Painless lump under armpit. What to do if there is a lump under the armpit? A lump appeared under the armpit and it hurts

The armpit is formed by muscles and fascia: pectoralis minor, subscapularis, and serratus anterior. This intermuscular space looks like a fossa, which is supplied with nerve endings, fiber, and vessels. With various diseases or with insufficient skin care, irritation under the armpits may appear, bringing pain and discomfort.


The etiology of burning and itching of the armpits can be very diverse. The perpetrators of irritation are divided into two groups:

  • Disease related;
  • Not associated with disease.

To get rid of the problem, each of the causes must be eliminated. The skin fold of the armpits is supplied with sweat and sebaceous glands, the secret of the glands must be removed from the surface of the skin so that this place does not become a habitat for various microorganisms.

Reasons not related to diseases

Irritation of the armpit, in addition to discomfort, also brings psychological problems. Due to the fact that open areas of the body are affected, it is necessary to convince others that the redness and wounds are not dangerous and not contagious.

  1. The use of antiperspirants - not to be confused with deodorants, which only eliminate unpleasant odors. Antiperspirants not only fight odors, but also completely eliminate sweat, as they clog the ducts of the sweat glands. As a result, there is a burning sensation and pain in the armpits. If the skin is very sensitive, severe irritation under the armpits can also occur from the use of conventional deodorant;
  2. Clothing, underwear - too tight, which is very tight, especially from synthetics, prevents the skin from breathing;
  3. Reaction to cosmetics - soaps, creams, gels may not suit the delicate skin of the armpits, causing allergy symptoms;
  4. Extreme depilation - removal of armpit hair with wax, plucking, electrolysis leads to the formation of red pimples that itch and cause pain;
  5. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene - insufficient use of hygiene measures leads to the formation of pathogenic microflora in the armpit;
  6. Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis) - this physiological feature of the body requires enhanced care.

Who gets hyperhidrosis?

  • In men with an active lifestyle;
  • For athletes;
  • With hormonal changes in the body - during pregnancy, during adolescence and menopause;
  • In people with weak immunity, thyroid diseases, beriberi;
  • In patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • In obese people with overweight.

In addition to these reasons, people who remove underarm hair with a razor develop irritation after shaving. Small cracks, scratches, redness form, axillary lymph nodes can become inflamed.

Causes associated with skin diseases

When, in addition to irritation, inflammation, itching, spots, cracks, ulcers appear in the armpit, this indicates the presence of a disease in the body.

  1. Psoriasis or psoriasis affects the skin, nails and hair, and can affect, including the armpits. Dry psoriatic plaques of red color with a white coating cause peeling, irritation and itching;
  2. Hidradenitis - purulent local inflammation of the sweat glands when a staphylococcal infection enters, often occurs on the one hand, accompanied by itching, mild pain, general malaise;
  3. Candidiasis is a fungal infection of the skin of the armpits. It is characterized by cracks, itchy diaper rash, peeling with a whitish coating. The risk of infection increases when visiting public pools, baths and saunas. With injuries and scratches that appear during scratching, infection with bacteria is possible;
  4. Furunculosis is a deep pustular inflammation of the hair follicles and surrounding tissues. Non-dangerous forms of staphylococcus pass into pathogens in the presence of provoking factors;
  5. Contact dermatitis is an acute or chronic pathology that develops when the skin comes into direct contact with irritating substances. Redness and swelling of the skin may be accompanied by the presence of bubbles, weeping with the formation of crusts. Patients complain of pain, burning, severe itching.

There are other diseases, a symptom of which may be armpit irritation: seborrhea, diabetes, neurodermatitis, cancer, cirrhosis. Long-term use of certain medications, such as antibiotics, hormones, or oral contraceptives, can also cause underarm irritation.

Irritation under the armpits photo

How to fix the problem?

When a skin disease appears under the armpits, it is necessary to get rid of the cause, without which it is impossible to cure the irritation. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will decide on the appointment of drugs for general and local use.

You can eliminate itching, discomfort, irritation of the armpits with the participation of folk methods:

  • Excessive sweating is well treated with infusion of chamomile flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the dry mixture with 200 g of boiling water, leave for half an hour, add apple cider vinegar, wipe the armpits after hygiene procedures several times;
  • During hot weather, a decoction of oak bark will help get rid of heavy sweating. It will control the production of sweat by having an astringent effect. Decoction to wipe the armpits;
  • With a reaction from cosmetic preparations, an infusion of St. John's wort will help. Prepared in the same way as the previous infusion, then filtered. Wipe the armpits with the prepared solution as needed, exclude the agent that causes irritation;
  • You can wash the armpits with a solution using sea salt: 4 tablespoons per liter of warm water. Before use, strain the product so as not to cause additional injury to the skin with salt that has not dissolved.

To permanently get rid of discomfort in the armpit, it is necessary to take preventive measures: wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, follow hygiene rules, and do not use deodorants immediately after shaving. If you experience symptoms of a skin disease, visit a dermatologist.

A slight swelling in the armpit is a fairly common phenomenon. Especially often observed in adolescents in the transitional period of growing up, it goes away on its own in a short time. But such a seal can often be one of the symptoms of very dangerous diseases, and this is especially true for women.

In any case, a characteristic axillary tumor is a signal of some negative changes in the body. It is absolutely impossible to ignore it, because often its appearance is only a consequence of more serious health problems. In most cases, the cause of the disease is one of the following cases:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Lipoma;
  • Atheroma;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Hydrodenite;
  • Wrong hygiene.

An accurate diagnosis of the cause of irritation in the armpit can only be made by a doctor, and it is impossible to categorically assume its functions. Still, understanding what can cause malaise is useful for everyone. To do this, we will tell you in detail why the armpit can cause concern, what methods of treatment and prevention exist.

Anatomically, the armpit is a part of the body that is poorly involved in the life of the organism, therefore it is “empty”. It is limited by the humerus and a group of muscles on all three sides, and layers of fatty tissues are concentrated directly in the subcutaneous region of the armpit. Lymph nodes are also located here, an important part of the immune system, a kind of filter that cleans the lymph from everything harmful. It is the inflammation of the lymph nodes that in most cases causes the formation of a tumor.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs in both women and men equally, more often affecting one armpit. Actually, the medical name of the disease is lymphadenitis. It can occur for a number of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • Viruses and infections - in most cases are brought in the armpit due to - wounds and even small scratches;
  • Fungus - infection due to poor hygiene;
  • Tumors - including malignant; as a rule, are found before the development of lymphadenitis;
  • Psoriasis, eczema and other local skin diseases;
  • Other diseases - including AIDS and tuberculosis; lymph node involvement is just one of the symptoms.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is usually quite painful. This feature distinguishes them from other underarm lesions, which usually occur without noticeable discomfort from swelling.

According to statistics, at least 1% of cases of lymphadenitis end with the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones. Therefore, it is very important to seek help from specialists in a timely manner, since a small tumor can grow together with the surrounding healthy tissue over time, which makes it difficult to treat in the future.

Benign formations lipoma and atheroma

Lipoma is a mild axillary tumor of the connective tissues, slowly growing and not causing pain. In turn, atheroma is a more unpleasant ailment, consisting in irritation of the sebaceous glands of the skin. In the area of ​​the armpit it happens infrequently, much more often it affects the skin of the perineal zone.

The reason for the appearance of lipomas and atheromas is a lack of nutrients in the body, vitamin deficiency and, especially often in women, hormonal disruptions. In the case of atheromas, their causative agent may be sebaceous gland cysts.

If you have been diagnosed with one of the varieties of benign tumors, consider yourself lucky, since their danger to health is minimal, they never degenerate into malignant ones. In the overwhelming majority of cases, lipoma and atheroma are not treated as such, they disappear on their own after a certain time. The exception is the special discomfort associated with them, in the form of excessive growth and difficult movements.

The main ways to remove them from the axillary region - the seal is subjected to husking, less often - laser removal. After surgical removal, there is a need for cosmetic removal of sutures.

Furunculosis and hydrodenitis

Another cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, not associated with tumors, is inflammation of the skin or hair follicles. There are dozens of such diseases, of which more often than others in adult women and men, furunculosis and hydrodenitis are diagnosed. The main reasons for their appearance:

  • Blockage of the duct of the sweat gland;
  • Staphylococcus infection;
  • Streptococcus infection;
  • Decreased immune functions of the body.

It is extremely difficult not to notice such a tumor, since its appearance is almost always accompanied by discomfort - first, slight swelling of the armpits, then soreness and redness. The seal can quickly grow in size, forming an abscess. Such a formation needs surgical removal.

Improper hygiene

It's no secret that the armpits are a breeding ground for bacteria. To prevent this, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene, keep the skin clean in the cavity. It is enough to follow a few rules so that bacteria are guaranteed not to cause inflammation of the lymph nodes or other type of irritation:

  • Washing - at least twice a day, wash the skin in the armpits with soap;
  • Cleanliness - even a short stay in uncleanness leads to an increased risk of disease;
  • Safe shaving - it consists both in preventing the formation of wounds in the cavity, and in using exclusively clean razors and disinfecting the skin after shaving;
  • The ban on the use of someone else's clothes - with it, a hostile microflora is inevitably introduced to the skin; especially true for women who already had a tumor in the armpits.

In addition, we must not forget that the skin in the armpit is extremely sensitive to any external stimulus. With inflammation of the lymph nodes or other ailments in the past, it is better to refrain from wearing dense fabrics, make sure that the skin breathes. Also, which is especially important for women, be more responsible in choosing antiperspirants and not abuse perfume. Some chemicals can even cause an allergic reaction.

If the cases of swelling described above occur equally in both sexes, then swelling can often be the result of some purely female cases:

  • Breast metastases are a cause that is characteristic only for women; every woman over 40 is especially susceptible to it, the defeat of the lymph nodes is one of the earliest symptoms;
  • The reaction during menstruation is a consequence of hormonal activity in the body of women;
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands - as a rule, happens during lactation and during breastfeeding;
  • Destructive tissue changes in the breast - mastitis, mastopathy and other diseases also associated with lactation;

Especially in the case of women, the tumor must be detected and eliminated in time. To do this, the fair sex has a lot of tools, the main of which is self-examination of the breast and adjacent skin areas. This method can not only detect, but also prevent swelling. But do not forget that self-treatment in no case can completely replace professional help.

Finally, it is extremely important to try with all your might to prevent mild colds and flu, since these ailments always lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immune activity in the body. Thickening or swelling in the armpits is only a small part of the possible complications.

There are situations when some seal may appear under the arm. Most often it is a local inflammatory formation. Such a bump under the arm hurts inside and causes discomfort. This can happen as a result of a shaving injury disorder or wearing tight clothing.

Bump inside. Photo, causes of inflammation

Several factors can provoke such a situation. For what reason a lump under the arm was formed, only a doctor can establish. It could be:

  • furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland (popularly called this disease;
  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node;
  • an enlarged lymph node as a result of any infection, for example, SARS, mumps, measles, etc.;
  • neoplasm (tumor benign or malignant).


A boil (boil) is Most often its development provokes non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Shaving in this area or wearing tight clothing that rubs the skin in the underarm area can cause microtrauma. Through them, the infection easily penetrates. At this point, there is first a slight swelling and slight redness. Further, the inflammatory process begins to progress. The lump is inside and causes inconvenience.

The color of the skin over the formation changes and acquires a bright red tint, sometimes with a bluish tint. The temperature of the skin over the area of ​​inflammation is increased, it is felt when touched.

The general condition of the patient may worsen, chills appear and the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. Often in such a situation there are symptoms of intoxication - nausea and even vomiting.

In this case, you need to seek medical help. Most likely, the boil will have to be opened. A course of antibiotics may also be prescribed for treatment.


The next reason that a bump jumped up under the arm and hurts may be hydradenitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of apocrine sweat glands, which are located in the shallow layers of the epidermis. The causative agent of hydradenitis is very often Staphylococcus aureus. It penetrates through microscopic cuts on the skin, which can occur during shaving, waxing, or as a result of poor personal hygiene. can also cause this disease.

Most often, this disease is experienced by those who have reduced immune defenses. Colds, exacerbations of chronic processes, and even caries can weaken the immune system.

Children before the onset of puberty cannot have hidradenitis, since the apocrine glands do not work until this moment. This disease can occur in both women and men. But in women it develops more often. The fact is that the apocrine sweat glands in the beautiful half of humanity are much larger than in men, and they are more developed. In women, in addition to sweat, these glands also secrete pheromones.

With age, the work of these glands weakens, and after 55 years, inflammation of the sweat gland practically does not occur.

Treatment of hidradenitis

If the bump under the arm has already formed inside, you should definitely contact the surgeon. It is impossible not to treat hidradenitis, because the infection can go further and affect the lymph nodes or cause an abscess that will have to be opened.

If the inflammatory process is not started and is at an early stage, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Wipes moistened with antiseptic solutions are applied to the sore spot.

From physiotherapy, UVI and dry heat can be prescribed. These procedures often help prevent severe inflammation and avoid pus formation.

If the lump under the arm hurts inside, and the inflammatory process has already gone too far, the treatment is carried out surgically. After all the pus has been removed, antibiotics are prescribed.

What can cause hydradenitis?

The causative agent of the disease (staphylococcus) most often penetrates through small wounds on the skin, which may remain after depilation or shaving. To reduce the risk of developing this disease, you need to use only high-quality depilation done exclusively by professionals, and, of course, carefully observe personal hygiene.

In addition, so that the lump under the arm no longer forms inside, it is better not to use antiperspirants with talc and medical products that contain aluminum salts. Such funds are prescribed to get rid of excessive sweating. But by solving one problem, they create another. Such antiperspirants are able to clog, thereby creating good conditions for inflammation.


A bump under the arm, it hurts inside - what else can cause this situation? Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node, in this case located in the armpit. As in previous cases, the causative agent of the disease is a bacterial infection. Most often it is staphylococcus or streptococcus. Less commonly, specific lymphadenitis is diagnosed, which causes pathogens of tuberculosis, syphilis, etc. In this case, the infection most often enters the lymph nodes from the affected organ.

Lymphadenitis is usually acute. The temperature rises, the head hurts and weakness is felt. Even the slightest touch to the area of ​​the inflamed lymph node causes pain.

Antibiotics are required to treat lymphadenitis. If the bump under the arm (inside) is provoked by infection of another organ, then it must also be treated. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that will help.

Lump under the arm - is it cancer?

I really want to say no, but sometimes it really is. Often a small bump under the arm can indicate cancer. So, for example, very often with oncology of the breast, the axillary lymph node also reacts.

In this case, the formation under the armpit will be painless. The skin over it will not be changed. In 9 out of 10 cases of breast cancer, women find the tumor on their own.

Lump under the arm - what to do?

So, if a bump has formed under the arm, in no case should you self-medicate, warm yourself up or go to the "grandmothers". It would be wiser to seek qualified help. The doctor after the necessary examination will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. And if it really turns out to be oncology, delay can cost lives. Most often, such problems are still associated with some kind of hygiene violations or excessive use of antiperspirants.

Compaction in the armpit always causes inconvenience, even if it is not accompanied by painful sensations. If, at the slightest pressure, the lump under the arm causes pain, it becomes necessary to eliminate it as soon as possible. In addition, the question arises of how dangerous this formation can be, are there ways to remove it yourself, and what consequences it can lead to. Fortunately, in most cases, this phenomenon does not pose a great danger. To determine the nature of education, it is necessary to examine it carefully. Depending on external signs, it is possible to distinguish, for example, such types of growths as:

  1. atheroma;
  2. lipoma;
  3. furuncle;

Of course, there remains the possibility that the resulting seal is of a malignant nature, but it is impossible to establish this by external signs - it requires a professional study in a laboratory. Other varieties of cones can be identified by a combination of characteristic features.


This seal is benign in nature and is an accumulation of a product produced by the sebaceous gland. The condition for its formation is the blockage of the mouth of this gland. Areas with increased sweating, which primarily include the armpits and groin area, become the most favorable areas for the formation of atheromas.

It is possible to distinguish atheroma from other growths by a number of signs that characterize this lump under the arm and in any other area. These include:
painless when pressed and touched;

  1. boundaries are clear;
  2. round shape;
  3. filled with pasty content;
  4. contents have an unpleasant odor.

This type of formation often becomes inflamed, so it must be removed. If an inflammatory process develops in the atheroma cavity, the signs described above will lose their relevance. First of all, atheroma will change externally, in addition, pronounced pain will appear. Among the possible complications in this case is such a phenomenon as an abscess.

Lump under the arm photo


If the bump under the arm does not hurt, outwardly resembles an atheroma, while it has some differences from it, then most likely this formation is a lipoma. This growth is an accumulation of adipose tissue, or, as it is also commonly called, a wen. At the same time, the dimensions of such a cone can vary from very small (0.5 cm) to frighteningly large - more than 10 cm. The main features are:

  • lack of pain when touched and pressed;
  • fuzzy outlines of the cone;
  • uneven, knotty surface;
  • soft texture;
  • mobility.

Unlike atheroma, lipoma rarely becomes inflamed and does not pose a health hazard. However, the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process still remains, especially if the wen is too large. In this case, it is recommended to remove it.


When the bump under the arm hurts when pressed, has a hard surface, red or bluish tint, filled with purulent contents, it was formed as a result of the inflammatory process. At the initial stage, transforming into a seal. In fact, such a lump is an abscess, in the cavity of which purulent masses accumulate, caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The most striking and likely example in this case is a boil. It has the following features:

  • round shape;
  • about the size of a large pea;
  • color red, with a bluish tinge;
  • soreness when touched;
  • in the center, a purulent core of a white-yellow color is visible.

This abscess occurs if the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus enter the cavity of the hair follicle. Given that there are a large number of hair follicles in the armpit, the likelihood of this process developing is quite high. In addition, increased sweating occurs in this area, which is an additional provoking factor for the occurrence of a boil.

You should be aware that self-removal of formations, especially inflammatory ones, is always associated with a certain risk. If a bump is found under the armpit inside the layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat, and not on the surface of the epidermis, then it is not at all permissible to open it on your own. In addition to mechanical damage to tissues and, as a result, creating conditions for damage by pathogenic microflora, there is a possibility of spreading the contents of the abscess, including through the blood vessels. If the formation broke through on its own or by accident, first of all it is necessary to treat its cavity, as well as the surface of the skin around it with an antiseptic.

Painful education under the arm is hard to ignore, as it is located in a very sensitive and mobile area. This situation encourages the patient to consult a doctor to eliminate the problem. The most common causes of bumps under the arm are considered to be blockage of the ducts, invasion by bacteria of the species streptococcus and staphylococcus through the sweat gland or wound, inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Self-treatment is prohibited, consultation with a doctor is required.

A bump under the armpit can be provoked by both “harmless” phenomena and a manifestation of a malignant nature.

Causes and symptoms

A lump under the arm is a painful lump, often causing discomfort. The delicate and sensitive skin of the zone and its friction due to the movement of the hands increases the pain syndrome. Often, they appear with infectious diseases or fungal, bacterial infections. A subcutaneous bump can be an indicator of serious ailments in a person. Main symptoms:

  • skin redness;
  • burning;
  • pain;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • seal;
  • general malaise.

Seals appear in different ways. In many respects, it depends on the functioning of the body's immune system, personal hygiene, and a hereditary factor. If you ignore the redness - they can develop into wounds and sores. Injured skin of the axillary zone heals for a very long time. Dangerous microorganisms and bacteria can penetrate into open wounds.

Hydradenitis (kind of lump under the arm)

Both men and women are at risk. The cause of the bumps is the ingress of staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria into the sweat gland and factors for the development of harmful microorganisms. These factors include:

  • lack of personal hygiene, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction and growth of bacteria and fungal invasion;
  • heavy sweating and dilated sweat streams;
  • the influence of synthetic cosmetics;
  • mechanical damage to the skin in the armpit area (scratches, chafing, cuts).

Initially, hydradenitis is formed into a bump of a soft structure, “walking” under the skin during palpation, with time it hardens and acquires a blue tint. A person's body temperature can rise to 37-38 degrees. Suppuration forms inside the ball. Self-medication with the use of hot compresses or squeezing out the contents of the lump under the arm can develop an ailment in other tissues and areas of the body. Doctors prescribe antiseptics to cure hidradenitis, drugs that relieve inflammation and remove the lump surgically.

Blockage of sebaceous secretion provokes the growth of cones in the armpit.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland

With excessive secretion of sebum and narrowing of the sebaceous ducts, bumps under the arm may form, associated with blockage of the sebaceous gland. The situation is aggravated by non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, untimely cleaning of the skin, or when using synthetic hygiene products that adversely affect the skin. Such a bump does not hurt, dense structure and mobile. The shape is round with sharp edges. It can grow and affect nearby tissues, disrupting their functionality. When identified, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist for advice.

Enlarged lymph nodes

Enlarged lymph nodes can cause pain or go away without any sensation. The reasons for this formation are:

  • the presence of infections in the body or early infectious diseases;
  • problems with the circulatory system;
  • cancer and metastasis.

The inflammatory process in the lymph nodes can provoke the growth of bumps in the armpit.

Round shape and dense to the touch, easily diagnosed by palpation. In such situations, doctors do not treat the bump itself, but the focus of its occurrence - the disease due to which it manifested itself. Anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptics, drugs to restore the immune system are prescribed. Sometimes excision is performed surgically.

Other reasons

A bump in the armpit can be an indicator of not only an infection or fungus, but also the presence of a more serious disease, such as cancer. Such manifestations are rare and can only be diagnosed after a blood test. Often, the cause of the appearance of the ball is furunculosis. Occurs due to hair ingrowth into the sweat gland and its inflammation. Depending on the degree and severity, it passes either painlessly or with redness and pain when touched. It can pass on its own, or it can develop into a cyst. It is possible to prevent such manifestations with timely depilation of the zone and periodic non-rough peeling. Another cause may be cervical lymphadenitis, which is characterized by such a manifestation.

Diagnosis of education is carried out by a dermatologist or surgeon. In the initial stages, he conducts a visual examination, palpation and asks a series of questions to the patient to determine sensations, symptoms and duration. For a more detailed diagnosis, an ultrasound examination or a blood test can be taken.

If it is impossible to diagnose the cause of the axillary bump, the doctor may prescribe an additional hardware examination.

After the removal operation, the excised material is sent for histological analysis, which is carried out in the laboratory and determines the presence of cancer cells.

The treatment of an axillary bump depends on the nature of its occurrence, which is very difficult to find out without a doctor.

A bump under the arm can scare. This is undoubtedly a pathological neoplasm. True, it does not always cause physical discomfort and threaten health. Nevertheless, if a seal appears in the armpit, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss a dangerous disease.

Growth of the mammary gland

It occurs in pregnant women and in women during lactation. A soft, large lump that looks unattractive but does not actually pose a health hazard. It increases with the accumulation of milk, and decreases at the end of feeding. At the end of breastfeeding completely disappears. Despite the safety of the phenomenon, it is still worth checking with a mammologist.


Purulent inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. It occurs under the influence of staphylococci and streptococci, penetrating into the glandular tissue through ducts or wounds in the skin. With this disease, the lump under the armpit hurts and itches. The body temperature rises, chills occur. The skin over the inflammation becomes purple-red, over time, pus begins to ooze from the center of the affected area. Treatment involves taking antibiotics and external treatment with antiseptics. Physiotherapy is also carried out and bandages with antibacterial ointments are applied.


Inflammation of the hair follicle, sweat gland and surrounding connective tissue. Occurs under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. With furunculosis, the skin turns red and swells, pus is visible inside. There is itching and burning. The temperature rises, weakness occurs. Local lymph nodes are enlarged. There is severe pain. While the boil is ripening, it is chipped with antibiotics and subjected to ultraviolet radiation. After maturation, they open and remove pus with dead tissues.


Cancer of the axillary lymph nodes. It begins with the appearance of a tubercle, which, when pressed, does not hurt and does not budge. Itching and burning may occur. Sweating intensifies. Some increase in temperature is noted. With the growth of the tumor, difficulty breathing and indigestion occur. Weight can drop sharply or, conversely, increase. Headaches become more frequent. Treatment is with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

Axillary lymphadenitis

Inflammatory process in the lymph node due to the occurrence of a focus of infection in the body. The serous form of the pathology is accompanied by the appearance of a hard lump under the armpit. When pressed, the seal hurts. General deterioration of well-being is not observed. With purulent lymphadenitis, the temperature rises, chills and nausea occur. Redness and swelling are accompanied by severe pain. If the pathology arose as a result of another infection, after the cure of the primary disease, the tumor subsides. In the case of self-suppuration of the node, the bump is opened and the contents are removed from it. Antibiotics for external and internal use are also shown.

Mammary cancer

This type of oncology often gives metastases to the axillary region. In addition, discharge from the nipples, a change in the structure of the skin. One of the glands increases or decreases in size, shifts relative to its normal position. There is constant pain that radiates to the back, arm or armpit. There is also an unreasonable cough, rapid fatigue occurs. Treatment methods are the same as for other types of malignant neoplasms.

Lump under the arm photo


A benign neoplasm consisting of a capsule and fatty contents. Occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a soft mobile growth, which rapidly increases in size and sometimes reaches several centimeters in diameter. At the same time, the bump under the arm does not hurt and causes inconvenience only when large volumes are reached. In this case, the tumor is removed by cutting the skin and removing the capsule. But most often the tumor resolves itself.


Inflammation of the hair follicle. It is caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the bulb through scratches and cuts. At first, the skin turns red and becomes hot. It feels tight underneath. Then a cone grows, which has a rounded or conical shape. Can reach large sizes. In the center of education is a purulent core. The tumor hurts all the time. Antiseptic solutions and antibiotics in ointments and tablets are used for treatment. In severe cases, the lump is opened and pus and dead tissue are drained from it.


Purulent lesion of adipose tissue. Usually, it penetrates into the axillary region from foci of infection localized in the upper limbs. The causative agent of the process is Staphylococcus aureus. The neoplasm is an elastic compaction without clear boundaries. The skin over it turns red and becomes glossy. Pressing and moving causes pain. The body temperature rises. Over time, the center of the bump becomes soft, pus may ooze from it. At the initial stage of the disease, physiotherapy methods, antibiotics and painkillers are used. Severe course involves opening the focus of inflammation and drainage of pus.

If a bump appears under the armpit, you do not need to wait until it resolves itself. Especially if the slightest touch hurts. In most cases, it is a severe inflammation that can spread to surrounding tissues. Painless neoplasms are no less dangerous. Some of them are cancerous. Therefore, the appearance of any seals in the armpit should be the reason for an immediate appeal to the surgeon or oncologist.

The appearance of bumps in the armpit in women is an alarming symptom of an inflammatory, infectious or oncological disease of the lymphatic, endocrine systems, as well as epithelial tissues. A pathological symptom may be accompanied by a rich clinical picture with an acute pain syndrome, or it may proceed in a chronic form.

The bumps that appeared in the armpit of a woman are the consequences of an already existing underlying disease of the internal organs, glandular, connective and soft tissues.

Painful symptoms may appear for the following reasons:

  • stretching of muscle fibers and tendons located on the side of the armpit;
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body, being in a draft of cold air or under the air conditioning system;
  • mechanical damage to the inner part of the shoulder joint in the form of blows, falls from a great height;
  • infectious infection of epithelial tissues located in the armpit;
  • inflammation of the hair follicles, which is caused by their infection with Staphylococcus aureus;
  • purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, which progresses and covers more and more areas of the armpits;
  • benign tumors formed from the own tissues of the epithelium or adipose tissue;
  • cancerous growths that affect breast tissue, as well as nodes of the lymphatic system.
The article presents the main causes of the appearance of bumps in the armpit in women.

A bump in the armpit in women cannot develop on its own without the influence of pathological factors. Determining the causes that caused the appearance of an extraneous neoplasm is a prerequisite for successful treatment in the future.

Types of diseases in which a bump appears in the armpit

The formation of multiple or single bumps that form in the armpit in women of all age groups may be associated with a number of diseases of the endocrine and lymphatic systems. The table below lists pathologies, one of the symptoms of which is the appearance of foreign neoplasms in the armpit.

Types of diseases The mechanism of formation of cones
HydradenitisThis is an acute inflammation of the tissues of the apocrine sweat glands, which in most cases proceeds in a purulent form. If a bump in the armpit appeared due to the development of this disease, then its surface is painful on palpation. The skin, located above the extraneous neoplasm, is distinguished by a red, pink or burgundy hue. There are pronounced signs of the inflammatory process. A woman can feel not only severe pain in the armpit, but also discomfort while raising her arm up. The disease requires urgent medical and surgical treatment. In the absence of properly organized therapy, it can cause severe complications and damage to glandular tissues.
LymphadenitisChronic or acute inflammation of the lymph nodes. The bump that appeared in the armpit for this reason has a dense structure and is hard to the touch. It can be presented in multiple quantities, depending on the number of nodal connections, being in the area affected by the disease. Pathology develops due to the penetration of a bacterial infection into the tissues of the lymphatic system, or due to prolonged hypothermia of the body. The skin in the area of ​​compaction has a higher body temperature. During palpation of the armpit, a woman feels a sharp or aching pain, which intensifies as the disease progresses.
LipomaA benign neoplasm that is not dangerous to a woman's life, but causes significant discomfort and an aesthetic defect. The lump caused by this disease consists of fatty tissue. It can occur due to impaired lipid metabolism, hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, overweight. Under the influence of negative factors, a lipoma can degenerate into a cancerous tumor, but the likelihood of such a transformation is minimal. Treatment of this neoplasm requires the use of a surgical method of treatment.
FolliculitisIt begins as the formation of a small abscess, which quickly increases in size and forms into an abscess. This is a purulent lump that appears in the armpit due to non-compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene, combing, into which a bacterial infection has entered. Most often, soft tissue infections are associated with the invasion of Staphylococcus aureus, as well as streptococcal infections. Treatment of a lump of this etiology requires the use of antibiotic therapy for internal, injection and topical use.
Mammary cancerThe most severe disease of the glandular tissue. Characterized by the appearance of a malignant tumor inside the breast tissue. As the extraneous neoplasm grows, cancer cells metastasize to neighboring organs and systems. One of the symptoms of the disease is an increase in the lymph nodes of the armpit. Unlike lymphadenitis, they do not have signs of severe inflammation and pain. During palpation, a similar bump is felt in the mammary gland.

A bump in the armpit in women is examined by methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, the results of which determine the type of disease that caused the manifestation of this symptom. Elimination of the underlying disease allows you to get rid of an extraneous neoplasm with a minimal risk of recurrence of the disease.

Diagnosis of lumps in the armpit

A comprehensive examination of the body and directly the area of ​​​​the body in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lump of the armpit is a prerequisite before prescribing treatment.

A woman who seeks medical help with extraneous seals in the armpit area undergoes the following types of diagnostics:

  • initial examination by a general practitioner, surgeon, breast palpation by a mammologist or gynecologist;
  • Ultrasound of the epithelial tissues of the armpit, as well as the entire surface of the chest;
  • x-ray examination of the chest;
  • a smear from the skin surface covering the bump, if there are signs of purulent exudate;
  • tissue biopsy of an extraneous neoplasm for histological analysis;
  • venous blood sampling for the purpose of its biochemical study for the level of hormones, the possible presence of bacterial microorganisms, cancer cells;
  • donation of capillary blood from the bundles of the ring finger and morning urine to perform a clinical analysis.

If necessary, the attending physician may prescribe a woman to undergo an additional examination using MRI diagnostics. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor determines the cause of the bumps and prescribes a course of treatment.

When to see a doctor

A visit to a surgeon, dermatologist or oncologist should take place in the first 1-2 days after a woman finds extraneous seals in her armpit. Delay in visiting the doctor is fraught with further growth of the tumor, progression of the inflammatory process or the spread of infectious microorganisms to the surrounding tissues and organs.

Prevention of bumps in the armpit

A bump in the armpit in women is a symptom of a specific disease, the occurrence of which can be prevented.

  • timely treat inflammatory diseases of the internal organs in order to prevent the penetration of an excess amount of bacterial infection into the lymphatic system and blood;
  • at least once a year, undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist, mammologist, surgeon, dermatologist;
  • every 30 days, perform an independent examination and palpation of the breast to detect nodal joints and seals, which may be a malignant tumor that can cause the formation of bumps in the armpit;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle, go in for swimming, athletics, cycling, walk in the fresh air;
  • stop drinking alcohol, drugs, tobacco products;
  • control your body weight, prevent obesity;
  • observe basic rules of personal hygiene, wash the skin of the armpits daily with soap and warm water;
  • balance the diet, eat less fatty, fried, smoked foods.

The above prevention rules are mandatory for those women whose family has close female relatives suffering from bumps in the armpit.

Methods for treating bumps in the armpit

Modern methods of therapy include the use of traditional antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as surgical treatment of benign and malignant tumors in the armpit tissues.


It is advisable to use antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs if the cause of the bump is folliculitis, hydradenitis, lymphadenitis or other infectious tissue diseases.

In this case, the following means apply:

  • Liniment Vishnevsky- the drug is used as a complex antiseptic that removes purulent contents from abscesses, abscesses (the ointment is applied to a sterile cut of a gauze bandage, and then placed on a diseased skin area 2 times a day for 10 days, and the cost of a 30 g tube is 45 rubles.) .
  • Cytostatic drugs- are prescribed in the form of therapeutic courses of intravenous droppers, indicated for use when bumps appear in the armpit, which are a consequence of breast cancer (the selection of a single dosage and the duration of the course of treatment is determined on an individual basis);

  • Biseptol- an antibacterial agent that is effective for the treatment of bumps caused by lymphadenitis is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day with a duration of therapy from 5 to 14 days (medication price 140 rubles);
  • Azithromycin- the drug is prescribed for internal use, 1 capsule 2 times a day, 2 hours after meals, or 1 hour before eating (the duration of treatment for cones of infectious or inflammatory etiology is 3-5 days, the cost of the medication is 105 rubles);

Folk methods

It is not recommended to use traditional medicine as a method of treating bumps in the armpit. This is due to the fact that decoctions, tinctures, medicines will not have the proper antiseptic effect in infectious diseases of the lymphatic system.

If the bumps in the armpit are the result of an oncological process, then in this case, traditional medicine recipes are absolutely useless.

Other methods

In combination with drug treatment, surgical removal of an extraneous neoplasm is used.

The therapeutic process is as follows:

  1. The patient is admitted to the surgical department.
  2. All necessary tests and preoperative preparation are carried out.
  3. The patient is transported to a sterile operating room.
  4. The anesthesiologist injects the patient with a general anesthetic.
  5. After the onset of anesthesia, the surgeon performs tissue dissection in the area of ​​the tumor or affected lymph nodes.
  6. The armpit area where the extraneous neoplasm is located is sanitized and removed.
  7. After antiseptic treatment of the wound, suturing is performed.

Depending on what causes the formation of bumps in the armpit, the attending physician may use auxiliary therapy methods. They consist in prescribing a postoperative course of treatment with antibacterial, cytostatic drugs or chemicals.

Possible Complications

Treatment of bumps in the armpit should be organized according to the principle of eliminating the underlying disease.

Lack of effective therapy can lead to the following complications and health problems:

  • the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant neoplasm that can cause death;
  • exacerbation of lymphadenitis with the need for urgent surgical intervention to remove the lymph nodes;
  • septic shock and blood poisoning, if the cause of underarm bumps is associated with bacterial hidradenitis;
  • further growth of a cancerous tumor of the breast, one of the symptoms of which is the formation of foreign tumors in the armpit;
  • the spread of the inflammatory process to the bone and connective tissues of the shoulder joint.

Bumps that appeared in the armpit of a woman - this is a warning sign, which should become a motivation for undergoing a comprehensive examination of the body.

Timely examination and organization of medical, surgical treatment makes it possible to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time. In this case, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. Ignoring the problem can lead to long-term disability, disability and even death of a woman.

Video about bumps in the armpits, the causes of their appearance and methods of treatment

Types and symptoms of hydradenitis:

Methods for the treatment and prevention of bumps under the armpits:

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