Odessa market "Privoz. The main markets of Odessa

Odessa is not only a large industrial and port city, historical sights, sea, sun and beaches. Tourists are happy to make a promenade along the famous Deribasovskaya street with its many shops, hotels, historical monuments, cafes and restaurants. But the markets of the city - the legendary "Privoz", the Starokonny market and the famous "7 kilometer" - will really help to find out what Odessa is.

Secrets of the Odessa "Privoz"

The market is located 200 meters from the train station. Once there was a square where the villagers brought their goods for sale. Hence the name of the market. In 1827, a decision was made to streamline trade, and rows and premises for the sale of poultry and livestock began to be built here.

After the last plague that Odessa experienced, the markets were burned down. The capital restoration of Privoz began in 1902. One of the most interesting buildings was the "Fruit Passage" built in 1913 - a complex of four separate buildings connected by arches. After the revolution, there were attempts to rename Privoz, but the new name did not take root. In the late 60s of the XX century, a meat and dairy pavilion was built on the market, and the territory was asphalted. In 1990, a general reconstruction was carried out, new shopping and office centers and shops were built.

Despite the large number of supermarkets that Odessa is rich in, markets serve as the main place for shopping. Only Privoz sells the cheapest and tastiest products: fresh fish, meat, butter, milk, various cheeses. In honor of resourceful sellers, bronze monuments to fisherwoman Sonya, fish cleaner Uncle Zhora and Kostya the sailor were erected in the market.

Market "7 kilometer"

Sailors always brought fashionable things to the port city, which were popular with the population. Trade especially revived in the 90s of the last century, when people were left without work and engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Thus, one of the largest wholesale and retail markets in Europe, 7 Kilometer, was formed. It got its name due to the fact that it is located on the 7th kilometer of the Ovidiopol highway.

The developed area of ​​the market is about 80 hectares. It has more than 15 thousand retail facilities, warehouses, 3 first-aid posts and an ambulance department, there is a police station. The territory is divided into 4 trading thematic trading platforms. Linen, toys, souvenirs, leather goods are sold at site No. 1. On site No. 2, they mainly sell clothes and shoes from Turkey, Poland, and goods of domestic manufacturers. On site number 3 you can buy cheap clothes and shoes from China. There is also the Kharkov site, where everything is sold, including electrical products, household appliances, televisions, telephones.

There are 2 hotels and several cafes in the market. Up to 350 thousand people visit the market every day. There are 8 convenient car parks for cars and buses.

Old market in Odessa

Odessa Starokonny Market is located near the central bus station on Moldavanka. It was founded in 1832. At that time, the Bessarabian gypsies brought horses to the market, the villagers brought cattle, sailors brought overseas birds and animals. A few years later, the city government decided to streamline the markets and transferred the trade in cattle and horses outside the city. Time passed, Moldavanka from a farm turned into a suburb, Odessa developed rapidly. Markets appeared everywhere, so rows were built on the trading square for the sale of bread, meat, milk and other products, and the name Starokonny was assigned to the market.

Currently, it is especially crowded on weekends. Odessans come here to buy pets or birds, especially a lot of aquarium fish and attributes that are associated with aquarism.

Other markets in Odessa

Anyone who has visited the city at least once knows that Odessa is famous not only for Privoz. Markets where you can make a bargain can be found in every district. They sell domestic and imported products, seasonal vegetables, as well as industrial products. The most famous are:

  • New market - located in the old district of the city near Deribasovskaya street. It is very similar in color to Privoz, it has existed for more than 100 years.
  • Market "Cheryomushki" - it was built on Cosmonauts Street in the microdistrict of the same name.
  • Southern Market - located in a residential area of ​​the city in the village of Tairova. It was built over 30 years ago.
  • The Northern Market - built over 20 years ago on the site of a spontaneous market in the most remote area in the village of Kotovsky.

What markets can still surprise business Odessa? Wholesale and small wholesale markets offer building materials, there are large radio components. On the wholesale and retail market "Pochatok" you can buy vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and visit the book market on Aleksandrovsky Prospekt.

Odessans are proud that in this large port and trading city you can buy everything you need, and even a little more.

It's done, now you, fish lovers and beer fans, can touch the beauty - this post will be about the Odessa market "Privoz", more precisely, about its fish part.

Many have heard about the Odessa Privoz - this is one of the largest food markets in the former USSR. And this market is famous, first of all, for its unique atmosphere.

I really love fish, absolutely any and in any form - dried, dried, cold and hot smoked, salted and lightly salted. I always prefer fish to any piece of meat. Even willing to give up meat for fish. And when fresh fish gets into the house, I eat it to the “horns and hooves”.

We bought a piece of salmon for dinner and a few carps, which were baked that same evening with vegetables in foil.

The history of Privoz began almost 200 years ago, back in 1827. A square for market trade was built in the city, where it was possible to trade imported goods from wagons - hence the name of the bazaar.

The saleswomen are so stubborn that it is impossible to pass by without buying fish.

To my question “how to choose fresh fish”, Odessa residents unanimously advised that the fish should move, other methods are inaccurate.

This is the famous Odessa sprat.

Here are a few anecdotes that permeate the whole spirit of Odessa.
On the market:
- How much is this horse worth?
- But it's a chicken, ma'am.
- I look at the price.

Each of these fish screamed - eat me! No, really.

In general, around - a fish cornucopia. Saliva gushing in all directions. My head is spinning, for real.

On the Privoz.
- And what, your flounder is fresh, still alive?
No, she's already dead.
- That's why I'm surprised at the price - are you collecting for her funeral?

Local cats are refined and very restrained, they will never ask for a fish first. This cat sat for 10 minutes without even moving.

Fifty-year-old saleswoman: “Man, you only take pictures of my fish, look at me, I'm pretty and divorced. Are you married?”

This is a classic for any beer.

Bundles of dried gobies.

This is the middle of the fish post, you can take a break and open a second bottle of beer.

This is a smoked fish-needle (garfish).

Here, even the fish is called in a diminutive form.

Fishing in the eyes...

Absolutely, very tasty.

For those who are losing weight: shrimp is a very low-calorie seafood that is extremely rich in calcium and protein.

From personal experience, I found out that salted and dried trout is tastier than salmon. Although freshly cooked salmon is tastier than trout.

Huge shrimp stalls (raw and cooked) and inviting saleswomen.

Didn't see them buying in small quantities. Bought a lot at once.

After several laps around the fish rows, I had a strategic supply of fish product in my bag for several weeks. And now, while finishing the report, I'm chewing on felted cuts of trout.

Every tourist and just a vacationer who comes to Odessa is simply obliged to visit this market. And if you didn’t, then you can safely say that you haven’t seen the real Odessa.

It's done, now you, fish lovers and beer fans, can touch the beauty - this post will be about the Odessa market "Privoz", more precisely about its fish part.
Many have heard about the Odessa Privoz - this is one of the largest food markets in the former USSR. And this market is famous, first of all, for its unique atmosphere.

I really love fish, absolutely any and in any form - dried, dried, cold and hot smoked, salted and lightly salted. I always prefer fish to any piece of meat. Even willing to give up meat for fish. And when fresh fish gets into the house, I eat it to the “horns and hooves”.

We bought a piece of salmon for dinner and a few carps, which were baked that same evening with vegetables in foil.

The history of Privoz began almost 200 years ago, back in 1827. A square for market trade was built in the city, where it was possible to trade imported goods from wagons - hence the name of the bazaar.

The saleswomen are so stubborn that it is impossible to pass by without buying fish.

To my question “how to choose fresh fish”, Odessa residents unanimously advised that the fish should move, other methods are not accurate.

This is the famous Odessa sprat.

Here are a few anecdotes that permeate the whole spirit of Odessa.
On the market:
- How much is this horse worth?
- But it's a chicken, ma'am.
- I look at the price.

Each of these fish screamed - eat me! No, really.

In general, around - a fish cornucopia. Saliva gushing in all directions. My head is spinning, for real.

And what, your flounder is fresh, still alive?
No, she's already dead.
- That's why I'm surprised at the price - are you collecting for her funeral?

Local cats are refined and very seasoned, they will never ask for a fish first. This cat sat for 10 minutes without even moving.

Fifty-year-old saleswoman: “Man, you only take pictures of my fish, look at me, I'm pretty and divorced. Are you married?”

This is a classic for any beer.

Bundles of dried gobies.

This is the middle of the fish post, you can take a break and open a second bottle of beer.

This is a smoked fish-needle (garfish).

Here, even the fish is called in a diminutive form.

Fishing in the eyes...

Absolutely, very tasty.

For those who are losing weight: shrimp is a very low-calorie seafood that is extremely rich in calcium and protein.

From personal experience, I found out that dried salted trout is tastier than salmon. Although freshly cooked salmon is tastier than trout.

Huge shrimp stalls (raw and cooked) and inviting saleswomen.

Didn't see them buying in small quantities. Bought a lot at once.

After several laps around the fish rows, I had a strategic supply of fish product in my bag for several weeks. And now, finishing the report, I'm chewing felted cuts of trout.

Every tourist and just a vacationer who comes to Odessa is simply obliged to visit this market. And if you didn’t, then you can safely say that you haven’t seen the real Odessa.

“Odessa would not exist without Privoz” – this is how the townspeople emphasize the importance of their main market. This place has become not only a world-famous landmark, but also concentrated all the bright and colorful life of the city by the Black Sea.

So, the story of the famous market, where in such cases they say "the material is so fresh that the ink has not had time to dry on it yet."

Initially, Privoz was a continuation of the large Old or Free Market, built in 1827. It started from Uspenskaya Street, next to which Starobazarny Square is now located, and continued to Privoznaya Square - now it is the area of ​​​​Preobrazhenskaya, Ekaterininskaya and Panteleimonovskaya streets.
It is from Privoznaya Square that the legendary Odessa market takes its name. The square itself was called that because goods were brought here for the Old Market. Later, goods began to be sold directly from carts. For a long time this place had no special arrangement and buildings. But at the same time, it was always possible to buy goods here cheaper than in the Old Market, because merchants did not pay taxes and fees until about the 1860s.

Almost throughout the 19th century, Privoz was a large open area. In the second half of the century before last, wooden shops appeared here, where food was sold. Interestingly, such temporary wooden buildings could only be rented on an auction basis.

One of the issues of the “Odessky Vestnik” of that time describes Privoz in far from the best colors, noting that the square was very dirty and smelly, as people relieved themselves right between the wooden benches, and waste and leftovers from products that decomposed were lying around.

For a long time there was no need for the construction of capital stone buildings, since the excellent buildings of the Old Bazaar built in the 1830-40s were very close at the disposal of the merchants. With the growth of the urban population, and, accordingly, the scale of trade, the need arose to improve the equipment of Privoznaya Square. Therefore, over time, combined retail premises began to appear - the so-called. "sacristy" - with stone plinths, concrete floors and drain pipes.

For comparison, here are the prices of 100 years ago for some products: a pair of chickens 1.80-1.90 rubles, veal 10 kopecks, milk 10-12 kopecks, potatoes 50 kopecks, a bunch of bulls 15-30 kopecks. At the same time, the salary of a skilled worker started from 20 rubles.

In 1902, almost the entire Privoz burned down, and interestingly, on the initiative of the Odessans themselves. The fact is that in the summer of that year a plague epidemic broke out in Odessa, and one of the components of the anti-plague struggle was precisely the burning of the market. It was then that the original Privoz that existed in the 19th century disappeared.

In 1913, along Privoznaya Street, a beautiful two-story "Fruit Passage" with four outbuildings was built. This structure was the only beautiful building on the market. On the first floor there were food stalls and meat stalls, and on the second floor there was a hotel for non-local sellers. Moreover, in Soviet times, only collective farmers were allowed to trade.

In the 1950s, on the site of the current new fish building, in a round wooden structure, there was a circus attraction, where, in particular, there was such a number as racing a motorcycle along a vertical wall.

A funny incident is known. Once, an elephant calf escaped from a nearby zoo and climbed into the fruit rows, and stayed there until it was densely refreshed with local food supplies.

In the 1950s and 60s, dairy and meat buildings with spacious and bright trading floors were built on the side of Ekaterininskaya Street.

A large-scale reconstruction of the central part of Privoz, the trading area, was carried out in the 1960s and 70s. Before it was held, wooden shops and shops stood along the perimeter of the square, and in the middle - shopping arcades.

During the reconstruction, the area was re-asphalted, and a solid roof was built over it, in some places even glass. Concrete counters were equipped across the square. It was this place, by the way, that was the original Privoz, which grew over time.

They say that at that time the market was even renamed to Oktyabrsky. But the name didn't stick.

Minor renovations were carried out in the 1980s and 2000s.

“You can buy everything on Privoz, even an atomic bomb.”
“I ask for six, I will give for five - I take for four, keep three.”
“Before, everything was worth a penny, now I have such prices that it remains only to eat the skins.”
“Large bun, delicious seeds - that’s how they will still stand in the sun and will be fried until the evening.”
“Woman, you smell it! It smells like it's alive!"
“After visiting Privoz, you will feel good or very good, depending on how you bargain.”

Resting in Odessa, it is impossible not to visit the markets of this amazing city, which are in every district of the city. It is in the Odessa markets that you can fully feel the flavor of this city, hear a lot of "winged" Odessa expressions and at the same time buy almost anything: from food to carpets, clothes and building materials. Sellers in the markets, like true Odessans, are very fond of city guests, willingly telling them funny stories and making discounts, which certainly leaves the visitors with the best memories. Let's take a closer look at the largest and most popular markets in Odessa.


famous market "Bringing" is a visiting card of Odessa and one of the most famous sights of the city. In addition, it is also the oldest market in Europe, and its unchanged flavor has been preserved to this day. Walking along its old shopping malls (especially the fish market), you can not only buy fresh and high-quality products, but also laugh a lot while listening to the speech of local residents and sellers. It is customary here to try many products before buying, so you can enjoy a variety of Odessa goodies for free. Privoz is a universal market where you can buy not only groceries, but also household chemicals, clothes, shoes and souvenirs. The Privoz market is open every day except Monday.

Rabinovich is easy to recognize in two cases. By sparkling humor when he sells something, and by irreparable loss in his eyes when he buys something.

7 kilometer

The largest market in Ukraine is the famous Odessa "flea market", which eventually got the name "7 kilometer". This is a giant wholesale market, which consists of different sectors, divided into streets named in different colors. Today, residents of all Ukraine and Moldova come to the “7 kilometer”, since it is here that you can buy any product at wholesale prices. In this market, you can find both cheap and low-quality Chinese things, as well as quite expensive and good things, shoes and accessories from Turkey and Europe. In addition, there are sectors of fabrics, children's accessories and clothing, household chemicals, furniture and decor, building materials, carpets, leather and fur products at the 7th kilometer. The wholesale market "7 kilometer" is open every day except Friday.

In the center of Odessa there is another very colorful market - (or "New Market"). Despite its name, this market has been around for over two hundred years. Here you can buy any food, including fresh meat and homemade dairy products, but vegetables and fruits are sold here mainly by resellers, due to which the prices for these products are significantly inflated. At the "New Bazaar" there are several canteens and cafes, a couple of souvenir shops and a small clothing and footwear department. Day off - Monday.

ABOUT Starokon market Odessa is known to those who come here to choose and buy a pet or are looking for antiques, rare items, rare books, stamps, coins, badges, antique jewelry or unusual trinkets that can be purchased at the flea market. Most of the market is occupied by pavilions with construction products, as well as with pets, for the sale of which even residents of neighboring cities come here. Here you can buy a wide variety of kittens, puppies, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, parrots, fish, turtles and even squirrels, as well as everything you need to care for them. The old-fashioned market is open seven days a week, but most of the sellers come here only on weekends.

Market "Northern"

Market "Northern" is located in the largest residential area of ​​​​the city - on the village of Kotovsky. This is a fairly large market, combining the main pavilion, which sells meat, poultry, spices, groceries and dairy products, as well as a pavilion with vegetables and fruits, a department of industrial goods (clothes, shoes, children's things and toys, sanitary ware and everything needed for the home). This market attracts local farmers and residents of nearby villages, so here you can buy real homemade products at an affordable price. The Severny market is open every day except Monday.

Promrynok Kotovsky

Not far from the market "Northern" is located Promrynok Kotovsky, where they sell clothes, shoes and accessories from China, Turkey, Ukraine and Europe. This is mainly a clothing market, however, there are large pavilions with cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals. At the beginning of the market there is a row with household appliances, where you can buy any new or used home appliances from Europe. The prices for clothes and shoes at Promrynka are low, and the choice is quite wide, so it is quite crowded here, especially on weekends. The market is open every day except Monday.

Market "Cheryomushki"

Cosmonauts Street is home to a cozy and fairly popular market with local residents. Cheryomushki where you can buy homemade and imported vegetables and fruits, preserves and pickles, farm meat, eggs and dairy products. In addition, a “flea market” operates every weekend in this market, where sometimes you can find amazing things from the past for mere pennies.

South Market

In another large residential area of ​​​​Odessa - Tairovo - there is a market "Southern", where you can buy almost any local or imported products, seasonal vegetables and fruits, homemade meat, eggs and dairy products, spices, as well as household chemicals and everything for the home. 2 fish rows are popular here. In the clothing department of the market you can find inexpensive clothes, shoes and accessories.

Another market on Tairovo - "Kyiv", where you can perfectly skimp on food at the lowest price in town. Residents of villages and even other regions come here to offer Odessans the most natural "master's" products literally from the garden, which are cheaper and at the same time much more useful.

Malinovsky market

In Odessa there is a market that specializes in the sale of building materials, decor, furniture and everything you need for the home - "Malinovsky". It is here that you can find any building and finishing materials at the most attractive price in the city, and the range of goods will pleasantly surprise you. Also on the Malinovsky market you can buy or order furniture, interior and decor items, carpets, bedding, cribs and much more for manufacturing. The Malinovsky market is open daily, except Monday.

book market

Once a popular tourist destination in Odessa - small but rich in history book market, or as the inhabitants of Odessa call it - "Book". In this market, you can find, buy or order popular or rare books, videos and audio products. At the same time, you can purchase quite rare or unusual goods at a relatively low price. In addition, here you can buy old stamps and coins, unusual souvenirs, alcohol, sweets, as well as exchange currency.

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