What is body mass index and how to find out the degree of obesity. Ideal weight: how to calculate body mass index (BMI)

Almost every woman and every man has problems with body weight. Someone has insignificant ones, someone needs to lose only a few kilograms, and someone suffers and suffers from a lot of excess weight. To get rid of this problem, you need to determine your stage of development of the disease, as well as take the necessary measures. This table will help you with obesity!

Body mass index

To find out the state of your weight, you must first determine the personal mass index. This is a value that shows the ratio of your weight to height. The higher this number, the more likely you are obese. Shall we start?

To determine the body mass index (hereinafter we will call it BMI), you need to find out your weight (in kilograms) and height (in meters). BMI is determined by the following formula:

BMI = body weight / (height*height)

For example, if your weight is 55 kilograms and your height is 1.65 meters, then your BMI is: 55 / (1.67 * 1.67) \u003d 19.7 (we rounded the result)

Knowing the BMI, we can easily determine whether obesity is present or not. This can be done using a table of degrees of obesity.

Calculate your mass index using the formula above to find out your weight status. If you have a problem with extra pounds, be sure to use the tips to eliminate it, and also consult a nutritionist without fail. Only he will be able to determine the exact cause of a large body weight and prescribe the correct treatment.

The consequences of extra pounds and how to prevent them

1 and 2 degrees of obesity

As a rule, with these degrees of the disease, there are no special problems with the body. At these stages, only depression usually appears, which is expressed in psychological discomfort due to extra pounds. Just at that time, you need to urgently get rid of excess weight in order to prevent problems in the future.

At this stage of the disease, you only need to change the diet, and this must be done very carefully!

3 and 4 degrees of obesity

In case of illness at these stages, the problems remain the same, but new ones are added. Among the frequent manifestations of discomfort, the following factors can be noted:

  • Weakness
  • Bad mood and well-being
  • Excessive irritability
  • Drowsiness
  • puffiness
  • Constant nausea
  • Hunger

To significantly reduce weight, you need to completely change the diet, as well as regularly engage in active sports, use additional funds to effectively get rid of this disease!

So, we learned the degree of obesity: a table and the consequences of certain stages of the development of this disease. Remember that obesity is a very serious disease, so you need to know your weight status as soon as possible and take the necessary measures!

The results of BMI calculations are not suitable for assessing the weight of professional athletes, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from edema and other disorders that lead to an incorrect assessment of the original data.

Weight ranges in this calculator are calculated taking into account height, according to the methodology of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The very method of estimating weight by BMI is intended for the primary detection of underweight or excess weight. Obtaining an estimate different from the norm is the reason for contacting a nutritionist and endocrinologist in order to conduct an individual weight assessment and make recommendations for its correction, if necessary.

The range of ideal weight (norm) shows at what weight the probability of occurrence and recurrence of diseases associated with overweight or underweight is minimal. In addition, as practice shows, a person with normal weight looks not only healthy, but also the most attractive. If you adjust your weight, it is highly recommended not to go beyond the norm, in order to avoid health problems.

About weight categories

underweight usually an indication for increased nutrition; consultation with a dietitian or endocrinologist is also recommended. This category includes people who are malnourished or have a disease that leads to weight loss.
Underweight is also typical of professional models, gymnasts, ballerinas or girls who are overly fond of weight loss without the control of a nutritionist. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to health problems. Therefore, weight correction in this range should be accompanied by regular medical supervision.

Norm shows the weight at which a person has the maximum chance of staying healthy as long as possible, and, as a result, beautiful. Normal weight is not a guarantee of good health, but it significantly reduces the risk of disorders and diseases caused by overweight or underweight. In addition, the owners of normal weight, as a rule, are in good health even after intense physical exertion.

Preobesity speaks of being overweight. A person in this category often has some signs associated with excess weight (shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, fatigue, fat folds, dissatisfaction with the figure) and has every chance of moving into the category of obesity. In this case, a slight weight correction to the norm, or to values ​​close to it, is recommended. It also does not hurt to consult a nutritionist.

Obesity- an indicator of chronic disease associated with excess body weight. Obesity invariably leads to problems with the cardiovascular system and significantly increases the risk of acquiring other diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Obesity is treated exclusively under the supervision of a nutritionist or endocrinologist, and only after the necessary tests have been carried out and its type has been determined. It is not recommended to engage in uncontrolled diets and serious physical exertion for obesity, as this can provoke additional problems.

Answers on questions

What is the ideal weight for me?

The calculator calculates a weight range that is ideal for you based on your height. From this range, you are free to choose any specific weight, depending on your preferences, beliefs and requirements for the figure. For example, adherents of a model figure tend to keep their weight on the lower border.

If your priority is health and life expectancy, then the ideal weight is calculated based on medical statistics. In this case, the optimal weight is calculated based on a BMI of 23.

Can you trust the resulting estimate?

Yes. Adult weight estimates are based on the results of authoritative research by the World Health Organization (WHO). Weight assessment from birth to 18 years of age is carried out according to a separate special method, also developed by WHO.

Why is gender not taken into account?

The BMI of adults is assessed in the same way for both men and women - this is justified by the results of statistical studies. At the same time, for weight assessment, gender and age are of fundamental importance.

Some other weight calculator gives a different result. What to believe?

There are a huge number of calculators designed to give an estimate of weight based on height and gender. But their formulas, as a rule, were developed in the last century by individuals or groups based on criteria that are unknown to you or do not suit you (for example, formulas for evaluating athletes).

The WHO recommendations used in this calculator are developed for ordinary modern people, taking into account the conditions of modern life, advances in medicine and based on recent observations of the population of all continents of the planet. Therefore, we trust only this technique.

I think the result should be different.

Evaluation is based solely on the height and weight you provide (and age and gender for children). In case of unexpected results, please double-check all entered data. Also, make sure that you do not belong to any of those whose weight cannot be assessed through the body mass index.

My result is underweight, but I want to lose more weight

There is nothing unusual in this, many professional models, dancers, ballerinas do just that. However, in this case, it is recommended to lose weight only under the supervision of a nutritionist and endocrinologist, so as not to harm your health. if it means something to you.

My result is normal, but I consider myself fat (or thin)

If you have concerns about your figure, then we recommend that you go in for fitness, having previously consulted a good nutritionist.

Please note that some elements of the figure are almost impossible to correct only with the help of fitness, exercise, diet, or a combination of both. Your goals should be analyzed by an experienced doctor in order to assess their reality, consequences and prescribe only the right procedures.

My result is pre-obesity (or obesity), but I do not agree with this

If you are an athlete with increased muscle mass, then BMI weight assessment is simply not intended for you (this is mentioned in). In any case, for an accurate individual weight assessment, contact a nutritionist - only in this case you will receive an authoritative result with a doctor's seal.

Why am I considered too thin or fat even though my weight is normal?

Pay attention to the personality and weight of those people who bother you. As a rule, they judge exclusively by themselves: subjectively. Fat people always consider thin people to be skinny, and thin people consider fat people to be fat, moreover, both of them can have a healthy weight. Take into account social factors: try to exclude or stop those judgments in your address that are based on ignorance, envy or personal hostility. Only an objective assessment of BMI is worthy of trust, which clearly indicates the norm, excess or deficiency of mass; and trust your anxieties about the figure only to supportive people of your weight category or a doctor.

How to calculate body mass index (BMI)?

It is necessary to divide the weight indicated in kilograms by the square of the height indicated in meters. For example, with a height of 178 cm and a weight of 69 kg, the calculation will be as follows:
BMI = 69 / (1.78 * 1.78) = 21.78

Syndrome of excessive accumulation of fat (adipose tissue) in the body, leading to an increase in body weight by more than 20% compared to the average normal values.

Obesity is an energy imbalance in which the intake of food calories exceeds the energy expenditure of the body. Possible determinants of obesity can be genetic, demographic, socioeconomic, psychological, behavioral, metabolic, hormonal factors, or (most often) a combination of them.

By the nature of the distribution of adipose tissue, obesity is distinguished by the upper type (central, abdominal, android), the lower type (gynoid, gluteal-femoral) and mixed (intermediate). To diagnose obesity and determine its degree, body mass index (Quetelet index) is used. Body mass index is not only a diagnostic criterion for obesity, but also an indicator of the relative risk of developing diseases associated with obesity (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, osteoarthritis, coronary artery disease).

Body mass index (BMI) is calculated as the ratio of body weight

body weight (in kg)

height (m) 2

(in kg) to height (in meters) squared: BMI =

Classification of obesity by BMI (WHO, 1997)

Body mass types

BMI (kg/m2)

Risk of comorbidities


Low (increased risk of other diseases)

normal body weight




Obesity I

Obesity II

Very tall

Obesity III

Extremely high

Key features:

1. An increase in body weight of more than 20% of the due.

3. The ratio of the waist circumference (WT) to the hip circumference (OB) - for the abdominal type of obesity (with a BMI less than 35) is more than 0.9 in men, more than 0.83 in women.

4. Waist circumference (with abdominal type of obesity) more than 94 cm in men, more than 80 cm in women.

Waist circumference is measured in a standing position, in the middle of the distance between the lower edge of the chest and the iliac crest along the mid-axillary line (not according to the maximum size and not at the level of the navel), hip circumference - in their widest area at the level of the greater trochanter.

The reasons : incorrect dietary stereotype (especially in combination with low physical activity), psychogenic disorders (bulimia nervosa, depression, night eating syndrome, etc.), hypothalamus lesions, Itsenko-Cushing's disease and syndrome, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, insulinoma, medication ( corticosteroids, antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, antiserotonin drugs, medroxyprogesterone).

Distinguish from : massive edema (anasarca).

metabolic syndrome

A group of diseases and pathological conditions based on insulin resistance. The metabolic syndrome is characterized by an increase in the mass of visceral fat, a decrease in the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin and hyperglycemia, which cause the development of disorders of carbohydrate, lipid, purine metabolism and arterial hypertension.

signs (diagnosis criteria):

Basic sign central (obdominal) type of obesity - WC > 80 cm in women and > 94 cm in men

Additional criteria:

1. Arterial hypertension (BP ≥ 140/90 mm Hg).

2. Elevated triglycerides (≥ 1.7 mmol/L)

3. Decrease in the level of HDL-C (< 1,0 ммоль/л у мужчин; (< 1,2 ммоль/л) у женщин)

4. Increasing the level of LDL-C >3.0 mmol/l)

5. Fasting hyperglycemia (plasma glucose ≥ 6.1 mmol/l)

6. Impaired glucose tolerance (plasma glucose 2 hours after loading with glucose in the range (≥ 7.8 and ≤ 11.1 mmol / l.

The presence of the main and two additional criteria in the patient indicates MS.

It is an increased deposition of fat on the human body, which causes a number of concomitant diseases and sharply worsens the general physical condition of a person. Obesity occurs due to an imbalance between the amount of calories consumed and energy expended. The prerequisites for obesity are an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle, constant stress, insufficient sleep, diabetes mellitus and various hormonal disorders. This is due to the fact that in a state of stress, the human body goes to the accumulation of fat.

Obesity is characterized by several stages and degrees of severity. Obesity is a progressive and stable stage. The progressive stage is characterized by constant weight gain, and in the stable stage, excess weight remains unchanged.

Using the calculation (BMI), 4 degrees of obesity are distinguished. The calculation of body mass index (BMI) is usually calculated by a formula that is a comparison of the current mass of the body with the ideal. The ideal body weight is considered to be the body weight corresponding to the physique and height of a person.

First degree

Obesity of the 1st degree usually does not entail absolutely no discomfort for a person. It proceeds practically without symptoms and complaints, due to the fact that the internal organs are not adversely affected by body fat. Obesity of the 1st degree is characterized for a person only as a cosmetic defect due to which a slight degree of psychological discomfort is experienced. Usually this discomfort is manifested in women, they are no longer pleased with the reflection in the mirror, and they do not feel their beauty. Also, obesity of the 1st degree can be observed in sedentary women, in a worse way.

Grade 1 is manifested as a result of eating food containing an excess amount of calories, carbohydrates and fats, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work. Also, the main reasons for the development of the disease include frequent stress, a genetic tendency to be overweight and prolonged depression.

The main symptoms of obesity of the first degree are the appearance of shortness of breath during not significant cardio loads, as well as various types of emotional disorders against the background of an increase in total body weight.

The first degree of obesity requires immediate treatment due to the possible negative impact on the thyroid gland, the work of the reproductive organs, and also because of the likelihood of disease progression. As a treatment, experts usually recommend taking it, exercising regularly (it is best to introduce Aqua aerobics classes) and monitoring nutrition. From the diet it is necessary to exclude flour, sweet and fatty, you need to eat rationally and preferably at the same time.

Second degree

Obesity of the 2nd degree is a more serious disease; the patient's weight is 30-49% higher than normal. In the second degree of obesity, first of all, the load on the heart increases greatly, due to the fact that the number of cells served increases. Due to the increase in body weight, the load on the lower limbs increases significantly, which causes the development of varicose veins, swelling, the load on the joints and bones increases, due to which the functions of the musculoskeletal system are noticeably complicated. Children most often develop diseases of the lower extremities, causing their deformation. There is also a violation of sexual development. Such children and adolescents often suffer from prolonged depression, experience stress, do not have contact with peers, and often lead a reclusive lifestyle.

Usually, obesity of the 2nd degree occurs with pronounced symptoms that cause significant discomfort. Among the main symptoms, it is necessary to highlight palpitations and shortness of breath with any exertion, swelling, skin irritation, sweating and fatigue.

Treatment of the second degree of obesity must be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. The main objective of treatment is not only to lose weight, but also to keep it in the aisles of the norm. It is not advisable to use medications for weight loss without first consulting a specialist. Physical exercises and diet should also be agreed with the attending physician, since obesity of the 2nd degree has a devastating effect on almost all internal organs of a person. Most often, the development of such diseases as diabetes mellitus, arthrosis, flat feet, disruption of the cardiovascular system and lesions of the musculoskeletal system is possible.

Third degree

Obesity of the 3rd degree is a rather serious disease that poses a danger to human life and requires urgent medical treatment. Weight exceeds the normal value from 50 to 99%. Varieties of the third degree are practically not found, only a small part of the adult population usually suffers from this disease.

The load on the heart and lower limbs is almost doubled and the person is practically unable to move independently. Obesity 3 degrees significantly reduces a person's life expectancy. The disease is often accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the joints, legs, back, severe shortness of breath, swelling, mental depression and decreased human performance.

Obesity 3 degrees is practically not treatable with diet and exercise. Even with great efforts, the patient is not able to perform all the exercises with maximum efficiency. Diets, on the other hand, do not give results due to an increased desire to eat, which provokes multiple breakdowns.

Now obesity of the 3rd degree is often treated with surgical operations. During which the stomach is manipulated to reduce its volume. Thanks to such operations, it is possible to significantly reduce the patient's appetite and achieve significant success in weight loss.

Also, with constant control of appetite, success can be achieved with the help of diet therapy. It is recommended to eat foods high in vitamins and other useful substances.

fourth degree

Obesity of the 4th degree is a very rare phenomenon. Usually patients do not survive to this stage of obesity. But some pretty strong people, trying to get into the Guinness Book of Records, are able to survive in conditions of overweight.

American Suzanne Yeman, who weighs 330 kilograms and is not going to stop. The woman clearly understands what health problems threaten her, but still strive to weigh 700 kilograms and become famous. She is practically unable to move independently and her sons help her in everything. Or Donna Simpson, whose main goal is to get a Guinness record, now a woman weighs 273 kilograms and is not going to stop. Her goal is to weigh 450 kilograms.

Although not all people suffering from the fourth degree of obesity like this situation, many record holders were able to lose weight and return to a healthy life.

How to determine the degree of obesity?

How to determine the degree of obesity? After all, the correct and timely determination of the presence of men is first of all necessary for the correct treatment of the disease. To date, there are several methods for this purpose. The most common are the calculation of the degree of obesity by body mass index using tables or using a special online calculator.

Table calculation

To determine the degree of obesity, first of all, you need to find out the value of the body mass index BMI, which is determined by the formula. The formula is the ratio of a person's height in meters to their weight. The greater the value of the result, the greater the likelihood of obesity.

The formula for calculating the body mass index: Body mass index (BMI) of a person \u003d body weight / (height * height). After receiving the result, according to special tables, you can determine the degree of obesity. For example, you weigh 60 kilograms and are 1.70 meters tall. Your Body Mass Index is: 60 / (1.70*1.70) = 20.8 (rounded).

Also widely used is a table that can calculate BMI without using formulas. It operates on the principle of Pythagorean tables: on the one hand, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a person’s height are indicated in centimeters, and on the other hand, weight in kilograms. The table will help you maintain normal weight and control your internal condition.

Online calculator

Currently, it is of particular popularity that it is able to calculate BMI online. It is an Internet program that, according to the entered data, can calculate both the refined and the usual body mass index. The calculation of the body mass index is made for men and women, taking into account the structure of the body. Also, the calculator is able to plot changes in body weight and calculate how many kilograms you need to lose before the next step of the table. In a word, the online calculator is a very handy weight control and weight management application for both men and women.


Obesity is a very serious disease and, of course, requires medical intervention. With obesity, all internal organs suffer, excess weight is a colossal burden on the body. In order to find out degree obesity, you must first calculate your normal body weight. To do this, you need to weigh yourself and measure your height. Then you can use the following formula: 50 + 0.75 (height-150) + (age-20): 4, where, from your height, you need to subtract 150 cm and multiply the result by 0.75. Subtract 20 from your age and divide by 4, then add everything up. According to this formula, you will get the ideal weight of your body, taking into account height, weight, age.

After you know your normal weight, you can calculate the percentage of overweight. To do this, use the following formula: C \u003d ((M-N) / N) * 100, where M is the actual body weight in kg, N is the normal body weight in kg. If the result is less than 10%, then you are overweight, but not yet obese. To get rid of those few extra pounds, you need to stop snacking and lead a healthier lifestyle. If the percentage of overweight is more than 10%, then you should seriously think about it.

So, in Russia there are 4 degrees obesity. If your body weight exceeds normal by 10-29%, then this is the first degree obesity, 30-49% - the second, 50-99% - the third, and the fourth degree when body weight exceeds the ideal by more than 100%. Usually the first two degrees are treated with a set of special exercises, supportive therapy, and various diets. The last two are quite difficult to cure, mandatory medical supervision is necessary. In addition, people who are obese also have serious diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, so special attention must be paid to this.

Some believe that one extra kilogram is not a reason for frustration, others are sure that every pound is a signal to immediately start a diet. How to determine if there are reasons for concern?


The simplest way to determine the presence of excess weight is the formula "height" (in cm) minus 100. If the number of kilograms does not exceed the figure obtained, there is no excess weight. However, for a more accurate calculation, the following correction must be applied: for people 155-165 cm tall, the formula is the same as above; for those whose height is from 165 to 175 cm, 105 must be subtracted; for those who are above 175 cm, 110 is subtracted.

Good day, dear blog readers and just random passers-by! Today I want to dedicate this post to all those who are actively looking for and interested in information about being overweight.

An article on the stages and types of obesity in men, women and children (photo), how to determine the BMI and degree (table), whether they take to the army and how many kg a person has at 1,2 and 3 degrees. Here you will find comprehensive answers to all questions regarding the diagnosis of excess weight and the prognosis of future life.

I congratulate everyone on the first day of 2012 and I hope that you will spend the long weekend with benefit, and not just sitting stupidly at the TV. It's time to start doing some kind of sport or fitness in the gym. Already now you can prepare for the new summer season, because you will not have time to look back, and spring is already knocking, as they say.

Every person needs to physically load themselves, and not just those who will be discussed in this article. For example, I have a BMI of 22, but this does not mean that I can relax, there is always the opportunity to increase this level to 30, for example. Therefore, I do fitness 3 times a week, which is what I wish you.

How to determine the degree of obesity

Determining the degree of obesity in women and men is necessary to assess the severity of the disease. There are several methods for assessing the degree of obesity. What methods and how they are used, let's figure it out.

Due to our mentality and folk traditions, fullness (obesity) is still not considered a disease. And this is bad, because this condition can lead to more serious disorders in the body, such as impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, at least.

Types of obesity in men

If you think that men can gain weight and store fat in a male pattern, then you are wrong. Recently, there are more and more men who have a female type of obesity, as in the photo below (on the left, the distribution of fat by female type).

Fortunately, this type is quite rare, most often you can see "beer tummies" like this one. This is the most dangerous type in terms of the development of metabolic disorders and requires urgent treatment.

Waist to hip ratio

To determine the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular complications, the ratio: waist circumference / hip circumference is used. Normally, for men, this indicator should be no more than 1.0, and for women - no more than 0.85. If these figures are higher, then the risk of developing complications in the face of type 2 diabetes increases.

Waist measurement

Another important indicator is the size of the waist. Normally, in men, it should not exceed 94 cm, and in women - 80 cm. Exceeding these indicators also leads to an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to being overweight, there are other risk factors for developing diabetes, and which you can learn from the article.

Degrees of obesity in children

Each person has the opportunity to calculate their ideal weight and begin to implement measures to reduce their real weight in order to avoid occurrence in the future.

But, however, it is worth considering that these calculation formulas are not very suitable for children and athletes. This is due to different proportions in children and a predominance in athletes and bodybuilders. In this section, we consider the problem of diagnosing excess weight in small representatives of humanity.

Unfortunately, I state the fact that the incidence of obesity among children is steadily growing every year. In Russia, it has not yet become an epidemic, but in developed countries, doctors and scientists are literally screaming that overweight children are approaching a critical point.

If the Russians continue to adhere to the Western standard of living and inspire their children with their values, then in a dozen years a similar fate awaits us too (see photo above). Take care of your children! After all, excess weight is not only chubby cheeks and soft rounded shapes, but also a lot of concomitant pathology.

Children, just like adults, can get obesity of the first, second, and even third degree. This is especially true for adolescents and children of the first years of life. Since it is during this period that there is an active division of adipose tissue cells.

When can a child be considered to have a weight problem?

If you suspect a child has weight disease, then you can quickly and easily calculate BMI, which correlates with fat mass in both adults and children, and as recommended by the WHO. I wrote about this formula at the beginning of the article. The evaluation of the calculation results is similar, namely:

  • overweight corresponds to a BMI of 25 to 30
  • obesity of the 1st degree corresponds to a BMI from 30 to 35
  • obesity of the 2nd degree corresponds to a BMI from 35 to 40
  • obesity of the 3rd degree corresponds to a BMI of more than 40

Degrees of obesity in children in tables

But this method is very rough and does not take into account children's parameters. Pediatric endocrinologists use a more accurate method - the use of percentile or centile tables, which compares the weight, height, sex and age of children. Agree that this method is more individual. A child's body weight is considered overweight when the indicator is within the 85-95th centile, and obesity starts at the 95th centile.

Modern centile tables were created recently in 2006 based on the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS). They are created in each country, taking into account national characteristics. They use a system of standard deviations (SDS - standard deviation score). WHO uses standard deviations of -1, -2, -3 SDS, median, and +1, +2, +3 SDS.

Based on WHO recommendations, obesity in children and adolescents should be defined as +2.0 SDS BMI, and overweight from +1.0 to +2.0 SDS BMI. Below I give a photo of the official table for boys from 2 to 5 years old and show how to use it correctly (click on the image to enlarge it). Then you can for all ages and calculate already for your child.

So, in the first column you see the age - year / month, in the second column you see the age in months, we skip the next three. We look at the last 7 columns. The median column means the average BMI for this age and is considered normal if your indicator fits into the indicators between the -1SD and 1SD columns.

If the BMI is from 1SD to 2SD, then this indicates that the child is overweight. If more than 2SD - obesity.

Still there is not in the form of tables, but in the form of graphs. Here, whichever is more convenient for you. The chart looks like this. I took as an example the BMI for boys from 5 to 19 years old (the picture is clickable)

Here you see 5 lines that divide the chart into 6 intervals. The BMI is read as the norm, which falls between the yellow lines. Horizontally is age, and vertically is BMI. I hope you remember how to calculate it.

As you can see, this graph does not indicate SD, but the centiles that I spoke about at the beginning. Thus, the old and modern designation are combined. .

With what degree of obesity they take to the army

This question interests many young people, as well as their parents. After all, complete recruits can become the subject of ridicule and bullying among more slender comrades. When I was still working in a state hospital, I had to fill out a bunch of acts from the military registration and enlistment office on obesity, and some recruits had to serve our Motherland.

And all because not all overweight men fall under the exemption and even deferment. When you come to the commission, they weigh you there, measure your height and calculate your BMI. According to the results of the calculation, a diagnosis of "Obesity" is made and a referral is given to an endocrinologist for examination. Guaranteed to serve young people with 1 degree of obesity and overweight.

Those with grade 2 obesity receive a delay of 6 months, then all over again. And those who have grown their body to 3 degrees of obesity most often receive a life-long exemption from service, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes with the third degree they can only give a reprieve and later you have to repeat everything again. According to BMI 4, the degree of obesity does not exist.

That's all for me. Exercise and your body will thank you! What sport do you do? How do you feel about him in general?

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

What is obesity? This is a chronic disease caused by a violation of fat metabolism, and is expressed primarily in an increase in body weight and the appearance of body fat. It should be noted that this disease is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. In advanced cases, many internal organs are affected, primarily the heart. The disease is divided into degrees of progression. And today we will consider them depending on the body mass index (BMI), we will clarify the formula for calculating. So, the topic of our consideration today is the degree of obesity by BMI, how to calculate the BMI body mass index, what is the formula? But first, let's talk about the causes of swimming with fat.

The basis of the disease is an imbalance between the amount of food consumed and the energy needs of the body. Simply put, a person consumes too much food.

Briefly consider what are the causes of obesity. It is probably not a secret for any of you that the disease we are considering is the lot of developed humanity. Countries with a low standard of living cannot "boast" a large number of obese people, and there are several explanations for this.

First of all, it is the availability of food. Agree, you no longer need to subject yourself to significant physical exertion in order to find food for yourself. It is enough just to leave the house and buy everything you need in a store located a few meters from the house.

The Internet has changed a person’s life so much that you don’t even have to leave your home, everything ordered will be brought to your apartment, you just need to click a couple of times with the mouse. All of the above contributes to the development of a sedentary lifestyle. Hence the slowdown in metabolism and excess weight.

The increased stress component of modern life. We are already accustomed to the fact that stress is a companion of mankind, the global economic crisis, anxiety for the future, lack of confidence in the future, all this is expressed in psychological discomfort.

What does a person do to resist stress, he simply “eats” him, because food is a pleasure. After you eat a tasty meal, the level of pleasure hormones such as dopamine and serotonin increases in the blood, and life already seems much better. As a result, extra pounds on the stomach and hips, which further drive a person into a stressful situation - a vicious circle.

However, a few words should be said in defense of civilization. The reasons listed above are rather prerequisites, since in themselves they do not provoke the development of the disease we are considering, but only push a person to eat more food than he needs.

Directly, the causes of the disease lie much deeper, consider some of them.

Genetic Causes. It has been proven that in families where parents are obese, the risk of offspring with a similar pathology increases significantly. The reason for this lies in the genetic violation of the biosynthesis of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats from food. In some cases, there is an excessive activity of enzymes responsible for lipogenesis (formation of fats).

Endocrine pathology. Some diseases accompanied by a malfunction of the pituitary gland, as well as the thyroid gland, can provoke metabolic disorders, expressed in the appearance of fatty deposits.

Diseases of the nervous system. Oncological pathology or the consequences of injuries can provoke the appearance of obesity.

It should be noted that if extra pounds are the result of another pathology, experts talk about secondary obesity. Primary obesity, sometimes called alimentary, can only be discussed in the absence of damage to other internal organs.

How can you tell if you are overweight or not? It’s very simple, you don’t even need a mirror for this. Professional nutritionists use such a thing as body mass index (BMI). It is calculated as follows: Divide your body weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.

In terms of numbers, this formula will look something like this - (weight (kg.) / ((height (m.) x (height (m.)). By doing some simple calculations, you can say with certainty whether you are susceptible to the disease we are considering or not.

The normal BMI ranges from 18 to 24.9. If your body mass index is above 24.9, then this article is for you. Next, consider the degree of obesity.

Obesity 1 degree. BMI is in the range of 25 to 29.9. As a rule, at this stage, patients do not show any complaints. The only manifestation of the disease at this stage is increased obesity.

Obesity 2 degrees The disease we are considering is characterized by an increase in BMI, which is already in the range from 30 to 40. As in the previous case, apart from being overweight, nothing bothers patients. If you do not delay the treatment, you can avoid serious consequences.

Obesity 3 degrees. The body mass index is in the range from 40 to 60, body weight is increased by approximately 40 percent of the norm and above. Patients complain of significant weakness, fatigue with little physical exertion. At this stage, it is possible to detect violations of the rhythm of heart contractions, as well as an increase in the size of the heart.

Obesity 4 degrees. BMI exceeds 60, body weight is increased more than twice from the norm. Patients can weigh up to two hundred kilograms or more. At this stage, deep disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system are noted, pains in the heart area, arrhythmias appear.

There are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the liver caused by inflammation of the liver tissue. There may be other complaints, all envy from the localization of body fat.

The treatment of obesity should be comprehensive. If obesity is secondary, the underlying pathology should be adequately compensated.

In the early stages of the disease, as a rule, the use of diet therapy is sufficient. Currently, there are a great many different diets from extremely strict, almost hungry, to very, exotic, chocolate or even sugar.

In some cases, drug therapy is indicated, which consists in taking drugs that reduce appetite, reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine, or inhibit internal lipogenesis.

In any case, increased physical activity is indicated, under the supervision of an exercise therapy doctor or an experienced fitness instructor.

In severe cases, surgical treatment is used, which consists in reducing the size of the stomach.

In general, it should be said that the ill-fated kilograms will not leave you by themselves. To lose weight, you have to make an effort. If you are not able to independently choose a diet for yourself and stick to it carefully, this may be an occasion to visit a nutritionist. Professionals will select the treatment shown specifically in your case. Do not delay treatment and be healthy!

Degrees of obesity by body mass index

Depending on how much excess fat deposits in the body are greater than muscle mass, 4 degrees of obesity are distinguished by body mass index.

Body mass index (BMI) is a calculated value that helps to assess whether you are overweight or underweight. It is calculated by dividing the body weight (kg) of a person by the square of his height (m).

If the BMI is in the range of 20.0–25.9, then a person over 25 years of age has a normal weight. When the BMI is 26–27.9, this indicates that the person is overweight.

The following degrees of obesity are distinguished.

BMI will be for people over 25 years old in the range of 28.0–30.9, for 18–25 year olds - 27.5–29.9.

2 degree

Appears, pain in the spine and joints, profuse sweating. Lipid metabolism is disturbed, which provokes heart disease. Body fat makes up 30-50% of the lean body mass, and BMI for people over 25 years old is 31.0-35.9, for younger people (from 18 to 25 years old) - 30.0-34.9, respectively.

With obesity of the second stage, the risk of endocrine and metabolic disorders increases.

3 degree

Body weight exceeds normal values ​​by 50% or more. Obesity is difficult to tolerate, a person suffers from shortness of breath, and does not tolerate physical activity. There are complications - arthrosis of the joints, strokes, heart attacks.

BMI corresponds to 36.0-40.9 for people aged 25 and over, and 35.0-39.9 for younger people (18-25 years).

Normal body weight is the weight that corresponds to a certain height of a person, given his physique.

4 degree

Weight more than normal 2 times or more. This stage is rare, because patients simply do not live up to it. They usually do not leave the bed, they cannot move, they suffer from shortness of breath even at rest. Often the shape of the body takes on a monstrous character, a person resembles a monster with a shapeless body, consisting of mountains of fat.

BMI will show 40.0 and above for 18-25 year olds and 41.0 and above for older people.

Causes of obesity

There are many reasons that cause this disease, from overeating to hormonal disorders. Therefore, there are two main groups of obesity:


Types of exogenous obesity:
  • Alimentary-constitutional obesity. The main reasons are physical inactivity, the cult of food (overeating, malnutrition, passion for fast food), stress, depression. It belongs to family diseases. In these families, usually all households have one of the degrees of obesity. And also this species is typical for the female, especially women who have crossed the 40-year mark. There is a violation of the energy balance. All the energy that enters the body is not completely consumed, but is deposited in the form of adipose tissue.
  • Exogenous constitutional obesity. Has a progressive character. It affects people with sedentary work and fast food lovers. But it differs from the previous one in that it is not hereditary and is not the result of any disease.
  • Visceral obesity. Adipose tissue is not deposited in the subcutaneous layer, but is localized around the internal organs. It affects both men and women. "Beer belly" refers to this type. It is more difficult to treat and provokes diabetes, as it is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

You can determine visceral obesity by measuring the waist circumference. The norm is the waist circumference for women up to 80 cm, for men - no more than 95 cm. If the figures are higher than these values, then it's time to take action.


Endogenous types of obesity are as follows:
  • Cerebral obesity. It occurs as a result of trauma, inflammation and neoplasms (malignant and benign) of the brain. It is not a hereditary disease.
  • endocrine obesity. Occurs against the background of dysfunction of the hormonal system, with diseases of the pituitary gland, hypofunction of the thyroid and gonads. It is also not hereditary.

These two obesity are difficult to cure, because it must be treated along with the underlying disease that causes this ailment.

obesity treatment

The approach to treating obesity depends on the degree of the disease.

Obesity 1 degree

For the treatment of obesity of the 1st degree, a set of measures is used:
  • Diet. Reduce the daily calorie content of the diet, reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and lipids. They eat fractionally, replace animal fats with vegetable oil.
  • Physical exercises. Regularity is important here - you can’t let yourself be lazy. They select a set of exercises and start with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and exercises. The process of losing weight will take a lot of time, you should not hope for a quick result.
  • Ethnoscience. Traditional medicine will also help restore normal weight. For example, they drink an infusion of ginger every day. Take 50 g of fresh ginger root, grind it and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Half a lemon, cut into slices, and a little fresh mint are also added there. Leave to brew and drink 1 glass before meals.
It is important to note that in case of obesity, a doctor prescribes a therapeutic diet - table number 8, which can be found in the video:

Obesity 2 degrees

With 2 degrees of obesity are also prescribed:
  • Diet therapy, but it will be more strict. A nutritionist will select a low-calorie diet in which vegetables and fruits will be the main products.
  • Daily physical exercises, the specialist can direct to physiotherapy exercises, taking into account the age and state of health of the patient.
  • Phytotherapy. Herbs are used that create a satiety effect and reduce appetite, as they swell in the stomach. These are flax seeds or angelica officinalis. Diuretics are also effective - lingonberry leaf, parsley root.

In advanced cases, medications are prescribed that are aimed at reducing appetite and removing excess fluid from the body. Preparations are selected by the doctor for each patient individually.

Obesity 3 degrees

With 3 degrees of obesity, they first undergo an examination - donate blood for hormones and sugar, and with the help of a doctor, they identify the cause that provokes weight gain. Apply:
  • Diet and fasting days limit carbohydrates and sugar in the diet. They eat fractionally, reducing portions.
  • Physical exercise. They are performed at a moderate pace at the initial stage. They start with morning exercises, walking short distances. They are more actively engaged when weight is significantly lost.
  • Medical treatment. Drug treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.
With the 3rd degree of obesity, the patient cannot cope on his own and only in tandem with the doctor will achieve a positive effect from the treatment.

Obesity 4 degrees

At grade 4, treatment is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. In addition to diet, exercise, treatment of concomitant diseases, surgical intervention is used:
  • Liposuction- remove excess adipose tissue if a threat hangs over the patient's life. As a result of the operation, the load on the vital organs is reduced.
  • Vertical gastroplasty- vertically divide the stomach into two parts. After the operation, the upper part of the stomach becomes smaller in volume, and therefore, it fills up with food faster and satiety occurs sooner.
  • gastro bypass, in which a small part of the stomach is isolated. As a result, the patient receives less food, but after the operation it is necessary to consume vitamins and minerals throughout life.
  • Biliopancreatic shunting. Remove part of the stomach. And just like in the previous case, you need to take vitamins and minerals all your life.

A drug treatment for grade 4 is rarely prescribed, since the body is in a serious condition. A person with this stage is considered seriously ill, in whom all vital organs are affected.

Fatty liver and its treatment

Fatty hepatosis is one of the most common diseases of this type, in which the degeneration of liver tissue into fatty tissue occurs.

The reasons

The main reasons are:
  • abuse of fatty foods and alcohol;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • lack of vitamins and proteins in the diet;
  • chronic substance poisoning.

Development of hepatosis

In the early stages of development, the disease, especially caused by endocrine disorders, may not manifest itself for a long time. Patients usually complain of indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. With a progressive disease, jaundice is observed, which is accompanied by itching of the skin. Patients have an enlarged liver.

Since the initial symptoms are characteristic of a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should definitely visit a specialist and undergo an examination to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment option.

The main task is to find the factor that provoked fatty hepatosis. Therefore, the patient must be ready to give up bad habits or leave harmful production.

During treatment, as well as after it, a person must adhere to a strict diet. All fatty foods are excluded from the diet - meat, fish, dairy, as well as canned food, smoked meats, muffins and fried foods. And, of course, you should forget about any use of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to diet, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin course or drug therapy. In some cases, you will have to take medicines for the rest of your life. They also pay special attention to lipid metabolism, if necessary, correct it with anti-cholesterol drugs.

With untimely treatment, hepatosis can go into the form of chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.

Treatment of fatty liver folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are several recipes that help the liver get rid of adipose tissue:
  • Rosehip infusion. 100 g of dry rose hips are poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water, insisted for 8 hours. Drink an infusion of 200 ml 3 times a day.
  • apricot kernels. No more than 6 apricot kernels are eaten per day, they prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. However, you should not get carried away with them, as they contain a small amount of cyanide.
  • lemon pips. Contribute to the restoration of liver cells. To do this, they must be crushed and mixed with an equal amount of honey. Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Prevention of obesity

Obesity is a dangerous disease, so it is better to prevent it than to fight it for a long time. This is especially true for people at risk. It:
  • people whose parents suffer from overweight;
  • people leading an inactive lifestyle due to their profession;
  • lovers of good food;
  • people with diseases of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • people taking medications - hormonal, contraceptives and psychotropic drugs.
Preventive measures:
  • Limit consumption of salt, easily digestible carbohydrates. Keep track of the amount of food you eat.
  • Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages, which stimulate appetite and reduce satiety sensitivity.
  • Lead an active lifestyle that helps burn calories.
  • Improve psycho-emotional state. Since stress, depression, negative emotions, a person usually "seizes" with food.
  • Timely treat concomitant diseases - diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.

Video: Causes of obesity and its treatment

The following video invites you to learn about the problems of obese people, as well as get acquainted with the treatment of the disease:
Obesity is not a death sentence. It is possible for a person to lose weight and return to normal weight. If at 1st degree the patient can cope on his own, then at other stages, consultation and help of a doctor is necessary. Timely treatment will help to avoid aggravation of the development of the disease.

Excess weight is a sore subject for many girls who cannot lose the hated kilos in any way. However, in pursuit of a small waist, you should not lose your head and bring yourself to exhaustion. Body mass index obesity rates will help determine if you are in your weight range, BMI proportionality coefficient will help determine if your weight is appropriate for your height. Having managed to calculate the index, you will have a complete picture: whether you should work hard on fitness and go on effective diets.

Causes of obesity

Women suffer more from obesity, their body is set to gain body weight, this is explained by physiology, because the fairer sex needs to bear a child, and nature has made sure that the fetus in the woman's body is protected by a fatty layer. But ladies should not lament, because the main cause of obesity is overeating (alimentary obesity), getting more calories than required for energy production, and all the excess goes into those very fat accumulations.

Overeating is a common way to gain extra pounds, accounting for 90% of all cases. But the metabolic disorder, which plump ladies refer to, is a rare cause of weight gain. It is worth mentioning the complex of factors that lead to obesity, such as lack of activity, genetics, diet (high-fat foods, alcohol), stress, insomnia, medication, hormonal drugs.

How to Calculate Body Mass Index

At present, the recognized method for determining the body mass index adopted by WHO is the method created by Adolphe Quetelet, a scientist from Belgium who was engaged in statistics and sociology. He developed his method in 1869, but this system is still relevant. The numbers that you calculate should be considered approximate, given that the male and female body mass index are different.

The essence of the method is as follows. The BMI index is equal to body weight divided by height squared. It is measured in kilograms per metre. So, as an example, let's calculate the BMI for a girl who is 176 centimeters tall and weighs 60 kilograms. To do this, 60 divided by 1.76 squared. Its index is 19.4. BMI formula = weight (kg): (height (m))².

body weight norms

Normal weight is considered to be determined according to statistical and medical data, taking into account age, gender, and other physiological indicators. However, the concept of norm is relative. The figure changes after 30 years, there is a decrease in the mass of muscles, bones and organs, and the norm becomes different. It is impossible to approach the calculation of the norm of body weight in the same way, for example, for a pensioner and a boxer. And the body weight of children and adolescents can be calculated the correct parameters only for growth, taking into account the development of the skeleton and muscles.

To determine the norm of weight, do not forget about the structure of the body. There are several body types. The first is asthenic, such people have thin bones that are light in weight. The second is a normosthenic, everything is normal with such a person. But in the third type - hypersthenics - the bones are distinguished by the severity of the weight and excessive width. The formulas by which the weight norm is calculated are designed for normosthenics, asthenics should be subtracted 8-10%, add 8-10% to hypersthenics. According to the type of structure of the figure, the norm (Broca's index) is determined.

For men

The body type of men is calculated according to the Solovyov index. Measure the thin part of your wrist with a measuring tape. An asthenic has less than 18 centimeters, 18-20 cm for a normosthenic, more than 20 cm for a hypersthenic. If a young man has a pumped up figure, then the muscles can make up most of the mass. With a muscular type of figure, all calculation methods will be powerless here.

The weight norm depends on the number of years, lifestyle and hormone levels. The body mass index for men is normally 18.5-24.9, higher in middle-aged people, lower in young and old people. The BMI norm in men is always higher than in women. The index calculation will be different here. It is important for men not to forget about proper nutrition and sports, as they also have a risk of getting better. BMI from 25 to 30 is already the stage of pre-obesity.

For women

It is difficult for asthenic women to get better. Their metabolism is very fast, so they need to remember about meals more often. Their wrist size should be less than 16 cm. It is easier for normosthenic ladies to gain weight, although they have no problems with metabolism, they can get better if they move a little and eat a lot. Their wrist size does not exceed 18.5 cm. Women of the third type have more fat than muscle, their metabolism is not fast.

When calculating, women should also take into account height and age, because if a woman at 60 years old, whose height is 160 cm, weighs 60 kg, she is considered complete, but the same indicators for a young girl are acceptable (according to Brock's formula). The body mass index for women should not exceed 19-24, this is considered the norm, but real errors should also be taken into account.

For children and teenagers

The weight of a newborn baby is considered normal if it is about 3 kg. Having reached the age of one year, a healthy child will weigh about 10 kilograms. At the age of two years - 12 kilograms. From the age of two until the age of puberty, the weight of the child increases by about 2 kilograms per year. Then he can add 5-6 or more kg with an increase in this parameter during a period of rapid growth (10 centimeters each year).

Body weight exceeding the limit by 15-30 percent is mildly obese. Between 30 and 50 percent would mean moderate, and anything above would mean severe obesity. A child who will have a strong skeleton and developed muscles, that is, a hypersthenic, as a rule, has more weight than his peer of the normosthenic type with average indicators and his peer of the asthenic type with a fragile skeleton, poorly developed muscles.

Interpretation of indicators

BMI indicators will reveal a clear picture of the state of your health and make it clear what measures you should take. If the BMI is less than 16, then you have anorexia, indicators of 16-18.5 indicate a lack of body weight. The lucky ones have an index from 18.5 to 25 - these are normal indicators. Minor deviations occur depending on gender, age and body type.

If the BMI is in the range of 25 to 28, then you should be a little worried, these values ​​​​correspond to being overweight. Fats will accumulate in the body further, this can lead to diseases. BMI from 28 to 30 speaks of obesity of the 1st level, 30-35 - of obesity of the 2nd degree, 35-40 - a reason to sound the alarm, since the 3rd has a risk to life. And more than 40 is already a disabled person with 4 degrees of obesity. Below is a table of obesity.

Classification of degrees of obesity by BMI

So, if your BMI indicators are far from normal, then you should understand how neglected everything is and how to lose weight. Determine the degree of obesity by body mass index, we gave an example of the interpretation of indicators above. It is worth recalling some exceptions, for which the index values ​​should be slightly increased. These include, for example, athletes involved in weightlifting, who have more muscles than other people.

However, if you are not distinguished by achievements in sports, then you should be seriously concerned about the high indices of the index. Calculate if the BMI is from 25 to 28 - then not everything is lost, you can get rid of excess weight by dropping a few kilograms in the gym, but what to do when it comes to obesity. So, the degrees of obesity according to BMI are as follows.

1 degree

Obesity of the 1st degree occurs with BMI values ​​from 28 to 30. If such figures are available, then a doctor's consultation is urgently needed. You can contact a nutritionist who will answer the question of how to lose weight and develop a nutrition program. After all, if at the very beginning you do something with your health, for example, do fitness, then you can prevent the next stage from appearing.

2 degree

Obesity of the 2nd degree is a BMI from 30 to 35. People with such body fat naively believe that they have no health problems, attributing extra kilos not to a disease, but to external shortcomings. However, both 1 and 2 degrees of obesity still give a chance for correction. Sitting on a diet and starting sports, you can forget about these numbers. However, not everyone makes a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

3 degree

If the body has been brought to the appearance of a BMI from 35 to 40, then it's time to panic - this is grade 3 obesity. Losing weight on your own is almost impossible. As the body begins to change, problems arise with the functioning of internal organs, failures result in the appearance of heart disease, shortness of breath and joint pathology. At this stage, diabetes may also develop.

4 degree

This degree of obesity is the most severe, while the index goes over 40. At this stage, there are already problems with movement, it is difficult for a person with 4 degrees of obesity not only to walk, but also to minimally serve himself in everyday life. At the same time, such a weight places a strong load on the spine and joints, turning a person into a bed patient. The obesity table is shown below.

Table of health status depending on BMI (degrees of obesity are determined by body mass index)

Health status (by BMI) BMI

18-25 over 25 years old

health risk Recommendations
Anorexia Under 17.5 Present Need to get better
underweight Under 18.5 no risk Need to get better
Norm 19,5-22,9 20,0-25,9
Excess 23,0-27,4 26,0-27,9 Promoted Should lose weight

(1 degree)

27,5-29,9 28,0-30,9 Promoted Should lose weight
(2nd degree) 30,0-34,9 31,0-35,9 High Need to lose weight
(3rd degree) 35,0-39,9 36,0-40,9 Extremely high
(4 degree) 40.0 and above 41.0 and above Extremely high Need to lose weight immediately

Other methods for determining normal body weight

BMI is a classic way to measure body weight, but it is not considered unique and unique. There are many different methods that should help determine normal body weight. We previously mentioned the Brock index, the Breitman calculation system is also curious, it is worth paying attention to the Gabs index, Bernhard and Lorentz formulas. Let's dwell on them in more detail. So, how do you know if your figure is normal and if you look good in the photo?

Quetelet formula

Adolf Quetelet is the author of not only the BMI method. Its formula is similar to the way BMI is calculated. How to calculate? The Quetelet index can be calculated as follows - divide the weight in g by the height in cm and take into account the type of physique. The physique can also be determined in everyday conditions: stand in front of a mirror, draw in your stomach, lean your palms against the ribs below. If you get an obtuse angle, you have a large physique. The physique is normal if the angle is right. The formula will help determine how many kg to remove.

Brock's formula

Broca's index takes into account the physique of a person, highlighting the types for which indicators of normal body weight are calculated. Brock's body mass index formula considers body types, taking into account differences in constitution and other features. How to count? Brock's index is calculated by subtracting one hundred and five centimeters from height. This method does not show how big obesity is, but only helps to understand its very presence.

Breitman formula

The Breitman index will help calculate the normal mass, while relying only on the growth rate. How to determine? The formula is simple: multiply height in centimeters by 0.7 and subtract 50. For example, the weight of a woman with a height of 165 cm, according to this formula, will be considered the norm within 65.5 kg. A man with a height of 180 cm should weigh, according to the Breitman index, 76 kg.

The heroine of the talk show “We Speak and Show” was Olga Sazonova, a woman who weighs 200 kg and desperately wants to lose weight, ended up in intensive care after she went on a trendy diet on the advice of a friend. The woman has been trying to lose weight for 8 years. But she can't do anything. The weight loss specialist gives valuable advice and pointed out Olga's mistakes. Why you can’t drink coffee in the morning and not have breakfast, whether frequent meals contribute to weight loss - more on this in the story below.

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