Balm Shevchenko vodka with oil. Cancer treatment - Shevchenko method

Many, probably, will agree with the opinion that oncological disease is not just a serious, but sometimes difficult to treat disease. There are a very large number of different methods and therapeutic recipes, not only in traditional, but also in folk medicine.

Not so long ago, information appeared in the print media that, by treating with oil and vodka, you can get rid of many diseases. The article also described that they also carry out cancer treatment with vodka and oil. The author of this technique is Nikolai Shevchenko. He claims that hopeless patients do not exist. According to him, any disease can be overcome. In this article, we will look at how effective Shevchenko method: vodka with oil against cancer and how to take it.

The essence of the technique

To prepare a remedy for this method, you must perform the following steps:

  • Pour 30 liters of unrefined sunflower oil into a jar,
  • Add 40% medical alcohol or quality vodka to the oil,
  • Shake the mixture and cover tightly with a lid and shake again,

You need to drink the contents of the jar in one sip, after taking a deep breath. Take this medicine three times a day before meals for 10 days. Then they take a break for one week and repeat the course of treatment. There are several courses to take. And over time, it is recommended to increase the dose to 40 ml. By the way, people call this technique 30:30.

The Shevchenko method is used not only for cancer, it is necessary for all people who suffer from diseases such as adenomas, polyps, fibroids, cysts, nodes, etc. Previously cancer treatment with oil and vodka according to Shevchenko I planned to make a mixture of 30 ml of oil and 15 ml of 96% medical alcohol. However, over time, the recipe was changed to an equal ratio. First of all, this is due to the fact that the medicine is quite vigorous. By the way, Shevchenko does not recommend agreeing to the operation. He also forbids the use of anti-cancer ointments, balms, vitamins and other medications during treatment with his method.

Also, the Shevchenko method can be used for preventive purposes. For prevention, you need to take the medicine once a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment can be at least a lifetime. But remember that if you are treating an oncological disease with this method, then the course is three repeating cycles.

Vodka and sunflower oil against cancer: benefits

Compared with other methods, Shevchenko treatment has a lot of advantages. Namely:

  • The technique does not require an individual appointment, it is suitable for everyone without exception,
  • Before using it, you do not need to take a break after another method of treatment,
  • Treats all serious diseases, including cancer,
  • Helps to stop the development of malignant tumors,
  • Stops the development of metastases
  • It alleviates pain, and eventually eliminates it altogether,
  • Dissolves blood clots
  • Improves blood supply to the body
  • Improves hemoglobin levels,
  • Normalizes blood sugar, bilirubin and cholesterol,
  • Restores bone structure
  • Cleanses the body without the use of additional methods,
  • Increases immunity.

Besides, cancer treatment according to the Shevchenko method approved for use in children. The only thing you need to pay attention to in this treatment is the dose. For children, it is recommended to calculate the dose according to the following scheme: if the child weighs less than 50 kilograms, then you need to mix 0.6 oils and vodka for every 1 kg of body weight. For example, the dose for a child weighing 20 kg will be 12 ml (20 * 0.6).

Nutrition during treatment

In addition to receiving oncology oils with vodka be sure to follow a special diet. During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, drink a lot of "shop" juices, follow any diet for weight loss, starve, consume glucose. Also prohibited:

  • Carry out warming procedures
  • Treated with urine
  • Use the services of magicians and psychics,
  • Do yoga,
  • Combine the Shevchenko method with other methods,
  • Take folk remedies based on herbs such as hemlock, celandine, bergenia, etc.

Possible side effects

Side effects may occur during treatment. True, as the author of the methodology himself claims, they do not always appear and not for everyone. Possible side effects include:

  • Bleeding, which may appear on the 4-6th day. They usually arise from large, decaying tumors,
  • May decrease urination
  • Urine may be reddish in color
  • Nausea.
  • Heartburn,
  • Sometimes on the 5th day of treatment, pain in the affected areas of the body may increase,
  • Tachycardia,
  • Edema.

In order to avoid or reduce the manifestations of side effects, and to direct the treatment to a complete recovery, we recommend that you consult a doctor before using the technique.

Hello dear visitor!
Peace to your home!

Thank you for your attention. You are now on the new AUTHOR'S, the official site of Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko, the developer of the "Shevchenko Method" for the treatment of the most serious diseases, including those considered "incurable".

In the photo on the left, this is me, Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko, on February 23, 2015, in the Moscow region (at that time, the willow was already in full bloom). I am 53 years old in this picture. I look younger in the photo, because I myself have been drinking the same healing mixture for many years, which I advise others.

On this AUTHOR'S, "official" site of N.V. Shevchenko - You can very easily, quickly and free of charge find ABSOLUTELY ALL the most up-to-date information you need about all the nuances of the mentioned method from its AUTHOR himself. You can find out. And, what is very important, you will get acquainted with many new concrete examples of successful treatment by this method of the "hopeless" (according to doctors) patients: from the elderly to infants.

The most complete the most modern version of my method you can read, copy, print for free on the page of this site "".

Reviews about the treatment by the "Shevchenko method" on this, I repeat, AUTHOR'S site - there are enough to make even the most inveterate skeptics think:

Of these, 162 messages are available in the chapter "". In addition to the mentioned 534 letters - reviews, on my author's "blog" on a similar "forum" there are 26 more letters that are not on this site.

Total : in total on my website and "blog" published 560 (five hundred and sixty) non-recurring reports of treatment "by the method of Shevchenko N.V." Moreover, many letters (reviews) describe the treatment of several patients with "oil and vodka" at once, therefore, in the sum of examples of treatment by this method, much more has been published here.

You can also now seeofficial version"Application for the issuance of a patent of the Russian Federation for invention No. 93054837" from the register of applications for inventions from the official website of the Russian Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), in which it is written in black and white that I, Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko, am the author of this invention, for which a Russian patent for invention No. 2075313 was issued in 1997. The website of the Russian FIPS has . If you click the "Go to search" button there, then select the "Applications for Russian inventions" database (by ticking the box), then select "Search" in the left column and enter in the search form that opens to the line " (11) Document number"my application number 93054837" , then you can see the original application with the claims and all its registration data there.

With the help of this therapeutic method alone, you can heal yourself and your loved ones from many diseases, including the most serious ones. And also to prevent them from appearing in you and your family members, friends and good acquaintances for quite a long time. And at the same time, without much hassle, it is quite easy and simple (if it is important for you, then very inexpensively) to cleanse, strengthen, rejuvenate and restore your entire body.

All this is achieved by the one and only, the same always and for everyone, the same for both the youngest and the oldest, the standard (in the best sense of the word) method of self-healing - self-healing. In the people and in the press it is called: "Shevchenko method", "Nikolay Shevchenko method", "Shevchenko method vodka with oil (or oil with vodka)", "Shevchenko method 30 to 30", "Shevchenko method 30 + 30", etc. .d.

It is also very important that, using this method, you can abandon all other medical methods. Because he successfully replaces them all!

The medicine on which this method is based has a powerful and universal healing power. At the same time, it is completely harmless to anyone, even the most tormented person with diseases (subject to the advice of the author of the method, of course). It consists of ordinary food products, the mixture of which has special, medicinal properties.

Even a small child can cook it in a couple of minutes.

For 25 years, the method has been tested by a huge number of patients treated by it in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and many other countries of the world (where sunflower unrefined oil with a high content of linoleic fatty acid, natural vitamin E is on sale). - alpha-tocopherol,and phosphates), and showed high efficiency.

"Method of N.V. Shevchenko" was created from several long-standing folk recipes, united by the author into one whole and significantly improved. My work on perfecting this method never stops.

Some of my new advice on the pages of this site contradicts what was written in my books, for example, the 2010 edition. But otherwise it is impossible: method is out of place. It constantly develops me, corrected for inaccuracies, supplemented. That's how it should be! Science and technology are also not marking time. New and very precise devices appeared, which made it possible to establish what urgently needs to be improved in the "Shevchenko method".

"Shevchenko Method" is the same FOR EVERYONE, without any exception. He successfully treats the most serious diseases(including all types of cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma) of the brain, lungs, bronchi, liver (including liver cirrhosis), pancreas (including pancreatitis), kidneys, bones, lymph nodes, stomach , intestines, prostate, throat (larynx), thyroid gland, uterus, cervix, ovaries, the entire cardiovascular system.

He stops and prevents metastasis of cancerous tumors, heals from metastases of all types of cancer in any organs and tissues, including from breast cancer metastases.

No contraindications have been identified so far.: "Shevchenko's method" successfully treats all types of hypertension, angina pectoris (coronary heart disease - "IHD"), atherosclerosis, diabetes, varicose veins of any veins; it accelerates the recovery of patients who have had heart attacks and strokes, and greatly reduces the likelihood of repeated heart attacks and strokes.

It also dissolves any stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, removes sand from these organs. Accelerates the healing of fractures and all other wounds, restores bone structure (that is, treats osteoporosis of any nature). The method has a very strong anti-ulcer effect in stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and all other parts of the intestine. He also successfully treats bronchial asthma and allergies of all kinds, polyarthritis and in general all arthritis and arthrosis, as well as skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

This method cures without surgery and many non-cancerous tumors.: uterine myoma, prostate adenoma, various benign papillomas, "nodules" and "cysts" and all other diseases of the thyroid gland, uterus and ovaries.

Method Normalize function of the entire gastrointestinal tract and ratios of all hormones, immunity, all metabolic processes in the body, the female "monthly" cycle, the clinical and biochemical composition of the blood. Heals glaucoma (normalizes intraocular pressure), stops the development of cataracts...

The "Shevchenko method" was born like this.

One day the author was reading the Gospel of John (the book of the New Testament of the Bible), chapter 12, verses 45-48. At the sight of the words: “He who sees Me sees Him who sent Me,” the thought flashed: “Jesus Christ is God! The incarnated God-Son, the Supreme Judge for all! And we should live as He commanded us.”

Soon, with a difference of a few days, there were several "accidental" meetings of the author with people who told him practically the same folk method of treating cancer. Moreover, some of them cured themselves with it decades ago, being then classified by doctors as “hopeless”. For example, from cancer of the stomach, breast, bladder ...

At the same time, one of my acquaintances was recognized by doctors as inoperable with a diagnosis of stage 4 esophageal cancer. The patient was dying of exhaustion: neither food nor even water passed into the stomach. He had nothing to lose, and he agreed to begin treatment using this method. After the first intake of the mixture, everything immediately vomited. And after the second dose - the same thing. But the third dose of the medicine took root in him. And from that moment on, a miracle of healing began to happen before my eyes.

The "hopeless" cancer patient came to life and transformed before our eyes. A month later, he was no longer recognizable: not a hint of external on a terrible disease.

Wanting to help other similar patients, I began to study the biochemical processes that occur in the body when drinking this drug. It turned out that everything that happens during treatment does not contradict modern science, its views on the causes of diseases, their course, and possible ways of creating new medicines.

In other words, there was no “mysticism” here at all, everything had a strong scientific justification. The widespread use of the method among the people was hampered by its seeming "frivolous" simplicity, as well as the fear of many patients before the vodka included in the mixture. And, of course, the impossibility of promoting this method in the press in the old days.

On June 17, 1993, this healing method (as an anti-cancer method) was first published in the large-circulation "People's Newspaper of the Moscow Region".

Desperate patients began to be treated according to it - directly according to a newspaper article, because by agreement with the editors of the newspaper, the whole essence of the method of treatment with a mixture of sunflower oil and vodka was published.

Some time passed, reports of successes and failures in treatment began to come from such patients. As I got to know them, the method was corrected, refined, and improved by me. It turned out that during the treatment of cancer, patients simultaneously got rid of many other, sometimes also supposedly “incurable” diseases.

Then there were many other publications of the "Shevchenko method" in various newspapers and magazines. The number of letters with stories about the successful application of the method also multiplied. Books were also published with different titles, but according to the general principle: a complete description of the method plus examples of treatment according to it.

Books are also constantly improved and supplemented by me.

On December 16, 1993, me and the professor of the Russian State Medical University Pyzhev S.V. Application No. 93054837/14 was submitted to the Russian Patent Office for recognition of this therapeutic agent and method as an invention. Two years later, we received a positive decision from the State Patent Examination of Russia on this application, it was recognized as an invention. The text of the description and formula of this invention was written by me together with the above-mentioned doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Russian State Medical University ("2nd Medical Institute", which is in Moscow on Ostrovityanova St.) Pyzhev Sergey Vladimirovich. Sergey Vladimirovich Pyzhev was then the head of the Patent Department of the Russian State Medical University, and was the first in Russia to defend a dissertation on medical patent science. There were two authors of the application: I and one more, another citizen (not Pyzhev S.V.)

Let me repeat that in May-June of the same 1993, the whole essence of this method was published by me in the "People's newspaper of the Moscow region"(former "Lenin banner"), these articles are also mentioned at the beginning of the description of the patent issued for this invention. Moreover, in these articles, in an interview with a correspondent of this newspaper, I openly called my full name. his future co-author on this application and the fact that this person was one of several people who told me about the folk method of treating cancer, very vaguely resembling what was later included in the claims.

For example, in 1992, a Moscow grandmother told me that sunflower oil mixed with vodka heals better than flaxseed oil, and how to repeat treatment courses correctly, in 1992, who cured her neighbor of "hopeless" cancer with just such a mixture 40 years ago. Bladder. Moreover, the technique described by her was distinguished by great accuracy and specificity (in contrast to the vague "recipes" of my co-author on the application for an invention), and it was she who formed the basis of the technique that I published for the people.

Further in 1995 I waived the right to obtain a patent for this invention, because at that time already completely and free of charge published this healing method in millions of copies in newspapers"AiF-Health", "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (in the most widely circulated Friday issue - "fatty"), "Interlocutor" and "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle (Healthy Lifestyle)" for everyone who wants to be treated with them, and most importantly, that the treatment method itself has already significantly different from those declared in 1993.

For example, it turned out that for a long time (several years) treated with a mixture linen oils with vodka big doses is simply dangerous due to the presence in linen (and only in linen!) linamarin glycoside oil. Linamarin, with insufficiently competent oil production technology, can get into the oil from the shells of flax seeds (where the content of linamarin can reach up to 1.5%) in too large quantities and turn into ... hydrocyanic acid, a deadly poison that "turns off" cellular respiration "for root".

Here it is necessary to explain one important thing that many people do not know. A patent is not so much a confirmation of authorship for an invention (some firms do not indicate the names of the authors of inventions in patents at all, and the law allows this), but a commercial tool for doing business in selling this invention, or for preventing anyone from implementing the invention. Since I gave this method to the people for free a long time ago, there was not the slightest sense for me to pay a fee for obtaining a patent and maintaining it in force.

But my co-author wanted to make big money on this method. He barged into Professor Pyzhev with a gang of hooligans in his office with weapons and threats of reprisals, terrorized him in every possible way ... I do not hold the slightest grudge against Sergei Vladimirovich. He saved his life, mine and this invention itself, which was very dear to him, saved the Russian priority of this unique remedy and method. Remember what happened in Russia in those years! .. So, thanks to him for everything.

Then something quite unbelievable happened: my last name, in a "mysterious" and absolutely illegal way, suddenly disappeared from among the authors of the invention, and the very name of the invention was illegally changed. (Article 25 of the Patent Law of the Russian Federation allows the removal of the author's name from the description of the patent only if the author agrees to this. I have never given such consent to anyone, never, in any form.) Who and in what institution so famously "dissected" my application, I I still don't know.

What can I say? If you watched the cartoon "Cars" ("Cars"), then remember how it ends: a proud and lawless racer, through a gross and brazen violation of sports rules, was the first to finish the race, and was formally recognized as a champion. However, this "champion" was booed and rejected by the audience. And the love and respect of the people was received by the rider who refused to fight for the championship, rushing to help his comrade injured in the accident ...

In 1997, my former co-author received patent No. 2075313, which he so desired, under the same application No. 93054837/14 with priority dated December 16, 1993. With this patent, his "author" began to go to the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, to the publisher of my books, demanding publishing rebuttals. But it was not there. From the first glance at him, the editors understood who they were dealing with, and politely sent him to hell. Because they knew me and my attitude towards people for many years, and besides, I still have all the original materials of the application for this invention and correspondence on it with the Institute of Patent Examination.

Trading his "patent" with his sole "author" did not work, and from 2001 to the present, Russian patent No. 2075313 is invalid due to non-payment of the patent fee for maintaining it in force. What is written in black and white on the pages of the description of this very patent in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation.

Those interested can read this inscription on the patent at the beginning and end of its original, available at the Web Archive page Website of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarksby this link. There You will see some very specific examples of treatment with this method with no less specific case numbers in the most famous oncological institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region, and that official requests to these institutions with a request to confirm the cure of cancer were sent from the Russian State Medical University (by Professor Pyzhev S.V. at my request). A more detailed description of this patent with files on the statistics of treatment with this method can be seen on the website"Google Patents (Google.Patents)" .

Pyzhev Sergey Vladimirovich - Professor of the Department of Management, Economics and Health Insurance of the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Russian State Medical University (RSMU); Doctor of Medical Sciences; Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1997); patent attorney without limiting the scope of activity; member of the Specialized Councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the field of social hygiene and healthcare organization; member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (Rospatent); author of more than 80 publications.

Would anyone call this person a "charlatan"?!?

On this, any questions about applications, patents and my "quackery", "sabotage of the Russian people" and "fraud", and nonsense "that no N.V. Shevchenko does not exist, these are all fairy tales" - I consider exhausted.

On this site's page "You can see with your own eyes the originals of the documents described above: Application for a patent for an invention No. 93054837/14 dated December 16, 1993 - And ; articles in the "People's newspaper of the Moscow region", And ; my two letters" And " "to the Patent Office of the Russian Federation regarding the attack of hooligans on me and Professor S.V. Pyzhev in his office of the Russian State Medical University, and the answers to them from the Patent Office of the Russian Federation -"" And " ".

Read at your leisure, you won't get bored! You are unlikely to see this anywhere else ... The inventors who dealt with this organization will especially appreciate my correspondence with the NIIGPE. They are certainly guaranteed a fair portion of very positive emotions.

In 2007, I decided to publish only one book for a while, including the best of all my books. It's called "Win! There are no hopeless patients." In the new editions of this book, all the previous letters of the patients remained, only the treatment method itself, answers to readers' questions and the theoretical section were corrected. This book (of 368 pages) was last published in 2010. All pages of this book can be viewed and print on this site. You can also download this book for free.- from this site.

In 2010, in addition to the “thick” (of 368 pages) book mentioned above, I compiled a new thinner book (of 192 pages). It's called Universal Healing. New victories. This book can also be viewed in its entirety. and print, . It can also be downloaded for free.- also from the " " page of this site. Almost all of the 45 letters from patients in this book are new, including a very interesting and extremely useful letter called "Confessions of a cancer survivor." By the way, this letter is also published on this site -.

On the covers of both my books of 2010 (both “thick” and “thin”), at the top right, in large print, the year of publication is indicated - “2010”, next to the icon of Jesus Christ.

I haven't written any new books since 2010 (and I don't intend to write any more), and never since then allowed anyone to publish and republish my books. Because, since 2011, a lot of supposedly “unrefinedsunflower oil (both draft and bottled), in which, when tested by laboratory methods, an extremely low content of linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid, natural vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and phosphorus-containing substances turned out to be, which created new problems. In fact, the oil at the factories began to be subjected to several stages of refining, but they still wrote "unrefined" on the labels. (Refined oil is always highly purified from the most important vitamins, and therefore it is categorically not suitable for treatment). This oil did nothing!

But it was not only a matter of "chemicalization" of the production of "unrefined" sunflower oil. Also, the process of destruction of the domestic seed fund was in full swing, and the widespread transition of agriculture to imported varieties of seeds– in which their creators specifically, using the method of directed selection, achieved very low levels of polyunsaturated linoleic fatty acid, phosphates and vitamin E. As a result, all fields in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, almost all in the Rostov Regionsince 2015 they have been sown exclusively, everywhere and everywhere only such varieties of seeds from which it is never possible to squeeze out oil suitable for treatment.

Also, in the fields, when growing and harvesting sunflowers, they began to use everywhere in completely unthinkable quantities new imported pesticides, pesticides, not prohibited by GOST for oil, but no less poisonous than the banned DDT and HCCH (hexachlorane). The pre-harvest operation "desiccation", which is now carried out almost everywhere without fail, is especially dangerous for seeds.drying crops on the vine with pesticides-defoliants ("desiccants") to reduce losses during harvesting. During desiccation, poisons enter the seeds in large quantities, and then from them into the oil when pressed on a press. In recent years, seed spraying with the most poisonous insecticides and pesticides has also been widely used at elevators. For example, in Russia it is allowed " " – under the trade name "Monarch" and "Regent", which is absolutely prohibited in many countries of Western Europe, for example, in France. Oil from "pesticidal" seeds not only does not cure anything, it directly harms people's health, for example, causes typical symptoms of poisoning with organophosphate pesticides (FOS-poisons)! For example, at present, almost all brands of oils from the supposedly "environmentally friendly" Altai region are distinguished by this, no matter what "cold-pressed" and grade they may be.

That is, treatment has become impossible in the last decade all in a row shop or market unrefined sunflower oil. And for this reason, it became impossible for me to continue publishing books on this method of treatment. Now you need to constantly inform the people, and with maximum speed, which specific brands of sunflower are not suitable. oils became unsuitable for treatment, and for what reasons. Books in this part become obsolete even in the process of preparing them for publication. Timely notify the people about brands of oils unsuitable for treatmentYou can only from your website on the Internet, and nothing else.

Therefore, those who continue to publish pamphlets about the "treatment according to the Shevchenko method"in which there are often very loose excerpts from my booksare engaged in the most real sabotage in relation to the health of the readers of these books.An example of such a widely known, but for some time now wrecking, brochure: "Anastasia Savina.The Shevchenko method (vodka + oil) and other ways to fight cancer".

A serious attempt to restore order among sunflower oil producers was made in Russia in 2014 – Since July 1, 2014, a new "export" GOST 1129-2013 for unrefined sunflower oil has come into force, in which it is forbidden to subject such oil to any separate stages of refining, also in this standard there is a requirement to produce this oil exclusively by pressing (squeezing seeds on the press). That is, GOST 1129-2013 expressly banned the production of "unrefined sunflower oil" by solvent extraction (gasoline or hexane), or by cold refining with various chemicals.

How strictly do factories comply with this standard?- of course, a very interesting question ...

In my books mentioned above unfortunately more no ways to compensate for the lack of natural vitamin E in modern sunflower oil have been described(RRR-alpha-tocopherol) and phosphorus-containing substances. Only on this, the author's site, methods for solving such problems are published. on the page "" - in paragraph 1 of the chapter "" and in the chapter " ", as well as on the page" " in the chapter " " , and on the page " " .

What exactly are the brands of Russian sunflower oil neraf. oils at present not suitable For treatment by "Shevchenko's method" - can be found on the page of this site " ".

Guarantee suitability for treatment in a month or two of a particular brand of oil– I can't, of course. And no one can give you such guarantees. Because now the quality of oils is unpredictable, and at any moment the quality of an oil can change in a diametrically opposite way, for a variety of reasons (not necessarily conspiracy theories). Therefore, there is no more information on Russian oils suitable for treatment on the above-mentioned page of my site about the composition of oils. And never again will there be such information. Why won't- cm. .

I won't retell, read it yourself– and you can imagine after that who and at what level is engaged in the destruction of this method and those who are treated by it.

It is better not to be treated at all than to be "treated" with poison.

Now it is necessary to be treated by the "method of N.V. Shevchenko" only inthe most extreme cases, when there are no other chances to save a life or at least to alleviate the suffering of the patient. Or ordering over the Internet from France (which prohibits the most toxic pesticides allowed in Russia and Ukraine) expensive "organic"Tournesol linoleique" (French) = "sunflower linoleic "kind oil"Premiere pression a froid" (French) = " first cold pressed". Examples of such oilssee at the end of the page of this site" is supplemented. There are new, extremely important warnings (similar to the above), which were not previously in my methodology.

“Method N.V. Shevchenko" was widely discussed in the press, published in various newspapers, magazines, books. Many authors included it in their collections of folk medicine; unfortunately, very often with very significant errors or omissions in the author's text of the method. Therefore, many publications had little in common with my own advice and recommendations and often contradicted each other.

Be carefull: for many years I have not cooperated with no newspapers, magazines, and other health writers because their editors are willing to reshape my method to suit their tastes. Many publishers don't like that "Shevchenko's method" successfully replaces all the great variety of medicines and all sorts of other healing methods that they constantly write about. It's understandable why you don't like it.

After all, “Method N.V. Shevchenko" is many times superior to all other methods in terms of efficiency, versatility, safety, accessibility for any person. Therefore, in order to disgust him, even books appeared with a huge photograph of a spider on the cover called "Vodka with oil against cancer" - of course, without my consent.

Also, there cannot be any other supposedly "my" sites on the Internet. - there is only one more my own personal blog (this was the original version of this very site of mine, which I left for the sake of a more visual presentation of information about its capabilities, given immediately on its "Main" page). All other copies on the Internet of some variants of my method, on various sites, may contain errors, exceptions or incorrect "additions" that are extremely dangerous for health.

So, dear reader: if you decide to be treated according to the “method of N.V. Shevchenko”, then be so kind: so that nothing in your body suddenly “fails”, use for treatmentjust my advice, what is collected HERE, on that website. advice from others websites, books, magazines, from various newspapers ( including my advice from books in 2010) – use only those, which THISsite does not contradict.

What is important for successful healing and prevention of any ailments - everything is said on this site. There is much, much more useful information on this site than in any books, and it is always the most up-to-date. So check this site often.

I don't have "psychic abilities", I can't see through, I don't diagnose. And I can't tell, what with whom exactly how, when and why will or will not.

Because each person has their own, unique "history" and "geography" of diseases, different attitudes to life and treatment, different willpower and incentives to fight for their lives. And for some, life without smoking, drinking and culinary excesses is not at all necessary. Such people either quit the treatment they have started very soon (and this should not be done in any case!), Or they do everything not as the author of the method recommends, but as they themselves want. And in the end, they soon come to a sad ending.

In addition, even with a completely identical diagnosis, treatment according to the “method of N.V. Shevchenko" can occur in different patients in different ways. These or other symptoms may be of unequal strength and not at the same time, may have a different duration. Or they may not show up at all.

“One hundred percent guarantee” of recovery from any kind of illness “method of N.V. Shevchenko" does not give.

And in principle, there can be no such "guarantee", as well as from healing by any other method, even the most "official" and recognized by the Ministry of Health.

If you are in doubt and cannot decide which treatment method to give preference to, then this method is not for you. Look for other methods that you will trust more.

For those readers who really want to know the probability of healing by this method, I advise you to take a closer look at the examples of the treatment of the most terrible ailments published on this site or in my books (often already at the very last stages), and think: what was the probability of a cure by "official" treatment methods those patients whose stories you have just read, and whether this probability differed greatly from zero in some cases.

And you need to understand: there were, are and will be patients who, unfortunately, even this strongest and most harmless (subject to all its rules, of course) method will not be able to help.

Well! Even if a “hopeless” (according to doctors) patient has only one chance in ten, or one in a hundred, for the success of this treatment. But still, life is a good thing, and for the sake of it, you need to try this, perhaps the last chance. No matter what doctors and others say.

That there are no sick, "hopeless" 100% .

Anything can happen during treatment, but you always believe in the best and never give up!

In any state, even the most desperate, one must endure, believe and fight for victory over illness, FOR A LIFE. And then, most likely, healing will come.

Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko -
MAI graduate, engineer, inventor,
patent expert, Christian.

The use of vodka with butter according to the Shevchenko method is an alternative method of treating serious human diseases. It should be noted right away that the method has nothing to do with official medicine and belongs to those non-traditional methods of healing that cause a lot of controversy. The author of the method, Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko, does not have a medical education, but is an engineer. He claims that there are no hopeless patients, and his method can cure deadly diseases such as cancer and stroke. Let us consider the issue in detail and, based on an analysis of the facts, we will figure out how vodka with oil can help in the treatment of diseases, and what harm it can do.

The essence of the Shevchenko technique

The recipe for the preparation of the drug is as follows: vodka and unrefined sunflower oil are mixed. You will need 30 grams of each component. The container with the contents is closed, and the product is shaken well. After that, vodka with oil is drunk in one gulp.

The drug is taken according to the scheme: three times a day before meals, the course is 10 days. Then a five-day break. So continue three times. After the third cycle, Shevchenko recommends taking a longer break - 2 weeks. You need to drink the remedy until complete recovery, that is, long-term treatment.

Treatment by this method involves the complete rejection of bad habits. Dairy products and sweets, including sugary juices, should also not be consumed. In general, according to Shevchenko, an excess of vitamins in the body is harmful. All sorts of strict diets are also unacceptable.

The biggest danger of Shevchenko's technique lies in the fact that it is necessary to completely exclude treatment with traditional medicine. Not surprisingly, this approach can lead to premature death.

Another interesting nuance. Shevchenko advises immediately to refuse treatment according to his method for those who do not believe that vodka with butter is the only chance for recovery.

Criticism of Shevchenko's method

Shevchenko explains the miraculousness of his method with the conclusions drawn on the basis of his own research. He claims that the drug does not contradict the methods of traditional medicine at all. Unfortunately, these research results have not been published anywhere, which makes it possible to question their existence in general.

The ratio of components, according to the statements of the author himself, was obtained experimentally. The doctor adjusted the dosage based on the feedback from patients who had tried the technique on themselves.

Traditional medicine about the Shevchenko method

It is not surprising that traditional medicine evaluates Shevchenko's method extremely negatively. After all, the patient spends precious time, which can cost him his life. This is especially true for oncology. Doctors evaluate the technique as ineffective or contributing to the deterioration of the patient's health.

Modern medicine is constantly introducing new methods, and those diseases that seemed incurable not so long ago are successfully treated today. But if the disease is running, it is extremely difficult to help the patient.

Doctors warn that vodka with oil can be a detrimental drug even for a healthy body. And what about a person exhausted by illness? In addition, this method can cause the patient to become addicted to alcohol. It is not excluded the development of pancreatitis and cholecystitis after such treatment.

Despite the obvious shortcomings of the method, doctors in some cases note a positive trend in patients who have tried vodka with oil on themselves. But here we are talking about a psycho-emotional factor (placebo), when the patient fully and completely believes in his cure with the help of this remedy.

Shevchenko about his methodology

Shevchenko himself claims that treatment with vodka and oil is suitable for absolutely everyone and does not require individual selection. Treatment does not require preparation of the body and does not involve a gradual increase in dosage. Shevchenko warns that treatment should be carried out with faith and prayers.

According to the author, the technique has no identified contraindications, it helps to cure severe diseases of tissues, bones and joints. From the very first days of treatment, metastasis of cancerous tumors stops, their resorption begins. There are no age restrictions for the application of the method. The method is applicable for the treatment of pregnant women and children, including newborns.

For those diagnosed with non-malignant tumors, Shevchenko recommends using his method as a preventive measure. The drug should be taken in the same proportions only not 3 times, but 2 times a day.

After the start of treatment, the condition may worsen and side effects may occur. But Nikolai Viktorovich assures that in a few days a sharp improvement will begin.


To believe in a cure with the help of vodka and oil, or it is better not to do this, everyone decides for himself. Shevchenko's method is non-patented, official medicine does not confirm its effectiveness, and as a rule, we are talking about deadly diseases such as cancer. A lot of positive reviews about treatment in this way have been published on the Internet, but after all, those who have brought themselves to death with such treatment will no longer be able to leave their review. Think about the consequences and evaluate all the risks. Remember, the most reliable cure for any ailment is the diagnosis of the disease in the early stages.

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Today, there are many methods of alternative medicine aimed at treating cancerous tumors. One of the effective and efficient ways to fight malignant tumors is V. N. Shevchenko's recipe. The preparation of the remedy is not difficult, but the patient needs to familiarize himself with the rules and features of its administration.

Cooking. Ingredients: 30-40 ml of unrefined oil, 30 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka. It is necessary to pour oil into a small jar with a layer of 1 mm, add alcohol and close the lid. In order for the oil and alcohol to mix well, the jar must be shaken for several minutes. After that, the contents of the jar should be poured into a glass and immediately drink the medicine. before exhaling. This quick intake is important because the mixture can decompose into oil and alcohol. Oil must not be salted, and it must be stored only in a dark place.

It is necessary to take this medicine 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Basic recommendations for admission:

2 hours before taking anything is undesirable;

It is better to take the medicine at regular intervals; you can follow the reception scheme at 7:00, at 14:00 and at 21:00;

It is not necessary to drink or seize the medicine, because in this case the oil will not be completely absorbed; if necessary, you can only rinse your mouth, provided that the patient does not swallow water.

The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days, which are divided into three decades. After the first and second, you need to take five-day breaks, and at the end of the last, take a break of 2-3 weeks. The course of taking the medicine can be repeated at the request of the patient, depending on his well-being and state of health. This remedy is not addictive, so it can be used until recovery, which should be fixed by the attending oncologist.

Experienced doctors recommend conducting examinations not while taking the medicine, but in between courses. The patient can undergo endoscopic, biopsy, isotope and other examinations, including ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomography and conventional tomography. We should not forget about a clinical detailed blood test from a finger, which is taken after each course of taking the medicine, as well as about regular weighing of body weight.

The effect of taking the medicine becomes noticeable 1-2 months after the start of treatment. At first, weight fluctuations and not always positive test results are possible. Parallel use of any medicines: whether it be pharmaceutical preparations or herbal tinctures and decoctions. The only medication allowed for concomitant treatment is the hormonal drug Insulin, which is taken in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. In between courses of medication, the patient should pay maximum attention to himself and rest.

The "predecessor" of the above medicine may be the previously published prescription of V. N. Shevchenko. To prepare it, you need 30 ml of sunflower oil and 15 ml of 95-96% undiluted alcohol. The technology for this recipe is actually the same. The only difference lies in the complex perception of the patient's body of pure alcohol. In addition, drinking such a mixture is really unpleasant, and for some it can cause a stressful condition. Due to the fact that this is unacceptable in the treatment of cancer, a prescription for medicine was invented with vodka, and not with alcohol.

Taking medication V. N. Shevchenko. the patient must remember the list of prohibitions, the main points of which are:

1) Do not use any methods on yourself in parallel with taking the medicine;

Herbs - celandine, hemlock, bergenia, Mary's root, aloe, chaga;

Poisons - mercury chloride, fly agaric, kerosene;

Chemotherapy drugs, antitumor antibiotics, "Prednisolone" (hormonal drug);

3) It is not allowed to use urine as a medicine, since it contains all the substances processed by the body - peroxides - the result of the work of oil and alcohol. The medicine will work more effectively if the patient chose it for treatment immediately after he learned about his illness. Many cancer patients first begin treatment with herbs and poisons, which are often temporary and can harm the body as a whole, and then turn to Shevchenko's prescription. Note that the effect of this medicine will come later if the patient has been taking other treatment for a long time;

4) The patient should not contact such a category of pseudo-healers as magicians, bioenergetics, sorcerers, coders, psychics and clairvoyants;

5) It is not allowed to hide or not talk at all with the patient about his state of health. Knowing the truth, a person must gather strength and direct them to recovery, and not to illusions invented by relatives;

6) Despite the fact that the medicine does not have the most pleasant taste, in no case should the dosage be reduced. This is due to the fact that in this way, the therapeutic effect will not occur, and the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply. To avoid this, to measure a dose of 30 ml of oil and 30 ml of vodka, you need to use measuring cups, syringes without a needle, and others.

With the right medication, metastasis completely stops or disappears altogether. The ratio of hormones in the body stabilizes, and water-salt metabolism returns to normal. Due to improved nutrition of the heart muscle, patients with atherosclerosis and ischemia feel better. The liver is cleared of congestion, bilirubin and cholesterol deposits. A person feels much better because his blood pressure and cholesterol levels decrease, and his weight returns to normal. Both the blood formula and blood sugar indicators return to normal (important for diabetes mellitus), and the bleeding that the patient suffered from stops.

V. N. Shevchenko's drug is a method of fighting cancer for all ages. Preventive properties have not been studied thoroughly, so the medicine should be taken only as needed.

In rare cases, during the use of the drug, side effects occur, which cannot be ignored:

1) Pain in the places of foci of the disease, places of adhesions after surgery or fractures, severe bruises, colic in the kidneys and liver, sand exit, crushing of small and medium stones. Such symptoms may occur for 2-5 days of treatment. The pains can be very strong, but after a while they will become tolerable, then the pains can feel like spasms or contractions, after which they will disappear altogether. Unpleasant sensations are often repeated at first, but every day become rarer and weaker;

2) Bleeding from large tumors that are disintegrating. May occur on days 4-6 or 1-2 decades of taking the medication. In order for the blood to stop within 1-2 days, it is necessary to take Vikasol injections. At the same time, the patient continues to drink the medicine from oil and alcohol, since the hydrocarbons that make up its composition can help with the healing of such wounds;

3) Reduced urination, reddish urine, laxative effect, nausea, vomiting. heartburn. To alleviate the patient's well-being with side symptoms, you can use a slice of lemon, which you need to eat before meals. With frequent regular vomiting, the use of the medicine is stopped for a couple of days. With one-, two-time vomiting, you can drink it again 4 hours after the main medication. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes after vomiting, and the medicine should be chilled. Action: cold liquid will relieve vomiting spasm, and the daily dose of the drug will be observed (as mentioned above, it is not recommended to reduce the dosage due to lack of effect);

4) Weakness. This symptom will go away with time. It occurs due to the retention of glucose in the muscles, especially during intoxication from the decay products of tumors. This is due to the peculiarities of the effect of alcohol on the body, which reduces muscle strength by 25% at one time 150 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka);

5) Decreased appetite. Occurs because. firstly, the medicine consists of high-calorie foods, its energy value is 1500-1800 Kcal, and, secondly, the digestion process is lengthened 1.5-2 times;

6) "Lump" in the throat and shortness of breath. Despite the fact that these symptoms are unpleasant, they are positive, as this means that the composition of the blood and the work of the parathyroid glands have changed;

7) Increased swelling. It is observed in the places of foci of the disease, around tumors and metastases in the first 2 decades of treatment. Edema occurs due to hormonal changes and delayed removal of water from the body;

8) Tachycardia. This side effect does not need to be dealt with, as it is normal due to the expansion of the veins.

It is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol, even in the balms and tinctures that traditional medicine offers, because in this way the patient is at risk. Medications for alcohol prescribed by the attending physician, as well as Church Communion. Smoking also has a negative effect on the body. The patient must get rid of this bad habit gradually, but without fail.

Recommendations for nutrition during treatment are that the patient should not starve and overeat. Animal fats, meat and dairy products, pure sugar and salt should preferably be limited on the days of taking the drug. The risk of nausea will decrease if the patient drinks something with water half an hour after taking the medicine. It is desirable for the patient to limit the consumption of vegetable juices enriched with vitamins A and C.

Intravenous administration of glucose is prohibited due to the threat of a sharp deterioration in well-being. The ban is lifted only in life-threatening cases. Painkillers, sedatives, hypnotics, diuretics, as well as medicines for the cores, which are prescribed by the attending physician, are acceptable for use.

Before starting treatment, the patient must turn to God with sincere faith, confess to a priest and take Communion. Due to the fact that the Orthodox Church does not accept such methods of dealing with alcoholism as "coding", previously addicted patients must first repent of their actions and take Communion at the Liturgy.

If a person is seriously ill and cannot come to Church on his own, then a priest can come to his house.

Everyone can have a different attitude to traditional medicine, and yet it is impossible to deny that some of its methods are really beneficial. Take, for example, the Shevchenko method, according to which you need to be treated with vodka and oil. This is a relatively new technique, which, nevertheless, immediately found its fans. According to Nikolai Shevchenko himself, the man who discovered the method, almost all ailments can be treated with vodka with butter. The main thing before starting treatment is to take into account some of the nuances.

Recipes for oil treatment with vodka according to Shevchenko

To skeptics, such methods of treatment may seem barbaric, but as practice has shown, they really work. Preparing a remedy is easy. The only catch is in the selection of components. If everything is clear with vodka - both alcohol and moonshine are suitable for cooking, then the choice must be approached with special care.

The fact is that only a certain type of sunflower oil can be used for treatment. The product must be unrefined with a high content of linoleic acids. Any other vegetable fats or high oleic products will make Shevchenko's vodka-and-oil treatment method ineffective. We recommend remembering this nuance once and for all.

Now you can proceed to cooking. In one container, you need to mix thirty milliliters of 40% alcohol and oil. The container must be taken with a tightly closed lid, because the medicine will have to be thoroughly mixed by shaking for several minutes in your hands.

Strictly speaking, everything - the medicine is ready. You need to drink the resulting mixture in one gulp, after taking a deep breath beforehand. A truly effective treatment with vodka with oil according to the prescription of Nikolai Shevchenko will be only if the medicine is taken regularly. People with malignant tumors will have to drink the mixture three times a day before meals, while those who use the Shevchenko method for prevention will need one serving of the medicine per day.

Oil is drunk with vodka according to Shevchenko according to the following scheme:

  1. After ten days of treatment, a five-day break is made.
  2. This course is repeated at least three times. But after the third wave, the break lasts a little longer - two weeks.
  3. You need to repeat the course until one hundred percent recovery occurs. That is, if the signs of the disease continue to appear after a few years, you should continue to drink vodka with butter.

Some features of the treatment of vodka with oil according to Shevchenko

There are some other nuances of treatment according to Shevchenko, which determine the effectiveness of the method:

Treatment with vodka with oil strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on internal organs and tissues. It should be noted that even doctors sometimes admit that the Shevchenko method can be beneficial. True, most often they associate this fact with the rejection of bad habits and. That is why it is recommended to resort to the method of treatment according to Shevchenko with vodka and oil only in extreme cases.

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