Icon of the Mother of God the Deliverer praying. Tashlin Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.” What do they pray to the Holy Image for?

In the Samara region, not far from the city of Togliatti, there is the village of Tashla. People from all over Russia come here for physical and spiritual healing. After all, it is in the local Holy Trinity Church that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, whose name speaks for itself - “ Deliverer from troubles" It is also called Tashlinskaya.

The story of the acquisition of the icon is very interesting and mysterious. On October 21 (new style), 1917, cell attendant Ekaterina Chugunova, a native of the village of Tashla, saw the Mother of God in a dream. The saint showed the woman the place where her miraculous image was kept. The next morning, Ekaterina, taking with her two friends - Feodosia Atyaksheva and Paraskeva Gavrilenkova, went to the indicated place.

On the way, Katerina was again accompanied by a vision - two angels carefully carried an icon from which a bright radiance emanated. The vision disappeared as soon as the women reached the right place. However, Feodosia and Paraskeva saw nothing.

In front of the people crowded around Paraskeva, Gavrilenkova dug up an icon in the Tashlin ravine. As soon as the woman took out the holy image, a spring immediately began to flow from the hole. After this, the icon was taken to the temple and consecrated.

However, any miracle can cause mistrust. Not everyone believed in the power of the icon. Therefore, after some time, she disappeared from the temple. They found her in a holy spring. She was floating face up. And again it was given into the hands of only Paraskeva. The holy image was returned to the temple.

The rumor about the wonderful icon quickly spread throughout the province and even far beyond its borders. Lines of people came to worship the shrine. Since then, a series of miraculous healings began, which does not stop to this day. Icon “Deliverer from troubles” helps to recover from any, even the most terrible illness. There is no disease that she cannot heal.

There are known cases when paralyzed people left the temple on their own feet. AIDS patients recovered by turning to the Tashlinskaya Mother of God for help. The icon helped childless women to conceive a child soon. It is simply impossible to list all the cases of miraculous healing. In less than 100 years, the Tashlinskaya Mother of God has helped thousands of people get rid of all kinds of ailments.

The day of veneration of the Tashlin Icon is October 21 (Old Style – October 8). This is the same day when she was found for the first time. Every year this holiday in the village of Tashla is celebrated with a religious procession to the holy spring and a solemn prayer service. Bow down Tashlinskaya Mother of God On this day, a huge number of both healed and people in need of healing come from all over the country.

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from troubles”:

O Mother of God, our help and protection,

May you always be our deliverer,

We trust in You and always call upon You wholeheartedly,

have mercy and help, have pity and deliver,

incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers,

and as you wish, calm and make us happy,

those who love Your beloved Son, to Him be glory,

honor and worship,

with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

What is the power and spiritual significance of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from troubles” of the suffering? What to pray for, what helps, and where is this icon located? You will find a description, history, photo, as well as a prayer in front of the “Deliverer” icon in this article!

In the Orthodox world there are many shrines to which believers turn in search of salvation and protection. A huge number of miracles were performed by holy people. But no fewer of them belong to revered icons. The holy image can grant healing, deliver from temptations, bad feelings, unhappy events, revive hope and even save from death. A special place among such shrines is occupied by the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”.

History of the image

The first miracles from an icon in Greece

The image became known when in 1822 the Greek Hieromonk presented the icon of the “Deliverer” to his disciple Martinian. He tried to lead a hermit’s life, devoting all his time to prayer. Subsequently, Martinian always wore the icon of the Mother of God on his chest.

In 1844, Martinian walked past Sparta. Peasants and city residents suffered from a locust invasion. The monk called them to prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. Immediately after the end of the prayer, the clouds of insects disappeared.

Since then, the fame of the icon has spread throughout the Orthodox world, and pilgrims began to come to Martinian. He did not refuse petitioners, but there were so many of them that the former hermit had no time left for prayer.

Arrival of the “Deliverer” in the Caucasus

Being a very old man, Martinian stayed at the Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos. After some time, he learned that a monastery was being built in the Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast. It was called New Athos because it copied the structures on the holy Mount Athos.

Many monks were inspired by this news and went to the new monastery to help the Caucasian brethren. Martinian also decided to contribute to the creation of a new monastery, and therefore bequeathed after his death to transfer the icon of the “Deliverer” to the New Athos Monastery.

The abbot brought her to his monastery in 1989. When the icon was taken to the coast of Abkhazia, hundreds of people greeted it with jubilation.

Then another miracle happened. The emperor and his family were vacationing in the Caucasus at that time. On this trip he visited many places, including the New Athos monastery. On the way back, near Kharkov, the imperial train crashed.

Not a single member of the royal family was harmed. This event was associated with the arrival of the icon of the Mother of God and an indicator of her mercy and protection.

Disappearance of an icon after the revolution

The icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” was in the New Athos Monastery for a long time, helping people. Forgivers from all over the world came to the Caucasus to venerate the icon and tell about their troubles and sorrows.

Prayer before the icon worked miracles, which were carefully recorded and confirmed by witnesses.

After 1917, the monks for some time managed to preserve the shrines and the old way of life. The monastery existed until 1924, and then was closed. To avoid robbery and ruin, the monks took with them images and church utensils. The icon of the Heavenly Queen was preserved by one of the Lord’s servants. He subsequently became a clergyman in Gudauta.

Pochaevskaya "Deliverer"

After the Great Patriotic War, the icon of the “Deliverer” left the Caucasus. It is not known for certain where she is now.

But in 1992, a very similar image appeared in Ukraine. Nun Gabriela gave a small icon of the Mother of God to the Pochaev Lavra, where it remains to this day.

According to her, the priest of the Lavra gave her the “Deliverer” two decades earlier, ordering her to set it adrift. At that time, the monastery was under threat of ruin, and thus the minister wanted to save and preserve the icon. But the nun did not dare to take this step and kept the shrine with her all this time.

Appearance of the “Deliverer” in Tashla

In the distant village of Tashle, Samara Region, in 1917, the Mother of God again showed her wonderful image. A cell attendant named Ekaterina had a vision several times: two angels were lowering an icon of the Mother of God into a ravine. The Lord patiently repeated his message until Catherine and her two friends went to the ravine. Having found the place that the angels pointed to, the women began to dig a hole.

Fellow villagers reacted to this idea with skepticism and distrust. But then a miracle happened - Catherine took out of the ground a bright image of the Virgin Mary “Deliverer”.

The local priest took the shrine to the temple and served a prayer service, at which all the village residents gathered. One of the parishioners was immediately healed from a serious and prolonged illness.

At the place where the hole was dug, a spring began to flow. It was ennobled and people were allowed to plunge into the holy spring.

After 1917, the temple was under threat of ruin several times. The vandals removed the expensive frame from the icon, and wanted to destroy the image itself. But the brave villagers kept the icon for several years after the closure of the temple, passing it from hand to hand. After the Great Patriotic War, it was returned to the newly opened temple.

Marovskaya icon

At the end of the 19th century, another image of the “Deliverer” was painted in Jerusalem. It was decided to bring it back to Novgorod. But along the way, the icon became so heavy that they could not move it. The priest accompanying the image understood that the Lord was telling him, and therefore gave the icon to the Holy Cross Monastery in the nearest village of Mara. Where it is kept to this day.

What do they pray to the Holy Image for?

Already from the name it becomes clear that you can turn to the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverance from Troubles” in any difficult situation. The Heavenly Queen is always ready to listen to the person asking and help him if the prayer was sincere and his heart was pure.

Most often they pray to the Deliverer to:

  • get rid of alcohol or drug addiction;
  • to be healed from illness;
  • get help and support in a difficult situation;
  • comfort in sorrow and grief;
  • help children in illness or difficulty;
  • get rid of temptations and bad thoughts.

They also ask the Mother of God for the prevention of global catastrophes and salvation in them.

Images on the icons of the “Deliverer” and their meaning

On this icon the Mother of God is written in the image of a “Guide”. She holds the baby Jesus on her left hand and points to him with the finger of her right hand. Hence the name - the Mother of God, as it were, shows us the true path.

Other elements of the image are also interesting.

  • Mary's red and blue robe speaks of purity and majesty;
  • The white and gold robe of the Infant God speaks of divine holiness;
  • In his hand the baby holds a scroll - the Old Testament, which ended when the Son of God appeared to the world;
  • The gold frame symbolizes the Divine light emanating from the image.

Pilgrimages to the icon and petitions to the Mother of God “Deliverer”

The most famous and revered icon in Russia is the Tashlin icon. For many years, pilgrims from all over the country have been traveling to the village of Tashla in the Samara region to venerate the shrine and bathe in the spring.

The icon is kept in a newly built church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from the troubles of the afflicted,” next to which there is a source.

Every year, at the beginning of Peter's Lent, a procession of the cross takes place from Samara to Tashla to the famous and beloved shrine. People gather in Samara at the intersection of Tashkent and Democratic streets. In three days, pilgrims walk about 70 km.

Pilgrimage buses also go to the village from Samara, Penza, Togliatti, Volgograd, Uralsk, Kazan, Astrakhan and other cities.

Many miracles occur at this place, witnessed by local residents. The water that pilgrims collect from the spring also has healing powers.

Miracles created

Many miracles were performed at the command of God through the icon of the “Deliverer”. One of the most famous stories tells of a boy named Anastasy. At a young age he became seriously ill. The doctors could not help him. Seeing that the boy was getting worse, the parents asked the priest to give him communion.

On the way to Anastasius, the priest called Martinian with him, who took with him the icon of the “Deliverer”. Arriving at the patient, they discovered that he had died. The priest was very worried that he did not have time to give communion to the boy. Therefore, he began to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking to resurrect Anastasia. Martinian and the boy's parents joined the prayer. The icon was placed on his chest. After a passionate prayer, the priest overshadowed the boy’s body three times and suddenly he opened his eyes. The priest immediately administered communion to Anastasia and his illness went away.

The icon helped many people get rid of bad habits and terrible addictions, from various diseases and sinful thoughts.

After praying before the face of the Mother of God, believers note that their attitude towards life is changing for the better. They get rid of sorrows and fears, help you look at the current situation differently and boldly overcome any obstacle.

Prayer in front of such powerful shrines as the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon has always helped those asking if they approached it with pure thoughts and sincerity. Thus, the Lord shows us that He is always ready to support those who are ready to follow Him.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” was so named on the basis of Christian belief relating to the ability of the Mother of God to deliver from troubles everyone who turns to her with sincere prayer. Even the prayer canon dedicated to the Queen of Heaven contains the following text: “Mother of God, Lady, hasten and deliver us from troubles.” Another name for the image is “From the troubles of the suffering.”


The icon is quite small in size, about the size of a notepad (14x13 cm). The image is on the board. When the icon was discovered on Mount Athos, the surface of the board was completely dark. However, the face was hung on the wall and they prayed in front of it with special care. Over time, the surface of the icon began to brighten (as if someone had cleaned it), and a clear image of the Virgin Mary with the Child of God appeared on it. The surprised inhabitants of the Holy Mountain carefully examined the covering of the tree and realized that there was practically no paint on it, and the image they saw seemed to be right on the board.

The image represents the Mother of God “Hodegetria” holding her Son with her left hand. The Baby has the fingers of one hand folded in a blessing gesture, and the other palm holds a scroll lowered down. A filigree robe was made for the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”, and it itself was placed in a copper case covered with gold.

In the 19th century, icon painters of the New Athos monastery created their own version of the image, which depicts its history, connecting the Old and New Athos monasteries. There is an image of the Cathedral of the New Athos Monastery, the Apostle Simon the Canaanite and the Great Martyr Panteleimon (both saints seem to be holding the image of the Mother of God “Deliverer” on both sides). The icon was found in this version much more often than in its original form.

History of appearance

One of the first mentions of the icon is that in 1840 in Greece it helped overcome a locust attack. Further, until 1889, the image of the “Deliverer” remained on Holy Mount Athos, but then it was transferred to the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery (Caucasus). Almost three decades later, the face of the Mother of God was lost and found again in a completely different place.

The first appearance of the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon in the village of Tashla (Samara Region) occurred in October 1917. It was discovered by cell attendant Ekaterina. At that time she lived in a neighboring village and, having seen the Mother of God in a dream indicating the location of the icon, the girl decided to go in search. But before that, she told two friends about her vision, so the three of them went to the Tashlin ravines.

During the journey, Catherine was haunted by a vision of angels in white robes carrying an icon of the Mother of God before them. They reached the right place, and, to the incredulous laughter of the gathering crowd, began to dig. Finally, having found the image, the girls pulled it out, and at that moment a spring began to flow from the place that the icon covered.


Priest Vasily Krylov (he also lived in Musorki) took the icon to the Tashlin Trinity Church. On the way there the first miracle happened. A woman who had been ill for thirty-two years touched the icon and immediately felt much better. Delighted people placed the image in the center of the temple on a lectern for public worship.

But when the Tashlin priest Dmitry Mitenkin appeared, the icon miraculously disappeared. Her second appearance happened in December of the same year, at the same spring. And again it is unclear how, but she was never given into the hands of Father Dmitry. The priest, who fell to his knees, began to publicly cry and repent of his unbelief and doubts regarding the found image.

Only after this they managed to take the icon, and since then, until today, it has not left Tashla. The spring also works; there is a bathhouse on it, to which believers come in large numbers to receive healing from their ailments.

One of the copies from the image was made for the Samara Intercession Cathedral. Another early copy of the face (most likely dating back to the beginning of the 20th century) is located in the cathedral of the New Athos Monastery. During the Soviet Union, it was transported to Maykop, but then in the 90s (20th century) it was returned to its rightful place.

What to pray for

Many Orthodox Christians rush to ask Our Lady for help. And she helps. But above all, this applies to people who are pure in spirit and do not doubt their faith. Most often people turn to the “Deliverer”:

  • for help in getting rid of addiction;
  • for liberation from suffering caused by illness;
  • for help in times of trouble;
  • for relief from mental sorrows.

But in any case, you need to remember the sincerity of your intentions. This will allow prayer to be heard.

Day of Honor

The celebration of the Day of the “Deliverer” takes place on October 17. This day correlates with the rescue of Alexander III, who, while traveling by rail, was in a wreck. The emperor’s family was also saved by prayers to the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”.

The Mother of God icon “Deliverer from Troubles” became famous for its miraculous properties in the second half of the 20th century. Icons, gaining fame, become the property of all Christian believers. Lists are written from them, and they go to churches, glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos.

The icon of the Mother of God became famous for its miraculous properties

O Mother of God, our help and protection, ever be our deliverer, we trust in You and always wholeheartedly call on You, have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and make us happy , loving Your beloved Son, to Him be glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

The history of the ancient miraculous icon “Deliverer from Troubles”

The “Deliverer from Troubles” icon of the Mother of God has two vivid stories. The Arzamas image of the Mother of God appeared in the early 1990s in the city of Arzamas. One woman in the garage found a package; when she unwrapped it, she saw a board that had become very blackened by time; looking closely, she realized that it was an icon depicting the Mother of God and the little Christ.

The woman brought the icon to the monastery, where the abbess, reverently accepting this gift, instructed the sisters to put this image in order and hang it among the existing shrines.

It was the Mother of God icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted.” The nuns were surprised by mother’s order, because practically nothing was visible on the icon, but mother blessed with the words: “This icon will be renewed.”

And indeed, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” itself miraculously began to restore its colors. Suffering Christians began to come to her to worship with prayers and receive help from the Heavenly Mother in their requests.

The Tashlin icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” has an older history. The village of Tashla, Samara province, is known to every knowledgeable Orthodox Christian. The appearance of this image was predicted by John of Kronstadt 20 years before this miracle. At the end of the 18th century, a temple in honor of the Holy Trinity was built in the village.

The Tashlin icon “Deliverer from Troubles” is associated with the name of Ekaterina Chugunova, a woman who voluntarily renounced marriage in the name of God and became a cell blueberry. This is what the cell attendants who taught literacy were called.

One day, on the eve of the October Revolution of 1917, the Mother of God appeared to Catherine three times in a dream with instructions to dig up Her icon, but she was afraid to do it. And so, walking from the temple, Catherine saw in reality the angels who carried the image of the Mother of God, and descending into the ravine, the phenomenon disappeared.

Having shared this dream and vision with his friend Fenya, they went to this place together on October 21. On the way, the phenomenon repeated itself. Having begun to dig the earth in the ravine, they found there the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”, in the presence of a gathering of village residents.

At this place a healing spring gushed out, which is still active today, despite the fact that the revolutionaries filled the spring with manure, the spring gushed nearby. Over time, the first spring was cleared, and now there are two healing springs in the village of Tashlino.

Now in the village of Tashlino there are two healing springs

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”

The meaning of the icon is “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted,” which helps, as evidenced by numerous entries in the parish register. A pilgrimage began to the miraculously found icon. Before the Red Revolution there were repeated manifestations of icons.

The icon provided strong support to believers during times of persecution and atheism

The priesthood sees a connection between two images of the Mother of God - the “Deliverer” and “Sovereign” icons. Since both of them appeared at about the same time, and future events brought huge troubles for the state. Therefore, “Deliverance from Troubles” is an icon that provided strong support to believers during times of persecution and atheism.

What do they pray to the holy image for?

Times have changed little spiritually. Illnesses, sorrows, troubles, problems, unfortunately, are relevant in the life of a modern person, as before. Therefore, the prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” does not lose its saving mission. The image was preserved by two cell attendants and was passed from hut to hut, because the Bolsheviks were hunting for it for destruction.

Times have changed little spiritually

How the icon “Deliverer from the Troubles of the Suffering” helps was told by Father Eugene, dean of the Tashlinsky Holy Trinity Monastery: “Before her, the demoniac, those with serious illnesses were healed, and those who asked to manage the misfortunes of everyday life received deliverance from them and spiritual joy in response to their fervent prayers "

Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” - help in everyday difficulties

Continuing the story of how the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” helps, Father Evgeniy shared the story of the Russian-American Galina, who was already suffering from the 4th inoperable stage of oncology when she arrived in Tashlino. For any person there is no greater difficulty than the loss of health.

She lived for a week in the monastery, constantly praying before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” and plunging into the healing spring. Leaving for America, she took the oil blessed at the prayer service, some water and an image of the Virgin Mary. Six months later, her letter arrived at the monastery - a certificate of complete healing.

It is noteworthy that, having venerated the Tashlin icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer,” the deputy also received healing from a joint disease (fingers did not bend, problems with the spine). USSR Minister of Agriculture Yevgeny Gromyko. His words after the healing were: “It was as if something came out of me.”

The Mother of God helps everyone, regardless of their position in society. Every believing soul is not left without Her heavenly attention and protection.

Download the text of the prayer before the icon “Deliverer from Troubles”

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