How to treat stomatitis at home. Stomatitis: treatment in adults at home. How to cure aphthous stomatitis -

How to treat stomatitis in the mouth at home - the best medicines and methods

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Effective treatment of stomatitis at home is possible, but only with the use of modern drugs that are freely sold through the pharmacy network. Only folk methods will not be able to cope with the disease, especially if the inflammation has a neglected chronic form. To get rid of the disease, it is necessary first of all to determine the type of disease and establish the causes of the infectious-inflammatory process.

Why does stomatitis appear

It is believed to be the most common. This is facilitated by the imperfect work of local immunity and the habit of taking foreign objects into the mouth. The oral mucosa in a child is vulnerable, sensitive, prone to inflammation, and the protective functions of saliva are not fully expressed, which also increases the risk of development. Most children in the first years of life are diagnosed with viral childhood stomatitis (herpetic), which affects mainly infants.

In adults, the following forms occur:

  • herpetic;
  • aphthous;
  • Vincent;
  • prosthetic.

Most often in adults there are aphthous and herpetic stomatitis. Treatment in adults largely depends on the type of disease and the severity of clinical manifestations.

The dentist must determine the form. Only a specialist can say for sure how to treat stomatitis at home without risks to health and teeth and with maximum efficiency.

Features of the treatment of various forms of stomatitis in adults

The disease has common manifestations: inflammation of the gums, hyperemia, the appearance of white or yellow plaque, ulcers, severe pain during eating, bad breath. But the treatment is always determined taking into account the nature of the disease.

Photo - an ulcer on the lip

Herpetic form

It goes on for several weeks. It starts with a slight malaise and headaches, fever. Perhaps an increase in regional lymph nodes. In the oral cavity, one can notice edematous and hyperemic mucosa.

Against the background of this clinical picture, after a few days, small bubbles appear in the lips, cheeks and tongue, filled with a cloudy or clear liquid. A few days later, small erosions appear on the site of the blistering rash, covered with a yellowish fibrin film. The gum tissue of the teeth has a bright red tint. Rashes can also appear in the corners of the lips.

Video about what helps with stomatitis:

How to treat herpetic form at home

Herpetic stomatitis appears due to an exacerbation of the herpes virus. For effective treatment, antiviral drugs are prescribed quickly, during the first 2-3 days from the onset of oral disease. They are especially effective until the moment when the bubbles begin to burst and turn into erosion.

Antivirals allow you to have a systemic effect on the herpes virus. The drug should be selected by the attending physician. It is recommended to give preference to modern means, which include Famciclovir, Valavir and others. The dose of drugs depends on the form and severity of the symptoms of inflammation in the oral cavity.

Recently, dentists have been practicing a single use of high-dose antiviral drugs.

Tablets must be combined with local treatment at home. Effective in the herpetic form are applications with interferon (Viferon-gel), which increases the activity of the immune system and provides protection of the mucous membrane from infectious pathogens. The gel is smeared on the oral cavity and teeth dried with a gauze swab several times a day for a week. The drug can be used, including in childhood.

In herpetic stomatitis, it is recommended to use immunostimulants ( Amiksin, Imudon), which prevent frequent relapses. In addition, it is necessary to use multivitamin complexes in courses. Frequent rinsing of the mouth and teeth is the key to a quick recovery. Miramistin solution can be used as an antiseptic.

Features of the treatment of aphthous stomatitis

A common cause of appearance is damage to the sensitive mucosa by uneven and sharp edges of the teeth, rough food. Aphthae resemble solitary ulcers that appear on the lips, cheeks and tongue, oral cavity. Erosions have a rounded shape, a bright red rim.

Often, the aphthous type appears against the background of food and drug allergies, due to a decrease in immunity and the development of chronic liver diseases.

When treating aphtha at home, it is important to consider the likely causes of the disease. If the disease provokes an allergic reaction, be sure to prescribe antihistamines. Locally painful sores are treated with painkillers, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Stomatofit-A.

In the first days from the onset of the disease, it is necessary to rinse the mouth and teeth as often as possible using Miramistin. After rinsing, aphthae must be treated with an anesthetic gel with anti-inflammatory properties of Holisal. Rinse inflammation and smear ulcers at least 4-5 times a day. Hydrogen peroxide will also help.

The chronic course of aphthous stomatitis requires a comprehensive examination of the oral cavity and organs of the digestive tract. Often, experts identify staphylococcus, which lives in carious foci. To prevent recurrence of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to cure the affected teeth as soon as possible and remove soft and hard deposits on the enamel.

Treatment of Vincent's stomatitis at home

Ulcerative-necrotic form of stomatitis develops against the background of active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and poor quality of oral care. The weakening of local immunity and bad habits, especially smoking, contribute to the disease.

Vincent is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, hyperemia and bleeding of the gums, dryness and the appearance of an unpleasant putrefactive odor from the oral cavity.

Brushing your teeth is not possible due to severe pain, which makes even light touching in the mouth impossible.

If stomatitis is not treated, it threatens to turn into a chronic form with sluggish manifestations.

Video on how to organize the treatment of stomatitis in adults at home:

This form requires prior consultation with a doctor. The specialist will prescribe home treatment of stomatitis in adults, which necessarily includes:

  • antibiotic therapy course for 10-14 days;
  • antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity using Chlorhexidine, analgesic and anti-inflammatory gels Holisal, Metrogil-dent;
  • antihistamines course of at least 10 days.

With a significant increase in temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. Also possible. To increase local immunity, it is recommended to use multivitamin preparations and immunostimulants for 3-6 months. They are suitable for adults, teenagers and children.

Treatment of prosthetic stomatitis in the mouth

Prosthetic stomatitis can be allergic or bacterial in nature. The main symptom of the disease is hyperemic mucosa, which looks edematous and causes severe pain during meals. The main reason is that the dental technician or dentist did a poor job, implantation was done incorrectly. Allergic materials may be used during the manufacture of removable dentures for teeth.

It also often occurs due to poor maintenance of structures or permanent injuries to the mucosa with an excess part of the prosthesis.

In any case, you must contact the doctor who performed the prosthetics. He will examine the teeth, deal with the causes, correct the identified defects and tell you how to treat stomatitis in the mouth.

If you eliminate the effect of causative factors, you can limit yourself to a course of antiseptic rinses With using and gel Holisal. The disease resolves on its own within 7-10 days. Cholisal is applied each time under a denture until the symptoms disappear.

Treatment of stomatitis at home with the help of folk remedies

You can remove stomatitis yourself with folk remedies only with a mild form of the disease. Efficiency depends on the regularity of rinsing with solutions with antiseptic properties. It is recommended to irrigate the oral mucosa at least 4-5 times a day.

Together with rinsing, a part of pathogenic microorganisms is removed, which helps to reduce the signs of the inflammatory process.

But before choosing folk remedies for home treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Some recipes are potentially dangerous for the teeth and mucous membranes, which are sensitive during illness. It is forbidden to use aggressive and concentrated formulations, especially garlic and onion infusions, undiluted iodine. Such remedies further injure the oral cavity and increase the symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Homemade ointment with novocaine

To cure stomatitis with an ointment with anesthetic novocaine, you need to take a tablespoon of honey and olive oil, add egg white and the contents of an ampoule of novocaine to them. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. It is necessary to treat the affected mucosa with ointment 3-4 times a day, combining this method with traditional methods (antiseptic solutions, gels). The remedy is also suitable for children's stomatitis.

Potato application

Potato accelerates the regeneration of the mucosa. Grate the vegetable and mix with a little olive oil. It is recommended to keep the finished slurry in the mouth for several minutes, and then rinse the mucous membrane with boiled water and treat stomatitis with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine).

At home, you can use aloe juice. But a plant that is at least 2-3 years old has medicinal properties. The leaves must be cut, washed, peeled and squeezed out the juice, which is used to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day. You can just keep the aloe gruel in your mouth for 2-3 minutes.

Calendula tincture against disease

Alcohol tincture must be diluted with boiled water and rinsed with her mouth as often as possible. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, especially effective in the fungal form. Take 15-20 drops of alcohol tincture per glass of boiled water.

The use of soda

It has a detrimental effect on many infectious pathogens. In terms of effectiveness, it stands next to other folk remedies. It can be used for home treatment of stomatitis, but only as part of complex therapy. In a glass of boiled warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda, stir and rinse the oral cavity with the finished composition several times a day.

Preventive actions

Prevention is an important stage of medical procedures. If the action of provoking factors is not eliminated, the disease will turn into a chronic relapsing form. Prevention should primarily include quality dental care. Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms constantly grow on the surface of the enamel, which can cause not only inflammation of the gums and caries, but also stomatitis. The inflammatory process often covers the ENT organs with the development of pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. Children need to be taught the basics of hygiene and how to clean their mouths.

Good hygiene includes brushing your teeth, gums, mouth, tongue with toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Particular attention is paid to strengthening general and local immunity. Immunostimulators warn. The finished product, which increases the protective properties of the body, is Imudon. You can use resorption products with echinacea, as well as use well-known folk remedies. With a relapsing type, vitamins are required. The diet should include vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants (vitamins A, E, C) and other substances involved in the body's immune responses.

Video about how to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth:

The immune system of the child's body is not yet fully functional, as a result of which a small child is more susceptible to various diseases. In particular, this applies to such an unpleasant disease of the oral cavity as stomatitis, which is more common in children. The wide prevalence among kids is associated with their natural desire to explore the world: they put everything in their mouths and actively communicate with other children on playgrounds and in kindergarten.

Stomatitis is one of the most common diseases in children of all ages.

Types of stomatitis in a child

Stomatitis can be classified according to its form, severity and the cause that provoked the development of the disease. In medicine, there are 2 stages of the course of the disease:

  1. Acute. This form is characterized by a sudden onset, a rapid course and pronounced symptoms.
  2. Chronic or recurrent. Acute stomatitis passes into it without proper and timely treatment. It can last for years with almost imperceptible symptoms, which periodically worsen.

Depending on the cause of stomatitis, it happens:

  • Herpetic or herpes. It is a consequence of the defeat of the oral cavity with the herpes virus.
  • Infectious - viral or bacterial. May be a concomitant symptom of influenza, measles, chickenpox, tonsillitis, pneumonia or sinusitis.
  • Candidiasis. Popularly known as thrush. You can recognize it by the white coating in the mouth.
  • Aphthous. This type of stomatitis in children is associated with a lack or excess of B vitamins (B1, B12).
  • Ulcerative necrotic. Due to the consequences to which it can lead, it is considered the most dangerous of all varieties. The danger lies in the necrosis of the mucous membrane of the mouth, gums, cheeks.

Aphthous stomatitis

According to the severity, stomatitis is divided into 3 groups:

  1. easy;
  2. average;
  3. heavy.

The mild form can be described by minor manifestations of the corresponding symptoms. In the case of moderate severity, the symptoms become more pronounced. The severe stage is characterized not only by the pronounced severity of symptoms and their widespread prevalence, but also by the deterioration in the general condition of the child.

The main causes of plaque and ulcers

To prevent the development of stomatitis, some of the varieties of which affect not only the mucous membrane in the mouth, but can also lead to general intoxication of the body, disorders in the immune and nervous systems, it is necessary to have information about what can provoke it, especially in children.

The main factors that cause the appearance of plaque and ulcers are:

  • a disease of an infectious or viral nature;
  • reduced immunity;
  • hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins in the body);
  • close contact with a person with stomatitis;
  • dysbacteriosis and impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver disease;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • injury to the oral mucosa due to burns or physical impact;
  • inadequate oral care and poor hygiene, such as dirty hands in the mouth.

Herpetic stomatitis

The most common types of stomatitis in children are herpetic and aphthous. The first is due to the herpes virus. In newborns, herpetic stomatitis can develop as a result of infection of the baby from the mother during childbirth.

Aphthous stomatitis is provoked by bacteria of various etiologies that enter the oral cavity with dirty hands or due to caries. For one-year-old children and schoolchildren, another common cause of stomatitis is frequent illnesses.

Symptoms of the disease in children

The symptoms of stomatitis directly depend on its variety. However, there are a number of common signs characteristic of any stomatitis, namely:

  1. Redness of the affected area and swelling of the nearby area. All these signs precede the formation of the ulcers themselves on the gums, palate, tonsils, tongue, or the inside of the cheeks and lips.
  2. The appearance of ulcerative lesions. They are white sores with a red rim with a white film in the center, as can be seen in the photo (we recommend reading:).
  3. Painful sensations. Because of them, it becomes difficult for the child to chew food, talk, and lead a normal life.

Candidal stomatitis (more in the article:)

Other associated symptoms of stomatitis include:

  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • bleeding gums;
  • the presence of bad breath;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

General approaches to the treatment of childhood stomatitis

For the reason that stomatitis greatly complicates the life of the child, namely, it negatively affects meals and communication, thereby preventing its normal development, parents are looking for quick and effective methods to overcome this problem. It is important to start therapy at an early stage and not start the disease. It is necessary to fight not only with the symptoms of stomatitis, which is often the result of another disease, but also to treat its root cause.

To diagnose stomatitis in a child will help a general practitioner - a pediatrician

Be sure to show the child to a pediatric dentist. Regardless of which therapy is prescribed, in order to speed up recovery and alleviate the condition, general therapeutic principles for stomatitis should be followed at home:

  1. Separate dishes. It should be boiled after each feeding.
  2. Personal towel. None of the family members, except the patient, should wipe themselves with it.
  3. Temporary isolation. Relevant if there are other children in the house.
  4. Daily wet cleaning and airing of the room where the sick baby is located.
  5. Nutrition review. A child with stomatitis should not overeat, must drink plenty of warm liquids. Do not give cold or hot food. It is necessary to exclude sweet and salty foods from the diet.
  6. Getting vitamins and minerals. Dairy products, vegetable and fruit juices are perfect for this.

Features of the treatment of stomatitis in infants

Treatment of stomatitis in young children, and especially in newborns, is complicated by the fact that many medications and traditional medicine are contraindicated for the child's body.

Due to the high sensitivity to the components in the composition of medicines or to natural herbs, the child may experience an allergic reaction or other serious complications. For this reason, the methods of how and how to treat stomatitis in infants are very limited.

With stomatitis in newborns, special attention should be paid to:

  • Handling bottles, mother's breasts and nipples, pacifiers and toys. To do this, you can use baking soda diluted in a glass of water, a decoction of calendula or chamomile, prepared in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 250 ml of boiled water.
  • Oral hygiene. Up to a year, the oral mucosa and tongue of the child are treated with special wipes soaked in xylitol or other antiseptic.

Therapy of the disease in children 2 years of age and older

In children over 2-3 years old, the arsenal of methods for combating stomatitis at home becomes a little wider. At this age, babies can already be taught to rinse their mouths with various folk decoctions or medications that produce an antiseptic effect. For example, you can take a glass of warm water and beat an egg white in it. Rinse your mouth with this 3 times a day.

The course of therapy necessarily includes rinsing with antiseptic solutions.

In addition to rinsing, it is possible to treat the sores themselves with the help of herbal preparations, such as:

  • kalanchoe;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • carrot;
  • Oak bark.

All decoctions or rinses should be at room temperature, so they should be warmed up before use. After recovery, you need to continue treatment for a few more days.

Preparations for the treatment of children at home

Medications that help cure stomatitis in children at home are divided according to the effect they have:

  1. Painkillers. Among them are Kamistad Baby gel, Lidochlor, Holisal. Pain relief and relieve inflammation.
  2. Healing. For example, Vinylin, Solcoseryl, Stomatofit.
  3. Antiviral. They include Oscalin and Tebrofen ointment, Acyclovir 5%.
  4. Antifungal. Among them are Nystatin, which destroys fungi of the genus Candida, Iodinol, which fights yeast and pathogenic fungi, as well as Candide, Levorin, Clotrimazole, Candizol.
  5. Antihistamines. For example, solutions and syrups such as Fenistil, Cetrin, Erius, Claritin, Zirtek.

Oxolinic ointment is the most effective remedy in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis

A special place in therapy is occupied by antiseptic and antimicrobial agents. These include:

  1. Lugol solution. Removes redness, kills germs.
  2. Metrogil Denta. The drug with antimicrobial action, allowed from 6 years.
  3. Furacilin. The peculiarity of Furacilin is that it is suitable for the treatment of all types of stomatitis. To prepare the solution, you will need 1 tablet of Furacilin and a glass of hot water.
  4. Zelenka. Acts as a fast-acting antiseptic.
  5. Streptocid. You can chew the tablet or apply powder to the wounds. Streptocide is characterized by bactericidal action.
  6. Malavit. The natural preparation Malavit also anesthetizes, deodorizes and relieves puffiness.
  7. Others include Trypsin, Hexoral, Tandum Verde, Oracept and Miramistin.

Folk remedies for therapy

Any treatment becomes more effective if approached comprehensively.

Folk remedies alone will not help get rid of stomatitis, but along with drug therapy and adherence to the basic principles of treatment, they will speed up the healing process itself and can improve the patient's condition, especially when it comes to a small child.

Herbal infusions for rinsing

The most common method of self-treatment of stomatitis is considered to be rinsing with decoctions from the collections of various herbs. The most effective are:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • St. John's wort.

The above remedies are known for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Calendula is even used to treat the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue in newborns.

Product use

Possessing certain beneficial properties, some of the foodstuffs carry not only nutritional value, but can also act as a remedy for stomatitis.

Raw grated potatoes are used to relieve swelling in stomatitis

For example:

  1. Raw grated potatoes. has healing properties. It should be applied to wounds for 10-15 minutes three times a day.
  2. Onion peel. Three teaspoons of fine husks should be poured with hot water and boiled. Leave to infuse for up to 8 hours, strain and use for rinsing.
  3. Garlic. Crushed cloves are mixed with warm kefir in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture should be applied to the wounds for several minutes up to three times a day.
  4. Egg white. Whisk it in 100 ml of water and rinse your mouth with it.
  5. Blueberry. You can eat berries or rinse your mouth with a decoction of its leaves.

The use of natural oils

Natural oils that effectively cope with stomatitis include:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • rosehip oil.

Thanks to these folk remedies, the regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated and their overall strengthening is carried out. They should be applied 3-4 times a day after meals and at night. Before applying oils, it is necessary to clean damaged skin or mucous membranes.

Stomatitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, provoking their visible damage. The disease develops due to the negative effects of pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses or allergic agents. Before treating stomatitis at home, it is necessary to establish its cause. Otherwise, therapy will not bring the desired result or the disease will take a sluggish chronic form.

Only a doctor can determine the causative agent of stomatitis after deciphering the results of laboratory tests. After establishing the diagnosis and prescribing drugs, the treatment of pathology is carried out in compliance with all medical recommendations.

Where to start treatment

Only the correct treatment of inflammatory foci and compliance with personal hygiene standards will help to quickly and effectively cure stomatitis. In the case of frequent relapses of the pathology or its transition to a severe form, the attending physician should be notified. The development of events according to such a negative scenario indicates the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or a malfunction of the endocrine glands. After a thorough examination, the patient will be prescribed pharmacological preparations that will eliminate not only stomatitis, but also the cause of its occurrence.

In addition to drawing up a therapeutic scheme, dentists give a number of recommendations, following which will significantly speed up recovery. In order for the infection not to spread to neighboring healthy areas, you need to follow certain rules:

  • stop smoking or limit the number of cigarettes at least for the duration of treatment. The nicotine contained in tobacco dries out the mucous membranes of the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks, and slows down their regeneration;
  • drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water. Drinking plenty of water is necessary to flush out bacteria, viruses and fungi from the oral cavity, as well as toxic products of their vital activity;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages. Ethyl alcohol distorts the pharmacological action of almost all drugs, which causes numerous complications;
  • cook food without spices and spices, with a minimum amount of salt. These flavorings strongly irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the gums and tongue, and when food gets on open wounds, a person experiences severe pain;
  • purchase toothpaste with medicinal herbs and a minimum amount of chemical compounds. Sodium lauryl sulfate, which is found in many hygiene products, often provokes excessive dryness in the mouth, and causes stomatitis.

Often this pathology develops with fluctuations in the level of hormones in the body during menopause, pregnancy or the menstrual cycle. The doctor, after examining the general condition of the woman, will prescribe drugs for hormone replacement therapy or give general recommendations for the prevention of stomatitis.

Treatment with drugs at home

You can cure stomatitis at home with the help of pharmacy ointments, tablets and solutions. Often, doctors recommend using products made according to recipes of traditional healers based on honey, vegetable juices and infusions from herbs and roots as healing rinses. A necessary condition for a quick recovery is strong immunity, therefore, simultaneously with the use of antifungal or antiviral ointments, patients are prescribed immunostimulating drugs.


The development of stomatitis of any etiology significantly reduces the quality of life of both adults and children. A person is simply afraid to eat any food, so as not to experience pain again. This condition is especially characteristic of the ulcerative form of the pathology, when the damage affected both the oral mucosa and deeper tissues. To improve the patient's well-being and eliminate pain, dentists prescribe the following drugs:

  • Cameton and Ingalipt. These sprays are intended not only for the treatment of the throat, but also for the treatment of the oral cavity with stomatitis of various origins. The essential oils of eucalyptus and mint included in the composition have an analgesic effect, and also slow down the spread of the inflammatory process;
  • Lidocaine. Recently, a dosage form of Lidocaine in the form of a spray from different manufacturers has appeared on the shelves of pharmacies. A convenient nozzle allows you to spray a jet of the drug directly on the areas where pain occurs;
  • Kamistad. The combined drug contains Lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. And chamomile extract has powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The drug is available in the form of a gel, so it is easily absorbed by the oral mucosa;
  • Instillagel. Polycomponent agent with antiseptic and analgesic action. Chlorhexidine is active against yeast fungi, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The anesthetic effect is manifested 5–10 minutes after the use of the drug.

The above sprays and gels, in addition to the analgesic effect, also show an antiseptic effect. This does not allow using them for long-term treatment, as they can overdry the mucous membranes of the cheeks, gums, palate, and tongue.

Ingalipt eliminates inflammation in the treatment of stomatitis at home

Means for the treatment of the oral cavity

In the absence of medical intervention or the use of medications that are not intended for the treatment of a certain type of stomatitis, small wounds and cracks become larger and turn into extensive inflammatory foci. And with the ulcerative form of the disease, significant damage to the gums and the inside of the cheeks is formed almost immediately. Pathogenic bacteria quickly penetrate into areas unprotected by the mucous membrane, complicating the course of viral and fungal stomatitis.

Areas with inflammation and ulcers should be regularly cleaned of bacterial plaque. The means used for this not only destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but also contribute to the rapid healing of injuries. For the treatment of the oral cavity, it is advisable for an adult to use such ointments and solutions:

  • Miramistin in the form of a solution or aerosol. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and local immunoadjuvant effects. An antiseptic is able to destroy various pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, protozoa, fungi and bacteria. Miramistin destroys the shells of microbes, accelerating their death. The drug activates phagocytic cells, helping to strengthen local immunity;
  • Lugol spray. The antiseptic has a pronounced healing effect, accelerating the regeneration of the oral mucosa. The composition of the drug includes molecular iodine, to which pathogenic bacteria and yeast fungi are sensitive. Spray Lugol also contains glycerin, softening and moisturizing the inner surface of the cheeks, palate and gums;
  • hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptic belongs to the group of antioxidants. Upon contact of the drug with damaged mucous membranes, active oxygen is released. Under its influence, necrotic tissue areas, as well as clots of pus and blood, soften and separate.

To treat the oral cavity, you can use a proven folk remedy - a solution of baking soda. To prepare it, dilute a tablespoon of the powder in a glass of warm water. Rinse should be used at least 5-6 times a day. Soda solution helps to accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes, reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and discomfort.

All antimicrobial agents are quite aggressive. Exceeding the duration of the treatment recommended by the doctor often causes darkening of the tooth enamel and burns. The usual therapeutic course of stomatitis of any origin does not take more than 10-14 days. If during this time there has not been a serious improvement, then it is necessary to stop the use of antimicrobials and consult a doctor. He will replace ointments and solutions with other, more effective means.

You can treat stomatitis at home with a soda solution

How to treat fungal pathology

Fungal (candidiasis) stomatitis is more often diagnosed in young children, but it also affects adults with low immunity. This form of the disease responds well to treatment at home, especially if certain rules are followed.

Full recovery will come in a week with the use of the following drugs:

  • solution and ointment Clotrimazole;
  • solution and ointment Candide.

For therapeutic rinses, you can use a 2% solution of boric acid or a 0.02% dilution of furacilin. You should also treat the oral cavity with Chlorhexidine and infusions of medicinal herbs several times a day.

How to quickly cure a viral disease

Cure herpetic stomatitis with home remedies will not work. Pathology can be eliminated only with special antiviral ointments, gels, and, if necessary, tablets:

  • cream and tablets Acyclovir (Zovirax);
  • Tebrofen ointment;
  • ointment Interferon;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • ointment Viru-merz-serol.

Viral stomatitis always develops against the background of a decrease in the body's resistance to infectious pathogens. Echinacea tincture, Immunal, Amiksin and vitamins with trace elements - Vitrum, Supradin, Complivit, Centrum will help improve immunity.

Treatment of bacterial lesions of the oral cavity

You can treat bacterial stomatitis at home with sprays, tablets and solutions with antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. The drugs have the ability to destroy the outer cell membranes, which prevents the growth and reproduction of bacteria. These medicines include:

  • lozenges Doctor Thais Sage;
  • Kameton, Ingalipt, Geksoral in the form of aerosols;
  • Hexoral tabs tablets for resorption;
  • gels Holisal and Kamistad;
  • oil solution Chlorophyllipt.

Traditional healers advise lubricating the gums and the inner surface of the cheeks with sea buckthorn and rosehip oil. They contain many biologically active substances that destroy pathogenic bacteria and accelerate the regeneration of the oral mucosa.

Holisal helps to quickly cure bacterial stomatitis at home

What helps with aphthous pathology

It is possible to cure aphthous stomatitis only after establishing its cause. And this is rather difficult, since the mechanism of the development of the disease is not fully understood. Most experts are inclined to the version of the allergic origin of the pathology, but there is an opinion about the viral etiology. In the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, the following medications are used:

  • antihistamines - Zirtek, Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadin;
  • for the treatment of the oral cavity - Carotolin, Lugol spray, Tantum Verde solution and aerosol;
  • antiviral - Zovirax, Acyclovir, Bonafton;
  • antibacterial - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Iodinol;
  • immunostimulants and vitamins - Centrum, Alphabet, Selmevit, Immunal, ginseng tincture.

Folk remedies are also effective in the treatment of aphthous pathology. Flower honey helps to reduce the severity of inflammation, eliminate discomfort. It is necessary to lubricate the mucous membranes of the mouth with it 2-3 times a day.

Traditional medicine recipes

Before starting to treat stomatitis with folk remedies, it is important to establish an infectious agent. If the patient is diagnosed with a catarrhal bacterial type of the disease, then the mouth should be rinsed frequently. To do this, you can use warm water or strong black tea. Well proven in the treatment of various forms of stomatitis rinsing with vegetable juices, such as cabbage or carrot.

  • reduce the aggressiveness of the antimicrobial drug;
  • accelerate the healing of damaged mucous membranes.

At home, you can treat stomatitis with rinses from medicinal herbs

To eliminate tissue swelling and pain, traditional medicine suggests using grated raw potatoes. It must be placed in a bandage or gauze and applied to inflamed gums. Healers also recommend using a solution of homemade curdled milk and propolis tincture as a rinse.

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs help speed up recovery due to their anti-inflammatory effect. The most effective are:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • marigold;
  • eucalyptus;
  • St. John's wort.

An adult can use a mixture of herbs or brew them separately. To prepare a therapeutic rinse, pour a tablespoon of dry vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Pharmacies sell ready-made herbal preparations for treating the oral cavity. Immediately after rinsing, you need to lubricate the gums and the inner surface of the cheeks with honey.

Linseed has enveloping, antiseptic and healing properties.

To prepare homemade rinse, you need 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable raw materials crushed in a coffee grinder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist under the lid for 3-4 hours. Strain, squeeze out the residue and rinse your mouth several times a day after each meal.

Subject to all medical recommendations, pain and inflammation will disappear without a trace after 7-14 days. Treatment of stomatitis with folk remedies should be carried out simultaneously with the use of pharmacological preparations. This will significantly speed up recovery and help avoid the transition of the disease into a chronic form that is difficult to treat.

The search for ways to explain how to quickly cure stomatitis in the mouth becomes relevant, since this disease is very painful. It is difficult to choose an adequate treatment technique on your own, since sores appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth for various reasons.


In accordance with the course of the disease, various forms of stomatitis can be diagnosed when signs of ulceration appear in the oral cavity:

  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • recurrent.

Depending on the causes provoking the appearance of ulceration of the mucosa, the following types of stomatitis are distinguished:

  • traumatic;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • allergic.

According to the clinical manifestations of stomatitis is:

  • catarrhal;
  • ulcerative;
  • aphthous.

For each form of stomatitis localized in the mouth, an appropriate treatment is selected. Quickly get rid of sores that cause severe pain will allow the timely use of drugs.


There are several basic methods for the treatment of stomatitis, usually used in combination.

  • Pain relief procedures. The most commonly used creams, ointments. Rinsing helps.
  • Removal of inflammation. The doctor prescribes drugs - antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal, focusing on the identified causes of the disease.
  • Compliance with a special diet. Extremely hot dishes that injure the mucous membrane are excluded from the diet. It is also not recommended to take cold, sour, spicy foods.

Often included in the list of therapeutic measures are recipes of traditional medicine. When choosing them, contraindications must be taken into account.

To quickly cure stomatitis in the mouth, a preliminary medical examination of the affected area is carried out and, if necessary, diagnostic tests are prescribed. Any actions will be effective only if they are correctly selected depending on the form of the disease.

Treatment of traumatic stomatitis

In case of traumatic mucosal damage from the action of acid, immediate washing with a soda solution with a concentration of about 2% follows. If alkali acts as a traumatic factor, then citric acid (0.5% solution) will help neutralize it. To eliminate inflammation and resulting ulcers from injuries with foreign objects, antiseptic rinses with hydrogen peroxide solutions are used. Particularly effective is chlorhexine, which can be dripped from a pipette directly onto the sores. At the same time, healing oils are used - sea buckthorn, dog rose, Solcoseryl ointment, etc.

Methods for eliminating viral stomatitis

Antiviral drugs may have a beneficial effect. Ointments are usually prescribed - Bonafton, Oxolinic. Also included in the list of effective remedies is Zovirax cream. If it is required not only to ensure a decrease in the activity of viruses, but also to strengthen the immune system, Arbidol is taken in capsules. Famciclovir shows high efficiency. If it is taken at the first signs of viral stomatitis, then the disease recedes very quickly.

Therapeutic methods for bacterial stomatitis

The appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth due to the impact of pathological microorganisms, causing severe pain, is often accompanied by high fever. The cause may be a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. In advanced cases, antibiotics are prescribed. The therapeutic complex also includes antiseptics for rinsing, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Treatment of fungal stomatitis

Most often provoke stomatitis of the oral cavity fungi from the genus Candida. The disease is accordingly called candidiasis, although the name is more famous - thrush. In the first stages, a curdled whitish coating appears on the mucous membranes and tongue. With further development, the affected areas become inflamed, acquiring a red color. They are painful, almost without plaque. Antifungal agents are prescribed. Depending on the indications, desensitizing drugs may be recommended. Alkaline rinses are useful.

Therapy for allergic stomatitis

If an allergic type of stomatitis is diagnosed, then the main difficulty is the identification of the allergen. Treatment includes antiseptics and antiallergic tablets and ointments.

Home remedies for quick relief from stomatitis

For quick treatment of stomatitis, it is advisable to add folk recipes to your database of useful tips that should not contradict the doctor's recommendations.

  • Rinsing the mouth with pre-boiled warm water. It is especially useful to do this before a meal and after it. You can make a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1:1). In the same ratio, a rinse solution is prepared from fresh carrot or cabbage juice.
  • To treat ulcers three times a day, a composition is prepared from a teaspoon of garlic gruel and a tablespoon of yogurt. You can also apply finely grated potatoes mixed with olive oil (1: 1) on the inflamed areas. You can chew washed aloe leaves.

Helps relieve soreness and quickly eliminate inflammation. Use for rinsing strained herbal infusions.

  • A tablespoon of dry eryngium is poured into boiling water (250 ml). Place the container on the stove with low heat. The mixture should boil for 15 minutes, and then it is infused for 40-45 minutes. According to the same algorithm, an infusion of chamomile or calendula is prepared.
  • When using the root of the cinquefoil, you will need a teaspoon of crushed raw materials. Pour it with a glass of boiling water, cover with a warm towel and hold for 3-4 hours. Then bring to a boil and cool.

A competent combination of medications and methods from the piggy bank of folk wisdom, while maintaining oral hygiene and proper nutrition, allows you to quickly cure stomatitis in the mouth.

Our expert - dentist Ksenia Okatova.

Inflammation of the oral mucosa, in which there is a strong burning sensation, and painful and long-lasting sores appear on the inner surface of the lips and cheeks, as well as on the tongue and gums, can have many causes. We are able to eliminate some of them on our own, but fighting others without medical help is both difficult and unsafe.

Quit smoking!

It is believed that frequent stomatitis is a manifestation of weak immunity. However, the reason may be much more banal. For example, we can talk about poor oral hygiene and gum injury from braces and ill-fitting dentures or the edges of your own broken teeth, as well as hard food and even a toothbrush with hard bristles. In this case, to get rid of mouth ulcers that arise every now and then, it is enough just to visit a dentist who will solve all problems with your teeth (both native and “foster teeth”). Then all you need to do is throw out your old toothbrush and get a new one with soft bristles, and, of course, start using it regularly. In addition, it will be necessary at least for a while to forget about crackers and chips.

The second reason is the wrong way of life. Here it will be more difficult. After all, it will be necessary to abandon bad habits that are bad for the condition of the oral mucosa. These include: smoking, alcohol and coffee abuse, unhealthy diet (for example, a great love for sweet, salty and hot foods). The doctor may also advise increasing fluid intake to 1.5-2 liters per day and start taking complex vitamins. Often stomatitis occurs against the background of a deficiency of vitamin B, D, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.

The appearance of mouth ulcers may be associated with a decrease in immunity, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, diseases of the digestive tract, or with serious intoxication (for example, poisoning with salts of heavy metals).

This can even lead to cancer. It is no coincidence that the first who manage to suspect a tumor of the oral cavity organs in a patient are dentists. Therefore, in order to exclude something dangerous, with sores on the gums, it is better to see a dentist in a timely manner.

great drought

It is known that many drugs, including sulfonamides, antidepressants, hormonal and diuretic drugs, as well as antibiotics, increase the dryness of the mucosa. And if the mouth is dry, cracks may appear there, and then ulcers. Therefore, if possible, it is better to replace these drugs with others or, while taking them, use special mouth moisturizers.

The risk of mouth ulcers increases with menopause - the whole point is also in the increased dryness of all mucous membranes.

In these cases, you need to regularly moisten the oral mucosa with both mouthwashes and special preparations, as well as folk remedies. However, it is better not to use dental elixirs containing alcohol - they dry the mucous membrane and can lead to cracks in the mouth. It is useful to drink more, chew gum, suck on candy or a slice of lemon, moisten the air, eat hot peppers (if the stomach allows). All this helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and improve the microflora in the mouth.

After 2 weeks - see a doctor

Ordinary catarrhal stomatitis, caused by bacteria, is the most common. It can be treated on its own. If this is done correctly, most often it passes in 1-2 weeks.

Effective home remedies are rinsing your mouth with a solution of soda (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water), or boric acid (1 teaspoon per 150 ml of water), or hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per half glass of water). You can also prepare a decoction of chamomile. Well heals wounds with sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, propolis tincture. In addition, it is necessary to irrigate the oral cavity with antiseptics (for example, chlorhexidine or miramistin). For severe pain, anesthetic dental gels with lidocaine can be used. But if stomatitis does not go away in two weeks, you should definitely visit a doctor. After all, a neglected disease can lead to purulent complications and even tissue death. This is especially true of aphthous stomatitis, in which multiple large and deep ulcers appear in the mouth with a grayish coating in the center and a red rim. You should not treat it yourself, this is the business of a specialist. In no case should you cauterize ulcers with alcohol, iodine, green paint.

However, the appearance of stomatitis can cause not only bacteria. Viruses (for example, enterovirus and herpes virus) can also be causative agents. In this case, most often the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature. It may also be a fungal infection (for example, thrush) - then there may be a cheesy plaque in the mouth. Other infections also lead to stomatitis, including those that are sexually transmitted. In all these cases, of course, the underlying disease will have to be treated first.

Mucosal ulceration can also occur as a result of an allergic reaction (for example, if you are allergic to the alloy from which dentures are made). Therefore, it is very important to determine what exactly caused the disease. And only a doctor can do this.

Herpetic stomatitis is treated with local anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antiviral ointments and immunomodulators. Bacterial damage to the oral mucosa requires oral antibiotics. Candidiasis stomatitis caused by fungi is treated with antifungal drugs (used internally and externally).

It is very important to follow a diet during the treatment of any stomatitis: do not eat anything spicy, salty, sour, hot, as well as crackers and other solid foods. With a fungal infection, sweets and dairy should also be avoided.

Folk remedies for stomatitis

  1. From burning and redness in the mouth. Squeeze raw potatoes grated on a coarse grater, wrap in gauze and apply to inflamed gums.
  2. To strengthen local immunity. Dilute freshly squeezed carrot juice in half with water and rinse your mouth with it 3-5 times a day.
  3. From inflammation and for mucosal regeneration. Rinse your mouth every hour with a decoction of dried calendula flowers (1 tablespoon per ¼ cup of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain).
  4. From edema. Lubricate the gums with Kalanchoe juice.
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