Reviews about Decoction of Matryona (Matrona) from infertility. Matryona decoction as a means for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy

Matryona's decoction helped our whole family. I got married quite early, I was 17 then, my husband is Caucasian, and he wanted me to give birth to a child in the first year of marriage. He didn’t want to hear anything about condoms, so I had to take birth control pills in secret from him, well, it was too early for me to give birth ... early. But this whole exchange went sideways for me. My husband found out my secret, and demanded to have sex with him without contraceptives, so that I would immediately become pregnant. But after a year and a half, I still could not get pregnant, in the end, we divorced without any explanation of the reasons. A couple of years later, I met a good man, he looked after me beautifully, then married me, and began to ask for a daughter. And now, at the age of 25, I realized that I was finally ready to become a mother. But everything was not so simple, they found a huge number of different female sores in me, which cause chronic infertility. Apparently living together with her first husband was not in vain. After crying for a couple of days, I decided to urgently look for a way out of the situation. Due to the fact that everything is fine with us, we did IVF twice, but my embryos could not take root. We went around the doctors, the forecasts were not comforting ... Fortunately, a neighbor came up to us, grandmothers are always aware of what is happening with the neighbors, but then she did not condemn us or spread rumors, she simply advised us to try to drink Matrena's broth. She said her granddaughter helped. I was surprised, because expensive products do not help, expensive procedures too, but the usual grandmother's way .... well, I think we'll take a chance. Thanks to my grandmother: I am now 5 months pregnant, my husband and I are looking forward to our little daughter with great impatience.

Now I very often come across people who cannot have a child, I don’t know what this is connected with, but the fact remains. And by the way, medicine has not yet found a solution that would help in 100% of cases. But any woman sooner or later wants to become a mother, but due to constant stress, ecology and a sedentary lifestyle, various problems with the reproductive system appear. Time passes, but the pregnancy never comes. Someone lives with this disease, and someone begins to actively fight. To be honest, I tried many different ways, preferring medicine, but when I realized that herbal medicine can be much more effective than what we are used to. And from a number of such means, I found for myself a decoction of Matryona. It is interesting that healers worked on its composition for a huge number of years. I was very impressed with this tool.

A decoction of matryona reviews, which is on the official website, is one of the most effective remedies for infertility and simply to improve women's health. The huge popularity of this tool is due to the almost complete absence of contraindications. Also, it is very convenient that before using the infusion it is unnecessary to go for a consultation with a doctor. You can buy the product online without presenting a prescription. The whole secret lies in the fact that the product is made only from natural ingredients that do not cause any negative consequences in the body. All herbs were collected in ecologically clean places, so you should not worry about their quality either. The recipe itself was developed many years ago, but now it has been improved, based on modern technologies and knowledge. In addition, all this was chosen in such a way that each component reveals the other.

The issue of infertility is very complex, and it is of a complex nature, and the disease can be accompanied by anything, for example, hormonal imbalance, problems with the maturation of eggs, defects in the fallopian tubes, the presence of neoplasms, inflammation in the reproductive organs, cervical erosion and many others. . Moreover, after conception, the body must also have resources for bearing a child. And it happens that with only the most minor problems, conception becomes problematic. Here, personally, I had a question about how our grandmothers gave birth to 5-7 children, because they lived in harsher conditions, they went through revolutions and wars ... their women's health did not suffer ..

According to experts, modern women have simply forgotten about the healing powers of herbs, we have lost access to them, and yet the miracle of herbs grows literally under our feet.

The preparation has a decoction of matryona, the composition is unique and absolutely natural. It contains six herbs that have been tested for centuries, even our grandmothers used them for good health.

    Boron mother. This is the most important component for the treatment of infertility in women. Also, this component is a good prevention of various gynecological problems. The disease perfectly fights with a variety of neoplasms, with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and also restores the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. Boron uterus boasts anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

    Wintergreen. Normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, and also relieves inflammation. During pregnancy, this component protects the fetus and helps fight toxicosis.

    Oregano. This component is a good pain reliever that calms the nervous system, relieves stressful situations, is used as an analgesic, and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

    Zimolyubka. This herb has a very good effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, improves immunity, reduces pain during menstruation, and helps in the treatment of a huge number of female diseases.

    Hibiscus tea. This component raises the overall tone of the body, relaxes muscle tissue, removes toxins from the body, relieves spasms, and also protects a woman’s body weakened by pregnancy.

    Field chamomile flowers. This is an absolutely "female" flower, which normalizes the microflora, relieves inflammation in the genitals, and also relieves nervous tension throughout the body.

Together, all these components complement and reveal each other. All of them enrich the female body with vitamins and useful elements. They normalize the work of the hormonal system and the menstrual cycle, which is protection against infertility.

Matryona decoction, the price of which is only 650 rubles, actively fights infertility, and more precisely, with the factors of its occurrence, I will include them:

    hormonal imbalance;

    various inflammations of the pelvic organs, which appear due to various damage to the uterine mucosa or due to erosion. All this contributes to a delay in conception.

    the presence of stress, anxiety and unstable emotional state.

As part of the drug there is a herbal collection containing phytohormones, which are very close to female hormones. With their help, you can get rid of gynecological diseases and put your body in order. Due to oregano and chamomile in the composition, the psychological state of a woman is normalized, and it also relieves nervous tension before and during pregnancy and relieves muscle tension. Diuretics remove all toxic substances from the body.

On the Internet, I read that many women who are between the ages of 30 and 50 years old, who were diagnosed with infertility, have already been able to feel like a mother, thanks to this particular decoction. Also, the statistics were very impressive, but without it, nowhere))

67% of women who decided to buy matryona decoction became pregnant already for 2-3 cycles;

31% of women were able to get pregnant already at 4 months of taking the drug;

23% of women were able to get rid of various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Due to the unique composition, the production of the hormone progesterone has increased in my body. He helped the egg meet with the sperm, thanks to which our baby was conceived. After the onset of pregnancy, I also continue to drink a decoction that protects my belly from miscarriage and helps my daughter develop normally.

It is impossible to buy a decoction of matryona in pharmacies, I would also like to attribute this to the benefits. And now in more detail about the other benefits:

    Returns women's health, giving the opportunity to feel like a mother.

    It has absolutely no contraindications and side effects.

    There are no age restrictions.

    Affordability, as salon procedures are very expensive.

    Absolutely natural composition without chemicals and hazardous substances.

    Fast efficiency.

Along with the decoction in the package there is an instruction for use, where everything is written in detail. The brewing process is incredibly simple, you need to do it exactly the same as making regular tea.

We take one teaspoon of a mixture of herbs, and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. If the collection is packaged, then for 200 ml of water you need one bag.

At the end of time, tea can be taken during meals or immediately after it. In the event that the drink is too bitter, then this glass can be divided into 2-3 doses.

I prepared this tea for myself every day, I did not dare to take yesterday's tea.

I will say right away that you need to be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be long. Not the fact that your result will come as quickly as mine. This is also possible, but you need to prepare for the worst in order to be happy later))) The thing is that medicinal herbs, before giving a result, must accumulate in the body, and this takes time.

Matron's decoction for infertility has recently become very popular among others on the market for products of this kind. Its popularity is primarily due to the fact that women most often want to have children. And it is they who will seek any kind of help in this matter, since only this desire can outweigh all other factors.

Many women are ready to venture into non-traditional methods of infertility treatment, such as hirudotherapy. What can we say about some kind of infusion! Almost every woman finds her destiny in leaving offspring, raising him, love. Bring a piece of yourself into the light - what could be better? But are all means really good in war?

A decoction of Matryona for infertility is considered one of the most popular means in the fight against infertility. This popularity is primarily due to the fact that the product has practically no contraindications. Among them, only one is observed - individual intolerance to any ingredients of the infusion.

Secondly, it is the absence of the need to consult a specialist. This remedy for infertility can be purchased by ordering on the Internet, without having a prescription. The thing is that this product is made from natural ingredients, which in most cases cannot cause any harm and consequences after taking them. Only allergic reactions are possible, but they also appear occasionally, because the herbs that make up the matron's decoction were selected with great care.

The fact is that this recipe came from the ancestors, but was improved by the specialists of our time in order to better help in the treatment of such a disease as infertility. The name itself comes from a legend that Matrona always helped and treated diseases of this kind. No one will remember who she was and why she loved people so much, but her decoction is still used.

The natural ingredients used in this product are selected in such a way that they allow each other to fully open up, realizing their healing properties to the maximum.

This tool is capable of:

  • Destroy female frigidity;
  • Normalize the functioning of a woman's organs;
  • Improve her immune system;
  • Restore hormonal balance.

Why is this happening? The medicinal ingredients that make up Matron's infusion are phytohormones, which resemble the female hormone estrogen in their properties and composition. The influence of this hormone on the course of pregnancy and conception itself is very large, and therefore you should not discount it.

In order to be able to freely conceive and bear a child, certain conditions must be met. Firstly, the endometrium must be in perfect order, since it is to it that the fetus is attached, which subsequently feeds through it. Secondly, the normal hormonal background, since it is because of it that in most cases there are problems not only with conception, but also with subsequent gestation. Often, when prescribing various medications, experts pay attention to whether they contain hormones, since they can adversely affect the health of a woman and the fetus itself too.

This situation also resembles that, only here is a natural product that can be used with any methods of infertility treatment. During the course of pregnancy, it is worth stopping its use, since during this period there is no need to feed hormones, and therefore it is not worth overloading the woman's body, as this can lead to premature delivery, i.e. miscarriage.

However, this product can be used as an independent remedy in the treatment of infertility, in combination with medications, as well as simply a restorative remedy after a surgical intervention.


The composition of the decoction of the matron included the following herbs:

  1. Hibiscus tea, which in addition to its diuretic action, is also famous for its antibacterial effect. It can increase the permeability of the vascular walls. This improves the woman's endurance, which is necessary during gestation and subsequent delivery, especially if the natural route has been chosen. Among other things, this ingredient helps to reduce spasms and reduce pressure, which is also a favorable factor.
  2. Zimolyubka. The stems and leaves of this herb are most often harvested. Healing tea, called "Matrona's Decoction", has its own antiseptic properties due to this component, which is part of it. This type of herb contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. The ingredient is an antiseptic, which at the same time tones the woman. The active elements that winter-loving is famous for contribute to the rapid cure of diseases associated with the genitourinary system.
  3. Ortilia. It is believed that this is the main ingredient of this tincture, because it is used to treat diseases associated with the female reproductive system, and, as a result, infertility. The collection includes inflorescences, leaves and stems of this herb, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. In addition, ortilia prevents the possibility of miscarriage at almost any stage of pregnancy, which is an important factor. Among other things, this plant has a diuretic effect, and this already helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
  4. Wintergreen. The collection is inflorescences, stems and leaves that are able to heal wounds due to their healing properties. The plant helps with inflammation and is an antimicrobial agent. At the same time, it helps to improve the functioning of the ovaries. Also, like ortilia, wintergreen prevents premature delivery and somewhat facilitates the course of toxicosis.
  5. Chamomile inflorescences are good antiseptics that help prevent spasms and inflammatory reactions. As part of this tincture, it is used as a detoxifying agent.
  6. Oregano. It was this ingredient that declared itself as a flavoring agent, since it has a pleasant smell. But despite this, this collection also has an antibacterial effect. It is often used to prevent inflammation, as well as to eliminate pain and spasms. Oregano is a good sedative, and therefore, in the composition of this drug, it is clearly not in last place.

There are other herbs in this preparation, but these are the most important in terms of the effect produced, since the remaining ones only complement them, and most clearly reveal this bouquet, allowing the woman's body to have the best effect. These components do not harm the body of a woman.

Previously, these herbs were used separately. Women collected them, dried them, and then drank similar healing teas and infusions that helped improve their health. Therefore, there were no diseases of the reproductive system, and even more so, infertility.

The disease began to spread actively in recent years, when people switched to food production in a different way. The knowledge about herbs that was passed down from generation to generation is forgotten. And yes, they are rarely used.

Pregnancy, which will appear after taking this tincture, will proceed more easily and carefree. This is promised by drug manufacturers who are confident in its properties. They recommend that Matrona's decoctions will alleviate toxicosis, remove adhesions and inflammation in the pelvic organs, normalize ovarian function and increase a woman's fertility.

The product is able to speed up recovery if used as an additional remedy in combination with a surgical operation or drug treatment.

This drug does not contain any chemical components, which ensures its non-toxicity. Among other things, it is very easy to use at home, and the price of the product is not so high, so availability is one of the advantages of the infusion.

The tincture has all quality certificates, which were not difficult to make, since the product is absolutely natural.

Brewing tea is also very easy. It is worth taking a collection bag and diluting it in a glass of boiling water. Within five minutes, the tea has time to infuse. Use it completely. It only takes two times a day. In this case, it is desirable to use during or after meals for two months.

The finished drink exudes a delicate aroma of herbs that are included in its composition. They also gave him a soft pleasant taste, which is considered special. This natural remedy has no analogues, since it is considered quite cheap and effective. The fight against female infertility through the use of this tea has become truly enjoyable and not so tiring. Moreover, if you believe the reviews, tea is really very effective, and after a while a woman will be able to experience her maternal happiness when she sees the baby she gives birth to. This unique product is able to increase the chances of conceiving and bearing a child, as well as its subsequent unhindered birth.

The only difficulty may arise when buying. Since this drug is not official, it simply cannot be purchased at a pharmacy. But nevertheless it can be obtained on the official website of this product. Matrona's decoction can be ordered at any time of the day, and delivery is made to any city. Most often, the parcel flies for about a week. It is worth paying attention to whether it is a fake. It is necessary to do this in order to avoid undesirable consequences after taking a low-quality product. The original comes in original packaging, which includes instructions and manufacturer's warranty.

This product is very effective, as can be seen from the numerous reviews of satisfied patients. Many believe that it was Matrona's infusion that helped them finally see their own child. They recommend it for use, because they believe that the joy of becoming parents should be experienced by everyone.

The modern lifestyle, the ecological situation is increasingly affecting the reproductive system of the female body. Young, outwardly healthy girls, sometimes not only cannot bear a child, but also have difficulty conceiving. Alternative folk medicine offers an alternative to medicines - the herbal collection of Matrena.

What is a decoction of Matryona

Nature has still kept many secrets, including healing ones. When doctors can shrug their hands in confusion, healers' knowledge comes to the rescue. Such a healing drink is the infusion of Matrena. The collection of certain herbs that make up the decoction helps to maintain a difficult pregnancy or helps the woman's body to rebuild so that she can conceive a long-awaited child.

What herbs are part of Matrena's decoction

For decades, healers have noticed and collected information about the healing properties of herbs. To help a woman get pregnant and cure her of infertility, you need to know what the composition of Matryona's decoction should consist of and in what proportions. Only under exactly the right conditions, the use of tincture will give the desired effect. Plants that should be part of the decoction grow in the forest, in the meadow, in garden plots. Here is a mandatory herbal list and medicinal properties of the collection:

  • winter love - will help increase immunity and strengthen the body;
  • field chamomile inflorescences - has a calming effect, relieves inflammation;
  • wintergreen - during pregnancy, it will reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, it will help to more easily endure the difficulties of bearing a child, save the fetus, and normalize the functioning of the ovaries;
  • the upland uterus is the basis of the collection, all parts of the plant are used to relieve inflammatory processes, it has a strong diuretic property;
  • lily of the valley (evening primrose) - reduces the symptoms of toxicosis, stimulates the production of female hormones;
  • oregano - has a calming, analgesic effect;
  • hibiscus (hibiscus) - normalizes blood pressure, relieves swelling, muscle spasms, removes toxins.

Indications for use of Matrena's decoction

No woman of any age is immune from reproductive health problems. How to help get pregnant if, according to medical diagnostics, doctors talk about infertility? The collection of Matrena, named after the famous healer, thanks to its composition, helps almost all women who are already desperate to have a child. Difficulties experienced with fertilization, pregnancy failures are solved if you take tea infused with herbs of primrose and upland uterus.

Treatment of gynecological diseases, especially those associated with insufficiently effective ovarian function, is mild and gives a positive result. Irregular periods begin to come according to the cycle, without pain. The period of treatment with Matrona's decoction is individual, taking into account age and general condition. For most women who take the herbal healing decoction, pregnancy occurs in two to four months.

Decoction of Matrena - instructions for use

Matryona tincture is very easy to prepare. Herbs, packaged in boxes in the right proportions, are brewed with boiling water in the ratio of one teaspoon per 200 ml of liquid. The broth, which has settled from 4 to 7 minutes, must be filtered. Drink one glass of tea with meals twice a day in a warm form. The minimum admission period is 1 month, the maximum is 6 months. There are no contraindications to the decoction, except for individual intolerance to the components.

The price of Matrena's broth

In order to observe the correct proportional ratio of herbs during the preparation of the decoction, it is better to purchase the Matrona collection at the pharmacy. A prescription is not required upon purchase. How much does Matryona's decoction cost, you can find out in one of the nearest pharmacies. The run-up of prices is small, the cost ranges from 1200 to 1500 rubles per pack. To save money, you can order inexpensively and buy in an online pharmacy on the official website with targeted delivery. The course will require several jars of Matrena's decoction, and a 5-10% discount will significantly reduce the final cost.

A miracle happened




To be honest, for the first few years of our marriage, we did not think that something was not working out for us. They even rejoiced with their husband, lived for themselves, flew wherever they wanted, in general, lived to the fullest. So 5 years passed, I should have been 30 years old, that's when I began to understand whether it would not be enough to live so selfishly and aimlessly, because it is much more pleasant to live for someone.

Without saying anything to my husband, I was examined, everything seemed to be normal. Then the question became, then what's the matter. I decided to talk with my beloved so that he would be examined, he immediately agreed, admitting at the same time that he had been dreaming of a son for a long time. Surveys have shown that my beloved also has no problems.

And I heard about this broth in the queue, one mother told the other her story. I was not at a loss, and on the same evening I ordered a decoction for myself. As a result, 9 weeks of application and I have a delay, which showed the result that we have been waiting for so long.

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  • he helped me
  • compound
  • price (compared to doctoral manipulations)


  • it's always been hard to get

My sister bought me a decoction of Matryona for a long time. At that time, it was not yet sold on the Internet in large quantities, but in specialized shops through booklets and from company representatives. It was only later that it became available on the manufacturer's website, when my child was almost two.

Then he was not in jars, but in boxes, but the composition was the same. I had problems conceiving. The cycle kept breaking. Menstruation could not come at all for three months, and then pour every two weeks. Almost every year (in autumn) I was in the hospital with inflammation. Once I came to the emergency room with bleeding, I had to lie down for a cleaning. In short, I got...

In 2011 it was, in August, when I got an appointment with a doctor in the regional center. She examined me, did an ultrasound and said that the picture for the seventh day of the cycle is not typical for me, I need to undergo an examination and this may be the reason for infertility. There was no money, and the prices for a simple family from the Ukrainian hinterland were exorbitant. She advised trying to drink Matrena's broth, but not officially. She said that many people praise him and compound he has a good one for women, but it was possible to get it only in certain places, in our polyclinic they ordered goods from there in limited quantities, it was possible to get it, but by pull, my sister was working there too. By the way, I also got Phytosorbent there later, when the child began to have jaundice a week after giving birth.

They recommended me to drink it daily for 1/3 cup for 21 days - a week break and so on for at least three courses. I expected my period on the 31st-1st day of each month (the cycle improved, which was already good), but just on New Year's I had a delay. The first test did not show pregnancy, and so I walked until I stopped fitting into jeans. My mother scolded me that I had gained weight and, compared to my husband, looked like an elephant. I repeated the test and it was positive. The doctor then said that I was in my sixth week.

In October (6th) 2012, I gave birth to a little ugly, who now outlines the walls, glues gummies on them and scatters toys. We recently moved to a new house, but we don’t risk laying wallpaper in his room yet, since he has already smeared the carpet that he recently laid in everything that is possible and prescribed it in places.

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Helps 100%



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Gave the happiness of motherhood to not a single woman


Affordable price, safe composition, nothing complicated to use, the result.


For five years they could not have children with their spouse. We went to healers, passed a bunch of tests. As a result, at an appointment with a paid gynecologist, he found an adhesive process, which just prevented her from getting pregnant.

Many very expensive drugs were prescribed that my husband and I could not afford. We decided on our own to look for something less expensive. I read a lot of opinions and advice, in the end I found Matrona's decoction.

There are two useful herbs (upland uterus and primrose). You need to take it twice a day and look forward to the result.

On the course of taking this drink, I just had women's days and, amazingly, no pulling pains, as it was before. But by the beginning of the next cycle of women's days, I did not wait, which I am extremely happy about. Now I have a daughter.

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The right approach is the way to success


  • who cares, but he helped me


  • they don't sell it in pharmacies, it's hard to get it

Get ready to listen to my review, which will not be that long, but detailed. I am a skeptic by nature and would never believe in the miracles of traditional medicine. I considered them not a divorce, but an ineffective relic of the past, since diseases since people were treated with herbs have become more resistant to this kind of panacea and I refused to believe in such a method of treatment. I will also say that for eight years I have been quite actively trying to get offspring, but for all the time there was only one miscarriage and there was no more pregnancy.

The problem was not in my husband, I changed three of them and all of them had offspring after the divorce. So something was wrong with me. I turned to the doctor, and she answered me: "If there was one, then you can" and that's the whole conversation. Well, what can you say - the district clinic, because there was no money for a normal one.

Once I went to my grandmother at the Stulnevo station (outback). Grandmother cooked dinner, put on a hot product of her own production and was so happy that, to be honest, I was already envious. Then I burst into tears, saying that I also want to have offspring, otherwise someone in my old age will need me. Then she told me about a herbal drink called Matrena's Decoction, which the neighbor's daughter drank. I sat, thought and decided that it would not get any worse from him for sure.

Then, and it was more than four years ago, it was difficult to get it, but still I managed to do it. That very daughter of a neighbor brought it to me. Smells nice, like tea. I began to brew 1 tablespoon a day and drink as written in the instructions.

I drank it for about a month and did not wait for the next "critical days". It turned out that she was pregnant.

Pregnancy, of course, passed with complications. At week 28, there was hypoxia, but the very fact that after tea I succeeded!

I have a son, he is almost three. Recently I found out that Matryona's Decoction can be bought on the Internet and ordered. Brought with a courier to our wilderness. I decided to drink it, as it helps with mastopathy, but they found me in the summer.

In general, now I have other problems and worries. We are still waiting in line for kindergarten, sitting at home, and I drink valerian broth looking at the tricks of my child, the photos of which I attached in the review.

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The miracle of being a mother


Affordable price;
The naturalness of the components;


Not detected;

Personally, thank God, I have not met with such a disaster. But here's my friend! The first pregnancy ended as soon as it started. Miscarriage. The second, third and fourth ended in the same way, although the wearing time was increasing. Got the last one. The child was not kept for a decent period of time, about 5 months.

What happened to her is hard to put into words. Coming to me in the awn, she often cried, watching my children grow up.

Then something happened to her. She gave in to faith and went to bow to the icon of Saint Matrona. After all, it is this saint who has been asked for motherhood since ancient times.

One day she came running to me joyful! There, surrounded by the same unfortunate women, she heard about this tool and immediately ordered it on the official website. She was firmly convinced that it was Matronushka herself who sent her a hint. And now everything will be fine.

I was happy for her, but I didn’t really believe it - you never know what they are writing now!

And then a miracle happened! We talked on the phone and she did not say a word to me about this, and I delicately did not touch the sore subject. So it took about 8 months. Once I received a text message with the words: "Congratulate me! I'm a mother!" I was just in shock. I called her and found out that she gave birth to a small and slightly premature daughter, and now doctors are feeding the baby. But she is recovering well, gaining weight and soon they will be allowed to go home!

This is such a fabulous story!

The desire to become a mother is inherent in every normal woman, however, due to various negative environmental factors, the onset and birth of a child becomes an unrealizable dream for many.

Reproductive function is affected by the ecological situation, food quality, lifestyle, chronic diseases, etc. There are very frequent situations in which various medical methods of infertility treatment are ineffective. In such cases, many women turn to folk remedies.

There is a unique remedy consisting of several well-known plants, the combination of which contributes to the normalization of important processes in the female body.

With the help of this herbal collection, you can adjust the menstrual cycle, eliminate hormonal imbalances, remove toxins from the body, get rid of inflammatory processes, etc.

You can buy this miracle cure at any pharmacy, and take it in accordance with the attached instructions for use. The presence of contraindications and side effects, as well as the likelihood of developing allergies with a tendency to pathological reactions from the immune system, should be taken into account.

The composition of the Matrena collection

The collection of Matryona from infertility consists of the following plants:

  1. Ortilia, better known as the upland queen, is the main component of this healing mixture. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, strengthens women's health, prevents spontaneous abortion, and reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.
  2. Chamomile is a popular and effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic used both in official and traditional medicine. This plant calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the metabolism in the body. It copes well with inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.
  3. Wintergreen contributes to the normalization of ovarian function, eliminates the symptoms of thrush, cystitis, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also removes toxic substances and toxins from the body, cleanses. There is also a diuretic, antiallergic and hemostatic effect as a result of the use of this plant. Wintergreen is used for the prevention and treatment of malignant processes.
  4. Evening primrose is a plant that has other names, such as lily of the valley, primrose. It is widely used to treat female diseases such as endometriosis, and also puts the hormonal system in order, cleanses and heals the body. When taking this remedy, the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly, and the risk of miscarriage becomes minimal.
  5. Zimolubka has a general beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the immune system, eliminates infections, relieves inflammation. This plant has been used since ancient times to normalize women's health, treat genitourinary pathologies and infertility.
  6. The hibiscus or hibiscus plant, which is also called the Sudanese rose, effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, increases efficiency, strengthens the body's defenses, relaxes smooth muscles, and tones.
  7. Oregano is a good antibacterial, sedative and pain reliever. Helps with insomnia, relieves emotional stress, improves the menstrual cycle.


Collection from infertility from Matrona is recommended for use by many gynecologists, as this remedy contains only natural ingredients without the inclusion of foreign substances. The effectiveness of herbs is evidenced by a large number of positive reviews from women who managed to improve their health, as well as conceive and bear a child.

Effects of herbs on fertility

Plants that are included in the medicinal collection from Matrona are indicated for use in secondary infertility caused by hormonal disorders, inflammatory, infectious processes in the reproductive system.

This natural remedy has a number of advantages in comparison with medications, having a beneficial effect on the female body. When taking these plants, not only the strengthening of physical health is noted, but also the elimination of such problems as frigidity, hormonal disruptions.

The healing properties of the herbal collection are explained by the fact that these plants contain phytohormones, similar in their action to female estrogens, which play a key role in the onset and normal course of pregnancy.

The unique composition of Matrena's decoction for infertility allows you to take it as an independent remedy, without the need for medication, to improve female fertility. Herbs have a complex effect, complementing each other and activating the body's own resources:

  • Improves blood supply to the uterus.
  • The monthly cycle is normalized.
  • The ovaries are stimulated.
  • The hormonal system is balanced.
  • Improves overall health and well-being.

Instructions for use

The medicinal collection is available in the form of filter bags for brewing. For a single dose, pour one of them with boiling water, insist for ten to fifteen minutes.

In the loose form of this remedy, it is required to pour one dessert spoon with boiling water, leave for at least ten minutes before use.

For the treatment of infertility, you need to drink two to three glasses of this drink every day for several months.

If necessary, the course can be repeated after six months.

You should not expect instant positive results, since the body of each woman is individual, and there are also various reasons why conception becomes impossible.

Usually the effect is achieved in 3-6 months.


Collection for the treatment of infertility is considered absolutely safe, but there are several contraindications to its use:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Allergic reactions to plants that are part of the collection.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  5. Thrombosis.

In rare cases, there is the appearance of headaches as a result of taking the remedy, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, nausea.


Herbal collection from Matrona can be taken not only for treatment, but also for various pathologies of the genitourinary system, and also as a prophylactic against female diseases.

Video: Infusion of Matrena for pregnancy. Reviews

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