The squirrel and the arrow survived the flight. Flight of the spaceship with the dogs Belka and Strelka. Reference. From stunt doubles to heroes

It is believed that Laika was the first dog to fly into space, and Belka and Strelka were the tailed ones who managed to return from there. This is not entirely true, but it was they who received their portion of fame and became celebrities.

Since 1951, Soviet engineers and scientists have sent many dogs into space flights. Initially, they took off above the atmosphere on fiery rockets and immediately descended back to Earth.

These were not purebred animals, but ordinary yard dogs. But they met the strict requirements. So, the dog had to be small, up to 6-7 kilograms, hardy, able to endure physical activity and necessarily short-haired. The pampered thoroughbred bobs required too much care and special nutrition, which did not suit the scientists. Paradoxically, in the 1950s and 60s any Soviet ace from the street could become an astronaut.

To confuse the intelligence of other countries, the dogs had several nicknames at the same time. Often they were renamed the day before the start to "sound better". So, a black dog named Snezhok was called Coal.

On November 3, 1957, the dog Laika was launched into space on the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2. She became the first to be launched into Earth orbit, but, unfortunately, she did not return alive. The next ones, Chanterelle and Chaika, died at the start when their rocket exploded.

In August 1960, Belka and Strelka became the first animal cosmonauts to successfully circle the Earth in a daily orbital flight. The Sputnik 5 spacecraft made 17 orbits with a whole menagerie on board. In addition to dogs, there was a rabbit, 40 mice, a couple of rats and plants.

Upon their return, Belka and Strelka became celebrities. In the USSR, these wonderful dogs were immortalized on posters, candy wrappers, cigarette packs, postage stamps and postcards. Even porcelain figurines in the Gzhel style, made in the form of a rocket with two dogs peeking out of the windows, were released.

Between 1957 and 1966, eight dogs made successful orbital flights as part of the Soviet space program. And even more tuzikov flew the first rockets of the USSR in the 1950s.

Dogs Belka and Strelka are the most famous animals in the world that have become spaceship passengers. Unusual astronauts were the first to make an extraterrestrial flight, returning alive and unharmed. It was these famous pets who opened the way to space for man. Thanks to their "contribution", scientists managed to find out the influence of space flight factors on the body of a living being. This made it possible to create safe flight conditions for humans and ensure a safe return to Earth. Let's get acquainted with the features of the flight of dogs in more detail.

Dogs Belka and Strelka are the discoverers of outer space. The beginning of time

The dogs Belka and Strelka were not planned participants in the space journey, they were just stand-ins for other animals who were assigned the main roles. Initially, scientists prepared Chaika and Chanterelle (other dogs) for space exploration, but the pets died during a rocket launch a few weeks earlier.

The forerunner of the famous dogs was Laika, who was sent into space. However, the imperfect work of life support systems led to the death of the animal. This happened on the 5th circle that the ship made around the Earth's atmosphere. After the death of the “pilot”, the rocket was not returned to the station, it cruised around the orbit for another 5 months, after which it burned up in the atmosphere.

In addition to dogs, other animals also took part in the scientific experiment. The objects of the study were monkeys, turtles, cats, rats, frogs, guinea pigs, newts and other animals. An interesting fact of space exploration is the birth of a quail chick there. Scientists launched a box of bird eggs into space, during their flight several of them hatched in gravity. Two chicks even returned to Earth alive, having managed to withstand the harsh conditions of space.

Dogs Belka and Strelka made a contribution to the conquest of space, which is hard to overestimate. They paved the way for Yuri Gagarin, who, like heroic dogs, became the first of his kind to leave the Earth and return to it again.

The dogs spent more than a day in open space, which made it possible to study the effect of weightlessness on the human body. The theories of scientists took the form of axioms, which made it possible to make Gagarin's flight safe. During the flight, the effectiveness of the life support systems was tested. Thanks to this, it became clear that sending a man into space and returning him unharmed is a real task.

In order to monitor the condition of the dogs, they were put on special suits that recorded various changes in their condition and transmitted data to biomedical equipment.

Before leaving for the flight, preparatory work was carried out with the dogs, allowing them to accustom them to a confined space, a dog toilet on board, as well as the adaptation of animals to the temperature regime of the ship. In addition to Belka and Strelka, there were several rats and mice on board the spacecraft, which did not go down in history, perpetuating their names.

The rocket was launched in Baikonur orbit at 15.44. A day later, the ship returned to the station. After the return of the dog, Belka and Strelka became real heroes, everyone's attention was riveted to them. Immediately after the completion of the "expedition", the pets were shown on television and were invited to various press conferences.

Hero selection - how was it?

The dogs Belka and Strelka were selected for space flight not by chance, they met strict selection criteria. Thousands of dogs became applicants for the role of the first cosmonauts, but only two were selected - whose body weight was no more than 7 kg, while the height should not exceed 37 cm. At the same time, great demands were made on the nature of the pets.

They should have a calm and balanced character, not react to stress, remain calm even in critical situations. The fact is that flight is already a huge test for animals. And if something goes wrong during the expedition (which was assumed by scientists), then the animal must remain calm.

Therefore, the question of the participation of purebred dogs in flight was rejected almost immediately. Such pets are too gentle and sensitive in nature, very picky about food. After a series of experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that only stray dogs that are kept in kennels can be sent into space.

When choosing animals, not only the “internal” qualities played a role, but also the appearance of the dogs. Belka and Strelka were also selected for aesthetic reasons. The fact is that scientists understood that returned pets would become the object of mass attention, so they should have a presentable appearance. After all, they will constantly flicker on TV screens and participate in international broadcasts.

The dogs Belka and Strelka had a pretty appearance, correct proportions, and were distinguished by friendliness (which is also not unimportant for regular public appearances and contact with the press). Pets had an interesting combination of colors among themselves - white and dark brown.

What you probably did not know about the flight - interesting facts:

  1. an interesting fact is that initially, instead of Strelka, another one was prepared for flight. However, at the last moment, scientists thought that her front legs were too crooked, which would not look aesthetically pleasing in memorable pictures. The pet was replaced only because of this small defect, and Strelka went flying;
  2. the first dog names were Marquise and Albina. However, at the last moment, the leading scientist of the experiment, Mitrofan Nedelin, demanded that the pets be renamed into Russian-language names that would praise the Motherland and immediately tell the whole world about the nationality of the discoverers;
  3. dogs Belka and Strelka are complete opposites of each other in character. Belka has a very active and lively temperament, she showed leadership inclinations in the team, she was one of the first to adapt to space conditions and showed the best results during tests. The arrow, on the contrary, behaved shyly and even closed, but showed friendliness towards people, coped well with "space" tasks;
  4. at the time of the rocket launch, the dogs were 2.5 years old;
  5. after the completion of the flight, the pets became the object of close attention. Dogs Belka and Strelka have become parents more than once. Strelka's puppy was even given to the wife of US President Kennedy;
  6. despite the severe tests that scientists subjected dogs to, the animals lived a long life, dying their own;
  7. the night before the flight of the domestic ship, an American satellite flew over the station, which, due to its large size and reflective surface, was clearly visible from the Earth with the naked eye. The dogs Belka and Strelka began to bark loudly at the American satellite, which made the situation particularly comical;
  8. the launch of the rocket was strictly classified, which was primarily due to the unsuccessful flight of Chanterelle and Chaika the day before, which exploded on the ship without leaving the earth's orbit. Therefore, the international experiment was announced only after the successful return of the dogs to Baikonur.

Preparation for the launch of the dogs Belka and Strelka:

  • preparations for the flight began a few months before the expected launch date of the rocket;
  • the dogs Belka and Strelka were constantly placed in small cabins, gradually increasing the duration of their stay there. After the bouts of claustrophobia were eliminated, artificial noises typical of outer space were added to the cockpits;
  • training in nutrition from a special apparatus that dispenses food in the form of a vein. Also, the pets got used to the constant wearing of clothes that fixes the state of health, thanks to which it is possible to determine the influence of space on the general well-being and the adequacy of the life support systems on the ship;
  • testing the vestibular apparatus of animals - placing dogs in pressure chambers and centrifuges.

Spaceship Features

The ship used to launch dogs into space was called Sputnik. He, in fact, was the prototype of the Vostok rocket, which will open the door to a person outside of his native planet. Scientific and engineering institutions of the country took part in the creation of the rocket.

The structure of the ship was quite simple - a cockpit for pilots and an instrument compartment. The compartment contained the following items:

  1. equipment for life support;
  2. equipment for monitoring the physical condition of pets;
  3. orientation systems, radiometers;
  4. technique for fixing technical parameters: noise, speed, temperature;
  5. equipment for monitoring the operation of other equipment;
  6. the necessary instruments that guarantee a safe landing;
  7. other living organisms: mice, rats, plants, fungal cultures, insects, microbes.

The cabin became the prototype of the modern camera for finding a person. The most important things during the flight were located there: food, ventilation systems, water supply, a sewage device, catapult equipment, television cameras, radio transmitters.

First flight to space

The dogs Belka and Strelka left Earth orbit in 1960. The cabin, in which the animals were, was lowered into the rocket a few hours before the launch. S.P. became the main person in charge in preparing the launch. Korolev. During the period of launch and exit from the Earth's atmosphere, the dogs showed increased excitement and frequent heartbeats. However, an hour later, the condition of the pets returned to normal, and the pulse returned to its normal state.

Life support equipment fully satisfied the needs of pets in outer space. The automatic feeders “offered” the animals to treat themselves to food and water several times a day. At the same time, the air in the chamber was constantly cleaned - the regenerating substance absorbed carbon dioxide, while releasing the required level of oxygen. Medical equipment recorded all indicators of the vital activity of dogs during the flight.

In addition to technical indicators, the dogs were monitored around the clock via television. Thanks to the presence of the film, scientists could compare the external state of the pet and its indicators of internal activity at any time during the animal's stay in space. However, the scientists were able to observe the behavior of the dogs belatedly, as the television signal arrived with a delay.

Dogs Belka and Strelka - behavior during the flight:

  • calm state during the experiment;
  • manifestation of the healthy state of pets: periodic activity and good appetite;
  • slight effect of gravity on the circulatory system of dogs;
  • preservation of body temperature throughout the flight;
  • maintaining the pace of metabolic processes;
  • by the end of the day in space, the pets began to show signs of anxiety, Belka began to feel sick, the dog tried to break out of the seat belts.

On August 20, 1960, Sputnik again landed at the station. However, the ship landed 10 km from the given point. The first visual contact made it clear that the dogs Belka and Strelka feel satisfactory and endured the flight well. After a visual inspection, the dogs were handed over to the rescue team, which studied the physiological state of the pets in more detail.

The results of the conquest of space

From a scientific point of view, the dogs Belka and Strelka made a huge contribution to the development of science. Thanks to their flight, scientists were convinced that launching a man into space is possible and does not pose a threat to life. The scientists also managed to identify the safe time for a person to stay in weightlessness, the number of revolutions around the Earth and other factors that will make Gagarin's flight safe.

During the flight of dogs, scientists managed to obtain the necessary knowledge about the physical, biochemical and cytological reactions of the body to gravity conditions. The flight into outer space caused stress in dogs, but the morale of the pets quickly recovered after returning to Earth.

Scientists were confused by Belka's behavior during the fourth revolution around the orbit. The dog clearly felt unwell, although medical records of its condition showed no abnormalities. No defects were found even after the pet's arrival in orbit. This was the reason for choosing the minimum time in outer space for a person and making the minimum number of orbits around the planet. Thanks to the behavior of the Strelka, Yuri Gagarin carried out only one turn.

After the return of dogs to Earth, the news about the conquest of space spread all over the world. The heroes of the launch were immediately invited to the TASS conference, the footage of their flight was regularly broadcast on TV. During the transportation of the dogs to the TASS building, they were accompanied by Lyudmila Radkevich, a member of the scientific group that prepared the dogs for the launch. Also, Lyudmila was directly involved in the selection of animals for flight.

While getting out of the car, the woman slipped and fell, holding the animals in both hands. The gallant men immediately raised Lyudmila and congratulated her on the re-landing, brightening up the awkward moment with a joke.

Dogs Belka and Strelka got the life of public figures after the flight. They constantly traveled to shows in various institutions. And the puppies of pets were no less famous than their parents.

Continued exploration of extraterrestrial spaces

The last test launch before a manned flight into space was the launch of a rocket in 1961. On board were no longer the dogs Belka and Strelka, they were replaced by Zvezdochka and a human dummy. They made a loop around the planet and returned safely. Thanks to such an active participation of dogs in the development of domestic science, even Yuri Gagarin himself said the catch phrase: “Who am I? First man in space or last dog?

However, the help of four-legged friends in space exploration did not stop there. Further, Veterok and Sooty went to conquer the unexplored expanses. Their main task was to spend more than 20 days in space, which would make it possible to study the duration of the safe effect of gravity conditions on a person and the necessary conditions for sustaining life.

Preparations for the experiment also began a few months before the launch. At the same time, the pets had to undergo several operations to amputate their tails. Belka and Strelka's previous experience had shown that tails were a problem during flight, so the decision was made to "get rid of them." Interestingly, scientists selected only two dogs for further flight, although more than 30 pets were operated on. The operation was not difficult, after a couple of days after it, the pets felt great.

The dogs were also implanted with special catheters in the venous bed, with the help of which scientists were able to control the physical condition of the dogs and their internal reactions. Next, Ugolyok and Veterok were to undergo traditional accustoming to a confined space, special “space” food, and tests in centrifuges.

The rocket launch was successful: the animals showed practically no signs of panic, reacted to a stressful situation more calmly than their predecessors. In general, the pets spent 22 days in outer space, while the data on their health received by the station were quite satisfactory.

However, when the dogs returned to Earth, scientists were in for an unexpected surprise. After removing the costumes from the animals, the researchers found that the dogs had lost their hair, their bodies were covered with diaper rash and even bedsores. Ember and Breeze could hardly stand on their own, they experienced severe weakness and constant thirst.

Scientists failed to find out the reason for the unexpected "transformation" of pets. In addition, the dogs were immediately sent to an intervision session, where the pets were supported by the staff of the research committee, simulating their favorable condition after the flight.

After only a month of rehabilitation, the pets returned to a normal lifestyle. They began to show activity, to run independently, a healthy appetite returned. The implanted catheters were removed from the dogs, their participation in the experiment did not affect their life expectancy. Moreover, they gave excellent offspring, each of the puppies was worth its weight in gold.

Trace in the history of dogs Belka and Strelka

Dogs Belka and Strelka became world famous after their legendary return to Baikonur. The fact is that such experiments were carried out in the USSR more than once, but it was Belka and Strelka who managed to return to Earth unharmed, which means that scientists calculated all the technical and biological moments of the launch correctly. Thanks to this discovery, human flight into space became possible.

Pets immediately became the stars of domestic and foreign television. Their images were printed on numerous posters and stamps. Dog names have become associated with man's greatest achievement. However, gratitude to the pets is expressed even after many years, as they left an indelible mark on history:

  1. In 2004, Object Media released a new cartoon about the adventures of Belka and Strelka in space. The main action of the picture takes place on a distant planet, very reminiscent of the Earth. The plot of the tape is based on real events, the main characters are the dogs Belka and Strelka. The main musical accompaniment of the tape was the song of the group Megapolis;
  2. in 2008, the next film about the adventures of a pet was shot, directed by Vladimir Ponamarev. The plot of the tape changes somewhat: instead of the usual preparation of dogs for launch and their adventures in space, the viewer is in for an unexpected abduction of pets by aliens. "Foreign" guests took animals for the most developed representatives of the Earth. The cartoon is very different from the picture taken in 2004. The plot of the tape was written by residents of the Comedy Club, so the film is full of jokes and sparkling humor. According to the plot of the tape, dogs change gender to male, the color of animals also undergoes changes;
  3. in 2010, the full-length film "Star Dogs" was shot, which, in addition to the original plot, also has an original design - the 3D genre. The film is aimed at a children's audience, has significant differences from the real version of events;
  4. in the same year, the famous Google search engine takes shape in the corresponding “look” for the anniversary of the flight of Belka and Strelka;

Dogs paved the way to space for man. Everyone has heard about Laika, Belka and Strelka. In fact, 48 dogs have been “there” before the person, and two more after. 20 of them died.

It is clear that in Soviet times all this was strictly classified. And then nobody needed it. How else to explain that many historical materials were destroyed or simply lost. Therefore, the fact that a few months ago an employee of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMBP) Lada Lekai found in the institute archives never published training logs of “space” dogs can be considered a miracle. Together with an employee of the Museum of Cosmonautics, Irina Savelyeva, they have prepared a wonderful exhibition "Squirrel, Strelka and Others", which will run at VDNKh until April 2. The magazines are on display there.

Perhaps the most curious of them is the Diary of Belka and Strelka, which was personally led by the head of the dog training program, the founder of space medicine, Oleg Georgievich Gazenko. We publish excerpts from the diary and recall the history of dog space exploration.

Arrow, Nigella, Asterisk, Squirrel

dog vs monkey

Candidates for cosmonauts were recruited in courtyards and doorways - not for ideological reasons of social proximity, just courtyards less capricious, more unpretentious than thoroughbreds. The future cosmonaut had to meet the following parameters: no higher than 35 cm, no longer (from nose to tail) 43, no heavier than 6 kg. In general, small, young, healthy, friendly and patient were required. And in order to have a more or less tolerable physiognomy, one should have thought in advance that one of them would get on the front pages of all the newspapers in the world.

There was a competition. The Soviet Union was in a hurry. Since 1949, the Americans have been trying to launch monkeys into space. The Soviet dog was supposed to be in space before the American monkey. Literally.

In the winter of 1950, the first dog detachment began training at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. The dogs had to get used to the vibrations, the deafening noise of the engines, the g-forces, the low pressure, the eating from automatic feeders, the wearing of sensors and space suits, and most importantly, the prolonged isolation.

From July 1951 to September 1960, 29 flights of dogs were made on high-altitude geophysical rockets. 44 former mutts took part in the experiments, some flew several times. Eight launches ended tragically. All flights were carried out in the strictest secrecy. Well, now you can declassify. I would like a name.

Dezik and others

Gypsy and Dezik

So, in the early morning of July 22, 1951, two dogs - Dezik and Gypsy - made the first flight of living beings to the conditional border with space (the rocket rose to a height of 87 km 700 m). After the start, the weight of the dogs increased by 5 times, the pulse jumped to 250 (four times higher than the dog's norm), but then weightlessness set in, and their condition returned to normal.

The flight lasted 20 minutes, weightlessness lasted about 3 minutes, after which the head part with the animals separated from the rocket and parachuted down to Earth. “Alive! Alive! shouted those who ran to those who landed first. Korolev took one of them in his arms and joyfully ran around the cabin. Dezik and Gypsy proved that a living being could endure such a flight.

Exactly a week later, Dezik was launched up again, now in the company of Lisa. This time they flew along a ballistic trajectory up to 110 km and stayed in zero gravity for 3.7 minutes, but the parachute did not open upon landing, and the dogs died.

After the death of Dezik, the Gypsy decided not to risk it: after all, the first animal that had been "there". He was taken to his home by one high rank.

In the same 51st, the crew of Mishka and Chizhik flew twice. The first flight was successful, the second time the experiment was complicated, the dogs died due to depressurization of the head of the rocket during landing.

A few days after their death, as if sensing something was wrong, before his second flight, the Bold little dogs fled to the bare steppe. He made his first flight with Ryzhik, successfully.

The second time, the Bold was supposed to fly with Neputev, but he ran away - he fell off the leash when they were both walking. They searched for the brave in the steppe in cars and even with helicopters, but they were never found, and the matter was urgent. Instead of a fugitive, a ZIB flew. The nickname stood for Spare Vanished Bobik.

It was an untrained stray dog ​​that hung around the spaceport near the cafeteria.

In 1954 the dogs Fox (another), Ryzhik, Damka and Mishka flew. Mishka and Ryzhik died on landing. In the 55th and 56th, Fox and Bulba (the crew died at the start), another Fox and Rita (Rita died), Malyshka, Button, Minda, Kozyavka and Albina flew.

Since 1957, rockets with dogs have already reached a height of 212 km, the weightlessness period was as long as 6 minutes, and from the 58th - up to a height of 450-473 km, the weightlessness period was 10 minutes. Here are the names of the heroes: Squirrel, Lady and Fashionista flew successfully, Redhead and Joyna died due to cabin depressurization. Nipper, Courageous and Snowflake were lucky - they returned to Earth unharmed. Brave even set a dog record - 5 successful launches on geophysical rockets. Dog Palma made three flights, the third, unfortunately, ended tragically: Palma and Fluff died due to cabin depressurization. Malek, Belyanka and Motley survived. Zhulba and Knopa died (the parachute failed).

Having accumulated vast experimental material on flights of dogs on geophysical rockets and a short stay in weightlessness, scientists proceeded to the next stage in preparing for a manned flight into space - to launch spacecraft-satellites, that is, to orbital flights.



Laika was sent on the second artificial Earth satellite on November 3, 1957. She became the first being put into orbit. And the first declassified dog. The whole world watched her flight.

Laika was doomed from the very beginning: they simply did not know how to return a ship from a space flight. She died a painful death. The time spent by the satellite in the sun turned out to be significantly longer than planned, and the cabin began to gradually warm up. It was officially reported that the dog was allegedly euthanized in flight. This, unfortunately, is not the case. Laika died from suffocation and heat, in fact, boiled. And the satellite made a few more revolutions around the Earth already with a dead dog on board, and then burned up in the dense layers of the atmosphere.

40 years later, after the collapse of the USSR, the 80-year-old Gazenko will tell Reuters that “the main factor that determined the first flight experiments in the Soviet Union, for example, the Laika flight, was not science, but competition in the Cold War,” and will name Like my biggest mistake.

“We should not have done this,” the general of medical service will bitterly say.

After the tragic flight of Laika, when the world community accused the Soviet Union of inhumanity, experiments with dogs again went underground, that is, they were conducted in secret. Medical scientists led by Gazenko had to answer the question: will a person endure the flight conditions? The dogs tolerated flights perfectly, but the technique was still imperfect.

In Soviet newspapers, Laika (and in her face - all the secret cat-sized dog-cosmonauts) was portrayed as a courageous animal who sacrificed his life for the sake of human progress. In fact, the picture was the opposite: it was humanity that sacrificed dogs.

The monkeys were terribly afraid: American scientists had to launch them into space almost under anesthesia. The dogs were also afraid. But they are endowed with a unique distinctive quality - trust in a person. Therefore, dogs flew into space in full consciousness and sober memory. Scientists involved in the preparation of animals recalled that the dogs never resisted, did not snarl, did not bark. They did not perceive aggressively even painful procedures. The dogs were professional.

General notebook, 96 sheets

In July 1960, almost three years after the death of Laika, during which the development of the return ship was underway, Oleg Gazenko begins to keep a new diary.

The diary is pretty dry. A group of six dogs are being prepared for an orbital flight. They install sensors, test equipment, adjust clothes, monitor the behavior and well-being of animals ... But people are people, dogs are dogs. The lyrics are invisibly present. Dramaturgy too.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko

On the first page of the diary - the composition: Chanterelle, Chaika, Silva, Vilna, Martiana and Weasel. Do not be surprised that there are no names of Belka and Strelka. The names of the dogs were changed like gloves. The closer to the flight, the more active. It can be assumed that this was often done for the sake of secrecy. Or for the sake of ideology. It is no accident that the Marquise, for example, has simply turned into White. Sometimes they were guided by purely aesthetic considerations (meaning Soviet aesthetics, of course). So Gazenko's favorite with the name Zhulka, which was not suitable for Soviet newspapers, became Zhemchuzhnaya by decision of the State Commission.

Closer to the flight, Vilna will be named Belka, and Silva will first become a Drop. And although in weightlessness any drop turns into a ball, but our Drop will be renamed Arrow.

Right there, on the first page of the diary, there are three (apparently, the main) points: what to feed, what to treat for pneumonia, what to give for diarrhea. Should be fed 2-3 times a day, only with fresh products: 300 g of meat - better than boiled, do not give chicken bones, do not give fish; soup - any.

Next - about the installation of motion sensors (on the dog itself) and television equipment. During the flight, vital indications and a "picture" will be transmitted to Earth. Instructions for installing KRD and DDV sensors: Sensors should be mounted on the outside of the animal… When moving backwards to the maximum, the dog should not hit the booth with its sacrum… The rope is attached above the animal's shoulder blades.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko

Admires the list necessary devices, parts and tools: voltmeter - 1 pc, dynamometer - 1 pc, resistance VS-0.25 - 10 pcs, cotter pins, wire cutters, screwdriver for M6 bolts, soldering iron, tin, rosin, mounting wire, nylon thread, needle. Nothing cosmic!

Dogs do an ECG and FKG (phonocardiogram). The diary contains graphs of blood pressure. Here, for example, Fox. According to the graph, the dog's blood pressure rises slightly when he stands on his front and hind legs, or when he barks. Quite small bursts - when eating. Small - when coughing. But then the pressure jumps up a lot when the dog shakes himself off.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko

The first dated entry is immediately related to the flight: July 12, 1960 At 22.00 departure, arrival to the destination at 7.00 Moscow time 13.07.60. This, of course, is not a flight into space - this is the delivery of future cosmonauts from Moscow to Baikonur. Behavior of animals in flight: Silva is active, orienting reactions are clearly expressed. Vilna is calm, passive. The seagull is active. The fox is calm. The condition of the animals after the flight is satisfactory.

It seems that Martiana and Laska were left in Moscow. The launch into space is scheduled for July 27, which is in two weeks.

Animal #1 and Animal #2

July 13. Expanding the laboratory. Animal control: Chanterelle, Silva.

the 14 th of July. At 9.00 an ECG is done to the animals. Test recording of readings on film. End of work with animals at 22.00. Wow day.

July 15. Silva's preparation begins at 9.00. Sensor readings are taken. Then the rigging of Chanterelles was carried out (completed by 18.00), control records were made. The registration quality is satisfactory. At 18.30 they begin to equip Chaika, control records are over by 20.00. Temperature sensors are not fixed on Chanterelle and Chaika. While working, one of the dogs (we will not disclose the name) had a stool. At 21.00 the animals were placed in KZh-02 (the cabin in which they will fly). At 22.00 control records of all parameters are made. All channels are functioning normally. Somewhat small amplitude of FKG ...

July 16. At 11.30 the dogs were removed from KZh-02. Watching films. With some remarks, but image quality is satisfactory. Improvements to KZh-02.

Animal equipment weight. Chanterelle trains as animal No. 1, and Seagull is trained as animal No. 2. Fox sensors weigh 280 g, and Chaikin's - 200. Plus - fixing clothes and other devices weigh 450 g. It is assumed that Chanterelle with all the equipment will weigh approximately 7000 g, and Chaika 6500.

Chanterelle and Seagull

On July 17, work with sensors, marking tapes with registration and collecting urine from the first group of animals are planned. On July 18 - again work with sensors, fitting clothes and filming animals, as well as removing seams from Chaika and control recording of Silva and Vilna (ECG and CD).

18 July. Examination of experimental animals was carried out. Chaika had a break in the right electrode. At 22.00, an electrode was implanted in the dog Chaika.Under local anesthesia. The condition of the animal after the operation is satisfactory.

Gazenko is a scientist and not an artist at all. But here he draws animal number 1 and animal number 2. They are hung with sensors, cables stretch from them ... but look at the faces.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko

July 19. Chaika's condition is satisfactory. The dog was a little lethargic… The condition of animals, electrodes and control records of physical functions were carried out: Vilna, Chaika, Silva. Bandage change.

July 20. The condition of the animals is satisfactory. The gull is lethargic, slightly limping on the right front paw. Clothes have been adjusted. This procedure usually took long hours: it was important to properly fit the suit to the dog's figure so that the sensors were fixed.

Flower for Seagull and Chanterelle

July 24th. Preparation and carrying out of complex tests. 20.30 - Seagull is dressed and equipped. 23.00 - Chanterelle's dressing and equipment is finished. In QOL - 24.00.

July 25th. Washing and toileting Seagulls and Chanterelles. Inspection of the exit points of the electrodes.

26 July. The toilet of animals was carried out: Chanterelle from 16 to 20.00. Washing with baby soap, combing and combing wool, toileting the places where the electrodes exit. In the area of ​​implantation of the right chest electrode, redness and swelling are noted. The seams are left in place. Dressing with synthomycin emulsion.

  • Inspection of experimental animals, drawing up an act.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Control check of sensors.
  • Equipment and equipment for animals.
  • Control registration.
  • Strengthening in QOL.
  • Conducting control records.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko

July 27th. Gull. Start of equipment 9.30. End 14.20. The location of the sensors is standard. Step-by-step registration of sensors operation during the equipment. Before putting on the ACS, the possibility of treatment with synthomycin emulsion. After equipping with all sensors and clothing, a control record and fixation in the QOL.

At 15.00 the dog Chanterelle was examined. A break (kink) of the LR electrode (solid nylon coating!) has been established. It was decided to perform reoperation of electrode implantation under local anesthesia according to a simplified scheme. The following is a description of the operation. After: the condition of the animal is satisfactory.

July 28th. Chanterelle. 0.00 - placed and fixed in the ACS tray. The branch pipe of the automated control system is attached to the neck of the sewage tank. The dog's behavior is calm. The general condition is good. Body temperature 38.2. The nasal planum is smooth, cold, moist. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity are clean, light pink. Hair is smooth and shiny. The skin is in good condition. Auscultation of the chest reveals no abnormalities. He takes food well. Stool and urination without visible changes. Urine was collected for biochemical testing for deoxycytidine. Blood was taken for general chemical analysis and for biochemical research.

Silva and Vilna (future Belka and Strelka) were backup crew. But the ship with Chanterelle and Seagull exploded. At the start. In front of everyone. In front of the Queen. The fox was his favorite dog.

Shortly before the start, scientists saw how he took her in his arms, pressed her to him and said: “I really want you to come back.”

We do not know what Gazenko said to the dogs, who had been preparing them for the flight for several months. But that dried flower among the numbers, most likely, appeared there after the tragic start.

Two days later, the entries in the diary resume: people and dogs became attached to each other, but continued to do business. Now the heroes of the diary are Silva and Vilna. Gazenko, apparently, knows in advance that they will be renamed, so he writes their names in quotation marks. There are three weeks left before the launch of the second satellite ship.

Silva and Vilna

July 30th. Inspection of the dog "Silva". Beginning 9.30. End 10.30. The dog looks cheerful, appetite is good. Temperature 38.1. Pulse 88. Respiration 24/m. The general condition is satisfactory. When trying to measure the temperature, the dog is aggressive, tries to bite, whines ... Checking the electrodes. The front right electrode is broken off. The dressing was tolerated calmly. Very irritable when unexpectedly stroked, shy, crouches and bares her teeth when the door slams, loud conversation outside the door.

Future Strelka is clearly nervous.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko. ECG Arrows

Inspection of the dog "Vilna". The dog looks cheerful, allowed himself to be examined, the pulse is 120 per minute. Respiration 120 per minute. Appetite is good. Temperature 37.9.

13h 15m Both dogs "Silva" and "Vilna" are installed in the tray of the GKZH cabin. The fastening of the dogs from the inside is carried out in such a way that the animal can take the following postures: 1) sit 2) lie down 3) stand (the third one is limited mainly by the arc of the tray).

19:00 Silva: pulse 96, respiration 24 per minute, good appetite. Vilna: pulse 126, respiration 130. Not eating. Often whines.

Now the future Squirrel is nervous. I wonder if the dogs guessed the fate of their colleagues?

July 31st. 9 a.m. Silva: calm, moist nasal planum, pulse 78/min, respiration 24/min. Appetite is good. Vilna: looks restless, often whines, the nasal planum is dry, pulse is 140 per minute, respiration is about 160.

August 1. 9 a.m. Silva - gnawed through all the wires, pulse 100 per minute, respiration 36 per minute. Vilna - anxiety, whining, breathing 140 per minute, pulse 120 per minute. 13:00 – training stopped. Dog inspection. Silva is calm, pulse is 78 per minute, breathing is 24 per minute. Vilna - excited, pulse 100 per minute, respiration 48 per minute.

August 2. 16:00 Vilna is dressed in ISU and bracing clothes, placed in GKZh… restless, trembling, often whining, trying to escape.

August 3rd. Vilna was in the GKZH until 18:00. After the end of the test, the condition is satisfactory, the pulse is 140 per m, breathing is 120 per m, she looks cheerful. She willingly accepted food.

August 4th. 20:00 Vilna is calm, dozing, pulse 120 per minute, respiration 20 per minute. Start dressing - 20:30, end - 23:00. Martian - looks lethargic, pulse 88, respiration 60 per m (shortness of breath).

Aha! There were players on the bench.

August 7. At 13 o'clock complex tests were carried out. The deficiencies have been corrected. At 4 p.m., the dogs were released from the GLC. The condition of the dogs is satisfactory.

Belka and Strelka

Belka and Strelka

August 13th. Trial recordings are made (from sensors). Star names appear for the first time: Belka (former Vilna) and Strelka (former Drop).

The results of a general clinical blood test are pasted into the diary. Forms are human. Dated 15.8.60. In the column "Last name, first name": Drop and Squirrel. There are three days left before the start.

August 16th. Outfitting dogs from 10.00. Reading columns Arrows and Proteins... New samples are being taken for analysis. By 23.00, after full equipment and strengthening of all sensors, both dogs are sitting in the tray.

August 17th. The animals spent the night on the tray quite calmly. At 9.00 the condition of the animals is good, they are calm and, at the same time, they react vividly to the appearance of people and various external stimuli. It was decided to leave the animals on the QOL tray and carry out the pre-launch part of the experiment according to the program.

16-16.15. Vilna shows visible anxiety, at times whines, barks, alternately gets up and lies down. Animals refuse food and water.

16.45. Recording of all functions is satisfactory. Vilna occasionally barks.

18.15. Vilna occasionally barks.

21.45. Dogs are excited. The squirrel often barks and whines.

00.15. The dogs are in good condition. Ate. They behave calmly.

3.00. The dogs are sleeping.

5.00. The dogs are sleeping.

6.40. The dogs are awake. Quietly sit in the tray. They seem to be in a good mood.

9.00. Cthe condition of the dogs is satisfactory. Vilna is somewhat restless, barking.

At 10.15-10.25 at Belka there is significant restlessness. Her pulse jumps to 135 per minute. But by 10.35 it drops to 72, and Belka again behaves calmly.

Finally, two columns: 1 min before the start and 1 min after the start. In Strelka, breathing increases from 60 to 120 per minute, pulse from 75 to 170 per minute, in Belka, breathing from 9-12 to 72, pulse from 52 to 180.

Then the data of the 2nd orbit, the 6th orbit… Dogs are flying around the Earth…

On the eve of man

So, the ship with Belka and Strelka launched on August 19, 1960, made 18 orbits around the Earth, and a day later the cabin with the animals landed safely. Thus, Belka and Strelka were the first in the world to make a successful long-term orbital space flight.

I don’t want to talk about it, but it’s necessary, because it’s true: if a crew of two dogs was launched and it returned unharmed, then one of the dogs, as a rule, was opened. Scientists have studied how space flight affects the body. An exception was made for the world-famous crew of Belka and Strelka. Both of them grew old and died a natural death. By the way, Strelka brought puppies twice, one of which - Pushinka - was presented to the Kennedy family. (It must have been so mockingly and sensitively to prick the competitors with a weightless Fluff!)

A man is drawn on one of the last pages of the diary. On it dots indicate the places of attachment of the sensors. Actually, everything is for him. For some reason the picture is crossed out.

From the diary of Oleg Gazenko

The Bee and the Fly flew next. The satellite ship successfully launched on December 1, 1960, made 17 orbits around the Earth, but at the final stage of deorbiting due to the failure of the brake propulsion system, the descent trajectory became more gentle. This threatened to land a secret object on the territory of another country. For such cases, an automatic destruction system was installed on all ships. State secrets were saved, dogs died.

This delayed the first human flight (it was planned for the same December 60th). Korolev set a condition: a man will fly only after two successful dog flights. They took place on March 9 and 25, 1961. First, Chernushka, in company with a mannequin named Ivan Ivanovich, imitating a person, made one revolution around the Earth and landed safely. Then Zvezdochka did the same with the same Ivan Ivanovich. 17 days after Zvezdochka, the first man flew into space.

Nigella and Asterisk

After a man

After April 12, 1961, only two more dogs went into space. On February 22, 1966, the unmanned spacecraft Kosmos-110 was launched with Ugolok and Veterok on board. The flight lasted 22 days, scientists investigated the effects of a long stay in weightlessness on the body. On March 16, the dogs returned alive, but very weak, dehydrated, and could not stand on their feet. They were not even allowed to rest - they were immediately taken to television - in order to demonstrate another achievement of Soviet cosmonautics. What is called, ideological race with a breeze.

Why, before the flight, the light-faced Snowball was renamed Ugolyok, only the State Commission knows. But with Veterok, everything is clear. Well, the Soviet pioneer could not bear the name Perdunchik. And although he had already been approved for flight under the abbreviated nickname Peer, nevertheless, on the eve of the flight, he received a new name - Veterok, which, in fact, still reflected the nature of his original title.

Wind and Coal

Further, nothing is known about the fate of Ugolyok, but Veterok was given his name back and taken to live in the IBMP. There Perdunchik gained well-deserved honor and respect, but lost his teeth (the consequences of space flight). The research assistants chewed food for him, and he walked along the institute corridors and brazenly opened the doors to any offices. By the end of his life, Fart was renamed again - now to the Director. Having lived after the flight for 12 glorious years, the Director died at his workplace - at the institute.

And Zhulka lived at home with Oleg Gazenko himself. It was his favorite dog. During her third flight, the rocket stage, which ensured the final launch of the ship into orbit, failed, and the warhead with Zhulka and her partner Zhemchuzhny fell into the winter taiga near Podkamennaya Tunguska. Fortunately for Gazenko, the automatic destruction device (needed because of the secrecy of the work) did not work. Two days later, live dogs were found in the snow and rescued. Zhulka was not allowed into space anymore - Gazenko took her to his home, and she lived for almost 14 more years.

He is certainly right: we shouldn't have done this to them. There is only one thing left for us - gratitude to them.

Illustrations from the archives of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and from the funds of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics"

My dear and inquisitive, I am glad to see you on the pages of "School"! In April, we celebrate Cosmonautics Day, so I decided that it would be interesting for children to find out what contribution animals have made to space science, namely our faithful four-legged dog friends.

Of course, many have heard about the flight of Belka and Strelka into space, but as often happens, we know something only by hearsay, and we did not go into details. Ready to learn more about the history of flight? Agree, it will be interesting)

Lesson plan:

How were the first astronauts selected?

About who to send first into outer space, Soviet scientists decided for a long time. Who do you think was the original contender, being closer to the person? Of course, primates! But the monkeys turned out to be such sensitive creatures because of their developed consciousness that they immediately resisted in case of any danger.

Therefore, sending them into space has become troublesome and hopeless. A painfully big stake was at stake - after all, after the animals, a human flight into space was planned!

Then, according to the results of biological research, the choice fell on dogs. The first detachment of future four-legged cosmonauts appeared in 1951 and consisted exclusively of the yard terrier breed. Why did simple mongrels get on the list of favorites?

Doctors noted that outbreds by their nature are accustomed to survive, are unpretentious and quickly get used to new, albeit difficult, conditions. So the participation in the space project of too tender and spoiled representatives of beautiful breeds was immediately put an end to.

As a result of the research, a portrait of an astronaut dog loomed.

  • Weight no more than seven kilograms and height no more than 35 centimeters. Such dimensions were due to the parameters of the space capsule.
  • The age of the animal must be between 2 and 6 years. Doctors set such boundaries for reasons of still having good health and already formed resistance to overload and diseases.
  • Applicants for space flight had to be sociable and patient, as they had to be trained for a long time before they flew into earth orbit.

Do you know that?! "Boys" were not included in the coveted list. Not because they are bullies. It's all about physiology: it's easier for "girls" to "handle a dog's need" in specially tailored sewage suits.

Dogs with an attractive appearance were included in the preparatory detachment. Why do they need beauty? The thing is that scientists looked far ahead, because the dogs that returned back to Earth after the flight will certainly become the object of cameras and movie characters, and a popular world-class star must be outwardly attractive.

Moreover, the color of the animal should be light: firstly, it is more convenient to observe light-haired ones on working monitors in flight, and secondly, they will look more impressive on a black-and-white TV screen later.

All twelve “graceful, graceful and slender” members of the detachment began to undergo special training:

  • they rotated in a centrifuge and shook on a shaker,
  • ejected
  • dressed in overalls equipped with sensors, they bored for a long time alone in a closed capsule while they were subjected to loads similar to space ones.

The best of the best

Dogs Belka and Strelka were chosen among all applicants not in vain. They unquestioningly fit all the parameters that were presented to future cosmonauts: both had already reached the age of 2.5 years, had excellent health and perfectly withstood all the loads during training.

Outbred blonde Belka showed herself in training as a true leader, being the most active and very sociable. The spotted mongrel Strelka, on the contrary, was a slightly withdrawn and timid creature, but quite friendly. Being absolute opposites, Belka and Strelka perfectly complemented each other.

Do you know that?! The real nicknames of Belka and Strelka are Marquise and Albina. Such names, a little strange for the USSR, were considered unsuitable for future Soviet heroes, they were too foreign and pretentious, so they were renamed simpler.

For several months, the dogs were accustomed to the space cabin, cramped and closed. This was the most difficult in the process of preparing for the flight. They got used to eating jelly-like food and drinking water from vending machines, wearing clothes with sensors. Initially, the flight was scheduled to last no more than a day, but the animals were prepared for the journey for at least eight days, you never know what could happen.

In 1960, the launch date of the spacecraft was determined, and on August 19, at 11:44 am, Sputnik-5, with two dogs on board, took off from the Earth's surface, starting from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

It is worth noting that Belka and Strelka became the third crew to go into orbit.

A little earlier, in 1957, Laika became the first astronaut dog, which, unfortunately, was sent "without a return ticket." Returning satellites were not yet created at that time. The second dog carriage from Chaika and Lisichka was sent in July 1960.

Alas, they also died. Belka and Strelka were to become their understudies. And they became the first to travel into space and after the flight returned safely.

25 hours for glory, or is it easy to be a pioneer

The flight lasted just over 25 hours, and in a little over a day the dogs turned around the Earth 17 times, covered a distance of 700,000 kilometers and returned home as heroes, alive and unharmed. The behavior of the animals was recorded on film with the help of video surveillance.

It was noted that the closed Strelka felt quite well, but the activist Belka on the fourth lap became suddenly restless, trying to break out of the bindings.

After the flight, the dogs were examined by doctors and, apart from stress, no changes were found in their state of health. This became the basis for asserting that a living organism is able to endure cosmic loads.

A little later, their feat was consolidated by other dogs who perfected flights before Yuri Gagarin went into space. Rumor has it that he even joked about this, that he does not understand whether he is the first man in space, or the last dog.

Do you know that?! Belka and Strelka did not fly into space alone, but in a friendly company with laboratory mice and rats, insects, plants, seeds of wheat and corn, onions and peas, as well as microbes. This composition was due to the fact that scientists wanted to analyze the influence of space on various living organisms.

As for Belka and Strelka, their space career ended there, they did not travel to earth orbit anymore. Becoming celebrities after the flight, they went to interviews, they were shown to children in schools and kindergartens, they lived a long time, and Strelka even left offspring. One of her sons, Fluff, was presented to the wife of the American president.

This is how it really happened. Our faithful friends are ready to serve with loyalty and devotion not only on Earth, but also in space. So take care of your pets.

And now let's look at these brave shaggy astronauts)

Duiayu, it will be interesting for you to go and see the crafts of the winners of our "".

I say goodbye to you briefly in the hope of seeing you again.

I am waiting for you among the recipients of blog news and in the orderly ranks of participants our VKontakte group)

Evgenia Klimkovich.

In 1960, the USSR sends two dogs into space, which will then become famous throughout the world for the reason that this will be the first space flight in history to enter orbit and return a mammal to earth. This was the greatest breakthrough in the task of human space exploration. However, this attempt to send animals into space was far from the first, but most of them ended tragically.

The United States, like the USSR, was interested in becoming pioneers in space. Before the Soviet dogs Belka and Strelka returned from a successful flight, several unsuccessful attempts were made by both powers to send mammals into space.

  1. On June 11, 1948, a male rhesus macaque, named after Einstein Albert I, flies into space. However, the rocket launched from the White Sands cosmodrome in the USA did not reach the required altitude, and Albert I himself died of suffocation, unable to withstand overloads.
  2. 06/14/1949 Rhesus monkey Albert II goes into space. It was a suborbital flight - the speed of the rocket was insufficient to put it into Earth's orbit. The primate died upon landing due to the failure of the parachute system. His followers, Albert III and IV, were also waiting for a tragic end.
  3. On April 18, 1951, Albert V is sent into orbit from the US Air Force Base at Holloman, who also dies from a malfunction in the parachute system.
  4. 07/22/1951 The USSR sends dogs named Dezik and Gypsy on a suborbital flight, which ended in success: the dogs returned from it alive and healthy.
  5. 11/03/1957 from Baikonur of the USSR, the dog Laika leaves for the first flight with access to orbit. She was not planned to return back, and she died 5-7 hours after the start.

On a note! Initially, dog flights into space were carried out under general anesthesia. Only with time did they begin to fly in the waking state.

Space pioneers. Start

Not resting on its laurels, the USSR sets itself a task that no other country in the world could ever fulfill before - to put a mammal into orbit with its subsequent return to Earth. The purpose of the flight is to develop life support systems for humans, which will allow them to explore space.

The IBMP was preparing for the flight

It is planned to put into orbit two dogs named Chaika and Chanterelle, but the launch of the rocket on July 28, 1960, unfortunately, ends tragically due to the destruction of the first stage of the rocket. It explodes without being in flight for even one minute. The next candidates for space flight are their doubles - Belka and Strelka.

Flight preparation

Head of the design bureau S.P. The queen was required to select 12 dogs for the flight, meeting the following requirements: height at the withers no higher than 35 cm, weight no more than 6 kg, age from 2 to 6 years. The color of the dogs should be light - so it will be easier to watch them on the then black and white monitors. It is noteworthy that males were not considered as astronauts, since it was much more difficult for them to develop a sewage device that utilizes natural waste products.

Good looks were also put forward as requirements for candidates, since it was assumed that if the flight was successful, the dogs would become famous media personalities.

Criteria for dogs

Dogs were trained in Moscow. Belka and Strelka underwent specialized training for several months, consisting of the following:

  1. Astronaut dogs spent a long time in a limited enclosed space.
  2. They took food from specialized automatic devices.
  3. They wore clothes and body-mounted sensors.
  4. They were tested in a centrifuge, as well as on a special stand in conditions of significant vibration.

All this happened under the round-the-clock supervision of many medical specialists and laboratory assistants. Worst of all, dogs endured confined spaces. Of the entire group, Belka, who was active, and Strelka, who was more passive, adapted best to stressful conditions. At the same time, despite the fact that a daily flight was planned, in training the dogs were required to withstand these conditions for 8 days.

On a note! For astronaut dogs, a jelly-like food was specially developed that could fully satisfy their nutritional and water needs.

Flight of Belka and Strelka into space

On August 19, 1960, at 11:44 a.m., the Sputnik-5 spacecraft was successfully launched on board with a capsule containing Belka and Strelka. They were delivered on board the ship in advance - 2 hours before the start of the flight.

Cabin with animals of the Vostok spacecraft, 1960

The required level of pressure, temperature and air humidity was maintained on the ship. Also, the air was periodically cleaned - carbon dioxide was absorbed from it with a special reagent and oxygen was released. The animals were fed twice a day and was a necessary condition for the flight to test the possibility of food intake and its assimilation under weightless conditions.

Flight Director - S.P. Korolev

The state of Belka and Strelka was monitored by a whole complex of medical equipment, which recorded the maximum possible physiological changes during the flight. Also, they were recorded in real time by video surveillance equipment, and the video itself was recorded on Earth on film.

It is interesting! The arrangement of the double container allowed the dogs to visually observe and hear each other.

Behavior of Belka and Strelka in flight

Already at the start, both dogs had a significantly increased pulse and respiratory rate, but after some time the dogs calmed down and even began to behave somewhat apathetically. Observers noted the following features of the impact of flight on the behavior of dogs:

  1. The dogs did not suffer from lack of appetite, confidently eating from automated devices.
  2. Under conditions of weightlessness, the circulatory system of both dogs worked without deviations.
  3. The body temperature of Belka and Strelka remained unchanged throughout the entire flight.
  4. After completing the 4th orbit around the Earth, Belka, more active in behavior, began to break out of the belts that fettered her movements, she vomited, however, on Earth her state of health was recognized as satisfactory.

It is interesting! During the flight, at the moment when the US satellite flew past the ship with Belka and Strelka, both dogs barked, which was very much in line with the spirit of confrontation in space between the two superpowers.

The reaction of Belka and Strelka to the American satellite "Echo"

At 13:32 on August 20, 1960, the organizers of the flight on Earth gave the order to begin the descent of the spacecraft with dogs on board, which ended successfully. His landing was made at a distance of 10 km from the intended point, however, the specialists who arrived at the landing site of the capsule did not find absolutely any deviations in the behavior and well-being of Belka and Strelka. The flight could be considered successfully completed.

It is interesting! After grueling training in preparation, the dogs often felt much worse than after the actual flight.

Flight result

The success of the flight, which lasted just over a day in orbit, and the good condition of the returned Belka and Strelka, made it more realistic than ever for man to begin space exploration. Scientists have received a lot of valuable data on the work of the body in space. Although the dogs were stressed in flight, no major abnormalities were recorded in their vital functions.

However, in connection with Belka's anxiety, which she showed in flight, it will subsequently be decided that the first man-cosmonaut should first complete only one revolution around our planet.

Belka's reaction to flight

Belka and Strelka: a trace in history

Belka and Strelka, after their perfect flight, instantly became the heroes of television programs not only in domestic TV, but also in the world. The success of the flight acquires a truly worldwide scale. This achievement, in addition to filmed TV shows, is recorded by many printed publications, many posters and postage stamps with hero dogs, books with a detailed description of the flight are issued, documentaries and animated films are shot to leave this flight in memory and tell about it to future generations. Around the world, monuments are erected to two dogs who made a historical breakthrough.

American pianist Van Cliburn with Belka and Strelka on the TV show "We'll Meet Again"

This event is not forgotten in our time:

  1. In 2010, the film "Star Clouds" was released, filmed for a children's audience. Despite the fact that the scenario is somewhat different from reality, the main characters remain the same, fueling the children's interest in the real events of the past.
  2. The anniversary of the flight into space of Belka and Strelka was celebrated by the Google search engine, changing the look of its page in honor of the memorable event.
  3. For the fiftieth anniversary of the event, a postage stamp was issued commemorating the anniversary of the first successful orbital flight of dogs into space.

Video - Belka and Strelka in space

Belka and Strelka: facts about the flight

After the flight, Belka and Strelka lived a long enough life and died of natural causes. Stuffed animals can still be seen in the Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow.

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