Useful properties of tar water. Contraindications and side effects. Birch tar with milk

Chaga and pollen. Another effective drug is tar, obtained from the bark of a tree.

Tar features

A viscous oily liquid is obtained from birch bark, dark in color with a characteristic odor - birch tar. The chemical composition contains substances that make it an effective drug:

  • organic acids;
  • phenols;
  • esters of organic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • alcohols;
  • aldehydes.

And this is not a complete list of substances that make it the strongest natural antiseptic. But the composition of the substance also contains carcinogens (benzopyrine in high concentrations), which can greatly harm health, so it should be taken orally with extreme caution.

Attention! Self-treatment with birch tar can be very dangerous. It is not recommended to use this remedy without the permission of the attending physician.


Before the widespread development of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, tar had a variety of uses in various fields. Used it as a lubricant for parts, as a treatment for leather products to give them softness and make them moisture resistant.

But it found its main application, of course, in medicine. The list of diseases treated by traditional healers with “Russian oil” (as the Europeans called it according to legend) is rather big:

  • skin diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • and other pulmonary diseases;
  • joint diseases;
  • oncology.
  1. Ignite half of the red brick.
  2. Lower the brick into an empty iron bucket.
  3. Drop a couple of drops of tar on the brick (smoke is formed).
  4. Sit on this bucket and sit for 15-20 min.

The procedure is carried out before going to bed.

Application for hair

If with the development of pharmaceutical production, tar was no longer used as an independent medicine, then, as a cosmetic product for hair care, "Russian oil" is widely used. Possessing antiseptic and antifungal properties, it is able to favorably affect the condition of the scalp and hair, providing the following actions:

In this case, there are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Tar hair masks should be used once a week for 2 months.

Mask recipe:

  • one yolk;
  • 1 tsp castor oil;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp honey and vodka;
  • a few drops of birch tar.

Important! Due to the phenol content, these masks cannot be used for a long time. 1-2 courses per year for 6-8 procedures.

Facial application

Another popular use of cosmetic products is this. Tar soap is an effective remedy in the fight against acne and oily skin. The soap gently cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, making it healthy and velvety.

Lotion, for cleansing problematic facial skin, is prepared from tincture of tar, you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Lotion Recipe:

  • 50 ml of tincture (or 50 g of alcohol and 5 g of tar);
  • 5-7 drops of salicylic alcohol.

Gently wipe the face with the resulting liquid. Areas around the eyes and mouth should be avoided.

Tar face mask:

  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 1/3 st. l. tar.

Mix and apply a thin layer on the face. Leave for 10 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Lichen treatment

A skin disease characterized by a flaky surface and colored rashes is called "lichen". Lichens are both contagious and not. Among the non-contagious common disease is psoriasis. And the causative agents of infectious "lichens" are often various fungi and viruses. Possessing antifungal properties, tar is used to combat them. It renews the tissues of the skin, quickly healing wounds.

  1. Mix butter and tar in equal proportions. Apply the resulting ointment to the infected areas of the skin. Apply a tight bandage. Treatment of the affected areas is done before bedtime.
  2. Treatment of scaly lichen. Mix equal parts of tar and fish oil. Leave the compress for half an hour on the area infected with lichen. The procedure is carried out for 10 days.

Attention! Reddening or moistening of the skin on the affected areas after compresses is possible, in this case, zinc paste is applied for another 2 hours.

In the treatment of lichen, it will be most effective not to use ointments, but to use untreated tar with a high concentration.

With psoriasis, ointments and compresses based on tar have proven to be effective. Conducted studies prove that its use can stop the synthesis of DNA in which defects are present.

Treatment of mastopathy

Among folk methods, the use of tar for mastopathy turned out to be effective. Mastopathy is a disease in which nodules and compactions of fibrous tissues form in the area.

Attention! Self-medication for this disease is contraindicated, and the use of the drug is recommended in the initial stages under the strict supervision of a physician.

What properties determine the effectiveness of tar in the fight against this disease:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anesthetics.

That is, in the treatment of mastopathy, inflammation and pain are eliminated and the further development of the disease is inhibited. As a medicine, the drug is taken orally according to the scheme:

  • the first 3 days 3 drops three times a day;
  • the second 3 days 5 drops three times a day;
  • the next 3 days 7 drops three times a day.

Take a break for 10 days and repeat the course, starting with 7 drops and reducing the dosage over time to 3 drops.

Application for myoma

Birch tar was widely used for a reason. The tool is effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, because it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable, antiseptic effects on the body.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, the same scheme is followed as with mastopathy. Also, in combination with oral administration, tampons are used at night.

Tampons with tar:

  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 1 st. l. tar or camphor oil.

Mix all ingredients. Make a swab out of gauze soaked in the prepared mixture. At night, the tampon is inserted into the vagina. It is recommended to alternate tampons with tar and camphor oil. Local procedures are carried out within 30 days. If necessary, take a break for another 30 days and repeat the procedure for introducing tampons at night.

Read! How to prepare an infusion of birch leaves. And also learn all about l and contraindications.

Treatment of fungal diseases

Tar has been used since ancient times. It was not for nothing that the soldiers in the tsarist army made insoles from birch bark. This is due to the antifungal properties of the substance.

How to treat tar fungus:

  • make a soap bath with laundry soap and steam your feet for 10-15 minutes;
  • trim the affected nails as much as possible;
  • treat the feet with a pumice stone, removing dead skin;
  • Wipe your feet dry and apply tar.

Apply a folk remedy with a cotton swab on the surface of the nail. Leave to soak for an hour and a half. The procedure is repeated two days later. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to treat the insoles of shoes with a few drops of tar. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Birch tar with milk

Tar as a medicine is taken orally with milk for the treatment of many diseases.

Clinical form of tuberculosis:

  • Week 1. 50 ml of milk, 1 drop of tar;
  • 2 weeks. 50 ml of milk, 2 drops of tar;
  • 10 week. 50 ml of milk, 10 drops of tar.

Weekly break and repetition of the course from the very beginning.

  1. Atherosclerosis is treated for 45 days. A few drops of tar are diluted in a glass of milk and drunk three times a day.
  2. Catarrhal cystitis is treated with a glass of milk with 5 drops of tar three times a day.

Traditional medicine with milk and tar eliminates many diseases, including those used in oncology.

Use for constipation

An unpleasant disease that one often encounters, but this problem can also be solved with the help of tar. To get rid of constipation, traditional medicine recommends taking tar water.

Water Recipe:

  • 4 l. cold water;
  • 0.5 kg of tar;

Stir for 5 minutes with a wooden spoon. Close the lid tightly and let it sit for 2 days. Then the foam is carefully removed, and the clear liquid is poured into a clean bottle and tightly closed. This water is stored in a dark place and taken daily in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals.


  • children 50 ml;
  • adults 100 ml.

It is also a remedy for asthma and other ailments.

A miraculous remedy that can help with many diseases. But we must never forget that the careless use of traditional medicine can have an extremely deplorable effect on the health of the body. So the use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Uncontrolled use can lead to toxic effects and adversely affect the kidneys and liver. Allergic reactions are also possible, therefore, before starting a course of treatment, tests should be carried out on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. And it is advisable to regularly examine the urine during the course of treatment.

Our great-grandfathers used tar with enviable regularity, and now contemporaries use it with no less enthusiasm. Knowledge of its amazing properties is passed down from generation to generation. Most likely, at least once in your life you have encountered the healing effect of tar.

Of course, tar in our time is much less used than before, but its healing properties are not forgotten by both folk and official medicine. It is used both in its pure form and as part of various medicines. So, birch tar is part of such effective preparations as Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment, is an integral component of tar water and tar soap.

It should be noted that in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, birch tar, which has an extremely unpleasant taste and pungent odor, was more often used and is now used. Hence the well-known saying: "A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey." In countries where pine tar is produced, which is added to some food products, the attitude towards it is somewhat different. So, in Finland there is a saying pointing to the healing properties of tar: "If a bath, tar and vodka do not help, then the disease is fatal."

So, what treats tar - the first part of the recipes:

periodontal disease

If the gums often become inflamed, and when brushing your teeth, blood appears, this indicates periodontal disease. Birch tar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will help to cope with this disease. So, in the morning and in the evening, after you have eaten and brushed your teeth, dip a clean brush into a bottle of tar and treat the joints of the inflamed gums with the teeth, as well as the entire oral mucosa.

Tar, of course, is a little burning, but the burning quickly passes. After a few days of such treatment, the redness, soreness and itching in the gums will disappear, they will become stronger and turn pale, bleeding will disappear and you will feel much better. Repeat the tar treatment if necessary. A 100 gram bottle will last you a whole year.

Pleurisy and lung cancer

This recipe will help those who suffer from exudative pleurisy. My brother was in the hospital, he was pumped out of the lungs 2 times a month, but there was no improvement. The brother was already almost motionless when he was discharged home. He could not eat anything, but only drank rosehip tea. That's when I got the idea to treat him with birch tar, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. At first, the brother drank it in 1 tsp. at the reception, drinking water. But, apparently, it was a large dose for the body, because after each spoonful of tar drunk, the brother began to vomit. We decided to reduce the dose. The brother began to drink 10-15 drops of tar once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. Took the medicine for a week. At the same time, he ate absolutely nothing. The fluid in my lungs has stopped building up! Thus the brother was cured. I want to warn you right away that you need to drink birch tar for 7-8 days, it is no longer recommended. After you finish the treatment with tar, start drinking milk on an empty stomach in the morning to remove poisons and toxins from the kidneys. You need to drink it for 3-4 days, also observing a hunger strike. I think that this method can not only cure pleurisy, but also lung cancer.

Useful properties of birch tar have been known since ancient times. Thanks to this natural remedy, people eliminate skin rashes and treat various diseases. Therefore, birch tar is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

The natural product is oily and viscous to the touch, has a dark brown color. The smell of birch tar is very specific and difficult to confuse with something else. For many, it can cause rejection.

How is birch tar obtained

Each part of the birch has healing properties. In folk medicine, its bark, buds, juice and leaves are widely used. Birch tar is obtained by dry distillation of birch bark. The best product is considered to be made from the upper part of the bark of a birch tree aged 13 years.

Composition of birch tar

The product contains: creosols, phytoncides, toluene, dioxybenzene, guaiacol, resinous substances, organic acids etc. Due to these funds, it is a real antibiotic that copes well with fungal diseases, heals wounds and burns.

The benefits of tar water

It normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and stomach, and stimulates metabolism. In addition, tar water removes toxins and helps to cope with fever.

How to prepare tar water for oral administration

Mix 0.5 kg of the product with 4 liters of good quality cold water. Tar must be free of any impurities. Then pour the resulting mixture into a glass bottle with a tight lid. Place the container in a dark place for 2 days. During this time, the tar will settle. Remove foam.

The resulting water resembles dry wine.

Contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • acute inflammatory processes of the skin,
  • chronic kidney disease,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation.

With the abuse of birch tar, unpleasant consequences can occur: high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness and other signs of poisoning. You must follow all the rules for taking the product, otherwise you can poison your body. Also, tar should ALWAYS be diluted so that it is not too concentrated.

How to use

The natural product is taken internally (to treat many diseases) and externally (to eliminate skin problems).

The use of birch tar inside

Please note that pharmacies usually sell pure, undiluted product, which can harm your health. This has already been said above. ALWAYS dilute tar before use to soften its effects, and NEVER exceed its dose and duration of treatment with this remedy.

Treatment with birch tar. Folk recipes

The product should not be taken for more than 7-10 days. Before taking, we advise you to consult with a specialist.

For respiratory organs. 1) tar water is suitable for the treatment of lung diseases (see above). Take it in the morning on an empty stomach, 100 ml, and also in the afternoon 2 hours before meals and at bedtime.

2) mix 1 drop of tar + 1 tbsp. . Take the mixture 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.

For bronchitis, pneumonia and cough. To prevent and alleviate the condition with bronchitis, pneumonia, prolonged cough, drink 1 tbsp. tar water before going to bed. If the person's condition is very severe, then the portion should be increased to 2 tablespoons.

Tar water can also be used to treat tuberculosis and asthma. When sore throats tonsils are smeared with cotton wool treated with a small amount of tar.

For digestion, cleansing. Tar water improves the functioning of the digestive system, eliminates constipation and improves metabolism. In addition, it has a diuretic property and helps to cleanse the body.

From pain in the joints, purulent wounds. Rub tar water into problem areas 2-3 times a day.

From stomatitis. Rinsing the mouth with tar water promotes disinfection and reduces the sensitivity of the gums.

Application of birch tar for skin

In the case of various skin lesions, many people resort to this folk remedy. It is also customary to use tar soap for these purposes, the main properties of which are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities.

With psoriasis. For the treatment of psoriasis, tar and 1/3 of copper sulphate are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is boiled for 5 minutes over low heat and stored in a dark place in a glass container with a tight lid. It is necessary to use this ointment 1 time per day.

From fungus. This is the only case when the product can be used in its pure form. In case of foot fungus, smear the steamed clean feet with tar. You don't need to wash it off. Repeat after 3 days. Healing occurs after 3-4 procedures.

Application of birch tar for hair

For dandruff and hair loss. Mix glycerin and tar in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture should be rubbed into the scalp. At the end of the procedure, carefully remove all product residues with cotton wool. Repeat the procedure every other day, alternating 1 day shampooing, 1 day - rubbing the tar.

The history of the use of birch tar goes back to ancient times, but to this day it is often used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, due to its effectiveness.

How to get birch tar

Purification of the body with birch tar is carried out in order to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improve the functioning of internal organs.

Why is it so important to cleanse our body? Yes, because the ecological situation on planet Earth is deteriorating year by year.

Birch tar and its beneficial properties

Made from birch bark. By hydrolysis, a thick, oily liquid of dark brown, almost black color with a very characteristic odor is obtained. Tar is rich in resins, benzene, toluene, xylene, phenolic compounds, salicylic acid.

It is widely used in industry because it is an inexpensive antiseptic. It is impregnated with various wooden products: railway sleepers, building wooden parts, leather and leather boots. Gardeners use it to protect plants from pests.

Tar is used in veterinary medicine in the treatment of animals for lichen, processing the hooves of cows and horses. Birch tar is used in official and traditional medicine. Who at least once in their life did not buy Vishnevsky ointment in a pharmacy? What about tar soap?

I used to treat all kinds of wounds, suppurations and inflammations on the skin with Vishnevsky ointment. She saved her pets from fleas with tar soap. After the summer spent in the country, they always brought these voracious insects home with them.

Tar finds its application in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Indications for cleansing with birch tar

Some are confused by the fact that official medicine recommends using birch tar only externally. In folk medicine, there are many supporters of its internal use, which brings wonderful, positive results.

Agree that on a bottle of iodine there is also no permission to use the drug inside, nevertheless, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, many people drip iodine onto a piece of sugar and take it orally.

Cleansing the body with birch tar is the method of choice. Since it has very pronounced antiseptic properties, it is best to use this cleaning for suspected helminthic invasions, for dysbacteriosis and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

If you have very oily skin with a tendency to acne, internal use of this remedy in combination with external use is recommended. Pimples are burned with tar, it is added to creams, shower gel, cleansing milk, which are usually used. They even make a mask that relieves the skin of oily sheen and pimples. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of tar and olive oil, adding a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face for 20 minutes and wash off.

Also, this method is suitable for those who often catch colds, have had infectious diseases, suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs, with reduced immunity.

Recipes for cleansing the body with tar

A piece of bread with drops of tar before going to bed

1 DAY: Before a night's sleep, eat a piece of black bread, on which drip 5 drops of tar. Do not eat or drink anything.

2 - 7 DAYS: Add 1 drop daily and work up to 10 drops.

8 - 18 DAYS: Always take 10 drops at night.

19 - 24 DAYS: Start reducing the dosage by one drop and bring their number per dose to 5.

This completes the cleansing process. Course 24 days. You can repeat after 6 months.

tar water

You should take one part of birch tar for 8 servings of water. Place in a glass jar. Stir with a wooden stick. In fact, it does not dissolve in water, but the beneficial substances from the tar pass into the liquid. The oily liquid remains on the surface. After settling with a spoon, you need to remove the upper insoluble layer.

You need to take tar water 1-2 tablespoons once a day on an empty stomach, only 10 days. The video at the end of the article will show all the nuances of preparing tar water.

Honey with birch tar

Instead of bread, you can take a spoonful of honey and drop tar on it. Then proceed according to the same scheme that is given above for bread with tar.

Milk with birch tar

Tar can be drunk on an empty stomach by dropping one drop into a tablespoon of milk

Positive effects of cleansing the body

Digestive system: The pathogenic intestinal microflora is neutralized and the phenomena of dysbacteriosis disappear. There is a sanitation of the intestines from helminthic invasions, lamblia. Inflammation and erosion and polyps of mucous membranes heal. Improves intestinal motility and constipation. The enzymatic activity of the small intestine and pancreas is improved.

Liver and blood: Slags and toxins accumulate in the venous blood under the influence of birch tar. In the liver, all harmful substances are neutralized and, together with bile, enter the large intestine, then are removed from the body. Purified blood enriches tissues and organs with useful substances.

Kidneys: due to the filtration function of the kidneys, the blood is cleansed, and all harmful substances, including uric acid, enter the bladder with urine.

The person's overall health improves increases efficiency, normalizes the psychological state and sleep. The skin becomes without any flaws, pimples, age spots. Healthy complexion, soft, pleasant skin. The functions of all organs and systems improve, chronic diseases move into a compensated stage.

Contraindications to cleansing the body

  • Hypersensitivity to birch tar components.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Acute and chronic kidney disease.

Purification of the body with birch tar. Reviews

On the forums there are various reviews about taking birch tar inside: from extremely negative to enthusiastic.

There are people who "broke down" at the very first intake of drops of tar applied to a piece of bread. The taste and smell were so disgusting for them that it did not go beyond the first day of treatment.

I tried to drip this muck on bread. ... Feeling - I took a sip of gasoline. Brushing your teeth and eating a pie did not help. Smell throughout the kitchen.

There were many examples of very poor tolerability of treatment. There were symptoms of poisoning, increased blood pressure.

I started taking tar with 5 drops on bread. I got to 9 and I felt bad, the pressure jumped to 200/110! For the first time in my life. Feeling terrible. The emergency doctor diagnosed a hypertensive crisis. Scolded. Miraculously avoided a stroke.

During the first intake of birch tar, it was terribly bad. Feeling dizzy, sleepy. At night I woke up covered in sweat, very sick. The next day I couldn't hear about food. In my opinion, there was a poisoning.

There were people who did not notice any changes in their condition.

I drank birch tar to boost immunity and get rid of chronic tonsillitis. I'm exhausted, nothing helps. Been treated for a month. No effect, no better, no worse.

Finally, there were many people who closely tracked the dynamics of their complaints and were able to identify many positive signs of clearing in themselves.

Today it has been 7 days since I drink tar. The skin on the face has become much cleaner, acne has decreased, that's for sure. I don’t know how anyone, but it helps me.

Girls, I am already conducting the third course of treatment with tar from psoriasis. Already after the first course, the skin on the body was almost cleared. You need to find your dose and drink correctly. I liked it very much.

I want to talk about my success in treating tar acne. When I was in 9th grade, I learned about this method. And my skin was terrible - a lot of acne, oily. I began to drink drop by drop on a tablespoon of milk, on an empty stomach. Added 1 drop daily. Came up to 20 drops. Then, in the reverse order, daily reduced by a drop. I knew that acne should be treated from the inside, cleansing the body of Giardia, bacteria. And I had problems with digestion, dysbacteriosis. So here it is! As a result, in a year and a half, I completed 3 courses and came up to the graduation party with clean, perfect skin.

In 2010, I was diagnosed with cancer. Have made 5 operations. Accidentally learned about the beneficial properties of tar. I started taking it with one drop, increasing it by 1 drop daily, up to 40. I took a break for 10 days and repeated the course. There is no deterioration. Feeling excellent. Work a lot. I believe in traditional medicine, and I don’t have money for expensive treatment. Everyone must decide for himself - to drink or not to drink this or that remedy. I have a hopeless situation. Luckily, this treatment works for me.

What to consider if you want to start a cleanse

Clinical trials on the use of birch tar inside have not been conducted. One can only assume that this natural substance may well be useful for cleansing the intestinal mucosa, blood, tissues and organs. Especially when it comes to inflammatory diseases.

The dosage of birch tar should be selected individually and start with one drop of the drug. Gradually increase and bring no more than 7-10 drops. The duration of the first course of treatment is a maximum of 10 days.

Unfortunately, there are no clear, developed schemes, the selection of dosages should be carried out individually, there are no reliable criteria for monitoring treatment.

This method can be used by people who believe in it and have their own experience of using it for health.

And now watch the video on the preparation of tar water. It is better to see once than to read the recipe and not see how it is done.

An article about how birch tar can be used internally and externally to cleanse the body and lose weight.

Birch tar is a dark, viscous, oily liquid with a pungent odor. It has about 10,000 useful elements.

Birch tar is obtained according to a very old method of distillation of birch bark or birch bark. This is done as follows: a special boiler is stuffed with birch bark, rammed and heated. After heating, tar is released from the bark.

Birch tar: the benefits and harms for cleansing and losing weight

Birch tar is obtained from birch bark

Birch tar- this is a completely natural product, has all the healing properties of birch and birch bark.

Birch tar is used for medicinal purposes for internal and external treatment.

Useful properties of birch tar:

  • Accelerates the healing of burns, bedsores and wounds
  • Helps with fungus, boils
  • Repairs damaged skin cells
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Helps with tuberculosis
  • Treats otitis media, sore throat
  • Improves skin condition with scaly lichen, eczema
  • Helps hair growth on the head at the initial stage of baldness
  • Heals rashes in diathesis and other skin diseases
  • Removes kidney stones
  • Copes with diseases such as asthma, mastitis, gangrene
  • Prevents cancer cells from developing in the ovaries and breasts
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Strengthens the muscles of the heart

Outwardly, birch tar can be treated with such diseases:

  • eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • seborrhea

Birch tar is used not in pure form, but as an additive in soaps, ointments, creams or lotions.

Birch tar is added to soap

Birch tar also helps with such problems in the body:

  • At oily skin it is useful to wipe it with cotton wool soaked in tar water or wash it once a week with tar soap.
  • For dandruff a mask with birch tar is used. We do it this way: we take 10 g of birch tar, 30 g of burdock oil, half a glass of vodka and mix well. Rub the mask into the hair and leave for several hours. Then I wash my hair with regular shampoo.
  • To hair was thicker and shiny, you need to wash them in water, after dropping a few drops of birch tar into it.
  • For hemorrhoids with bleeding prepare a bath with birch tar (for 2 liters of warm water, 1 tablespoon of birch tar). Also, with hemorrhoids, you can do this: heat a brick, put it in a bucket, put 5 drops of birch tar on the brick, cover the bucket with a wooden lid with a hole in the middle, and sit on this lid without clothes. If it bakes a lot, let the brick cool a little, and then continue the procedure.
  • In its purest form(undiluted) Birch tar applied only to remove fungus on toenails.

Important. The addition of birch tar to water or other products should be no more than 20%, if there is more tar, then accelerated skin aging occurs.

Important. Known since Soviet times, Vishnevsky's ointment contains birch tar.


  • When used externally, as an additive, birch tar is more than 20%, rapid skin aging occurs.
  • Long-term use of birch tar.
  • Pregnant women and while breastfeeding.
  • If you are allergic to birch components.
  • Birch tar contains a carcinogen, benzopyrine, which, when taken orally, increases the risk of cancer.
  • Kidney diseases.

Birch tar - instructions for use inside

It looks like industrial birch tar

Taking medicine from birch tar orally the following diseases can be cured:

  • Strengthen the heart muscle
  • Improve metabolism
  • Cure cough and fever
  • lower blood pressure
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and toxins
  • Improve the condition of the liver, pancreas and intestines
  • Treat the stomach with ulcers and gastritis

This is what freshly pumped birch tar looks like

For ingestion of birch tar Each disease has its own recommendations for admission:

  • To cleanse the blood for skin rashes, as well as with tuberculosis birch tar is taken with milk (2 drops per 50 ml of milk) for 7 days, then a break, and again taking this medicine.
  • For bronchitis, severe cough, pneumonia, asthma birch tar is diluted with water 1:8. Then this water is infused for 2 days. After 2 days, removing the film, such water can be treated. Treatment is carried out as follows: drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of medicinal water, wrapping a previously sore throat with a warm cloth. If the disease is running, we immediately take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of medicinal water.
  • With cirrhosis of the liver 1 drop of birch tar we drip in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh sour cream, eat it and eat it with honey (1 teaspoon). The next day, birch tar is increased to 2 drops. We continue to increase every day by 1 drop until it reaches 10 drops, and then reduce every day to 1 drop. Then a break of 7 days and repeat the treatment. For the duration of treatment, instead of water, you need to drink oatmeal broth (for 1 cup of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, leave for 3 hours). If during treatment an allergy or feeling unwell appears, the treatment should be abandoned.
  • With a disease of opisthorchiasis (flatworms in the liver) birch tar should be taken as follows: in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk heated to a warm state, drip 1 drop of birch tar, drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Starting from the next day, we already drip 2 drops, and gradually increase the number of tar drops to 20 drops, and then we start the countdown in reverse order. Then a break of 10 days, and start the 2nd course of treatment. During the treatment we drink mineral water.

How to drink birch tar for weight loss?

Water infused with birch tar

The most effective way to lose weight are natural products. Birch tar is such a product.

In birch tar there is such a substance as bitulin, which is very helpful in losing weight.

Thanks to birch tar in the body, after taking it inside, the following changes occur:

  • The normal metabolism in the body is restored.
  • The general condition of the body improves.
  • Sleep is normalized.
  • The body is cleansed of harmful products.
  • The body is saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  • Appetite is suppressed.
  • Excess fluid is removed from the body due to the diuretic properties of birch tar.

Tar water for weight loss


  1. Dilute birch tar with boiled water 1:8, stir well.
  2. We insist in a dark place for 2 days.
  3. After infusion, a film forms on the surface, which we remove.
  4. The resulting water is filtered, and we drink 2 tbsp. spoons 1 time per day, before meals. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. For 1 year, 3 courses can be carried out, with breaks of more than 1 month.

Important. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations for the treatment of birch tar, otherwise you can harm your health.

Birch tar: oral use for bowel cleansing

Preparation of tar water from birch tar

When used orally medicines from birch tar:

  • Normalizes intestinal peristalsis and its microflora
  • The intestines are cleansed of toxins
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fats and cholesterol
  • Removes inflammation and ulcers in the intestines
  • The intestines are cleansed of worms

Helps cleanse the intestines tar water.

It is done like this: in 8 portions of water we stir 1 portion of birch tar (tar does not dissolve in water, but useful substances from it pass into water). When the water settles, remove the undissolved layer from above, and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons in the morning on an empty stomach, for 10 days.

Birch tar with milk to cleanse the body: recipes

Birch tar with milk

Birch tar with milk is drunk with such diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Mastopathy

Also using birch tar with milk you can cleanse the body of toxins.


  1. In 50-100 ml of slightly warm milk we drip 1 drop of birch tar, and drink 1 hour before meals.
  2. We do this for 1-2 weeks, adding 1 drop every day, and so on up to 12 drops.

At atherosclerosis and body cleansing the duration of treatment is 45 days.

With mastopathy treatment is a little different.


  1. 3 days in a row we drink 200 ml of milk with 3 drops of birch tar.
  2. Then 3 days - 200 ml of milk with 5 drops of birch tar.
  3. Then the next 3 days - 200 ml of milk with 7 drops of birch tar.
  4. We take a break of 10 days, and then repeat the course again.

Cleansing with birch tar with bread: recipes

Birch tar with brown bread

To cleanse the body and to remove the inflammatory process of internal organs take birch tar in drops on rye bread.


  1. On a small piece of rye bread we drip 5 drops of birch tar, and eat it before going to bed.
  2. The next day, we add 1 more drop of birch tar to rye bread, and so every day we add 1 drop until it reaches 10 drops.
  3. Then we eat bread with 10 drops of birch tar for 14 days, then every day we reduce by 1 drop until 5 drops remain again.
  4. In total, the course of taking bread with birch tar is 24 days.

Birch tar cleansing with honey: recipes

Birch tar with honey

Birch tar with honey helps to get rid of worms.


  1. In 1 tsp of honey we drip 1 drop of birch tar, and we eat this medicine in the evening.
  2. The next day we take honey with 2 drops of tar, and so we reach 12 drops.
  3. Treatment continues for 12 days.

Birch tar oral use for cleansing and weight loss: reviews

Effective use of birch tar for weight loss

Recently, more and more people choose to lose weight with birch tar.

Olga. After pregnancy, I wanted to get rid of extra 11 kg. On the advice of the attending physician, she began to take tar water. Took 2 courses. After the treatment, I had such a lightness in the body, a surge of energy. I've lost some weight and my acne is gone. I like the effect of this drug, although it is impossible to lose weight on it.

Diana. I am a natural weight loss advocate. I was looking for such a remedy for a long time and came across birch tar. After 2 courses, I lost 5 kg, cleaned my body. If there are no contraindications, then this remedy is the best for weight loss.

With the help of birch tar, many different diseases are cured, but first you need to determine if you have any contraindications for medicines from it.

Video: Birch tar treatment

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