowed without additional documents, if the amount does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars. The customs declaration can be completed in this case if desired.

If tourists have a need, the equivalent of which exceeds 10 thousand dollars, or to introduce similar funds, then this requires permission obtained from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Alcohol and tobacco

The import rules imply that these goods can only be transported by adults who are 18 years of age or older. The following restrictions apply for 2019:

  • without entering it into the declaration and, accordingly, without paying a fee. What kind of alcohol it will be is completely unimportant: for customs officers, beer, whiskey, wine and absinthe are completely equal;
  • 2 liters of alcohol can be carried in excess of the established duty-free limits, provided that they will be included in the declaration. For each liter, you will have to pay a customs fee separately - 10 euros each, that is, for two in excess of the norm - 20 euros. Purchased alcohol abroad or in the duty-free zone does not matter;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 100 cigarillos;
  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 250 grams of tobacco.

The import of tobacco products is subject to mutual exclusion. You can choose one thing.

Scheme of checking a truck at customs

Violation of customs rules regarding the import of alcoholic products is punishable by the seizure of contraband goods, the initiation of administrative proceedings and the imposition of penalties. Moreover, the amount of the fine can range from half to double the cost of the goods.

Whether or not to seize goods that have crossed the border with violations will be decided individually in each specific case, as well as the amount of fines.

The rules for the export of alcoholic beverages from Russia do not provide for any restrictions. But these restrictions are very clearly spelled out in the customs regulations of other countries. That is, you can take out as much as you like, but it is unlikely that you will be able to import them into another country. In addition, customs officers may be interested in a large amount of alcohol, using an excerpt from the rules as an argument. It states that goods can be taken out of the country in the quantity necessary for personal use.

Duty-free import and export of things

In order to transport things across the Russian border and not fill out a declaration, and, accordingly, not pay a fee, all baggage must comply with three basic import rules:

  • Everything that you are going to transport across the border must be intended for you and your family personally. Including new goods, used items, clothes and equipment. That is, 10 new iPhones or other modern expensive gadgets will definitely interest a customs officer;
  • If the border is crossed by car, train or ferry, then the total weight of your luggage must not exceed 25 kg. Air travelers are allowed to carry up to 50 kg;
  • The total value of your baggage cannot exceed EUR 500 if you return to Russia by land, and . The calculation takes into account the cost in any currency, not exceeding the equivalent.

The exception is things that are brought into the territory of the Russian Federation by refugees and migrants.

But for this you need to have on hand confirmation of your social status. Also a special attitude to the things that you inherited. However, in order to smuggle them, it is necessary to provide customs controllers with documents confirming the fact of ownership.

The rules of duty-free import into the territory of the Russian Federation apply to works of art, but with one caveat. They must be declared, and after crossing the border, they must be registered with the regional Ministry of Culture.

Violation of customs rules entails administrative liability and payment of the imposed fine. In some cases, customs officers have the right to confiscate items that are prohibited from being brought into the country or that have not been properly declared.

Mandatory declaration

Be sure to indicate cash in the customs declaration if their amount exceeds $ 10,000 in any currency, and even provide additional permit papers if you are going to cross the border with larger amounts of 20,000-30,000 in your pocket.

You also need to mention two liters of alcohol in the document if you have exhausted the duty-free limit, which is three liters for each adult.

Imported personal items are also indicated if their total value exceeds 500 euros when traveling by train, and 10 thousand euros for air travel.

If all your property costs less and fits within this framework, but goes beyond the allowable weight (25 kg when crossing the border by land and 50 kg by plane), then the customs clearance rules of the Russian Federation also require their mandatory registration.

In addition to the cases already mentioned, when returning from a trip in 2019, you need to add the following things to the customs document:

Some items on this list will require a special export permit obtained from the relevant authorities, or certificates and documents explaining their need for personal use, such as a prescription from a doctor.

In connection with the outbreak of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, Russia slightly modified the customs standards for the import of products and goods from various countries. In 2014-2015, with the beginning of the imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation, the Russian government banned the import of products from the countries of the European Union and some third countries. In this list of countries is the closest neighbor of Russia - Ukraine.
In 2019, the customs rules of the Russian Federation were not subject to changes. They were only supplemented by new rules that regulate the ban on the import of certain products of plant and animal origin. It is important to remember that the ban applies even to goods that were purchased outside Russia solely for personal use.

Many who wish to cross the Russian border do not know that this country puts forward a fairly large list of products prohibited for import. Therefore, tourists and returning citizens of Russia need to familiarize themselves with the list of goods in order to avoid their confiscation directly at customs checkpoints.

The government of the Russian Federation established norms according to which food and goods can be imported only in a certain amount.

The building of the government of the Russian Federation

Those products that exceed the norm must be subject to mandatory declaration by entering people. In any case, it is worth preparing for the fact that customs officers will require oral declaration of the goods (if it does not exceed the norm). In cases of exceeding the norm, you will need to fill out a passenger declaration for related goods and food.

Rules for duty-free importation of goods into the territory of the state:

Personal belongings include goods and items that are used for personal purposes and do not take part in entrepreneurial activities. Regardless of nationality, an entering individual has the right to import two hundred cigarettes (10 standard packs) or fifty cigars. The main requirement for an individual is age. He must be over eighteen years of age. Also, such a person has the right to carry up to two hundred and fifty grams of tobacco per person.

If an individual intends to import food products and goods worth more than one and a half thousand euros, then such products are subject to mandatory written declaration and payment of duty to the state budget.

In this case, the ratio of weight and total cost plays an important role. The weight limit is fifty kilograms.

A sample of filling out the form of a customs declaration for the import of goods

If imported products and goods weigh between fifty and two hundred kilograms, an individual pays a duty for each extra kilogram, starting from the fifty-first. The amount of the duty is considered as a percentage of the total cost of the products and is equal to thirty percent. But at the same time, when counting, each kilogram must cost at least four euros. Such customs rules are relevant only for individuals who import products for personal use.

The import of alcoholic products is allowed to citizens of all countries. But the main rule is the age of majority of an individual, that is, eighteen years of age. For such people, it is allowed to import alcoholic beverages of various strengths in the amount of three liters. You can also bring three liters of beer (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) without paying duties to the budget of the Russian Federation.
If an individual imports alcohol in the amount of four liters, then the person must pay ten euros of duty. If the amount of alcohol is five liters, then ten euros are paid for each liter (over the allowed three).

It is prohibited to import alcoholic products in the amount of more than five liters in total. If “extra” alcohol is noticed at the customs checkpoint, it may well be confiscated by employees of the authorized bodies. At the same time, customs officials have the right to even fine for non-compliance with the customs regime.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that, even after paying the duty fee to the state budget, “extra” alcohol must be declared accordingly.

Goods declaration

When importing foodstuffs and goods for personal use that exceed the norm, an individual must fill out a declaration for these products without fail.

Scheme of the procedure for customs declaration of goods

An individual who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to issue a declaration. If an individual is under eighteen years of age, then the declaration is filled out on his behalf, in his presence by an adult accompanying him.

Documents for declaring may need different depending on the situation, but the main ones are such as:

  1. A document proving the identity of an individual. For adult individuals, an internal or foreign passport is suitable, and for minors, you can submit a birth certificate.
  2. A document confirming the fact of purchase and payment for imported products and goods. For these purposes, checks from shops, supermarkets and shopping centers may be suitable.

Products from Finland

Raw dairy products from Finland

But it is worth remembering that an individual has the right to import no more than five kilograms of Finnish food products in total per person. In this case, the products must be intended solely for personal use (consumption).

If the limit of five kilograms is exceeded, then at the checkpoint, customs officers have every right to confiscate "extra products" and impose a fine on the person. Certain products without original packaging are strictly prohibited for import into the territory of the state. The list of prohibited items includes meat, fish and dairy products.

If the product is not properly sealed, it may be subject to confiscation by customs officials.

If, in the opinion of customs officials, the packaging is not sealed enough, they have the right to require permission to import this product. Permission can be obtained from Rosselkhoznadzor. Raw meat, even in sealed packaging, is one of the goods prohibited for import into Russia. But you can import fresh fish from Finland. True, subject to the provision of a certificate issued in Finland. This document is a confirmation of the safety of the product and the fact that the fish itself was grown in an environmentally friendly natural environment.

It is also allowed to carry sturgeon caviar (but only in production packaging - in a jar), but not more than two hundred and fifty grams per person. Sausage can only be imported raw smoked. But the main priority is that it should be purchased exclusively in trade organizations (supermarket, store). Also, raw smoked sausage should have a natural casing.

Prohibited Products

Over the past two years, a huge number of sanctions have been applied to the Russian Federation by various countries of the world. It is in connection with this that the government of the country in 2014 presented a list of prohibited products manufactured in the territory of countries that have imposed their own sanctions against the Russian state.

These countries include:

  1. All EU countries.
  2. Canada.
  3. Norway.
  4. USA.
  5. Australia.

Prohibited products:

Also, the list of prohibited products includes products based on vegetable fats (cheese, cottage cheese). Goods are prohibited regardless of who purchased them or for what purpose. If customs officers notice these products at the checkpoint, they are subject to confiscation, even if they were purchased for a person's personal use.

Regarding products, the ban does not apply to baby food and alcoholic products.

The former banker Maxim Serkin, serving a term for fraud and awaiting sentencing in the second case, organized a pyramid scheme from the colony, which stole more than six billion rubles from depositors. On Thursday, November 2, writes the newspaper "Kommersant".

The convict managed the activities of credit and consumer cooperatives operating in 17 regions through his sister Ekaterina Druzhinina, giving orders through instant messengers. The woman has now been arrested. In total, eight defendants were arrested in this case. On October 30 and 31, Interior Ministry officers conducted searches at 180 addresses in different regions. The investigation is underway under the article on the organization of a criminal community to raise funds.

The financial pyramid of 22 cooperatives worked under the slogan “Save and Grow” and since 2013 has been attracting money from investors for the construction of apartments and business centers, promising high dividends. Payments were made at the expense of new customers. In the summer, the pyramid collapsed and depositors began to apply to law enforcement agencies.

According to law enforcement officers, the pyramid, whose motto was “Let's save and increase”, acted absolutely legally: all contracts with citizens were properly drawn up. At the same time, CCP clients were even taken to sites supposedly under construction, and presentations of projects were arranged in offices. The Ministry of Internal Affairs notes that among the depositors there were quite a few pensioners, each of whom gave the organizers of the scam from 30 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. And a few hundred people out of 25,000 who lost their money invested in the CCP from several tens to hundreds of millions of rubles. In total, over four years, cooperatives have collected more than 6 billion rubles.

The pyramid began to collapse in the summer of this year, when almost all 22 CPCs not only stopped paying interest, but generally refused to return the money they invested to depositors. As it turned out, the cooperatives paid dividends exclusively at the expense of new investors. As a result, deceived citizens began to besiege the CCP offices, demanding the return of their money, and soon allegations of fraud began to pour in to law enforcement agencies.

Employees of the GUEBiPK found that the money received from the shareholders was transferred under loan agreements to the accounts of more than 300 counterparties in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Khabarovsk Territory. None of them conducted any financial and economic activity.

The operatives established that the well-known businessman and philanthropist Maxim Serkin in the Far East organized the financial pyramid. At one time, he was the chairman of the board of directors of Vostokcreditbank (he was deprived of his license in November 2010, and declared bankrupt in February 2011) and a trustee of five orphanages at once in the Khabarovsk Territory. After the bankruptcy of the bank, he headed the Khabarovsk construction holding Grant.

Maxim Serkin, according to the police, managed the financial pyramid using instant messengers through his sister Ekaterina Druzhinina (also arrested) directly from the colony, where he ended up in the summer of 2015 by the verdict of the Central District Court of Khabarovsk. Maxim Serkin was found guilty of several episodes of fraud in 2009-2010 related to illegal VAT refunds. For embezzling tens of millions of rubles from the state, the defendant, who fully admitted his guilt, received three years in prison and a fine of 500,000 rubles. Note that the prosecutor's office appealed against this sentence, considering it too harsh. However, the appellate instance upheld the district court's decision.

After serving two-thirds of his term, Maxim Serkin filed a petition for parole and, literally the other day, hoped to be released. Now, apparently, he will have to forget about it. Now, a criminal case under Art. 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the deliberate bankruptcy of Vostokcreditbank. Several members of the board of directors, including Maxim Serkin, are accused of withdrawing more than 1.3 billion rubles of assets from the bank from February to November 2013. On charges, they can receive up to six years in prison, and for organizing a criminal community, the investigation of which has just begun, the defendant Serkin faces up to 20 years in prison.

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