Vitamins for diabetics Verwag Pharma. Vitamins for diabetics. Comparison, "chips", selection algorithm Doppelhertz Active: vitamins for diabetics

Diabetes mellitus is a pathological condition that is accompanied by disturbances in all metabolic processes due to high levels of glucose in the body and relative or absolute deficiency of insulin.

The disease is accompanied by frequent urination, as the body tries to balance the quantitative indicators of glucose through its increased excretion. Vitamins, minerals, vital micro- and macroelements are removed along with urine.

To prevent the development of hypo- or vitamin deficiency, patients suffering from the “sweet disease” are recommended to take vitamins for diabetics. In addition, organic substances prevent the development of chronic complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, cerebrovascular accidents, atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, and polyneuropathy.

List of important vitamins

There are specific research methods that allow you to determine the level of vitamins and microelements in the human body. Based on the results, the doctor determines the drugs that are needed as part of complex therapy for diabetes. In most cases, multivitamins are used to support the body's defenses, restoring disturbances in metabolic processes and the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Let's look at what vitamins you can take as mono- or polytherapy for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


Vitamin A is a fat-soluble organic substance that is considered essential for normal eye function and maintaining high visual acuity. Taking retinol-based medications helps prevent the development of retinopathy, a chronic complication of diabetes mellitus, manifested by a violation of the trophism of the retina of the visual analyzer.

Retinol is an important organic substance not only for patients, but also for healthy people

Natural sources of vitamin A are:

  • dried apricots;
  • zucchini;
  • Cod liver;
  • parsley, dill, lettuce;
  • persimmon;
  • tomato;
  • carrot;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.

B vitamins

Representatives of group B organic substances are water-soluble vitamins that are found in almost all products. The most consumed and important representatives for patients with diabetes are listed in the table.

Vitamin B-series Role in the human body Products containing
IN 1Participation in metabolic processes, restores blood circulation, promotes the formation of ATP and the preparation of genetic material for divisionYeast, nuts, pistachios, pork, lentils, soybeans, beans, chicken eggs
AT 2Reduces sugar levels and participates in energy processes. Affects the functioning of the endocrine system, visual analyzer, central nervous systemYeast, milk, beef, pork, cocoa, wheat flour, spinach, potatoes
AT 3Is a stabilizer of the nervous system, cleanses blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levelsFish, mushrooms, peanuts, offal, meat, buckwheat, sunflower seeds
AT 5Participates in all metabolic processes, regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands and nervous system, promotes the synthesis of fatty acids and normalizes cholesterol levelsChicken eggs, offal, nuts, sunflower seeds, fish, dairy products
AT 6Normalizes kidney function, failure leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of cells and tissues to insulinNuts, sea buckthorn, horseradish, hazelnuts, fish, seafood, garlic, pomegranate, bell pepper
AT 7Reduces blood glucose levels, controls cholesterol levelsBy-products, dairy products, cauliflower, almonds, sardines, wheat flour
AT 9Participates in the formation of nucleic acids and protein metabolismGreens, cabbage, spinach, yeast, soybeans, sunflower seeds
AT 12Normalization of the central nervous system, prevention of anemiaBy-products, chicken egg yolk, spinach, greens, seafood, dairy products

Ascorbic acid

A water-soluble organic substance that is considered an important link in ensuring the normal functioning of the body's immune system. In addition, vitamin C is involved in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which is important for diabetes, reduces their permeability, and restores the nutritional processes of tissues and cells.


Vitamin D takes part in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the human body. Diabetic patients are prone to developing osteoporosis, and sufficient intake of calciferol is a preventive measure. The substance is involved in the development of the musculoskeletal system and ensures normal growth of the body. It is found in sufficient quantities in dairy products, fish, chicken eggs, and seafood.

Adequate intake of vitamin D helps prevent the development of osteoporosis in diabetics


It is considered the “vitamin of beauty and youth.” Provides good condition of the skin, restores elasticity, supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Prevents the development of retinopathy in those who have the sweet disease. Sources include dairy products, parsley, spinach, dill, lettuce, legumes, pork and beef.

Macro- and microelements

Along with vitamins, a significant amount of minerals and trace elements are removed from the body in diabetes. They are vital substances, although they are required in a dose of several hundredths of a milligram per day. The following microelements are considered the most important for diabetics:

  • magnesium – increases the sensitivity of cells to the action of insulin, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • selenium is an antioxidant that binds free radicals;
  • zinc – participates in the normalization of the functioning of endocrine organs, promotes the processes of cell restoration and regeneration;
  • manganese – if present, B-series vitamins fully perform their functions;
  • chromium – has properties to reduce blood glucose levels and promotes insulin synthesis.

Important! All of the above elements and vitamins in certain proportions are included in treatment and prophylactic complexes, which the doctor selects individually in each specific clinical case.

Multivitamins for diabetics

Such complexes include organic substances in dosages that are necessary to support a high level of vital activity of patients. The list of drugs and features of their use are discussed further.

Vitamins for diabetics made in Russia. Each tablet contains the required daily dose of vitamins A, B series, ascorbic acid, E, selenium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, biotin and flavonoids. Available in the form of tablets with a green coating.

Complivit Diabet is a specially developed complex that covers vitamin and mineral deficiencies in diabetes mellitus

Contraindications to the use of Complivit:

  • individual hypersensitivity to components;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • ulcerative gastritis, enterocolitis;
  • patients under 14 years of age.


Vitamins for diabetics, which also include a number of microelements, organic acids and plant extracts. The drug is designed specifically to provide patients with the needs of these substances. AlfaVit helps cells and tissues become more sensitive to the hormonally active substance of the pancreas. Taking the complex is a preventive measure in the development of polyneuropathy, retinopathy, and kidney pathology.

The tablets in the package are divided into 3 parts depending on the predominance of certain substances:

  • “Energy-plus” – improves the processes of energy conversion and consumption, protects against the development of anemia;
  • “Antioxidants-plus” – strengthen the body’s defenses, support the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • "Chrome-plus" - promotes normal insulin production and supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

The composition of AlfaVita tablets is a carefully selected combination of substances that enhance each other’s effectiveness

Thioctic and succinic acids, which are part of the complex, restore metabolic processes, increase cell sensitivity to insulin, prevent the development of complications, increasing resistance to oxygen deficiency. Blueberry extract lowers blood sugar levels, strengthens artery walls, and supports the functioning of the visual analyzer. Dandelion and burdock extracts help restore the functioning of the pancreas.

Tablets are taken three times a day (1 from each block). The order doesn't matter. The course of taking the complex is 30 days. It is not used in the treatment of children under 14 years of age.

Doppelhertz Active

Vitamins for diabetics from this series are not a medicine, but are considered a biologically active food supplement. The composition includes:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • pantothenate;
  • magnesium;
  • chromium;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

Doppelhertz Active is not prescribed for pregnancy and breastfeeding, individual hypersensitivity to components, and children under 12 years of age.

Vervag Pharma

The complex includes chromium, zinc and 11 vitamins. It is necessary to take the tablet after food, since in this case the necessary conditions are created for the absorption of fat-soluble organic substances. Course – 30 days. After 6 months, you can repeat taking Vervag Pharma.

The product is used in combination with a low-carbohydrate diet. Olijim contains purified inulin, as well as gymnema (a plant with a sugar-lowering effect). The drug also includes natural acids that slow down the absorption of glucose from the intestinal tract into the blood.

Olijim is a hypoglycemic agent that belongs to the group of dietary supplements

Oligim Evalar is capable of:

  • accelerate saturation processes;
  • reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • reduce the body's need for sweets;
  • protect pancreatic cells from damage by infectious and other agents.

The drug is taken for 25 days. The next course begins after a 5-day break. It is better to take the product after consultation with an endocrinologist, clarifying individual sensitivity to the active components.

Good day, dear farm. family!

On the topic of diabetes, we have not yet discussed vitamins for diabetics. This is what we will do today.

What's so special about them?

Why do people who take whole handfuls of pills need to swallow more?

What, ordinary complexes won’t work?

My friend and colleague Anton Zatrutin, already well known to you from some blog articles, will help us figure out this group.

Thanks Marina!

Yes, indeed, when talking about diabetes, it would be illogical to ignore vitamins for diabetics. Each pharmacy has 3-4 similar products in its assortment, which every pervostolnik can recommend in combination with those prescribed by a doctor

Let's take a closer look at their composition.

What do they have in common?

All complexes contain 3 groups of substances:

  • b vitamins,
  • vitamins are antioxidants
  • minerals and, above all, zinc, selenium and chromium.

We have already said that with diabetes, the walls of blood vessels thicken, molecules of cholesterol and fibrin stick to them, the lumen of the blood vessels decreases, and all organs and systems chronically “starve”.

This composition of vitamin complexes allows you to protect the nervous system of a diabetic in conditions of lack of nutrients and oxygen, improve metabolism, and bind free radicals that are formed in large quantities during oxygen deficiency.

The zinc contained in these complexes is necessary for the synthesis of insulin, and chromium is necessary for the normal functioning of the channels through which glucose passes into the cells. It works in conjunction with insulin and helps move glucose from the blood into the tissues.

Unfortunately, with type 2 diabetes, the body loses the ability to absorb chromium from food, so it must be supplied externally.

Let's start getting acquainted with vitamins with Doppelhertz Active complexes.

They are available in two forms - classic Vitamins for diabetics and OphthalmoDiabetoVit.

Doppelhertz Active. Vitamins for diabetics

This complex contains all the B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. There is a higher content of nicotinic acid compared to other vitamins, which helps normalize cholesterol metabolism and dilate blood vessels.

This complex also includes vitamin E.

True, its amount is very small: 42 mg = 63 IU.

(For comparison: the Aevit complex contains 100 IU).

In addition, this product contains large quantities of folic acid (vitamin B9), necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, tissue regeneration, and biotin (vitamin H), which also stimulates regeneration processes and, in addition, increases cell sensitivity to insulin .

In addition to vitamins, this complex contains microelements - zinc, chromium, selenium, magnesium.

Of these, the first two are involved in carbohydrate metabolism: zinc is necessary for the synthesis of the insulin molecule, and chromium reduces cravings for sweets.

Moreover, this complex contains the most chromium compared to other vitamins for diabetics.

Well, selenium is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants that are so necessary for.

When to recommend Doppelhertz Vitamins for diabetics?

This complex is suitable for any stage of diabetes: both with and without complications.

  1. If you purchase glucose-lowering drugs.
  2. Diabetics with dry and damaged skin.
  3. If a diabetic asks for something that reduces sugar cravings.

Doppelhertz Active. OphthalmoDiabetoVit

OphthalmoDiabetoVit's composition is fundamentally different from classic vitamins for diabetics. It is more like vitamins for vision.

This is the only vitamin complex for diabetics that contains zeaxanthin and lutein. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the organ of vision, reduce the need for oxygen in the optic nerve, and participate in the synthesis of visual pigments.

There is less vitamin E (tocopherol) here than in the previous one, but there is vitamin A, which enhances the antioxidant properties of tocopherol. Vitamin A is also necessary for the normal functioning of the visual analyzer and the prevention of retinopathy.

But it is important to remember that these are fat-soluble vitamins, and unlike water-soluble ones, they take a very long time to be eliminated from the body.

The undoubted advantage of these vitamins is their powerful antioxidant activity and ability to improve regenerative processes in the eye.

Of the water-soluble vitamins, there is a small amount of ascorbic acid and thiamine (vitamin B 1). The first plays the role of an antioxidant, the second is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

It also contains trace elements - selenium, zinc, chromium. We have already talked about their role. But their content here is significantly lower than in classic vitamins.

In addition, this complex contains lipoic acid, which normalizes carbohydrate metabolism.

  1. For diabetic retinopathy. For example, if an elderly person acquires the type of Taufon, Emoksipin, ask if he has diabetes in order to offer OphthalmoDiabetoVit in combination with them.
  2. Overweight people who ask for recommendations for eye vitamins.
  3. Customers who purchase hypoglycemic agents and ask for vitamins for the eyes.

Take 1 tablet 1 time per day.

The following vitamins, like the previous ones, come from Germany.

They are produced by Wörwag-Pharma, known for its preparations Milgamma, Magnerot, Ferrofolgamma, and others.

This complex contains almost all B vitamins, a little biotin, selenium and zinc.

Fat-soluble vitamins are represented by tocopherol and beta-carotene, that is, provitamin A.

The latter is an important advantage of this product. I have already said above that fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body, and there is a risk of overdose and toxic effects of vitamin A, while it is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which means that a diabetic needs it.

In this complex, there is no such danger, since the body converts the beta-carotene included in it into vitamin A on its own, depending on the needs.

From my point of view, this vitamin complex is a kind of middle in terms of dosages of vitamins and microelements.

  • We see the optimal content of vitamins in it.
  • There is no danger of overdosing on vitamin A.
  • It is conveniently taken: 1 time per day.
  • It is produced in 30 and 90 tablets, that is, you can purchase the complex, both for a month, and for three at once.
  • I will add to this German production and a reasonable price.

But I noticed two things:

  1. This complex does not contain nicotinic acid, which is necessary for the regulation of vascular tone and fat metabolism.
  2. There is no lipoic acid, which is an antioxidant and takes part in the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Who should we offer Vitamins for diabetics from Wörwag Pharma?

  1. First of all, people suffering from diabetic lesions of the nervous system. They complain of burning, tingling, pain in the arms / legs, decreased or complete loss of sensation in the feet or hands (do not forget to advise them to consult a doctor in this case).
  2. For those who ask for cheaper vitamins for diabetes.

This complex should not be offered to persons with obvious disorders of fat metabolism. It is better to recommend a complex with lipoic acid.

The next representative of this group is the Russian complex Complivit Diabet.

Contains almost all B vitamins, nicotinic, ascorbic, folic acids, vitamin E (150 IU).

Among the trace elements it contains chromium, magnesium, selenium and zinc.

There is also a small amount of lipoic acid.

Magnesium is included in the complex as a means that takes part in the regulation of vascular tone and improves the functioning of the nervous system. But there is very little of it.

Unlike other complexes, this one contains Ginkgo biloba extract. The substances included in its composition improve cerebral circulation.

True, its dosage is small - only 16 mg.

Typically, preparations with Ginkgo (Tanakan, Ginkum, Bilobil, etc.) contain from 40 to 80 mg of Ginkgo extract, and it is unclear why the manufacturer decided that this particular dosage was necessary. But all the same, this is the “trick” of this product.

In general, Complivit Diabet has a good composition at a budget price. Take 1 tablet per day.

Who should I offer Complivit Diabetes?

  1. Persons purchasing glucose-lowering drugs. Can be smokers.
  2. Persons suffering from diabetic lesions of the nervous system. We discussed their complaints above.
  3. Diabetics with.
  4. For those who ask for cheaper vitamins for diabetics.

The next vitamin complex is Alphabet Diabetes.

As you remember, in these complexes all vitamins and minerals are collected in different tablets depending on their compatibility.

The main inconvenience of Alphabet is the need to take it three times a day.

And given that older people, especially diabetics, have memory problems, you can simply forget to do this. Or take the wrong pill.

The Alphabet Diabetes complex contains almost all microelements. It even contains manganese, iron, copper, iodine, and calcium.

Their dosages are very modest, with the exception of selenium, zinc and chromium, therefore they do not provide even the minimum daily requirement of the body for trace elements. Apparently, they are here in abundance.

Speaking of the vitamin component, what caught my eye was the inclusion of a complex of vitamins D and K, called phylloquinone.

They are responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism and blood clotting. What they are doing here is beyond me.

But there are also advantages:

The complex includes plant extracts that stimulate the release of endogenous insulin and thereby reduce blood glucose levels. These are extracts of blueberries, burdock, and dandelion.

From my point of view, this complex is more suitable for older clients who do not suffer from complications of diabetes or have vision problems, given the presence of blueberry extract.

Solgar glucose modulators

Speaking about complexes for patients with diabetes, it would be wrong to ignore the product of the American company Solgar “Glucose Modulators”.

Niacin and pantothenic acid are participants in carbohydrate metabolism and increase the consumption of glucose by the cell.

Lipoic acid, chromium, magnesium and zinc do all the good things we talked about above.

In addition, the complex contains extracts of Chinese bitter melon, fenugreek, and green tea. They stimulate the natural production of insulin, normalizing fat metabolism, and speed up carbohydrate metabolism.

The composition includes inulin - a ballast substance that is poorly digested by the gastrointestinal tract. It has been proven that it absorbs a significant amount of dietary glucose and prevents its absorption into the blood.

  1. Persons who are experiencing a slight increase in blood sugar for the first time.
  2. Persons purchasing glucose-lowering drugs to increase their effectiveness.

That's all for me.

Thanks Anton!

Friends, let's sum up some results.

"Tips" of vitamins for diabetics

So, Doppelhertz Active Vitamins for diabetics - an excellent complex that Especially suitable for those who have skin problems due to diabetes (dryness, irritation, etc.).

It is fundamentally different from the previous one in the presence of lipoic acid, therefore it is optimal in case of excess weight.

Plus, it contains a plant component that improves blood supply to the brain (Ginkgo).

Doppelhertz OphthalmoDiabetoVit contains substances (zeaxanthin, lutein, retinol) that prevent complications from the organ of vision and improve its condition.

We offer it in case of vision problems. It also contains lipoic acid, so it is good for overweight.

Vitamins for diabetics Woerwag Pharma They are interesting because they contain beta-carotene (safe provitamin A) and tocopherol, which means they have a more pronounced antioxidant effect. Therefore, they are especially indicated for long-term diabetes, possibly with existing complications.

It differs in that different minerals and vitamins are divided into different tablets so as not to reduce the effect of each other (in other complexes this issue is solved by a different production technology).

Alphabet Diabetes contains extracts of plants that lower blood sugar (burdock, dandelion) and protect the organ of vision from damage (blueberry).

Solgar Glucose Modulators contains lipoic acid, so it is especially suitable for overweight, and herbal extracts that stimulate the production of your own insulin.

This is a good choice for newly diagnosed high blood sugar.

Algorithm for choosing a vitamin complex for patients with diabetes

First of all, we say:

"We have several vitamin complexes for diabetes in our assortment. To choose the most suitable one for you, I would like to ask you a few clarifying questions:

“Please tell me, do you feel dry and irritated skin?”

“Do you feel that your vision has deteriorated?”

If yes, it is optimal to suggest Doppelgerz OftalmoDiabetoVit or Alphabet Diabet.

“Are there numbness in the fingers, toes, tingling of the feet, palms?”

If we hear “yes”, then in this case Doppelgerz Active, Vitamins for diabetics from Wörwag Pharma, Complivit Diabet or Alphabet Diabet are suitable.

If you see an overweight person in front of you (if, of course, he takes vitamins for himself), first of all it is good to offer Complivit Diabetes, which contains lipoic acid. In second place are Alphabet Diabetes and Solgar glucose modulators.

Also offer this last resort if a person tells you that they have discovered high blood sugar for the first time.

That's all for today.

You can download the table, which lists the composition of all vitamins for diabetics, by clicking on the picture (the “download” button will be on the right):

Do you understand everything, friends?

What questions remain?

Write, add, comment!

With love to you, Anton Zatrutin and

Vitamins for diabetics are almost always prescribed. The main reason for this prescription lies in the fact that constantly high glucose in a person’s blood leads to increased urination. In turn, this leads to the fact that vitamins and beneficial microelements are removed from the human body, and their deficiency in the body must be replenished.

Comprehensive treatment of diabetes mellitus involves not only taking various medications that lower blood sugar, but also a healthy diet, with its limitations. As a result, the body receives an insufficient amount of nutrients.

When a person controls his blood sugar level, maintaining it at the required level, consumes a small amount of carbohydrates, eats red meat at least 2-3 times every seven days, a lot of vegetables and fruits, then in this case it is not necessary to take vitamins for patients with diabetes.

Taking vitamin complexes and biologically active supplements can be considered one of the “building blocks” in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, because they also prevent various diseases - diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, impotence in men.

Therefore, you need to find out what good vitamins are needed for people who have type 2 diabetes. It is also worth studying the reviews of doctors who recommend vitamins to their patients for type 1 diabetes.

Vitamins for diabetes and their benefits for diabetics

First of all, for type 2 diabetes, it is prescribed to take magnesium. This mineral element has a calming property, alleviates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in the weaker sex, helps normalize blood pressure, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, it increases the sensitivity of soft tissues to the hormone insulin. It is of no small importance that the price of magnesium supplements is affordable and budget-friendly.

With diabetes mellitus types 2 and 1, patients love to eat sweets and baked goods, not always realizing that their diet “suffers” from the full functioning of the body, and the general well-being of the person. In this situation, the necessary vitamins for the body are chromium picolinate, which reduces the body's dependence on sweet foods.

Chromium picolinate in large packaging. One tablet contains 200 mg of chromium. After taking these pills, you stop craving sweets!

The choice of vitamins in a given situation against the background of type 1 and 2 diabetes:

  • If diabetic neuropathy is observed, alpha lipoic acid is recommended. It is believed that this acid prevents the further development of the disease, and sometimes reverses it.
  • Vitamin B is an indispensable element for the disease, regardless of its type, it helps prevent many complications associated with diabetes.
  • It is recommended to take eye vitamins that prevent the development of retinopathy and glaucoma.
  • L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10 are natural substances that have a tonic effect.

Doctors recommend initially taking some vitamin preparations, carefully listening to your feelings. If there is no effect from taking them, you should try others until you find those from which the person really feels a positive effect.

Vitamins for diabetics Vervag Pharma

Definitely, taking vitamins separately and swallowing handfuls of them every day is not the best solution for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to a vitamin complex that is designed specifically for such diseases.

Complex of vitamins and minerals Bisogamma 5 mg No. 30. These are excellent vitamins for diabetics from the Vervag Pharma company. These vitamin tablets do not contain sugar or sweetener substitutes, and the dose of nutrients is formulated in such a way that the use of one tablet per day allows you to fully restore the deficiency of minerals in the human body.

As a result, after regularly taking vitamins, the patient’s health improves, concomitant diseases do not develop, and in the future, additional costs for drug treatment can be avoided.

The vitamin complex includes eleven vitamins, as well as two important microelements that are necessary for the full functioning of the human body - chromium and zinc. Vervag Pharma includes the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin C helps strengthen the vascular walls of blood vessels; Vitamin E ensures normalization of blood sugar; Vitamin A prevents visual impairment.
  2. Vitamin B1 has a tonic effect, and B2 improves vision, B6 reduces neuropathic pain syndrome, B12 - as a prevention of complications due to diabetes mellitus in the first and second types.
  3. Pantothenic acid protects the human body from stress, and folic acid promotes the formation of new cells.
  4. Niacin has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and biotin increases insulin sensitivity.

Zinc accelerates the production of insulin, and chromium can enhance the effect of insulin, as a result of which the patient’s craving for sweet foods decreases.

The official instructions for use say that the recommended dosage is one tablet per day. A package of the vitamin complex lasts exactly one month, it contains 30 capsules.

The course of treatment is 3-4 months. As a rule, as a preventive measure for various complications, the doctor may recommend taking a course of vitamins up to 2 times a year for one month.

Doppelhertz Active: vitamins for diabetics

Dopelherz Active is another high-quality drug that has long established itself in the market of vitamins for patients with diabetes. Dopelherz is a multivitamin complex necessary for people with a history of diabetes. The product is a biologically active additive.

The dietary supplement is aimed at restoring balance in the patient’s body. It contains the necessary amount of vitamins and beneficial mineral elements, which are not always well absorbed through food.

By replenishing the deficiency in the human body, metabolic processes are normalized, overall well-being improves, and diabetics become resistant to stressful situations. A course of treatment with these vitamins is recommended individually by your doctor.

If the patient has type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but there are no contraindications, then ½ or 1 tablet of the drug is prescribed. Clinical studies have shown that if you exclude the vitamin complex tablet, then in order to compensate for the lack of vitamins, the patient must eat at least 1 kilogram of sea fish, a lot of exotic fruits, berries and other food products per day, which is physically impossible.

The vitamin complex has the following effects:

  • Acts as a prevention of complications of type 2 diabetes, stress, nervous tension, apathy and indifference to life.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes in the body.
  • Improves overall well-being, normalizes sleep and rest patterns.
  • Eliminates paleness of the skin and increases appetite.
  • Replenishes essential mineral elements and vitamins in the body.

Note! Doppelhertz should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Before taking a biologically active supplement, it is recommended to do an allergic reaction test!

In no case do vitamins replace the main treatment of diabetes; they can only be used in addition to insulin or medications prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Vitamins for diabetics (Vervag Pharma) - instructions for use

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamin and mineral complex.

A means of preventing the development of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, dysfunction of nerves and blood vessels, complications of diabetes mellitus.


1 tablet contains 13 components: Beta-carotene - 2.0 mg, Vitamin E - 18 mg, Vitamin C - 90 mg, Vitamin B1 - 2.4 mg, Vitamin B2 - 1.5 mg, Pantothenic acid - 3.0 mg, Vitamin B6 - 6, 0 mg, Vitamin B12 - 1.5 mg, Nicotinamide - 7.5 mg, Biotin - 30 mcg, Folic acid - 300 mcg, Zinc - 12 mg, Chromium - 0.2 mg.

pharmachologic effect

The dosages of vitamins are selected so that, taking into account the food consumed, the required daily requirement is provided.

In addition to vitamins, the complex contains two essential microelements for diabetic patients - zinc and chromium.

Zinc is part of insulin and many vital enzymes and helps reduce blood glucose. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, for all processes of regeneration and recovery. It is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process.

Chromium is a trace element that increases the effectiveness of insulin. It promotes the formation of the desired stereoform of insulin, so that this hormone can effectively transport glucose into cells. Chromium improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. At the same time, taking chromium helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and body weight in obese patients.

“Vitamins for Diabetes” does not contain sugar or sweeteners.

Indications for use

“Vitamins for diabetics” are used for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, especially in patients suffering from diabetes. The vitamin and mineral complex, consisting of 11 vital vitamins and 2 microelements (zinc and chromium), was developed specifically for patients suffering from diabetes. It is necessary as an additional source of vitamins, zinc and chromium to eliminate their deficiency in the body in diabetes mellitus.


Tablets are prescribed orally for adults, after meals, 1 tablet per day as an additional source of vitamins, zinc and chromium to correct their deficiency in the body, especially for patients suffering from diabetes.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for over-the-counter release.

Best before date

Doppelhertz Active Vitamins for diabetics - composition and dosage


1 tablet contains 14 components: Vitamin E 42 mg; Vitamin B12 9 mcg; Biotin 150 mcg; Folic acid 450 µg; Vitamin C 200 mg; Vitamin B6 3 mg; Calcium pantothenate 6 mg; Vitamin B1 2 mg; Nicotinamide 18 mg; Vitamin B2 1.6 mg; Chromium (III chloride) 60 µg; Selenium (selenite) 39 mcg; Magnesium (oxide) 200 mg; Zinc (gluconate) 5 mg.


For oral administration. Do not chew the tablets. Take 1 tablet 1 time per day. Drink plenty of water.

Alphabet Diabetes - composition and dosage


1 complex consists of 3 tablets of different colors.

Tablet No. 1 (white) Energy+, contains 9 components - vitamins: vitamin B1 4 mg; vitamin C 50 mg; folic acid 250 µg; vitamin A 0.5 mg; minerals: iron 15 mg; copper 1 mg; organic acids: lipoic acid 15 mg; succinic acid 50 mg; plant extracts: blueberry shoot extract 30 mg.

Tablet No. 2 (blue) Antioxidants+, contains 13 components - vitamins: vitamin E 30 mg; nicotinamide (vitamin PP) 30 mg; vitamin B2 3 mg; vitamin B6 3 mg; vitamin C 50 mg; vitamin A 0.5 mg; minerals: zinc 18 mg; manganese 3 mg; iodine 150 mcg; selenium 70 mcg; magnesium 40 mg; plant extracts: burdock root extract 30 mg; dandelion root extract 30 mg.

Tablet No. 3 (pink) Chromium +, contains 8 components - vitamins: biotin (vitamin H) 80 µg; calcium pantothenate 7 mg; vitamin B12 4 µg; vitamin K1 120 µg; folic acid 250 µg; vitamin D3 5 µg; minerals: chromium 150 µg; calcium 150 mg.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, during meals with food. 1 complex (3 tablets - 1 tablet of each color in any order) per day. Duration of treatment: 1 month.

Diabetes is based on metabolic disorders, more precisely, carbohydrate metabolism. This occurs because the human body does not have enough insulin to break down glucose.

In diabetes mellitus, both insulin-dependent (type I) and insulin-resistant (type II), complications develop that affect:

  • cardiovascular system,
  • excretory system (kidneys),
  • nervous system
  • organs of vision (eyes).

For successful treatment of diabetes mellitus, a special low-carbohydrate diet is prescribed; for the first type of disease, insulin therapy is prescribed according to an individual regimen. But in order for the diet to be complete and the patient to receive all the substances necessary for a normal life, doctors prescribe vitamins for diabetic patients and preparations with minerals.

How to recognize vitamin deficiency in the body

If the diet is formulated incorrectly or the patient violates it, hypovitaminosis may develop. What are the symptoms of this condition? This:

  • drowsiness,
  • rapid eye fatigue when reading,
  • irritability,
  • inattention, absent-mindedness, memory impairment,
  • brittle hair and nails,
  • dryness and pigment spots on the skin
  • and others.

In such cases, it is necessary to take medications - the body itself will send vitamins for diabetes to “patch the holes” in the body. After all, hypovitaminosis can develop into vitamin deficiency, which ultimately leads to a decrease in immunity. And a weakened immune system is an impetus for the development of other diseases - the kidneys, eyes, etc. suffer.

What does the body need and why?

Vitamin preparations and complexes, vitamins for diabetics should be prescribed in order to replenish the diet with an appropriate diet (this is more true for patients with type 2 disease, whose weight needs strict correction). Here is a list of vitamins necessary for the body to function properly:

  • C – to strengthen blood vessels and prevent diabetic changes in the vascular walls, including in the eyes.
  • E is a natural antioxidant, reduces insulin dependence.
  • A – to prevent the development of ophthalmological problems, in particular, pathologies of the retina.
  • group B – prevents the development of various neuropathies (pathologies of the nervous system of diabetic origin).
  • H – like vitamin E, a natural antioxidant.

The prescription of drugs depends on what type of diabetes the patient has.

Separately, lipoic acid needs to be mentioned. It is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, lipoic acid is involved in burning food and converting it into calories. The removal of toxins also depends on lipoic acid, as does the prevention of excess fat deposits in type 2 diabetes.

Lipoic acid should be taken to prevent and treat neuropathy in diabetes. Daily intake of lipoic acid reduces pain in the upper and lower extremities due to degeneration of nerve fibers. It is enough to take a three-month course with a daily dosage of no more than 600 mg of lipoic acid to get a long-term, sustainable result. During clinical trials, almost 80% of patients who took this drug experienced an objective improvement in health - the condition of the eyes, blood vessels, etc.

Lipoic acid is available both in tablet form (oral preparation) and in solution for intravenous injection.

Microelements and vitamins

With diabetes, the body lacks many elements.

  • Chromium. You cannot do without it in type 2 diabetes, since with it chromium from food is not absorbed, but in type 1, it also needs to be taken. Chromium supplements are inversely proportional to insulin dosages for type 1: a sufficient level of chromium in the blood can bring sugar levels to almost normal. A doctor may prescribe chromium preparations, but may also prescribe a complex that, in addition to chromium, will contain vitamins and other microelements, in particular zinc. There are a huge number of similar drugs on the pharmaceutical market, which are difficult to navigate without the help of doctors.
  • Magnesium. This element is involved in many metabolic processes and is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiac and nervous systems. It is better to take magnesium in combination with other elements. This will help normalize the functioning of many body systems.
  • Vitamins B6 and B12. These elements must be taken in view of the fact that in diabetes they are rather poorly absorbed, but are necessary for the absorption of insulin. These substances normalize carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin A. This element is necessary for the prevention of diseases of the organs of vision, which often develop with diabetes.
  • Vitamin D. It normalizes the absorption of calcium, stimulates the synthesis of hormones and improves metabolism. In addition, this element increases the body's resistance to various skin diseases. It is better to take it together with calcium.

  • "Verwag Pharma" are vitamins for diabetics, developed and produced in Germany. Includes all the substances necessary for proper nutrition. "Vervag Pharma", as indicated in the instructions, should be taken after the first meal - however, after breakfast it is better to drink all the vitamin complexes for this disease.

The Vervag Pharma complex does not contain sugar or its substitutes, which makes it especially valuable for both types of diabetes. One Vervag Pharma tablet contains the daily requirement of vitamins and microelements for a person, which are necessary for the normal functioning of various organs, including the eyes.

"Vervag Pharma" is also valuable because it can improve the condition of a diabetic without additional drug treatment.

  • Doppelhertz Active has proven itself well - it is a bioactive supplement containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements. "Doppelherz" contains vitamins, chromium, zinc and other microelements, which may be lacking in a very strict diet, which can affect, in particular, the condition of the eyes. Taking Doppelhertz improves well-being and alleviates the symptoms of complications arising from diabetes. But Doppelhertz should not be treated as some kind of panacea: it should be part of a comprehensive treatment.

You need to take Doppelhertz 1 tablet per day after meals, without chewing. If someone cannot immediately swallow a Doppelhertz tablet, you can divide it into several parts, but drink it in one go. Allergic reactions to Doppelherz are extremely rare, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. But pregnant and lactating women with diabetes are not recommended to take Doppelherz.

  • Alphabet Diabetes. The complex includes 9 minerals and 13 vitamins. Designed specifically for people with diabetes. Helps normalize metabolism, satisfies the need for essential elements. Take 1 tablet three times a day for 1 month.
  • Complivit Diabetes. This drug contains 14 vitamins, folic and lipoic acid. Improves metabolism, used in low-calorie diets. Take 1 tablet per day for 30 days.

What you need to know

  1. Only the doctor decides which medications to take.
  2. Before you start taking vitamins, minerals and trace elements, you need to carefully study the instructions so as not to take antagonist substances at the same time. At the same time, there are a number of food products that improve the absorption of certain substances.
  3. Find out which products must be on the menu. No drugs can replace natural vitamins.

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