Rating of the best plastic surgeons and clinics. Elchin Mammadov. Where does he operate? Mammadov the victim's plastic surgeon

Mammadov Elchin Veliyevich is a doctor of medical sciences and a plastic surgeon. He is considered one of the founders of endoscopic facial rejuvenation in the Russian Federation. Elchin performs many different plastic surgeries in the face and body. On account of his many operations on endoscopic facelift, otollasty, rhinoplasty, platysmaplasty, liposuction and abdominoplasty.

Elchin's medical career began in 1996, when he graduated from the Azerbaijan State Medical University named after Narimanov, where he studied for 6 years. After that, he entered Baku for an internship for a one-year course of study in the specialty "General Surgery". This was followed by a 2-year residency course in the specialty "General Surgery". After successfully completing his internship and residency activities, Mamedov moved to the capital of Russia in order to study reconstructive surgery of the face and neck, as well as microsurgery at TsNIIS. In 2001, Elchin began his medical practice in the field of maxillofacial surgery, after completing his postgraduate studies. In 2005, Mammadov successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.

More information about the doctor can be found on his websites:

Surgical activities

Mamedov, a plastic surgeon who was the first to use facelift technology with intraoral access (endoscopic method) in Russia. After the operation in this way, there is not a single trace of the surgical intervention. This technology was patented by Elchin. During his work, Mammadov managed to issue over 40 scientific publications and become the author of three patents on microsurgery in the face and skull.

In addition, Elchin introduced the technology of a total facelift, as well as lipofilling of the upper eyelids with “sunken” eyes. Mammadov improved and popularized the methods of endoscopic facial rejuvenation and breast augmentation in the country.

In addition to his main surgical activities, Mammadov speaks at various international symposiums and conferences as a lecturer. For example, in 2004, Mammadov was invited to the country's first course on endoscopic plastic surgery, where he spoke about his unique technique and shared his experience with Russian and foreign colleagues.

Thanks to Elchin, modern plastic surgery has taken a big step forward.
Dr. Mammadov is a member of the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons.

Scientific activity

  • 2005 - Defended a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, dedicated to the surgical problems of craniofacial surgery (congenital deformities of the brain and facial parts of the skull)
  • 2004 — Invited as a lecturer for the country's first course on endoscopic plastic surgery (chaired by Prof. K. Pshenisnov)
  • Author of standards for methods: endoscopic upper face lift, endoscopic intraoral plasty of the middle face, neck lift and chin plasty, approved by ROSZDRAVNADZOR;
  • Specialist in aesthetic surgery, plastic microsurgery, cranio-maxillofacial surgery and endoscopic plastic surgery. Member of the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • Author of 3 patents for inventions in the field of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery and craniofacial surgery. Author of over 40 scientific publications in the field of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery and craniofacial surgery.
  • Speaker of the II International Forum on Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatocosmetology.
  • Speaker of the 2nd Congress of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
  • Speaker of the IVth Congress on Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery with international participation.

Mammadov Elchin Veliyevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, full member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, member of the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons. Internationally wanted plastic surgeon charged The investigating authorities have in absentia charged internationally wanted plastic surgeon Elchin Mamedov, who is suspected of causing grievous bodily harm to patients and working with forged documents, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported on October 16.

Mamedov was charged under paragraph "c" of part 2 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rendering services that do not meet the requirements of the safety, life and health of consumers, which negligently caused serious bodily harm and death of a person), part 1 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (performance of work or the provision of services that do not meet the safety requirements for the life or health of consumers, as well as the unlawful issuance or use of an official document certifying the compliance of the specified goods, works or services with safety requirements) and Part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (use of a knowingly false document). The maximum term of punishment facing Mammadov is six years in prison.

According to the investigation, from August 2006 to October 2008, Mammadov worked as a surgeon at the first surgical department of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after N.A. Semashko of Russian Railways, without having a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "surgery" and using a deliberately false certificate.

According to the press service of the UK, as a result of surgical operations performed by Mamedov in the period from April to September 2008 on three patients, one of them is still in a coma, the other after liposuction of the thighs for a long period could not walk, and in the chest of the third patient during a napkin was left behind during breast correction surgery.

In addition, according to the investigation, in 2006 Mamedov submitted a deliberately forged document to the personnel department of Semashko Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 - a certificate of a specialist and received the opportunity to perform surgical operations not related to maxillofacial surgery. This certificate was subsequently presented by Mamedov to the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and extended for five years, that is, until April 30, 2016, which gave him the right to illegally perform surgical operations not related to maxillofacial surgery.

According to the information posted on the official website of Elchin Velievich Mammadov, he is “a doctor of medical sciences, one of the best plastic surgeons in Russia, a developer of an innovative technique for endoscopic volumetric facial plastic surgery, a specialist in aesthetic surgery, plastic microsurgery, cranio-maxillofacial surgery and endoscopic plastic surgery, full member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, member of the European Association of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons, author of three patents for inventions in the field of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery and craniofacial surgery, author of over 40 scientific publications in the field of plastic and reconstructive microsurgery and craniofacial surgery" and so on.

Since the fall of 2008, after leaving the Center for Plastic and Endoscopic Surgery "Estet Clinic" at the Central Clinical Hospital named after Semashko, and to the present, Elchin Mammadov has been working at the Center for Plastic and Endoscopic Surgery "Lancet" at Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

According to the information about him posted on the official website of the clinic, Mammadov graduated from the Azerbaijan Medical University in 1996. N. Narimanov, completed an internship in the specialization "surgery", completed residency at the Scientific Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, completed full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Face and Neck Restorative Surgery and Microsurgery of the Central Research Institute of Dentistry (Moscow). In 2002, Mammadov defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "maxillofacial surgery", and in 2005 - a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, dedicated to the surgical problems of craniofacial surgery (congenital deformities of the brain and facial parts of the skull).

According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the first time a criminal case against Mamedov was initiated after the husband of Anna Spitsyna applied to the prosecutor's office, whom the surgeon operated on for an endoscopic neck lift on July 31, 2008, after which the woman fell into a coma. Four examinations, including at the main forensic medical examination center of the Ministry of Defense, proved Mamedov's guilt, after which the surgeon's defense applied for an examination at the Kirov Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg (VMA). The Military Medical Academy came to the conclusion that the anesthesiologist Andrey Esakov was to blame for what happened to Spitsyna, who, at the direction of Mamedov, lowered the patient's pressure to the minimum - 50/30, which led to brain hypoxia. As a result, the anesthesiologist was charged, who was released from criminal prosecution in the courtroom due to the expiration of the statute of limitations under the article, since two years had passed since the operation.

In 2012, a new examination was carried out in this case, carried out by specialists from the Department of Repeated, Complicated Examinations of the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which confirmed Mamedov's guilt. A new criminal case was initiated against the surgeon. According to KP, the case was taken under personal control by the head of the investigative department of the Russian Investigative Committee for Moscow, Vadim Yakovenko. According to the publication, Mammadov fled abroad two months ago, after which he was first put on the federal and then on the international wanted list.

This is not the first time in the past four years that the story of Anna Spitsyna, which ended in tragedy, has been discussed. In 2008, a woman turned to Elchin Mammadov, a well-known plastic surgeon throughout the country, for help. According to Anna's husband, she had previously undergone chin implantation, but as a result of the accident, the implant was displaced, which necessitated additional correction. The operation ended tragically - the patient Anna Spitsyna fell into a coma.

On the fact of the unsuccessful operation, criminal case No. 363804 was initiated, investigative checks were carried out, a number of examinations were carried out. The result was the conclusion of the investigators that there was no corpus delicti in the actions of Elchin Mammadov and the clinic staff.

Charges were brought against the anesthesiologist-resuscitator Andrey Esakov, who was also next to the patient at the time of the operation. A criminal case against the doctor was initiated under Part 2 of Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Infliction of grievous bodily harm through negligence due to improper performance by a person of his duties”. However, later the criminal case was closed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for prosecution (by the decision of the justice of the peace dated August 9, 2010 in case No. 1-23/10).

After the investigation

Finding no evidence of the doctors' fault, the investigation recognized the incident as an accident. The victim's husband, Kirill Spitsyn, categorically disagreed with the decision and, on his own initiative, continued to search for the truth.

On September 23, 2011, three years after the tragedy, Kirill Spitsyn managed to initiate a new criminal case No. 700042, this time against Elchin Mammadov himself. The article, on which the investigation was launched, considers the facts of the provision of medical services that do not meet the safety requirements for the life of the patient and caused serious bodily harm (part 2 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It is a violation that the criminal case against Mammadov re-checks all the facts and court decisions in the old Yesakov case, although it is completely separate.

The investigation was carried out by the investigative department for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, although, according to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, a case could only be initiated in the district to which the medical institution that provided the service belongs. Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after ON THE. Semashko is located at the address Moscow, st. Budayskaya - in the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. Why the provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure was grossly violated remains unclear.

Turning to various authorities, Kirill Spitsyn tried to enlist the support of officials and avoid re-closing the case. On July 11, 2011, Spitsyn received a response from the territorial department of Roszdravnadzor in the form of an official letter from official Kovalev, which spoke of a gross violation of licensing rules for the provision of medical services by Elchin Mammadov. The surgeon allegedly did not have the right to practice medicine on the territory of the Russian Federation and did not have the necessary documents on surgical education. The letter also hinted at a firm intention to "deal with" Mammadov's case and bring it to its logical conclusion.

The letter ends with the phrase: “Assessment of the responsibility of officials of the organization that provided medical care to A.S. Spitsina, is the prerogative of the proceedings conducted within the framework of the initiated criminal case. The confusion is created by the fact that the official response refers to a criminal case that has already been initiated, while the letter itself was written two months before. Roszdravnadzor mistake? Doubtful. Rather, it seems that someone was aware in advance that a new case would be initiated, since he speaks of this as a fait accompli.

Split personality

In addition to the first letter, which was discussed above, there is a second one. Also from the official of Roszdravnadzor Kovalev, but already signed not by facsimile, as in the first case, but by a real signature. That is, this official, at least, personally saw and read the document. It is striking that the second letter completely contradicts the content of the first. The second letter was written later, it talks about the complete absence of corpus delicti against a plastic surgeon. According to Roszdravnadzor, Elchin Mammadov has all the necessary permits for medical practice in the Russian Federation, in addition, he is recognized as a certified specialist in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In confirmation of the words, Roszdravnadzor provides information about the documents confirming the qualifications of Mammadov, and makes a conclusion about their authenticity.

On the scales

It's hard to be objective when it comes to human life. It just so happened in our country that medical cases are one of the most hopeless. It is generally accepted that medical ethics and solidarity allow doctors to cover for their colleagues. As the saying goes, one for all and all for one. On the other hand, when it comes to high-profile cases, it is simply impossible to be objective. Yes, the patient is in a coma, but who can say why? Was the doctor, anesthetist, or inexperienced nurse at fault, or was the patient's unpredictable reaction the cause? More than once it happened that the real cause of the tragedy turned out to be low-quality medicines, which, by the way, are under the control of the Ministry of Health. How to be in that case?

Elchin Mammadov's case is one of such cases. On the one hand, the victim is Anna Spitsyna and her husband. On the other hand, a surgeon who is ready to be quartered because of a medical error, the true causes of which have not been established. The process in the Mammadov case is confusing to the extreme and is aggravated by the fact that a monetary interest has appeared in it. And where there is money, the truth is almost impossible to find.

Despite all the efforts of Kirill Spitsyn, his demand to initiate a criminal case was again followed by a decision to refuse. The victim's husband appealed to the investigative committee with a demand to cancel this decision. His demand was dated September 2, 2011, while the official refusal did not come until September 14. It turns out that Kirill Spitsyn knew in advance about the plans of the Investigative Committee regarding the Mamedov case and played "ahead of the curve." But it is not clear how (or for what amount) he managed to obtain this information, if, in fact, it could not yet exist. Despite all these confusions over the dates, on September 22, the investigative department satisfied Spitsyn's complaint and opened a new criminal case against Elchin Mammadov.

One of my very old acquaintances once said that after Elchin Mammadov's operations, 70-year-old grandmothers look like young bitches)) I now remembered this, because the other day I watched a TV story about Elchin Mammadov. Once again devastating. It became interesting to me, what do these “young bitches” look like?))) I decided to look for “before and after” photos on Mamedov’s websites. I went to this http://www.emamedov.ru/, and it opens every other time. And even if it opens, then instead of the Russian alphabet - hieroglyphs)))

Of course, I didn’t find 70-year-old grandmothers on this site, but I liked the results of operations on women of mature age, let’s say so. Mamedov's patients are from 45 to 60 years old. After his crown endoscopic facelift, they, to be honest, are transformed. Of course, here you can argue about how natural they look and how similar they are to themselves, but no one will say that the results are bad.

It became interesting to me where the plastic surgeon is now operating, to whom there was a queue from the Kremlin at one time. I read the forums - the versions are very different. From Dubai to the Vatican))) As a result, it turned out that Elchin Mammadov was quietly operating in Azerbaijan (in Baku), at Leyla Shikhlinskaya's clinic. It is impossible to get to the website of this clinic http://lsk.az from Russia, but from any other state - please))) An excellent clinic, multidisciplinary, there is even a birth unit)) And now many Russian women fly there to get endo with Mammadov . Flying to Baku is easy - we have a visa-free regime with this country, the flight takes 2 hours and 50 minutes. Mamedov's Moscow patients are met right at the airport, placed in a comfortable hotel right on the territory of the clinic. They stay there for 5-7 days, then return home. Here, in Moscow, they will be observed by a Moscow plastic surgeon, a confidant of Elchin Mammadov.

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