Recovery of the body after childbirth. What to do in the hospital after childbirth? The female body after childbirth

From the moment the placenta is born, the postpartum period begins, which is no less important for a woman than pregnancy and childbirth. What awaits a young mother on the first day after childbirth?

The first few days after childbirth, the most responsible, the woman spends in the maternity hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel. On average, the time of her stay in the hospital is 4-7 days, depending on a number of circumstances: the method of delivery (operative or spontaneous delivery), the severity of childbirth, the presence of complications in the mother and the newborn, etc.

As a rule, the first days are the most difficult (with the exception of cases when postpartum complications develop). And of course, for all women in childbirth, the first day after childbirth proceeds differently.

First watch

After spontaneous childbirth through the birth canal, the first 2 hours the puerperal is in the maternity ward under the close supervision of medical personnel. This is due to the fact that in the early postpartum period there is a high probability of various complications (bleeding, high blood pressure, etc.). The puerperal put a heating pad with ice on the lower abdomen for better contraction of the uterus. Periodically, the doctor on duty and the midwife come up to the woman, ask about the general state of health, the presence of complaints, measure blood pressure, pulse, check the nature and amount of discharge from the genital tract, and also massage the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall.

After 2 hours, the puerperal with the newborn, in the absence of deviations during the early postpartum period, is transferred to the postpartum department on a gurney. Before the transfer, the health and condition of the woman is checked again, body temperature and blood pressure are measured.

In the postpartum department, the puerperal is received by the midwife on duty, who once again checks the condition of the woman, measures the pulse, pressure, determines the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the height of the fundus of the uterus, the soreness of the uterus and the nature of the discharge from the genital tract. Then the mother is placed in the ward. After being transferred to the postpartum department, it is recommended for a young mother to lie on her stomach for 2 hours - this is how postpartum discharge from the uterus is better removed and the uterus contracts.

Now, in many maternity hospitals, the joint stay in the postpartum ward of the mother and child is welcomed, therefore, if both are in a satisfactory condition and there are no contraindications from the newborn, after the nurse accepts and examines him, the baby is immediately placed in the same room with the puerperal. In some maternity hospitals, the baby is first placed in the children's ward for several hours, after which they are brought to the mother with a satisfactory state of health for both.

Possible problems

During the first hours after childbirth, a woman may experience drowsiness, fatigue, which is associated with great psycho-emotional and physical stress during childbirth. Many women after childbirth experience, on the contrary, arousal, the inability to sleep.

Sometimes after childbirth, in the first hours and even days, urinary retention is possible as a result of a spasm (contraction) of the sphincter of the bladder or (decrease in tone) of the pelvic organs (intestines, bladder), etc. In some cases, the puerperal feels the urge, but cannot empty herself bladder, in others she does not even feel the urge to urinate. Therefore, after childbirth (preferably no later than 6 hours), you should try to urinate. With urinary retention, you must try to cause it reflexively. To help yourself, you can create a sound reflex: for example, open a water tap or "persuade" yourself, as you persuade a child to urinate. The sound of running water or a voice will help to cope with the task. Also in such cases it is good to water the genitals with warm water. If you cannot cope with the problem in these ways, be sure to tell the midwife about it - she will put a catheter. You need to empty your bladder as soon as possible, as a full bladder prevents normal uterine contractions.

There may be no stool on the first day after childbirth, and if there are stitches on the perineum (which the woman is warned about immediately after childbirth), it is desirable that there is no stool for three days. The tension of the muscles of the pelvic floor during defecation can lead to divergence of the seams, which further threatens their inferior functioning and, as a result, the prolapse of the internal genital organs. It is possible to achieve stool retention with the help of a special diet, which the attending physician will tell about during the morning bypass (foods rich in vegetable fiber are excluded from the diet: raw fruits, vegetables, juices, black bread, bran, etc.). Recommended first courses, cereals, dairy products in small quantities.

In the postpartum period, an active mode is recommended. Its essence boils down to getting up early after childbirth (2 hours after transfer to the ward) and self-performing hygiene procedures. You need to get out of bed carefully, calmly, rise smoothly. If there is a seam on the perineum, in no case should you sit down. You need to get up from a lying position on your side. If you feel dizzy, it is better to lie down again and ask the midwife to measure the pressure. If you feel normal, you can go to the toilet, take a shower. Active behavior after childbirth (if there are no contraindications) contributes to a better contraction of the uterus (and thus prevents the retention of secretions in the uterine cavity), the rapid restoration of the intestines and bladder.

After each act of defecation and urination, it is imperative to wash yourself, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate (this helps prevent the occurrence of infectious complications, since the blood released from the genital tract is a good environment for the development of pathogens, which is especially dangerous if there are stitches on the perineum). After the toilet of the external genital organs, it is necessary to change the diaper.

On the first day after childbirth, due to the fact that large blood vessels remain in place of the separated placenta, a rather large amount of blood discharge from the uterus is noted (as with heavy menstruation). They may contain small clots. If the amount of bleeding seems excessively large, then it is imperative to call a midwife or a doctor who can assess the situation and, if necessary, take therapeutic measures. In the first hours after childbirth, for a more correct assessment of the amount of bloody discharge from the genital tract, puerperas use sterile fabric liners (in some maternity hospitals they insist on using diapers for several days). In the future, the use of disposable pads is allowed (special postpartum pads are now being produced, they can be bought in pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers, but regular ones are also suitable - the main thing is that they are "super absorbent" and "breathable"). These days, special disposable mesh panties are very useful, it is better not to use your underwear (especially synthetic and dense): it lets air through worse, in addition, it is unlikely that the hospital will have the conditions to wash it and disinfect it with an iron. To improve the outflow of lochia, it is better to lie on your stomach and periodically place a heating pad with ice on your stomach through a diaper (3 times a day for 15-20 minutes).

The nutrition of a woman (if she is healthy) on the first day after childbirth should take into account breastfeeding: it is necessary to exclude foods that cause increased gas formation, as well as allergens, from the diet.

If the amount of bleeding seems excessively large, then it is imperative to call a midwife or doctor.

Discomfort in the first days after childbirth is caused by pain in the lower abdomen. They are associated with postpartum uterine contractions and increase during breastfeeding, pumping milk, and after injections of contracting agents, if any. In the perineal region, a woman may also be disturbed by discomfort, pain, and numbness. Incisions and tissue tears are of course painful and take time to heal (usually 7-10 days). But even if there were no tears and incisions during childbirth, there may be unpleasant sensations that you should not be afraid of. After all, the tissues of the birth canal during childbirth are subjected to strong stretching, pressure, and, of course, the larger the fetus and the more difficult the process of its movement through the birth canal, the more pronounced the pain after childbirth. To reduce pain, you need to apply a heating pad with ice through the diaper to the perineum for 10 minutes 3-4 times during the day. And in order to be completely calm that you do not have any complications, it is better to tell the doctor about your complaints in the morning on the round.

Sometimes in the first 2-3 days after childbirth, some women experience increased sweating. This is one of the main ways the body removes the fluid accumulated during pregnancy. This condition can last from 2-3 days to 2 weeks, sometimes longer, until the hormonal regulation is fully restored.

The volume of fluid consumed should be up to 0.8 liters per day, no more, otherwise it will be difficult to cope with the "arrived" milk. Spicy dishes, canned food are contraindicated.

Starting to breastfeed

The newborn is applied to the breast for the first time already in the delivery room immediately after birth. As soon as the baby is born, it is laid out on the mother's stomach. While the midwife pinches and then cuts the umbilical cord, the baby is actively looking for his mother's breast, crawling towards her and trying to suck. Under the influence of the sucking movements of the child, the mother's uterus begins to actively contract, which accelerates the birth of the placenta. It is very important to put the newborn to the breast immediately after birth: the first drops of colostrum contain the vitamins, antibodies and nutrients the baby needs. In addition, early feeding helps the baby to survive the stress of birth.

Despite the fact that the first 2-3 days colostrum is released from the breast in a small amount, the baby must be applied to the breast from the first day (in the absence of contraindications). Colostrum is priceless in its composition, and even a few drops of it are needed for a baby.

The skin of a woman's nipples is very delicate. When breastfeeding, the nipples gradually harden, but cracks may form in the first days. To prevent this from happening, you need to put the baby to the breast for no more than 5-7 minutes in the first 2-3 days after birth, then give another breast, also for 5-7 minutes.

It is not necessary to wash the breast before each feeding (it is enough to wash it while taking a shower), because. this leads to overdrying of the skin and thus contributes to the appearance of cracked nipples.

Feeding is carried out at the first request of the newborn, without interruptions at night. The baby must be placed on an oilcloth or a sterile diaper so that during feeding it does not come into contact with the mother's bed.

It is very important that both mother and baby are in comfortable positions during feeding. For the mother, this is usually a "side-lying" position (especially recommended for women with stitches in the perineum) or sitting, so that the baby can be held close to the breast for a relatively long time. In a sitting position, under the arm on which the newborn will lie, you can put a pillow to relieve tension from it (the arm will quickly get tired on weight). The baby should grasp the nipple and areola. With the correct grip on the chest, the child's mouth is wide open, the tongue is deep at the bottom of the mouth, the lower lip is completely turned out (it is pushed out by the front edge of the tongue lying on the lower jaw). The areola completely enters the baby's mouth if it is small. If the areola is large, then its capture is almost complete, asymmetrical. From below, the child captures the areola more than from above.

After operation

The course of the first day of puerperas after a caesarean section has its own differences. After the operation, the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit, where in the first 12-24 hours the medical staff monitors her general condition, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, size and amount of discharge from the genital tract, bladder function. An ice pack is placed on the lower abdomen for 1.5-2 hours, which contributes to a better contraction of the uterus and a decrease in blood loss.

Solutions are administered intravenously to improve the condition of the blood, depending on the amount of blood loss (with an uncomplicated operation, it is 500-800 ml). If necessary, the puerperal is transfused with blood components - erythrocyte mass, fresh frozen plasma. The need for this is determined by the condition of the woman - the level of hemoglobin before and after surgery, the amount of blood loss, etc.

Painkillers are required. The frequency of their administration depends on the intensity of pain. Pain relief is usually needed for the first 1-3 days after surgery.

To prevent infectious complications, a woman is given antibiotics: during the operation, 12 and 24 hours after the operation. In cases of high risk of infectious complications (in the presence of chronic infectious diseases, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc., poor results of vaginal smears), antibiotics are administered for 5-7 days.

After modern surgeries, it is recommended to turn in bed, move arms and legs within a few hours. Already 6 hours after cesarean section, it is recommended to start doing breathing exercises, and after 10-12 hours, get up and walk under the supervision of medical personnel, as far as strength allows, with a gradual increase in load. Before getting up, it is recommended to put on or tightly pull the stomach with a flannel diaper: this helps to reduce the pain symptom when walking and a good contraction of the uterus.

Approximately 5-7 hours after the operation, it is allowed to drink water without gas (it is possible with lemon). Then, starting from the second day, the diet begins to gradually expand (low-fat broth with rolled meat, then low-fat milk yogurts, baked apples, steam cutlets, mashed potatoes, cereals, etc.). It is impossible to abruptly return to good nutrition: this can lead to problems in the work of the intestines.

The child begins to be applied to the breast, as a rule, also after the woman leaves the state of anesthesia, 5-6 hours after the operation, if general anesthesia took place, and immediately after the end of the operation, if used. Then the newborn is transferred to the children's department.

12-24 hours after the operation, the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. The question of the joint stay of the mother and the newborn in each case is decided individually, depending on their condition.

Madina Esaulova, obstetrician-gynecologist,
maternity hospital of the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1 in Moscow

The arrival of a baby completely changes the life of a family. Expectant mothers worry about how the birth will go, but you should also think about what will happen after the birth of the baby - how will you care for the child when there are no doctors and nurses around. When it is important to understand what your life will be like in the first days after the birth of the crumbs.

In order not to worry once again, mom should know what to expect. These truths will help you not to panic and "survive" in the first week after childbirth.


  • Not all births are the same.
  • Often after childbirth, women experience bleeding, which begins with heavy discharge and disappears after a week.
  • And those mothers who gave birth with a caesarean section, and those who preferred, are subject to pain, swelling, and exhaustion.
  • sections take longer. can hurt, so mom will have to move less.
  • Do not lift heavy objects, avoid stress on the stomach, lie down more. These tips are more suitable for mothers with caesarean, but others will not hurt either.
  • You may have spasms. They appear due to the fact that after childbirth the uterus gradually returns to its prenatal size. This process is called involution and can take up to six weeks.
  • The cramps will be most intense in the first one to two days after delivery.
  • Don't be alarmed if you feel pain while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding causes the production of hormones that stimulate uterine contractions and speed up this process.
  • Postpartum pain does not require medical attention. Pain medication or massage will be enough for you. But if you feel pain for more than a week, see your doctor.
  • Be prepared for the fact that for some time you will look "pregnant". It will take time - at least a few months.


  • Even if you feel exhausted, it's important to connect with your child right away.
  • Many doctors immediately after childbirth put the newborn on the mother’s chest so that she can see the baby before she starts to make contact.
  • Start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible. While you are in the hospital, gain experience in this matter. If something does not work out for you or, you can ask the nurses for help,
  • If you have chosen , you will notice that in the first week of life, the child spends most of the time in your arms. Newborns tend to eat slowly and sometimes take naps between meals.
  • Even if you decide to immediately switch to, it is important to maintain close contact with the baby. When the baby eats from the bottle, hold him in your arms so that he feels safe.
  • Physical contact is very important. Put the baby on your chest, let him listen to the heartbeat. This will make it even better for you to bond with your baby. Especially close contact with the mother is recommended for premature babies or babies with small weight.


  • Get ready for your prenatal routine to be completely changed. In the first week after your baby is born, your life will consist of night feedings, occasional naps, and constant diaper changes.
  • Newborns sleep most of the time, but they can be awake at any time of the day - and even at night. True, some parents manage to do so.
  • A breastfed baby wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours. And crumbs on artificial feeding - every 3-4 hours.
  • The most difficult thing in the first days of a baby's life is to understand his signals. Is he crying because he wants to eat or sleep? What to do when the baby needs to burp? Try to understand these questions.
  • Do not try to create a "correct" and feeding. What mothers and grandmothers advise may not be suitable for your child at all. And trying to force "to behave" "as it should" will only lead to stress. Breastfed babies are best fed on demand.
  • Learn to anticipate your baby's needs and you'll quickly be able to set up a routine that's comfortable for you and your baby.


  • Give yourself time for. Rest more and communicate with the baby. Focus on this, and not on a pile of laundry and lunches and dinners. And delegate household chores to someone from the family.
  • Learn to accept help from others. When friends and family offer help, accept it. But at the same time, feel free to tell people you want to be without prying eyes and ears and let them know when you are ready to receive guests again. It is important for young parents to be alone with the baby, without grandparents. This will give you the opportunity to get used to the fact that you are now a family and learn how to take care of each other.

The female body after childbirth undergoes many changes regarding both its physical and psychological state. A woman after childbirth often notices incomprehensible phenomena in herself that disturb her and raise many questions. It is especially difficult to deal with all such changes for those who first became a mother. Consider what happens to a newly-made mother in the first weeks and months after the birth of a baby.

Women's health after childbirth

The time during which there is a reverse development of systems and organs that have changes in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, specialists call the postpartum period. Usually it is 6-8 weeks. During this period, the functions of almost all organs are restored, with the exception of the hormonal system and mammary glands.

The health of a woman after childbirth largely depends on the condition of her uterus, more precisely on the rate of contraction of this organ. Immediately after the birth of the baby and the placenta, the uterus is greatly reduced and takes the form of a ball. The weight of the uterus after childbirth is about 1 kg, and after a week it decreases to 500 g, and by the end of the postpartum period it has the same size and weight of approximately 50 g. Naturally, such serious changes cannot pass without a trace for a woman. From time to time she feels pain in the lower abdomen, which increases during breastfeeding. This is due to the release of the hormone oxytocin during this period, which leads to particularly strong contractions of the uterus.

Immediately after childbirth, a woman has abundant spotting (lochia). Gradually, they become more and more sparse and transparent, and by the end of the 5-6th week after childbirth, they disappear completely. Menstrual function in women after childbirth usually recovers after 6 months if breastfeeding or after 1.5 months if breastfeeding is not carried out.

The volume of the vagina in the postpartum period gradually decreases. Naturally, its size will not be the same as in the period before pregnancy, but after 6-8 weeks its lumen is already close to prenatal.

To a large extent, the health of a woman after childbirth depends on the state of her cardiovascular system. The volume of circulating blood increased during pregnancy gradually decreases, returning to its original value within a week. This can cause heart palpitations. As a result of the active function of the blood coagulation system after childbirth, a young mother has an increased risk of blood clots. Therefore, during this period, the doctor carefully monitors the condition of the woman, especially after childbirth by caesarean section.

Due to the reduced muscle tone of the bladder in the first two days after childbirth, a woman may not feel the urge to urinate. It is recommended these days to go to the toilet every 2-3 hours, even if you do not feel like it.

Also in the postpartum period, the tone of the muscles of the digestive tract decreases. This leads to the development of constipation. Another significant problem for many women after childbirth is hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum). Some women in childbirth experience prolapse of hemorrhoids during childbirth. Small nodules are not dangerous, as a rule, they decrease within 5-7 days. Large hemorrhoids require an appeal to a proctologist.

Of course, the greatest changes in a woman after childbirth are related to the breasts. On the first day after the birth of the baby, colostrum is released from the breast, and then, within a week, milk production begins. Some women have problems with breastfeeding, which, however, can be solved on their own or with the help of a specialist.

Significantly worsen the health of a woman after childbirth, some complications that sometimes occur. Most often it is endometritis (an inflammatory process in the inner lining of the uterus), inflammation of the postpartum sutures and postpartum mastitis (inflammation in the breast due to milk stagnation). All these pathologies require immediate medical attention.

The psychological state of a woman after childbirth

Often, after the euphoria of a successful birth and joy at the birth of a baby, the mother is overcome by opposite feelings - apathy, depression, longing. Such a change of mood is characteristic of the new status of a woman.

The psychological state of a woman after childbirth largely depends on her physical well-being and the availability of proper rest. Of course, it is difficult to find time for yourself in the first months after childbirth if you have to constantly care for a newborn. Here, a woman should come to the aid of her closest relatives - husband, parents, older children.

Walking in the fresh air has a good effect on the psychological state. And they can be combined with a child's walks.

The diet of a woman after childbirth should include general strengthening and restorative drinks, such as berry fruit drinks, tea and milk with honey. With excessive nervous excitement and insomnia, you can resort to the help of herbal preparations, which will gently correct the state of the nervous system.

Mom's nutrition should be complete, especially if she is breastfeeding the baby. It is necessary to ensure that the diet has a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices are very useful. 5 out of 5 (1 vote)

Recovery of the body after childbirth

In the process of bearing a child and in the process of childbirth, a significant hormonal restructuring of the body occurs. Changes concern not only the reproductive system, but also other organs. Much is changing dramatically, and therefore, of course, the recovery of the body after childbirth takes a certain time: not one or two weeks. How much the body recovers after childbirth - in each case, the timing is different, but it is possible to generalize and derive a certain average rate.

  • The female body after childbirth
  • Myths and truth about rejuvenation

The female body after childbirth

The body of a woman after childbirth does not immediately begin to function as before pregnancy. It took a long 9 months to give rise to a new life, so the recovery will also take place gradually, in stages, and a full return to the previous state will come no earlier than in 2-3 months - and this is only in the case when the woman is absolutely healthy and does not practice.

Knowing what happens to the female body after childbirth, you can more clearly imagine the entire recovery period. Let's try to fix all the changes in the form of a table to make it easier.

Table 1.

Internal organs (system, function)


When will it recover

Uterus Immediately after the birth of the child and the expulsion of the fetus, the uterus weighs 1 kg, takes a spherical shape. Becomes half as light in 10 days if contracting normally Very quickly returns to the "old" form - after 2 months it looks like before. Its weight is 100 gr. The weight of the organ of a woman who has not given birth is 50 gr.
Cervix The shape is forever changing. Instead of conical, it becomes cylindrical. The external pharynx becomes slit-like, and not rounded, but this is only visible to the gynecologist.

There are no such changes after caesarean section.

3 months later it is still working
menstrual function The uterus takes on a more physiological position, so menstrual pain often disappears. recovers after cessation of feeding, After 2-3 months - in non-breastfeeding. Breastfeeding may not recover until after breastfeeding
Vagina Muscles may lose elasticity, tears are observed By the end of 2 months everything heals. Muscle tone is restored. Kegel exercises help a lot. These unpretentious actions will help to normalize the stomach after childbirth
Breast It pours, after the end of feeding it may sag Perhaps the old form will not be completely restored, but this does not mean that the “new form” will be worse. Just do not leave it to chance and do exercises aimed at toning the pectoral muscles.
Musculoskeletal system The spine was somewhat smoothed, the pelvis expanded, the joints are very mobile Changes gradually, within 3-4 months, pass
Stomach "Hanging" the stomach, a skin fold is formed Usually resolves completely within 1-2 years (if exercise is not neglected)
The cardiovascular system Enhanced blood supply.

Fetal pressure may cause hemorrhoids

Returns to normal in 3-4 weeks.

Myths and truth about rejuvenation after pregnancy and childbirth

Now you can often stumble across the network on statements that the body of a “newly made” mother is rejuvenated. What happens to the body after childbirth - is this opinion true?

What happens to a woman's body after childbirth?

If you pay attention to how long the body recovers after childbirth, it becomes clear: in fact, it is significantly weakened by the stress experienced. A woman with latent chronic ailments may first manifest:

  • arthritis and other joint diseases;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hormonal problems;
  • diabetes mellitus (if a woman developed during pregnancy).

If you notice that the body recovers after childbirth for a long time, perhaps just one of these diseases makes itself felt. Exacerbated and already existing old "sores", especially after the second birth: for example, hemorrhoids, herpes. By the way the body recovers after childbirth, we can draw some conclusions about the state of a woman's health. If the recovery processes take too long, you should think about a comprehensive examination.

Data from medical examinations also indicate a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol. Many women seem to become “smarter” with the advent of a child: they have to constantly keep abreast of events, engage in the development of the child, and therefore develop themselves.

All 9 months of pregnancy, eggs do not mature in the ovaries, which means that the reproductive function - the ability to become a mother - is extended. before all other cells in the body - this is a proven fact. Pregnancy postpones this irreversible process in time.

Almost all women, when they calm down a little after the appearance of the baby, wonder how to restore the body after childbirth quickly, especially if it “behaves” not too well and does not return to normal.

Everyone's turnaround time is different. When breastfeeding, the body usually recovers quickly.

When the uterus is completely cleansed and birth injuries heal, you can start physical education classes - little by little and very carefully. After 2 months (with complicated childbirth, with caesarean section - discussed with the doctor), sexual relations are allowed. The orgasm experienced by a woman helps to speed up the recovery and healing processes due to a powerful rush of blood to the pelvic organs.

It is advisable to take special vitamins, especially if the hair falls out more than usual and the nails exfoliate.

Keeping yourself in good physical shape for the first time helps care for the baby and walking with a stroller. Then it is worth adding a series of exercises. For example, if there is weakness of the muscles of the vagina, urinary incontinence, it is necessary to do Kegel exercises: alternately compress and relax the muscles. Another exercise from this series: you need to sort of push for about 30 seconds, then sharply relax the muscles of the vagina. After a while, the tone will return.

In order not to lose the beautiful shape of the breast, you need to wear a supportive bra, use creams and masks for stretch marks.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with fat deposits in the waist and abdomen. You can’t lose weight drastically, even if you no longer feed the child - this is harmful for the woman herself. Stretch marks and sagging skin in such cases are almost inevitable.

It is necessary to focus not on reducing the diet, but on physical activity: 2.5-3 months after giving birth, start pumping the press from a prone position (this reduces the load on the back). Daily long walking at an energetic pace, careful stretching of the muscles, pumping the press - all this will help you quickly get back in good shape.

And one more important point: a young mother must definitely find time for herself to sleep, relax a little in silence, just lie down. Therefore, do not strive to do everything yourself, ask the household for help in caring for the baby. The more and better you rest, the sooner you will recover, and your former health and energy will return to you.

In the first week after childbirth, while the woman is in the hospital, she is monitored daily by a doctor and a midwife. They assess the general condition of the puerperal, measure the pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, determine the condition of the mammary glands, the involution of the uterus, the nature of lochia. In most cases, after normal childbirth, you can do without medication, only with very painful contractions in you can use painkillers. The puerperal is discharged on the 4-5th day after uncomplicated childbirth.

So, the rules of the postpartum period:

1. Normal sleep. Its total duration should be at least 8-10 hours a day. Naturally, it is impossible to ensure a long sleep at night, because you will have to repeatedly feed the baby, so try to give any free minute to sleep during the day.

2. You can get out of bed after a normal birth after 6 hours. At first, get up carefully, avoiding sudden movements, otherwise you may feel dizzy. Already on the first day after childbirth, you can do breathing exercises and help the uterus contract with the help of self-massage. To do this, lie on your back, relax your stomach as much as possible, gently feel the bottom of the uterus (just below the navel) and gently stroke it from the sides to the center and up. Sleeping and lying during the first 2-3 days after childbirth, before the milk arrives, is better on the stomach. The periodic application of a heating pad with ice on the lower abdomen also helps to reduce. To avoid hypothermia, the heating pad should be wrapped in a diaper and kept for no more than 20 minutes in a row.

3. On the second day after childbirth, you can proceed to. Every day and more often perform light exercises for compression and relaxation of the pelvic floor, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum - several times a day, 10-20 times. This will help get rid of involuntary urination, will promote the healing of sutures in the perineum. To train the abdominal muscles, exhale and draw in the stomach, holding your breath; then relax. It is also necessary to perform these simple exercises several times a day, 5-10 times.

4. It is very important to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. Washing, especially if there are stitches on the perineum, is necessary after each visit to the toilet, just water is enough, but it is also possible with baby soap. 1-2 times a day, the seams are additionally treated with antiseptics (a solution of brilliant green, potassium permanganate, etc.). Gaskets must be kept clean. For this period, special postpartum pads are best suited, in extreme cases, ordinary, but with a cotton surface. Some maternity hospitals do not allow the use of pads with a top layer made of synthetic materials that do not allow flow in the opposite direction, since when using such pads it is difficult to assess the intensity, and especially the color of the discharge. Regardless of the fullness, it is necessary to change the gasket every 2-3 hours. In some obstetric institutions, on the 1st or 2nd day after childbirth, it is recommended to use diapers to monitor the nature of the discharge.

5. Shower must be taken 2 times a day, then the mammary glands should be washed with soap. There is no need to wash the breast after each feeding, it is enough to leave a drop of milk on the nipple and let it dry in the open air. Washing the breast before each feeding can lead to overdrying of the skin and cracks. It is impossible to take a bath in the first month after childbirth, since the cervix remains ajar, when taking a bath, the likelihood of infection in the uterus increases. Underwear and bed linen should be cotton. Underwear is changed daily, bedding - at least once every 3 days.

6. In the first 2 days after childbirth, food should be easily digestible - first courses, fermented milk products are recommended. From the 3rd day, the usual one is prescribed. Spicy, fatty, smoked foods, canned food and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. Of course, you should not use potential allergens for a child: red, yellow fruits, especially exotic ones. As well as products containing preservatives, including sausages, fish, seafood, sweets, chocolate, etc.

Every day try to drink fermented milk products (at least 0.5 l), eat cottage cheese (50 g) or cheese (20 g), meat (200 g), vegetables, fruits (500-700 g each), bread and vegetable oil. With established lactation, you should additionally drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

7. Sexual life after childbirth can be resumed after 6-8 weeks. By this time, the woman's body is already completely back to normal. Before resuming, you should visit your doctor. You will be weighed, your blood pressure will be taken, a urinalysis will be taken, and your breasts will be examined. A vaginal examination will be done to determine the size and position of the uterus, check how the stitches have healed, and a cervical smear. Your doctor will advise you on contraceptives.

To fully recover from childbirth, at least 2 years must pass before the next pregnancy.

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