Why are nitrites in urine. Causes of elevated nitrites in the urine. Causes of detection in adults

For people who have begun to show certain symptoms, such as problems related to the urinary tract, it is important to determine the presence of nitrates in the urine.

Nitrates in the urine are a sign of a bacterial infection. The color of urine can be confusing, especially when it looks a little darker than the usual light yellow color, but this may not be a sure sign of infection.

In any case, several diagnostic tests are required to detect nitrates in the urine.

Nitrates in the urine can indicate a urinary tract infection, which often causes painful urination.

If your bladder or urethra is infected, there is usually a foul-smelling urine during urination, and this should alert you, even if there are no other symptoms.

It is important to note that if you ignore the first signs of urinary tract pathologies, there is a chance that this can develop into more serious problems.

For example, the kidneys, bladder, and other organs in your body can be at risk for various diseases if nitrates in urine are misinterpreted.

There are some differences between nitrates and nitrites. First of all, nitrates are found in many foods that people consume. For example, most nitrates come from vegetables.

However, during digestion, nitrates are converted to nitrites. Nitrates and nitrites have different roles in the body, not only pathological, they are necessary in moderation, so eating vegetables is one of the best ways to keep the body healthy.

Possible Causes of High Nitrate in Urine

There are many reasons leading to an increase in the content of nitrates and nitrites in the urine, for example:

E. coli is known to be the most common cause of urinary tract infections.

There are many other bacteria that may be responsible for the increase in nitrate levels, such as Proteus and Klebsiella. These bacteria contain urease, an enzyme that changes the pH of urine to an acidic side, thereby creating a favorable environment for bacteria and the formation of nitrates.

One possible reason for high nitrate levels in urine is the food we eat. It is important to note that nitrates are present in most of the foods we consume, especially vegetables and fruits.

For example, meat products, lettuce and spinach are some of the most common sources of nitrates. Note that chemicals in the body convert nitrates to nitrites and even nitric oxide during digestion.

Both nitric oxide, nitrates and nitrates are valuable to the body, but nitrates, when taken in large amounts, do more harm than good because they can cause intoxication which is very dangerous, especially for babies.

But note that it is possible to get a positive result during a rapid test, especially if you consume a diet rich in nitrates.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Pathology usually occurs when edema occurs on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. This can be the result of ulcerative colitis or even Crohn's disease.

It is important to note that people who suffer from this type of disease usually produce more nitric oxide, and this will lead to an increase in the amount of nitrates in the urine.

urinary tract infection

The only way to verify the presence of nitrates in the urine is through diagnostic tests. Although there may be false positive or negative results.

When the test is positive, but there is no infection, the urine sample is most likely contaminated with normal microflora from the external genital tract.

One way to identify a urinary tract infection is the presence of nitrates in the urine. It is important to note that some of the microorganisms that are responsible for this can actually convert nitrate to nitrite.

In this case, a proper diagnosis is essential, as your doctor will want to determine if there are white blood cells in the urine because this is an indication of a bacterial infection. Other symptoms can also be looked for in this case, and these include vomiting, muscle pain, urine odor, and cloudiness.

Medical treatment

There is also a high possibility that various medications may be the cause of high nitrate levels in the urine.

There are some medicines that contain nitrates, such as isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin. These types of nitrates are commonly found in drugs used to treat heart problems such as angina.

In addition, there are some malaria medicines that may contain nitrates. For example, quinone derivatives are known to have nitrates.

Therefore, there may be the possibility of a false positive result during urinary tests for people who have taken this medicine.

Nitrate analysis

There are several steps in the analysis of urine for selected indicators:

First, the lab technician will visually inspect the sample to assess haze/opalescence; color - red or brown urine usually indicates an infection.

Secondly, an express test strip (a thin stick with chemical indicators) is used to check a variety of urine indicators, such as: pH, protein, white blood cells or nitrite levels. The test strip analysis can be done immediately after taking the sample.

If the test strip shows abnormal results, a urine sample may be sent to a laboratory for further testing and microscopic evaluation.

A positive test, or elevated levels of nitrite in the urine, is called nitrururia. If you have nitriuria, your doctor will most likely recommend that you send your urine to a lab for urine microbial culture testing.

A microbial culture shows which type of bacteria is causing the urinary tract infection. The culture usually takes two to three days, sometimes longer, depending on the type of bacteria and the type of laboratory. On average, however, you should expect results within three days.

Keep in mind that not all bacteria are able to convert nitrate to nitrite. Thus, a false negative test for nitrites in the urine may occur, and at the same time the course of the infection will continue.

Urinalysis in children

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common cause of acute illness in infants and children.

Urinary nitrate testing in a child under 3 years of age with symptoms of fever (>39.0°C). For children under 3 years of age, the presence of symptoms of painful urination (dysuria, frequent urination, hematuria, abdominal pain, back pain, or urinary incontinence) can be used as a criterion for general analysis and microbial culture.

Babies under 3 months: Symptoms in newborns are different from those in older children. Fever, vomiting, lethargy, and general redness of the skin are common.

Abdominal pain, jaundice, hematuria, and ammonia odor are less common. Newborns are more likely to develop urosepsis (transmission of infection into the blood).

Infants and preverbal children 3 months of age and older: Fever is common. Frequent abdominal pain, vomiting and refusal to eat. Less common are lethargy, irritability, hematuria, and ammonia-like urine.

In verbal children, bladder frequency and dysuria are the most common symptoms.

In pregnant women

Nitrates in the urine of pregnant women are checked without fail. The study is carried out even if the woman does not have any symptoms of urinary tract pathologies. This is a necessary precaution during the prenatal period.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are widespread during pregnancy and are dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

In the absence of proper treatment, the symptoms are complicated by arterial hypertension and premature contractions. UTIs and STIs during pregnancy have a negative effect on the kidneys.

Nitrates in the urine are not always a sign of pathology. Often their presence indicates that the diet contains foods that contain nutritional supplements. However, sometimes an overestimated indicator also indicates the presence of an infection.

As for nitrites in the urine of a child, they indicate the presence of microorganisms and their metabolic products in the bladder. Nitrites appear in the urine with infections of the urinary system. If the foci are found in the kidneys, then the case is in pyelonephritis, if the localization is lower, then this indicates cystitis and urethritis. The first of the pathologies is treated much more difficult and quickly passes into the chronic stage. Consider what to do if nitrites are found in the urine of a child.

A large amount of nitrite in the urine indicates the presence of an infectious process in the body.

What are nitrites and nitrates and why are they dangerous?

The formation of nitrites occurs in the urine from nitrates under the influence of bacteria. The presence of these salts does not harm the body - they are concentrated in the bladder.

Their presence indicates the presence of microorganisms, since normally neither nitrites nor microorganisms should be present. The nitrites themselves in the urine do not pose a threat. Those pathogens that form them are dangerous.

If there are nitrates, they do not indicate the presence of pathology. They can be both a product of the vital activity of bacteria, and salts that the body is trying to get rid of.

Cystitis with urethritis can be cured. Having learned that a child has nitrites in the urine, you need to understand that the problem is serious, and you need to take action, and not wait for the appearance of fever, pain when urinating, and other unpleasant symptoms.

The main causes of the appearance in the urine of a child

The causes of nitrites in the urine of children are not only infections of the genitourinary system. According to studies, if they are present together with white blood cells, bacteria in urine may be absent. And this means that the infection can be in the body, but in other places.

Therefore, you need to consult a competent pediatrician so that he can determine the pathology and prescribe the right treatment. The presence of nitrites always indicates pathogens, but you should not self-medicate.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn about these salts:

In girls, bladder infection is more likely due to the anatomy of the urethra. Therefore, many are exposed to the appearance of cystitis and urethritis several times a year.

Anxiety symptoms in children

The very presence of nitrites in the urine of children is not a disease, but only a symptom, an indicator that is determined in the analysis. But some babies also have additional symptoms that indicate an infection.

Sometimes urine emits a strong unpleasant odor, and in the container it forms a cloudy sediment (we recommend reading:). Symptoms are accompanied by an increase in the urge to go to the toilet, the appearance of cramps during urination and even pain.

All signs may appear simultaneously or partially. Sometimes they don’t mean anything, because the baby’s urination also depends on the baby’s diet. But it is better to visit a doctor than to start treatment when the disease is running.

Diagnostic methods

Usually, the doctor during the examination does not find problems in the baby. Therefore, it is better to immediately pass a detailed analysis of urine, as well as blood. It is recommended not to change the patient's lifestyle before the manipulation, and also not to give him any drugs so that they do not affect the results of the study.

It is very important to prepare fresh urine and place it in a sterile container. To be sure of the result of the analysis, it is better to repeat it a couple more times with an interval of a week. If all of them confirm the presence of nitrites, we are talking about a developing infection (pyelonephritis, vaginitis, cystitis, etc.).

If the rapid test showed the presence of nitrites, it is recommended to conduct more extensive laboratory tests of urine.

When submitting a biomaterial, you can choose two types of analysis. The first is to conduct a rapid test, and the second is a more detailed laboratory study. The result in both cases will allow you to find out only one thing - is there salt in the urine or not. If during the express analysis the presence of salts is confirmed, more extensive laboratory studies are done to find out the following:

  • how much nitrite;
  • what caused their accumulation;
  • how bacteria react to specific antibiotics;
  • where is the focus of inflammation.

In order for the analysis result to be as accurate as possible, a number of rules must be followed. They are the following:

  • do not drink a lot of water during the day before the tests;
  • do not eat fresh fruits and vegetables, so as not to get a large portion of nitrates;
  • wash the external urogenital organs so that they are clean before sampling;
  • It is best to use morning urine for analysis.

If the presence of nitrites is confirmed, the child is taken to a pediatrician, in more rare cases, to a urologist. Specialists will determine the causes of the phenomenon and prescribe treatment.

Scheme of management of patients with nitrites in the urine

As a rule, a bacterial infection is the result of improper care of the child and malnutrition. Therefore, first of all, adults need to learn how to take care of their child.

The doctor usually tells parents about limiting the use of certain foods. It is worth introducing dietary meat into the diet and diversifying the diet with dairy products, if there is no allergy to all this. But the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is reduced so as not to feed the body with nitrates. These products can only be consumed in boiled or steamed form.

If there are a lot of nitrites, the indicator may indicate the presence of several types of pathogenic microorganisms in the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is better to send the child for additional examination.

If nitrites are ten times higher than normal, they talk about bacteriuria. This is a disease in which it is necessary to immediately treat the baby, until the infection affects the kidneys and other organs. In parallel with the use of antibiotics, a strict diet is required so that the body can give the maximum rebuff to foreign bacteria.

Normally, salts of nitrous acid (nitrites) are present in the body of a healthy person in small quantities. An increase in their level in urine can have a different nature. Their appearance in patients of the “risk group” clearly requires immediate consultation with the attending physician, followed by examination and therapy.

What are nitrites and what does their appearance in urine mean?

Salts of nitric acid (nitrates) find their way into the human body with plant foods (vegetables) or canned and semi-finished products, where they are used in the form of food additives. Nitrites can also be ingested as preservatives or as a result of the conversion of nitrates in the human digestive tract.

Nitrites are toxic by oxidizing the ferrous iron in the hemoglobin molecule. The final compound, methemoglobin, is unable to transport oxygen to tissues and remove carbon dioxide from them. The allowable daily intake of nitrites established by the Ministry of Health implies limited use and negligible intake of nitrites in the body.

Normally, nitrites can be present in the urine in small amounts, and an increase in concentration can occur when they are consumed in excess with food.

But from a clinical point of view, the increased formation of nitrites in the urine is more dangerous, provided that bacteria are present in it. This can occur with increased contamination of urine with pathogenic flora, a number of varieties of which are able to break down nitrates with the formation of nitrites.

The presence of bacteria in the urine may be a sign of advanced inflammation or asymptomatic bacterial growth in the urinary system.

Causes of the appearance of salt of nitrous acid

If incorrect analysis is excluded, a significant increase in nitrite indicates the development of bacterial inflammation in the genitourinary system. In this case, both true bacteriuria, accompanied by inflammation, and an asymptomatic form, when bacteria are present in urine, but suppressed by human immunity, can take place.

Common causes of nitrites in the urine, regardless of gender, are:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the bladder, kidneys, or urinary canal – , .
  2. Diabetes- the presence of bacteria (and, therefore, nitrites) in the urine is due to high glucose levels.
  3. Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity or urological instrumental manipulations (including diagnostic ones).
  4. The presence of infection in the organs of the genital area or intestines- pathogenic microflora can penetrate into the urine by the lymphohematogenous route.
  5. Clinically proven immunodeficiency- against the background of long-term use of steroid hormones and cytostatics or the presence of HIV infection.
  6. Elderly age- against the background of reduced local immune protection of the mucous membranes, poor blood circulation or existing initial pathologies.

The test can give a positive result in the absence of disease - for example, while taking the painkiller Phenazopyridine or storing urine in a warm place for more than 4 hours before sending it to the laboratory.

Features in men

In the representatives of the stronger sex, along with the general prerequisites for the appearance of salts of nitrous acid in urine, there are specific problems, such as:

  1. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma- bacteria enter the urinary tract from the genitals and multiply against the background of stagnation of urine.
  2. Orchitis or epididymitis- inflammation of the testicle or seminal appendage. And since these pathologies develop as complications of influenza, gonorrhea or typhoid, the flora appears in the urine both in a descending (from the focus of inflammation) and hematogenous (from the bloodstream) way.
  3. Blockage of the ureter(at) - creates conditions for incomplete emptying of the bladder and inflammation. The problem is not only “male”, but women are rarely diagnosed.
  4. Gout The asymptomatic course of the disease is often accompanied by an increase in the level of nitrogenous salts in the urine.

Specificity in women

Here, too, special causes and corresponding "risk groups" among patients can be identified. Preventive analysis for nitrates is more often positive when:

  • pathologies of the female genital area - vulvitis, vaginitis, adnexitis;
  • a difficult period of menopause, accompanied by a weakening of the mechanisms of protection and purification of mucous membranes;
  • neglect of hygiene measures, the constant use of daily pads;
  • pregnancy - here, favorable conditions for the appearance of nitrites can create hormonal changes, low immunity, stagnation of urine and concomitant inflammation of the kidneys or bladder.

Typical for children

Their appearance in the urine in young patients can also indicate inflammatory processes, but more often occurs against the background of:

  • - "fertile soil" for her is created by poorly breathing diapers or stagnant urine associated with the behavior of the baby;
  • insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, which is difficult to implement in an infant;
  • excess nitrates from food;
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria against the background of reduced immunity in schoolchildren or adolescents;
  • inflammation of the foreskin in boys (phimosis).

Particularly noteworthy is the difficulty of correctly passing an analysis in an infant - there are problems with, and difficulties with hygiene procedures, and the inability to get urine that has been in the bladder for at least 4 hours (and this is the optimal value for the accuracy of the analysis). The conclusion is simple - you need to strive to do everything “by the rules” and deliver the result to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Diagnostic methods

The easiest way to find out about the presence of nitrogen salts in the urine is, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. If he gave a positive result or if a preventive examination is required, then the following will follow:

There are two main aspects to consider in the treatment of excess nitrites:

  • nitrogenous salts are not a pathology, but a marker for the presence of bacteria, therefore, the source of infection in the body must be eliminated;
  • if nitrites appear in the urine against the background of their excessive consumption with food, it is worth reconsidering your diet - include more proteins and boiled vegetables there, avoid the appearance on the table of “doubtful” products from the point of view of chemical processing (this advice is especially relevant for children).

If an excess of nitrogenous salts is caused by congestion without pronounced inflammation and complaints, then it is worth taking care of:

  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • proper nutrition and drinking regimen;
  • taking vitamins, fortifying agents and drugs that stabilize the work of the kidneys.

If we are talking about a child, then additional measures may be monitoring the timeliness of diuresis, monitoring the state of urine and taking antibacterial agents on the recommendation of a doctor.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria poses a serious threat during pregnancy, effective therapy is carried out with the participation of:

  • antibacterial drugs () for a single dose;
  • antimicrobial agents ();
  • antibiotics of the cephalosporin and penicillin groups for course use;
  • elimination of excess fats and sources of nitrates in a woman's daily menu.

The course of treatment for adults will be selected taking into account the condition of the body, the severity of the infection, the acute / chronic nature of the disease and other factors.

In the treatment of acute infection, effectiveness depends largely on the discipline of the patient in terms of taking antibacterial agents and diagnosing the progress of treatment. Violation of the doctor's instructions entails the transition of the disease into a chronic form, which is more difficult to treat.

The presence of nitrites is only an indirect sign of the presence of an infection. However, this indicator is good in that it can be determined at home. This is especially important for pregnant women, children or the elderly. The use of test strips can only serve to screen for bacteriuria, further diagnosis is required to be carried out in a clinic.

If nitrites in human urine are higher than the established level, this indicates the presence of pathogenic bacteria, which causes pain in the pelvic organs. Pathogenic flora synthesizes enzymes that turn into nitrites, and an increased rate of this substance is characteristic of kidney diseases, inflammation in the bladder, and urethra. Nitrites accompany pain, fever, and trouble urinating. It is necessary to detect the presence of a substance in time in order to detect diseases of the urinary organs, and start treatment in time.

What are nitrites?

This is a product of the conversion of nitrates by pathogenic microflora. Active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the fact that nitrates turn into nitrites. A certain amount of nitrate is acceptable in healthy urine, since they get there along with plant foods, but pathogenic bacteria process them, turning them into a harmful substance. The cause of the appearance of nitrites in the urine can be any bacteria: Klebsiella, Salmonella, Enterococcus or E. coli.

If a general urine test showed a high level of nitrites, then a bacterial infection in the urinary organs.

Who is at risk?

An increase in the level of nitrite substances is characteristic of a certain category of people. The risk groups include:

  • girls and women, pregnant women;
  • men who have prostate adenoma;
  • aged people;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • patients undergoing urological surgery.

Why does the level of nitrites in the urine increase?

Elevated nitrites in men and women

A high nitrite content in the urine indicates the possible presence of infectious diseases.

Leukocytes and nitrites in the urine of the female body indicate the multiplication of infection and the development of inflammation in the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. That is, the results in women may indicate the development of cystitis, urethritis or pyelonephritis. For men, the situation is slightly different. High numbers mean inflammation in the bladder or kidneys. The results help identify men with BPH, cystitis, KSD or nephritis.

Reasons for a child

Nitrites in the urine of a child signal that there is an infection in the urinary tract and bacteriuria develops (the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in the urine). In addition, a positive result is considered a reaction to eating vegetables that have been artificially grown with nitrates. In any case, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician who will prescribe a course of antibiotics or recommend a special diet with an emphasis on dairy products and meat. In infants, an infection is noted if infection occurs from the mother. It is much more difficult to obtain adequate test results, which is due to the impossibility of observing hygiene rules and taking material from crumbs.

Causes in pregnant women

Negative results for nitrite in the urine during pregnancy are rare. If a high level of nitrites is found, then the close attention of a gynecologist is required. The fact is that a pregnant woman has an increased risk of infection of the fetus and the likelihood of complications. A high rate is a sign of the development of inflammation in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), and also causes an abortion or a threat to the life of the child due to high blood pressure.

Rules for taking urine for analysis

Proper preparation for analysis will show correct results.

Urinalysis will help to identify the number of nitrites, as well as protein, and white blood cells. In order for the results to be more accurate, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for taking the test fluid. First, morning urine is suitable for analysis. Secondly, if a course of antibiotic treatment is being carried out, then it is better to postpone the test for a period after 10 days after the end of therapy. For the accuracy of the result, you must follow a few more rules:

  1. On the eve of delivery, reduce the amount of fluid consumed.
  2. The day before the procedure, eat more leafy vegetables, cabbage and carrots.
  3. A few days before the procedure, avoid eating foods that contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Nitrates and nitrites are nitrogen salts, derivatives of this common substance. Both types of salts can be registered in the composition of urine, but the presence of nitrates only means that they got into the urine from food. In modern products, including processed ones, there can be quite a lot of nitrates, especially if these are vegetables that are grown in violation of technology and the abuse of nitrogen fertilizers to increase yields.

It can be assumed that the ingress of nitrates into the urine in moderate doses is within the acceptable range. But the appearance of nitrates in it is much more dangerous and should alert a person. A full examination will help to establish the exact cause of this phenomenon.

For the most part, nitrates are found in food of plant origin, when they enter the digestive tract, the products are digested, and nitrates enter the bloodstream. From it, these substances move to the kidneys, where they are processed and disposed of in the urine. With her, they are brought out. In the natural state, nitrates do not turn into nitrites in the urine, they are excreted as is.

Once in the body, nitrates are decomposed by a specific bacterial enzyme and converted into nitrites. In the normal state, this is impossible, therefore, the presence of nitrites in the urine indicates an inflammatory process in the genitourinary tract with bacteria as the main actor.

Most often, the cause of a large amount of nitrites in the urine is active reproduction, but other bacteria, including salmonella, can also provoke the appearance of these substances.

The infection can affect both the upper parts of the urinary tract - the kidneys and ureters, and the lower parts - the bladder and urinary canal.

Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic, but for the most part, patients complain of a rise in temperature, back pain, frequent urination, cramps and pain during this process, urinary retention and excretion of it drop by drop, a change in color and transparency, the presence of "sand" and even sometimes traces blood in the urine.

Preparation for diagnosis and collection of urine for testing

For accurate diagnosis of the disease, proper preparation and the most prompt delivery of the sample to the laboratory are of great importance. This is due to the fact that bacteria literally "eat" the nitrates contained in the sample.

Since the amount of urine in the container for sampling is limited, the “stock” of nitrates in it quickly ends, and the hungry bacteria die. As a result of the analysis of such urine, neither nitrates nor the bacteria themselves may be found in it. This does not mean that there is no disease, especially if the patient has characteristic complaints. Such a sample must be retaken in compliance with all the rules of preparation.

If nitrites are detected in the urine, but there are no bacteria, this also means the need for re-testing.

In preparing for the test, the patient should follow these recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to take morning urine, it is the most informative.
  2. Reduce the intake of any liquid on the day preceding the analysis.
  3. At least three days in advance, remove from the diet all foods containing vitamin C, and medicines with ascorbic acid, including vitamin preparations.
  4. Include cabbage, carrots and leafy vegetables in the menu the day before the analysis.
  5. Do not test while on antibiotic therapy or phenazopyridine. You must wait at least 10 days before taking the test. The use of these tools will necessarily affect the results of the sample and distort them.

When collecting urine for analysis, the risk of contamination of the sample must be taken into account, so it is imperative to first perform a thorough toilet of the external genitalia. Urine should be collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or obtained from a laboratory.

The reliability of the result depends on the correct storage and speed of delivery of the sample for analysis.

If it is necessary to collect the urine of an infant for analysis, special attention must be paid to the purity of the sample. In no case should you collect it from a diaper, since there it is guaranteed to be infected with bacteria and impurities.

It is also extremely important to observe the hygiene of the child's genitals, especially in boys - infection from under the foreskin can lead to the fact that the entire sample will be spoiled and the analysis will have to be repeated.

Reasons for the increase in performance

Nitrites appear in the urine as a result of the following diseases:

  • Urolithiasis, accompanied by the release of stones and the development of an inflammatory process in the ureters.
  • BPH.

Cystitis is more common in women due to the structural features of their urinary organs. The female urethra is short and wide, making it easier for the infection to enter the bladder, and then ascending to the kidneys.

In men, the urethra is much narrower and longer, so cystitis is less common in them. However, in both sexes, the chance of an increase in nitrite levels due to a bacterial infection is about the same.

More often than others, elderly people with weakened immunity, patients after instrumental examination or surgery on the genitals and urinary tract suffer from this condition.

Patients with gout and other forms of metabolic disorders are also particularly susceptible to increased nitrite levels.

There are cases of detection of these substances in the urine of infants. It is also associated with a bacterial infection, but the presence of pathogens without nitrite in the urine may indicate the entry of bacteria from the outside, for example, in phimosis with inflammation in boys.

Methods of treatment and complications

Nitrites in the urine are not an independent disease, therefore, only the underlying disease that provokes their appearance and growth is subject to treatment. Since it is mainly a bacterial infection, treatment consists in the use of targeted antibiotics, as well as other drugs, depending on the disease: anti-inflammatory, painkillers, diuretics, antipyretics.

After the bacterial infection is destroyed, a second urine test is performed. If nitrites and traces of bacteria are not found in it, and the patient has no complaints, the cause of the change in the composition of the urine will be identified, and the disease will be cured.

With timely detection of the problem and proper treatment, the prognosis is positive, the disease responds well enough to treatment and leaves no complications.

Problems mainly arise in neglected conditions, with severe lesions. This threatens with chronic forms of their diseases, which extremely negatively affects the state of the whole organism.

When the bladder is damaged, especially in women, chronic cystitis is often observed, which also causes a lot of trouble, accompanied by painful symptoms and a sharp deterioration in well-being.

You can learn more about the biochemical analysis of urine from the video:

If a bacterial infection is not localized and destroyed in time, it can spread throughout the body and affect other organs, including the human heart and reproductive system.

Nitrites in urine during pregnancy

If nitrites in the urine are detected during pregnancy, this can threaten the woman with the development of many complications. First of all, it is dangerous growth due to impaired kidney function. This condition threatens the fetus with hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen.

The inflammatory process in the kidneys poses a serious danger to both the fetus and the pregnant woman herself due to the risk of developing eclampsia, the spread of infection to various organs, including the uterus and the unborn child. This condition is just as dangerous because it can easily lead to spontaneous abortion at any time.

A newborn baby due to infection of the mother during pregnancy may be too small, which will negatively affect his immunity and resistance to diseases.A woman should definitely pay attention to the state of her own urine.

The appearance of turbidity, sediment, a change in color and smell is an alarming sign that requires an immediate visit to the doctor and a urine test.

In the presence of a chronic form of cystitis or kidney disease, it is advisable to carry out complex treatment long before the onset of pregnancy to completely destroy the source of infection and the threat to the unborn child.

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