Planets on the 4th house cusp. Fourth house in signs

I have already written articles on general interpretations of houses in astrology. So my regular readers, I think, already know very well which house is responsible for what and what it correlates with. Perhaps it is time to deepen the knowledge and consider the position of a particular house in the sign of the zodiac, as it is fraught with a large amount of information. My invariable rule - to start not from the beginning, but from the end or the middle, prompted me to dedicate the first article on the position of the cusps of houses in signs to the Fourth House.

Fourth house in Aries.

Often indicates aggression in the house, fights, conflicts, quarrels, and either the parents sort things out between themselves and the child grows up in an atmosphere of eternal conflicts, or the child himself shows aggression towards his father or mother. By the way, a parent can be a very active, active, strong, stubborn and angry person.

In this situation, it is more comfortable for a person to live alone than together with someone. It is very difficult for a native to get along with parents - at the first opportunity that arises, a person will flutter out of the parental nest. A collection of weapons, both firearms and cold weapons, can be kept at home. There may be fires in such a situation, especially if the Ruler of the house is also afflicted.

Fourth house in Taurus.

It is extremely important that the apartment is not only beautiful, but also functional. In this regard, Taurus differs from Libra. The latter need just a beautiful shell, even if practicality is at zero, but Taurus is a sign belonging to the earth element. Relations with parents are quite stable, but stability is also different - bad relationships can also be such, but like good ones, of course. Moving a person with this position is very difficult, Taurus is attached to everything that he possesses, it is difficult for him to part with anything, including real estate.

Taurus is often represented in the form of Plyushkin, one of the characters in the poem "Dead Souls", which is very reasonable. Tauruses almost never throw anything away, they store everything in closets, on balconies, in basements, as a result of which, sometimes the apartment becomes more like a dump.

Fourth house in Gemini.

Well, the first thing that came to mind was bunk beds, because Gemini is a double sign, and even airy, that is, duality should be in the air. The truth is that the bed, whatever one may say, is still on the ground. But I think that there should be something mutable in the cards of the owners of such beds. A person has a very superficial relationship with his parents, and the native does not have any special sentimental feelings for his property. For him, it's just bricks and plaster. There may be such an interpretation, according to which a person has several houses, summer cottages, apartments. Again, for the reason that the sign is double. Almost always, the presence of Gemini on the cusp of the house indicates a move.

Fourth house in Cancer.

Any watermarks on the IC cusp always indicate that a person may be reluctant to let someone into his dwelling - this is his holy of holies. In general, a person can be comfortable living at home alone, calm and quiet.

Cancer on IC gives strong patriotism and attachment to the motherland, family, home. For such a person, moving is equivalent to the Apocalypse. Home is, above all, a place where the native can feel safe. A family tree can hang on the wall; in general, the house is decorated with photographs of children, families, and parents. Relatives, namely parents, had a very strong influence on the native.

The house in which the native lives can be "with history", for example, walking along the streets of Moscow, you can often find the inscription "in this house since... lived...". Or the native simply lives in the old, historical part of the city, perhaps even next to a museum or an antique shop. Speaking of antique dealers - there can also be things "with history" in the apartment.

Fourth house in Leo.

The house is a place of pride for the native, he can specially take pictures of his home and post photos on social networks in order to read compliments about how good his apartment or house is. As a rule, real estate is furnished with taste, and if finances allow, even with chic. It is important for a lion to show himself. In this case, of course, not yourself, but your home, but I think the meaning is clear. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but my friends, in whose cards Leo is on IC, only cats live at home. But Leo is also a cat, only wild.

The parents of such a native are either very generous and creative people, or authoritarian and sometimes even domineering. But the power of a lion and the power of, for example, a scorpion are so polar that it is worth noting. Leo shows power when he feels that he is not being listened to, not respected, not appreciated. Then he loses his temper and shows everyone who is the boss in the house. Scorpio likes to keep everything under control - total control: he doesn't care how you feel about him. It is much more important for him to know how you live, what problems, joys, sorrows you have. I remember my close friend with Scorpio on IC, her father at one time even rummaged around in her bag in order to find "compromising evidence". And to be honest, I found and read all our correspondence. There was nothing terrible and shameful, but anyway, these are our personal experiences that we shared with each other, and they were in no way intended for other people.

Fourth house in Virgo.

This is an indication of the sterility of the premises: the native is very concerned about the cleanliness of his home. Virgo is always focused on practicality, romance, by and large, is alien to her, because it is not for nothing that Venus and Neptune feel so uncomfortable in this sign. Therefore, for a native with such a position, the best housing is practical housing. I only once visited a woman whose card IC is in Virgo, and to be honest, I didn’t feel coziness, comfort, but I was afraid to litter and crumble inadvertently in the house. The woman was rather strict, and I thought that if she did not beat me, then she would definitely make a caustic remark to me. But it is worth noting, of course, that her house is phenomenally clean! With my Ketu in Virgo, I always pay a lot of attention to little things, but in her apartment the baseboards are clean, and not even a speck of dust in the corner!

Perhaps the work of a native with this position of the Fourth House in the sign is near the house or he works at home, but only if there are additional indications in the natal chart. The parents of such a native are extremely critical, picky, and a little emotional.

Fourth house in Libra.

This may indicate partnerships with parents or with one of them. Of course, this refers to business cooperation, for example, a joint business. Relations with father and mother, in general, are harmonious, but somewhat superficial - there are no deep and strong emotions, affection. Quarrels, conflicts, moreover, fights - the thing is simply extraordinary for such a family! It is a rarity! It is difficult for the native himself to refuse his parents, to show them disrespect, tactlessness, and the father and mother are delicate and tactful people, and therefore they themselves will not allow quarrels to arise.

The real estate itself, whether it is an apartment or a house, is tastefully furnished, as a rule, it is a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing interior. It is hard for a native with such a position to live alone, after all, Libra is a sign of partnership.

Fourth house in Scorpio.

Difficult position. Indicates a heavy atmosphere at home, usually due to an overbearing relative who manipulates his household. There can be very strong feelings for a parent: either love or hatred, but indifference - definitely never! Violence in the house is also possible, after all, Scorpio is ruled by Mars. In general, home life is quite intense, and this is life within the walls of the parental home, and within the walls of one's own home. I have a friend who has Scorpio on the cusp of the Fourth House: as a child, her brother beat her, mocked her in every possible way, now she suffers beatings from her husband, but in fairness, it is worth noting that she also has additional indications in her natal chart difficult relationship with a marriage partner.

Fourth house in Sagittarius.

Here is a rather simple interpretation: Sagittarius is a foreign sign, symbolizing everything foreign, and therefore this situation suggests that a person, unambiguously, will move more than once in his life, change his place of residence. And perhaps his new home will be a completely different country. This is one of the indications for emigration.

One of the parents may be a very religious person, a believer, or just a fun person. Relations with relatives, as a rule, are harmonious, if there are no other more weighty indications. Sagittarius is a sign of expansion, increase and expansion, and therefore the house of such a person is definitely not a small closet.

Fourth house in Capricorn.

Saturn - the planet ruler of the sign gives, as a rule, minimalism in the apartment. This is not the most comfortable place in the world, there is only the most necessary here: a table, a chair, a bed, but there are no frills. Most often, even the furniture itself is of strict forms. Saturn is purely symbolically responsible for the cold, so there may be problems with heating in the house, or it is more comfortable for a person to live in a cool atmosphere at home. There may be cramped living conditions, at least at the very beginning of a person's life. After 28 - 29 people can get their own, more spacious housing.

Also, such a situation is often evidence that one of the native's parents is a very strict, cold, little emotional person. In general, the situation in the family could not be the most joyful.

Fourth house in Aquarius.

My former boyfriend has a cusp in this sign. Judging by his words and stories, his friends practically lived with him, which, of course, did not please his father very much. Therefore, my father strictly forbade my former Octopus to invite friends and acquaintances to stay with him. It is very important for a person with Aquarius on the cusp of the Fourth House to have freedom in the family in general: to come and go as he pleases.

Also, this position may indicate that a person is friends with his family, well, at least with one of the parents. My ex with his father, although in a complex conflicting relationship, but his mother is like a girlfriend for him - sometimes it seems to me that he can tell her everything. He even discusses sex with her.

Aquarius on the IC cusp, it seems to me, could well describe an apartment or a house in a high-tech style, in general there should be a lot of equipment at home. Short circuits, problems with electricity in the apartment are not ruled out, since the ruler of the sign, Uranus, is responsible for all this.

Fourth house in Pisces.

There is just such a position in my natal chart. Pisces is a water sign, so there may well be problems with water supply in the house / apartment. Floods are not ruled out. For example, this summer the upstairs neighbors “watered” my floral wallpaper a little. Fortunately, I discovered something was wrong in time, "drained" the bubble of water that formed between the wall and the wallpaper, dried it and glued it back. But this is not the first case when the neighbors no - no, yes, they will flood me from above.

There are problems with the shower cabin - it leaks. It is worth spending at least 20 minutes in the shower - and a puddle forms on the floor in the bathroom, which you constantly have to wipe.

Also, such a situation may indicate that the person’s house is located next to a reservoir / river / lake / sea, which is also very symbolic. Here I also excelled: looking from the window of my house you can see a small pond, especially in winter, when the trees become completely bare. If you walk from home for 15-20 minutes, then you can be near the Borisov Ponds - there I sometimes feed the ducks.

Once, my mother and I were in Amsterdam and saw "houseboats" - very cozy small houses that literally float on the water. Of course, I did not build maps of the owners of this Neptunian property, but I feel that either they have the sign of Pisces on the very cusp of the Fourth House, or Neptune is located inside the house.

Pisces on IC can also describe one of the native's parents as a person with typical fish qualities. Of course, these can be positive traits, such as spirituality, religiosity, strong creativity, compassion, but also a whole range of negative characteristics: addiction to alcohol or drugs, the inability to rely on parents, or on one of them. It is interesting that my father has a stellium of planets in Pisces, which just falls into the Fourth House for me - dad is extremely negative about alcohol, but you really can’t rely on him, and our relationship is very complicated.

Pisces, after all, is a sign associated directly with music, so there can be musical instruments at home, or just music is constantly playing in the house. So, for example, some kind of light unobtrusive music or radio is constantly playing in the background. As soon as I get up in the morning - almost the first thing I turn on my favorite music center. And I only turn it off when I go to bed. Sometimes, however, I sleep to the music.

The 4th house is responsible for the influence of parents. Mother is the main symbol (matri-bhava). Its impact is very strong and affects the emotional sphere and spiritual development of the child. The depth of our inner world and the perceived outer world are also ruled by the 4th house. Positive emotional background, family, education, popularity, friends, real estate and personal vehicles are all influenced by the 4th house.

Regarding spirituality, the 4th house signifies the religion that prevailed in the process of education and spiritual faith. The ability to selflessness and understanding of higher truths.

The study of the 4th house allows us to realize our deepest needs and feelings, to know the archetypes acquired in childhood. Any practice of self-knowledge (for example, meditation or psychotherapy) will be able to bring the energy of the 4th house to the surface and allow you to better understand it.

The highest point of the 4th house is the nadir. This place is located below everything on the map and symbolizes the depths of our consciousness.

Karakas: Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Mars.

Owner of 4 houses

In the first house

Focus on your home. Communication with the mother is positive. It is possible to receive an inheritance from her in the form of property, wealth. If the planet is in a good position, hard work and constant learning will bear fruit. The person will have a high level of education, a good reputation, good health. He will own property and personal vehicles.

In the second

Favorable family environment. Getting a decent education. The person will provide material support to his family. emotional stability. A career in real estate or land affairs, agriculture or other land-related activities. Thirst for money. The mother will help, using her connections.

In third

From the mother, perhaps, there will be little happiness. Relatives are the cause of the problems. If the planet is in a good position, a person will have all the basic material benefits only thanks to his strength and perseverance. Getting an education in foreign countries.

The location of the 3rd house relative to the 4th (according to the account it is the twelfth) negatively affects the areas of activity that belong to the 4th house.

In the fourth

The planet is located in its own house (svakshetra), so life will be very successful. Talent and luck throughout life. Pleasant communication with the mother. Events are favorable in many areas of activity, in particular: a good education, possession of a sufficient amount of property and material wealth. The person is well developed intellectually and spiritually, high awareness. Family and mother will be very important to him. Successful completion of affairs at the end of life.


High intelligence and education. Comfortable life. Ownership of property, transport, property by inheritance. Support from a mother or children who can achieve success in the field of physical activity (sports, games, entertainment industry). Emotional uplift through spiritual practices. Mother is a strong personality, she has a pleasant character or she is interested in spiritual things. Also, the mother can own wealth and provide assistance.

in the sixth

Good health and work. Possible conflict with the mother. Difficulties in the process of obtaining education, there may be breaks in training. The person will have good intuition. He will be able to be well aware of other people's emotions and feelings, emotionally he will help other people. The mother is in poor health or is involved in medicine. Maternal uncle is a successful person.

in the seventh

Favorable relationships and love. Strong emotional connection with a partner and mutual support, good luck in joint affairs. The couple have successful careers. Possible development of a family business. No property issues. Comfort, having your own land. The mother has a strong character.

in the eighth

A person with this position of the planets will be interested in the esoteric. Researcher, has good intuition and is interested in metaphysics. People will provide emotional support. There are few material goods, there may be problems with personal transport. Destructive communication with mother, hostility. Her life is short and filled with hardships.

Learning can come with challenges. Success in spiritual practices, self-realization.

In the ninth

Interest in philosophy and spirituality, good education. Relationships with parents are positive. The mother is lucky, highly educated and caring. She has a good character, religious. Communication with the Guru, love and obtaining higher knowledge. Success, own property and happiness. Craving for justice and benefit from some long journey.


Fame, positive reputation and leadership qualities. Great success in a career in education, land affairs. Good status. A person may be interested in politics and, perhaps, he will be in power.

in the eleventh

Making a profit is associated with training or real estate. Benefits from influential people, friends, family members on the mother's side. A person is successful and happy, his life is comfortable. He gets what he wants, desires are often fulfilled. Good financial position.

In the twelfth

Life is filled with limitations and suffering. In this case, the situation is very favorable for self-knowledge and spirituality. Happiness is found after death in a different plane of being. Lack of property, permanent housing, or a person lives with other people. Failures in many areas of life: poverty, negative communication with mother, lack of land, insufficiently good health, no degree and inheritance.

A person is more interested in spiritual practices, he is not attached to material things and tries to know himself. Visits sacred places, ashrams. It is possible to move to another country.

Planets in the 4th house


Kindness and a small number of close friends. Intellect is strongly shown, but a scientific degree may be absent. Frequent travel, property ownership. A career focused on a good deed or the good of the state. Such people maintain communication with influential personalities.


Conscious people with a developed mind and a craving for knowledge. Extensiveness of interests, travel and frequent change of residence. Openness and tact. They prefer beautiful corners of the planet for life, own property. Meeting good people. Selectivity and excessive demands in relation to other people.


Lots of passion. People who love competition, as a result, communication with them can be difficult. As a rule, they are respected in their environment of interaction, own property. In his personal life - divorces, several marriages. Unsuccessful investments in a dubious project and monetary losses are possible.


The priority of such people is family life, so they often become good parents. Lots of travel, decent education. They show sincerity in communication, but are quite demanding of people. Ownership of property and personal vehicles.


Life is going well. Love and success in the family. Such people are successful in teaching, become good parents, leaders or teachers. They own their own property, which can be considerable, help from parents is possible.


Emotionality and sensuality. Excellent relationship with parents. In personal life, happiness and comfort. Favorably develop events in the field of own property. Interest in art and aesthetics. Living in pleasant conditions, owning property or inheritance. Such people are interested in spirituality, it is comfortable to be with them. Social roles in which such people are successful: motherhood, creative professions, teaching.


Travel to foreign countries, achievements and success away from home. Poor health of the mother. Incomplete learning. Positive influence on children, become good parents. Significant property possible. Success in the field of publishing, agricultural activities or automotive production.

Alienation and contentment with little. Risk of breast and heart disease.


For such people, the material component of reality is important. Influential and promiscuous. They often make mistakes, fall into the illusion of the mind. Weak digestive organs and related diseases.


Spiritual people live far from their place of residence and often travel. They love to be in unusual places. They have few friends, loss of contact with their mother. A sharp change in professional position. Risk of heart disease.

This rubric Houses in Zodiac Signs where i tell about the meanings of astrological houses in your natal chart, the cusp of which falls into one of the 12 Zodiac Signs. Thus, in this rubric it is planned to have 144 articles about each position (the cusp of each of the 12 natal houses in each of the 12 Zodiac Signs. One article for each position).

Enjoy reading!

Today we will talk about the position of the cusp
4th house in Gemini.

So 4th house. Its main meanings are place of residence / land, house / dwelling, homeland, father or mother, traditions. By the position of the 4th house in the Sign of the Zodiac and by the planets that fell into the 4th house, one can determine what kind of connection a person has with his native home, what kind of relationship with one of the parents, even in what circumstances a person was brought up and grew up.

For a house whose cusp is in an air sign, and especially in Gemini, such concepts as sociability, lightness, mobility, a certain freedom are symbolic. All this in our case will be present in the family life of the owner of the fourth house in Gemini.
Home life can be interesting and eventful. Households can be friendly and sociable people. The atmosphere is light, cozy, laid-back, there are many conversations, there are often guests, good relations with neighbors. A person feels at home freely and comfortably. The house will be considered a resting place for body and soul.

One of the parents gives a lot of freedom, does not limit and takes into account the interests and needs of the native. In general, relations with parents are "airy", built on understanding and trust, and have an intellectual character.

People with this position in the natal chart are well mobile in terms of changing their place of residence, easy to climb. For them, this is no problem, whether the move is short and not far, or far and long. If you have to move, then such a person will not bother, and in the near future the suitcases will be packed.
Almost always ready for change and easily say goodbye to everything old. Starting life from scratch is not a problem for them.

Gemini is a double sign, which means that the native is likely to have several places of residence or places that he considers his home. It can mean a frequent change of residence, frequent moves (not long-distance, but rather from apartment to apartment / from summer cottage to house). A very symbolic airy-light interior in light colors, possibly two-story beds (especially in childhood - a person clearly dreamed of such). There may be several televisions (and any objects of Mercury (ruler of Gemini) - responsible for communication, information

(I emphasize that it says " dry"about the position of the house cusp in a certain Zodiac Sign, but keep in mind that if you also have Pluto, Saturn or any other planet in the same 4th house, this can give a different effect. And it also depends on how essential these planets are strong and what houses they rule, of course, aspects ... only taking into account all the data of the 4th house, it is already possible to draw a full conclusion ...)!

Your astrologer, Yana.

The fourth house is an angular house in the horoscope, so serious attention should be paid to its astrological analysis. This field represents the rear of a person, his support and life foundation. The native moves easily through life when he is supported by his family, parental or his own.

Many astrologers compare the Fourth House to the roots of a person. The feeling of belonging to a family, clan, nation, country gives a person confidence. He identifies with a certain clan and this gives him a sense of stability and security. Everyone wants to be an individual, but it is the involvement with the ancestors, the association of one's personality with previous generations that gives a true understanding of who we really are and what place we occupy in this world.

4th house and its characteristics

Analyzing the 4th field of the horoscope, one can obtain information about the origin of the native, about the parental family (in particular, and to a greater extent about the father), the circumstances of home life and the atmosphere that reigns in the family.

Good planets in the 4th house (Jupiter, Sun, Venus) will tell about a happy and prosperous childhood, good relationships with parents and a positive attitude of the owner of the horoscope. Such a person is distinguished by independence, homeliness, practicality and knows how to organize a comfortable space around him. The native likes to deal with land and real estate. They succeed especially easily if the luminaries in the 4th field are kind, strong and have many harmonious aspects. The main goal of a person with a rich and strong 4th field is to stand firmly on his feet and live in his own home.

The qualities of the planets that affect the 4th field of the horoscope will tell about the conditions that the subject will try to form in his house. For example, the energies of Neptune will create a secluded, relaxing and romantic atmosphere at home. Everything in it will tune in to achieving mutual understanding between family members, to spiritual development, playing music and any kind of creativity.

The 4th field is connected with the sign of Cancer and with the Moon. These two concepts reflect the emotional component of a person, as well as his need for relaxation, peace and rest. Home is the place where we strive to isolate ourselves from the hustle and hostility of the outside world. Here a person takes off his mask and becomes himself, communicating with loved ones. Home is the place where you can feel the psychological help and support of relatives.

Sometimes the latter is difficult due to the presence of evil and affected planets in the house (for example, Mars, Saturn, Uranus). Various complexes, fears and anxiety states can be the result of the influence of a dysfunctional 4th field, and therefore it is so important to work through childhood problems psychologically, deal with difficult relationships with parents, etc.

The value of the house in the compatibility analysis

When it is important to pay attention to whether the planets of one partner fall into the 4th field of the horoscope of the other partner. In marital compatibility, this aspect is especially important. For example, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter of the spouse, activating the 4th field of his wife, help her create a cozy and comfortable environment at home, inspire her to maintain positive, beautiful and harmonious relationships in the family.

Favorably aspected, strong Moon, which is in the 4th field of the partner, motivates him to create a trusting relationship with his spouse, makes him sensitive, sincere, caring and attentive. Family members are not afraid of deep feelings and close emotional connection. Intuition tells them the right decisions regarding living together and relationships.

Lecture 43
Sagittarius on IS (IS control in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the 4th house, IP control in conjunction with Jupiter).
A very good position, as Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is considered one of the most favorable Planets. Gives abundance, a large house both in area and in family composition. And here it is not at all necessary that there will be many children in the family, but then other relatives and just friends will enter the house.
This house will also be hospitable. There will not be much time devoted to how to feed, what to feed, how to serve, what to interest - which would be important for Taurus, Cancer or Leo. Everything here is in abundance, positive and fun.
Mom, as a rule, is interesting, cheerful, most often educated, very optimistic. It is likely socially realized. Maybe he holds some high position. Perhaps not, but all the same, she gives off a feeling of an influential, but at the same time very positive person. There is no Capricorn strictness and servility here, but all the same, mother is perceived by Nativ as a very authoritative and respected person who has a lot to learn from.
Naturally, in order to make the right decision, we must look at the Moon, Jupiter and the overall state of the 4th house. If their testimony does not contradict, then the mother will be perceived that way - cheerful, interesting, smart, educated, authoritative and respected. She will be seen as a person of broad views, allowing Nativ to have his own opinion, giving freedom and independence.
Very often, such a mother is more interested in adult children than small ones. It is easier for her to communicate with grown children. For Nativ, who has such indications in the 4th house, good contact with his mother is established when he begins to grow up - that is, when he becomes more interesting already in the mental sense.
The attitudes that a person has taken from childhood, as a rule, are also very positive, the world is full of opportunities and some unexpected discoveries. In life there is a place for luck, good luck. A person really wants to spread his influence, he really wants to have a big house, a big family or a house in which there are many people. It is not a fact that Nativ will have many children, since Capricorn is often on the cusp of the 5th house, but still a family consisting of brothers and sisters, nephews and aunts will be large.
In terms of real estate - an excellent indicator (if other indicators do not contradict). As a rule, it gives a lot of good, prestigious, large real estate. Jupiter loves the house to be large, so that there is a lot of everything, so that the apartment is not alone, so that the dacha is not alone. And size is more important to him than prestige in the sense that Libra, for example, is important.
Jupiter as the ruler of everything foreign, ruling the 4th house often tells us that a person will seek to leave. He is beckoned by distant lands, foreign shores. A person with such indicators constantly wants to change something, move. Jupiter will want improvements, therefore, as a rule, those changes in housing that Nativ undertakes are always associated with improving housing conditions (unless, of course, all interested indicators do not contradict). This is a good indication for the increase in real estate.
Sagittarius, like Aries, can be very inattentive when decorating a home - his optimism and inability to see details often give such a feature. But at the same time, Jupiter is still the ruler of a happy accident, and in addition, the ruler of jurisprudence, therefore, nevertheless, most often for the owner of such testimony, even his inattention ends without serious consequences.
As for the arrangement of the house - a large apartment, large rooms. As always with the Fiery ones, everything is light and bright. There may not be one strictly defined style here (although Sagittarius himself most likely will not agree with this). Sagittarians are very fond of things brought from afar, from abroad, and they are happy to decorate their homes with this. But if Venus, the Moon or other indicators of the 4th house do not indicate good taste and moderation, then quantity can prevail over quality, and it happens that the Streltsy house is more like a souvenir shop, where every single thing deserves attention and possibly admiration, but in the home interior look a little strange.
On the one hand, the house of an ordinary Sagittarius (on IP), not supported by strong indicators of refined taste, can be defined as “lack of style”, on the other hand, if style is a feature, then Sagittarius certainly HAS STYLE - his own, one that distinguishes him from everyone else - his style - "more beauty good and different" J
Old age, as a rule, is active, good, bright, interesting. Ideally, if the whole horoscope does not contradict this, a person can travel a lot at the end of his life. If not, then it may just be a very authoritative person, a very interesting and eventful old age.
There are many students, and here it is not necessary to be a teacher (which is not at all excluded), but all the same, if the corresponding indicators of the card do not contradict, then many people perceive such a person as their mentor. And he is not forgotten at the end of his life, they come to him, listen to him, consult with him.
Among his relatives, he is also, of course, authoritative and loved. He is very optimistic, and even if a little rude, there is still nothing offensive or harsh in his rudeness. He is very optimistic, and contagious with his enthusiasm and optimism. You will want to come to him in order to get a charge of inner joy, tune in to the best, see new perspectives, even in the most unhappy things.

Capricorn on IS (ex. IS in Capricorn, Saturn in the 4th house, ex. IS in conjunction with Saturn)
As well as with Scorpio, the state of the 4th house is not the most pleasant. Capricorn is responsible for the lack of something, and very often, when he is on the cusp of the 4th house, a person is missing his 4th house parent. He is either physically not in life - he died or is absent for other reasons, or perhaps this is a mother who worked very hard and was not physically at home, she was missed. She didn’t quit, she didn’t leave the house (this also happens, but these are still extremes, not the rule).
Mom can be present in life, but at the same time be not gentle, not affectionate. A mother may think that she does everything for her child, but she does it through work, through earning more money, so that the child goes to the best school, has the opportunity to go to college, etc. Moreover, it is very likely that this house will not be rich, but the mother will struggle to provide her child with an appropriate level for a “start” in life.
Most often, this is how mothers, with a strong dominant of Capricorn, see their care and maternal duty (and Capricorns generally perceive everything through duty and duties).
Therefore, the relationship of Nativ with such evidence with his mother, as a rule, is devoid of affection, tenderness, and personal contact. And a person often thinks that his mother is not interested in him at all, builds his career, follows his goal, and he is only an obstacle in her path.
Mom is strict, mom is tough. In her desire to instill discipline in Nativa, she acts peremptorily. It is very difficult for her to resist, to resist, because in her decisions she does not see any options and alternatives.
Mom is dry and rather unfriendly to her own child.
Capricorn on IP most often indicates that Nativ's childhood did not pass in abundance. Most likely, there were cramped conditions here, perhaps the parents had to work several jobs to make ends meet.
True, it should be noted that it also happens that this is a rich house, but nevertheless, there is no place for excesses in it. Even rich parents in this case do not spoil their child. They believe that he has everything he needs, and this is enough for a normal life. Even in a well-to-do family, Nativ often has to dream that children from much less wealthy families, but with more generous parents, have. The fact is that such a parent believes that all kinds of tenderness interfere with growing up, that an “extra” toy will give a feeling of permissiveness and deprive a person of an understanding of “how hard it is to get money.” And such a position, on the one hand, is aimed at a very early maturation of Nativ, and outwardly he really becomes an adult early, for example, he often goes to work early, but INTERNALLY they overwhelmingly have many personal problems, like unloved people.
There is a feeling of distrust towards the world from the category of “they can’t love me just like that! They love only for achievements. “They can’t give me a gift just like that! They probably want something from me, ”etc.
Deep inside him "sitting" such attitudes that prevent a person from enjoying life, believing in his value and significance, accepting life as something good and kind. The world in Nativ's eyes looks like something very limiting, like a place where nothing is given just like that.
It is not in vain that Capricorn, in which Jupiter falls, is advised by astrologers in chorus to develop a breadth of perception in oneself, to develop faith in a happy event, in good people, etc.
The exiled Moon in Capricorn gives the feeling that the world is not safe, that everyone wants something from you, that no one will love you just like that.
A rather heavy installation was received by a person as a “gift” from his parents, simply because they didn’t like him, didn’t care, didn’t let him be small.
Such a person always wants to correspond to the image, the bar that the mother sets. And it can be very difficult to match her, hence many internal fears “I’m not as good as my mother hopes”, “My mother won’t praise me”. With the slightest defeat of Saturn, as the ruler of the 4th house, earning mother's praise is simply unrealistic.
The map is amazing! People unfamiliar with astrology cannot understand most of life's vicissitudes, some twisted psychological models. But it is worth looking at the map, as it becomes clear that for the rest of the "dark forest".
People who have Capricorn in the 4th house, and therefore in the vast majority of cases, internally completely defenseless and frightened, will always go to one single cherished goal - to their MS - to CANCER !!! To the life when they can calm down and be themselves! They are looking for safety all their lives! They gravitate towards people who can "replace their mother."
If you find this indicator in your map, then in addition to remembering your own mother, remember that you can build just such a house! Especially great attention should be paid to those who in their chart also see the Moon in Capricorn, and even more so to those who see the 4th house, or the Moon in Capricorn, or the Black Moon in the 4th house of their children! Watch your manifestations, do not think - “I lived like that, and nothing!” because that's exactly what "nothing" is - nothing good! Do not repeat the mistakes of your mothers - remember, the task of any Capricorn is to find your Moon - to find your tenderness, trembling, emotionality, to find your ability to be a REAL MOTHER, etc.
As for real estate. It is rare when Capricorn at an early age gives Nativa some great real estate.
Although I must admit that sometimes it does happen. At the same time, the house can be rich, but living in it is still “barracks” - a food ration, plus a norm for clothes, strict rules, a strict daily routine, a regimen, scolded for “fours”, etc.
But more often than not, Capricorn in IP indicates hardship early in life. Capricorn is gaining momentum over time, and often (if other indicators do not contradict), it says that by the end of life there will be its own real estate and very good one. Again, prestigious.
Capricorns have very high ambitions, very high social goals, and 4-house Capricorns absorbed this with their mother's milk. And by the end of life (if there are no serious defeats in the relevant indicators), they come with very good real estate, often with their own house - a mansion. And let them go to it for a long time, perhaps throughout their lives, but it will already be appropriate!
There may not be a lot of real estate here, but what will be will be good. Saturn is the ruler of real estate, and besides, an indicator of old age, therefore, approaching this very old age, people rarely do not acquire their own decent housing.
In addition, it can be commercial real estate - especially since this is a direct Saturnian signification.
But, even though they will have everything, they often retain a sense of anxiety - to be afraid that the times when they had to live in very cramped circumstances will return. Therefore, until the end of their lives, they remain very disciplined, thoughtful, very responsible for their own budget (but here, of course, it is necessary to consider the indicators of the 2nd house).
They buy only good and expensive things, so that if something suddenly goes wrong and there is no money, they are protected as much as possible and protected from serious difficulties.
In terms of interior decoration, unaffected Saturn as ex. 4 houses and an unaffected Moon will give reasonable and high-quality minimalism and perfect order. Serious defeats can be given to people who drag all sorts of discarded things from the street, clog their house with old rubbish - these are also attempts to protect themselves, inspire themselves with the thought that “if anything, I, firstly, I have everything, and secondly, I know where to get!".
In the normal case, household duties are distributed among households and the card holder strictly monitors their observance.
As for old age, of course, you need to take care of your health so as not to come to it burdened with serious or chronic diseases. Capricorn can give poor health, but at the same time, Saturn rules time, and being in a good position, often indicates longevity.
It is unlikely that they will be very mobile at the end of their lives, they often get sick, but as a rule, in the absence of serious lesions of the horoscope, they live a long time. Therefore, seeing such indicators in the 4th house, take care to be healthy and enjoy your life for a long time and with pleasure.
A 4-house Capricorn will do well to retire, take a position in the house committee, a gardening partnership, or become the head of the parent committee at his grandchildren's school, etc. - the point is to be able to lead an active social life in old age.
Such a person in old age, as a rule, comes to a serious authority, he is respected - both by his family and in society. It is not always necessary to talk about great love for Nativ here, but they will always respect and listen to his experience (again, if all interested indicators do not contradict this).

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