Khlyst's zeal: the strangest ritual among Russian sectarians. "Christians Get Out!": Russian Satanists Prepare for Terrible Frequently Asked Questions About Satan's Call

We were in Plakhin's sect, and we want to tell you about our experience. We write together because we also left the sect together. Since it is almost impossible to leave there alone. To make it easier to perceive our story, we will write under the pseudonym "Christina". The experience of several people is collected here, a typical option is described, but at the same time, an individual approach and various tricks are used for everyone.

“I got into a cult two years ago. Before that, she was always interested in magic, did some rituals from books and read Tarot cards. Once I saw an ad in the store "Way to Yourself": "Who wants to practice magic and develop spiritually - call." Below is the phone number. I met, as it turned out later, with one of Plakhin's students. She told very little about the School, as she put it, said that Plakhin Vladimir is a healer and magician, that he cured many people and taught many people magic. That he studied with the ancient elders, who, in his opinion, are psychics, lived in the mountains of the Carpathians, that there is a hermitage of this school in the Carpathians, and she was there and saw his teachers and magical places. That he is a representative of the “ancient Slavic healing school”, the head of the school of “sexual magic of the ancient Slavs”, uses “healing methods” obtained from Sources with “knowledge of pre-Christian Rus'”. And she was very interested in whether I was a virgin or not. I said that I was a virgin, she was delighted and said that it was very good, that I could quickly learn magic and would develop quickly, that I should not miss this chance and should start working on myself. I asked if they have any literature on which you can learn magic, spells, rituals ... She said that their teacher wrote a book / Plakhin V.E. Sexual magic of the ancient Slavs. M., Markart, 2003 / (which is why his authority in my eyes has increased), but serious literature is not given at the beginning, because you must first learn how to work with energy, otherwise you can harm yourself.

So that I could see everything for myself, she suggested that I visit their school, located next to the Sokol metro station. If I don't like it, I can always leave. I took a friend with me and came. I liked that there were a lot of young people there, no one drank or smoked, everyone talked about topics that were interesting to me. It didn't matter what religion you were, and what books on magic you use, the main thing is that you do it. True, after that we were accustomed to the point of view that sexual magic is everywhere, in all books and religions. And Plakhin said that Mary Magdalene was the 13th disciple of Christ, and they were engaged in sexual magic with him. There are indeed books about this, for example, Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. Plakhin spoke about the "Mystery of the Worldwings", interpreted the Bible in his own way, showed Lenardo da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper" on the Internet and claimed that Mary Magdalene was painted there. There were no sectarian sermons and rituals, no one collected money (although later we learned that we collected tithes, but somehow at will and from those who worked, sort of like for a skete). I liked the fact that in addition to theory there are classes, everyone was sitting in a circle and the girl who brought me said that she felt the energy running in a circle, and I also wanted to learn extrasensory sensitivity.

Then Plakhin came up to me and said - let's talk. We entered a separate room. He said: let me diagnose you (besides this, he also removes damage, the evil eye and wreaths of celibacy), but for this you must undress, otherwise I will not see anything. I was embarrassed, but he said that he treats people and he is like a doctor, and they are not shy in front of a doctor. And I stripped down to my underpants. He laid me down on the bed and put his hands on my stomach. Asked if I feel warm? I said no. He said I didn't have much energy. If we take the entire amount of energy in a person as a unit, then my energy is 0.6, and the body does not have enough of it, it starts to hurt. I said that my head hurts. He replied that he could treat me for free, and that I needed to gain energy so as not to get sick and learn magic, since I have magical abilities and he will teach me to heal people. I did not really believe him, but decided to come next time.

When I came to class, one of his students told me that I should ask Volodya (as the students called him) to increase my amount of energy. I asked what needs to be done. I was told that for this I need to change energy with him. I went up to him and asked. We went to a separate room and he again told me to undress. I was shy, but he said that the clothes interfere with the exchange, and there is no effect, and I undressed, and so did he.

We lay down and he leaned against me from behind, saying that in this position he gives me energy, and that there is nothing reprehensible in this, that all my constraint is complexes, and in fact he just works with energy. And I also need to relax and trust him, then the exchange will go better. Then I thought for a long time whether I should come again, because I didn’t like it, but when I thought about it, my head started to hurt, I stopped thinking about it and decided to attend school. Now I think that my head ached because Plakhin used hypnosis or NLP, books on which I then saw in large quantities at his home. This went on for almost a month, we “changed energy”, he did not pester me, and I really began to trust him more. Then he told me that I was losing the energy that he gives me too quickly, and I needed to “pull the male channel”.

A little clarification: in his theory, each person has an amount of energy that can be increased through exchange. There is also a male and female channel. Masculine implies non-material energy that circulates through the material (body), i.e. by feminine energy. And to stretch the male channel means to increase the volume.

Then I asked what I should do. He said that I didn't open up to him too well, and that a person is best open in a dream, so I need to go to his place for the night. I replied that I was not ready for this. He said that I need to “break myself (that is, do what you don’t want or can’t do because of your moral principles)”, my complexes, otherwise I won’t be able to develop in magic. He suggested that I shouldn't be too scared to spend the night with another girl. I thought for a week, then agreed. So we began to spend the night, he did not pester me, and I began to believe him in this. In parallel with this, I studied with his other students and learned not to be shy - we did some exercises naked to the waist to remove complexes, since a real magician should not be shy about anything, and the moral framework of a normal person is an extra burden. The student who brought me was very glad that Volodya himself was working with me. Then I learned that the school has a system of initiations for various levels (circles), and the more you have achieved in magic, the higher level you can apply for. It wasn't until a year and a half later that I learned that you also have to earn milestones - like points for what you've done for the school. For bringing new people they gave more points, but it was also possible with money. I then got indignant and went to the teacher, he said that this is of course the tenth thing, the main thing is magical abilities, but we need people, because the energy circle needs more energy, and money is needed to build a skete so that everyone can live there and learn without social interference. Recently, Volodya began to talk about the end of the world - that's why we needed a lot of virgins, because for the energy circle you need a lot of energy to be saved. And I also learned that for the white circle you need to give birth to a child. He had a student who was in a white circle, it was said that her child was from him, although her parents thought otherwise and the teacher denied. The teacher saw who was doing what, and chose who should be ordained. For example, one student's initiation was to shave her head.

The most important thing we were taught is that sex and sexual energy are different things, and we had to learn to feel sexual energy, since it was the basis of life and the main one in sexual magic. I was worried that I could not feel the sexual energy, and then Volodya said that the best way to feel it is to be present at a full exchange. I asked what is it? He said that there is a concept of sex, this is for ordinary people. And those who have been practicing sexual magic for a long time are not engaged in primitive sex, but in the highest manifestation of exchange. And one of his best students, who feels the energy, will make love to him for me, so that I can feel the energy. After much persuasion, I agreed. But she didn't feel anything. Then we repeated this experience for a long time, I was already used to it, and for me it was in the order of things. It's not sex, it's exchange. Then Volodya said that it was necessary to partially participate, told me to kiss him and his student, to masturbate. I doubted, I half believed him, but even now I can’t explain why I agreed to all this.

In the classroom, we were told about virgin energy, that at the first sexual contact, the energy volume is fixed. And you need to enter it in a good energy state, and so that the partner has a lot of energy. Then they began to say that ordinary people always have little energy, they fix very little. That is, all young people who had sex had a small amount of energy, and if they didn’t, then they need to be brought to school and taught. I must say that the teacher did not favor the boys. He said that it is very difficult to teach young people, they are too self-willed and cannot “break themselves”. Almost everyone who brought their young people either parted with them, or, fortunately, chose the “social life”. Society is a negative concept in this sect, people in society are like sheep, in society there are limits, habits, routine life. People in society are mediocre, ordinary, they all drink, smoke, do not think about magic and do not develop. And if you practice magic, you won't die and you'll be forever young. And if you left school, “you can buy a place at the Vagankovsky cemetery,” because you will grow old and die. We were also told about the “droplet”, it is released at the moment of loss of virginity in a woman, it is not released in a man, and he needs 10 years to work with sexual energy to release it. When two drops merge, something like an elixir of immortality is obtained. And these two people become immortal. Volodya said that he had such a drop and smiled slyly. With all sorts of conversations, he led me to the point of view that I should start having sex with him. Especially since my energy will remain virgin and I will develop rapidly. I thought for a long time and agreed. So I received the first initiation into the black circle. He told me not to tell anyone that I was having sex with him, said it was our secret. And now, when I spent the night with him, we "practiced a full-fledged exchange." Then I discovered a rash on my body. I asked him what it was, he said, it's just a human papillomavirus, it's okay, everyone has it, I probably got infected in a public toilet in some McDonald's, he said to cauterize with iodine, which I did, everything went away , and I continued to "do magic."

In the summer I went on vacation for a long time (several months).

When I arrived, the girls from the School met me and said that they would no longer go there and began to talk.

It turns out that Plakhin lived a sexual life with all the "virgins", and told everyone not to tell anything, so that others would not envy. Therefore, everyone thought that she was special, and only she had such a privilege. And they told their stories. Here is some of them:

Veronica did not go to the sect for very long and started spending the night with Volodya recently, she came to the sect as a virgin, and did not want to lose her virginity, she only wanted to make herself a big male channel, because she believed in all this. But Volodya told her that you can have a little contact without violating your virginity, because she has a difficult case - a very small volume, and you can’t do without a full-fledged exchange. But when she went to the gynecologist, it turned out that she was not a virgin.

The rest agreed.

It all turned out because one of the best students - Ksenia - fell in love with a guy, he was older than us and quickly understood what was happening. He convinced her not to go to school for a while. During this time, she moved away from the influence of Volodya, rethought everything that happened to her. So she was one of the best students, then she actively participated in the life of the school - she lectured in the esoteric centers-shops "The Way to Yourself" and "White Clouds", brought a lot of people and was devoted to a lot. She knew about venereal diseases, was treated every six months, but fell ill again. Volodya was able to convince her that these were her own diseases, and she herself picked them up from her first boyfriend. And he is a magician - and does not get infected and does not get sick. He also said that some diseases do not need to be treated at all, everyone has herpes and papillomavirus, and erosion is nonsense. When she temporarily stopped going to the sect at the request of her boyfriend, she began to wonder why she fell ill again, because she did not have any sexual partners, except for Plakhin. We immediately remembered that we did not use protection, because Plakhin said that a condom interferes with the exchange. And it turned out that almost every one of us turned to him about all sorts of rashes and sores. He said that he was healthy, but if we doubt it is necessary, of course, to take tests. In their territorial hospital, this will be done free of charge. Some handed over, naturally free of charge do AIDS, Syphilis, Hepatitis. And everyone was happy to make sure that they were healthy. And the rest of the analyzes are done by expensive and paid laboratories. The virgins did not even know about such tests, and some did not have money, and even minimal free tests calmed them down. There was a case that one girl nevertheless did an analysis, they found an infection in her, and Volodya said that there was nothing to do in paid clinics - they are specially credited with too much so that they can be treated for money.

Then Ksenia said that one infertile couple turned to Volodya with a request to cure them of infertility. The woman became pregnant, the husband was delighted. They accepted Plakhin's teachings and became his devoted disciples, as well as the main source of money. Plakhin himself admitted to Ksenia that the child was actually from him, but this was only because the woman wanted to give birth to a magician child, and she was so capable that the child could be simply unique, and he could not miss such a chance. We remembered that the girl really did not look like her father at all.

One of the girls once called the deceived father and told him who the true father of his child was. He was indignant and offered to meet with her. They agreed, but at first he demanded an explanation from Plakhin, and he quickly “corrected his brains”, the father refused not only to meet, but also to do a paternity test. After that, Plakhin threatened this girl with physical violence over the phone and warned that they would publish compromising photos and videos of his former students, which he did just in case they dared to tell the truth about him, which finally sobered us up. Ksenia also said that he repeatedly beat her, and we remembered that we saw bruises on her. And another one of his "advanced" students sold an apartment to buy an apartment for Plakhin.

Ksenia started calling all the girls and telling the truth. She managed to pull out as far as a person. Then Plakhin took action. At first he said that there was no need to talk about her, that she could not resist the society. Then he ordered not to come close to her, because she zombifies people, and they leave. Plakhin also said that all illnesses are from her and those who are weak have left, and those who remain are the strongest. He also increased the psychological impact on the remaining members of the sect, because those with whom we tried to talk were absolutely inadequate, and even when we showed them his threatening SMS, they replied that he was probably just joking.

The mother, who visited the sect with her daughter, upon learning about all this, said that she herself decides with whom her daughter sleeps, and that her daughter will have a lot of energy. It looks very strange and inadequate, most likely, there is a strong psychological impact. One of the proofs that he possesses hypnosis and strong persuasion is that when he called one of the departed girls, she had a heart attack.

The sister of one of the departed girls believes Plakhin, goes to a sect and does not listen to either her sister or her parents.

We also learned that before people left, because they revealed the “true essence of the teachings” of Plakhin. But the sect continued to exist, because many were afraid of Plakhin himself, as well as publicity. Those who tried to do something, he threatened. You can leave there only if you are completely convinced that all this is a deception and a mockery of people. So, some left because they didn't like something, but then came back again, even after a few years. Plakhin said about them with such confidence: “They themselves will crawl ...”

We would very much like to get the rest out and stop the activities of the sexual pervert Plakhin. They absolutely do not listen to us and do not believe us, and all the evidence is ignored.

The sect of Khlysts or Christophers was one of the most numerous in tsarist Russia. They believed that God was embodied in man, and called the chosen ones Christs and Mother of God.

Christian believers preached asceticism and complete sexual abstinence, but these rules were often violated. In addition, the whips had a peculiar attitude towards marriage, which society considered a sign of promiscuity.

How did the Whip sect appear?

Danila Filippovich is considered the founder of the sect of Christian believers. According to beliefs, the Lord of Hosts moved into his body in 1645, giving a dozen new commandments. They were strikingly different from the Christian commandments. In the future, the followers of the teachings of the "Lord of hosts" began to unite in communities that were called "ships". At the head of each "ship" was a helmsman, also called Christ. Women could also become heads of communities, they were called Mother of God. It was believed that the Lord was incarnated in the body of a feeder or feeder. But this is not the only thing that makes Christian believers remarkable.

People who had gone into a sect could go to the Orthodox Church. They only did it for cover, so as not to be persecuted. At the same time, they believed that the spiritual world was created by God, and the material world was created by Satan. Nor did they deny the transmigration of souls. The whips also had special rituals, following which it was possible to achieve the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the body. It was only necessary to pray intensely, fast and do good deeds for the community. The principle of strict asceticism and non-harm to each other was observed by all members of the Christopher sect. True, exactly as long as they did not begin to perform their rituals.

A special mass in the whip sect was zeal. They participated in it in order to gain the grace of the Holy Spirit and subdue their flesh. In a small room, all the members of the “ship” gathered and began to dance frantically, inhaling the smoke from the burned herbs. These herbs could be with a hallucinogenic effect. After the ritual dances and chants, the Christian believers took hold of wet ropes, sticks or real whips and struck each other with blows. In some cases, sectarians engaged in self-flagellation.

After mutual beatings, the ritual continued until all the Khlysts fell to the floor. The carnal excitement, or "spiritual joy" embracing the sectarians as a result of zeal, was interpreted as the coming of the Holy Spirit. Many believed that after the completion of zeal, the whips indulge in sinful sin. However, there is no evidence of Khlyst orgies in official documents. They also talked about sodomy in the sect because they allegedly belonged to it, famous for their love affairs. And there were rumors about the licentiousness of the sect because of their attitude towards marriage and children.

The followers of the whip sect did not marry each other, freely passing from one partner to another, this was called "spiritual cohabitation." There was also a rule to live with the "wife" as with a sister, but it was violated everywhere. As a result, of course, there were children whose mothers might not even know who they were from. There is an opinion that children who were born as a result of orgies during zeal became new Christs and Mothers of God.

Branches of Khlystovism

Appearing at the beginning of the 17th century, the whip sect gave rise to numerous religious groups with similar beliefs. So, in 1765, it was founded, advocating the complete pacification of carnal desire through castration. But the Dukhobors did not emasculate each other, and just like the Khlysts, they believed in the rebirth of the soul. The Molokans, the Malevans, and the fasting navads broke away from the Khlysty sect, retaining some of the beliefs of the Christian believers.

Interestingly, in the 19th century, the Khlysty sect became interested in the highest circles of Russian society. Many writers, artists and even well-known officials openly sympathized with them. And the poet Nikolai Klyuev openly admitted that he had spent several years in this sect. Eminent writers, including Maxim Gorky, also wrote about the Khlysts.

A version of religious insanity is being discussed in society, as in the case of a nine-year-old boy who fell victim to a mysterious sect that exorcised the devil from him.

“I have no home on earth. I am a wanderer. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ,” Ivan Kazantsev, the father of the murdered nine-year-old Danila and the main suspect, said during interrogation. Together with him, Zemfira Gainullina, the leader of the sect, was taken into battle. Gainullina, 48, claimed to have heard God.

The meetings of the sect "Disciples of Jesus Christ" often took place in ordinary apartments, similar to the one in Yekaterinburg, where the child was killed. At the meetings, they danced, sang, and everything looked decent. But what was it like for children next to obsessed fanatics leading a nomadic lifestyle? In this terrible case in the Urals, a child was gagged in the mouth so that the neighbors would not hear the Cree. . His body with traces of lashes was found on the outskirts of the forest park. But what was it: cruel punishment, exorcism, or religious mortification of the flesh? Perhaps the answer is on Twitter of the spiritual mother of the sectarians: “The best flesh is dead flesh. She is dead, therefore she does not sin.”

They tortured children and Anna, her husband, son and daughter and other "novices" lived in a Krasnodar house and prayed for portraits of the spiritual leader Alexander Kurenkov. Faith in Kurenkov was so great that when he ordered Anna to send her seven-year-old daughter to his room, the woman did not hesitate for a second.

Children in a sect are the most disenfranchised among the disenfranchised, sectologist Alexander Dvorkin is sure.

Alexander Dvorkin, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council for State Religious Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: “The exorcism of demons from children by physical methods is a specific feature for neo-Pentecostal sects. Similar cases death of children from beating during the rite of exorcism were in Brazil, the USA, Germany and in many other countries. There have already been such cases in Russia.”

Dworkin points out that the name "Disciples of Jesus Christ" is one of the translation options for the Pentecostal movement that originated in the United States. But, having studied the history of the "Disciples of Christ" in Gainnullina's version, the expert suggests that she hardly belonged to any registered organization. This is an author's sect. At the same time, the video of her rituals is very reminiscent of footage from the United States, when the leader of the American sect "Temple of the Peoples" Jim Jones, after dancing and singing, ordered his followers to take poison. Only two of the 911 did not listen. The parents gave the poison to the children, and then they took it themselves. 909 bodies, almost three hundred children. And all this at the behest of one man. Unquestioning obedience to the leader is exactly what distinguishes totalitarian sects, emphasizes Alexander Dvorkin.

Alexander Dvorkin, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council for State Religious Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: “If this murder had not happened, we might not have heard about this sect for a very long time. If we are talking about neo-Pentecostalism, then the ideas that are preached at their meetings are very toxic. Having fallen on one unhealthy head, she proclaims herself an apostle, and off we go.

Gainullina was just beginning to create her own sect, but what else could come to her mind if she still believes that she hears the voice of God? And the main and most terrible question: how many of these "God's messengers" are currently wandering around the country?

Religion can be strange, and sometimes even scary. This list includes 20 of the strangest and most frightening rituals of different religions known to mankind. Some of them are taboo in modern society, others are simply strange and inexplicable, and goosebumps run from their description. Amazing rituals are found everywhere - from India to the USA, from Russia to Africa. And remember - these are just 20 examples of the follies and atrocities that a person is capable of!

In some religious communities, mainly in the Roman Catholic Church and in some Orthodox churches, there is a rite of exorcism - the expulsion of demons and evil spirits from the body of a sinner by a priest. People who are subjected to an exorcism may behave aggressively and even dangerously. In former times, such actions were often carried out on the mentally ill.

19. Kaparot - Judaism

Activists. Animal rights activists find the Jewish rite of kaparot outrageous. But even if you do not take into account their opinion, this ritual looks very, very strange and almost magical. On the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of repentance, it is customary to take a live rooster and twist it over your head three times; after that, the rooster is killed and eaten or given to the needy. It is believed that the sins of a person before repentance for the past year are transferred to the rooster.

18. Shamanism - Tibetan Buddhism

Shamans are a type of mediums who act as intermediaries between people and the other world. Shamanic rituals are found in various religions, including Tibetan Buddhism. Usually shamans are very old people, carriers of wisdom, experience and knowledge. They can interpret dreams, read the weather and the stars. Usually people come to them with the most burning questions. However, in a state of trance, shamans can frighten an unprepared person. There are also legends that they can control the forces of nature. You definitely shouldn't joke with them.

17. Sati - Hinduism

In Hinduism, there is an ancient ritual called sati. In fact, this is the suicide of a woman after the death of her husband. The practice of self-immolation of widows was inherent in the upper castes and was mainly practiced in India, but its cases are also known in other countries of South Asia. Sometimes self-immolation was actually burning - widows were forced to burn.

16. Burial alive - Hinduism

Other Hindu communities practice burial instead of cremation. In ancient times, in such communities, if the husband died before the wife, it was the duty of the wife to go down with him to the grave alive. The Brahmin, the religious leader, on such occasions would dig a hole that was one heel taller than the husband and wife, and they would put both of them in the hole and cover it with sand.

15. Digambaras - Jainism

The Digambaras are one of two sects of Jainism in which the spiritual leader refrains from wearing clothes. In the view of the sect, he wears the whole world around him. The ritual helps the Jains to renounce their physical needs and achieve a state of enlightenment.

14. Prohibition of blood transfusions - Jehovah's Witnesses

This prohibition is practiced in communities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Part of their teaching is the notion that the Bible forbids the transfusion of blood from one person to another under any circumstances. This is not allowed, even when it comes to life and death.

13. Human sacrifice is a cult of Satanism in the USA

The River Falls Satanist cult in Massachusetts was founded by a 25-year-old man who declared himself the son of Satan, and consisted of only about 10 people, who, nevertheless, managed to cause a lot of disasters in the area: dozens of young women were killed by Satanists.

14. Vengeance Sacrifices - Satanism in the USA

In order to take revenge on the blackmailer and make sure that he would never speak again, Satanists in the United States crucified him on an altar and killed him to ritual chants. Soon all the participants in the action were caught by the police, and they were sentenced to decades in prison.

11. Bloodshed - the cult of Santa Muerte

In Mexico, there is a terrible cult called Santa Muerte, which means "Holy Death." This cult is the worship of Death and mortality. When two boys disappeared in Mexico City, and then an elderly woman who was the grandmother of one of them, the police soon found them in the woman's house - they were all dead; later it turned out that the woman belonged to the cult of Santa Muerte and brought them and her blood as a sacrifice to Death.

10. Castration and death - the sect "Superior Universal Alignment"

The "Superior Universal Alignment" was a religious sect in Altamira, Brazil. About 25 years ago, the attention of the police was drawn to the disappearance of about 25 boys from different parts of the city. All of them were found dead. It turned out that some of the boys were castrated and left in the Brazilian jungle to die a slow, painful death. The Transcendent Universal Alignment was active until 2003, when its head, a woman in her 70s, was discovered.

9. "Flower girls" - the cult of Black Jesus

The community of "flower girls" belonging to the cult of Black Jesus, who declared himself the creator of the cult Stephen Tari, cohabited with him in Papua New Guinea. About 400 girls were constantly subjected to violence, perversion and bullying; many were killed. Tari and his followers ate their flesh and drank their blood. Only in 2013, Tari was killed.

8 Animal Sacrifice - Russian Satanists

In Yaroslavl, a group of teenagers led by Nikolai Ogolobyak worshiped Satan in the 2000s. For sacrifices they used a variety of small animals. They were also rumored to have killed people and committed acts of cannibalism.

Jeffrey Lundgren was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was able to attract a following through his charisma and ability as an orator. Soon his influence began to grow, which other leaders of the church began to fear. Lundgren was convinced that only he correctly interpreted the Scriptures; his followers began to gather at his farm in Ohio. Orgies took place here and, apparently, even human sacrifices were made.

6 Ritual Rape And Murder - Chicago Rippers

Yes, this organization was as scary as it might seem at first glance. The Chicago Rippers were involved in a series of rapes and murders in Chicago in 1981-82. The strange thing about these murders was that the tormentors always cut off the left breast of the victim - on the disfigured corpses of the girls, the left mammary gland was missing. It is said that after cutting off a piece of flesh, the cult members would masturbate on it and then eat it.

5. False prophets - sect "Children of Thunder"

The Children of Thunder sect was founded by the young Theodor Helzer, who proclaimed himself a prophet of the Lord. He needed money to start a cult, and he tried to sell drugs and rob people. In the end, the Children of Thunder had to commit the first murder - it was an elderly couple who could not be stolen money from. The fanatics then dismembered their bodies and prayed over them. Similarly, they killed Helzer's girlfriend. When Theodore Helzer was captured by the police, he was sentenced to life in prison, but at 41 he committed suicide in a cell.

4. Necrophagia - Aghori

Necrophagy - the eating of rotting and decaying corpse meat - is a ritual of the Aghori sect in Varanasi, India. They believe that the strongest fear of a person is the fear of death, therefore, in order to overcome this fear, they eat dead bodies. Usually these are bodies that they fish from the Ganges River.

3. Dance of the Sun - North American Indians

The Dance of the Sun was the most important ritual among some Indians. The dancers around the "tree of life", a debranched tree chosen for the ritual, were made incisions on both sides of the chest, into which bones were inserted, attached with straps to a pole. A dance began, the purpose of which was to tear the inserted bones out of the body. The dancers jerked back, trying to tear their flesh.

2. Self-flagellation is Shia Islam

Some Islamic Shia sects practice self-flagellation during the Muslim holy month of Muharram. This is a ritual in memory of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. With shouts of self-flagellation walk the streets; they are said to feel no pain as they are in an ecstatic trance.

In some West African beliefs, people practice voodoo; a person in them is considered a medium, an intermediary who is connected with the Spirit of the Earth. The one who is used in this capacity in the voodoo ritual is taken to the forest and left there for three days without water and food, in an unconscious state. After three days, another ritual is used to bring them back to consciousness.


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Did you get this spam? Welcome to our sect, novice!

If you are reading this brochure, it means that you have transferred your apartment to us, cut out your right kidney and donated two liters of blood, that is, you have become a full member of the Brotherhood. Enormous privileges have opened up to you, you already know about them from the previous brochure.

In our "Movement for the Great Thiobotl" you have already found the support with which you will build your life. GUARANTEED, after a few months of hard work, you will become a little brother, and this is really an honor. Our brotherhood, often mistakenly called a sect, will take you out into the world, you will see countries such as the Underground Republic and Sektashir. You will be respected in high society, and you will become an influential person, with the help of our brotherhood.

All these privileges will be opened to you gradually, with each new promotion, which you need to earn with great work and your organs. You will also have to undergo special rites and sacraments.

Here is the list:

1) An ordinary novice, such as you, is required to perform only one rite: sacrifice. On every full moon exactly at midnight, you need to kindle a fire, wait until only coals remain (there should be a lot of coals!), Then ask for a bag of potatoes into the coals, saying: “Thiobotl, Great Father, hear me, your insignificant servant, hear and accept this modest gift. Continuing to say these words, you need to slaughter a chicken with a knife and also throw it into the coals.

2) The younger brothers are required to pray to the Great Thiobotl every day, while beating their heads against a brick wall (300 times a day). And also to perform the venerable sacrament of handing out leaflets and sewing clothes.

3) Older brothers are required to undergo the “Suction” rite. Its essence is to suck all the air out of the TV. After the special preparations described in the brochure "Suction of the TV air", proceed to the process itself. Priests must supervise the conduct of ceremonies.

The sacrament of selling products lies entirely with the older brothers

4) Priests bring gifts personally to the High Priest, who has a strong connection with our Father Thiobotl. The ceremony is called "Solemn booze in the bathhouse, with heifers." Another of the "Priestly" rites is the rite of disclosure (the same as the previous one, only the heifers are virgins).

5) The High Priest is a person who has passed all the tests and became a confidant of Father Thiobotl. He observes the Fast of restraint - he holds the air for half a minute, every six months - this is one of the most important rites !!!

Initiation rituals:

You are already a novice, you know you have already passed your first initiation ritual, putting your signature on our papers, and withstood a tour of our operating room ...

All rites of initiation into the new ranks of our brotherhood take place in the operating room, called in our ranks - the Bedchamber. In the Bedchamber, our Brothers in White Robes conduct initiation rites, carving out what you will not need, and give you something that you will be proud of - THE RANK!!!

This is the end, Acolyte. More detailed information will be available to you after the Initiation in the Bedchamber….

PySy: Instead of air suction from the TV, there can be suction from any other household appliance (refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, mixer, etc.)

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