Habits that destroy the kidneys. Human kidneys: a frank conversation What happens if a person's kidneys stop working

The kidney is an organ (paired) of the human urinary excretory system. In the human body, the kidneys are located on both sides of the spine in the abdominal cavity, on the back of it. Basically, one of the kidneys (right) is slightly lower and has a length and weight less than the left kidney.

How is the human kidney

The human (adult) kidney weighs between 100 and 200 grams and is bean-shaped with rounded upper and lower poles. On the part concave in the center there is a recess, which is called the renal gate. These gates lead to the sinus (renal) where the nerves and blood vessels are located. From the gate comes the ureter, which is located in a downward direction and connects the kidney and bladder.

The kidney consists of cortical (outer) and medulla (inner) layers. The main element of what it consists of is the nephron. The nephron consists of a system of channels and a renal body. Each kidney contains almost a million nephrons, which are connected to the blood vessels.

The kidney has the following structure

The capsule, which creates the shape, is followed by the cortical substance, and after that, a little deeper medulla. On top of the capsule is fatty tissue that fixes the kidney. In the center is the ureter, which enters the pelvis, in which there is a large cup, a small cup and sinus. The entire cavity and body of the kidney is pierced by veins and arteries.

What is the function of the human kidneys

The kidney is a very complex organ. Through them, all our blood passes (pumped) in a day, while they cleanse it of toxins, decay products, toxins and microbes. All the dirt that is filtered from the blood then enters the bladder, from where it leaves the body with urine. Once the waste enters the ureter, it cannot return due to the valve that opens only in one direction. In this case, the role of the filter is performed by the renal tissue, and the pelvis is the part responsible for the collection, accumulation and excretion of urine.

The kidneys are an interchangeable organ; in case of a disease or other malfunction of one kidney, the second is able to fully cope with the task on its own and assumes the performance of all functions. At the upper poles of both kidneys are endocrine glands (adrenal glands). The adrenal glands secrete a special hormonal substance, which, entering the bloodstream, regulates the work of many metabolic processes and systems.

The kidneys are an important organ for maintaining a normal human life, therefore, it must be treated with great care and very carefully.

1. The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood of toxins that accumulate in the body due to metabolism.
2. Finding out where the kidneys are is very easy. Put your hands on your belt and move your thumbs up. The kidneys are located in a line between the fingertips.
3. Blood enters the kidneys through the veins and passes through special filters - nephrons, which purify it from toxins and harmful substances.

4. In addition, the kidneys produce the hormone renin, which is responsible for the level of blood pressure.
5. Urolithiasis is the most common and severe kidney disease.
6. In the formation of kidney stones, factors such as malnutrition, heredity, and hypervitaminosis play the biggest role.
7. The best treatment is prevention. Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day can reduce the risk of kidney stones.
8. Poor kidney function may be indicated by burgundy or dark circles under the eyes, body odor, weakness in the legs.
9. Exacerbation of kidney disease most often occurs in winter.
10. Another risk factor for disease exacerbation is pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, the load on the kidneys increases tenfold.
11. The most severe form of nephrolithiasis is the formation of staghorn stones. They can grow to the size of the renal pelvis and in appearance represent its cast.
12. Every day, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys. A healthy body secretes an average of 1.5 liters.
13. Do you have nightmares? Check the health of the kidneys, sometimes diseases of these organs can lead to sleep disturbances.
14. During the day, the kidneys filter up to 2,000 liters of blood.
15. The total volume of blood passes through the kidneys 35 times a day.
16. The total length of the capillaries in the kidney is 25 kilometers.
17. Sedentary people are more prone to nephrolithiasis than others.
18. One kidney consists of 1 million filter elements. 19. Men who frequently sunbathe have a lower risk of developing kidney cancer. No such dependence was found in women.
20. Indian surgeon Ashish Patil got into the Guinness Book of Records by removing 170,000 stones from a patient's kidneys. The operation took 4 hours. The patient survived and returned to a healthy lifestyle.
21. The kidneys weigh from 120 to 200 grams, with the right kidney weighing slightly more than the left.
22. The first artificial kidney - a hemodialysis machine - was used in 1944. In 2013, American scientists developed a bioengineered implantable artificial kidney.
23. Surgeons removing stones from the kidneys were still in the time of Hippocrates - in the 6th-5th centuries BC. These people were called "stone cutters".
24. The first outstanding "stone cutter" of Russia was called I.P. Venediktov, who lived in the second half of the 18th century. During his life, he performed more than 3,000 operations to remove kidney stones.
25. Urologist's Day is a holiday celebrated all over the world on October 2nd.
26. Since 2006, Kidney Day has been celebrated - the second Thursday of March. 27. With arterial hypertension and heart disease, the kidneys also suffer. Kidney failure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 25 times.

27 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE KIDNEYS 1. The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood of toxins that accumulate in the body due to metabolism. 2. Finding out where the kidneys are is very easy. Put your hands on your belt and move your thumbs up. The kidneys are located in a line between the fingertips. 3. Blood enters the kidneys through the veins and passes through special filters - nephrons, which purify it from toxins and harmful substances. 4. In addition, the kidneys produce the hormone renin, which is responsible for the level of blood pressure. 5. Urolithiasis is the most common and severe kidney disease. 6. In the formation of kidney stones, factors such as malnutrition, heredity, and hypervitaminosis play the biggest role. 7. The best treatment is prevention. Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day can reduce the risk of kidney stones. 8. Poor kidney function may be indicated by burgundy or dark circles under the eyes, body odor, weakness in the legs. 9. Exacerbation of kidney disease most often occurs in winter. 10. Another risk factor for disease exacerbation is pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, the load on the kidneys increases tenfold. 11. The most severe form of nephrolithiasis is the formation of staghorn stones. They can grow to the size of the renal pelvis and in appearance represent its cast. 12. Every day, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys. A healthy body secretes an average of 1.5 liters. 13. Do you have nightmares? Check the health of the kidneys, sometimes diseases of these organs can lead to sleep disturbances. 14. During the day, the kidneys filter up to 2,000 liters of blood. 15. The total volume of blood passes through the kidneys 35 times a day. 16. The total length of the capillaries in the kidney is 25 kilometers. 17. Sedentary people are more prone to nephrolithiasis than others. 18. One kidney consists of 1 million filter elements. 19. Men who frequently sunbathe have a lower risk of developing kidney cancer. No such dependence was found in women. 20. Indian surgeon Ashish Patil got into the Guinness Book of Records by removing 170,000 stones from a patient's kidneys. The operation took 4 hours. The patient survived and returned to a healthy lifestyle. 21. The kidneys weigh from 120 to 200 grams, with the right kidney weighing slightly more than the left. 22. The first artificial kidney - a hemodialysis machine - was used in 1944. In 2013, American scientists developed a bioengineered implantable artificial kidney. 23. Surgeons removing stones from the kidneys were still in the time of Hippocrates - in the 6th-5th centuries BC. These people were called "stone cutters". 24. The first outstanding "stone cutter" of Russia was called I.P. Venediktov, who lived in the second half of the 18th century. During his life, he performed more than 3,000 operations to remove kidney stones. 25. Urologist's Day is a holiday celebrated all over the world on October 2nd. 26. Since 2006, Kidney Day has been celebrated - the second Thursday of March. 27. With arterial hypertension and heart disease, the kidneys also suffer. Kidney failure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 25 times.

    The expanses of the Internet are full of ads "I will sell a kidney." Unlucky entrepreneurs do not suspect that this transaction may be the last in their lives. It is impossible to live without kidneys.

  • Unlike many other organs, almost all animals have kidneys, even fish and amphibians.

  • The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood of waste products that accumulate in it during the metabolic process.

  • Normally, a person has two kidneys. They are located in the retroperitoneal space on both sides of the spine. In their shape, they resemble beans.

  • Blood enters the kidneys through veins. The kidneys have special filters - nephrons, through which blood passes. Waste is collected in the form of urine, and pure blood enters the artery.

  • The kidney has other functions besides cleaning the blood. In particular, this organ produces the hormone renin, which is responsible for the regulation of blood pressure.

  • A common and severe kidney disease is nephrolithiasis. Neoplasms in the kidneys cause severe complications. These are renal colic (acute pain), acute pyelonephritis (sharp inflammation that can kill a person), chronic pyelonephritis (prolonged inflammation accompanied by severe pain).

  • Of great importance in the formation of kidney stones is malnutrition. Various mistakes in the preparation of your diet lead to the appearance of stones of various types.

  • oxalate stones. They are formed when too much oxalic acid enters the body, the salts of which form stones. Oxalic acid is found in lettuce, sorrel, cucumbers, spinach, and beets.

  • Urate stones. They occur when there is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid, as well as with an excess of purine bases in food. These are organic natural compounds found in caffeine, legumes and meat products.

  • Phosphate stones. Excessive concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood leads to their appearance. Their excess, in particular, provides immoderate consumption of mineral water.

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