Treatment of the throat in a child of 8 years. Which is better: Amoxiclav or Sumamed? Photo gallery: medications for the treatment of children

A sore throat in children under five years of age should be treated by a pediatrician. First of all, he establishes a diagnosis and prescribes drugs suitable for this disease, in appropriate age dosages. Outpatient treatment requires regular medical examinations.

The use of folk remedies is allowed after consultation with a doctor. Self-medication leads to the development of unpleasant complications.

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    It is allowed to use medicines for the treatment of sore throat in children from the age of three months - in appropriate forms. A newborn baby will not be able to dissolve or swallow the pill. But it is quite possible to treat his throat with a medicinal solution.

    A child of 2 years and older can already be prescribed drugs in any form of release - taking into account indications and contraindications. The choice of medication, if possible, should be carried out by the attending physician.

    For the treatment of a sore throat in children, the following types of drugs are used:

    • solutions for washing the mucosa;
    • rinse solutions;
    • irrigating sprays;
    • tablets and lozenges for resorption.

    The choice of drug depends on the nature of the disease. Some drugs are only allowed from 3 years of age or older, so you need to carefully read the instructions before use.

    In addition to topical agents, systemic antibiotics are required to treat serious diseases, such as tonsillitis. Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor after the necessary examination and clarification of the type of infection.

    Liquid dosage forms

    It is not always easy to use such drugs in childhood. Toddlers do not know how to gargle, and spray irrigation causes a reflex cough. The use of a spray in children under two years of age often causes spasm of the glottis and an asthma attack. It is not recommended for use with young children.

    The use of liquid medicines for the treatment of sore throats and other throat diseases has its advantages. First of all, it is the coverage of the maximum area of ​​the inflamed mucosa. When applying a liquid drug, it is rapidly absorbed.

    Table. Types of medicines for the treatment of red throat in children.

    A drug Properties Mode of application
    Geksoral - used from three yearsThe composition includes hexetidine, which has antibacterial and antifungal effects. Auxiliary substances soften the mucous membrane and have a weak analgesic effect.Aerosol irrigate the throat twice a day after meals. The solution is used for rinsing, twice a day, undiluted. If the child cannot gargle, the solution is applied to the mucous membrane with a cotton pad.
    Ingalipt - can be used by children from two years oldSulfonamides in the composition of the spray have an antimicrobial effect. Peppermint and eucalyptus oil have an antifungal, softening and analgesic effect.Irrigate the throat 3-4 times a day
    Chlorophyllipt - herbal preparation, allowed for children from birthThe main component is an extract of eucalyptus leaves. It has an inhibitory effect on viruses, bacteria, fungi. Also has anti-inflammatory actionUse for rinsing, diluting the alcohol solution with water. The oil solution is applied to the mucous membrane with a cotton pad.

    To get the maximum effect, it is necessary to teach the child the correct technique of gargling:

    • the position of the head should be tilted back as much as possible;
    • the liquid is taken into the mouth and vibrating movements are made with the vocal cords, pronouncing the sound "x";
    • after rinsing, the medicine should be spit out.

    The solution used for rinsing should be warm so that spasm of the glottis does not occur.

    Sore throat pills

    In children 3 years of age and older, lozenges and lozenges can be used for sucking. The advantages of these funds are that they can be given to children who do not know how to gargle. The disadvantage of tablets is the short duration of action.

    Table. Tablets and lozenges for sore throat.

    In addition to lozenges, sprays and solutions, remedies are used to eliminate other symptoms of the disease. For example, if a child has a fever, he is given an antipyretic in the form of syrup or suppositories. In order to support the child's body during the period of illness, he can be given complex multivitamins that are age-appropriate.

    Children's doctor Komarovsky advises not to get carried away with a large number of drugs. Each medicine must be prescribed strictly according to indications. If it is possible to do without pills, it is best to do so.

    Instructions for use for the drug chlorophyllipt - how to gargle correctly?

    Folk remedies

    It is necessary to treat a sore throat in a child at home with extreme caution. The use of any folk remedy is recommended to first discuss with the pediatrician.

    Various herbal decoctions, vegetable juices, medicinal mixtures for oral administration or rinsing are used:

    1. 1. A decoction of yarrow, eucalyptus and St. John's wort. Equal parts of dry grass are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Then cook in a water bath for 5-10 minutes. The decoction is used for gargling or inhalation.
    2. 2. Propolis solution. 10 g of dry propolis is dissolved in a glass of warm water. The solution is given to gargle the child's throat 2-3 times a day.
    3. 3. Beet juice. Grate fresh beets and squeeze out the juice. Dilute it with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2 and gargle 3-4 times a day.
    4. 4. If the child does not have allergies, he is allowed to dissolve in a teaspoon of honey 3-4 times a day. Honey has emollient and analgesic properties.

    If treatment with folk remedies is ineffective and the child's condition does not improve, you should contact your pediatrician to prescribe another therapy.

    Additional Methods

    In addition to taking medications, it is allowed to treat a sore throat in a baby with physiotherapeutic methods. These include:

    • steam and ether inhalations;
    • compresses.

    Physiotherapy significantly relieves sore throat and effectively eliminates inflammation of the tonsils. These techniques are easy to apply at home. However, there are some contraindications for them:

    • do not apply at high body temperature;
    • steam inhalation is allowed only from the age of three;
    • essential oils should be used only in the absence of allergic reactions.

    Table. Complementary throat treatments.

    Methodology Components Technique
    Essential inhalationsApply oil of fir, thuja, juniper, eucalyptus. In addition to butter, use onion and garlicThe oil is added to hot water and the child is allowed to breathe in the outgoing steam. A few drops of oil are poured into an aroma lamp and placed next to the child for 30-40 minutes. Pieces of onion and garlic are laid out on a saucer in the room where the child is
    Steam inhalationUse decoctions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. Of the drugs used dioxidineThe solution is poured into an inhaler and inhaled using a children's mask. In a steam inhaler, you can fill in any solutions, including herbal decoctions. It is allowed to add only water with dioxidine to compression and ultrasonic inhalers
    CompressesTo prepare a compress, grated raw potatoes, honey, onions are used.The component used is applied to the front surface of the neck, covered with a piece of polyethylene. Top is fixed with a woolen or cotton cloth. The compress is kept for 30-60 minutes, then the skin is wiped with a damp cloth.

    Alcohol compresses in childhood are prohibited.

    In order for the treatment to be most effective and the child to feel well, useful recommendations should be followed:

    • in the room where the baby is located, you need to carry out wet cleaning daily;
    • the air in the room should be sufficiently humid;
    • the room needs to be ventilated 2-3 times a day to ensure the circulation of fresh air;
    • the baby needs to be given plentiful acidified drink - fruit drinks, water with lemon juice;
    • a light milk-vegetarian diet is prescribed, the food should be mashed and not hot.

    Compliance with such conditions will greatly facilitate the well-being of the baby and speed up recovery.


    To treat a sore throat for a small child, a set of measures is required. First of all, it is required to create a treatment regimen for the baby and prescribe proper nutrition. Depending on the origin of the disease, the doctor prescribes medications. In addition to them, recipes of traditional medicine and physiotherapy procedures become.

How to treat a throat for a 2-year-old child if it becomes inflamed, a dry cough and nasal congestion appear? When the first symptoms of a cold appear in babies, preventive measures should be taken to stop the growth of pathogenic microflora. If the development of the disease could not be stopped, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms.

When a child has a sore throat at the age of 2, this indicates an acute inflammatory process occurring in the nasopharynx and tonsils. It is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 38ºС, which will begin to subside only after the maturation of pus.

Redness of the throat can occur due to candidiasis, in which the oral cavity is covered with a characteristic white coating. With fungal infections, the body temperature will not be high. For such a disease, specific treatment is needed.

To speed up the healing process in case of a bacterial infection, children of two years old are given antibiotics and the oral cavity is treated with antiseptic solutions. For the treatment of viral damage to the body, topical preparations, compresses and rubbing are used.

Treatment of a sore throat and in the initial stage of the disease is best done with harmless antiseptics. These include Miramistin and Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Miramistin is a universal antiseptic that destroys all known pathogens. If they irrigate the throat of babies at the first symptoms, then the development of the inflammatory process will be stopped, and the disease will pass. For prevention, it will be necessary to treat the child's nasopharynx for a few more days.

The active substance belongs to the group of cationic surface antiseptics. It is not absorbed into the blood and is therefore safe for children of primary preschool age. The antiseptic has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and local immunomodulatory effects.

Chlorhexidine has a similar effect, but it has a different active dichlor-containing substance with a biguanide derivative. It is able to act on the cell membrane of a pathological microorganism and destroy it.

Sprays Aqualor based on sea water, designed to irrigate the nasopharynx in the initial stage of the disease, can be beneficial. They are recommended for babies as the safest means that wash off pathogenic bacteria, moisturize mucous tissues and improve the protective functions of the body. If you wash the child's nose with Aqualor and treat the throat with Miramistin, then the development of the disease can be completely stopped. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, these two types of drugs and prophylactic agents should be used for at least 3 days.

Lugol (solution or spray) can help solve the problem, if the question is how to treat without fever. Treatment of the tonsils with this agent gives good results and can stop the development of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. Despite the fact that a drug containing molecular iodine and glycerin has a good therapeutic effect, it has many unpleasant side effects.

How to choose a drug for an acute form of the disease

If the development of the disease could not be stopped, then you need to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe medications. If a child has, then the causative agent of the disease can be not only pathogenic bacteria, but also candidiasis, which cannot be treated with antibiotics. Usually, fungal infections of the oral cavity pass without high fever and require special treatment. Viral and bacterial sore throats are accompanied by high fever.

If the throat becomes inflamed during ARVI, how to treat it in order to get the effect? With a viral sore throat in children 2 years old, antiviral drugs containing interferons or stimulating their production are used. Gargling with a solution of iodinol, infusion of chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus helps.

Treatment of bacterial sore throat should be accompanied by antibiotics so that the disease does not cause various complications. Children are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. If the throat hurts for a long time, then an analysis is made on the microflora and the most effective drug for treatment is determined.

Lozenges in the acute period of the disease are not very effective, but they help. They are best used between rinses. As a remedy, any lollipops containing mint, eucalyptus, honey are suitable.

Local funds

Treatment of the throat in folk medicine is accompanied by the use of propolis, eucalyptus essential oil, extracts of calendula, chamomile, honey and other medicinal herbs. They are fearlessly prescribed if the child is over the age of three. The use of herbal products can cause the development of allergic reactions in young children. Parents who decide to use herbs and essential oils for babies under three years of age should carefully monitor the body's reaction to the drugs used. For local treatment of an inflamed throat, sprays are best suited for treating the throat after soda-salt solution or herbal infusions.

Geksoral refers to antiseptics and destroys all pathogenic microflora. It is not absorbed into the blood and is harmless to the body. The active substance is active against fungal infections of the throat in children of two years. The drug is applied topically and should not be swallowed because it causes vomiting. Before using it, the baby needs to be explained that the medicine needs to be held in the mouth for a little, and then spit out, but not swallowed.

If there are difficulties with the use of this drug, then Tantum Verde can be chosen. It is used for sore throat with unexplained etiology. This drug is milder than Hexoral, and its effect is not as strong. These drugs have the same indications.

With bacterial sore throats, you can use Ingalipt, which contains antibacterial substances streptocid, norsulfazol and essential oils of plant origin. It contains extracts of eucalyptus, peppermint and Bogorodsk grass. Ingalipt is useful for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

The antibacterial agent Bioparox can be used as prescribed by a doctor. This polypeptide antibiotic helps to cope with acute unspecified tonsillitis.

A symptom such as a sore throat can appear with various diseases that cannot be cured at home. A sick child must be shown to the doctor if preventive measures have not helped. And only after clarifying the diagnosis, you can use the recommended drugs for the treatment of a two-year-old child.

With the onset of cold weather, children become the most susceptible to various seasonal diseases. Children who attend early development schools, nurseries, and recreational activities with large crowds are especially often affected. Here they can become infected with a viral or bacterial infection, which can lead to very depressing consequences if treatment is not started on time. One of the symptoms of the manifestation of various diseases is a sore throat in two-year-old children.

Causes of sore throat

  • Angina. It affects the tonsils, proceeds acutely with high fever and severe weakness. The throat becomes bright red. There is pain when swallowing. The lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • SARS. In the vast majority of cases, it is the cause of unpleasant sensations - in the throat it tickles, sore. In addition, there is a runny nose or nasal congestion, cough against the background of an increase in (non-critical) temperature.
  • Laryngitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx occurs due to a cold or an infectious disease (scarlet fever, whooping cough, rhinitis, caries). Accompanied by dry cough, pain and sore throat.
  • Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa in an acute form occurs due to general hypothermia of the body or the use of cold drinks (food). Accompanied by a persistent cough, sore throat, hoarseness or lack of voice.
  • False croup or acute laryngitis can manifest itself in children from two to six years in the form of a sharp difficulty in breathing due to inflammation and narrowing of the larynx. Usually the attack begins during sleep, accompanied by blue lips, a strong cough and noisy breathing. It goes away after a few minutes.
  • Tonsillitis. Bacterial inflammation of the tonsils and mucosa, often caused by streptococci. It proceeds with fever, chills, sore throat when swallowing, loss of appetite, depressed mental state (tearfulness, irritability).
  • Chronic tonsillitis. With advanced tonsillitis, inflamed tonsils become a constant source of infection and sore throat. It is manifested by difficulty in swallowing, dryness and unpleasant odor in the mouth, sore throat. The child is lethargic, naughty, gets tired quickly.
  • Scarlet fever (mumps), in addition to sore throat, is characterized by bright red rashes on the face. Children under three years old are treated in a hospital.

Inflammatory processes in the throat can also cause pain in the abdomen. This happens due to the penetration of microbes into the intestines. Then there are acute pains in the abdominal cavity, the lymph nodes of the mesentery increase.

With any disease, a little man suffers immeasurably more than an adult. He is unable to understand what is happening and often even express his feelings. Therefore, at the slightest hint of the appearance of any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Traditional treatments: how to treat a throat for a small child

Many parents are afraid of the negative side effects of drug treatment on the child's body. But the consequences of untreated diseases can be catastrophic, side effects are quite rare and do not appear at all. All infectious and bacterial diseases require complex treatment aimed at combating the pathogen and eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of angina

With angina, antibiotics are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the source of infection. For two-year-old children, they are available in the form of a suspension, syrup or drops. Antibiotics that do not have a negative effect on the body include:

  • A group of penicillins (amoxiclav, amoxicillin).
  • Group of macrolides (clarithromycin, azicin, sumamed).
  • A group of cephalosporins (cefotnam, cefapirin, cefazolin, cefuroxime).

They are assigned according to age and weight. Medicines for local sore throat are aimed at eliminating pain and burning in the throat, have antibacterial properties. They are in the form of a spray in small doses are allowed for children from two years of age for irrigation of the mucosa. Aqualor and Tantum Verde are allowed from birth. If the child manages to gargle, then you can brew chamomile, calendula or sage.

  • groups of tetracyclines.
  • Fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxivoloxacin, ciprolet, ciprofloxacin).
  • Levomycetin.

They negatively affect the blood, hearing organs, bone tissue. Aspirin is also prohibited, as it can cause bleeding.

SARS. Principles of treatment

Today there are more than 200 viruses, half of them mutate every year. Therefore, specific treatment has not yet been developed. Antiviral drugs and symptomatic agents are usually prescribed. To alleviate the condition of a sick child will help a few rules:

  • Bed rest.
  • Light and nutritious diet with plenty of warm drinks.
  • When the temperature rises to 38 degrees, you need to give paracetamol, panadol or ibuprofen.
  • If possible, gargle with decoctions of herbs.
  • If the cough does not go away for several days, then it is advisable to start using expectorants (mukaltin, boromhexine, etc.).
  • Antiviral drugs (viferon, interferon, anaferon).
  • If the fever persists for a long time, this may be evidence of a bacterial infection. In this case, an individual prescription of antibiotics is necessary.

Treatment of laryngitis and pharyngitis

To eliminate headache, fever, sore throat in children 2 years old, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with ibuprofen or paracetamol are used, for example:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Efferalgan.
  • Nurofen etc.

For young children, they are produced in the form of syrup or suppositories.

In addition, plentiful warm drinks (jelly, fruit drinks, tea with honey, raspberries), soft food, airing and moistening the air in the patient's room, and compresses are shown. In order not to strain the vocal cords, you need to talk less and sleep more.

Of the medications, the doctor usually prescribes:

  • Drops Tonsilgon N (for children from one year old, take 10 drops orally 5 times a day). After the disappearance of the sore throat, treatment is continued for another week.
  • Spray Ingalipt (for children over two years old). Irrigation is carried out 1-2 times a day.
  • Lugol's solution with glycerin. A moistened swab lubricates the mucous membranes of the larynx and throat.

Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the genesis of the disease.

What to do during an attack of false croup

When it occurs immediately call an ambulance, and while she is driving, you need to turn on the boiling water in the bathroom so that it is filled with moist warm steam and make a distracting (water 40 degrees) foot bath if the child does not have a fever. This will cause reflex vasodilation. You can make inhalation with mineral alkaline water, turn on the humidifier. Use desensitizing and antispasmodic drugs:

  • Papaverine (5 mg once before the doctor arrives) relieves spasms.
  • No-shpa (20 mg), if there is no allergy to drotaverine.
  • Antihistamine drug Cetirizine (syrup) 5-7 drops for a child weighing up to 25 kg.
  • Preparations containing salbutamol, for example, Instaril syrup for children aged two years, 0.25 ml per kg of body weight.

The main thing is to calm the child, because his anxiety and fear will aggravate laryngospasm. Further treatment should be carried out in a hospital.

Treatment of tonsillitis

With inflammation of the tonsils, narrow-spectrum antibiotics and Broncho-Vaxom for children are prescribed, which must be taken one capsule (its contents) per day. In addition, it is necessary to follow the general rules for diseases of the throat (bed rest, heavy drinking, etc.). With proper treatment, on the fifth day, the tonsils decrease, it becomes not painful to swallow, and the temperature stabilizes.

With incorrect treatment, the process is delayed, acute tonsillitis becomes chronic, which is already treated with a full course of antibiotics.

Treatment with folk methods: the better to treat a child's throat

At the first signs of a sore throat in a child of two years, traditional medicine recommends:

  • Chew or suck on a piece of propolis or lemon thoroughly.
  • Drink 100 ml of warm milk with soda, honey and butter.
  • From the black radish, select part of the pulp, pour honey into it. Juice, which is formed after a while, drink a teaspoon three times a day.
  • Rinse, if the child knows how, with this remedy: add a dessert spoon of iodine to a liter of chilled liquid jelly (brewed potato starch). The solution is very dark blue, tasteless and odorless. It is not scary if the child accidentally swallows a little. With frequent rinsing (every hour), the child will be able to swallow painlessly in a day.
  • At a high temperature, give lingonberry or cranberry juice.
  • To replenish vitamin C, it is recommended to give rose hips (fruits) steamed and infused in a thermos.
  • Inhalations with a decoction of sage leaves, chamomile flowers.
  • Spread a plate with jam or honey so that the child licks it - this kind of tongue gymnastics will improve blood circulation in the throat.

The use of folk remedies will speed up recovery and shorten the recovery period, but it is only permissible with medical treatment. Otherwise, the disease can be drowned out, and it will become chronic. It is necessary to treat throat diseases in children 2 years old, but you can avoid them if take time to harden and increase immunity.

Hardening against throat diseases

Hardening increases the body's resistance to various diseases due to hypothermia or the attack of viruses and bacteria. Timely implementation of a complex of recreational activities allows you to train the mechanisms of thermoregulation and increase the immunity of the child. Only with proper observance of all the principles and rules, hardening will give a healing effect:

  • A completely healthy child is ready for hardening activities.
  • It is better to start procedures in the summer.
  • Positive emotional attitude.
  • The increase in intensity is gradual.
  • Interruption of hardening is not allowed. If this still happened for a period of more than 10 days, then you need to start over.
  • Procedures should be combined with physical activity and vary in duration and strength of impact.

Tempering a child must begin from infancy. First, these are rubbing with a damp mitten, then air baths and dousing with water. By the age of two, her temperature should be gradually brought up to 25 degrees (for seven-year-olds - up to 23). Parents should set an example for children who want to imitate them in everything.

If hardening occurs correctly and in a good mood, then such trifles as wet feet or sudden cooling will not be terrible for the child - the body will cope with them, and the throat will not hurt.

Immunity and how to increase it

Immunity to various infections is determined by the body's immunity. In children, it has a number of features depending on the stage of development. At the age of two, the third critical immune period begins, when physiological lymphocytosis (absolute and relative) is corrected. Therefore, the risk of contracting infectious diseases is especially high. In order for a small organism to resist them, along with hardening, it is necessary to ensure that the child's immunity does not decrease:

  • Food should contain enough proteins and vitamins.
  • The absence of constant sources of infection in parents (carious teeth, chronic diseases).
  • Calm psycho-emotional environment.
  • Favorable ecology in the territory where the child lives.
  • Parental affection and love.

Inadequate use of antibiotics and, as a result, a violation of the intestinal microflora can lead to a decrease in immunity. It is unacceptable to wrap up a child when going out and cover his mouth and nose with a scarf. Immunity is strengthened by massaging the feet, since they have a very large reflex zone. Walking barefoot on a relief rug with pebbles or rubber needles brings good results. If in summer a child often walks barefoot on sand, on grass, on water, on stones, then in winter his throat will not hurt.

Hardening and increasing immunity are the key to the health of the baby. But if the child is still sick, you do not need to self-medicate. It is better to contact a professional and experienced pediatrician to prescribe the necessary drugs. And "grandmother's" funds will become a necessary addition.

For the first time in his life, a baby is faced with acute respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by inflammation of different parts of the respiratory tract. The nasal cavity and pharynx most often suffer, there is a sore throat when swallowing and other unpleasant sensations. What do parents need to know about how to treat a throat at home and when to contact a pediatrician?

The symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract are typical, and it will not be difficult for mom or dad to recognize them. Young children cannot accurately localize pain and therefore do not complain that they have a sore and scratchy throat, a sore tongue or discomfort in the ear. Until the moment of direct examination, the painful condition of the crumbs can be judged primarily by:

  • Changes in behavioral responses;
  • Refusal of food and games;
  • Lethargy or vice versa tearfulness, capriciousness;
  • Trouble falling asleep, superficial sleep.

In the future, the child may have a fever, which is the first serious sign of infection. With fever due to intoxication syndrome in crumbs:

  1. Sore throat and head;
  2. Sweating increases;
  3. Breathing and heart rate increase.

What can the attending physician see when examining a child's throat?

  • Redness of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx and pharynx, they hurt;
  • An increase in the size of the palatine tonsils, a coating of white-gray or yellowish color;
  • Plaque, an increase in lymphoid tissue on the back of the pharynx, mucus in the throat is noticeable;

Examination of the nasal cavity reveals:

  1. Redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  2. Respiratory failure and;
  3. Clear or colored mucous discharge of a liquid (thick) consistency.

When the neck is examined, it is revealed that all cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.

Older kids may indicate that they have a very sore throat and tongue, complain of pain in the ear.

Later, when the inflammatory process develops, there is perspiration and when swallowing, more intense plaque on the tonsils, hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice, dry and then wet cough caused by the presence of sputum. If left untreated, the infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract and leads to damage to the trachea, bronchi and lungs, or cause inflammation in the middle and inner ear.

Baby from 6 to 12 months

The baby may refuse to take the breast - so the mother can indirectly understand that the baby has a sore throat and sore throat when swallowing. The baby stops eating foods that are used for complementary foods, or vice versa chokes on them. Any solid food causes irritation in the inflamed nasopharynx, it tickles and hurts there, and the voice may become hoarse. The child has problems with breathing with nasal congestion, discharge from the nasal passages.

Children from 1 to 2 years old

A child of this age is more conscious of what is happening to him. The kid stops playing, runs a little, may refuse solid food, as it causes pain when swallowing, itchy throat, etc. Mom notices that the baby has begun to act up, she is not interested in toys and developmental activities. The kid asks to drink more often than usual.

The determining factor that indicates the development of an infection (ARVI, influenza), when the throat is tickled and there is a cough, the pharynx and larynx become inflamed, the lymph nodes are painful, is an increase in body temperature.

The reasons

Inflammation and sore throat, pain in the throat and ear can be caused by a variety of reasons. Unpleasant symptoms can cause:

  1. Viral infections (ARVI, influenza and others);
  2. bacterial infections;
  3. Fungal infections;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. Teeth are cut in babies.

The exact reason why the baby is unwell (is it SARS, flu or something else) can only be called by a doctor (pediatrician or dentist). If you have a one-year-old baby at home, then doing self-diagnosis is dangerous for his life.

But every parent should imagine what to do if their beloved son or daughter has a sore throat.

What to do with a sore throat - Dr. Komarovsky

How to treat folk remedies at home

How to treat a throat quickly and effectively in folk ways? At home, before the arrival of the doctor, when the baby has a cold, parents can only use symptomatic remedies that have a more restorative and calming effect.

If the crumbs have an ARVI or flu, a sore throat and cervical lymph nodes hurt, or teeth are cut, and the temperature is elevated, then bed rest is shown to the child until it normalizes. Give preference to a dairy-vegetarian diet (if the mother is healthy, she can continue to breastfeed), all food should be semi-liquid or liquid. Postpone the introduction of new foods into the baby's diet for the duration of the illness.

warm drink

How to treat a hoarse throat and hoarse voice at home? If a respiratory disease is diagnosed that causes a cough, a sore throat, it hurts to swallow, there is plaque on the tonsils, the lymph nodes in the neck hurt, or when teeth are being cut, the children are shown to drink plenty of warm water.

What exactly from hot drinks can treat a sore throat for a child when he is 1 year old? To do this, use herbal tea (chamomile, sage, mint, licorice), but not strong, or compotes and fruit drinks from raspberries, black currants, rosehips, lingonberries or cranberries. These fruits contain a large amount of ascorbic acid and stimulate the child's immunity. You can offer the baby, when there is soreness and mucus in the throat, warm alkaline mineral water (Borjomi), mixed with milk.


How to cure cough and sore throat in crumbs? Inhalations are widely used to loosen sputum, relieve cough, relieve pain in the throat, nose, and ear. They can be carried out both with the help of kitchen utensils and towels, and through a special device - a nebulizer. Thanks to inhalations, mucus in the throat is very well expectorated and plaque on the tonsils is reduced.

For sore throats and coughs, or when teething, use inhalation of decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, and peppermint. In the absence of allergies in a baby, essential oils can be added to herbal decoctions - they also help to expectorate sputum, the infection is inhibited and the throat hurts less.

If there are other children in the family and the likelihood of getting sick is higher, then pediatricians recommend purchasing a nebulizer. It will be very useful when outside the window is not summer, but the autumn-winter period (during these seasons, the throat often hurts and the runny nose bothers you).

When carrying out inhalations in a baby in one or two years, very strictly follow all the instructions of your pediatrician. It is he who decides how to treat sore throat in a particular case.

Medication treatment

How to treat a throat for a small child from medicines? The list of pharmacological drugs that can be prescribed to children in the first two years of life is quite limited.

Treatment of a runny nose (when the throat hurts and the baby has a stuffy nose) includes saline solutions or vasoconstrictor drops. Antibacterial agents are prescribed only for health reasons.

To reduce the temperature, when the crumbs have ARVI or the flu, antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are shown. It is forbidden to use acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in the treatment of infants, as this can cause serious complications.

If the throat of a crumb is hoarse, then how to treat it? Preference is given to herbal medicines in the form of elixirs or syrups, since the absorption of painkillers and antiseptic lozenges for children 1-2 years old is difficult. Warming ointments are applied locally so that the baby warms up the cervical region, and it is easier for her to expectorate sputum.

  1. Bronchicum (syrup, elixir);
  2. Doctor Mom (syrup, ointment);
  3. Falimint (lollipops).

Let us analyze in more detail their mechanism of action, indications for use and approximate dosages.


An effective expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and antibacterial medicine that is allowed to be used in children from 6 months of age. Contains extracts of thyme herb and primrose roots. Produced in the form of syrup (children 1-4 years old - 0.5 teaspoon up to 3 times a day) and elixir (babies at 6-12 months - 0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day, age 1-2 years - 0 5 teaspoons 3 times per knock).

Doctor Mom

Doctor Mom is a series of anti-cold drugs that are available in various dosage forms. In early childhood, children are allowed to use syrup and warming ointment from this manufacturer (do not lubricate the inflamed lymph node). The syrup includes extracts of many medicinal plants, the ointment contains camphor, turpentine and eucalyptus oils.

The syrup is recommended for use in children from 2-3 years old at a dosage of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It has bronchodilator, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. The ointment is applied to the throat and neck in case of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, or the wings of the nose in case of a cold.


Antiseptic preparation in the form of lozenges for resorption. It has analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. It can be used in pediatrics only at the discretion of the doctor, as it is mainly used to treat adult patients. The dosage of lozenges should not exceed 10 tablets per day.

A sore throat in a small child is always an unpleasant symptom that any parent wants to deal with. To do this, you need to establish the cause of this condition as soon as possible, consult a doctor and follow his instructions for the care and treatment of the baby.

I treat my throat. What rinse is useful - Dr. Komarovsky

With a cold, five-year-olds often have redness and sore throats that cause discomfort to the child. This condition is called pharyngitis, an inflammation of the throat. Sometimes the larynx can be affected, then laryngitis, a more serious and dangerous condition, is formed. Both of these conditions need to be treated quickly and correctly.

Usually, sore throats occur with ARVI and tonsillitis, therefore, it is important to smolder these diseases in a timely manner. With ARVI, treatment can only be symptomatic, while angina in most cases must be treated with antibiotics.
Pain in the throat can have different intensity, with mild inflammation and slight redness of the temples and back wall, it can be mild discomfort and itching, dryness and burning of the throat. When eating warm food or drink, the pain subsides a little. But there may be pains that prevent the child from swallowing food and water normally, leading to a complete refusal to eat and talk. This is severe pain on one or both sides of the throat, often with a reaction of the lymph nodes. At the same time, there may be diffuse pronounced redness in the throat, as well as small bubbles, sores, and there may be a white or yellowish coating on the tonsils.

How to cure a throat for a child of 5 years

If you have a sore throat, especially against the background of other symptoms - a runny nose, fever, general malaise and cough, you need to call a doctor. In all cases, the treatment of the throat in a child of 5 years is performed only after the diagnosis is established, and is prescribed only by a doctor. In the presence of a sore throat, the doctor will prescribe strict bed rest, antibiotics and local therapy. With pharyngitis, symptomatic treatment can be dispensed with. Before the doctor arrives, you need to rest more, take warm liquids to relieve symptoms - milk with butter, tea with honey or butter. Do not give your child acidic drinks, they can irritate the throat and increase pain.

How to treat a red throat for a child of 5 years

Usually, for sore throats, local preparations are used - a throat spray for a 5-year-old child with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. You can also irrigate the throat with antiseptic solutions, gargle with a solution of sea salt, soda with a drop of iodine, herbal decoctions. Such throat remedies for children 5 years old as inhalations with decoctions of herbs or mineral water can help. They relieve dryness and irritation, reduce the strength of edema. It is worth remembering that a throat medicine for a child of 5 years old should have only children's forms and dosages, it is forbidden to use drugs for adults. They can give side effects, allergies and even poisoning.
You should be more careful with lozenges and lozenges for sore throats. First of all, because they often contain dyes and flavors that can cause allergies. In addition, it is important to ensure that the child slowly dissolves them, and does not gnaw or choke on them. Now there are special tablets under the tongue for resorption with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. They slowly dissolve and create the desired concentration of the drug in the oral cavity.

How to treat laryngitis in a child of 5 years

A separate variant of the common cold is laryngitis. It is manifested by a dry barking rough cough, sometimes giving swelling of the larynx. At the age of five, this happens infrequently, but it is worth remembering. In the treatment of laryngitis in a child of 5 years old, the main principles will be the removal of edema and inflammation of the ligaments and subglottic space. For this purpose, inhalations with saline and drugs that reduce tissue swelling (vasoconstrictor, hormonal substances) are used. Sometimes oral antibiotics or antiviral drugs may be needed.
With laryngitis, rest is indicated, drinking plenty of alkaline drinks - milk with soda, alkaline mineral waters, juices. At the first sign of difficulty breathing, increased coughing or shortness of breath, you should immediately call an ambulance. Edema develops rapidly, it must be stopped immediately.

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