Dog training for two days. How to train a pet: the secrets of successful dog training. Classes on the site with an instructor

She has become your true friend, obedient and devoted, you need to teach her the actions that she will easily perform. How to properly train and teach a dog commands at home will be discussed in this article.

At what age can you start training?

When a puppy has appeared in your house, he is already able to perceive simple and basic commands and training in general. But before starting training, you need to make friends with the baby so that he trusts you. Puppies are easier to train than adults, but this must be done in a playful way, making him interested.

At this stage, the training and education of the puppy are closely intertwined. From the beginning of the appearance teach him to walk with a collar, come up with a nickname and teach him to respond to it. And he should already know where his toilet is. After learning the basics and reaching the age of 3 months, you can proceed to more complex teams.

Conditions and attributes for learning commands

The conditions for training your dog are of great importance, and the right place will speed up and simplify the learning process.

Place to practice

Any place for training is suitable for you, but you need to consider several important criteria that will affect the process itself:

  • in summer, in hot weather, it is better to conduct classes in the morning or evening hours;
  • it is best to train a dog while walking;
  • choose a quiet and peaceful place where the pet will not have too much reason to be distracted;
  • the area you have chosen should be familiar to the animal, and if you are there for the first time, then take a walk with him or let him run around and sniff everything;
  • it is important to remember the rule: a dog is better oriented in the area - it learns better;
  • You can practice in your home or backyard.

Necessary accessories

A set of necessary tools for training is not at all expensive and not heavy. If you go outside, be sure to bring a collar and leash.

The most basic subject of training is the treat that the dog receives after a correctly performed exercise. What it will be, choose for yourself. Dry food is best, as it does not get dirty and keeps well. But if your pet likes something else, then treat him after a good job. The main thing is that these are small and convenient pieces of food.

If you are going for a walk during the day when it is hot, then do not forget to bring water for the dog and a bowl in which you can pour it.

Basic principles of training

Let's move on to the most responsible - the process of training.

How much to train a dog?

The first few lessons should be spent no more than 20-30 minutes, because the dog will get bored and tired. Every day, increase the time and bring it up to 1 hour a day. It is better if you break this time into small intervals. For example, you train for 10 minutes - he runs and plays for 5 minutes. This will make the process more efficient.

Basic commands

« To me” is one of the first commands to be taught. Use it together with a nickname. And when your pet approaches you, praise him and give him a treat.
« Place» studies from an early age together with the team "come to me". First you need to equip this very place for the pet by putting a rug or pillow and his favorite toys. You need to call the dog to him and say "place": when he comes up, lay him down and give a treat, while repeating "place, well done."

« Beside". You will need a collar to study. Place the animal at the left foot. Give the command "close" and start walking. The dog should walk beside you, not rushing ahead or falling behind. And it is important that she does not pull the leash in any direction. If this happens, then sharply tighten the leash, and repeat “next”.

« Ugh". This command is easier to describe with an example. If your dog chews on slippers or bites the owner, you need to say “fu” sharply and threateningly and slap on the pope. If he does not respond, then the command is repeated, and you can hit harder.

« Sit” begins with your dog lying at the left foot. You take out a treat, bring it to your nose and lift it up. The pet will rise after the treat, and then you say "sit, smart girl." And be sure to treat yourself to a treat.

« Lie"- the command is simple. It is enough to put a treat in front of the dog on the floor, and he will lie down to reach out. Then the command “lie down” sounds, and you give the treat.

« Stand” is a little more difficult, and learns after “sit”. When the dog sits at the left leg, you need to say “stand” and with your left hand lift it by the stomach so that it stands on its paws. Repeat the command and praise.

« Excerpt"is an important command for any dog. It is important that in the commands “stand”, “sit” and “lie down” it lasts as long as possible: it starts from 30 seconds of exposure, and ideally reaches 30 minutes. After he has lasted, be sure to praise him.

« Give" is a command when you just call it and change the pet toy or stick during the game for a treat.

« face» is studied from 6-9 months, and here it is better to resort to the services of professionals, as this team teaches you to be angry and be aggressive - the wrong approach can direct aggression towards you.

« Aport"- the team is taught in a playful way: you throw a toy or a stick to the animal, and at the time when it grabs it, say "fetch, well done."

Important! During the execution of commands, it is necessary to change their sequence every day so that the animal does not develop a habit.

Additional rules

There are some rules that will facilitate training and help in the first lessons:

  1. Before you start training, you need to be left alone so that no one distracts the dog.
  2. Let him run and walk well before classes: this way the pet will be more attentive and focused.
  3. The dog must perceive the information without fear. If you notice that he is scared, then you overdid it with severity. Continue the next day and be accommodating and calm.
  4. Do not repeat the command several times in a row, because in the future your pet will follow them after several repetitions.
  5. Teach your dog to obey all family members.

Dog breed and training

There are very smart dogs that are easy to train. The most trained are:

  • rottweiler;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • papillon;
  • doberman;
  • Labrador;
  • sheltie;
  • poodle;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Border Collie.

But there are breeds that are very difficult to work with, and they are practically not amenable to any kind of training:
  • bulldog;
  • mastiff;
  • Russian greyhound;
  • afghan hound;
  • basenji;
  • chow-chow;
  • beagle;
  • Pekingese;
  • bloodhoud.

Is it possible to teach an adult dog something?

Many take dogs from a shelter (or for other reasons have not trained them since childhood) and ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to train an adult dog, and is there any point in starting?”. An unequivocal statement - it is possible and necessary. To train an adult dog, you need to make more efforts and time, but the result will definitely be. Remember that - one of the smartest animals, because an adult pet can be taught to carry out the necessary commands.

Be patient and be friends with your pet. Then you will be able to teach him all the most necessary commands.

Experienced owners are sure that you can teach the dog commands on your own. The main thing is to have patience and perseverance, follow the instructions. How quickly a pet learns to perform depends directly on the quality of training.

Most important commands

Not all of them are equally useful in the life of the owner and his pet. Babies under 3 months old will not go "adult" training methods at home. Such puppies are engaged in special programs. These instructions are relevant to owners of animals older than three months.

Each of them is very important. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to ignore even the most, at first glance, “insignificant” of them. On the contrary, it is worth additionally familiarizing yourself with each technique.

Must know and do:

  1. "To me". This is the most popular command. It is used more often than others. Teaching technique can be practiced during special classes or during a regular walk.
  2. "Beside". Almost as important as "to me." Animals usually learn it already by 4-5 lessons.
  3. "Ugh". It will help not to worry that the dog will climb into the trash or eat, say, poison for rodents. It is extremely important for the health of the pet and the nervous system of the owner.
  4. Exposure should begin to develop already in a four-month-old puppy. Not a single serious occupation with a pet can do without it. Exposure helps to control the dog, develops the obedience of the animal.
  5. "Give". Suitable for every well trained dog. Moreover, for service assistants, for whom the protection of households is the goal of their whole life, this technique is extremely important. An animal that flawlessly performs "give" can neutralize the attacker on the owner, and then release it.

It is used when playing with a thrown toy and a stick. Experts do not recommend teaching a dog the “give paw” technique. Dogs quickly learn it, and begin to "hello" with the owner every time he bends down.

  1. "Sit". The simplest team that can come in handy in everyday life or for the training itself.
  2. "Lie". The pet teaches her very easily. It may be needed, for example, at a veterinarian's appointment.
  3. "Stand". This one is more difficult. Although it is used more often than "sit". Beginners often get lost when learning, however, patience and perseverance should help to master a useful exercise.
  4. "Place". It is useful for a dog to know where its place in the house is and to go there on command. The dog can sleep in a completely different place, but he must know his own.
  5. "Aport". Helps to walk an active pet. With the help of it, service dogs search the area.
  6. "Fas". A very dangerous command if the dog does not know how to obey. An untrained dog cannot be trained.

This is the list for the basic pet training course. To make classes more effective, it is recommended to stock up on treats for your “student”. It should be something tasty for the dog and easy to carry. Everyday pet food is not suitable, the dog is well aware that he will receive it without additional effort.

Time, place, duration

Some lazy owners hope to get by with workouts at home. To be fair, commands like “fu”, “down”, “beside” can be taught easily. At home, a “trained” pet will learn to obey, but on the street it will prefer to behave as it sees fit: run after a cat or get its head into the urn.

A well-behaved dog needs real outdoor training. It is worth stocking up on dog "goodies", taking a collar with a leash, going with a devoted pet to a place where no one should interfere. The first training should take place in a quiet place. Gradually, the exercises can be practiced with the participation of stimuli (people, other dogs, etc.).

Classes must be systematic. Choose three days a week. Let's say Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. With a high workload at work, you need to give your pet at least two days a week.

It is recommended to start from 35-45 minutes. In the future, classes should be increased to 1-1.5 hours. Roughly speaking, it will take 2-4.5 hours a week to raise a dog.

So, let's start the educational process:

  1. First workout. The dog must learn the commands: “to me”, “lie down”, “sit”, “next”. Get to know endurance. The technique of endurance and "to me" should be trained while walking with an animal.
  2. Second. The same exercises are processed as in the first.
  3. Third. The command "stand" is added. In time, classes become longer, they should be 45-60 minutes.
  4. Fourth. The emphasis is on technique.
  5. Fifth workout and all the following. Processing already familiar commands. You have to strive for perfection. A half-trained dog can sometimes be more dangerous than an untrained animal at all.

"Come to me" - be sure to work out at home and while walking with the dog. It is worth calling the dog when he lies on exposure.

"Fu" is one of the most useful. During exercise, you can scatter food yourself on the territory for training. Any attempt to eat a treat must be stopped with a strict "fu". You need to sharply pull the leash-roulette. The punishment for wrongdoing should be severe enough. After processing, you can play with your pet or switch to another technique.

The “place” command can be taught to the dog both at home and on the street. And at home, it is needed so that the pet goes "to itself." And on the street, to return to the previously designated place. It is used to train techniques such as "lie" or "sit". It is necessary for the obedience of the animal.

Techniques such as “give” or “fetch” begin to be taught while walking. At first they are like a game. Usually, a puller or special rubber toys from the pet market are used for the lesson. During classes, training should take place in a more formal form, without the use of the game.

As mentioned above, “fas” is a serious team. Only a specialist can train her dog. Cynologists are sure that the dog must be well-mannered, obedient. Specialists, even with a perfectly bred dog, do some obedience training before moving on to the protection course and learning it.

If we talk about the sequence of execution, then the main rule sounds like this: in order to quickly train the pet and work out all the techniques, the sequence should not be repeated.

In practice, the lesson might look like this:

  • up to 10 minutes work with the team "near";
  • the same amount of time to engage in the techniques of “stand”, “sit”, “lie down”;
  • further, you can repeat "nearby";
  • spend a little less than 10 minutes on exposure;
  • do the “fetch”, “give” techniques, up to 10 minutes.

The next workout, the order may be completely different. So the dog will quickly learn to follow the necessary commands.


Things to keep in mind for a beginner trainer

So that training does not turn into torment, you need to consider a few more points:

  1. Any workout can be made easier. To do this, you need to take a good walk with your pet in advance. A tired, running dog will be much less distracted. So, the effect will be greater. According to experienced owners, active walking makes working with an animal several times easier.
  2. Each command is spoken only once. Duplicate them is strongly discouraged. The dog quickly grasps, if he understands that the owner can repeat the same thing several times, then he will stop performing the techniques the first time.
  3. There must be pauses between commands. Practicing, for example, “beside”, “lie down”, “fetch”, you need to give the dog time to take a breath. 5-10 seconds will be enough. If you do not pause, the dog may simply be confused.
  4. It is important to change the sequence. During training, it is better to work out all the techniques at random. If the dog gets used to doing everything in order, nothing good will come of it in the end. Unless he develops a reflex. That, for example, after “to me” you need to “sit”. The dog must learn the commands in any sequence.
  5. You can't overload your student. Too intense training can harm a four-legged friend. We must always take into account that the dog is a living being. She might be in pain. Or not be in the mood for classes.

Of course, an already educated dog is able to perfectly execute commands under any conditions. But in any case, it must be borne in mind that the pet may get tired.

To train an animal, you need to be patient, free up a few hours a week, and most importantly, do the exercises systematically. These are the basic rules that will help you raise a trained dog from a "wild animal". Further training can be more difficult. It is worth getting up from the couch, taking your pet for a walk, and going to look for a place suitable for training.

Most owners of four-legged friends are interested in teaching their pets various tricks. And many of them succeed. What determines the success or failure in dog training - is the breed of the dog to blame or the approach that the owner uses? In fact, various factors are important, including the actions of the host.

If a funny peanut gets into the house, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis upbringing and training does not immediately come to the owners’ mind, but in vain. When can you start this process, and what nuances should be taken into account?

Most owners make the common mistake of thinking that a dog should have a carefree childhood. For almost half a year, they allow the puppy to do whatever he wants, without limiting his actions in anything. And then, when the dog is 6 months old, they begin to correct its, in fact, well-established behavior.

But with this approach, in almost 100% of cases, the owners face a number of problems. First of all, the dog will be surprised by such a change, because he is not used to obeying and following commands. A grown animal is more difficult to train, because the pet is already spoiled by attention, carelessness and is not ready to refuse it. So, the approach “the sooner the better” is the most rational solution.

What is the best way to start dog training?

Education and training are two important processes that take place simultaneously, and in both cases consistency, systematicity and regularity are important. You can’t work hard on the site all week, and then stop classes for a month - in this case, you should not expect a lasting result.

The owner must establish a number of rules in the very first days and not deviate from their implementation even a single step. For example, they might look like this:

  • it is forbidden to spoil shoes;
  • you can not sleep on furniture;
  • only special devices are used as toys;
  • it is forbidden to feed the puppy from your own table, etc.

Moreover, exposure will be required not only from the pet, but also from the owner and his family members. You can’t let the baby sleep on the sofa in honor of the holiday, and kick him out the next day. It is recommended to start training with the simplest tasks that can be started at home.

The puppy must learn the commands "", "", "", "", etc. In the future, they will form the basis of more serious training. You should not hope that the baby will immediately successfully complete tasks, even if he belongs to the smartest of the breeds. Who doesn't have trouble doing something for the first time? In this case, it is important to be patient, not to get angry or scold the pet.

Frequent classes are welcome, but with obligatory intervals. The puppy should not get tired of learning, it is important that he always responds with pleasure to the invitation to play and learn. We should not forget about encouragement, puppies respond well to affection, kind words, and, of course, treats.

Mastering basic skills

Each command is another step in the right direction, giving the dog new knowledge and giving the owner confidence in the trainer's own skills. But each of them has its own characteristics:

  • To me! One of the main mandatory skills, and at first it is better to practice it during walking. When the puppy plays and frolics, it is necessary to call him periodically, and when he responds and approaches, encourage him in every possible way.
  • ! This is the next command in which you can not use the method of sharp pulling on the leash. Such an action can irritate the pet, but will not force him to obey. In this situation, it is better to make patting movements on the thigh, as well as slightly increase the tension on the leash.
  • Sit! The dog must learn this command simultaneously with the previous one. When the pet approaches the owner, then he should say “sit!”, You can help by pressing weakly on the croup. Quite often, puppies do not catch what the owner wants, so it is recommended to sip the leash up, and then the dog will have to sit down.

These are the basics of learning to start with. When the dog will perform them at a glance, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, you can complicate the tasks.

Features of training adult dogs

Situations are not uncommon when an adult dog, who has formed in all respects, gets to the owner. In this case, you can train a pet, but it will take a lot of attention and patience. When it comes to serious dogs,

With dog it's never too late to start practicing: and in three years, and in five, and in eight years.

How and where are dog training classes held?

Where are the classes?

Training can take place in a group on the site, or individually with a home visit. In any case, it is important that, as a result of training, the owner of the dog clearly knows:

  1. How a particular command is processed. In what ways, and according to what scheme;
  2. In addition, it is important to know the general patterns of learning, because you cannot write instructions for all occasions. Understanding the general patterns helps to make a decision in a particular case;
  3. In addition, the help of an instructor is sometimes necessary for the formation of motor skills and coordination of the trainer (owner of the dog)

Who trains the dog?

You train a dog under the strict guidance of an instructor. The instructor shows the development of each element on your dog, after which you proceed to his learning. The instructor will correct your actions in accordance with their correct execution. This is necessary so that the owner of the dog understands how his pet is trained "from and to", so that at any time, after the end of training, he can independently consolidate the studied material, and also so that the dog was trained to follow the commands of its owner not the instructor.

As a result, we get a dog trained follow the commands of his master the first time in any conditions.

Lessons in a group or individually?

Group lessons are cheaper than individual lessons. However, both options have their pros and cons. Working individually from the dog, you can achieve the desired result much faster, since the cynologist will use exactly those training techniques that are best suited to your dog. But the skills acquired in this way can be of little use if, in the presence of other animals, your dog becomes naughty.

Therefore, it would be optimal to start with individual lessons, and later use group lessons so that the dog learns to fulfill the requirements of the owner in different conditions.

Work alone or with an instructor?

Whatever you do, the main thing is your desire and perseverance. Even if you hire the most expensive instructor, most of the work will fall on you, as you are the one who needs to build a relationship with your animal. The dog should obey you, not the handler.

But the work must be efficient, and in this regard, an experienced dog handler will help you achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time. If you want to get results, and not throw money away, you need to work with the dog every day, for example, when you take the dog for a walk. With a dog handler you can train once a week to guide and correct your work with the animal.

How many dog ​​training sessions do you need?

Number of lessons depends on the desired result, as well as from breed features your dog.

On average this is:

1-5 lessons– correction of any behavior of the dog.

Problems to be solved:

  • Toilet training on the street and to the tray;
  • destructive behavior;
  • Barking and howling dogs with you or in your absence;
  • Aggressive behavior towards family members, strangers or dogs;
  • Dog fears (fear of loud sounds, streets, collar, leash, people, dogs, etc.);

5-10 lessons— a basic course for studying obedience commands.

Practiced skills:

  • Command "NEAR" with the landing of the dog when the owner stops;
  • Learning to freely wear a muzzle, collar and leash;
  • The complex of commands "SIT", "STAND", "LAY". Commands are given by voice and gesture at a distance of up to 10 meters;
  • Exposure of the dog in place for a long time in a sitting, standing, lying position;
  • Team "TO ME";
  • Team "PLACE";
  • Team "FU" - stop picking up various wastes from the ground;
  • Command "NO" - termination of any unwanted action.

10-20 lessons- an extended course for studying obedience commands.

Do instructors come home?

Our instructors travel to all areas of Ivanovo and the Ivanovo Region.
Classes are held at a convenient time for you without days off and holidays.

What is needed for classes?

a) hungry dog(do not feed in the morning before class; “cottage cheese”, “kefir”, “well, I’m just a little bit” is also considered feeding and affects the quality of the lesson)

b) 100 - 300 gr of goodies(depending on the size of the dog)
The treat can be anything other than regular dog food.
- Natural: cheese, sausage, sausages, boiled meat, chicken breast, liver, etc.
- Dry: dry lung, "sandwiches", records, etc.
Not to be used as a treat dry food, drying, crackers, that is, everything that the dog will gnaw and drop crumbs on the ground, in addition, with active movements from a dry treat, the dog may begin to cough and she will not be up to learning.

The question of how to train a dog worries many pet lovers. In this case, the main thing is to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations. In addition, dog training at home involves working with your own pet, which can make the task more difficult. Indeed, for a dog, the owner is like a mother for a child - you can be capricious with her. But if a person can cope with this and show not only tolerance, but also rigidity, he will be able to train a dog of any breed in the future.

The question of how to train a dog is of concern to many pet lovers.

All animals, like people, have their own individual character, so if you undertook to train a dog at home, it is best to start with the breed, whose representatives are distinguished by their complaisant character and diligence.

Best trainable:

  1. german bear- the character is good-natured, calm, but you need to start working with it from a very young age, otherwise it will grow uncontrollable.
  2. Italian Canne Corso- there will be no problems with him either - he has an excellent memory, but he does not have good contact with other breeds.
  3. basset hound- a cheerful hunter, quickly finds a common language with children. In addition, the animal is strong and hardy.
  4. Russian black terrier- only a strong, strong-willed person can work with him, the animal has an appropriate character. But if such a specialist was found, then the dog will carry out all his commands with ease.
  5. FROM maltese there will be no problems either, he studies easily and willingly, but because of his small stature and weak body he quickly gets tired.
  6. German Shepherd- you won’t find a more devoted dog, a temperate, Nordic character, but at the same time a wonderful nanny. The commands are carried out easily, and most importantly, with pleasure, because the “German” loves to work.

Commands for the general course of training

Training for a dog begins from early childhood - from 1 month. How to train a puppy from 3 months and will be discussed further.

All of these commands are very important, you can not skip any. And they must be pronounced exactly as it is written in the manual.

In this case, the main thing is to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations.

A little later, after the dog has passed the entire course of mandatory commands, you can train it with any other, but the base must be unchanged:

  1. "To me"- this team will be with the animal throughout its life.
  2. "Ugh"- sometimes this command will help save not only your slippers, but also the life of the dog itself. After all, it is not known what the pet was going to pick up on the street, maybe a poisoned piece of bait.
  3. "Beside"- this command will sound every day during the walk.
  4. "Excerpt"- often this command is skipped, but, nevertheless, it is the basis on which the rest of the orders are based.
  5. "Sit"- A team is needed every day in a variety of situations.
  6. "Lie"- the command is not very popular, but it is performed by the pet with pleasure.
  7. "Stand" This team is hard to teach, but necessary.
  8. "Give"- a command for any dog ​​is important, but especially for service dogs. Small breeds on this command will give you a stick or a ball, and the service ones will release the captured criminal on it.
  9. "Aport"- the command is needed for service dogs, according to which she begins to search the premises. Ordinary breeds of animals with the help of this command are forced to simply run.
  10. "Place"- this team is more likely to maintain the authority of the owner, and not for the dog to go to the place. The fact is that the "place" is where the owner indicated, and not where the animal likes to sleep.
  11. "Face"- team for service breeds. But you can’t use it until the pet learns to unquestioningly follow the rest of the owner’s instructions. A service dog is a kind of weapon, and if a person does not know how to handle it, then it becomes dangerous. So no "fas" until the dog learns complete obedience.

In order for the pet to learn better material, you can use a treat during training as a stimulus.

Dog training: first steps (video)

Obedience training

How to teach a dog commands? The learning process can be divided into several stages. Firstly, it is necessary to start learning teams at home at home, in a calm environment. When you are sure that the puppy being trained has mastered all the material, you can transfer the classes to the street.

It will be a surprise for the owner that in an open place, where there are many irritants that distract the dog, she does not follow a single instruction. So you will have to start all over again. But things will go faster - the base is already there!

On the street before training, which should last 30-40 minutes, let the animal run. A slightly tired dog will obey better. You need to do at least 3 times a week.

Before pronouncing the command, you need to draw the dog's attention to yourself by calling it by name. All commands must be duplicated with gestures. This is important so that in the future, instructions can only be given by gestures.

Teaching the dog to follow commands

To teach your dog to follow instructions, you need to guide him with your hands and a leash at first. You should not try to teach the dog several commands in one training session. Having achieved the implementation of one, in the next lesson you can teach the next. In the future, the commands are combined, but in random order. That is, you can not accustom the animal to perform a certain sequence - mix them. Commands must be pronounced in a harsh, loud voice.

Be sure to ensure that the dog complies with the command maximum on the second repetition. If that doesn't work, you need to pause and try again. You can not repeat the instruction 3-4 or more times.


  1. "To me". Stand where the dog can see you. It is necessary to draw attention to yourself by calling her by name. Show a treat in your hand and say "come to me!". When the animal approaches, give it a treat and praise with your voice, making its timbre softer. Repeat the exercise, gradually moving away from the animal further and further.
  2. "Ugh". To do this, you need to take a treat. Put it in front of the dog and say "fu!". If the puppy tries to pick up the food, say “fu” again and slap him in the face with your palm. It is not necessary to hit hard, the main thing is to emphasize your disapproval of the behavior of the pet. You can beat with a fly swatter or a newspaper rolled into a tube, but there is a danger of teaching the dog to be afraid of this particular object. Repeat the command until the dog learns to ignore the treat when you tell it to. After he has ignored the treat, you can pick it up and give the dog from the palm of your hand. Having learned this trick, your pet will never eat anything on the street and, at your command, will release any object from its mouth.
  3. In order to teach your dog the “near” command, you will need to put on a collar with a leash. Having said “next!”, with the help of a leash, bring the animal to your left leg, at the same time slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg. When he is in this position, give the puppy a treat. It is critical for a service dog to follow this command, bypassing the owner in a circle in a clockwise direction, so it will be easier for her to take the right place. Help the dog with this leash. A mongrel can not be taught to bypass the owner in a circle. She should just walk up and stand on the left side.
  4. Team training "sit" is also duplicated by a gesture - the palm rises to the level of the chest from itself, at the same time the command "sit!" is given. No need to hit the dog on the rump. To give it the right position, you just need to press with two fingers on the base of the pelvic bones where the spine departs from them, in humans this place is called the lower back. The dog will be uncomfortable with this pressure and will instinctively sit down. After the command is completed, give the treat while encouraging the dog with your voice.
  5. On command "lie!" the palm falls parallel to the ground. In order for the dog to take the correct position, press your finger between his shoulder blades, moving away from painful pressure, he will lie down. Give him a treat and praise.
  6. "Excerpt" at its core, it is the dog's ability to remain in the position indicated to it by the owner. It can be sitting, standing, lying down. Make the animal perform one of these commands and try to get him to maintain this position for 5-10 seconds. Some coaches add the "wait!" command. Or just duplicate the executed command. Alternate "exposure" with other commands, gradually increasing the interval. After the dog has spent the allotted time in the specified position, give it a treat and praise. Ideally, the pet should be in the indicated position for up to 30 minutes. Without "hold" the dog will leave the specified position at its own discretion, and this is wrong.
  7. "Give" performed in conjunction with the exercise "fetch", but for a start it is possible without it. You can train with the help of your favorite toy, let the dog take it in his teeth. After that, reach out to her hand and command "give!". To get the puppy to release the item and give it away, distract the animal with a treat. Praise your dog after following the instructions. In order to strengthen the skill, while eating a pet with the words "give!" take the bowl from him. He must meekly let you do it. If he growls and shows aggression, suppress his urge by pressing your hand on his back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades. Press the dog to the floor and hold it until he stops resisting. This must be done so that the dog understands who is the boss in the house. This knowledge will remain with him for life, such an understanding is especially important if the dog is of a large breed.
  8. Dog training for the “fetch” command should take place on the street. To do this, take a special toy or hardwood stick and throw it forward with the words "fetch!". The instinct of the animal will tell you to grab the toy. When this happens, call the dog to you and on command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give treats and praise. The training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a certain object. Small dogs are usually not trained in the "fetch" command.
  9. "Place". The command is necessary in order to indicate the dog to its place in a particular case. It can be in any room or outdoors. "Place" is the area where she must wait for the owner. This exercise is taught in conjunction with the "excerpt" command. If the dog left the indicated place, punish him without permission. You don’t need to beat with your hands, as dog handlers say - you will beat off your hands, because the dog’s body is less sensitive to pain than a human’s. Better in a strict voice, order "place!" and reinforce the words with a blow of the leash. After following the instructions, praise and give a treat.
  10. "Fas!" This command is best taught to the dog after you have achieved complete obedience from him, and it is best to do this in a special training center. There, as a rule, there is the necessary equipment - protective suits and bandages. In addition, in this case, you will need the help of a volunteer assistant. Training should begin when the dog has grown and grown stronger physically. Approximately 10-12 months.

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