Why does my back hurt in the morning? In the morning after sleep, the lower back hurts, then it goes away. External causes of lumbar pain in the female body in the morning

Why does my back hurt after sleeping on my back? Debilitating pain in the morning can be signs of a number of pathologies, not even related to the spine. Discomfort in the back, which appears only in the morning after sleep, often manifests itself in people who have not experienced back problems at all.

What causes back pain even in young and healthy people who have not undergone degenerative changes in the spinal column? This question will be answered in this article.

There are many factors that cause back pain.

  • wrong way of life;
  • work, or other constant activity in an uncomfortable position;
  • improper organization of sleep.

The reasons why the back hurts mainly at night and in the morning:

  • perhaps the effect of the painkiller ends in a dream;
  • when you sleep, the body weakens its defenses;
  • nerve impulses and other bodily processes are also limited.

Thus, if you go to bed, it will most likely only intensify in the morning.

The reasons

Specific causes of disease fall into three categories:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • other.


These are the most easily eliminated causes of pain, which include an unhealthy lifestyle, physical. load etc. .


These are more serious causes, which include diseases of the spine and joints.


The following conditions also cause pain:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Gastrointestinal tract (Gastrointestinal diseases);
  • Renal inflammatory pathologies;
  • Pathologies associated with stress and psychological stress.

Destructive diseases of the spinal column

If the essence of the problem is localized in the region of the spine, then acute or aching pain will manifest itself when moving.

Pathologies of the spinal column may include:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • hernia
  • rheumatism.

Their presence can be indicated by:

  • tingling;
  • deterioration in sensitivity;
  • changes in skin color;
  • general weakness.

Lower back pain in the morning will not add to your joy. Many people have experienced an uncomfortable feeling in their back immediately after a night's sleep - at the moment of awakening in the morning. Moreover, it is often a painful symptom that causes the body to wake up. Where could he come from, because the spine rested for a long time and did not experience any load? The causes of morning pain in the lumbar, in fact, a large number. Clinical signs may be an echo of pathogenesis raging in the body.

If the pain sensations are repeated with stubborn constancy every morning, and also keep for a long time, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. The initial visit is first carried out from the therapist's office, then, for the reasons described, the doctor refers to narrow specialists - an orthopedist, neurologist or webrologist. They deal directly with the problems of the spine and the musculoskeletal system.

In certain cases, pain manifestations are in no way associated with bone and cartilage pathologies, but are a visible part of the clinical symptoms of one of the diseases of the internal organs, for example, pyelonephritis or pancreatitis. To identify the disease inside the abdominal space, an ultrasound examination method is used.

Under what circumstances or diseases does lower back pain appear in the morning

Consider those factors that often act as provocateurs of pain in the lumbar region in the morning, these are:

  • insufficiently active lifestyle (physical inactivity);
  • increased nervous excitability in humans (stress, hysteria, etc.);
  • menopause, the state of pregnancy;
  • the presence of diseases in the genitourinary system of the inflammatory plan;
  • pathology of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, hernia, etc.);
  • the presence of intraperitoneal pathogenesis (intestinal infections, pancreatitis, appendicitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the respiratory apparatus caused by pathogenic infections (tuberculosis);
  • an uncomfortable posture at the time of sleep, as well as the habit of lying incorrectly in bed and sleeping in this position all the time.

These are the reasons that are more responsible for lumbar pain at the time of sleep or immediately after getting up. Further, common diseases accompanied by such a painful syndrome will be described.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

Pain in the morning is provoked by such diseases of the genitourinary system as: urolithiasis of the kidneys and ureter, pyelonephritis and glomerular nephritis. Sensations are often tolerantly aching in the course of the lower back, but can also manifest themselves in the form of sharp pains. Most importantly, the pain attack is in no way connected with the movements of the body, that is, by changing the position, a person does not feel any improvement or deterioration. And, finally, a very clear sign, indicating that morning lumbar pain is associated with pathologies of the genitourinary organs, is the onset of significant relief after emptying the bladder.

Diseases of the pancreas

Inflammatory processes that take place in the body of the pancreas occur with pain syndrome not only in the region of the organ itself, but also in the zone of the posterior girdle, that is, in the lower back. The time of manifestation of the syndrome has no clear boundaries and can occur at any time of the day, including in the morning. The nature and intensity of the symptom is determined by the severity of the pathological processes in the affected organ. Main distinguishing feature pancreatitis- these are girdle pains along the lumbar region, more of a aching type.

Diseases of the spinal motion segment

A common disease of the spinal cord is osteochondrosis. It affects the spine in more than 70% of people. Moreover, it is precisely the pain syndrome that signals the origin of dystrophy in the bone and cartilage tissues, covering the area of ​​the coccyx and the back belt, which in most cases at the initial stage of the development of the pathology appears just in the morning.

The predominant number of patients with osteochondrosis belongs to the female sex. Men are slightly less susceptible to pathology, but not by much. Remarkably, the stronger sex suffers the disease much more problematic, as it has a greater predisposition to the occurrence of severe complications. This is due, first of all, to a frivolous attitude to one's health and a long ignorance of pain manifestations.

In addition to osteochondrosis, painful sensations in the lumbar region are also characteristic of oncology, scoliosis, lumbago, hernias, sciatica, and damage to muscle tissues.

Treatment and prevention of lumbar pain

It is very important to carefully listen to any alarm signals that our own body sends us in the form of aching or shooting syndrome in the lumbosacral zone, and respond to them in time. And this applies even to mild sensations. Urgently, without delay, you need to go to the hospital for advice.

The spine is one of the leading human organs through which the nerve impulses responsible for motor abilities are conducted. Therefore, in order not to bring the “core” of the whole organism into disrepair, it is extremely important to immediately cure the pathology at the initial stage of its development in order to avoid dangerous complications.

The essence of the treatment of the spinal motion segment is to take analgesic compounds and drugs with strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to the internal use of medicinal tablets, ointments and gels with a powerful active composition have a good effect. Manual and physiotherapy procedures are excellent for restoring the functions of the spine. All of the above therapies, of course, are prescribed only by a specialist who has the necessary knowledge and rich experience in the treatment of the spinal column and its structural elements.

As measures to prevent the occurrence of degenerative-dystrophic disorders, it is recommended to perform daily sparing physical exercises aimed at strengthening the spine. Swimming lessons have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the back. And it is worth remembering that a healthy position for the spine during sleep is the position of the body on the side, and not down on the stomach or on the back. If the body is not positioned correctly, the spinal column does not rest and does not relax even in a calm horizontal state, but, on the contrary, experiences a strong overstrain.

According to doctors, periodically back pain after sleep is felt by up to 40% of the adult population of the country. This is not surprising - the main burden falls on the back for the whole day. During working hours, a person is busy with his own affairs and simply does not notice any small inconveniences, and after rest, all “malfunctions” in the body become more noticeable. The reasons why the back hurts after sleep are very diverse and most of them are not associated with serious pathologies in the body. But if you leave the problem without attention, then you can allow the development of very unpleasant diseases.

Top 10 Causes of Spinal Pain

An interesting fact is that the back in the morning can hurt everyone, regardless of age, gender and lifestyle. Even people who exercise regularly and eat healthy foods experience this problem from time to time. Sometimes in the morning, the back can hurt so much that a person is almost unable to get out of bed, although he felt completely normal before going to bed.

And all because the spine passes through the entire back, which accounts for the main load throughout the day. Many nerve endings approach it, it is supported by muscles, and the intervertebral discs are made up of cartilage. And any violation of the integrity or normal operation of this entire system immediately causes discomfort or pain.

The top ten causes of back pain after sleep include:

  1. Osteochondrosis. One of the most common diseases of the spine, which by the age of 40 is present to one degree or another in every second. It affects the cartilaginous tissues of various parts of the spine, causing degenerative changes in them, limits the mobility of the discs and manifests itself as pain during and after physical exertion. Without dwelling in detail on the causes of the development of osteochondrosis, we only note that its prevention should be started already at a young age.
  2. Excessive loads. The muscles that support the spine are not well developed in everyone. People who lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle or spend a lot of time in front of the computer usually have weak back muscles. Therefore, even with small physical exertion, they overstrain. And even more so after intense training, because lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. When a person sleeps, there is an active muscle growth and recovery. In the morning, overload can manifest itself as pain and soreness.
  3. Wrong body position. An uncomfortable bed is also a fairly common reason why your back hurts in the morning. Especially often people who sleep on downy featherbeds or soft mattresses complain of pain. The bed should be firm enough to support the spine well, allowing the muscles to relax and rest while sleeping. At the same time, it should not be too rigid, otherwise the muscles in the places where the spine bends will remain tense. For those who have constant back problems, an ideal option is a high-quality orthopedic mattress.
  4. Posture disorder. Incorrect posture leads to the fact that the load on the spine and feet is distributed incorrectly. As a result, some muscle groups are constantly overstrained and pains appear, which intensify in the morning. If you do not take action, the mobility of some parts of the spine is limited, and the situation begins to deteriorate rapidly at an older age.
  5. Pregnancy. Pain is felt especially in the second half of pregnancy, when the size of the fetus begins to increase rapidly. The maternal spine has to withstand an additional load, which, moreover, is concentrated in a certain area of ​​the body, and not evenly distributed. This is the main reason why the lower back hurts after sleep in almost all pregnant women in the later stages.
  6. Women's problems. The female reproductive system is located in the lower abdomen. Periodically, various processes occur in it, caused by natural changes in the hormonal background. Some of them are quite painful. Most women complain that the lower back and lower abdomen are very sore during menstruation or in the postmenopausal period.
  7. Spinal injury. Even minor injuries, such as a severe bruise, can cause swelling and severe pain in the spine for quite a long time. This is due to the fact that the spine is not protected by adipose tissue, and with a sharp blow, disc displacements or microcracks often occur.
  8. Infections and chronic diseases. Systemic infections: HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others easily spread throughout the body and, if left untreated, begin to affect other organs and systems, including the spine. With exacerbation of chronic diseases of the internal organs, inflammatory processes are reflected throughout the body, they can cause bone ache and aching pain in the spine.
  9. Overweight. Although with excess weight, the additional load on the spine is distributed more or less evenly, this does not make the body feel better. The cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs with a very large weight begins to deform, the discs are flattened, while pinching the nerve endings. Especially often obese people have back pain in the lumbar region. In the lumbar region there is a bend, which is the “weak link” under excessive loads.
  10. Neurological diseases and stress. They can cause no less problems with the spine than illness and overwork. We can control our own body so well only because there are a lot of nerve endings coming up to the spine that give signals to the muscles that support it. In neurological diseases, nerve endings become inflamed or neural connections are disrupted. And with severe stress, vascular spasms and muscle clamps occur, which respond with pain. "From the nerves" usually after sleep, the back hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Most often, it is possible to find and eliminate the cause of back pain on your own. But if pathological changes have already begun to occur in the body, it is likely that you will have to seek help from specialists.

Important! Often the back hurts between the shoulder blades after sleeping with heart failure!

When to go to the doctor

If back pain appears from time to time, it is not severe, or you suspect that it has purely external causes: an uncomfortable bed, overwork, poor posture, etc., then you should try to solve the problem yourself.

But it is very important to understand that there are symptoms that may indicate serious problems with the spine and it is very important not to miss them and start treatment on time. You should immediately consult a doctor if regular back pain after sleep is accompanied by:

It is also worth examining the spine in the case when, after a bruise or injury, the pain does not go away within 1-2 weeks. Perhaps there are more serious injuries than you think, and they require additional treatment.

How to get rid of pain

The best remedy for all diseases is prevention. It is necessary to take care of the health of the spine not when it is already sick, but from early youth, while the posture is still being formed and it is easy to correct it, you can train the back muscles, and they will reduce the load on the intervertebral discs. But better late than never. The following preventive measures will be effective at any age, so start right now:

Be attentive to the loads that you put on the spine. If you need to lift something heavy from the floor - do not bend over: sit down and lift with the main load on your legs, and do not provoke pain in the lower back.

Do not pull weights from high shelves and cabinets - it is also easy to damage the spine. It is necessary to substitute a stable ladder and carefully remove the object. Do not overcool your back - this is a common cause of lower back pain after sleep. The lumbar region must always be covered.

These preventive measures are not difficult at all, but many people neglect them, and then pay for their frivolity with their own health. If your back hurts regularly in the morning, be sure to go to the doctor to make sure that you do not have a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

Now chiropractors and massage therapists working with the spine are very popular. Undoubtedly, among them there are excellent specialists. But, before entrusting the spine to someone who works with non-traditional methods, make sure of his high qualification. Allowing a person who does not have at least a basic medical education to manipulate the spine, you risk remaining disabled!

One of the most unpleasant situations that occurs from time to time in everyone's life is waking up in the morning to realize that your back hurts after sleeping. If such unpleasant sensations are repeated regularly, this can lead not only to a decrease in efficiency and poor health of the patient, but also cause serious problems with the spine. Therefore, if there are back pains after sleep, it is necessary to find the cause of their appearance and get rid of it.

Causes of back pain

  • Poor sleeping position or uncomfortable bed- in this case, after sleep, there is a regular feeling that the neck, back, arms or legs are "numb" or the person wakes up with a feeling that he was beaten in a dream, the body seems stiff, and the back ache most of the day. This may be due to the habit of sleeping on the stomach, on the back with a high pillow or bent over, and back pain in the morning appears after sleeping on a bed that is too soft or hard, where the human body cannot fully relax and rest;
  • Osteocondritis of the spine- dystrophy and gradual destruction of the intervertebral discs in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine causes a lot of discomfort in the patient. In addition to back pain in the morning, he also suffers from constant, dull pain in the spine, aggravated in the evening or after physical exertion, as well as muscle weakness and the inability to keep the body in an even vertical position for a long time;
  • Dystrophy of the muscles of the spinal column- due to constant stress, overweight, poor posture, the normal nutrition of the corset muscles that hold the spine and chest in an upright state is disturbed. The muscles seem to “freeze”, gradually this leads to their dystrophy and causes severe back pain in the morning, which gradually disappear during the day, with constant movement and “development” of the muscles;
  • Inflammation of nerve endings- inflammation, swelling and pinching of the nerve roots causes severe, persistent pain in the back, such pains differ in intensity, occur in a certain place and intensify after exertion or sudden movements;
  • Spinal injury- sometimes even long-standing injuries, bumps and falls, which seemed to have left no trace, after a while become the causes of pain. Back pain is aggravated by turning in a certain direction, bending or sudden movements;
  • Diseases of the internal organs- back pain is not always associated with damage to the spine, sometimes they signal problems with internal organs: the genitourinary system or the digestive organs. In this case, in addition to back pain, the patient will also have other signs of the disease: heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain or urination disorders and pain in the genitals;
  • Other diseases - sometimes constant back pain can be a symptom of such unpleasant diseases as Bechterew's disease, herniated disc, osteoporosis and others.

What to do if your back hurts after sleeping

If back pain does not go away within a few days, you can’t do without contacting a specialist, only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

And before that, at home, you can:

  • change your position during sleep - accustom yourself to sleep on your back, without a pillow, straightening and relaxing your arms and legs, and you will rest much better during sleep;
  • change the mattress and bed to a special orthopedic bed, and if this is not possible, get rid of soft feather beds, high pillows and too hot blankets;
  • provide peace to the back - give up physical exertion, move less, do not lift weights, and in case of severe pain - observe bed rest;
  • with severe pain, wearing a rigid corset or a special belt that keeps the spine in a vertical position helps;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - with severe pain, you can take a single tablet of "diclofenac", "ibuprofen", "nuprin" and others;
  • warming ointments and creams can also help;
  • in some cases, warm baths with sea salt, cedar, fir or rosemary oil help to relax and relieve muscle spasm.

It is impossible to use more serious medicines, massage or warm compresses until the diagnosis is determined - you can worsen the situation even more.

Adequate sleep is a necessary condition for the rest of the body. During this time, he must fully restore not only physical strength, but also calm the overexcited nervous system. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve such results, often after sleep the lower back hurts. What does this indicate and how to effectively deal with the problem? The answers to these questions will be given in this article.

According to medical surveys, almost a third of the inhabitants of the earth face such a problem. Back pain after waking up indicates that the lower back has not rested, but, on the contrary, its condition has worsened even more.

Important. You should know that pain occurs not only after waking up, the lower back gave alarms during sleep. It's just that some people react to them in a timely manner and wake up, while others do not react and sleep until the morning. The type of reaction depends on the intensity of pain sensations and the degree of immersion of the body in a sleepy state.

As already mentioned, pains appear not only after sleep, but also during.

A person in a dream tries to change his position in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations, such movements most often do not cause complete waking up, they are not remembered. But as a result, each patient sleeps on average more than eight hours a week, and this is very much and extremely negatively affects the entire body. How does pain affect him?

  • mood worsens;
  • performance decreases;
  • appearance worsens;
  • increased risk of developing more severe diseases.

Half of the patients of the doctors never turned to them because of back pain after sleep, but in vain. If you can’t get rid of discomfort on your own, then this indicates a deeper cause of pain. Often they are associated with various diseases of the internal organs or pathologies of the development of the spine. In both cases, qualified medical care is indispensable.

How does sleeping place affect the appearance of pain

This is the most common cause of the disease, you can cope with it yourself. Painkillers should not be taken immediately. They never cure diseases, do not eliminate the causes, but only temporarily alleviate the symptoms. You should know that any pain is a signal for making informed decisions to eliminate the causes; with their help, nature has programmed people's responses.

What positions during sleep affect the appearance of pain?

Posture while sleepingShort description

This is a bad posture due to the fact that the curvature of the lumbar region is much higher than physiological norms. It bends especially strongly in people with increased body weight. If you sleep in this position for a long time, then pain will appear not only in the back, but also in the cervical spine. Another problem is that in this position, the lumen of the vessels that feed the brain decreases. As a result - prolonged oxygen starvation of the brain. Oxygen starvation can cause not only lower back pain, but also a stroke.

This position is better than the above, but also cannot be considered correct. The lumbar region sags under the weight of the body, the person lies on the muscles of the back, buttocks and shoulders. Joint capsules stretch and deform. After waking up, the appearance of back pain is very likely. If the body is young, the spine is in a normal state, the muscles are highly developed, then there will be no pain. And sick and elderly people will definitely feel unpleasant tingling, in the lower back, they can wake up several times at night due to unpleasant sensations to change their posture.

This is the most natural position, but only if the firmness of the mattress and the height of the pillow are chosen correctly and the skeleton has seven points of support. In this position, the spine is completely straight, the muscles are relaxed, the vertebrae and capsules are in a physiological state, there are no unnatural curves.

Important. You should never try to fall asleep in an uncomfortable position, you should immediately lie down correctly.

To enhance muscle strength, it is recommended to do simple physical exercises, you can do it at any time of the day. The only condition is that at least an hour must remain before sleep, otherwise the autonomic nervous system will not have time to calm down, which will complicate falling asleep.

Within a few days, the state of health after waking up will improve significantly, the muscles will strengthen and will be able to withstand even uncomfortable postures. After such simple exercises, you can get out of bed, the blood supply to the muscles and spine has improved, the pain will disappear. Then it is recommended to take a contrasting general strengthening shower and rub your back and lower back well with a towel. If there is pain in the cervical region, then you can perform several exercises for this department. But there are more complex causes of lower back pain after sleep, not only the wrong position of the body at night.

Pathologies of the spine

The lumbar region is considered the most loaded area, it is he who holds the maximum load. Pathological changes can be age-related, appear after injuries, illnesses or as a result of critical loads in athletes and manual workers.

  1. Osteochondrosis. As a result of changes in the spine, it becomes less flexible. Any violation of the physiological posture during sleep creates long-term additional stress. As a result, after sleep, the lower back hurts.

  2. . Chronic process that affects bone and cartilage tissues. At the first stage, pain appears only after heavy physical exertion, it is almost impossible to diagnose the first stage. Back pain after sleep appears in the second stage, these are not the main signs, but indirect ones. Unpleasant sensations are felt in the joint itself and are given to the lumbar spine. The diagnosis is made in the hospital, the elimination of pain depends only on the success of the treatment of the main disease. Arthrosis is treated very hard, in the last stages, surgical intervention with replacement of joints with implants is required.

  3. Injuries. The most dangerous injuries occur after various accidents, such spinal injuries require outpatient treatment. Sports injuries are the result of improper planning of physical activity. A large number of professional athletes after leaving the sport suffer from back pain after sleep. The fact is that the spine is very worn out, it is not able to adapt to sudden changes in the intensity of loads. Spinal injuries can also be one-time household injuries during improper weight lifting. It must be remembered that lifting weights from the ground should be on bent legs, while the back should be even. If this rule is not adhered to, then there are risks of mechanical damage to the ligaments and muscles, they do not have time to recover overnight. And this causes back pain after sleep.

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