An erotic good night wish for a loved one from a distance. Erotic wishes good night beloved. Erotic good night wishes for a girl

Do you want to surprise your loved one and make a lasting impression on him? You do not like that he believes that he can predict all your actions? Would you like to appear in his eyes unpredictable and even a little daring? In this case, erotic wishes Good night love is exactly what you need. Believe me, in this, if there is vulgarity, then very little. And is it worth it to be ashamed if we are talking about communicating with a loved one who is associated with you very and intimate relationship? Probably not. It's time to take courage and start being who you feel you are. has collected a lot of the most interesting options spicy wishes, each of which will be able to translate all your ideas into reality. Familiarize yourself with them, choose the options that are most suitable for you and act. May this night be remembered by your loved one for the rest of his life!

Be bold, sincere and persistent. This is exactly what the situation and your idea require!

I love sunrise, I love sunset
I love delight and tender look,
I love everything you give me
When alone at night.

I want to caress you with my hands
And kiss your lips
And indulge in violent caresses ...
I want to give myself to you!

Take me passionately and be gentle with me
A hot body does not tolerate clothes ...
I don't have enough hugs, I don't have enough warmth...
With you, I'm ready to burn to the ground!

Good night I wish you
I won't sleep, because I dream about you!
You fall asleep, and I will come to bed,
And I will disturb you again!

In my dreams I kiss your lips
My hands will slide over the body,
You fall asleep, of course, if you can,
You can hardly overcome my desire!

I will touch you with a light wind,
If you want affection, I will rush to you ...
Let joyful dreams come true
Where we will be together, just me and you!

Tonight, my love, again
We merged in a fit of love.
And love lit up the bed
If the spheres of souls touched.

I'm waiting for your hugs, my love,
And again I dress in the light of the moon.
You hug me tightly again
And I already radiate love ..

For you, a passionate wish of a good night has been collected here - You left, I stayed, this is not what I dreamed about, the night came, but I miss you, I wish you sweet dreams.

May a revelation come to you at night, every moment be sweet, may it give energy and strength to go through life cheerfully and happily!

Sleep soon, my baby. I know you are still awake, don't worry, in this dream I will come to you again.

We chatted past midnight already, good night I wish you. I know tomorrow you will come to me and we will chat about everything in the world.

My tenderness, my beloved beauty, outside the windows the night has long received its powers, and you still do not sleep. Leave all your business, dive under a warm blanket into your favorite bed and drift off to sleep. Good night, my incredible, sophisticated, gorgeous. Let you dream exclusively good dreams that will fill your new day with lightness, brightness and joy. Sleep, my girl. I promise that no one and nothing will disturb your peace, as I will protect it until the morning. I kiss your sweet lips and pretty little nose. With you my love.

My reliable, lie down, rest. The day turned out to be difficult, but you, fall asleep!

Go to sleep and think of me.

This night we will be dark together. Scarlet stars will fall into the sky. Let the autumn rain pour like a bucket - you and I are two sparks of the same fire!

Good night, sweetheart. Let nothing disturb your sleep

A moon shines in the night sky - it sends you a gentle, affectionate kiss from me. Good night, my dear man!

It will not be said by night, but if you don’t dream about me ... Consider yourself punished!;)

Let this wonderful dream come true day after day. Let this nightly sweetness of fate always be a joy ...

The night scattered the stars in the sky. Night flowers give their heady scent to the moths, and I send my loved one a kiss and good night wishes. Sleep tight and sweet until morning!

Come on, buddy, go to sleep, calm, sweet night! Quietly close your eyelids and wait for a bell from sleep.

The flowers have closed their petals and sleep, peacefully shaking their heads, and you, dear, fall asleep soon, may the good night bring rest and pleasant peace.

Let today you have a fluffy dream, cozy with you, radiant with your eyes, and beautiful with your soul ...

Sleep sweetly my cat, sweetly I kiss your paw, gently stroke your ear, good night my pet!

I want you to dream so that you can enjoy your sleep, and may this wonderful night be everything the way you want.

I whip up for you a gorgeous evening smoothie of velvety sleep yogurt with the addition of exotic fruits of night fantasies.

The stars lit up in the sky, the time of night has come. I'm alone in a cold bed, I'm not good without you.

Sleep, my beloved, and may you dream of a magical land where we are together with you and never part!

The time has come later, you need to fall asleep again and let you, my beauty, dream of good and beautiful dreams! Good night.

I look forward to our meeting with you, I watch how the stars lit up. May your evening be wonderful! Don't go to bed too late.

On a dark night you need to sleep, neither dream nor dance, you need to fall asleep earlier in order to get up kindly!

Goodnight. May a lot of amazing ideas come to you in a dream. May this dream give an answer to any question.

Let your body, the soul and mind will rest from the bustle of the day, and fall into a dream. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and bring a little piece of happiness each.

I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder, I miss you madly. Good night texting because I love you!

I don't want to fall asleep now, I want to look into your eyes! I want to touch your lips, I want to return to you for a moment!

Let the night give only sweet dreams, the warm sea wind, the breath of spring. And I will bring a small SMS, I will say: good night, my gentle demon!

Good night, my beloved person. In my wonderful dreams, I wish you a dolphin in the waves of joy, a bird in the clouds of happiness, a breeze in the flower fields, a big dreamer in the land of hopes and dreams.

Good night, my loves. May you have magical dreams tonight.

My glorious, dear, beloved person, I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams ideas.

I wish you to watch a bright kaleidoscope of night dreams until the morning. Let colorful pictures, replacing each other, give you an unforgettable night, and the best of them will certainly become a reality.

Let you dream of the ocean, where you and I are lying on the beach watching the sunset.

It has been a month since he began his nightly voyage, deftly maneuvering between the stars in the dark sky, he delivers dreams to hushed houses. Let him throw the most colorful and unforgettable dreams into your window.

I kiss you very, very strongly, hug and love you very much! Good night!

Good night, may sleep come to you soon, the stars have fallen asleep all around, the moon sings to them bye-bye!

Good evening, plans for wonderful, bright and interesting future days ... In the meantime, let's rest so that tomorrow we can start a new day.

I will not write poetry! I wish you good, sweet dreams!

Night. You are not sleeping. Quiet. You are silent ... It's sad without you, baby! Far away in the sky there is one star - and she is also lonely, like me without you!

Goodnight. May you have the most beautiful sweet dreams! Gently kiss, hug tightly, madly in love.

Go to the realm of dreams, where the exhausted morpheus is already preparing incredible adventures for you! Goodnight…

Good night to you, may your dream be guarded by a little angel. In the evenings, it becomes sad that you are not around, but I immediately remember that tomorrow we will be together again, and I joyfully fall asleep so that a new day will come soon.

I will look at the stars and ask them to tell you my words that I love you very much and wish you pleasant dreams! I hope when you look at the stars, they will line up in a certain order especially for you, and you will read these words. Good night honey!

It's so great when we're around, the storm won't scare us. We will embrace each other with a look and miracles will become reality.

And you have pleasant dreams, so that your dream is beautiful. Well, the new day is so clear - so that your dreams come true. Sleep well, sleep sweetly!

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word! Don't lie down on the edge, you're a queen - your place is in the center of the bed.

My happiness, let the wonderful night wrap your sleep in silence, brightly shine the stars to illuminate the path of your sweet dreams, let it calm your soul, make you forget the problems and bustle of the day

I wish you complete enjoyment, charm of evening beauty and pleasant rest.

See how seductive a soft pillow and a big blanket are? How does the clock wink, hinting that it's time for bed? Sleep soon, my happiness, enjoy pleasant dreams.

Dear little girl, rest on a pillow, I, too, fall asleep, my dear!

I wish you bright dreams, in anticipation of a miracle, you now fall asleep! Goodnight.

Good night, I wish you like a plush stepashka or a pig. Your bed, blanket, sheet and pillow are waiting for you.

Goodnight. Let the blanket envelop the infinity of bliss, the pillow guarantees rest, and the night magic will bring peace!

Sleep sweet-sweet kitten, I'll come to your bed. I ask me to wait, don't go to bed with another kitty!!!

I wish you a good night's sleep, and in the morning start a new page in your life, filled with our love and tenderness.

Do not be sad, my sun, everything is ahead of us with you! Drive your thoughts away, sweet dreams, to you this night!

Love will descend from the sky, squat down by your bed and quietly whisper my wish to you good night. And when you fall asleep, my love will stroke your hair, gently kissing, and keep every minute of sleep!

May the radiant morning that comes after this night become a continuation of the happy events that you dreamed about!

I wish you sweet dreams, my dear, beloved, rest for the body, peace for the soul, pleasure for the heart.

Get into bed and try to sleep as soon as possible. Goodnight.

It got dark, a month on the threshold, good night my friend. May your sleep be very sweet, nothing will disturb him.

Sweet dreams to you, my dear ... Let the day's worries recede, and this night will become an unusual magical journey into the world of amazing dreams.

Passionate wish good night - Drink fragrant hot tea, wrap your loved ones in a blanket hugging, feel the warmth of home in the delightful silence of the evening.

Night is a time of love, affection and deep thoughts. If you are at a distance from the girl, but want to wish her a beautiful good night - send her a poem that will make her smile and let her know that you love her and think about her, even when you are not around. The section presents great amount poems. So you can easily choose the one that suits you best. All poems are divided into blocks, so you can choose the right one for a simple acquaintance, a girl you like or with whom you are already in a relationship, or your beloved wife. Start choosing right now and surprise the girl, because everyone loves and looks forward to romantic wishes for the night.

You've come. Slipped under the sheet.
You hugged me warmly.
Gracefully curved back
And she nuzzled her shoulder.
I am helpless. I can't handle myself.
I swore: I won't let go! But you came
Again ready to caress and stroke you,
Razomlev from your warmth.
Sleep baby. Let me be judged
That again I share the bed with you.
You are pure, I believe. Come what may!..
Don't worry. I love you.
How much bliss in this flexible body!
…Hey, listen, what’s the matter?!
Well, he asked: do not itch in bed!
Get out of here! Bloch shook me

Here again without you I fall asleep,
I miss the warmth of your hands
I remember you now
How can I cope with the severity of the pain?
You close your eyes at this hour
Maybe at night you will see me
We caress each other with our lips
Excited from sex fire.

Darling, good night
I miss you very much
And something is missing
In the chest, the heart stops.
Touch for a second
Feel your body
wake up after sex
And then I can live.
Feel your breath
That's what I want now
And while my desires
Will wait again.

Night, silence
And where is your hand now?
And what are the thoughts in your head?
What do you want in the dark?
You don't hold him so tight.
It's your phone, baby!

Sleeping kittens. The mice sleep.
Sleeping a flying asteroid.
In the warm folds of the scrotum
Sleeping funny sperm.
The cockroach sleeps under the closet.
Sleeping drunk, sitting in a puddle.
Sleeping in the tummy of a poop -
Doesn't want to go outside.
The bearded minister is sleeping.
Sleeping professor. Sleeping killer.
Sleeping cuddled up, mom and dad.
However, dad moves.
And from every movement
Mom grunts in her sleep.
Sleeping multiplication table.
Sleeping picture on the wall.
Bed bugs sleep, snuggling up in a bunch.
Lice doze in the hair.
Just a little thing
Everyone doesn't sleep in my shorts.
What do i do? I do not even know,
Lie down and die.
I'll stroke her head.
"Sleep, baby, bye-bye!

I will tell you not to keep silent - I always want "this"!
I want it on the bedside table and on the sofa!
Squatting and upside down!
And in the cold and summer heat,
When the rain pours overhead!
And even if it's too late
I want to... say "Good night!"

SMS erotic good night unique texts, which, however, are not designed for sleep at all. Of course, after these sms messages you can also fall asleep. But the dreams that will come to you in a dream will be full of passionate fantasies and love scenes.
SMS erotic good night great way Remind yourself to a loved one who is getting ready for bed thinking about you. This way you will show him that every minute. You would like to be with him, giving your affection and tenderness.

I want to be your blanket this night, to caress you everywhere, to be with you, to touch your sweet pussy with my tongue, I want you so much, my baby.

SMS sexy good night

I caress you with my eyes, I kiss you with my lips, my body burns under your hands. Come to me in a dream and put out the fire, and I will give myself to you in return!

Lie down on the pillow, close your eyes, and feel me next to you. My warm body clung to you and now ... you are the happiest on earth.

Erotic sms for a guy at night

I close my eyes and imagine us in a dance of passion. Let me in your dream, we will make love together in it.

sms sex good night

Let your night be passionate and hot, I will be your lighter today.

The night has come, I'm all in anticipation: I'm waiting for you, your lips touch. Embrace of arms and fusion of bodies, do with me whatever you want.

Erotic sms at night for a loved one

The night hid all the fears and embarrassments - come to me, I'm all impatient. I want to caress your body, burn from your caresses, even if in a dream give them to me.

SMS at night erotic

I will not get tired of caressing you, I will love you with my soul and body, I will become a Goddess for you and I will love you as God.

SMS good night beloved erotic

From your caresses I lose my head, from your kisses I just melt, and when you are in me, I just die. Kill me and resurrect me, and more than once, I am all yours, my God, my Angel!

Erotic sms good night to a guy

The night has come and you're not around. I'm burning up without you, this fire still flared up at lunchtime. I really want to see you, and if not, then I will burn until the morning .. Like this.

Erotic sms good night wishes

I'm waiting for this night, I'm burning up and I don't know how to cope with myself, I only dream about you, my angel!

Good night sms erotic

I want to be your prisoner this night, caress you, love you. I wish you a restless night - passionate and without edge.

Erotic sms for the night

Close your eyes, my dear, imagine my warmth on your body. Oh, how beautiful I am now - we will be only the two of us tonight!

SMS wishes good night erotic

I wish you a passionate night, I wish you hot hugs and hot kisses. May your chosen one fulfill your most cherished dream today, which excites your body!

sms erotic sms Good night

Turn off the lights and come to me. Wrap your arms and legs around me and let there be no constraint between us.

You know, I don’t know myself how to express what I want ... I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason in I believe you! Good night and thank you for being you - my dream and hope!

gentle sms wish good night to your beloved

Good night sms for your beloved

Sweet dreams, my best and favorite girl in the world!

good night sms for lover

Sleep sweetly, my love, and I will dream of you!

SMS wish good night (variation on the theme of a kitten and a bed)

Sleep sweetly sweet kitten

I will come to your bed.

In that bed you lie

I love you baby!

sms good night to your beloved from a big girl

I wanted to send you something gently, kind, sweet, beautiful and gentle, but unfortunately, I do not fit on the screen of your phone. sweet dreams hare.

sms poems beloved about the delights of sleep, time without words

Night is a world of sweet dreams
A world without sorrow and without tears
A world where no extra words are needed.
I wish you sweet, tender dreams.

sms rhymes: what the stars say

Quietly the stars mutter:
"Sleep, kitten, good night!"

good sms wishes for the night

Let your dreams be kind and beautiful.
Good night honey!

sms good night poems darling

Good night I wish you
and gently sleeping you I embrace!

sms good night poems darling

Sleep sweetly baby
because you're probably in bed,
I will come to you in a dream
I'll lie down next to the bed and we'll sleep together!

good night sms with love confession

May you have the most beautiful dreams...
you are adorable, I LOVE YOU!

sweet sms wishes for a loved one

Baby, sweet dreams to you... I'll be waiting for you in mine....

sms wish good night to your loved one...

My love, good night! Let the dreams be carefree and bright! I LOVE you so much and madly, tiger cub!!! SMOK!

sms good night kiss

You feel someone gently kissing your lips - it's me gently kissing you before going to bed. Good night, kitty!

sms kiss before bed

The night has come and the moon is shining brightly, sleep sweetly kitten, and so that you have beautiful dreams, I will gently kiss your lips !!! Good night, LOVE!

sweet evening sms - to your beloved

Kissing you on the a prince's princess in a sweet fairy, I love you!!! ...may your dreams be as sweet as your lips...

sms to a loved one who is far away...

Sleep, dear! Now we are far apart, but in a dream we will meet, I know. Goodnight!

good night sms darling

When I look into your eyes

I remember the ocean

which I dreamed in my dreams,

And a flock of birds circling above him,

Sleep well, everything is ahead!

good night sms darling

Soft pillow, warm bed..
Gentle cutie, go to bed soon!
Sweet dreams, serene peace,
All for you, sweet and tender!!!

good night sms for lover

When you are far away from me, look at the sky ... where Milky Way, you will see the stars, a huge cluster. Take one of them - hold it close to you, I will whisper to you from heaven: "My baby, sweet dreams !!!"

SMS from a loving girl at night

Sleep my baby - you see the night outside the window, you are wrapped in warmth! Dear, I love you!

sad goodbye sms for the night...

I wish you good night a hundred times!
Farewell at the hour of separation.
It carries with it so much sweet flour,
That until the morning I could say goodbye ...

good night sms lullaby

You are beautiful and sweet
this is happiness for me
that I'm next to you
there is nothing more important and more pleasant,
than the warmth of your embrace,
kisses sweet taste
and a smile like the sun
warms and blinds
Is my Julia already sleeping?

SMS poems with a wish good night to your beloved

Every time you close your eyes.

Let it be sweet sweet Dreams.

And when you wake up, like in a fairy tale,
it will actually come true.

heavenly good night sms

Bed, pillow, four legs, blanket, sheet, sweet dream, your hugs, kiss. We are in a dream and we are in paradise!

Star SMS poems for the night with a declaration of love

Close eyes,

Imagine a star

The one I'm sitting on!!!

I see you, I hug you

And quietly in my ear I'll say

I love you so much!!!

stellar sms wish for the night beloved

How many stars are in the sky

how many shells are on the bottom

so many sweet kisses

I send you!!!

Erotic SMS wish for the night to your beloved man

Good night and sweet dreams wish only children. I wish you hard porn in your dream! I'll dream of you;)

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