Paralysis in dogs - larynx, symptoms, what to do. Paresis of the hind limbs in dogs: treatment and prevention

Buying a puppy is a very responsible decision. You must understand that it is not enough just to buy a four-legged friend, hoping that he will grow up healthy and full without your help. In addition to the basic care provided by nutrition and walking, you should also take care of the prevention of various diseases and clarify the main points of the treatment of dangerous diseases, including polyneuropathy in dogs.

This pathology is complete loss of motor abilities of a certain limb or a separate part of the body. In most cases, paralysis appears as an additional complication after serious illness, and the pace of its development is very slow. Sometimes the deterioration of the pet's condition occurs over long months or even years. However, in nature there is also a sudden paralysis for which one cannot prepare.

Depending on the symptoms and concomitant factors that influenced the development of clinical complications, paralysis may have a permanent or reverse state. Further development of events depends on the type of paralysis, and on the state of the dog's immunity, and, of course, on the underlying disease that caused such an unpleasant situation.

Causes of paresis of the limbs of a pet

Paresis of the limbs of the dog- This is a temporary paralysis, which is accompanied by a partial limitation of their mobile abilities. As the problem progresses, a decrease or increase in musculoskeletal sensitivity is noticed. If a dog has suffered from such a problem for a long time, the risk of developing muscle atrophy cannot be ruled out.

As for the reasons that cause the development of such a dangerous problem, there are a lot of them. For example, the immobilization of one or two limbs occurs when exposed to infectious diseases such as plague, rabies and others. Among them:

Paresis of the hind limbs very often manifests itself after lumbosacral sciatica. As for hemiplegia, it can be caused by meningoencephalitis, plague, brain abscess and a number of other diseases.

Immobilization of all limbs occurs with polyneuropathy of toxic or infectious-allergic origin. It can also cause damage to the cervical spine in the spine.

Factors affecting the development of the disease

There are many factors, which can affect the development of such a dangerous pathology as paresis of the limbs of a dog. Among the main ones are:

  1. Diseases of the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. Representatives of almost all breeds suffer from similar diseases, and they determine the immobilization of the two hind limbs or the body as a whole.
  2. Different forms of hernias (thoracic and cervical). Such problems can cause limb immobility in miniature pets, including Pekingese, Cocker Spaniels, Bulldogs, and Poodles. In this case, any failures in the functionality of internal organs and systems indicate the presence of a type 1 hernia. If you do not take the necessary measures and do not take the help of an experienced veterinarian, this can lead to additional complications.

To localize this type of hernia in the cervical or thoracic zone, a complex MRI, myelography and a number of other procedures are performed. By the way, representatives of the French Bulldog breed are subject not only to hernias, but also to other problems, including the so-called "wedge-shaped vertebra", which is also accompanied by immobilization of the limbs. For diagnosing d to carry out an X-ray examination:

Other factors

Also paresis of the limbs occurs with such diseases and factors:


There are a number of symptoms, which indicate the possible development of various forms of paresis. First of all, the dog becomes wobbly and the gait is unsteady. When moving, the pet drags its paws along the back of the fingers, which causes damage to them. Early signs of paresis are represented by frequent stumbling and falling forward. If you want to step over some obstacle or accelerate, the dog begins to fall, emit a loud whine and bark.

The possibility of paresis asymmetry is not excluded, as a result of which the functionality of one paw is much worse than the other. If the spine is damaged in the area of ​​the cervical region, it is possible that there will be a violation of the mobility of all paws. The support will deteriorate, and the likelihood of local musculoskeletal twitching will increase.

Varieties of paralysis

Veterinarians identify several types of paresis in dogs. Such a classification is made taking into account the possible localization of immobilized limbs, which may be associated with some reasons. In this case, there are the following types of canine paralysis:

Treatment Methods

If the cause of paralysis is trauma, an employee of the veterinary clinic will have to conduct a comprehensive examination and determine the problem that will need to be treated immediately. If there are no dangerous injuries, most likely, a neurological examination and x-ray examination will have to be performed for a more accurate diagnosis. In the event that a fracture or dislocation has led to immobilization, perhaps the only way out of the situation lies in surgical intervention. Sometimes it is possible to manage with conservative methods, represented by ample opportunities for the use of glucocorticosteroids.

If the doctor has suspicions that paresis is just a manifestation of age-related changes, he may advise you to undergo a neurological examination, MRI, X-ray, myelography and tomography. If the root of the problem lies in a tumor that could not be detected earlier, it may be necessary to perform surgery or engage in supportive prevention and treatment. The presence of a degenerative variety of myelopathy is not excluded. If this is true, any treatment is useless.

Early stages of disease progression, veterinarians prescribe the use of weak antispasmodics and analgesics. If the cause of the immobilization of the limbs is an infection or virus, you may need to use antihistamines.

You also have to use novocaine nerve blocks, after which a professional massage and intentional treatment of tissues with elevated temperature is carried out.

Every owner of a four-legged pet must understand that paralysis can have different forms and complications. Due to partial or complete immobilization, the risk of developing bedsores or pneumonia increases, which is extremely difficult to deal with, and sometimes impossible, which leads to a fatal outcome - the death of the animal.

To avoid such a course of events, carefully follow the established tips and do not expose the pet to any risks.

Preventive measures

It is important to understand that treatment of paresis does not always give the expected result. In some cases, the problem is so advanced that any methods and forms of treatment are practically powerless, and the owner can only watch with pain as his pet slowly dies.

However, if you take a number of preventive measures in advance, you may be able to prevent the development of a dangerous pathology. It is enough to follow some simple recommendations, and the situation will improve significantly, and the dog will develop a strong immunity to immobilization of the limbs.

It was previously mentioned that representatives of certain breeds are most often affected by the problem of paresis. To prevent the development of the problem, it is enough to follow the rules and basic prevention. In this case, the likelihood of a terrible symptom will be minimal. If you own such a dog, try to monitor its diet, walk and play behavior, and ensure regular check-ups at a reputable veterinary clinic.

If there are any deviations or injuries in the operation of internal systems, it is necessary to take drastic measures and see a doctor. In any case, all the recommendations mentioned above remain relevant for representatives of different breeds, and for those that are less at risk of paralysis.

You also need to be aware of the risk of bacterial infections. Stale food or dirty water often contains the bacillus botulism, which is also accompanied by paralysis.

Attention, only TODAY!

One of the most common complaints among owners of dogs with neurological problems is that both hind legs fail. In this case, the dog:

  • Starts to move abnormally.
  • The hind legs, as it were, cease to obey, become weak.
  • Paresis develops, or complete paralysis of the pelvic limbs.

Most often, this problem occurs in dogs of small and medium breeds that have a genetic predisposition to lesions of the intervertebral discs. These dogs include mainly dachshunds, in addition, all brachycephalic breeds - Pekingese, French Bulldog, Brabancon and others. As a rule, the hind legs of such dogs begin to work abnormally at the age of 3-8 years.

The first symptom of neurological disorders in the thoracolumbar spine, which lead to the fact that the dog begins to wean its hind legs, is pain. Later, weakness appears, the inability to move the limbs, and last of all, pain sensitivity disappears.

These symptoms usually come on abruptly while walking or playing with other dogs, or for no apparent external cause in a state of relative rest. Sudden movements can provoke the appearance of such symptoms, but are not their main cause. Many owners of dachshunds believe that a significant length of the spinal column plays a role in the development of the disease, but this is not true. Sometimes the manifestations of the disease occur all at once, but it also happens that in the morning the dog feels only pain, and by the evening paralysis of the limbs develops with loss of pain sensitivity.

There are many reasons why dogs can lose their hind legs. And, of course, those owners who suddenly encountered this problem are lost and do not know what to do. Just yesterday, their pet briskly jumped on the sofas and played catch-up with the neighbor's dogs, but today it lies listlessly, unable to get up.

The cases of damage to the limbs themselves include injuries (fractures, sprains and ruptures of the tendons, damage to peripheral nerves), as well as arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the limbs, tumors.

If the above diagnoses are excluded, then it is most likely a spinal pathology, that is, a violation of the innervation of the limbs due to any pathological effects on the spinal cord. Paresis and paralysis of the hind limbs develop in case of damage to the spinal cord at the level of the thoracic and (or) lumbar spine.

  • Injuries

Failure of the hind legs in a dog can occur due to trauma - with fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments and tendons, with damage to peripheral nerves, as well as due to diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis of the joints of the extremities, tumors, discopathy and herniated disc. In addition to these diseases, spinal pathology is possible, in which the innervation of the limbs is disturbed due to the impact on the spinal cord of adverse factors. Paresis and paralysis are frequent companions of spinal cord lesions in the lumbar and thoracic regions.

The most common reason why the hind legs fail in dogs is traumatic: car injuries, falls, blows, strong bites during fights. In some cases, an unfortunate sharp turn, jump and slip on the ice crust can lead to such consequences.

In the place of direct trauma to the spine, the integrity of the spinal column (its structure) is violated, edema occurs, which leads to compression of the spinal cord and radicular nerves. Accordingly, the flow of blood with oxygen stops, and with prolonged compression, the nerve cells die, which makes it impossible for nerve impulses to pass through the peripheral nerves. Severe traumatic injury leads to a violation of the integrity of the spinal tissue, and a rupture of the spinal cord occurs.

  • Degenerative diseases of the spine

Refusal of the normal functioning of the hind limbs in dogs can provoke degenerative diseases of the spine, which are characterized by a violation of important metabolic processes in its tissues. Thus, this leads to pathological changes in the structure of the links of the spinal column.

  • Spondylosis

The hind legs of a dog can fail with spondylosis - "local aging" of some vertebral segments. This disease proceeds very slowly, and at the earliest stage it is practically not detected. First of all, the outer fibers of the fibrous ring are affected (the consistency of the nucleus pulposus is preserved), and then calcification of the anterior longitudinal ligament begins. Osteophytes develop, which visually resemble coracoid growths.

  • Tumors in the spine

Tumor-like processes gradually developing in the immediate vicinity (or itself) of the spinal cord lead to pathological changes and fractures of the spinal column. With a sharp exacerbation of the process, edema and compression of the roots and spinal cord occur, and the following symptoms can be observed in the dog: weakening or failure of the hind limbs, arched back, impaired gait, when the position of the body changes, the dog squeals, concomitant disorders occur (violation of urination and defecation) , in some cases refusal to feed.

  • Spondylarthrosis

A consequence of static loads in osteochondrosis of the spine may be spondylarthrosis (deforming arthrosis of the joints of the spine). Uneven loads on the spinal column can also lead to protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc through the pathologically altered annulus fibrosus. This phenomenon is called vertebral hernia. Protruding towards the spinal cord, the hernia causes compression of the radicular nerves and (or) the spinal cord.

  • Discopathy

Neurological lesions of the pelvic limbs are most often based on diseases of the intervertebral discs (discopathies). In this case, the altered substance of the disk penetrates the spinal canal and clamps the spinal cord or the roots of the spinal nerves, which manifests itself in the form of a neurological deficit. Often, a large dog's hind legs fail, and this problem has its own characteristics. Similar lesions are observed in older animals of large and giant breeds: German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Great Danes and others. Typically, in this group of dogs, the development of clinical symptoms progresses slowly over several months or even years. In this case, it is possible to assume damage to the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine or at the level of the lumbosacral junction, as well as lumbosacral stenosis.

Discopathy is very common in French Bulldogs. This is due to the anatomical structure of the animal, when, in the course of artificial selection, the spine became elongated, and now it undergoes stronger loads than the spine in “normal” dogs. The distance between the vertebrae became much larger than normal. This is due to genetics and is inherited. A disc prolapse can occur not only during active movements and jumps, but even at rest, when the dog is sleeping or lying quietly.

  • Dysplasia

Very often, owners of dogs of heavy breeds (St. Bernard, Shepherd Dogs, Labrador Retriever, Great Danes, etc.) are faced with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common disease in puppies is hip dysplasia. This disease is hereditary and manifests itself most often between the ages of 4 and 10 months during intensive growth. At first there is a problem getting up, especially after sleep. The dog limps, then disperses and walks normally. Further, without treatment, the symptoms can intensify, up to the complete refusal of the dog to walk. If you notice such signs, you need to take the dog to the veterinarian and take an x-ray.

  • Osteocondritis of the spine

Osteochondrosis of the spine is considered the most severe form of damage, this disease is based on degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs (discopathy), often involving the surrounding vertebral bodies, as well as changes in the ligamentous apparatus and intervertebral joints.

The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis can be:

  • Genetically determined developmental defects that cause instability of the vertebrae.
  • Rheumatoid lesions.
  • Spinal injury.
  • Violation of microcirculation, leading to malnutrition of the disk.
  • autoimmune processes.

It is also possible spinal pathology, which arises from the impact of adverse factors on the spinal cord. Frequent companions of lesions of the spinal cord in the thoracic and lumbar region are paresis and paralysis. Most often, dog paws suffer from falls (especially in small breeds), car accidents, blows and strong bites during fights.

Even an unsuccessful jump, a sharp turn, or a dog slipping on an ice crust can lead to paw failure. At this moment, the integrity of the structure of the spinal column is violated at the site of injury to the spine, edema occurs, which compresses the radicular nerves and the spinal cord.

Of course, the answer will be to contact a veterinarian, preferably one specializing in neurology. If you notice a pain reaction in your dog when changing the position of the body, a tense gait, an unwillingness to walk, especially on stairs, do not wait until her hind legs fail - immediately show the animal to a doctor, then the treatment will be more effective. If the trouble with the hind legs has already happened, all the more you should not wait any longer.

If the animal has a spinal injury, try to get it to the doctor as soon as possible and in an immobilized state (secure the animal on the board with bandages or straps). Do not use painkillers until you see your doctor. Pain limits the activity of the animal, which avoids further displacement of the vertebrae in the event of a fracture.

It is possible to notice the onset of the disease and urgently consult a specialist, but most inexperienced owners do not attach importance to such important symptoms as:

  • Anxiety.
  • The dog hides and squeals when they begin to touch it on the back.
  • The dog is passive when other dogs are frolicking.

However, in most cases, the alarm begins to sound when the dog's hind legs partially begin to fail, or paralysis develops. And here it is necessary to differentiate such a disease as sciatica. Wrongly prescribed treatment (for example, instead of maximum immobilization of the animal - massage), will miss precious time and aggravate the situation.

The sooner help is provided to the dog, the better the prognosis for its recovery. In any case, you should not despair, because there are cases when completely immobilized dogs were put on their paws and returned to active life. Depending on the diagnosis, drug treatment is prescribed in the form of injections. A more radical case in the case of diseases of the spine is an operation, after which the treatment also continues.

In parallel, the dog is prescribed a massage, during the recovery period, swimming is recommended, classes with the dog after the return of physical activity to it. All dog owners should remember that a paralyzed dog cannot be helped at home. It is necessary to consult a doctor, go through all the prescribed examinations for an accurate diagnosis and start timely treatment.

First, the doctor will conduct an examination, assess the general condition, provide emergency assistance and make a primary diagnosis. When it comes to spinal pathology, the doctor:

  • Check the safety of sensitivity (tactile and pain) of the limbs.
  • Check the safety of the reflexes.
  • Check for pain in the spine.
  • Order an x-ray.
  • It is possible that a myelography will be performed, that is, an X-ray image will be taken after the introduction of a special radiopaque substance into the spinal canal. This is done to identify the slightest violations that are not noticeable in a regular picture, as well as to determine the exact localization of the process. If necessary, he will prescribe blood and urine tests to identify concomitant pathologies (pyelonephritis, renal, hepatic, heart failure, etc.).

The conducted studies will help the doctor assess the degree of damage, give a prognosis of the disease and make a decision on treatment. Perhaps the doctor will put you in front of a choice between a surgical and therapeutic method of treatment, perhaps he will insist on one of them.

The complete absence of the motor function of a limb or the immobilization of a body part in an animal is a serious functional disorder in the form of paralysis. Depending on the underlying cause of the pathology, the owner may experience a sudden or gradual movement disorder in the pet. The most common causes of paralysis are infectious diseases and spinal cord injuries.

Read in this article

Types of pathology

In veterinary practice, there is a complex classification of pathological conditions associated with the loss of a limb, organ or part of the body of motor activity. The owner of the animal needs to know that the following types of illness in dogs are distinguished:

Paralysis that damages a separate organ or part of it (lower jaw, larynx) is called local. The cause of the disease in this case is most often a severe injury or an acute infectious disease (paralysis of the larynx with rabies).

In the mechanism of the onset of the disease, there is always a violation of the conduction of a nerve impulse from the brain to the muscles of a particular organ. According to the type of disturbance of processes in the nervous system, functional, organic, central and peripheral paralysis is distinguished.

Functional impairment is associated, as a rule, with the effect of a stress factor on the pet's body. Organic paralysis occurs as a result of a malfunction in the work of neurons (with injuries, neoplasms, damage to neurons by toxins, etc.). The central type of paralysis develops slowly and is irreversible. In the peripheral form of the disease, the owner notes the sudden fall of the pet on its paws.

Causes of paralysis in dogs

The variety of factors that lead to impaired motor function of the limbs in animals makes it difficult to identify the root cause of the pathology. In veterinary medicine, the most common causes of paralysis in dogs are:

  • Injuries of the brain and spinal cord. Falls from a height, collision with vehicles are the most common troubles, the result of which is one or another type of paralysis. Often, a violation of the neural connection between the central nervous system and a peripheral organ occurs with fractures of the spinal vertebrae, concussion and bruises of the brain, etc. Hemorrhage in the brain is usually accompanied by hemiplegia.
  • Vertebral injuries not associated with mechanical impact. Degenerative processes in arthrosis, myelopathy, hernias in the cervical and thoracic spinal cord often become the root cause of paralysis of both hind legs in dogs, and also cause tetraplegia. The most commonly affected breeds are Dachshunds, Pekingese, French Bulldogs, and German Shepherds.

Often, owners observe a violation of the motor function of an animal in old age, which is due to wear and tear of the body.

About the causes and symptoms of paralysis of the hind legs in dogs, see this video:

Hind legs, four limbs

Paralysis of the hind limbs in pets is a frequently observed phenomenon. The owner can face such a problem when the pet develops an infectious disease (canine distemper), hernia, spinal injury, aortic embolism. Paraparesis is observed with intoxication, neoplasms, inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

Tetraplegia is most typical for injuries of the cervical spine, canine distemper, rabies, poisoning with poisonous substances, botulism. In some cases, paralysis of all limbs can be observed with tick-borne encephalitis in dogs.


Paralysis of the lower jaw and larynx in an animal can develop as a result of infection with a dangerous rabies virus. The causative agent of a deadly infection penetrates the brain through neurogenic pathways, there is a violation of the transmission of impulses to individual organs and tissues.

The larynx and lower jaw are most often affected. At the same time, the dog's voice changes, it becomes like a howl. At the sight of water, a spasm of the swallowing muscles occurs, which causes pain in the dog. This phenomenon is called hydrophobia.

paralysis symptoms

Violation of the motor function of the limbs in a pet is characterized by a number of symptoms. First of all, the owner notes the loss of the ability to move and move one or all of the paws. If the disease affected only the hind limbs, then the animal drags them, relying only on the front paws. The limb itself becomes soft or stiff.

With paralysis, there is a violation of the function of urination and defecation. In some cases, the pet cannot empty the bladder on its own, the act of defecation is difficult.

The animal often experiences pain, tries to retire, hide or shows aggression.

dog treatment

Therapeutic measures depend on the underlying cause of the paralysis. With the infectious nature of the disease, the efforts of the veterinary specialist will be aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora in the body. In the event that the cause of a neurological disease is destructive processes in the spinal column, a violation of the integrity of the vertebrae during injuries, the use of novocaine blockades is effective.

A good result is given by course therapy with glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisolone), vitamins of group B. For the purpose of pain relief, antispasmodics are used - No-shpa, Spazgan, Baralgin.

In some cases, veterinary practice resorts to surgical treatment. If the cause of paralysis is trauma to the vertebrae, neoplasms, then surgical intervention is possible.

When treating paralyzed dogs, the owner should be aware of the risk of complications such as bedsores, hypostatic pneumonia, etc.

Recovery after

The recovery course should only be started with the permission of the treating veterinarian. The doctor will determine the types and intensity of classes with the pet. Rehabilitation measures include primarily medical. Physiotherapy is best left to a professional. Regular infrared heating has a good effect on muscles that are weakened without movement.

On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the owner can independently do exercises with the pet for 10-15 minutes several times a day. At first, with the help of supporting devices, the animal is taught to stand. In some cases, the restoration of psychomotor functions responsible for walking occurs in a short period. A stumbling and falling pet should be supported and secured with a harness system.

Swimming in special pools for animals helps speed up the process of restoring neural connections and activate muscle activity.

Some owners categorically do not want to put up with the illness of a pet and improve the quality of his life with the help of a makeshift wheelchair. The device is most often self-made, but allows a dog with paralyzed hind legs to move successfully.

Paralysis in animals has many causes - from spinal injuries to oncological tumors. The success of treatment depends not only on the timely appeal to a veterinarian, but also on the root cause of the disease. The owner should be patient, as the rehabilitation period requires a lot of time and effort.

Useful video

For physiotherapy techniques for recovering from paralysis, see this video:

The pet, which pleased with mobility, suddenly became like a decrepit old man: does he move with difficulty dragging his paws, limping, or even completely falling over on the go? Does he stumble even at insignificant obstacles and tries to get around them, or even lies gloomily in the corner and does not want to go for a walk? Your pet may have a limb problem.

Paresis of the hind limbs or paralysis?

Paresis has processes similar to paralysis in the animal's body, but does not lead to a complete loss of motor ability.

We can say that paresis is a partial paralysis that can and should be treated to avoid complete immobilization of the pet.

Paresis must be treated.

What is the pathology?

Most often, paresis occurs against the background of diseases spinal column . These can be various pathologies associated with a violation of the integrity of the discs, as well as the fibrous ring, an unstable position of the vertebrae, leading to a compression effect on the spinal cord.

In violation of the vertebral discs, cuts often occur.


Any trauma to the spine can subsequently lead to a violation of the motor ability of the animal. Therefore, if the spinal column is injured, you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian, even if the animal moves normally at the time of injury.

If you have a spinal injury, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

In dogs, paresis of the hind limbs can be the result of car accidents, because the owners often carry them with them.

Active pets

Dogs that lead an active sports life may experience paresis when landing badly after a jump, when performing complex tricks, and even when making a sharp turn.

With an unsuccessful jump, the dog may acquire paresis.

Risk group

A wedge-shaped vertebrae in a French Bulldog can lead to paresis of the hind limbs.

Some breeds of dogs have a special structure of the spine, which can cause paresis due to compression of certain parts of the spinal cord. For example, French Bulldogs have a congenital pathology - a wedge-shaped vertebra. Because of this, many representatives of the breed are faced with paresis of the hind legs or even their paralysis.

Due to its length, the dachshund's spine often suffers from protrusion of the discs, which can cause paresis of the hind limbs.

Dachshunds are often diagnosed with paresis of the hind limbs.


Paresis differ in the localization of the problem area and the degree of damage to the vertebrae.

In addition to diseases of the spine, the causes of paresis can be:

  1. Infectious diseases (,).
  2. Hemorrhage of the brain or spinal cord.
  3. Meningitis.
  4. Injuries of the spine and limbs.
  5. Intoxication of the body with chemicals.
  6. Tumor development.
  7. Polyneuropathy.
  8. The process of delivery in bitches may result in partial paralysis of the hind limbs. This occurs against the background of a lack of calcium in the body.

Distemper can be the cause of paresis.

The main symptoms of paresis

  • dog loses ability to move quickly .
  • Appears unsteadiness of gait , the pet uncertainly moves its hind limbs, drags them. Such dragging leads to injury to the fingers.
  • The dog starts to stumble even when trying to overcome low obstacles. Stones in the path or curbs cause falls when jumping.
  • Paresis may be asymmetrical . It can be seen that one limb moves much worse than the other. This asymmetry occurs most often with injuries.
  • If the cervical region is damaged, paresis can affect all 4 legs . The pet walks very strangely, one feels insecure in relying on the limbs. And muscle twitches are also noticeable.

The main symptoms of paresis are unsteady gait and asymmetrical movements.

Therapeutic measures

Paresis does not apply to individual pathologies, therefore, before proceeding with its treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause.

The underlying disease should be treated, and the following procedures will help relieve the symptoms of paresis:

  1. Use of glucocorticoid agents such as dexamethasone, prednisolone.
  2. Analgesics can help relieve pain and inflammation. For animals, non-narcotic drugs (for example, indomethacin) are used.
  3. Antispasmodics can help relieve spasms. You can use a completely harmless no-shpa or buy baralgin.
  4. Diuretic drugs will allow you to remove excess fluid that has accumulated in the damaged limb. Furosemide is usually used.
  5. Vitamin preparations should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the pet. Most often prescribed vitamins of group B (B1, B12), as well as nicotinic acid (PP).
  6. Postpartum paresis in bitches is treated with calcium gluconate. The dose should be selected by a specialist taking into account the breed of the dog and its weight. Caffeine sodium benzoate is used to restore normal cardiac activity. It is administered subcutaneously or intravenously.

When visiting a veterinary clinic, a specialist will conduct a thorough examination of the dog, interview the owner. You will need to pass tests and undergo an x-ray of the spine. Perhaps an ultrasound scan will be prescribed to determine if there are any diseases of the internal organs that caused the dog to limp.

If the cause of paresis was an injury, then an x-ray will be required.

Video about a dachshund diagnosed with hind limb paresis

Update: October 2017

The fact that circulatory disorders in dogs are not so common does not mean that they do not deserve special attention from owners and veterinary specialists. The condition is difficult to diagnose and can be fatal to the animal if appropriate assistance is not provided in a timely manner. How to determine that a dog needs emergency help, and what to do if a dog has a stroke?

What is a stroke in a dog?

  • The very pathology of a stroke in a dog implies a violation of blood circulation in the brain. Usually this is ischemia - blockage of blood vessels with the formation of a zone of "starvation" or hemorrhage - rupture of blood vessels and free flow of blood into the surrounding tissues. In each of the cases, the trophism of neurons (nutrition) is disturbed, the cells die, and the nervous system ceases to perform its functions or performs them with disturbances.
  • In dogs, 2 main forms of stroke are recorded, depending on how the vessels are affected:
    • ischemic (mechanical blockage of a vessel, for example, by a formed blood clot) and
    • hemorrhagic(the vessel ruptures, a hemorrhage is formed, which has a negative effect on the surrounding tissues and vessels)
    • occasionally manage to capture embolic form- a subtype of ischemic stroke, when a blood clot formed outside the brain, but was delivered to small vessels from large ones (usually from the heart) .
  • According to the area of ​​the lesion, an extensive manifestation, small-focal (or local) and multiple manifestations are distinguished. With a focal lesion, the brain cells die within some limited area (focus). This form can turn into a multiple lesion, when there are many such small foci in different places. An extensive infarction is characterized by large areas of damage in various parts of the brain.

With an extensive heart attack, changes in the brain and the functioning of the nervous system can be so severe and serious that the animal dies!

  • How serious the consequences of the pathology will be depends on the area of ​​​​the brain lesion and its area. The more important the site and the larger the area of ​​hemorrhage or ischemia, the more serious and irreparable changes will occur in the pet's body.
  • In old individuals, hemorrhagic stroke occurs quite often due to the increased fragility of the vessels.
  • There is a predisposition to stroke in large breeds of dogs living in urban areas, as well as in embittered fighting dogs.

What can cause

There are two main reasons why a dog can develop a stroke: blockage of the vessel and rupture of the vessel, which, in turn, disrupts blood circulation.

Causes that disrupt blood flow in the brain:

  1. Poisoning (poisons, medicines, household chemicals, etc.).
  2. Brain tumors, injuries (bruises, sharp blows, concussions).
  3. Problems in the work of the cardiovascular system (for example, hypertension).
  4. Increased blood density, due to which blood clots form.
  5. Inflammation of blood vessels.
  6. Endocrine diseases (for example, in diabetes mellitus or Cushing's disease, blood viscosity increases with thrombus formation).
  7. Obesity.
  8. Pathologies in the work of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.
  9. Sudden stressful situations, shock conditions.
  10. Abnormal development of cerebral vessels from birth.
  11. Autoimmune diseases, accompanied by a violation of blood clotting.
  12. Various kinds of poisoning, which are accompanied by prolonged and severe vomiting.
  13. Worms carried by blood flow to the brain and clogging blood vessels.
  14. Age (strokes in older dogs are common).
  15. Hormonal disorders after improper hormonal therapy (mainly against the background of self-medication).

If it was not possible to determine the provoking cause, the stroke is called idiopathic (spontaneous, causeless). There is no doubt that it will be repeated, because. cause has not been corrected. Whether the dog will survive after repeated hemorrhage - no specialist can say.

What symptoms are important to look out for

Only a specialist can confirm the diagnosis. The clinical manifestation can be rapid, up to the coma itself, and can be observed within 1-3 days. But the following signs and symptoms in a dog that are characteristic of a stroke should attract the attention of the owner:

  • Asymmetry of the muzzle, sagging on one side of the lips and protrusion of the tongue.
  • Changes in pupil diameters (one gets bigger, one gets smaller).
  • Visual impairment (pet bumps into objects, stumbles over thresholds).
  • Mindless walking, often in circles. Moreover, each time the diameter of the circle of motion will become smaller and smaller, up to circling in one place. The dog may begin to move sideways.
  • There may be paralysis of the limbs - only the left / right side or front / hind legs. Probable complete paralysis in a very serious condition.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • The dog stops eating and drinking due to weakness of the chewing and swallowing muscles.
  • There may be convulsions similar to an epileptic seizure.
  • The risk of coma - the pet falls on its side with "glassy" eyes, looking at one point.
  • The animal may stop recognizing its owner, become aggressive.
  • Involuntary defecation and/or urination.
  • Oppression, apathy, lack of response to the call by nickname.

There may be several symptoms, there may be all at once (in especially severe conditions). In any case, if at least some of them appear, you need to urgently show your pet to the veterinarian!

Symptoms of a microstroke

In addition to extensive ischemic pathologies, micro strokes can be observed in dogs. Most often they go unnoticed, but an attentive owner will always notice suspicious changes in the behavior of the pet:

  • Constant drowsiness, depression.
  • Lack of response to the call of the owner, his approach or the appearance of strangers in the field of view.
  • The absence of not only appetite, but also the desire to drink (the animal simply cannot do this due to the weakness of the muscles of the mouth and pharynx).
  • Complete indifference to walks and attempts to play.

First aid for a stroke or what you can do at home

It is not advisable to try to provide medical assistance to the dog at home. It is important for the owner to correctly and quickly organize the delivery of the animal to the veterinary clinic. Prior to transportation, it is important:

  • remove the collar;
  • lay on any non-soft surface of the pet on its side, keeping the head also in a lateral position. This is necessary so that the dog does not choke on vomit in the event of vomiting;
  • if there was vomiting, you need to clean the mouth from the remnants of vomit and viscous saliva;
  • the maximum that is allowed from drugs, if any, is motherwort or valerian tinctures to help the dog calm down (5-15 drops, depending on the size of the animal, dilute in a tablespoon with water and pour over the toothless edge);
  • stroke the animal, calming him with words;
  • after the pet has apparently calmed down, call a doctor at home or take him to the clinic as soon as possible.

What can not be done!

When providing emergency care, it is important not to make the following mistakes:

  • Under no circumstances should ice be applied to the head! Once upon a time, this was often advised. It has now been proven that this action not only does not bring anything useful, but can also be harmful, causing a spasm of blood vessels, both already damaged and healthy, worsening the condition after a stroke.
  • It is forbidden to try to give any pills without the instructions of a specialist!
  • No injections should be given to the dog unless it has been instructed by the veterinarian!


There are no "magic" anti-stroke drugs! All treatment of a stroke in a dog is carried out in a complex way with a number of drugs, taking into account the general condition of the animal after a stroke, and what caused it. Usually this:

  • cardiac remedies and maintenance of respiratory activity;
  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • nootropics and neuroprotectors;
  • antioxidants, tonic drugs and B vitamins;
  • means that normalize blood circulation and thin the blood;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antiemetic;
  • paralysis recovery;
  • sedatives (dogs are naturally excitable animals);
  • tranquilizers (rare).

Treatment regimens from various drugs and the duration of use are determined by a specialist and individually in each case.

An example drug list might look like this: self-appointment and self-treatment is strictly prohibited!):

  • In the muscle or subcutaneously, cordiamine 0.1-0.12 mg / kg or 2-3 drops per tongue or sulfocamphocaine - no more than 2 ml for a single injection intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
  • Papaverine - 0.03-0.12 g subcutaneously per head. Drotaverine (No-Shpa) - 1 ml of solution / 10 kg of body weight intramuscularly.
  • Catosal - 1-3 ml / 10 kg of weight intravenously or into the muscle. Gamavit 0.3-0.5 ml / kg of body weight subcutaneously, but it can be both intravenously and intramuscularly.
  • In a vein or muscle: mexidol-vet at 10-15 mg / kg, for old individuals the dose should not exceed 10 mg / kg, cerebrolysin - from 1 to 5 ml per dog, piracetam - 0.5-1 ml or ½- 1 tab.
  • Mannitol (mixed with 5% glucose or saline) - 0.5-1.5 g / kg drip into a vein or furosemide - 0.5-1 mg / kg also intravenously.
  • Subcutaneously prozerin or galantomin 0.4-1 mg.
  • Cerucal - intramuscularly at 0.5-0.7 mg / 10 kg of weight.
  • Eufillin - 10 mg / kg intramuscularly or intravenously, diluted with saline.
  • Under the strict supervision of a doctor, the following is administered intravenously: trental (pentoxifylline) - orally at 4.5-5 mg / kg.

Features of the rehabilitation period

The first few days it is advisable to leave the dog in the hospital under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is important not to miss any changes in the dynamics of response to therapy.

During the period of treatment and rehabilitation:

  1. The animal should lie on a slightly soft, warm and dry bedding. As it gets dirty and wet, it needs to be changed (in case of involuntary bowel movements and urination).
  2. Turn your pet over when paralyzed to prevent bedsores.
  3. Massage the paralyzed limbs, abdomen and body from the side of paralysis.
  4. It is important to protect your dog from drafts so as not to catch pneumonia, the most common complication of stroke with paralysis.
  5. Be sure to regularly use drugs that thin the blood if the cause of the stroke was blood clots and there are problems with blood clotting.
  6. Observe the mode and form of feeding - often (up to 6 times a day) and liquid or puree food. In severe cases, nutritional droppers are placed.
  7. According to the testimony of a specialist, a course of electrical stimulation, magnetotherapy and / or electrophoresis can be carried out.

Stroke prevention

To prevent ischemic lesions, if the pet does not have congenital internal pathologies, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Walking the dog every day, without excessively loading the pet with games and running, is an important measure. In this case, it is necessary to exclude exposure to the open sun.
  2. Minimize various stressful situations.
  3. Balanced feeding, in which the development of animal obesity is impossible (minimize fat intake).
  4. If there are chronic diseases that can cause pathology, they need to be kept under constant control. To do this, it is necessary to undergo periodic examinations to monitor the state of health.

Question answer

Is it possible for an old dog to have a stroke?

Older animals often develop increased fragility of the blood vessels, so hemorrhagic damage to the brain may well occur. Also, aged individuals already have various diseases by old age, which can also provoke brain failure. For animals older than 5-7 years, it is better to conduct an annual medical examination with an assessment of the general state of health and the determination of all potential risks to it. Strokes in very old dogs (over 11-13 years old) are often fatal.

Stroke in a dog - is it possible to treat at home?

Self-medication is strictly prohibited! The first three days are considered the most critical, so at this time it is recommended to keep the animal in the hospital for therapy under the supervision of a specialist. With positive dynamics, you can continue treatment at home, but with strict adherence to the recommendations of the veterinarian. In the absence of positive reactions in the animal to treatment, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Are there specific medications for stroke in dogs?

No, there are no special drugs for strokes. Treatment is carried out with a whole complex of various drugs that stabilize the condition of the animal as much as possible.

First aid for ischemic stroke in dogs

The most rational help of the owner will be to quickly deliver the dog to the veterinarian. Put the animal on any hard surface on its side, remove the collar, hold the head in position on the side, check the mouth so that nothing prevents the animal from breathing (saliva, vomiting), stroking and talking calmly. No pills or injections are allowed! The maximum is allowed to give 5 drops of valerian or motherwort tincture with water to soothe. It's great if you can call the veterinarian at home.

What to feed a dog after a stroke?

In a severe form of stroke with paralysis and inability to swallow, the dog must be fed in a hospital with drips. After swallowing functions are restored, feeding is carried out with a syringe or a rubber pear with liquid, puree-like food.

In general, it is better not to change the diet, but you can reduce the consumption of fats. Ideally, this is chicken broth with the addition of various grated boiled vegetables, chicken or beef, beef liver, oatmeal. It is better not to give buckwheat and rice groats at the beginning of the recovery period. If possible, ready-made industrial feeds for sick and debilitated animals can be added to the usual diet in the form of pates dissolved in any weak and low-fat meat broth.

It is better to feed more often, but in small portions - up to 5-6 times / day. Usually the appetite is restored quickly, the problem may persist only in the restoration of the function of the masticatory and swallowing muscles.

How fast does a dog recover from a stroke?

The rate of recovery of the general condition of the animal and impaired nervous functions depends on many factors: the age and state of health at the time of the development of the disease, the location of the hemorrhage or ischemia and their area, whether the cause was identified and how quickly the first medical aid was provided. The younger and healthier the dog, the smaller the volume and severity of damage to the cerebral vessels, the greater the chances for a quick and most complete recovery. In severe cases, treatment can take 6-8 weeks, and rehabilitation can take up to 1 year.

Stroke or peripheral vestibular syndrome in a dog?

Very often, a stroke is confused with a pathology such as peripheral vestibular syndrome. These are two different conditions, although outwardly the clinical signs are somewhat similar. The syndrome occurs in individuals older than 8 years, it is not associated with vascular pathologies and does not affect the central nervous system in the format that occurs with ischemia or hemorrhage. Treatment regimens differ significantly. Precisely because the conditions are similar, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory, because. only a specialist can distinguish the signs of a stroke from the syndrome.

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