What pathologies of the abdominal cavity reveals ultrasound. What is included in an abdominal ultrasound? What does an abdominal ultrasound show? What does ultrasound diagnose?

After ultrasound became part of diagnostic measures, most of the secrets of the human body were revealed to medical specialists. There was an opportunity to examine the state of organs, their size, structure, the presence of pathological processes. The planned use of ultrasound allows you to determine the development of diseases in the early stages, which makes the prognosis of the patient's recovery more favorable.

What is the method of ultrasound

The study of the body using ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic method. Ultrasonic waves are used, which can have different lengths, frequencies, oscillation periods. Any tissue of the body resists the action of ultrasonic waves. This resistance depends on the propagation speed and density of the latter. The higher the score, the greater the resistance force.

After the ultrasound reaches the boundary of two media that have different resistance, part of it is absorbed by the tissues, the rest is reflected. The stronger the reflection occurs, the clearer the picture of the state of internal organs and structures will look on the screen of the ultrasound machine. This method underlies the study and abdominal organs.

When to Diagnose

Ultrasound of the internal organs is a procedure that does not cause pain or other discomfort, so patients easily agree to the study. Indications for the procedure:

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is necessary for suspected inflammatory processes of the pancreas, liver, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, the appearance of a cyst or neoplasm, pathology of the bladder or retroperitoneal organs (if necessary, they are included in the standard comprehensive examination).

What is seen with ultrasound

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity includes examination of the following organs:

  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • liver and biliary system;
  • intestines;
  • vessels located in the diagnostic area;
  • adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder (included in the program if necessary).

A specialist in ultrasound diagnostics determines the size of the organ, its structure, shape, location. The ratio of organs to each other and to the peritoneum is specified. The presence of pathological fluid (ascites) is assessed, which should not be present in a healthy person.

A specialist can determine the presence of calculi, neoplasms, including cystic, polyps. When examining the vessels, it is possible to diagnose an aneurysm (expansion of a portion of the vessel).

What the ultrasound of the abdominal organs shows, the diagnostician describes. This is a specially trained qualified specialist who has in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Deciphering the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is the prerogative of the attending physician who referred the patient for the study.

Rules for preparing for ultrasound

In order for ultrasound diagnostics to show correct results, it is necessary to follow the rules of preparation. The last meal should take place 10-12 hours before the procedure. This is important, because when food enters the body, the biliary system activates its activity, releasing bile, and the gallbladder must be full at the time of the ultrasound.

The best time for manipulation is 10-11 am. This is the optimal period for examining the condition of the stomach and duodenum. The time in the afternoon will no longer be so informative, because even in the absence of food intake into the body, the stomach begins to secrete gastric juice, which, in turn, will change the diagnostic picture.

48 hours before the ultrasound, it is better to stop taking medications, especially painkillers and antispasmodics (with the permission of the attending physician), in the morning - from using chewing gum, smoking.

Additional recommendations:

  • when examining the condition of the kidneys, you should drink 1500 ml of liquid in 40-60 minutes;
  • when diagnosing the biliary system, spleen, pancreas, dinner the day before should consist of easily digestible foods;
  • with bloating, drugs are prescribed (Espumizan, Polysorb, activated charcoal);
  • to cleanse the intestines, Fortrans, Guttalax, and a regular enema are used.

Preparing children

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs in children also requires preparation:

  • if the patient is an infant, you must refuse one feeding before the diagnosis and do not give fluids 60 minutes before the ultrasound;
  • a preschool baby is not given liquid an hour before the procedure, food - 4 hours before;
  • children from 3 years of age are prepared for the procedure in the same way as adults.

How is the procedure carried out

The patient enters the diagnostic room, exposes the upper part of the body, lies down on the couch, which is located next to the ultrasound machine. If it is necessary to change the angle of examination of the internal organs, the specialist oversees the change in the position of the patient's body.

The sensor head of the device and the skin of the subject are treated with a special gel, which provides good sliding and prevents the reflection of waves from the skin surface. Next, the sensor is applied to the desired location. The uzist changes the position of the sensor, giving commands to the patient about how much it is necessary to change the depth of breathing.

The movement of the sensor does not cause discomfort. An exception may be the presence of internal injuries if ultrasound is performed to assess the condition of a person after an injury. The waves themselves in no way affect the patient's well-being, they are not heard.

As a rule, the procedure is carried out within 5-15 minutes, however, it can take up to 60 minutes, depending on the scope of the diagnosis.


The table below contains normal indicators for assessing the condition of internal organs, as well as data that ultrasound can show in the presence of pathological processes.

Organs Data
Liver The size of the organ, the state of the lobes, the clarity of the contours, the state of the capsule, the presence of neoplasms with different echogenicity are assessed. With fatty liver steatosis, increased echogenicity is determined. Cirrhosis is accompanied by an expansion of the portal and splenic veins, uneven contours of the organ. With ascites, the contours are uneven, the size of the organ is enlarged.
Spleen In a healthy person, the splenic vein is located at the hilum of the organ. An increase in size indicates a pathology of the spleen or liver. Compacted tissue is evidence of an organ infarction. In case of damage, detachment of a part of the spleen can be differentiated.
hollow organs The presence of pathological fluid, neoplasms, the state of the lymphatic vessels and nodes, the ratio of organs to the peritoneum is assessed.
gallbladder In a healthy person, the volume of the organ does not exceed 70 cm 3, the wall thickness is up to 0.4 cm. If acoustic shadows are visible, one can think of cholelithiasis. The presence of neoplasms, pathological fluid around the examined organ can be determined.
bile ducts The state of the intrahepatic ducts, the common bile duct is assessed. A decrease in echogenicity may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. An increase in the organ also indicates inflammation or the presence of a neoplasm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of ultrasound diagnostics may include the following points:

  1. Non-invasiveness of the procedure - the absence of the need to penetrate the patient's body makes the diagnostic method simpler and more accessible.
  2. The procedure belongs to the methods of low price category. This gives an advantage over more informative, but expensive magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. No harm to the patient's body. This is important for diagnosing children and women during the period of bearing a child.
  4. Allows you to identify diseases at an early stage of development.

The disadvantages of the ultrasound procedure are that it is inferior in informational content to some others (for example, CT, MRI), however, modern devices make the picture of internal organs clearer and allow assessing the state of blood supply.

After the diagnosis, the ultrasound specialist describes the results of the study in the patient's chart. Next, the patient should contact his doctor again to decipher the results. If any data are out of the norm, additional surveys of a narrow nature may be required. According to the results of the diagnosis, the specialist chooses further tactics in relation to his patient or paints a treatment regimen.

In parallel with the usual physical examinations, it is always recommended to do an ultrasound. A detailed study using high-quality equipment helps to determine the condition of internal organs and detect various problems and anomalies.

The most universal diagnosis is abdominal ultrasound. This study examines in detail the state of internal organs - the liver, spleen, pancreas, blood vessels, gallbladder. About how ultrasound is performed and what allows you to find out, we will consider below.

How and why is an abdominal ultrasound done?

Most of the vital organs are concentrated in the abdominal cavity. Here is the entire digestive system, violations in the work of which are fraught with serious problems. That is why ultrasound of the peritoneum is recommended to be done regularly. Modern ultrasound can detect even minor changes in the body.

It is not worth worrying about the abdominal ultrasound procedure, as it is done painlessly and accurately: the desired area of ​​​​the body is lubricated with gel and driven with a special device that can see the internal organs. The picture from the device is displayed on the screen, the specialist studies it and makes a written conclusion.

Deciphering ultrasound helps to understand all professional information.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - transcript

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity provides important information about the internal organs. The main parameters that determine the study are as follows:

  • organ sizes;
  • their location;
  • structure;
  • the presence of changes and additional formations;
  • chronic diseases;
  • deformations, violations.

On the decoding sheet, along with the results obtained, normal indicators of the state and size of the organs are indicated. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, which shows any deviations from the norm, is an alarming bell. With its results, it is best to immediately contact a narrow specialist.

An organism can be considered completely healthy when the sizes and shapes of all organs correspond to normal ones, there are no formations in them. An important indicator is the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity (). In a healthy body, this fluid should not be.

What diseases can be detected by ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity?

As mentioned above: abdominal ultrasound is a serious examination that can determine diseases of a different nature. Ultrasound can determine with almost one hundred percent accuracy:

  • liver diseases:, rupture of the gallbladder and others;
  • disturbances in the work of the gallbladder, stones and inflammatory processes, including;
  • the size and condition of the vessels and aorta of the abdominal cavity;
  • the causes of the sensation of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the abdomen, stomach;
  • Abdominal ultrasound can determine if kidney values ​​are normal (if necessary, kidney ultrasound can be included in the general examination).

To be sure of the results of the study, you need to prepare for the procedure:

You can undergo an ultrasound procedure at any medical center. Ultrasound machines are also available in public clinics. Examination here is budgetary, but the state of equipment in such establishments sometimes leaves much to be desired. Therefore, for greater certainty, ultrasound is still better to take place in a private clinic. Of course, you will have to overpay, but the result will not make you doubt.

If necessary, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity can be done at home. Some medical centers offer such services. In this case, the patient will need to pay not only for the procedure, but also for the doctor's visit.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum is one of the most popular types of examinations. What does an ultrasound of the abdomen give and what does the doctor reveal in the study?

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, in the morning. A few days before the examination, the patient will have to limit himself to food: due to the fact that gases accumulate in the intestines through which ultrasound does not pass, the examination result may be either invisible or incorrect. Alcohol and carbonated drinks, beans, fatty, spicy, salty foods and black bread should be excluded from the diet for 3 days.

To completely cleanse the intestines, doctors recommend taking a laxative the day before the examination. In addition, pharmaceutical preparations, such as activated charcoal, will help get rid of gases. In the morning before the examination, you can not eat breakfast, smoke, drink water and suck on lollipops, so as not to cause stomach cramps and not get a distorted result. It is better to suffer hunger for several hours than to receive an incorrect diagnosis or a second referral for an ultrasound of the abdomen.

The liver is responsible for breaking down fats and ridding the body of accumulated harmful substances. Therefore, for example, when taking potent drugs, doctors recommend drinking hepatoprotectors, that is, drugs that protect the organ, improve its functioning and remove poison.

Normal liver values ​​should be approximately as follows:

  • The dimensions of the right lobe - up to 12 cm, the left - up to 7 cm;
  • Portal vein diameter - up to 13 mm, vena cava - up to 15 mm;
  • Bile duct diameter - up to 8 mm;
  • The angle of the right lobe should be no more than 75 degrees, the angle of the left - no more than 45.

The edges should be even and clear. The liver should be equally dense in its structure, without seals and neoplasms. An ultrasound should show blood vessels and ligaments.

As a rule, the state of the gallbladder is described along with data on the liver, since these organs are not only located next to each other in the abdominal cavity, but also perform the same function: the bile necessary for the breakdown of fats, which occurs in the liver, is produced and stored in gallbladder. Diseases such as cholecystitis and the formation of gallstones are associated with improper functioning of the gallbladder.

Normally, this body should have the following parameters:

  • Length - from 6 to 9 cm;
  • Width - from 3 to 5 cm;
  • The thickness of the walls of the organ is up to 4 mm;
  • The lower edge of the bladder may protrude from the lower edge of the liver by 1 cm.

Ultrasound also shows the size of the gallbladder ducts, through which fluid enters the duodenum and liver. The diameter of the bile duct should be no more than 6 mm, the diameter of the hepatic - no more than 5.

The pancreas produces digestive enzymes, as well as insulin and glucagon. Improper functioning of this organ is fraught not only with pancreatitis and stomach problems, but also with the appearance of diabetes.

The normal result of a pancreatic exam should be something like this:

  • Head - no more than 32 mm;
  • Body - no more than 21 mm;
  • Tail - no more than 35 mm;
  • Pancreatic duct - no more than 2 mm.

The structure of the pancreas should be homogeneous, and the density should correspond to the density of the liver or be slightly higher. The contours of the organ must be clear. As in other cases, blurred contours and increased sizes indicate tissue inflammation and swelling. Cysts, tumors, and stones in the ducts will also be visible during an ultrasound examination.

Ultrasound of the intestines and stomach is rarely done, since these are hollow organs through which ultrasound passes poorly, which makes it impossible to detect mucosal lesions. But the study shows the presence of fluid or foreign bodies in the cavities, which can be useful in making a diagnosis.

Spleen and lymph nodes

The spleen, along with the kidneys and liver, is involved in blood purification. Antibodies are produced in this organ, the blood is filtered from bacteria and protozoa, and the spent blood cells are destroyed.

Violations of the functioning of this organ are less common and do not lead to such fatal consequences as violations of the liver or pancreas. In a normal state, the organ will be approximately 12 cm long and 8 cm wide. With inflammation and the appearance of neoplasms, the dimensions of the organ will increase, and the echostructure will be heterogeneous. If the interpretation of the results of the ultrasound indicates that the spleen is enlarged, it is worthwhile to come to grips with your health: often the inflammation of this organ indicates an infectious disease or problems with blood circulation. If ultrasound shows a heterogeneous echostructure, then this may indicate the death of spleen tissue.

The conclusion describes the number of examined and pathologically altered lymph nodes, their location, shape, size and internal structure. As in the case of the spleen, pathologies in the lymph nodes often indicate diseases of other organs.

Kidneys and ureters

Ultrasound of the kidneys is often prescribed separately from ultrasound of other organs. This study helps to identify disorders of the organ, tumors, the presence of stones and other unpleasant diseases. Normal kidney parameters should be something like this:

  • Size - 5 * 6 * 12 cm, the thickness of the parenchyma, that is, the outer shell - up to 25 mm. One kidney may be slightly larger than the other, but not more than 2 cm;
  • The structure is even, the contours are clear, echogenicity is at the level of the liver or slightly lower;
  • Mobility during breathing - no more than 3 cm.
Together with the kidneys, the doctor may examine the ureters and adrenal glands. They should not contain neoplasms, stones and sand.

Ultrasound of the abdominal vessels

Vascular ultrasound is often performed together with Doppler diagnostics, which allows you to assess not only the condition of the vessels, but also the blood flow in them. Ultrasound is performed in parallel with the examination of the abdominal organs, that is, together with the state of the tissue, the state of adjacent vessels and the level of blood supply to the organ are assessed. Separately assessed:

  • Portal venous system;
  • iliac arteries;
  • Vena cava;
  • Arteries and veins of the liver, spleen and other organs.

Examination of the vessels of the abdominal cavity helps to make the most accurate diagnosis, find out the cause of the disease and assess the general condition of the patient's abdominal organs.

Deciphering ultrasound is a complex process, and a doctor should deal with it. Often, patients who do not have the necessary knowledge try to interpret the results of the examination themselves, and when the results do not fit into the norm, they panic. Only a qualified doctor can correctly interpret the results, distinguish the disease from the characteristics of the body, and make an accurate diagnosis.

Abdominal ultrasound decoding is a series of numbers and characteristics of reflected ultrasound that you can see in the protocol of your own study.

In order to understand them at least a little before you go to the doctor, we suggest reading the following information.

What will the decoding of the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity show

First, let's see what this ultrasound shows.

Behind the front wall of the abdomen is a large space - the abdominal cavity. It contains quite a few organs, which will be shown by ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. It:

  • stomach
  • intestines
  • pancreas
  • liver
  • bile ducts: intra- and extrahepatic
  • spleen
  • gallbladder
  • kidneys
  • adrenal glands
  • abdominal aorta and its branches
  • lymph nodes
  • lymph trunks and vessels
  • department of the autonomic nervous system
  • nerve plexuses.

The abdominal cavity is lined with two layers of a thin membrane - the peritoneum. Its inflammation is called peritonitis and is a life-threatening condition. The organs are differently covered by the peritoneum: some are wrapped in it, some do not even touch, but are inside the boundaries outlined by it. Conventionally, the cavity is divided into the abdominal cavity proper and the retroperitoneal space. The latter is at the bottom of the list of organs, starting with the kidneys.

All these organs - both the abdominal cavity and the space behind the peritoneum - are looked at by an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. This study is able to detect the presence of structural damage, inflammation, pathological formations, an increase or decrease in an organ, and a violation of its blood supply. Ultrasound does not see how a sick or healthy organ copes with its functional duties.

What does an ultrasound. The study helps to find the cause of the disease in such cases:

  • pain or discomfort in the abdomen
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • feeling of a full stomach
  • fatty food intolerance
  • increased gas production
  • frequent bouts of hiccups
  • feeling of heaviness in the right or left hypochondrium
  • jaundice
  • high blood pressure
  • lower back pain
  • fever not due to a cold
  • non-diet weight loss
  • belly enlargement
  • as a control over the effectiveness of the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system
  • and also as a routine examination, including with existing anomalies in the development of organs, cholelithiasis.

Pathology determined by ultrasound

What does abdominal ultrasound diagnose? With the help of this study, the following diseases can be detected:

1. From the side of the gallbladder:

  • acute and chronic cholecystitis
  • bladder empyema
  • gallstone pathology
  • during a choleretic breakfast, it is possible to assess the motor function of the bladder
  • developmental anomalies (kinks, partitions).

2. From the side of the liver:

  • cirrhosis
  • hepatitis
  • abscesses
  • tumors, including metastases
  • hepatosis
  • "Stagnation" in the liver due to cardiopulmonary diseases
  • fatty change in the liver.

3. From the side of the kidneys and urinary system:

  • kidney tumors
  • "shrunken kidney"
  • pyelonephritis
  • narrowing of the ureters
  • stones and "sand" in the kidneys.

4. From the side of the spleen, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity reveals:

5. From the side of the pancreas:

  • cysts
  • tumors
  • abscesses
  • stones in the channels
  • signs of acute and chronic pancreatitis.

6. Ultrasound reveals free fluid in the abdomen

7. From the side of the abdominal part of the aorta or its branches, an aneurysm and its dissection, vasoconstriction can be seen

8. From the side of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, their increase is visible, the uniformity of the structure

How to understand the results of the study

To do this, consider the form (protocol) of ultrasound. It indicates the points that relate to each organ separately.


Deciphering the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in relation to this organ includes:

Share sizes:

Parameter What is written on the form Normal ultrasound in adults
Whole organ size Norm, reduced, increased (underline as appropriate) Norm
right The numbers are in cm for each item. Up to 12.5
left Up to 7
caudate 30-35
Oblique-vertical size (CVR) of the right lobe Numbers in mm Up to 150 mm
contours Underlined whether they are equal or not Smooth
Capsule It is underlined whether it is differentiated or not, thickened or not. Differentiated, not thickened
Thickness of the left lobe Digit in mm 50-60
Thickness of the right lobe 120-125
Echostructure of the parenchyma Stressed, normal, increased or decreased Norm
Focal formations Is there or not Must not be
Portal vein Specified size in mm Up to 14 mm
Vascular drawing Depleted, normal or boosted Ordinary
inferior vena cava Size in mm Anechogenic, 20 mm in diameter
Hepatic veins of the first order Size in mm Up to 1 mm

Deciphering the results

  1. Fatty hepatosis is evidenced by an increase in the echo density of the organ in the form of small foci. The edge of the liver is rounded. In the last stages, due to the compaction of the organ, it is impossible to see the portal vessels.
  2. With cirrhosis of the liver, its increase, dilation of the portal and splenic veins is visible. The lower edge of the organ will also be rounded, the contours will be uneven. The increase in echo density in this case will be large-focal. Free fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) is also determined.
  3. If an increase in size, rounding of the edges, as well as an expansion of the vena cava and the absence of narrowing it on inspiration, is described, this indicates congestion in the liver due to a heart or lung disease.
  4. If foci are described in which there is a violation of the normal echostructure, this may indicate malignant or benign tumors, cysts or abscesses.

In the video, the specialist talks about the errors that occur during ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.


The norm of ultrasound according to the results of the examination of this organ:

  • Shape: various - pear-shaped, cylindrical.
  • Dimensions: width 3-5 cm, length 6-10 cm.
  • Volume: 30-70 cu. cm.
  • Walls: up to 4 mm thick.
  • Education in the lumen: in the norm they are absent.
  • Acoustic shadow from formations: this applies to stones and bladder tumors. By the presence of this shadow, the types of stones are deciphered (they come in different compositions).
  • Whether they move or not: the stones are usually mobile, but can be soldered to the wall or be large. According to this and some other signs, one can judge whether the formation is a tumor.

Signs of pathology of the gallbladder

  1. In acute cholecystitis, there is a thickening of the wall of the organ, while the dimensions can be normal, reduced or enlarged. The wall can also be described as a "double circuit", and the presence of fluid around the bladder indicates that local peritonitis has already developed and an urgent operation is needed.
  2. Thickening of the wall will be in chronic cholecystitis. The contour in this case is clear and dense.
  3. In conclusion, various deformations of the organ can be described. This is not a disease, but a structural feature.
  4. If echo-negative objects are described that leave an acoustic shadow, while the bladder wall is thickened and the contour is uneven, we are talking about calculous cholecystitis. At the same time, the expansion of the bile ducts indicates that the stone blocks the exit of bile.

Deciphering ultrasound of the bile ducts

Normally, on ultrasound, the bile ducts have the following characteristics:

  • common bile duct: 6-8 mm in diameter
  • intrahepatic ducts: should not be dilated

Norms of the pancreas on ultrasound

  • There shouldn't be any extras.
  • head: up to 35 mm
  • body: up to 25 mm
  • tail: about 30mm
  • contour: smooth
  • echostructure: homogeneous
  • echogenicity: neither decreased nor increased
  • Wirsung duct: 1.5-2 mm
  • education: normally they are not.

A decrease in the echo density of the gland indicates acute pancreatitis, an increase in it indicates chronic pancreatitis or cancer. The expansion of the Wirsung duct also speaks of chronic inflammation. The "favor" of cancer is evidenced by a segmental increase in size and uneven contour of the gland, depression on the surface of the liver, as well as displacement or compression of the inferior vena cava or aorta.

Deciphering ultrasound of the spleen

  • dimensions: length - up to 11 cm, thickness - up to 5 cm, longitudinal section - up to 40 square meters. cm
  • splenic index: no more than 20 cm 2
  • structure: normal - homogeneous
  • splenic vein at the hilum.
  1. You can see an increase in the size of the organ. It is associated both with certain blood diseases and with liver diseases (for example, cirrhosis) or infectious diseases.
  2. Compacted (less often - less dense) tissue indicates a spleen infarction, that is, that as a result of thrombosis or injury, the death of some part of the organ occurred.
  3. Ultrasound also allows you to see the rupture of the spleen, which usually occurs either with a strong injury, or with a minor bruise, but in the case of an enlarged organ.

Read also:

What you need to know about preparing for an abdominal ultrasound

Ultrasound of hollow organs (stomach, small, large and rectum)

It only indicates whether there is a symptom of an “affected organ” (it should not be) and whether there is fluid deposition in the intestinal lumen (this should also not be).

If ultrasound was also performed on the kidneys, then a description of this organ is also included in the conclusion of the study. The results of the examination of the kidneys by ultrasound are normal:

  • width: 5-6cm
  • length - about 11 cm
  • organ thickness: 4-5cm
  • kidney parenchyma - no more than 23 mm thick
  • pelvis should not be dilated
  • there should not be any structures in the lumen of the pelvis and ureters.

Lymphatic structures on ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound of retroperitoneal lymph nodes normally suggests such a conclusion "Lymph nodes are not visualized." That is, if they are of normal size, their ultrasound "does not see".

An increase in these organs of immunity indicates either an infectious disease present in the abdominal cavity, or a malignant formation. In the latter case, they can increase due to the fact that cancer cells of the hematopoietic system "live" in them, as well as with metastases of any adjacent organ tumor.

Sonologist's conclusions

In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the sonologist (ultrasound diagnostics doctor) indicates the presence of a pathology: he describes what the echo signs look like.

If the doctor indicates in the direction that it is necessary to conduct an examination for some disease, but his ultrasound did not visualize (for example, calculous cholecystitis), then the phrase “Echo signs of the disease were not detected” may be. The final diagnosis is made only by the doctor who directs the examination.

Who needs to undergo dopplerometry of the celiac vessels

This examination, which is also called UZDG (that is, Doppler ultrasound) of the celiac vessels, is often performed together with an ultrasound. The patient does not feel differentiated and is not more harmful than ultrasound. It allows you to evaluate the anatomy and characteristics of blood circulation in such vessels as:

  • abdominal aorta
  • common hepatic artery
  • iliac arteries
  • celiac trunk
  • splenic artery
  • superior mesenteric artery
  • hepatic portal vein and its branches
  • inferior vena cava.

Ultrasound of the abdominal vessels allows timely detection of early disorders in the vessels, identification and assessment of the degree of increase in pressure in the portal vein (with cirrhosis, “stagnant” liver), and assessment of the result of cava filter implantation.

Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta and its branches helps in the diagnosis of:

  • fainting
  • frequent headaches
  • epileptic seizures
  • high blood pressure
  • repeated strokes (sometimes blood clots can “fly off” from this large vessel)
  • pain in the legs
  • potency disorders
  • aortic aneurysms
  • atherosclerotic lesion
  • vasoconstriction
  • anomalies in the development of large vessels.

duplex scanning

The study of blood vessels during ultrasound on modern equipment almost always includes duplex angioscanning. This is the "gold standard" in the assessment of blood circulation in the venous vessels.

It allows you to identify pathological blood reflux, obstruction of blood flow, to assess their localization, extent and severity.

With this type of study, the sonologist receives a two-dimensional color image of the celiac vessels, where red means the movement of blood to the sensor, and blue - on the contrary, from the sensor. According to the intensity of red and blue colors, the doctor draws conclusions about the speed of blood flow in any part of the vascular system.

Medicine knows many ways of various examinations. This can be a routine examination, laboratory diagnostics, and an ultrasound examination. It is the latter method that will be discussed in this article. You will find out what types of ultrasound examination has. You can also find out how this or that type of diagnosis is carried out.

Ultrasound examination

To begin with, it is worth saying what kind of diagnosis it is. During the study, a special sensor is used, which is attached to the equipment. The device sends sound waves through human tissues. They cannot be heard by the naked ear. The sound is reflected from the tissues and internal organs, and as a result of this process, the specialist sees the image on the screen. It is worth noting that such contact occurs very quickly. The image of the examined area appears immediately after the sensor is applied to the body.

Types of ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound examination can be different. Such diagnostics is divided into types. It should be noted that in each case a special sensor is used. There may be two or more of them. So, ultrasound diagnostics can be as follows:

  • duplex scanning of the state of blood vessels;
  • echocardiographic study;
  • echoencephalographic diagnostics;
  • sonoelastography;
  • transvaginal diagnostics;
  • transabdominal ultrasound.

Depending on the desired research method, preliminary preparation of the patient may be necessary. Consider the most popular types of ultrasound examination.

and appendages

This type of study is carried out with the help of this, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the day of the cycle and the regularity of sexual activity.

Ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman is performed transabdominally. The only exceptions are those of the fair sex, whose gestation period is very short.

Such examinations do not require special preparation. It is only necessary to carry out hygienic generally accepted procedures before diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities of a person

An ultrasound examination of the vessels is carried out during this. At the same time, the patency of the veins and the presence of blood clots and extensions are assessed. Also during the study, great attention is paid to the blood flow and the condition of the upper valves.

Preparation for such an examination is not necessary. However, be prepared for the fact that you have to completely bare your legs. Prefer the use of loose and quickly removable clothing.

Peritoneal organs

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity allows you to identify problems of the digestive tract and neighboring organs. With this diagnosis, you need to prepare in advance for the procedure.

If you need to examine the stomach, then you should refrain from eating until the examination. When diagnosing the intestines, it is worth using a laxative or giving an enema. Examination of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder can be performed without prior preparation.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

For each type of examination, an individual sensor is selected. In this case, a special gel is always used, which facilitates the sliding of the device over the body and improves tissue permeability.

In most cases, the diagnosis is carried out in the supine position. At the same time, the couch should be solid, and in the office it is necessary to create the effect of twilight. An exception may be duplex scanning and ultrasound of the kidneys. These examinations can be performed with the patient in an upright position.


Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most accurate. With the help of such an examination, the doctor can clearly see the condition of the internal organs and assess the degree of risk. Ultrasound diagnostics also helps to correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Conduct these inspections regularly. The ultrasound method is absolutely safe and does not pose any threat to your health.

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