Why dream of a new mink coat. What does a fur coat mean in a dream? White mink coat

Outer fur clothing, like other attributes of prosperity, is a favorable sign in a dream. According to the Esoteric Dream Book, a fur coat, in order to “bring” good news to the sleeping person, should look beautiful and sound. Otherwise, the vision becomes a warning: what points should you pay close attention to.

When a person lives in a cold climate and wears warm clothes for most of the year, he may not attach any importance to the fact that he dreamed of a fur coat. For many, this subject is too mundane. But even such an “ordinary” symbol should not be brushed aside, the interpreters of dreams believe, but it is worth taking a closer look at what the fur coat was like in a dream.

  • What color was this piece of clothing?
  • New or old?
  • Short or long?
  • How high quality?
  • What fur was the outer garment made of?
  • What did you do with her in your vision?

Detailed memories of these "little things" will help to accurately answer the question of what the fur coat is dreaming of. It may turn out that you remember about your night's rest only that during it you saw fur outerwear. The wanderer's dream book says that such a dream calls on a man to be more careful in business in order to avoid losses, and promises a rich groom to a woman.

Color and other characteristics

White animal furs have always been a rarity, and a fur coat began to be perceived as a symbol of great wealth that cannot be acquired honestly. Why dream of a white coat? On the one hand, a white fur coat in a dream can warn the sleeping person that his “soulmate” is not completely frank with him; on the other hand, portend a solid income.

If the fur clothes in your dream turned out to be black, dream books interpret this sign favorably: your relationship with your partner is sincere and filled with love. If a black fur coat is seen with a long pile, this is a very positive sign. But fur with a short black pile is also good to give confidence in your romantic relationship.

The red color of fur in outerwear calls for checking the state of physical health. And the gray one signals: calmness, only calmness! Serious money matters and long-term relationships do not like active nervous outbursts.

Why dream of a new, beautiful and solid fur coat? Brand new clothes made of natural fur symbolize wealth, increase in income.. The longer the pile, the better will be the position of the sleeper in terms of finances. If, in addition, the fur coat itself is long and looks harmonious in combination with other wardrobe items, this means that the dreamer can safely take on a new business project or training stage. They will be successful.

As almost any dream book says, an old fur coat, with fur that has faded and crawled out in places, symbolizes that the sleeper needs to carefully plan his affairs. Otherwise, cash receipts will be extremely irregular. If in your dream you saw that a pile began to pour out of the fur on a fur coat, such a vision calls for a more realistic assessment of the circumstances. This will help maintain financial balance.

Recently, dream books have been increasingly asked the question: what does it mean to see a mink fur coat in a dream? If a man dreams of a luxurious mink coat, he will have impressive expenses. Moreover, these will not be purchases in the usual sense: they will probably need investments in a business or start-up capital to promote a new project.

Also, a mink coat may dream of raising social status - this interpretation works for both women and men. If a girl dreams of a mink coat, there will be nothing unusual in the fact that she will see her in a dream. And when a woman dreams of a mink coat and did not think about it, this will mean that an enviable groom will soon appear on the horizon. For a lady who already has a wealthy admirer, a dream about a mink coat, most likely, symbolizes the fear of losing her boyfriend. A fur coat made of arctic fox or ermine, says the Spring Dream Book, - to triumph over a long-standing enemy.

Own and someone else's

In a dream, you see a fur coat on yourself and at the same time someone praises it - Miller's dream book advises you to be on your guard: one of your friends is spreading false information about you. If you had to measure a fur coat, you may soon need funds for a very serious matter.

The spring dream book, however, gives the opposite interpretation: trying on a good fur coat is enrichment. But trying on a fur coat that you don’t like in dreams is an occasion to visit a doctor for an examination. To try on a fur coat, but not to buy it, according to Miller's dream book, it is worth being more careful in business so as not to miss the chance to enrich yourself.

To see outer fur clothing on another person - according to Aesop's dream book, in reality, everything said by this person you need to "divide by two", or even by four. Wearing a fur coat on yourself in the cold - such a dream is only confirmation that you are a reasonable and firmly standing person.

Wearing a fur coat in a dream or buying it for yourself, regardless of the weather, according to the Psychological Dream Book, suggests that you are embarrassed to talk about yourself in public. Of course, you should not be too frank, but a little emancipation will not hurt you.

Also, if you dreamed of buying a fur coat for yourself or receiving a fur coat as a gift, it means that in the near future you can expect a “gift of fate”. Wearing an elegant fur coat in a dream - to strengthen business acumen and stabilize relations with others.

Dream interpretation mink coat

Certain dreams are not recommended for reading by dream books. These include seasonal visions: the sea or ice cream in hot weather, and in the freezing winter you see snow or a fur coat.
But why dream of a mink coat when it's warm outside and you haven't even thought about it? The interpreters say that such a vision has a rather interesting implication and recommend reading the interpretation.

elegant thing

Before considering your dream about a specific symbol, it is advised to study what the interpreters say about the fur coat itself. What does it mean when you see a fur coat in a dream? After all, you may not notice what exactly the thing was made of, whether it was mink or not.

Dreamed of expensive furs

Interpretation of dream books about a fur coat

Seeing a fur coat in a dream is a controversial symbol. Dream Interpretations are cross-referenced to one another, giving out absolutely versatile predictions. The more opinions, the more interesting to understand this issue.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit

It is believed that the dream of a fur coat is positive. It promises a sleeping person material well-being, success in all areas of life.

Esoteric dream book

When a fur coat in a dream looked respectable, was warm, comfortable, new, then material well-being awaits you. This interpretation is also applicable when your real-life clothes are dreaming.

If a luxury fur coat - you should not flaunt your achievements and wealth. The hour is not even when you will have ill-wishers that can harm you.

Seeing yourself in an unsightly, old fur coat - your financial situation will be extremely unstable. A sleeping person will be at the peak of material well-being, and suddenly sink to the very bottom.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

This dream book considers such a vision in two ways. Seeing a fur coat in a dream can mean both imminent wealth and promise poverty. The fact is that this dream will be interpreted differently for men and for women:

Ukrainian dream book

The interpreter looks extremely negatively at this symbol. It is believed that he dreams of an upcoming scandal, a major quarrel. Also, a dream about a fur coat may mean that you will move to another house.

Interpreter for the whole family

If you use a fur coat in a dream for other than its intended purpose, but, for example, take cover with it, then the dream book promises you a long period of loneliness. True, if you see something like this on Saturday night, then soon you will meet an interesting person.

On Thursday night, to see a dream in which you buy a mink coat means that your future will be comfortable and happy.

Watch how the fur crumbles a little - discord will begin in the family. Scandals and quarrels will arise literally out of the blue. The most negative prediction will have a similar dream if you have it from Tuesday to Wednesday. Then, due to quarrels and misunderstandings, you will completely stop communicating with your loved one.

Dreaming of ridiculous fur clothes

To receive a fur coat as a gift on the night from Sunday to Monday - financial difficulties will haunt you.

Aesop's dream book

Why can you have a dream in which you are freezing in the cold and looking at a window with fur coats on display there? This vision suggests that you will be deceived in your hopes.

The dream suggests that you will begin to make a lot of efforts in order to achieve your goal, but everything will be in vain. It is possible that you can simply make an unfortunate oversight, which will cross out all your plans in the bud.

You dream of a man who looks like a big beast because of outerwear - you are an impressionable person, often give vent to your feelings. The interpreter advises learning to control your emotions. Do not rely on the first opinion, it will be erroneous, so do not immediately make a verdict, much less express it out loud.

To meet a naked person on the street in only one fur coat - to the troubles that will come from loved ones, or to a disease.

Walking in a fur coat, and dogs attack you, tear it apart - you will be drawn into a serious conflict caused by a blood relative.

Watching a child dressed in adult fur outerwear - a person will come across on your way who will cause conflicting feelings in you. He will tell one thing, but do something completely different.

The opinion of the psychologist Sigmund Freud

Did you buy a fur coat in a dream? Apparently, you are too constrained in the presence of strangers, afraid to take the initiative, to make sure that you are noticed.

Buy expensive furs in a dream

Putting it on yourself - your complexes prevent you from liberating yourself and revealing your true nature.

Gustav Miller's opinion

According to this dream book, a mink coat indicates that the sleeping person has inflated ambitions. The dreamer constantly lies, pretends, does not tell the truth, does everything possible not to show his true face.

If in a dream you met a man dressed in a long black mink coat, then you should be afraid of betrayal.

Miller said that the appearance of such a symbol in a dream can predict a change in the weather. The dreamer himself is dressed in it - expect a cold snap. And to see your relative in such outerwear will soon become much warmer.

Other predictions

For a correct prediction, it is important how exactly the mink looked in your dream:

  • if the fur coat looked chic, and even in a dream there was a realization that you could not afford it, then you will receive a surprise that will unpleasantly surprise you;
  • a long, torn coat with pieces of dirt, on the contrary, promises various pleasant events, especially this will concern the financial situation of a sleeping person;
  • the white color of the product promises joy and happiness;
  • brown warns of health problems;
  • black promises the approach of great trouble.

According to the dream book, a mink coat, white, presented to a woman in a dream, indicates that in reality she will meet an interesting person, it is possible that the dreamer will marry him.

For a man to try on a fur coat - to the successful completion of the case, profit. Is she clearly feminine? Then in reality, not everything goes well with a man both at work and in the family. Such a man tries to impersonate another person.

It is positive if the product had a hood. This means that the sleeping person feels completely safe. But pulling it over your head so that passers-by do not see your face means that you are trying to hide some information from others.
Feeling uncomfortable in such clothes, you are hot or, conversely, cold - in reality, you are overly concerned about your comfort.

Your mark:

A young girl who saw what she received as a gift or independently purchased this fur product will soon meet a very wealthy young man. But, his spiritual qualities will be significantly inferior to financial opportunities. Therefore, if a girl is counting on a long-term relationship, then she will have to choose what she values ​​​​more: material well-being or sincerity in communication.

A spoiled fur coat symbolizes illness. But when you tried on clothes and feel that you are too hot in it, then in reality your desire to achieve material well-being puts so much pressure on you morally that you only spoil your nerves, not achieving what you want.

Looking at shop windows lined with fur coats, being practically undressed on a frosty day, promises a streak of trouble that will lead to dissatisfaction with yourself and even depression.

Why dream of a mink coat?

Since it is this product that is considered the most luxurious, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the interpretation of such a dream.

  • Most often, this is seen by women who in real life occupy a fairly high position in society. And to see yourself in a mink coat suggests that the lady will soon have to make a pleasant journey with an interesting man.
  • Seeing a completely naked person wearing only a mink coat promises betrayal by a close friend or relative.
  • When your outerwear is torn by dogs, you should prepare for the fact that you will become a direct participant in someone else's conflict and you will have to take the side of one of the opponents, which will inevitably affect your relationship with your opponent.
  • The Esoteric Dream Book says that an expensive mink coat usually portends prosperity and wealth. But do not brag about your financial achievements, as this can cause envy among others and lead to the fact that enemies will begin to plot against you.

Wear a mink coat

According to Freud's dream book, trying on this fur product suggests that a person is too clamped in real life. The dreamer has too many complexes and self-doubt, which does not allow him to achieve his goals.

If you put on a fur coat, and it strongly constrains your movements, then you should radically reconsider your lifestyle. It is necessary to take a more active part in the events that are happening around you, so as not to be left out of life. But the clothes in which you are easy, comfortable and convenient, indicate that in the future you will find success and prosperity in business.

Seeing an oversized fur coat worn by a child or another person means that soon you will have to communicate with a person who overestimates his role in current events.

Being in the cold and wearing a mink coat so as not to freeze suggests that in reality the dreamer is a very practical person. You should not change yourself, since it is precisely such a warehouse of character that will lead a person to success in life.

According to the interpretation of dream books, it can be seen that dreams in which you bought, measured or wore outerwear made of fur can have a very dual meaning. To correctly understand the hidden signs, try to remember the dream in every detail and pay special attention to your own feelings.

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat was very popular among the people - a fur coat turned inside out with fur, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a window with fur coats - to deceived hopes, to frustration, to vain efforts that will lead to nothing; to the mistake you make because you misjudge the circumstances.

To see a person whom you confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give vent to feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust the first impression and do not rush to express an opinion, because you will be mistaken; to the surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a surprise, a sharp change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat - to illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing a fur coat that is worn on you - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat that is worn on a small child - a person will appear on your way who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; you will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inconsistency of the position held.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Fur Coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are going to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), you will not have financial problems in the near future. To make this period as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or tearing it apart, tore it), get ready for the fact that your relationship with one of your relatives or friends will deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Interpretation of dreams from

If it’s summer outside, and the day before you didn’t buy a mink coat, then you should think carefully about its appearance in a dream. This part of the wardrobe is distinguished by extremely contradictory interpretations, and only a dream book will help you figure out exactly what such a dream is about.

Controversial symbol

Unfortunately, the dream book does not have an unambiguous interpretation of a mink coat. It can be both a symbol of good luck, prosperity and respect, as well as a sign of imminent marriage, as an indicator of inner constraint and excessive secrecy. Moreover, the traditional brown mink coat is a clear indication of the time of the fulfillment of a prophetic dream. Therefore, all cases must certainly be interpreted, taking into account all the details.

Time of completion

If you dreamed of a brown mink coat long before the season, then you should remember this dream in all its details. It may indicate that night events will become a reality in winter.

In addition, it is necessary to decipher the dream depending on the day on which it was dreamed. Why, for example, does a black mink coat dream from Sunday to Monday? Take care of your finances urgently, unexpected expenses and financial difficulties await you.

Did you wear a mink coat on Wednesday night? You are waiting for a break in family relationships. If from Wednesday to Thursday you bought and gave a fur coat to a loved one, then the dream book considers this a clear indication of prosperity and a cloudless life.

internal state

If in a dream you bought a long mink coat, but you don’t really like it, then the dream book believes that in reality you are too modest and clamped. If the clothes turned out to be hot and uncomfortable, then you pay too much attention to your own comfort.

If in a dream a mink coat is cozy and good, then your soul is also warm and good. Shabby clothes symbolize constant unrest and anxiety, and besides, a dubious source of income. By the way, if a fur coat dreamed with a hood, then the dreamer feels his complete security, or vice versa, he is trying to hide something from the world.

According to Miller

But Miller's dream book has a very interesting opinion on this matter. He believes that a mink coat can be dreamed of by those who have inflated ambitions and are in no hurry to show their true colors. Such a dream is also a sign of pretense, lies and deceit. Moreover, if you saw a naked man in a long black coat, then Miller's dream book advises you to be wary of betrayal.

The following interpretations are more harmless. He believes that wearing fur clothes in a dream is a banal cold snap. If, in night visions, one of the relatives wore a fur coat, then on the contrary, warming should be expected.

Actions and manipulations

Perhaps the biggest role in the interpretation of dreams is played by the actions of the dreamer and other participants. If a woman dreamed that she was presented with a white mink coat, then the dream promises an early acquaintance with a very interesting person and even marriage. You can judge the future by the appearance of clothes, the more expensive and beautiful it is, the more successful the marriage will be.

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