Symptoms, treatment and danger of erysipelas of the leg. Erysipelas disease: photos, signs, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation develops after a very short incubation period, no more than 5 days, but often quite a few hours. Acute intoxication occurs with high fever, chills, muscle aches and weakness with headache. Every third from the severity of intoxication feels sick and vomits. This is the initial period, followed literally in a day by the peak of the disease with skin manifestations.

Pain and local inflammation of the skin on the leg or elsewhere, manifested by edema, severe redness with scalloped borders, and an increase in the lymph nodes closest to the focus, are added to the non-decreasing symptoms of erysipelas. The disease in its severity reaches its apogee. At the site of inflammation of the tissues, there is very severe pain, the skin can become blistered with hemorrhages into their contents, the secret becomes infected. But these special forms of severe erysipelas occur very infrequently, in most cases limited to painful inflammatory edema.

When does recovery come?

Usually, by the fifth day, the temperature returns to normal, and skin inflammation disappears for a few more days. At the site of the focus, lymphedema, resembling a lemon peel, pigmentation and enlargement of the lymph nodes, lasts for a rather long time.

Complications, as a rule, are local - suppuration and thrombophlebitis, general ones rarely occur, these are sepsis and infectious-toxic shock.

The consequences of recurrent erysipelas are lymphedema followed by elephantiasis or fibroedema.

What are the features of the erysipelas on the legs and face?

There are more pronounced changes on the lower extremities, a bullous form with blisters occurs more often and relapses are more characteristic.

Erysipelas of the face is easier to bear and relapses are not at all characteristic, it is often preceded by tonsillitis or tonsillitis, sinusitis, caries.

Initially, the patient has a headache, chills, weakness, high fever. Then the leg begins to burn, hurt, there is reddening of the skin, swelling, peeling.

Depending on the form of the disease (erythematous, bellose, hemorrhagic erysipelas), the symptoms may vary. The patient may develop fluid-filled blisters, erosions, trophic ulcers, hemorrhages in the affected area, and blood blisters.

Diagnosis of erysipelas

The primary diagnosis is made on the basis of specific spots, edema, toxemia. If inflammation of the erysipelas is suspected, laboratory tests are done. In the blood, it is required to detect antibodies to streptococcus, the level of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, ESR.

In connection with the symptoms inherent in other pathologies, for example, erysipelas of the mammary gland resembles mastitis, doctors differentiate lichen, phlegmon, erythema nodosum, dermatitis, abscess, and other skin diseases. Perhaps hardware research.

Treatment of inflammation of the erysipelas

Erysipelas is a very dangerous disease, if the patient treats it incorrectly, then the infection eventually affects the internal organs

As a result, complications appear:

  • nephritis;
  • myocarditis, acute heart failure;
  • rheumatism;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • leg ulcers;
  • abscess;
  • toxic-infectious sepsis, etc.

In order not to harm the body even more, you need to know how to treat an erysipelas on your leg, what therapeutic measures to take so that the disease quickly recedes.

Therapy of this disease is carried out depending on the severity of the disease:

  • mild form - outpatient treatment is prescribed (home);
  • moderate and severe form - carried out in stationary conditions. Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg should be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor if the disease is accompanied by problems with the kidneys, heart, blood vessels; diabetes. It is also necessary to treat erysipelas within the walls of the hospital if the disease has overcome an elderly person or a child, it has already manifested itself repeatedly or has already caused some kind of health complications.

To destroy the cause of erysipelas - a streptococcal infection, it is necessary to carry out therapy with antibacterial drugs.

Most often, doctors prescribe drugs such as Penicillin, Tetracycline.

The doctor will definitely find out the effectiveness of a particular antibiotic, if necessary, replace the drugs for a better effect.

The prognosis for the treatment of erysipelas is favorable, while the lack of adequate measures threatens with complications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, rheumatism, ulcers, necrosis, phlegmon, abscesses, as well as impaired lymph flow, leading to the development of elephantiasis.

For medical treatment of recurring erysipelas, doctors usually use slow-acting antibiotics to kill the streptococcal infection and prevent it from returning.

Antibiotics can be taken for a period of one month to a year - depending on the decision of the doctor.

The mild form of erysipelas, like any other pathology of infectious origin, is treated with antibiotic therapy on an outpatient basis, while the moderate and severe form of the disease requires the patient to be admitted to a hospital. In addition to antibiotics, erysipelas are treated with local ultraviolet irradiation, high-frequency current, infrared lasers, and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

The most important thing in home treatment of erysipelas on the leg is to prevent recurrence. And for this you need to unquestioningly follow the following recommendations:

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate erysipelas on the legs, because homemade herbs and fees do not solve the problem entirely. All they can do is remove the inflammatory process, soreness, redness. But with the infection sitting inside, they can not cope.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat erysipelas in a complex and under the supervision of a doctor. Be sure the doctor must prescribe antibiotics to the patient, the action of which is aimed at destroying the infection, probiotics, antiseptics, antihistamines.

Only thanks to systemic treatment is it possible to permanently get rid of erysipelas of the legs.

These materials will be of interest to you:

It is necessary to carefully treat any skin lesions with antiseptics and apply drugs for local and general therapy. This will protect against infection, more economical than treating erysipelas.

To prevent streptococcus from developing, it is necessary to immediately eliminate by therapy all infectious foci in the body, diseases of the skin, nails and mucous membranes, blood vessels, preventing their chronic form.

Prevention of erysipelas:

  • avoid damage to the skin and promptly treat diaper rash, abrasions and other violations of integrity;
  • observe the temperature regime (do not overcool, do not overheat);
  • adhere to sanitary and hygienic standards (body care, cleaning the premises);
  • strengthen immunity;
  • apply therapeutic and preventive measures (sanation) to eliminate foci of streptococcal infection (sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis, otitis media).

Erysipelas is a disease that has been diagnosed more and more frequently in recent years. The disease is prone to relapse, acute. Its feature is the presence of infectious foci on the mucous membranes and skin areas. Class A streptococci provoke infection. As a rule, erysipelas is characterized by a feverish state, general poisoning of the body. Higher frequency of occurrence in autumn, summer. The disease is more often diagnosed in women than in men. Up to 60% of patients over the age of forty.

Where did the trouble come from?

Erysipelas is a disease that streptococci from class A can provoke. Infection occurs through a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes, the epidermis. You can get sick by getting an abrasion or microscopic injury. Streptococci can enter the body in the presence of diaper rash, cracks or other violations of the integrity of the integument. You can become infected by meeting with a carrier of bacteria, as well as with a person suffering from streptococcal disease. The form of the disease does not matter.

Erysipelas is a disease transmitted mainly by aerosol, although cases of contact infection are also known. This is more typical of those who are forced to use tools that a potential carrier of bacteria comes into contact with. You can get infected through dressings.

Risks and dangers

Doctors have found that erysipelas is a disease that occurs more often in people undergoing treatment with steroid medications. The risk group includes people suffering from chronic infectious diseases, and of a very different nature. It can be, for example, caries, chronic inflammation in the throat, nose, larynx. There is a higher risk of erysipelas with venous insufficiency or impaired tissue trophism.

Streptococcal colonies, multiplying on the skin, secrete exotoxins. elements of the cell wall can leak into the systemic circulation, due to which one of the signs of the disease "erysipelas" becomes toxinemia, leading to an infectious-toxic syndrome. Possible bacteremia. In the skin, the formation of an immune complex is observed, which eventually violates the integrity of the walls of blood vessels.

How to notice?

Symptoms of erysipelas that indicate the need for treatment include acute deterioration and fever, in which the temperature rises to 40 degrees. The incubation period for some is a few hours, in other cases it can be up to five days. The symptomatology as a whole indicates a general poisoning of the body, the patient feels weak, his head hurts, shivering, nauseous, his body aches. Symptoms of the disease "erysipelas" by the end of the first day or the beginning of the second day of the acute period become most pronounced in the local area of ​​the skin - the element where the infection has entered the body. This area itches, burns, hurts. Some patients describe the sensation as fullness.

Over time, in addition to the symptoms of the disease described above, erysipelas provokes erythema, swelling of the affected area. This part of the body is hot and painful when touched. The borders are clear, uneven, visually similar to a fire. There is an infiltration ridge along the borders.


Pressing on the diseased area causes the erythema to disappear for a few seconds - this is one of the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Erysipelas on the leg, face, body is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the lymphatic system. This is manifested by compaction of regional nodes, painful sensations near them, as well as a deterioration in mobility. If the disease is accompanied by hemorrhagic syndrome, the patient notes petechiae, bruising. There is hemorrhage.

Erysipelas is a skin disease that is often formed according to an erythematous-bullous scenario. In this case, blisters with a serous substance covering the diseased area become signs. If the scenario is bullous-hemorrhagic, blood joins. Over time, the rash opens up, ulcers appear in their place. In process of recovery these sites are allocated with a pigmentation. Scar formation is possible.

How to clarify the case?

As doctors say, the clinical pictures of various infectious diseases are somewhat similar. Erysipelas also belongs to this class of pathologies, and each specific case requires clarification, otherwise it will not be possible to choose an adequate treatment. To determine the features and formulate a specific diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the patient and refer him to specialized studies.

The first and basic analysis is a laboratory test of blood for changes that caused a focus of inflammation in the body. They also take blood for a coagulogram. With erysipelas, failures of hemostasis and impaired fibrinolysis are detected. To clarify the case, it is necessary to do a serological study. The most widely used modern method is PCR. Samples of organic fluids obtained from the patient are checked for antistreptolysin-O titers.

Types and classification

A complete picture of the disease can be obtained by studying specialized medical reference books, which not only describe the symptoms and features of the disease, but also provide photos. Erysipelas is a disease that can develop in a strictly localized or migratory form. Sometimes a generalized variant or metastases are diagnosed.

According to the prevalence of the lesion, the following forms of erysipelas are distinguished:

  • localized;
  • migratory (creeping, wandering);
  • widespread (generalized);
  • metastatic

By the nature of the skin elements, erysipelas happens:

  • erythematous;
  • erythematous-hemorrhagic;
  • erythematous-bullous;
  • bullous-hemorrhagic.

The course of the disease "erysipelas" on the leg, face, body allows us to classify the case as a primary, repeated, relapse. Severity - mild, moderate, severe.

What to do?

It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as there is a suspicion of a disease. Erysipelas on the leg or other part of the body should be treated under the supervision of a qualified doctor. In the presence of symptoms similar to those described, you should use the services of a professional for the differential diagnosis of the case. Even if the cause is not in the face, only a professional will be able to determine which treatment method is optimal in a particular case.

After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will suggest a course of medication. How to treat the disease? Erysipelas is one of the infectious diseases, so antimicrobial therapy is most effective for its elimination. Most often, the patient is prescribed drugs based on penicillins. Perhaps the use of nitrofuran series, sulfonamides. Sometimes non-hormonal agents are prescribed to stop inflammatory processes. To alleviate the condition and weaken the autoimmune response of the body, antihistamines can be used.

Therapy: appearances and passwords

Locally, to relieve symptoms, Enteroseptol powder is used. To eliminate local symptoms, you can use an ointment containing erythromycin. In some cases, patients are shown biological stimulants. Popular drugs are Levamisole, Methyluracil. To stimulate the immune system and improve the patient's immune status, maintain the body's strength in the treatment of the disease "erysipelas" (on the leg or in another area of ​​localization), the patient is prescribed multivitamin complexes. In some cases, blood transfusion is indicated.

If there are indications for this, the patient is referred for physiotherapy to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Treatment of erysipelas is often practiced with ultraviolet lamps and quartz radiation, UHF and local use of laser devices.


Without adequate therapy, a prolonged case can provoke an abscess, phlegmon. Since the disease affects the quality of the vascular wall, the likelihood of blood clots in the veins increases. Bubbles can fester, the likelihood of lymphadenitis increases. In rare cases, without adequate treatment, erysipelas provoked blood poisoning, infectious toxic shock and acute heart failure.

To prevent erysipelas, bicillin prophylaxis is necessary. The course is prescribed by the doctor after getting rid of the first episode of the disease. Primary prevention - careful hygiene, timely treatment of any violations of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes.

Features of an infectious disease

Erysipelatous inflammation often manifests itself on the legs, somewhat less often localized on the face, body. It is especially likely that streptococcus, having penetrated the skin, will be able to multiply in the body if the immune system is weak, the person is prone to disease or has not yet recovered from a severe pathology or course of treatment. Often, erysipelas strikes against the background of other diseases.

During an acute infectious process, erysipelas provokes an increase in heart rate. If the disease is severe, the patient is delirious. Convulsions are possible. In the absence of adequate treatment, the skin areas on which streptococcal colonies are localized begin to peel off. The shade of the covers is broken.

Forms and their features

  • Erythematous erysipelas is a form of the disease in which the affected area hurts, turns red, and swells. The area protrudes above the healthy surface of the skin, often has clear boundaries. It looks like a fire.
  • The bullous form of erythema with erysipelas on the third day from the onset of the acute form progresses to the formation of vesicles with watery contents. Over time, they dry out, the integrity of the cover is broken.
  • The erythematous-bullous scenario is rarely accompanied by a complication in the form of scars in place of the vesicles. This happens only when the condition progresses to the appearance of ulcers.
  • The erythematous-hemorrhagic scenario is characterized by hemorrhages in the area of ​​pain.
  • Bullous hemorrhagic is a variant where the area is covered with blisters, inside of which the fluid contains blood.

Manifestations and severity

  • If the disease is mild, the temperature does not exceed 39 degrees. The patient feels weak. Skin manifestations are relatively minor.
  • The average level of severity is a rather long infectious process, which is characterized by all the typical signs of erysipelas described above.
  • If the pathology develops according to a severe scenario, acute symptoms are accompanied by a violation of the psycho-emotional status.

Relapses are observed if the primary erysipelas has not been completely eliminated, as well as when the human body is influenced by factors that weaken the natural defenses. These include inflammatory foci in the body, infection with pathogenic microbes, fungi. They say about relapse if the repetition of erysipelas is observed within two years from the moment of getting rid of the primary focus, while the localization area coincides.

Over time, erysipelas can cause necrotic foci. There is a possibility of periadenitis. Higher chance of complications in relapse-prone disease.

Medications and course of treatment: some nuances

As a rule, treatment is practiced at home with regular visits to the doctor to monitor the progress of the condition. If the disease is very severe, hospitalization is possible. Outpatient treatment is practiced if the patient is elderly or suffers from concomitant severe health disorders, as well as if erysipelas is prone to frequent relapses.

At the stage of fever, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm water and use antipyretic drugs. To improve the general condition, you can take vitamins. The diseased area of ​​​​the skin is regularly covered with an antimicrobial ointment and fixed with a bandage. Antibiotics are a central element of treatment.

The duration of treatment of erysipelas without complications is 7-10 days. Use orally "Oletetrin" up to six times daily for a quarter of a gram. You can use "Metacycline" three times a day for 0.3 g. The doctor may recommend stopping at "Oleandomycin" or "Erythromycin". These antibiotics are used per day in an amount of not more than 2 g. Sometimes, with erysipelas, it is recommended to use Biseptol or Sulfaton. Both drugs are used twice a day for a couple of tablets after a meal.

Options and approaches

If the patient's condition forces the patient to be hospitalized, Benzylpenicillin is usually used as part of a therapeutic cous in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection. Additionally, patients are prescribed non-hormonal agents to stop inflammation. To maintain the strength of the body, it is recommended to take Askorutin. The doctor may prescribe multivitamin complexes or means to stabilize the intestinal microflora.

If the erysipelas is localized on the legs, local treatment can be practiced. The doctor cuts the blisters from the edge, treats the focus with Furacilin. Bandages with him will have to be changed daily several times.

At the acute stage of erysipelas, the patient should visit a physiotherapy room for procedures using ultraviolet, UHF. When the acute stage has passed, the diseased areas are treated with ointments, applying bandages.

With erysipelas, the sick leave is closed seven days after the temperature normalizes, for another quarter of the year they are registered with an infectious disease specialist. In case of relapse, it is necessary to use other drugs that are different from those used in the past case. As the situation stabilizes for a period of 6-24 months. the patient will have to receive "Retarpen" or "Bicillin 5" every three weeks.

To activate local regenerative processes, you can use Bepanten and Dermazin ointments.

How can you help yourself at home?

The use of folk recipes for the treatment of erysipelas must be agreed with a qualified doctor. When the acute stage is just beginning, it is necessary to use antibiotics - it is simply impossible to cure erysipelas without them, in addition, the risk of complications is too high.

To relieve itching and burning of the diseased area, you can lubricate the area with camphor, aloe juice, plantain. If the skin is very sore, novocaine solution can be added to the juice of the plant. Liquids are mixed in equal proportions. If the erysipelas are accompanied by suppuration, you can apply bandages with Solcoseryl.

It is believed that erysipelas can come to the rescue. Collect it in the spring in stagnant water. Caviar is spread on gauze in a thin layer and dried in the sun, stored in this form. As needed, the product is soaked in pre-boiled water and used for local treatment of the diseased area. From above, caviar is covered with a clean linen cloth and fixed. It is possible to achieve a complete cure, as experts in traditional medicine say, in five procedures.

Cottage cheese is considered effective against erysipelas. You need to use a natural farm product, not a store-bought one. Cottage cheese is applied to the diseased areas in a thick layer, and as it dries, it changes to fresh. During the procedure, you must remain calm. Fixing is not required.

Streptococcal infections can enter the body in a variety of ways. Inflammatory processes of the skin are due to the introduction of this microorganism into various layers of the epidermis.

The entry of streptococcus into the body is facilitated by the presence of skin damage - scratches, cuts, insect bites and other minor or significant wounds.

The development of erysipelas of the skin is also facilitated by the presence of chronic streptococcal infection in the body (chronic tonsillitis, caries). From the main location, bacteria can quickly spread throughout the body with blood flow and cause various complications from its various systems, including the dermis.

The main obstacle to the spread of infection is immunity, but if the body's defenses are weakened for any reason, there is a high probability of developing diseases such as erysipelas, glomerulonephritis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Damage to the skin can lead to infection

The main culprit of erysipelas on the leg is a streptococcal infection. Most often, its causative agent - streptococcus - enters the body through such "gates" as:

  • scratches;
  • combing;
  • insect bites;
  • burns;
  • diaper rash;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • cracked heels, etc.

The causative agent of the disease - the streptococcus bacterium cannot provoke the development of the disease in healthy skin cells. For this, the reasons must be any provoking factors: skin damage (scratches, abrasions, diaper rash, etc.).

); injury; the effect on the skin of sudden changes in temperature; stress; exposure to sunlight.

Forms and types of erysipelas on the leg

Depending on the nature of the lesion, erysipelas occurs in the form of:

Forms of erysipelas of the legs are classified according to the nature of local changes.

People with diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, fungal infections of the foot, obesity, alcoholism are at risk.

Signs of erysipelas

The initial stage of this disease is characterized by
the presence of high fever, chills, pain in the muscles and head. erysipelatous
inflammation on the skin does not appear immediately, but only after a few hours, and sometimes
and days. Additional symptoms in some cases are vomiting, general malaise
and convulsions. The inflammation itself is also accompanied by itching and swelling. By
the nature of the local changes caused on the skin or mucous membranes, erysipelas
divided into four types:

    • erythematous
      form is characterized by the presence of a uniform area of ​​redness with clear
      borders and edges of irregular shape;
    • at
      erythematous-bullous form approximately on the third day of illness on the spot
      redness, the top layer of the skin exfoliates and bubbles form with a transparent
      content inside. In place of the bursting bubbles, brown crusts form,
      which die off, and young healthy skin remains. There are cases when
      trophic ulcers can form in the place of the bubbles;
    • to distinctive
      features of the erythematous-hemorrhagic form include hemorrhage in the affected
      areas of the skin;
  • at
    bullous-hemorrhagic form, the development of the disease is similar to erythrematous-bulous,
    except that the inside of the bladder is not transparent, but bloody.

Symptoms of the disease

At the site of the introduction of streptococcus, the skin becomes inflamed, becomes red, painful, and sometimes swells. Depending on the development of the disease, the inflammatory process can spread to large areas of the skin. The patient is also characterized by general symptoms of intoxication:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • muscle pain;
  • lack of appetite.

The incubation period of the erysipelatous inflammatory process ranges from several hours to 3-4 days. Physicians classify pathology as follows:

  • by severity - mild, moderate and severe stage;
  • according to the nature of the course - erythematous, bullous, erythematous-bullous and erythematous-hemorrhagic form;
  • by localization - localized (on one part of the body), widespread, metastatic lesion.

After the incubation period, the patient shows symptoms of erysipelas on the leg, including general weakness, weakness and malaise. After this, the temperature rises quite suddenly, and chills and headache appear.

The first few hours of manifestation of erysipelas are characterized by a very high temperature, which can reach forty degrees. There is also muscle pain in the legs and lower back, a person has joint pain.

A characteristic feature inherent in the inflammatory process is the bright red color of the affected areas, similar to flames. Clearly marked edges have elevations along the periphery - the so-called inflammatory shaft.

A more complex form is erythematous-bullous. In this case, on the first or third day of the disease, bubbles form with a clear liquid on the focus of the disease.

They burst, forming crusts. Favorable treatment leads to healing and the formation of young skin after it falls off.

Otherwise, the formation of ulcers or erosions is possible.

Signs of a cold or flu in combination with rashes on the skin - symptoms of the disease

The main manifestations of this infection are redness and swelling of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The disease is accompanied by high fever and intoxication. Most often, erysipelas are found on the leg, on the arm and on the face, less often on the trunk and in the genital area.

The symptoms of erysipelas are usually similar to those of a common cold or flu.

The disease begins with chills, headache, general weakness, muscle pain. In some cases, there may be vomiting, nausea, tachycardia and fever up to 39-40°C. During the day, redness and swelling appear on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

By the nature of the manifestations, several forms of erysipelas are distinguished:

  1. Erythematous. The skin shows erythema (severe redness) and swelling. Erythema gradually rises above healthy skin. Its edges are uneven.
  2. Erythematous bullous. In this case, the skin at the site of redness exfoliates, and blisters filled with serous (yellowish) fluid form. After they burst, a brown crust remains in their place, which soon begins to peel off.
  3. Erythematous-hemorrhagic. In this case, hemorrhages occur in the affected areas of the skin. Bubbles at the site of erythema are filled with bloody (hemorrhagic) fluid.
  4. Bullous-hemorrhagic erysipelas is characterized by the presence of blisters with serous-hemorrhagic contents, which already indicates deep damage to the capillaries. Tissues become necrotic, and inflammation may fester. After recovery, scars and hyperpigmented areas (spots) remain on the skin.

According to the severity of the disease, three forms are distinguished:

  • With a mild form of erysipelas, the temperature rises no higher than 39 ° C and lasts no more than 3 days; the skin turns red in a small area, intoxication is weak.
  • In the moderate form, the temperature (40 ° C) lasts for 4-5 days, the intoxication is more pronounced (headache, nausea, vomiting), and the skin lesion is deep and extensive.
  • Severe erysipelas lasts more than 5 days with a temperature above 40 ° C, severe intoxication and various mental disorders (confusion, hallucinations). In a severe form, erythematous-bullous and bullous-hemorrhagic lesions of large areas of the skin appear, as well as complications (gangrene, sepsis, pneumonia, infectious-toxic shock, etc.).

For most people, the symptoms of erysipelas on the leg are complemented by pain in the legs, lower back and joints. In addition, before the appearance of erythema on the lower extremities, there is a burning sensation, fullness. All this depends on the form and severity of the disease.

Erysipelas has a fairly long incubation period - about 10 days. After this time, the symptoms begin to manifest themselves. As a rule, at the first stage, a person feels signs of general malaise:

  • headache;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • chills;
  • weakness and impotence;
  • increased body temperature (sometimes up to 39-40 degrees);
  • in some cases - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes even anorexia.

Not later than a day later, local signs are added to these general symptoms: burning, pain, tension are felt on the infected area, it begins to redden and swell.

Further signs of erysipelas depend on the specific form of the disease.

The symptoms of erysipelas, although quite characteristic, can sometimes confuse the doctor, which is fraught with an erroneous diagnosis. Nevertheless, knowledge of them allows you to accurately determine what the patient is suffering from.

Diagnosis of inflammation and treatment

The main diagnosis is established after examination by a doctor and in the presence of all symptoms characteristic of erysipelas. To exclude the presence of another disease, a series of laboratory tests and a consultation with a dermatologist are prescribed as a diagnosis.

In the results of a blood test, the main indicators of ESR and leukocytes will be increased, which indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. There are no specific tests to determine erysipelas.

For this disease, the prognosis is quite favorable, especially if the disease is not severe. Timely and correctly prescribed treatment gives very good results.

Severe erysipelas is more difficult to treat, with associated complications and elephantiasis. Also, a sufficiently long treatment is required for the elderly, people who have indigestion, a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymph, as well as those with immunodeficiency.

With the advent of relapse, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

The doctor should prescribe the treatment of erysipelas on the leg, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, the presence of complications, its nature and form. Indications for treatment in a hospital are: severe erysipelas, childhood or old age, frequent relapses and the presence of severe concomitant diseases.

As for medicines, their main goal is to destroy the bacterial infection of streptococcus. If the treatment will be carried out at home, then antibiotics are prescribed in tablets.

The following drugs have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of erysipelas on the leg: doxycycline, erythromycin, spiramycin, azithromycin, oletethrin, rifampicin and others.

In the event that one or another antibiotic is not tolerated by the body, delagil and flucanazole may be prescribed.

If severe complications develop, such as phlegmon and abscess, it is imperative that a sick person be in a hospital hospital. For the treatment of such severe manifestations of the disease, the drug benzylpenicillin is mainly prescribed, which must be taken within 10 days.

Sometimes this medicine is used in combination with gentamicin. It is mandatory to take a course of vitamins for four weeks.

If the form of erysipelas is severe, then glucose solution, saline solution, gemodez are administered intravenously. To relieve other symptoms - antipyretic drugs, diuretics and cardiovascular.

Plentiful warm drink is necessary to fight fever. Anti-inflammatory drugs are needed if the skin inflammation is very strong (chlotazol and butadione).

With the advent of relapse, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting. A course of antibiotic therapy lasting up to ten days and antibiotics that were not prescribed in the previous treatment are prescribed.

Initially, a course of cephalosporins is carried out, which lasts from 7 to 10 days. After a break for a week - a course of lincomycin.

Restoring the immune system is essential. For this purpose, it is necessary to take medications such as sodium nucleinate, methyluracil and others.

Local therapy is prescribed in the presence of extensive skin surfaces with opened blisters. With the appearance of wounds (bullous form of erysipelas), it is necessary to apply dressings with antiseptic agents.

Ointments are practically not used to treat erysipelas on the leg, as they can additionally irritate the skin and prevent healing. To speed up the process of restoring the skin, one of the methods of physiotherapy is prescribed - paraffin baths, UHF or UVI.

If you have at least a few symptoms of erysipelas, you need to visit a specialist - a dermatologist. If the disease is severe, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Seeing a doctor is mandatory if the disease is accompanied by high fever and complications. Erysipelas is most dangerous for children and the elderly, people suffering from allergic diseases, heart failure, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, diagnosed with HIV.

Streptococcus is resistant to many types of antibiotics, this infection responds well to treatment with drugs from the group of macrolides (Erythromycin) and penicillins. The course of treatment lasts at least 7 days. If the patient has an allergy, Penicillin can be replaced by Nitrofural.

In complicated form of erysipelas of the skin, the course of antibiotic treatment can last from two weeks or more, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Preferably intravenous infusion of the drug.

To eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, ascorbic acid are prescribed. Good results in the treatment of erysipelas on the lower extremities are given by UVI and electrophoresis.

If we are talking about a mild degree of severity, then treatment at home is quite enough. But in severe and advanced cases, one cannot do without hospitalization in the surgical department.

The most effective treatment for erysipelas on the leg necessarily includes the appointment of antibiotics. To maximize their effect, the doctor must first find out the most effective of them in each case. For this, an anamnesis is required.

In the vast majority of cases, the following drugs are used:

  • Lincomycin;
  • Penicillin;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline.

In addition to antibiotics, drug treatment includes other prescriptions.

  1. To relieve painful and severe manifestations of the disease and symptomatic treatment, antipyretic, diuretic and vascular agents are used.
  2. Means that reduce the permeability of blood vessels - their intake is also necessary in some cases.
  3. In cases where the severe course of the disease is complicated by intoxication, detoxification agents are used in the fight for health - for example, reopoliglyukin and / or glucose solution.
  4. Vitamins of groups A, B, C, etc.,
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

Also, a patient with erysipelas is shown cryotherapy and physiotherapy: local ultraviolet irradiation (UVR), exposure to high frequency current (UHF), exposure to weak electric current discharges, laser therapy in the infrared light range.

The main method of treating the disease with traditional methods is penicillin therapy.

The most important element in the treatment of erysipelas is rational antibiotic therapy. Prescribed drugs that specifically act on hemolytic streptococcus. These include Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Biseptol, cephalosporin drugs. In the treatment of uncomplicated or mild forms of erysipelas, patients are prescribed tablet forms of drugs.

In case of complications or severe course of the disease, the patient is hospitalized. In this case, they switch to injectable forms of antibacterial agents - "Lincomycin", "Benzylpenicillin", cephalosporin antibiotics.

To reduce pain and the intensity of inflammation, a drug such as Indomethacin is used.

Topical treatment is used only if blisters are present. When they are opened, bandages with antiseptics that do not have an irritating effect are applied to these places. Usually it is "Furacilin", "Rivanol", "Vinilin".

Due to the fact that the main link in the mechanism of development of erysipelas is an individual predisposition, it is impossible to develop a vaccine against erysipelas. Prevention of the disease consists in the timely treatment of all chronic infectious diseases - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, dental caries.

It is also important to fight fungal diseases of the feet, venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, and maintain personal hygiene.

In the treatment of the disease, the temperature is first brought down with the help of antipyretic drugs. Next, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, to which the causative agent of the disease is sensitive.

Penicillin preparations are usually used in large doses for one and a half weeks. With recurrent inflammation, hormonal drugs, such as prednisone, are added to antibiotic therapy.

Local treatment of the lesion is carried out with antiseptic solutions and ointments.

At the same time, vitamins, biostimulants and drugs that increase immunity are prescribed, if necessary, drugs are prescribed that reduce the permeability of small vessels.

Physiotherapy, cryotherapy, local ultraviolet irradiation, exposure to high-frequency current and laser therapy in the infrared range can also be prescribed.

Treatment of the disease does not cause any particular difficulties if it is not started and has not become severe.

Erysipelas disease is a serious infectious
a disease that can be contracted by airborne droplets. But if you
infected with the causative agent of erysipelas, it is not at all necessary that you have
inflammation will begin. Here genetics play an important role.
diseases and provoking factors (abrasions, scratches, stress,
hypothermia, overheating, sunburn and bruises).

Traditional medicine in the fight against the disease

Infusion of red elderberry will help get rid of inflammation on the skin

Treatment of erysipelas with folk remedies is very diverse. Consider a few folk remedies with which you can cure the face on the leg. Choose those that are well tolerated by your body.

Erysipelas on the leg: prevention

Avoiding infection in wounds is one of the ways to prevent the disease.

To protect yourself from erysipelas and its relapses, you must follow a few simple tips. They are recommended for those who have a predisposition to the disease.

  1. Disinfect microtraumas and wounds, prevent dirt from getting into them.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes to avoid blisters on your feet.
  3. In chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, rinse the nose thoroughly.
  4. Timely eliminate skin diseases, especially those caused by streptococcal infection.
  5. If there have been cases of recurrence of erysipelas, it should be observed by a doctor for another two years.
  6. Do not overcool, beware of any sudden change in temperature.
  7. Quickly get rid of the fungus on the feet and do not wear someone else's shoes, so as not to get infected with it.

General measures for the prevention of erysipelas include compliance with the necessary rules of antisepsis and asepsis when treating wounds, scratches and abrasions on the skin. Proper treatment for various streptococcal infections.

When relapses occur, it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor for two years. Beware of sudden changes in temperature and avoid hypothermia.

When a fungal disease appears on the feet, it is imperative to treat it. For those patients who have frequent relapses of this disease, delayed-action antibiotics are prescribed, which prevent the development of streptococcal infection in the body.

Such medicines in some cases must be taken for one year.

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Erysipelas (erysipelas) is an infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin, which is caused by β-hemolytic streptococcus. Accompanied by signs of intoxication, fever, swelling of the affected tissues. When answering the question whether erysipelas is a contagious disease or not, one must take into account the presence of provoking factors. The causative agent of infection refers to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that constantly live on our skin and begin to actively multiply when the body's immune defenses decrease.

What is erysipelas, or erysipelas

Erysipelas is a recurrent contagious pathology caused by group A streptococci. They provoke infectious-allergic reactions with redness of the skin, intoxication, and fever. The incubation period is from 3 to 5 days.

Streptococcus pyogenes - β-hemolytic streptococcus, which is part of the natural microflora of the laryngopharynx, is present on the skin of 80% of people. With a decrease in immunity, the number of bacteria increases, which causes inflammation. Erysipelas is contagious, but it is classified as a disease with moderate contagiousness (contagiousness).


To answer the question of whether erysipelas is contagious or not, the causes of the disease should be considered. Entrance gates for infection are microdamages on the skin. Streptococcus enters the body through:

  • abrasions;
  • scratches;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • burns;
  • diaper rash;
  • cracks in the feet;
  • insect bites;
  • postoperative wounds.

It is dangerous to contact with a sick person with reduced immune protection. The inability of the immune system to resist pathogenic bacteria is one of the key causes of infection. Streptococcus carriers and patients with any form of erysipelas are the source of a contagious infection.

The symptoms of erysipelas are characterized by the manifestation of fever, intoxication and the formation of inflamed areas on the skin and mucous membranes, pronounced red. Symptoms and signs of erysipelas appear within one day, the disease typically has a very abrupt onset.

The factors provoking uncontrolled reproduction of Streptococcus pyogenes in the body include:

  • skin injuries;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • degeneration of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • pathology of the oral cavity;
  • fungal infection of the foot;
  • post-traumatic scars;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • shingles;
  • weeping eczema;
  • abuse of antibiotics;
  • frequent stress;
  • poor working conditions;
  • frequent use of rubber shoes.

A contagious infection is 2.5-3 times more likely to be diagnosed in women than in men. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background and a predisposition to endocrine disorders.

In 45% of cases, erysipelas occurs in people with circulatory disorders, chronic diseases. The risk group includes patients who suffer from:

  • varicose veins;
  • lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • lymphedema;
  • foot mycosis;
  • scaly deprive;
  • herpetic infection;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • food allergies, etc.

Infectionists note a selective predisposition to an infectious disease. Some people often experience relapses of erysipelas due to the formation of unstable immunity. Therefore, the degree of contagiousness largely depends on the reactivity of the organism, susceptibility to streptococcal infection.

Bacteria multiply in the lymphatic vessels of the skin. Depending on immunity, they cause inflammation or latent (hidden) carriage. A contagious disease is also transmitted through contaminated medical instruments, non-sterile dressings. In immunodeficiency states, erysipelas is accompanied by a massive release of Streptococcus pyogenes toxins into the bloodstream. Because of this, people with hypovitaminosis, HIV infection often experience toxic-infectious shock.

Is the erysipelas on the leg or arm contagious to others

When diagnosing a disease in patients, a standard question arises: is erysipelas of the leg contagious or not. Streptococcal infection is transmitted in different ways:

  • contact - through direct contact with an infected person or objects that he touched;
  • alimentary - infection occurs through the use of contaminated food, water;
  • aerogenic - during a conversation with an infected person by inhaling contaminated air;
  • sexual - by contact during sexual intercourse.

It is possible to get infected with erysipelas from a sick home if the immune system is weakened. But streptococcal infection does not always provoke erysipelas. When entering the body, Streptococcus pyogenes causes various pathologies:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • endocarditis, etc.

If the patient's lesion is localized on the arm, it is recommended to cover it with a sterile bandage.

In people with immunodeficiency, infectious pathology is asymptomatic for a long time. In the absence of adequate therapy, the content of streptococcal toxins in the blood increases. This often results in life-threatening complications.

Classification and types of erysipelas

The modern classification provides for the division of an infectious disease according to:

  • the nature of local manifestations;
  • the severity of the flow;
  • frequency of relapses;
  • prevalence of lesions.

Depending on the severity and nature of the symptoms, the following forms of erysipelas are distinguished:

  • Erythematous. Accompanied by hyperemia (redness), swelling, a feeling of fullness and pain. After 1-3 days, a red spot with wavy borders is formed. In the marginal zone, tissues rise above healthy areas of the skin, forming a roller.
  • Erythematous bullous. Vesicles (vesicles) filled with fluid appear on the reddened tissues. They spontaneously open, which causes ulceration. Later, they become covered with crusts, which eventually fall off.
  • Erythematous-hemorrhagic. A common form of infectious pathology is accompanied by petechial hemorrhages. They arise due to the destruction of the walls of superficial capillaries by exotoxins of streptococci.
  • Bullous-hemorrhagic. A severe form of erysipelas often leads to complications - stagnation of the lymph (lymphostasis), gangrene, skin necrosis. It is accompanied by petechial hemorrhages, the formation of vesicles in the lesions.

According to the prevalence of an infectious-allergic reaction, 4 types of infectious pathology are distinguished:

  • localized - limited to only one anatomical region (neck, lower leg, thigh, face);
  • disseminated - nearby healthy tissues of other anatomical regions are involved in inflammation;
  • wandering - the foci subside in one zone and immediately appear in other parts of the body;
  • metastatic - a contagious infection simultaneously affects different anatomical regions.

According to the degree of severity, mild, moderate and severe forms of erysipelas are distinguished. In people with immunodeficiency and endocrine disorders, the contagious disease is severe. Often accompanied by lymphadenitis, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and high fever. In the absence of adequate treatment, infectious-toxic shock, gangrenous changes, and sepsis are not excluded.

How to identify the disease

Erysipelas disease is accompanied by specific symptoms, so it is not difficult to diagnose it. On the first day, signs of general intoxication appear:

  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • chills;
  • increased sweating.

A temperature of 40°C, vomiting, redness of the skin are typical symptoms of a contagious disease. Already on the second day in the infected area, there is a burning sensation, pain, tissue tension. The lesion is clearly separated from healthy tissues by an infiltration roller.

The first signs of erysipelas are the result of the beginning of the entry into the circulatory system of toxic substances secreted by streptococcal microorganisms. Toxins have a toxic effect primarily on the tissues of nerve cells and meninges.

Pinpoint hemorrhages are a sign of the erythematous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas. If bubbles appear on the skin, bullous erysipelas is diagnosed. Absolutely all forms of infectious pathology are accompanied by lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels).

In primary infection, lesions are more often localized on the face. In people with immunodeficiencies, the contagious disease manifests itself mainly in the lower and upper extremities. The penetration of streptococci is facilitated by exacerbations of chronic diseases:

  • sore throats;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • foot mycosis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • varicose veins.

Erysipelas is most contagious for people with dermatological diseases, trophic ulcers, circulatory disorders in the limbs. With timely treatment, local manifestations subside after 6-8 days. Patients with bullous erysipelas are treated longer - from 10 to 30 days. Residual symptoms of an infectious pathology - pigmentation, peeling, crusts on ulcerations - disappear within a month. They do not pose a danger to others, do not increase the risk of infection.

Principles of treatment

In most cases, a contagious disease is treated on an outpatient basis. Etiotropic therapy, which is aimed at the destruction of streptococci, includes various therapeutic measures:

  • Pharmacotherapy. To eliminate bacteria, systemic and local antibiotics are used - Bicillin-5, Megacillin, Amoxiclav, Erythromycin. Allergic manifestations are stopped with antihistamines - Tavegil, Erius, Zirtek.
  • Physiotherapy. To heal the skin, improve blood circulation resort to physiotherapy. UHF and UV therapy stimulates epithelialization (regeneration) of the skin and an increase in local immunity.
  • Operation. Surgical treatment is carried out with complications - gangrene, phlegmon, non-healing ulcers, etc.

Consequences of the disease

An infectious disease is dangerous due to stagnation of lymph and blood in the extremities. Because of this, the nutrition of inflamed tissues is disrupted. Hemorrhagic skin lesions are fraught with purulent complications:

  • abscesses;
  • phlegmon;
  • abscess.

Some patients develop pneumonia, thrombophlebitis against the background of erysipelas. Increasing swelling of the extremities leads to elephantiasis. With severe lymphedema, eczematous rashes, papillomas, hyperkeratosis are formed in the lesions. After bullous-hemorrhagic erysipelas, persistent pigmentation remains on the body at the sites of ulceration.

Measures to prevent erysipelas

When answering the question of whether erysipelas of the leg is contagious, one cannot fail to mention the decisive importance of the immune status. The disease is transmitted only when the body's defenses are reduced.

To prevent recurrence of erysipelas, you should:

  • observe the sanitary and hygienic regime;
  • timely treat exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • avoid overheating and hypothermia;
  • 2-3 times a year to undergo vitamin therapy.

It is also necessary to carefully treat any injuries on the body - abrasions, burns, scratches, ulcers, cracks, etc. It is microdamages in the epidermis that are the entrance gate for a contagious infection. Even with the implementation of all recommendations, infectious disease specialists advise limiting contact with people during periods of exacerbation of the pathology.

Erysipelas is a disease with a low degree of contagiousness. It is transmitted by aerosol, alimentary, sexual and contact routes. A prerequisite for the reproduction of bacteria is a decrease in immunity. Subject to preventive measures, the risk of contracting a streptococcal infection is reduced by 3-5 times.

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