Excess vitamin and hair loss. Vitamins for severe hair loss in women. Hair vitamins


It's no secret that vitamins are needed by the body and, in particular, hair. However, how to determine if there is a deficiency in them and how this deficiency affects the hair? Can they begin to fall out in "bundles" from a lack of trace elements and vitamins? And then how to "feed" the hair with vitamins? Understanding...

MYTH #1. It is not necessary to take vitamin complexes, the main thing is to eat right and then the body (including hair) will receive everything it needs from food.

In the modern world, it is impossible to satisfy the need for vitamins from food - you just won’t eat that much.

For example, a fragment of the table on the daily intake of only vitamins (and even then not all, there are also vitamins B3, B8, F, H, etc.):

Even at a minimum I counted 1.8 kg. food in a day. How much do you eat? In the meantime, we have not even begun to count how many more must be eaten plus this to get the right amount trace elements.

In addition, it is worth considering that:

    a significant part of the vitamins is destroyed during heat treatment;

    far from 100% of the vitamins consumed with food are absorbed in the human gastrointestinal tract, and almost nothing if the state of the gastrointestinal tract itself is not in the best shape;

    under the influence of stress, both short-term (for example, during sports) and chronic (for example, the intense rhythm of a resident of any more or less large city), the need for vitamins and microelements increases significantly.

Having estimated how much and what you eat throughout the day, it is easy to answer the question “does the hair have enough vitamins and minerals?”

For those who decide to find out the question thoroughly, there areblood analysisfor vitamins and minerals andspectral analysis hair.

The spectral analysis method is based onthat growing hair cells are nourished by substances carried by the bloodstream, and at the exit from the growth zone (follicle) the composition and ratio of substances obtained in the growth phase are fixed.

For analysis, a strand of hair is taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis, where the hair is tested for the content of 25, 40 or 70 trace elements (optional).

Unlike a blood test, which shows the ratio of trace elements only at the time of testing, a hair test reflects how the elemental composition has changed over the time that the hair has grown.

The cost of analysis ranges from 2,000 to 8,000 rubles, depending on the laboratory and the number of trace elements for which the test is carried out.

To do it or not is an open question. At one time I was curious, and I did it. His result showed a completely standard picture of a resident of a large city - an excess of heavy metals (lead, tin, strontium), as well as sulfur and mercury, a lack of selenium, zinc, iron, etc.

Conclusion: if you do not live in the bosom of nature in bliss and oblivion and do not eat kilograms of healthy and natural food, you should think about taking high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes.

What does “quality” mean, as well as where to look for them and what to look for when searching, I will describe in detail in the next article.

For now, back to the myths.

MYTH #2. Sudden and profuse hair loss can begin due to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Hair is an ever-growing "organism" due to cellular activity in the hair follicle. A follicle is a kind of hair "bag", a "receptacle" of a hair bulb, located deep under the skin (at a depth of 3 to 6 mm.).

In the hair follicle, continuous active mitosis (division) of cells occurs. Protein synthesis goes through a cycle every 24 hours.

Growing or mature cells gradually lose nuclei and become keratinized. Hair is made up of keratin (a protein substance).

The pressure created inside the follicle due to continuous mitosis "forces" the hair to grow upward at an average rate of 0.3-0.4 mm. in a day.

Hair grows in continuous cycles, each of which has three phases:anagen– growth phase; catagen– degradation phase;telogen- rest phase.

A period of growth (anagen) of two to eight years is followed by a short period of two to four weeks, during which cell division and, as a result, hair growth stops, the follicle shrinks (catagen).

Then the resting phase (telogen) begins, lasting from two to four months. Shedding (pushing out) of the hair occurs in the next growth cycle (anagen), when a new hair shaft begins to form from the same follicle.

The growth and resting phases of neighboring follicles do not coincide, and the process of natural hair replacement is usually almost imperceptible.

Normally approx.88-90% of all hair is in the anagen stage, 1-2% is in the catagen stage, and 10% is in the telogen stage.

There are only two reasons why more than normal 10% of hair can go into the resting stage (telogen) and fall out: chronic hereditary baldness (androgenetic alopecia) and reactive hair loss.

I have covered each of these reasons in detail in other articles:

In short, the essence is this: hair losswith androgenetic alopecia It is caused by a specific, due to heredity, sensitivity of hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone, due to which the follicle cannot function normally and falls into "hibernation". As you can see, no connection with vitamins.

reasonsjet fallout there may be several, they are combined into groups according to the type of effect on the hair.

As you can see, there is no shortage of vitamins anywhere. It may seem that they belong in the “lack of substances necessary for the synthesis of keratin” group, but this is not so.

For the synthesis of keratin (and hair is 90% of it), protein is needed, while vitamins do not play a decisive role. That is, they are certainly needed and important, but their lack will not affectcapabilities follicle to produce new cells, andquality produced cells.

Those. with a lack of vitamins and microelements, the formed cells can turn out to be “defective”, cell division (mitosis) can slow down, but not stop at all.

I foresee the question: how is it, because almost all trichologists assure the opposite? Iron deficiency is especially disfavored.(hidden or explicitIron-deficiency anemia).

Trichologists are the first thing they send their patients to be tested for iron deficiency. What for? Very simple.

Firstly, 90% of the population has it, and you are immediately convinced of the “literacy” of the doctor.

Secondly, as the doctor will of course explain to you, the elimination of iron deficiency anemia (IDA)- the process is not fast (4-6 months), but during this time "either the sage dies, or the donkey dies, or the padishah."

In a few months, your reactive prolapse will end one way or another and - again, a point in favor of the doctor. Well, if it still doesn’t work, you will again go to the same doctor to further empty your pockets, because “he is a doctor, he knows better.”

What has been said in no way means that it is not necessary to eliminate IDA. It is necessary, of course, but only considering that:

    need to take iron supplements only if, according to the results of the tests, you have IDA (an excess of iron is much more harmful to the body than its deficiency);

    you understand that there will be no improvement in the situation with the hair.

Conclusion : vitamins can affect hair growth rate, hair quality (with a lack of appropriate substances, hair can grow dry, dull, etc.), butcause severe hair loss no vitamin (microelement)deficiency fails.

MYTH #3. The effect of taking vitamins can be seen on the hair almost immediately.

How often do I come across reviews of vitamin complexes in the style of “after the course of taking (1 month) I had twice as much hair”, “I began to drink vitamins and my hair stopped falling out after 2 days of taking it”, “after a week my hair became more smooth, strong, it is clear that the hair was saturated with usefulness.

"And what just does not dream at night" (c)

Such things are impossible, no matter how much one would like to believe in the best. The density laid down genetically cannot be changed (why, I told in a separate article), and vitamins have no effect on hair loss, as we have already found out.

If the hair fell out, fell out in clumps and suddenly stopped (2, 3 or 10 days after the start of taking vitamins), then it’s not about vitamins at all (they didn’t even have time to reach the hair).

Just over the period of loss of "emergency disconnected" due to reactive hair loss. This, the most common type of loss, fortunately, always stops by itself, regardless of the amount of effort (or lack thereof) applied to it.

And you can “attach” this event, which happened by itself, to anything- and to taking vitamins, and to a new shampoo, and to the fall of a meteor shower, and to the command of higher powers, all these are equally crazy ideas.

As for the change in the quality of hair, they can only be seen on newly formed (after the start of taking vitamins) cells, i.e. on the growing part, and not the one that has grown a long time ago and will not receive any benefits from taking vitamins, since it no longer feeds on the bloodstream.

Conclusion: given the long time it takes for the body to make up for the lack of nutrients and send some of them to nourish the hair, and also the fact that “nourished” new hair cells take time to be above the surface of the skin, the positive effect of vitamins on the hair CANNOT affect earlier, than a few months after the start of treatment.

MYTH №4. You can nourish your hair not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Very often on the net, in response to the question “how to help hair with vitamins”, I see many different answers. In addition to the banal “drink vitamins”, other “feeding” recipes are also offered, as if the hair is capable of eating.

What wild fantasy does not come up with– invented by someone and even "successfully" appliedhair masks with vitamins, rubbing vitamin ampoules into the scalp, adding vitamins to shampoo, homemade masks, etc.

Is there any point in such procedures?

Let's go back for a second to the drawing "The structure of the hair." As you can see, the blood vessels that "supply" the necessary substances to nourish the hair, i.e. providing the center of cell division with the necessary “building material”, they are suitable only for the follicle where mitosis is taking place.

Once a hair cell has formed and keratinized (and left the follicle), it no longer receivesno nourishment from within the body. The same part of the hair that we see (the shaft) is already completely composed of "dead", keratinized cells that do not have no links to internal processes.

Therefore, smearing vitamins (in any form) on the regrown part of the hair is an extremely useless exercise, about the same as trying to improve the well-being of a corpse by smearing it with anti-wrinkle cream.

As for rubbing vitamins into the head or adding to shampoo, these efforts will also not bear fruit due to the presenceepidermal barrier.

The most important function of the skin is protective, which is realized through a specific multi-layer structure of the skin. The skin consists of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypoderm). In turn, the epidermis is formed by five layers of epidermal cells.

The basis of the "epidermal barrier" is the stratum corneum of the epidermis - keratinized particles of the epithelium. The intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum are filled with lipids, and the lipid structure, in turn, consists of layers, which are a two-layer membrane separated from each other by a water layer.

And now, through all these layers and layers to a depth of about 0.5 cm, vitamins applied to the scalp should somehow make their way. And how should they do it? Absorption of nutrients through the scalp is not provided by nature, there are no "inlet" holes, there are only "output" - the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Let me give you an analogy: if you get a headache, and instead of taking a painkiller, you start rubbing it on your forehead or adding it to your shampoo, will you feel much better?

How to apply vitamins for the benefit of hair?

There are only two options: eat or inject, which means that it is either taking vitamins orally, or a course of mesotherapy of the scalp. Read about both methods in the following articles.

That's all for today, glad it was helpful.

vitamins are low molecular weight compounds that act as activators of all types of biochemical reactions occurring in the human body. To understand how important vitamins play in the life and normal functioning of all human organs and systems, it is necessary to know that absolutely all processes in the body at the molecular level proceed precisely in the form of biochemical reactions. That is, absolutely all functions and processes are provided precisely by cascades of various types of biochemical reactions. For example, the process of respiration, namely, the combination of oxygen with erythrocyte hemoglobin and its transfer to tissues with subsequent transfer to cells, is carried out by a strictly defined cascade of biochemical reactions. In the same way, the transfer of nutrients and their use for the needs of cells is carried out by chemical transformations. And it is vitamins that are the necessary components for the normal course and activation of all biochemical reactions in the human body. Thus, it becomes obvious that vitamins ensure the normal functioning of all cells in the body.

Hair is an appendage of the skin, that is, it is part of the epidermis. Each hair consists of a long fiber that is fed by a follicle located in the skin on the head, body or face. Actually, the hair fiber is dense, since it is covered with numerous horny scales on top. For normal functioning and preservation of hair, their bulb (follicle), located in the deep layers of the skin, must receive an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen. A number of biochemical reactions take place in the hair follicle, which maintain the health of the entire hair and prevent hair loss. Naturally, all the biochemical reactions necessary for the life support of hair are supported and activated only in the presence of vitamins coming from outside. Thus, it becomes clear why a lack of vitamins can provoke increased hair loss. It is also obvious that in such cases, in order to stop hair loss, you simply need to make up for the deficiency of some vitamins that play the greatest role in maintaining the normal functioning of the hair follicles. Consider the various aspects regarding vitamins and stopping hair loss.

Vitamins for hair - definition and physiological significance

Each hair on any part of the body - head, body or face starts from a hair follicle or bulb located in the structures of the skin. A fiber begins to grow from the follicle, which is the hair we are used to. Gradually, the length of the fiber increases, and the hair becomes longer. However, regardless of the length of the hair, its nutrition is carried out only through the bulb. This means that the substances necessary for the life of the hair are brought to the bulbs with the blood stream. Then, from the follicle, these substances are transported along the entire length of the hair fiber - from the root to the very tip. Thus, in order for the hair to have all the necessary substances for normal life, a sufficient amount of bioorganic compounds (oxygen, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) must be supplied to the bulb with the blood stream.

From the substances received by the hair follicle, all the needs of the hair are provided - nutrition, respiration, growth, etc. If the hair is "supplied" well, then it is smooth, strong, elastic, shiny and grows well. Outwardly, such hair looks very good and can be described as chic. Beautiful, thick and long hair suggests that its owner has excellent health and a sufficient amount of vitamins.

If the hair is deficient in vitamins, then their appearance becomes unattractive - they lose their smoothness, shine, elasticity and strength, begin to fall out, split, quickly become dirty, dandruff appears, etc. This is because a deficiency of vitamins leads to insufficiently intensive flow of normal biochemical reactions that ensure the proper functioning of hair cells. In fact, the cells of the hair fiber begin to starve and suffocate, since the low metabolic rate due to the lack of vitamins does not allow them to receive an adequate amount of oxygen and various nutrients.

Since strictly defined cascades of biochemical reactions occur in the hair, certain vitamins are also necessary for their activation. The fact is that each vitamin is able to activate and maintain the normal course of any particular type of biochemical reactions. For example, vitamin A activates reactions that ensure the synthesis of collagen fibers in the skin, nails, hair and connective tissue, etc. If these vitamins are not enough, then the hair will fall out intensely and look bad.

Which vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss?

Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F (F).
Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of any one of the listed vitamins, or several at once. Usually hair falls out against the background of a deficiency of several vitamins, usually 2-4.

Vitamins for hair loss

In principle, in order for hair not to fall out, the human body needs all 13 known vitamins. However, some of them are especially necessary, since they ensure the normal course of life processes in the hair structures. It is these vitamins that can be conditionally considered "vitamins for hair loss."

So, the vitamins that are effective against hair loss include the following:

  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 3 (PP, nicotinamide, nicotinic acid);
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin H (biotin);
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F (F).

To stop hair loss or significantly reduce the speed of this process, it is necessary to take all the vitamins listed in the average daily dosage. It is best to take specialized vitamin and mineral complexes. However, if this is not possible, or a person wants to take vitamins separately, then you should start with the "most important" among those listed. The "most important" vitamins for hair are biotin, panthenol, E, A and C. Consider the properties of vitamins, due to which they are able to stop hair loss.

Vitamin B 2 necessary to maintain an active blood flow to the hair follicles. Intensive blood supply ensures the flow of sufficient nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, from where they penetrate into all the cells of the hair itself, making it beautiful and durable. Good nutrition of the hair follicle prevents hair loss. If a person has a deficiency of vitamin B 2, then the hair becomes oily at the roots and dry at the ends.

Vitamin B 3 (RR) improves the nutrition of hair follicles and normalizes the course of metabolic processes in them, thereby preventing and stopping hair loss. Deficiency of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) provokes dryness and slow hair growth.

Vitamin B 5 is able to penetrate directly into the hair follicle, improving blood circulation, nutrition and metabolic processes in all its cells. From the hair follicle, this vitamin penetrates into all hair cells, also normalizing their metabolism. Consequently, pantothenic acid strengthens both the hair and its root literally from the inside, making them strong and beautiful, and stopping hair loss. In principle, panthenol is one of the most important vitamins that can stop hair loss and restore their normal structure. If the human body is deficient in vitamin B 5, then his hair grows slowly and quickly turns gray.

Vitamin B 6 in relation to hair is a very powerful stimulant of metabolism. As a result of exposure to vitamin B 6, dandruff and itching of the scalp disappear, and hair loss stops. Against the background of a deficiency of this vitamin, the hair becomes dull and falls out intensively.

Vitamin H It is considered the main vitamin for hair, since it is it that ensures their strength and beauty by maintaining an optimal metabolic rate and regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Vitamins H and B 5 are rightfully considered "main" in stopping hair loss and restoring their beauty. With a deficiency of vitamin H, a person's hair first becomes greasy, then begins to fall out.

Folic acid enhances the effect and effect of vitamin B 5. If these vitamins are taken in combination, then hair growth will accelerate significantly, and their loss will stop. This effect is achieved due to the fact that folic acid activates the process of synthesis of new, full-fledged cellular structures that replace old and worn ones. With a deficiency of folic acid, a person's hair will turn gray very quickly and at an early age.

Vitamin C normalizes the tone of the capillaries, through which blood is brought to the hair follicles. Under the influence of the normalization of capillary tone, microcirculation improves, which increases blood flow to the hair follicles, and, consequently, improves their nutrition. It is due to the improvement in the nutrition of the hair follicles that hair loss stops. With a deficiency of vitamin C, moderate hair loss is noted.
Vitamin A provides normal hair density, improves the flow of metabolic processes in the roots, increases elasticity, thereby reducing brittleness, and also accelerates the growth of the hair fiber. In addition, vitamin A normalizes the production of sebum, eliminating excess oiliness or seborrhea. With a vitamin deficiency, the hair falls out and becomes dull and brittle.

Vitamin E normalizes the nutrition of the hair follicle, and also regulates the secretion of sebum. It, as it were, activates all hair cells that are in a depressed, sluggish state. Due to optimal nutrition, oxygen supply to the hair follicle, as well as the activation of all cells for active work, vitamin E stops hair loss. With a deficiency of this vitamin, moderate or severe hair loss develops, as well as seborrhea.

Vitamin F (F) gives hair strength, making it resistant to various negative influences. In fact, vitamin F strengthens the hair, thereby stopping hair loss.

Hair loss - what vitamins to drink in different situations

Hair can fall out under the influence of various causative factors, which may not have anything to do with vitamin deficiency. For example, against the background of an imbalance of thyroid hormones or genital organs, with diseases of the digestive tract or skin, etc. However, the most common cause of hair loss in men, women and children is hypovitaminosis, which has developed under the influence of certain causes. Depending on gender and age, hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of various vitamins, which are most intensively used by the human body in this period. Consider which vitamins are most appropriate to take for hair loss in men, women and children.

Hair loss in men - what vitamins to take

To stop hair loss in men, it is imperative to take vitamins H, A, E and B 1 in a daily dosage. The duration of the course of application depends on the rate of clinical improvement (cessation or reduction of hair loss), but should not exceed 1-2 months. If, after a two-month course of taking vitamins, the hair has not stopped falling out, but this process has stopped, you should take a break for 2 to 4 months, and then drink the vitamins again. In the future, to maintain the health of hair and prevent hair loss, you can prophylactically take vitamins in courses lasting 1-1.5 months with breaks between them of 3-6 months.

Vitamins A, H, E and B 1 can be taken separately or as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. To stop hair loss for men, either the usual "male" complexes or "female" vitamins are best suited to strengthen hair, nails and improve skin condition. Choosing vitamin-mineral complexes to stop hair loss, a man must remember that the composition must include vitamin H in a dosage of at least 20 mcg. Male and female complexes that are suitable for stopping hair loss in men are as follows:

  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Aminodar;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Bioactive minerals;
  • Velman Tricholodzhik (Wellmen);
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Ladies Formula;
  • Mertz;
  • Multifort;
  • Nagipol;
  • Will direct;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Pikovit Plus;
  • Fitofaner;
  • Centrum Multivitamin complex from A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Hair loss in women - what vitamins to take

To stop hair loss in women, it is necessary to take vitamins that help strengthen the structure of the hair and improve its nutrition. The following vitamins have similar properties:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • B vitamins (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
These vitamins can be taken both individually and as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. The best combinations of vitamins that can stop hair loss are in specialized complexes designed to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Currently, there are the following vitamin-mineral complexes that strengthen hair in women:
  • Alphabet Cosmetic;
  • VitaCharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Gerimaks;
  • Duovit for women;
  • Imedin;
  • Complivit Radiance;
  • Ladys formula;
  • Mertz;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Pikovit;
  • Pharmamed for women;
  • Fitofaner;
  • Formula of a woman;
  • Centrum;
  • Qi-Klim;
  • Zincteral;
  • wellwoman.

Hair loss after childbirth - what vitamins to take

Hair loss after childbirth is associated with a deficiency of many vitamins that have been used up by the woman's body to support the growth and development of the child. During breastfeeding after childbirth, this loss of vitamins continues as they enter the milk and are given to the child in order to ensure his growth and development. Therefore, in case of hair loss after childbirth, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes intended for pregnant and lactating women. These complexes must be taken in courses lasting 1 month with breaks between them of 3-4 months. Currently, there are the following complexes for pregnant and lactating women:
  • Alphabet Mom's health;
  • Bio-Max tablets;
  • Vitaspectrum;
  • Vitatress;
  • Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal forte;
  • Gendevit;
  • Materna;
  • Megadin Pronatal;
  • Multi-Tabs Perinatal;
  • Pregnacare;
  • Teravit Pregna;
  • Undevit;
  • Femibion ​​2;
  • Elevit Prenatal.

Hair loss vitamins for children

In children, hair often falls out due to vitamin deficiency due to intensive growth, during which literally all the nutrients go to build the structures of organs and tissues. In addition, a common cause of hair loss in children is chronic stress, anxiety or depression, which can also provoke a deficiency of certain vitamins, such as C, A, etc. Therefore, in case of hair loss in children, it is recommended to take special children's complexes for the appropriate age. In addition to the vitamin-mineral complex, you can give your child vitamin H, which is often absent in the preparations, but is very important for stopping hair loss. The following complexes will help to cope with hair loss in children:
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Omega;
  • Pikovit;
  • Supradin.

Effective vitamins against hair loss - names

Currently, there are specialized vitamin and mineral complexes aimed at stopping hair loss, as well as improving their structure. These vitamins, in addition to hair, have a positive effect on nails and skin, so very often such complexes in the name have the clarification "Skin, hair, nails." Today, the pharmaceutical market has the following pharmacological preparations and high-quality dietary supplements that effectively stop hair loss in women and men:
  • Alphabet Cosmetic;
  • Amway V Complex or Amway V Daily;
  • Vita Sharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Deakura;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Imedin Classic;
  • Vichy capsules;
  • Complivit "Shine";
  • Complex Lunden Ilona "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Ladys formula;
  • Mertz;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Revalid;
  • Solgar "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Fitofaner;
  • Formula of a woman;
  • Centrum for women;
  • Zincteral;
  • Evalar Hair Expert;
  • Inneov;
  • Jarrow Formulas B-Right;
  • wellwoman.
The list contains pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements registered in the registers of medicines that can stop hair loss to compensate for vitamin deficiency. This list is relatively short, as it includes only those drugs for which there are positive reviews from at least half of the people who used it. In reality, the list of vitamin complexes to stop hair loss is much wider, but it is not possible to check the effectiveness of all drugs by our forces, since this requires a whole research laboratory with staff. Therefore, we have included in the list only those drugs that have helped women or men stop hair loss in practice, that is, they have clinically proven effectiveness.

Inexpensive vitamins for hair loss

By far the cheapest vitamins for hair loss are monocomponent preparations, for example, ascorbic acid powder, Aevit capsules, a solution of B vitamins for injection, etc. You can purchase all the vitamins you need to stop hair loss separately and take them accordingly. However, this is inconvenient, since one will have to take into account the compatibility of vitamins taken without any chemical protection available in a large capsule, and, therefore, a person will be forced to drink each drug separately from others. Moreover, between doses of various vitamins, you will have to observe intervals of at least 1 hour.

It is much more convenient to choose a vitamin-mineral complex with a low cost, since there are such vitamins on the modern pharmaceutical market. So, inexpensive vitamins (the cost is not higher than 350 rubles per package for a monthly course) from hair loss include the following:

  • Alphabet Cosmetic;
  • Vita Sharm;
  • Deakura;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Complivit "Shine";
  • Ladys formula;
  • Revalid;
  • Formula of a woman;
  • Centrum for women;
  • Zincteral 200;
  • Evalar Hair Expert;
  • wellwoman.

Vitamin complex against hair loss - a brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Consider a brief description of the most popular vitamin-mineral complexes regarding their effectiveness against hair loss, based on consumer reviews.

Vitamins Pantovigar from hair loss

Pantovigar is designed specifically for stopping hair loss. Vitamins prevent atrophy of hair follicles when they are adversely affected by chemical dyes, perms, ultraviolet radiation and other factors, thereby preventing or stopping hair loss.

In most cases, Pantovigar speaks positively, since vitamins almost always have a visible and clinically significant positive effect. So, people who took Pantovigar note that the hair becomes stronger and more beautiful, grows faster and stops falling out. In some cases, the hair does not completely stop falling out, but the severity of this process is significantly reduced (at least 2-3 times). For example, before using Pantovigar, 150 hairs fell out when washing, after a course of taking vitamins - 50 hairs each. However, in most cases, Pantovigar stopped hair loss during the full course of application (3 months). For the complete relief of hair loss, each individual may need a different time - for someone 1 month, and for another - 3-4 months.

Despite the positive reviews from Pantovigar, according to the people who used it, there are the following disadvantages:

  • Provokes the growth of hair on the body;
  • Causes nausea when taken on an empty stomach;
  • Causes weight gain.
The listed negative effects of Pantovigar develop very rarely.

Hair loss vitamins Revalid

Revalid are also specialized vitamins to stop hair loss, as well as reduce hair breakage and improve structure. In most cases, women and men took Revalid specifically to stop hair loss. According to reviews, in the vast majority of cases, Revalid effectively stopped hair loss and also improved their appearance. However, depending on the individual qualities of the human body, the rate of appearance of the clinical effect of Revalid varies - for someone to stop hair loss, it is enough to drink vitamins for 2-3 weeks, while another needs a full three-month course.

Negative reviews or indications of the complete ineffectiveness of Revalid are literally single. This indicates that in people who left these reviews, hair does not fall out due to hypovitaminosis.

Vitamins for hair loss Perfectil

Vitamins are designed to strengthen hair and nails, as well as improve the structure of the skin. Reviews about Perfectil regarding stopping hair loss are mixed - about 70% positive and 30% negative. Positive reviews are due to the fact that Perfectil vitamins stopped hair loss and significantly improved their appearance. The increase in growth and the appearance of new hair on the head when taking Perfectil is not as pronounced as when using Pantovigar or Revalid. However, according to people who have used Perfectil, it has excellent efficacy, stopping hair loss relatively quickly. In addition, many note that the effect of Perfectil is no worse than that of Pantovigar, but the cost is much lower. Therefore, in the reviews, people note that Perfectil has an average cost, but it has an effect like an expensive drug.

Negative reviews about Perfectil are associated with two main factors - firstly, the lack of a clinical effect, and secondly, unpleasant and difficult to tolerate side effects, such as severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and headache after administration. In a number of reviews, women note that they were forced to stop taking Perfectil due to stomach pain and nausea, even despite the visible clinical effect.

Vitamins for hair loss Merz

The full name of this drug is "Merz Special Dragee", and it is intended for a comprehensive improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. That is, the Merz complex can be taken for various purposes. But many people took vitamins Merz, including in order to stop hair loss. Regarding the effectiveness of the complex in relation to hair loss, the reviews are in most cases positive.

This is due to the fact that vitamins really stopped hair loss, improved the condition of existing ones and accelerated their growth, and also stimulated the appearance of new hairs from previously "sleeping" bulbs. People who took Merz vitamins note that in order to achieve a good and lasting clinical effect (stopping hair loss), they need to be drunk in a rather long course - 2 to 3 months. However, according to suffering women, such a long course justifies itself, because the hair stops falling out, becomes thicker, stronger and more beautiful.

A small number of negative reviews about Merz vitamins are due to the fact that the drug was ineffective, or the person expected a "better" effect. Negative reviews about Merz are mostly emotional, people throw out their disappointment in them, without indicating objective data obtained during the application. In such reviews, the phrase is usually the leitmotif - I hoped / hoped that the hair loss would stop, but they did not help! Of course, one can understand the disappointment and resentment of a person, but do not forget that the cause of hair loss has not been established, and Merz was taken at random, on the advice of friends, acquaintances, pharmacists, reviews, etc. Therefore, in such situations, when the drug is not selected on the basis of examinations, it is necessary to be mentally prepared for its possible inefficiency, not to despair, and look for another remedy. In addition, one should not forget that each person is individual, and these vitamins might simply not be suitable for him.

However, a characteristic feature of Merz vitamins is the lack of information about any discomfort or side effects associated with its intake. Moreover, this information is missing in both negative and positive reviews. This fact allows us to conclude that Merz are the safest "beauty vitamins" in terms of the development of unpleasant sensations and side effects.

Alerana - vitamins for hair loss

Cosmetic products (spray, hair balm, etc.) of the Alerana series are designed to stop hair loss due to an imbalance of sex hormones with a predominance of androgens. That is, if a woman's or a man's hair falls out due to an excess amount of androgens, then Alerana will stop this process. But if the hair falls out for any other reason, such as vitamin deficiency, stress, pregnancy, etc., then Alerana will be ineffective.

However, in practice, Alerana is used by people to stop hair loss on the advice of friends and guests from the forums, and not on the basis of laboratory tests that revealed an excessive concentration of androgens in the blood. And therefore, for some people, Alerana turns out to be very effective, and for others, on the contrary, it is completely useless. After all, those who suffer from baldness due to hormonal imbalance will use the remedy for its intended purpose, and people who lose their hair due to vitamin deficiency will use the wrong drug in the face of Alerana. And therefore, reviews about Aleran are different - there are both positive and negative. The effectiveness of drugs is determined by the extent to which it is used for its intended purpose.

Vitamins for hair loss Vitrum

Under the Vitrum brand, various vitamin and mineral complexes are produced, for example, for pregnant women, to improve the structure of the skin, hair and nails, etc. Each complex has its own name, which is usually placed with the word "Vitrum", for example, "Vitrum Prenatal", "Vitrum Beauty", "Vitrum Junior", etc. To stop hair loss, Vitrum Beauty, Vitrum Prenatal or Vitrum Classic complexes are most often used. All three types of vitamin complexes, according to the reviews of doctors and people who used these drugs, stop hair loss in 2/3 of cases. This allows us to consider them quite effective, however, stopping hair loss is not the main and most pronounced effect of Vitrum vitamins.

Vitamins for hair loss Aevit

Aevit to stop hair loss can be taken orally or applied externally as part of masks. Both external and internal use of Aevit in most cases effectively stops hair loss in women and men within 2 to 5 weeks. Reviews about the use of Aevit to stop hair loss in most cases are positive, since the capsules had a visible clinical effect and were very cheap.

Vitamins for hair loss Complivit

To stop hair loss, the Complivit "Radiance" complex is used, designed to improve the structure of the skin, hair and nails. Most of the reviews on the use of Complivit Radiance vitamins are positive, since taking the drug helped either completely stop hair loss in a short time, or significantly reduce the severity of this process. Women who took vitamins Complivit Radiance note that the drug effectively stops hair loss caused by both seasonal hypovitaminosis and stress.

There are quite a few negative reviews about the Complivit Radiance vitamins, and in most cases they are due to the fact that people expected more from the use of the drug. In addition, a characteristic feature of Complivit should be noted - vitamins very rarely cause discomfort and side effects, so they can be taken by people who are highly sensitive to various components of pharmaceuticals.

The best vitamins for hair loss

Based on the analysis of statistics of reviews on the effectiveness of various vitamin-mineral complexes against hair loss, the following drugs with the most pronounced clinical effect can be distinguished:
  • Aevit;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Revalid.
It is about the above drugs that there is the greatest number of positive reviews, due to the fact that vitamins stopped hair loss for a long period of time. Therefore, it is these vitamins that can be considered the best against hair loss from the point of view of the consumers themselves.

Remedies for baldness (alopecia): Zincteral, Fitoval, TianDe, Alerana, Generolon - Video

What happens with a lack of B vitamins and how to deal with it?

How to find out which vitamins are lacking in the body? Analysis for vitamins: decoding, norms

They don’t even think that the main reason for this may be malnutrition. With the help of foods rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances, you can solve this problem and stop hair loss.

With food, our body receives all the nutrients it needs. This is reflected in the functioning of internal organs and in our appearance.

Hair is nourished through the hair follicles and therefore it is very important to choose nutrient rich foods.

If the hair falls out too much, then it is better to consult a specialist to determine the cause of this problem. However, whatever the reason, the products that we will discuss below will help stop hair loss.


Fruits and vegetables are the main source of natural antioxidants.

Add them to your daily diet - they are essential for strengthening and growing hair. We especially recommend increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C.. For example, it is orange, lemon, kiwi, broccoli and spinach. The latter stimulates the production of collagen, which makes up the hair.

insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber is an element that is present in : rice, wheat, oats, rye. These foods give the body the strength to resist insulin., a hormone that has been linked to male pattern baldness.

Whole grains also contain vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help oxygenate the blood, thus improving hair follicle nutrition.

Leafy salads

In addition to being rich in antioxidants, lettuce also high in iron. It is a key element for strengthening and stimulating hair growth. For this reason, we recommend eating plenty of vegetables such as chard (chard), Brussels sprouts, spinach, arugula, and chicory.


Zinc is a very important element, it is necessary for chemical reactions between enzymes in the body..

It is also involved in energy production and protein formation. One of the zinc-rich foods is meat. It also contains iron, proteins, vitamins B6 and B12. The latter are especially effective in stopping hair loss.

Zinc is also present in other foods such as celery, asparagus, figs, potatoes and eggplant.

Foods containing biotin and folic acid

The combination of these two beneficial elements helps to balance the metabolic processes in tissues. whose cells are rapidly dividing. These include hair, nails and skin.

Biotin can be found in foods such as:

  • liver
  • yeast bread
  • cereals
  • hazelnuts
  • peas
  • wheat bran
  • bananas.

We get folic acid if we add to the diet:

  • chicken liver
  • beef
  • turkey meat,
  • various legumes, such as chickpeas and beans

Vitamin A will help stop hair loss

Vitamin A deficiency can also be one of the causes of hair loss. This vitamin is responsible for keeping the sebaceous glands from clogging and drying out. This is important because it is the sebaceous glands that produce the substance that lubricates the follicles.

Besides, vitamin A promotes oxygen saturation of follicle cells thus strengthening the hair and promoting its growth. You can get this vitamin by adding liver, any vegetables, milk, fish oil, sunflower and olive oil to your diet.


This most useful and affordable drink is also very important for maintaining strong hair without problems with hair loss. Experts It is advised to drink at least 8 glasses a day. It is also recommended to avoid carbonated drinks, lemonades, energy drinks and alcohol.

The reason that affects hair loss can affect the process of losing weight

Signals about a change in health can be different. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition and color of the skin, complexion, and also monitor the condition of the hair. If some kind of failure occurs in our body, then it becomes noticeable by external signs.

As for the hair, in this case they become dull, loss may begin., excessive fat content appears or vice versa dryness and brittleness. Even cosmetics do not help. And then on help will come vitamins - A, B, C, E.

What causes baldness and hair loss?

First of all, in order not to lose your hair, take care of the health of the thyroid gland. If it fails, then the skin condition worsens, flabbiness appears, metabolic processes are disturbed, hair and nails grow poorly. Provide your thyroid gland with sufficient iodine. It is found in seafood, seaweed. Vitamins C and B are very useful for hair growth.

Often hair loss can be caused by a disease such as chronic gastritis with low acidity. The disease is accompanied by increased gas formation, frequent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. There may be weight loss. In this case, hair loss begins, dry skin and brittle nails appear.

Also, the cause that affects hair loss can affect the process of losing weight, if you sit for a long time on some kind of diet associated with excessive starvation and, against this background, a lack of minerals and salts.

Calcium and phosphorus - help hair

Without calcium, bones and teeth cannot be healthy.. It is also necessary for good metabolism at the cellular level. In order for the body to have the correct balance of calcium, vitamin D is necessary. If it is lacking, this can affect the functioning of organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Hair also suffers, especially the skin, the nails are in poor condition, caries may develop.

To eliminate the calcium gap in the body, it is recommended to eat honey. This increases the level of calcium in the body.

A sufficient amount of phosphorus in the body has a very positive effect on hair growth.. Usually it comes with food, so the food should be varied.

Vitamin A for hair

Be sure to eat foods that contain vitamin A. This will help preserve the hair, improve the quality of the hair, their structure.

Vitamin A also helps metabolic processes in the body, contributes to the beauty of the skin, the rapid healing of microtraumas on the mucous membranes. To increase the amount of vitamin A in the body, you should eat foods rich in carotene. Otherwise, even baldness may begin. To prevent this from happening, eat liver, carrots with oil, cabbage, fish oil, dairy products, butter, kidneys.

How does vitamin B deficiency affect the condition of the hair

To have a lush head of hair, the body must receive enough vitamins of group B. If you notice problems with the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, then there is a lack of vitamins of this group.

If there is not enough vitamin B2, in this case the hair is oily at the roots, but the tips, on the contrary, are dry and the hair often falls out. This is accompanied by stomatitis, dermatitis on the face can be observed. It will help the use of bread, lean meat, dairy products.

If your diet is deficient in vitamin B3, it threatens with early graying, as well as poor hair growth. You need to eat more peanuts and fish.

With a deficiency of vitamin B5, the hair is not saturated with oxygen, weakens. It also affects not only the hair, but the whole body as a whole. First of all, immunity suffers, so lean on eggs and chicken meat.

If the scalp is constantly itching, then this is clearly a lack of vitamin B6. Get rid of this deficiency by eating pork, nuts, liver, vegetables.

In order for hair to grow faster, you need to replenish vitamin B9 in the body. There is a lot of it in cheeses, cottage cheese, vegetables.

Vitamin B10 will also help prevent early gray hair. They are rich in nuts, potatoes, cereals - in particular rice, fish.

If the hair falls out in patches, the itching of the head worries - you need to replenish the supply of vitamin B12. And it is found in meat and milk.

Vitamins "C" and "E" will help with baldness

It is vitamin C that promotes blood circulation in the hair follicles. And it prevents hair loss. Therefore, take vitamin C regularly, as it is unusual for it to accumulate in the body. It is mainly found in citrus fruits, baked potatoes, blackcurrants, rose hips, sauerkraut.

You also need to maintain blood circulation in the hair follicles. Vitamin E will help. Nuts and seeds will help in the first place.

St. John's wort on guard against hair loss

A very long time ago it was noticed that with increased oily hair, St. John's wort helps a lot. It contains carotene, vitamin C. Therefore, it will nourish the hair with vitamins, relieve inflammation on the scalp, and reduce itching. St. John's wort is useful as a prophylactic against hair loss.

If your hair is thinning, you can call for help with this recipe:

First you need to wash your hair with warm milk, then mix the infusion of St. John's wort with salt and rub it into the scalp and hair.

For infusion: Pour a couple of tablespoons of dried herb St. John's wort with one glass of boiling water, add half a teaspoon of salt. Leave this mixture for 2 hours. Wash off after 10 minutes with water. If you do this procedure 2 times a week, you will notice how much healthier your hair looks and skin irritation will go away.

To strengthen the hair roots, prevent hair loss, you need to rub gruel into the scalp based on hypericum infusionprepared according to the recipe above. To do this, add melted butter and vodka to the finished infusion, which are taken equally.

Rosehip - a vitamin remedy for hair loss

Rose hips, leaves, roots are used to improve the condition of the hair. To eliminate dandruff, use a rosehip infusion rinse. Vitamins found in abundance in this plant will help with hair loss.

Rosehip is a storehouse of vitamin C. To satisfy the daily dose of this vitamin, 50 mg is enough. But it turns out that rose hips contain 1200 mg per 100 grams of berries.

Rosehips also contain riboflavin, a vitamin B2. Very useful for hair growth and protein metabolism in the body.

But vitamin E in rose hips is contained in the seeds. And he, as you know, is also a fighter with hair loss.

Vitamin remedies from folk recipes

To improve the density of hair, reduce hair loss, you should pay attention to sea buckthorn. Its berries are rich in vitamins, a decoction can be prepared from twigs, sea buckthorn oil is very useful to rub into the scalp.

When the season of cucumbers comes - also do not miss this moment. Be sure to eat them if you have hair problems. Rub cucumber juice on your scalp and you will notice how much the condition of the hair will improve.

An excellent hair tonic is a decoction made from juniper twigs and birch leaves. You need to take them in equal parts. Pour three liters of boiling water and keep in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Leave for one hour. This infusion is good to rinse your head after washing.

Excellent( 3 ) Badly( 0 )

There are products from which hair deteriorates and falls out - but what is there, the diet of a modern person is terrible, with it you can literally go bald in a couple of years. Of course, from a one-time use of something tasty, but harmful, alopecia will not knock on the door, however, the constant and persistent eating of any food debris and not only sooner or later will affect both health and hair beauty.

Just as there are proven foods, vitamins and hair supplements that make hair healthy and beautiful, there are food antagonists in the world that cause hair problems.

Some negatively affect hair growth, make the scalp oily and irritated, deplete the hair follicle; others, even more vile, contribute to the fact that the hair begins to migrate from the inhospitable head of the owner in order to find a more comfortable haven.


Sweets of all kinds - sweets, cookies, desserts, chocolates, halva, marmalade, soda and everything, everything, everything - have an extremely negative effect on the hair. Even leaving aside the important question of unhealthy fats and additives in their composition, sugar is enough to stimulate hair loss. Why? Excess sweets cause a sharp spike in blood sugar, and the natural reaction of the body is not only to produce more insulin, but also to raise the level of androgens. And the imbalance of androgens, male hormones, leads to unpleasant changes in the male type - for example, to increased body hair, but at the same time hair loss on the head and thinning of the remaining ones.

Sea fish

It looks strange, but the sea fish, which many praise almost as the best food for strengthening hair, we can actually be their undoing. All due to the fact that caught in the wild - in the seas and oceans - very often contains a deadly amount of mercury, and as a result of the peculiarities of production and legislation, no one particularly checks this. Mercury, on the other hand, is so detrimental to health that getting rid of hair loss in this case will be an acceptable price. And, by the way, sushi lovers are at risk.


Those who like to add salt should think, not only about the density of the hair, but also about the cardiovascular system, for example.

Although, perhaps, thinning curls are more obvious: sodium, which, as you know, is part of kitchen salt, dehydrates the body and, as a result, dry, dull hair on a parched, lifeless scalp breaks and falls out.

Too Much Protein

Protein is essential for healthy hair, and its deficiency leads to to baldness. However, an excess of protein is no less dangerous: low-carb diets, which include almost exclusively animal protein products, can lead to the accumulation of uric acid, which is fraught with gout.

But earlier, before the development of serious health problems, hair will fall out - if not all, then catastrophically a lot.

Too much vitamin A

Carrots may be good for vision, eyes, nails and hair, but, like all good things, in excess it changes sign from plus to minus.

It is unlikely that you can "overeat" vitamin A on a balanced diet, but you still need to be careful, especially taking additional multivitamins.

Foods with a high glycemic index

Pasta, sweet breakfasts, fast food, dairy Cereals, fruit juices and other foods with a high glycemic index very quickly increase blood sugar levels and, among other things, provoke an increase in the level of androgens, male sex hormones, the excess of which causes baldness.

Fatty meat and fat

Bacon or baked pork is, without a doubt, delicious, but it is very harmful for hair as well; a special, simply refined evil - fried meat. Too much fat provokes an active secretion of sebum, which exacerbates the problem of oily skin, including on the head.

Oily scalp - oily hair - constant irritation - infections - hair loss. Chain of grief and disasters.


Favorite carbonated drinks with a variety of tastes - poison in its purest form. They consist entirely of sugar, sweeteners, dyes, flavors and similar chemical rubbish, which, of course, one way or another, has a complex negative effect on the entire body, including hair.

Irritation and male pattern baldness are the least that awaits soda lovers.

French fries

"A big potato and a hair clipper" - that's what you need to order lovers of fried potatoes in fast food establishments. Too much salt is one, too much fat is two. Dry hair, oily scalp, itching, baldness. Order a double fries next time.

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