High cheekbones: how to make your cheekbones higher, the subtleties of shaping. What do cheekbones look like? High cheekbones Beautiful cheekbones in girls

You probably noticed that many modern beauties try so hard to fit their appearance to a certain standard that they already look alike, like sisters. Meanwhile, each of us was born unique and beautiful in our own way! Are you sure you want to meet the "standard"? Then these 10 steps to "perfection" are just for you.

1. Enlarge lips

It is difficult to say how it all began. It's just that someone once told girls that plump lips are beautiful. Like Angelina Jolie, you can do more. And away we go… Identical bulging lips after injections (often more attention is paid to the upper lip) filled everything! They can be calculated immediately - sometimes by a fuzzy contour, sometimes by "inversion" or simply by unnatural swelling. In a word, an experienced eye will instantly determine the intervention, even if the work was done well. Do you really want your mouth shape to look like millions of others?

2. Whiten your teeth regularly


The second sign of the perfect beauty of the Instagtam era is snow-white teeth. Sanitaryware in the mouth. They should be so white that the contrast with your favorite red lipstick seems simply dazzling. Therefore, do not skip regular visits to the dentist - anything can be postponed, but not this.

3. Correct the shape of the nose

A wide nose is not beautiful. A long nose is not beautiful. A nose with a hump is also not beautiful. In general, any nose is ugly, except for a slightly upturned, chiseled, with a thin bridge of nose, pointed tip and chiseled shape of the nostrils. Just like Alena Shishkova, for example. When you go for rhinoplasty, show the surgeon her photo - he will immediately understand everything.

4. Emphasize "cheekbones"

The cheekbones of an attractive girl should be sunken, prominent. And it doesn’t matter how you achieve this - you lose weight to such an extent that there are no cheeks left, you decide on plastic surgery (resection of Bish’s lumps) or you just learn how to make visually sunken with a dark corrector. And one more little tip: if your cheekbones are far from ideal, bite them a little when you take a selfie, it works.

5. Wear only wide, defined eyebrows.

It doesn't matter what shape of eyebrows nature gave you - you can always make a correction and find the perfect "stencil" eyebrows. What should they be? Of course, very symmetrical (and who said that this does not happen ?!), wide, dark, with a clear contour, a sharp tail and a square beginning at the bridge of the nose. In other words, your eyebrows should immediately draw attention to themselves - as well as lips!

6. The only possible hairstyle is long curls.

Short haircuts, bob, bob, pixie - all this is not for you. To be feminine and truly sexy, you need to wear only long hair and not be lazy to curl it on a curling iron. It is not for nothing that on the covers of men's magazines all the beauties are always with a long lush mop of hair! Guys love it, yeah

7. Do some contouring

A beautiful face needs to be drawn “according to the scheme” - this is the most reliable way to become like Kim Kardashian, which means being a little closer to the ideal. For some reason, someone decided that the shape of the face should be exactly like this: with a low forehead, a neat chin and sunken cheekbones - it was to create such an effect that contouring was invented. Perhaps one of the most reliable ways to become like everyone else.

8. Draw arrows more often

The make-up of girls, who are condescendingly called "mukla", in addition to contouring and shining lips, is always completed by arrows. Of course, this type of makeup is beautiful in itself - an eternal classic. But here the “included” arrows begin to look very trite.

9. Don't Forget Botox

A forehead shining after injections, meager facial expressions and perfectly smoothed skin - this is what you will become if you start actively injecting Botox. It is interesting that some beauties find wrinkles in themselves long before they have time to appear, and go to the beautician for the cherished injections up to 30 years. For the sake of beauty and not this can be tolerated!

10. Pump your ass!

And finally, the final touch - when your hair is already lush, your lips are plump, and your face is shining, it's time to think about the body. Rock your ass! Squat! Take pictures of your results as often as possible - let everyone know that you are perfect, because a sexy girl's butt cannot be pumped.


The size and shape of the cheeks depends on the structure of the facial bones and muscles. Knowing the features of your face is the key to successful makeup. Learn to emphasize your best features and create the illusion of the desired shape of the cheekbones with the help of make-up.

Cheek types!

There are 5 main types of cheekbones - high, low, wide, centrally located and small.

High cheekbones. High cheekbones start at the temples, taper towards the bottom and curve near the eye sockets. Such cheekbones look photogenic, but blush applied in the wrong place gives the face a bony look.
When you smile, your cheeks seem to rise towards your eyes and the tops of your ears.
Meet on elongated, oval and heart-shaped faces.

Low cheekbones. Low cheekbones begin near the corners of the mouth and curve gently towards the earlobes. Owners of such sculpted cheekbones should carefully apply blush to certain areas, otherwise they will make the face visually heavy.
When you smile, your cheekbones seem to start at the corners of your mouth and end just below your ears.
Meet on triangular, square and round faces.

Wide cheekbones. Wide cheekbones usually follow the shape of the chin. They are often the "brand name" of top models. Such cheekbones are a sure sign of a wide face, so the unsuccessful application of blush will visually make the face even wider.
When you smile, your cheekbones expand and follow the shape of your jaw.
Meet on square and round faces.

Centrally located cheekbones. When the owner of the cheekbones located in the middle of the face smiles, “apples” (bulges) appear. Such cheekbones are very beautiful, but blush must be applied carefully so that the eyes and lips do not fade into the background.
When you smile, your cheeks become bulging and rounded.
Meet on oval, elongated, round and heart-shaped faces.

Small cheekbones. If you have small cheekbones, do not despair - this bone structure is found in many stars. The secret to a successful make-up for you is blush and corrective products that will visually give your cheeks a great shape.
When you smile, your cheekbones are not visible.

Meet on faces of any shape, most often round.

Cheekbone makeup!

Female cheekbones - How to make high and expressive cheekbones?

Hollywood look. Many women dream of it. High cheekbones transform the appearance of a woman and make her more interesting for men. But do not think that all Hollywood actresses were born with such cheekbones. Nature rewards women with whatever traits she wants, and we have to work with what we have. But the right makeup technique can even turn a round, full-cheeked face into an elegant face with expressive cheekbones.

Armed with simple tips and a little practice, you will surely be able to achieve your goal and transform your appearance.

Cheekbones of a woman - Simple makeup tricks to increase cheekbones.

Girls and women have always strived for beauty. Each of them knows how important it is to look after their appearance, and is looking for ways that suit her. plays an important role in the life of any female representative, because confidence in her own beauty often depends on her. Fortunately, you do not need to take such drastic measures as plastic surgery. Properly selected makeup and hairstyle can help a woman find a beautiful face with the right proportions and smooth out all the flaws.

For years, stylists and hairdressers have been developing and improving the already created methods for gaining proportional features, because completely different options for makeup, haircuts and hairstyles are suitable for each individual form. Wide cheekbones are considered an important and distinctive feature of many face shapes. This phenomenon occurs quite often. It is because of the wide cheekbones that the face may appear full, too massive, irregular or weighted. Many top models have this very trait. Often such cheekbones are not so easy to hide. In this case, you need to consider The following information will tell you how to hide wide cheekbones.

Round form

This type is distinguished by wide cheekbones, a large forehead, a soft chin and a short neck. The same distance both in length and in width is the main sign of a similar face shape. The photo will show how to correctly highlight its advantages.

Makeup for a round face

A girl with a round face needs to visually lengthen it, removing the fullness of her cheeks and cheekbones. There are simple methods by which you can visually lift them. The usual play with tones will help to remove the appearance of thick cheeks. You just need to choose a tonal foundation so that it fits your natural skin tone, and the second should be a few shades darker. You need to highlight the forehead, nose and center of the chin. Darkening along the contour, on the temples, cheeks and sides of the chin will help to narrow the oval of the face.

Under the eyebrows, you need to apply shadows of light shades, and apply darker shadows on the eyelids just above the crease. Eyeliner is applied to the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes, in its wide part the line increases. The lower eyelid does not need to be brought completely, only to the middle of the eye. On the lips, it is preferable to apply a transparent gloss or lipstick in light shades, for example, cream.

face shapes

There are a huge number of options for how to visually hide wide cheekbones with a hairstyle. In the case of a round face, almost any haircuts and hairstyles will work, since this type of face is universal. Short and multi-level ragged haircuts or hairstyles that frame the face are most suitable. The main thing is that there are no voluminous curls in the area of ​​​​the cheeks and cheekbones.

Square shape

The owners of this face shape have a straight, pronounced massive lower jaw, which significantly weights the chin. The distance from the forehead to the chin is approximately equal to the distance from one cheek to the other, while the line from the temple to the chin is straight.

Makeup for a square face

First, apply a foundation that matches your skin tone. Then you should take a tonal base a little darker and apply to the temple area and on the sides of the lower jaw. On the bridge of the nose and the center of the forehead and chin, you need to apply a light concealer or tonal foundation. The main thing when applying makeup on a face with wide cheekbones is to avoid horizontal lines, they will make the face even wider. Blush should be applied to the front of the cheeks so that the line stretches to the ear.

The outer corners of the eyes with this makeup should have been darkened and well highlighted. It should be remembered that there should not be any horizontal lines, so the outline of the eyeliner must be stretched diagonally, just like the outline of the shadows. Light shades should be applied to the outer corners of the eyes and make a soft transition in the central part of the eyelid. As for the lips, you need to avoid bright and flashy lipstick colors, as they will draw attention to the heavy jaw.

Hairstyle for a square face

Sharp ones of this shape will help soften medium-length haircuts, they will also visually narrow wide cheekbones. Straight bangs should be avoided, but slanting to the middle of the ear will advantageously hide a large forehead. An asymmetrical bob, haircuts with volume at the crown, wavy hair framing the face, or just two strands pulled down on both sides of the face can visually correct its oval. You should avoid such hairstyles in which you need to comb your hair back. The ponytail makes the face look wider.

triangular shape

This type is characterized by protruding large wide cheekbones, a narrowed chin and a large forehead. The zygomatic arches are usually well defined.

Makeup for a triangular face

Many women do not know how to visually hide wide cheekbones. Many dream of a beautiful oval shape, because it is ideal, according to many makeup artists.
To obtain this effect, a tonal base must be applied to the temple area, the lateral surface of the cheekbones and the area under them. It should be slightly darker than the skin tone. A light tone should focus on the chin. Blush should highlight the front of the cheeks.

Eyeliner should be applied so that its tips are raised up. Shadows should be chosen in dark shades, applied only to the moving eyelid and shaded, moving to the outer corners of the eyes, so as not to burden the eyes. Light powder should be applied to the area under the eyes. On the lips, you can apply both calm shades of lipstick, for example, colors close to skin tone, and bright ones. The corners can be darkened. To visually enlarge the lips, apply lipstick lighter than the main tone in the center.

Hairstyle for a triangular face

Hairdressers know how to hide wide cheekbones with this type of face. They offer low hairstyles with voluminous temples. Recommended long bangs falling on the cheeks. It is advisable to choose a length of hair so that it reaches the middle of the neck or shoulder length. Slightly curled tips will smooth out a narrow chin.

diamond shape

Often this type of face is called diamond. Wide cheekbones, narrow chin and forehead are a characteristic feature of this face shape. The photo shows a typical example of this type. Often you can observe an uneven hairline.

Makeup for a diamond-shaped face

With this type, extremely simple makeup is used. Wide cheekbones help set off the light tones of the foundation, applied to the center of the forehead, the sides of the chin, above the eyebrows and in places near the temples. A dark tonal foundation should be applied both along the hairline and on the lower central part of the chin. Blush of a rich warm shade must be applied to the cheekbones, drawing a line up to the ear.

You can draw small thin arrows with eyeliner. Shadows of chocolate or coffee shades should be applied to the moving eyelid. To lift, you can apply a cold brown tone to the outer corners of the eyes. On the contour of the lips you need to apply a pencil of any warm shade, then cover with lipstick of the same color or a little lighter. You can also use glosses of natural shades with a wet effect.

Hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face

Hairdressers believe that the shape of the face and hairstyle should fit together, so parting in the center should be avoided. It is desirable that the minimum hair length be at the chin line. Any kind of torn or multi-level haircut or wavy hair with a side parting will hide minor facial imperfections. Long bangs that fall on the cheeks are also suitable. Haircuts with short bangs and hairstyles with voluminous temples are not suitable in this case. The best solution would be short haircuts covering the ears. They visually soften the angular face and narrow the wide cheekbones.

pear shape

It is also often called a trapezoid. The main feature of this type is a massive lower jaw, a narrow forehead and wide cheekbones, that is, the face expands from the forehead to the chin. Blush matte shades are applied to the lower jaw.

Makeup for a pear-shaped face

On the sides of the cheeks, it is necessary to apply a tonal foundation slightly darker than the skin tone. On wide cheekbones, you need to apply blush towards the temples, this will visually make them smaller.

If you focus on the eyes in the form of rich and bright shades of shadows and draw clear lines with eyeliner, this will distract attention and allow you to correct the inaccuracies of the face. Light shades should be applied to the inner corners of the eyes, shadows of dark tones should be on the outer. Eyebrows should be designed so that they are away from the bridge of the nose. When applying lipstick on the lips, highlight the central part with the help of mother-of-pearl gloss.

Hairstyle for a pear-shaped face

Representatives of this type of face should not wear short haircuts. Perfect for hair longer than the level of the chin. The main thing is that the hairstyle should be voluminous in the forehead area and cover the ears. Thick straight or oblique bangs will hide wide cheekbones in women. In addition, you can comb your hair on your cheeks. It is not necessary to remove the hair behind the ears at all, this will only expand the face.

Many people think that at the moment the oval face shape is the standard. But it must be borne in mind: everyone must choose something of their own. With a wealth of advice from hairdressers and makeup artists, it's easy to choose what's right for each individual and help you regain your confidence.

High cheekbones are a sign of aristocracy, and simply a beautiful feature of a woman's face. Have you noticed that the most elusive nuances make our appearance attractive? It seems that cheekbones and cheeks are not the part of the face that stands out as much as almond-shaped eyes, a thin nose, or sensual plump lips. But it is she who can give him a much more tangible harmony than all of the above.

Clearly defined cheekbones have long been considered the canon of beauty in the modeling business. And the most attractive divas of art also differ in this feature. Take at least the main ideal of the current generation - Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie.

Even if you do not have such bright natural data, today you can easily highlight your cheekbones with correctors, concealers, bronzers and banal blushes. It is enough to learn how to properly apply these products and use special brushes, as sculpting the face will transform it by 100%!

If you have been awarded such a feature genetically, we advise you never to hide it. An oval, slightly angular face shape will probably be considered the most attractive of all time.

Features of the structure of the cheekbones: learn and compare

There are generally accepted signs of high cheekbones that you can study and match with your facial features. So, high cheekbones originate at the temples, gradually narrowing towards the lower part of the face and curving in the eye sockets. With this type of oval, the face seems somewhat narrowed down. The bony part of the cheekbones can stand out strongly, or it can be smoothed, barely perceptible.

Most often, such an oval face is found in representatives of an exotic appearance, but it can also be inherent in Europeans. Signs of high cheekbones in women are often found with a heart-shaped, oval and elongated face type.

If this trait is your case, you should constantly balance in optimal weight: excess kilograms can “organize” chubby cheeks for you, which will easily hide the key dignity of the face, and strong thinness, on the contrary, will make the face painful and bony.

The situation is similar with the volumetric correction of the cheekbones. Here it is important not to overdo it with the contrast of the blush lines, as this can create a visual effect of excessive thinness. Blush and bronzers should be shaded as gently as possible, repeating the contour of the cheekbone. And the best way to make a competent face makeup with high cheekbones is to create the correct shape of the eyebrow, repeating their bend!

It may surprise you, but this trick is leading among stylists and makeup artists. In order to favorably emphasize the angularity of the oval of the face, the eyebrows are given a broken shape a la “house”.

The main advantage of women with this trait is the lack of need for bright makeup. Rather, on the contrary, high cheekbones require the most neutral, discreet make-up. Especially good here will be a blush that fully matches your color type. To find out your ideal shade of blush, you can lightly pinch your cheek, and take the place of redness as a rule in choosing a product.

You can also use a bronzer, especially during the summer. Keep in mind - brick-colored bronzers do not go to almost anyone. And it is better to purchase a creamy rather than a crumbly or baked product. This tool also does not tolerate shimmer - leave it for luminizers and dry highlighters.

The ideal option would be to buy shades of taupe color - grayish brownish. This color is suitable for almost all representatives of European appearance, perfectly imitating the shade of a natural shadow.

However, in sculpting the face, it is important to get used to applying the products themselves. For example, dry textures are best blended with wide and flat brushes made of natural bristles, and for liquid and creamy textures, a beauty blender will be indispensable - a special sponge for evenly applying tonal foundation.

How to "draw" high cheekbones?

If you have already opted for a specific blush, remember the nuances of applying them, which can ruin your entire look:

  • Applying lipstick instead of blush;
  • Application of dry textures directly on top of oily tonal foundation;
  • Unjustified use of too catchy, bright, contrasting shades;
  • Excessively large amount of applied agent;
  • Incorrect shading.

We figured out exactly how high cheekbones look, and how to shade them favorably. But what if nature was not so generous to you, and did not endow you with such wealth?

In volumetric modeling of the face, you can help:

  • Blush. As we said, they should match your natural skin tone exactly. It is even better if you use calm, universal tones: cocoa, beige, chocolate. Set aside orange, brick and peach blush - it is impossible to make a competent correction with them. In almost all cases, unless you are a professional and a true makeup artist, they will create harsh, bright streaks of an unnatural, rusty color on your face;
  • Bronzers. They can be either dry or creamy. The color scheme should be selected according to the previous principle - it should be warm and somewhat muted, without bright accents and large shimmer particles;
  • Loose powders. If you decide to carry out the correction with their help, the result will be the most natural and harmonious. But in this case, you will have to purchase several products at once - a natural, light and dark shade. The main thing is that they are not all bright, and, again, match your skin tone;
  • Cream correctors and concealers. The best choice for practical women. If you do not use loose powder, sculpting in this case will be carried out directly on the foundation. You can do it with a brush, sponge, and even your fingers. True, in the latter case, you will have to work hard and how to “fill your hand”. Creamy concealers should definitely be significantly darker than your natural complexion.

Highlight cheekbones: a step-by-step plan for applying cosmetics

How can you "make" high cheekbones? This question is often asked by women with a soft oval face and plump cheeks. In fact, there is nothing simpler than a beneficial underlining of the zygomatic zone:

  1. To begin with, if you use such a product, apply a primer under the foundation on your face;
  2. Then, with a wet sponge or a dry brush, blend foundation all over the face. Make sure that the product lays down evenly, does not leave clear boundaries and streaks;
  3. Now take the chosen tool, which was going to carry out volumetric correction. Let's say it will be a bronzer or corrector. First darken the hollow area under the cheekbone. It is very easy to identify it - it is the very place where the upper and lower jaws meet;
  4. Draw a line from the ears to the nose (attention, not to the corners of the mouth, but to the wings of the nose!). Be sure to blend it well so that it does not have the appearance of a roughly painted stripe. Do this with a fan or voluminous brush;
  5. If your foundation is oily enough, be sure to use powder. If you are afraid of this remedy, believing that it will visually dry out and age your skin, try mineral products. You can also use a transparent powder that acts as a make-up fixer;
  6. Day makeup does not tolerate detailed drawing of the cheekbones. Make soft, neutral and perfectly blended lines. And in the evening, you can add more intensity to your makeup, but again, obviously you should not overdo it;
  7. Fix your efforts with a special spray or invisible finishing powder.

If you do everything right, only mascara and lip gloss will look great on your face. And the minimum amount of cosmetics, as you know, greatly rejuvenates the appearance.

Whom to look up to?

If you want to experiment with the image, take an example from those who have a similar facial structure. Of course, you should look up to world-famous stars - only the best stylists and makeup artists work with them, which means that their example is worthy of imitation. Among the stars with high cheekbones are especially noteworthy:

  • Uma Thurman;
  • Angelina Jolie;
  • Keira Knightley;
  • Naomi Campbell;
  • Kim Kardashian;
  • Beyonce;
  • Julianne Moore;
  • Sandra Bullock;
  • Candice Swanepoel;
  • Irina Shayk.

As you can see, they all have different types, which means that now you can choose an individual image for yourself by finding an excellent example. Be irresistible!

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High cheekbones are a sign of aristocracy, and simply a beautiful feature of a woman's face. Have you noticed that the most elusive nuances make our appearance attractive? It seems that cheekbones and cheeks are not the part of the face that stands out as much as almond-shaped eyes, a thin nose, or sensual plump lips. But it is she who can give him a much more tangible harmony than all of the above.

Why are women with high cheekbones considered attractive?

Clearly defined cheekbones have long been considered the canon of beauty in the modeling business. And the most attractive divas of art also differ in this feature. Take at least the main ideal of the current generation - Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie.

Even if you do not have such bright natural data, today you can easily highlight your cheekbones with correctors, concealers, bronzers and banal blushes. It is enough to learn how to properly apply these products and use special brushes, as sculpting the face will transform it by 100%!

If you have been awarded such a feature genetically, we advise you never to hide it. An oval, slightly angular face shape will probably be considered the most attractive of all time.

Features of the structure of the cheekbones: learn and compare

There are generally accepted signs of high cheekbones that you can study and match with your facial features. So, high cheekbones originate at the temples, gradually narrowing towards the lower part of the face and curving in the eye sockets. With this type of oval, the face seems somewhat narrowed down. The bony part of the cheekbones can stand out strongly, or it can be smoothed, barely perceptible.

Most often, such an oval face is found in representatives of an exotic appearance, but it can also be inherent in Europeans. Signs of high cheekbones in women are often found with a heart-shaped, oval and elongated face type.

If this trait is your case, you should constantly balance in optimal weight: excess kilograms can “organize” plump cheeks for you, which will easily hide the key dignity of the face, and strong thinness, on the contrary, will make the face painful and bony.

The situation is similar with the volumetric correction of the cheekbones. Here it is important not to overdo it with the contrast of the blush lines, as this can create a visual effect of excessive thinness. Blush and bronzers should be shaded as gently as possible, repeating the contour of the cheekbone. And the best way to make a competent face makeup with high cheekbones is to create the correct shape of the eyebrow, repeating their bend! IN

It may surprise you, but this trick is the leading one among stylists and makeup artists. In order to favorably emphasize the angularity of the oval of the face, the eyebrows are given a broken shape a la "house".

The main advantage of women with this trait is the lack of need for bright makeup. Rather, on the contrary, high cheekbones require the most neutral, discreet make-up. Especially good here will be a blush that fully matches your color type. To find out your ideal shade of blush, you can lightly pinch your cheek, and take the place of redness as a rule in choosing a product.

You can also use a bronzer, especially during the summer. Keep in mind - brick-colored bronzers do not go to almost anyone. And it is better to purchase a creamy rather than a crumbly or baked product. This tool also does not tolerate shimmer - leave it for luminizers and dry highlighters.

The ideal option would be to buy shades of taupe color - grayish brownish. This color is suitable for almost all representatives of European appearance, perfectly imitating the shade of a natural shadow.

However, in sculpting the face, it is important to get used to applying the products themselves. For example, dry textures are best blended with wide and flat brushes made of natural bristles, and for liquid and creamy textures, a beauty blender will be indispensable - a special sponge for evenly applying tonal foundation.

How to "draw" high cheekbones?

If you have already opted for a specific blush, remember the nuances of applying them, which can ruin your entire look:

  • Applying lipstick instead of blush;
  • Application of dry textures directly on top of oily tonal foundation;
  • Unjustified use of too catchy, bright, contrasting shades;
  • Excessively large amount of applied agent;
  • Incorrect shading.

We figured out exactly how high cheekbones look, and how to shade them favorably. But what if nature was not so generous to you, and did not endow you with such wealth?

In volumetric modeling of the face, you can help:

  • Blush. As we said, they should match your natural skin tone exactly. It is even better if you use calm, universal tones: cocoa, beige, chocolate. Set aside orange, brick and peach blush - it is impossible to make a competent correction with them. In almost all cases, unless you are a professional and a true makeup artist, they will create harsh, bright streaks of an unnatural, rusty color on your face;
  • Bronzers. They can be either dry or creamy. The color scheme should be selected according to the previous principle - it should be warm and somewhat muted, without bright accents and large shimmer particles;
  • Loose powders. If you decide to carry out the correction with their help, the result will be the most natural and harmonious. But in this case, you will have to purchase several products at once - a natural, light and dark shade. The main thing is that they are not all bright, and, again, match your skin tone;
  • Cream correctors and concealers. The best choice for practical women. If you do not use loose powder, sculpting in this case will be carried out directly on the foundation. You can do it with a brush, sponge, and even your fingers. True, in the latter case, you will have to work hard and how to “fill your hand”. Creamy concealers should definitely be significantly darker than your natural complexion.

Highlight cheekbones: a step-by-step plan for applying cosmetics

How can you "make" high cheekbones? This question is often asked by women with a soft oval face and plump cheeks.

In fact, there is nothing simpler than a beneficial underlining of the zygomatic zone:

  • To begin with, if you use such a product, apply a primer under the foundation on your face;
  • Then, with a wet sponge or a dry brush, blend foundation all over the face. Make sure that the product lays down evenly, does not leave clear boundaries and streaks;
  • Now take the chosen tool, which was going to carry out volumetric correction. Let's say it will be a bronzer or corrector. First darken the hollow area under the cheekbone. It is very easy to identify it - it is the very place where the upper and lower jaws meet;
  • Draw a line from the ears to the nose (attention, not to the corners of the mouth, but to the wings of the nose!). Be sure to blend it well so that it does not have the appearance of a roughly painted stripe. Do this with a fan or voluminous brush;
  • If your foundation is oily enough, be sure to use powder. If you are afraid of this remedy, believing that it will visually dry out and age your skin, try mineral products. You can also use a transparent powder that acts as a make-up fixer;
  • Day makeup does not tolerate detailed drawing of the cheekbones. Make soft, neutral and perfectly blended lines. And in the evening, you can add more intensity to your makeup, but again, obviously you should not overdo it;
  • Fix your efforts with a special spray or invisible finishing powder.

If you do everything right, only mascara and lip gloss will look great on your face. And the minimum amount of cosmetics, as you know, greatly rejuvenates the appearance.

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