What treatment is prescribed for viral papillomas. Treatment regimen for HPV in women - drugs. Video on topic

Most people are infected with the human papillomavirus, but with normal health and functioning of the immune system, it does not manifest itself in any way.

Under the influence of third-party factors, HPV provokes the appearance of papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes - formations that arise as a result of the proliferation of epidermal tissue.

Such symptoms can provoke serious complications or transform into malignant tumors, so a decision from a specialist in their treatment is required.

Papillomas are often localized in the genital area, so their treatment in men and women has its own individual characteristics. This article discusses the nuances of the course of the disease in women and ways to get rid of such formations.

What is HPV in women?

HPV is present in the body of 70% of women, but asymptomatic occurrence is observed only in 20% of all cases.

One way of infection is through sexual contact, during which women are at higher risk of transmitting the virus because the mucous membranes of their genitals are less protected than those of men.

Papillomas can have different localizations, usually problems with them in women arise in the following cases:

  • The appearance of formations on the face, neck and other noticeable areas of the body; papillomas are an aesthetic defect;
  • The appearance of formations on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, larynx, respiratory tract, in the rectum or near the anal area, which at certain moments causes physical discomfort.

In cases where emerging papillomas do not cause pain or other types of discomfort, you still need to contact a specialist, since it is impossible to independently assess the stage and degree of danger of internal changes.

Causes of the disease

The cause of papillomas is HPV infection.

The following provoking factors lead to activation of the virus and the occurrence of noticeable manifestations:

First signs in women and additional symptoms

The main sign of HPV activity, which can be detected independently by visual examination, is the appearance of papillomas in various parts of the body. Most often they affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs or the area around them.

In some cases, a number of additional symptoms may occur, including:

Features of the course of the disease

Signs of HPV activity usually appear at the age of 25: experts believe that in most cases by this time the virus has either recovered independently or its pathological activity has begun.

The main features of the disease are described below:

  • The process of virus reproduction occurs in the epidermis with localization in cells, penetration into internal organs and blood is absent;
  • Having reached a certain level of development, the causative agent of the disease, when exposed to factors favorable for growth, is located on the epithelium, and the first papillomas appear on the surface of the skin;
  • After the appearance of external signs of the disease, a person becomes not only a carrier, but also a distributor of HPV. While the virus is dormant, it does not pose a threat to others;
  • Further progression and development of complications occurs when injuries are caused to papillomas, as well as their initial tendency to transform into malignant tumors or unfavorable localization.

How does infection occur?

HPV infection can occur in one of the following ways:

Types of HPV in women

Today, more than a hundred types of HPV are known that can be present in a woman’s body.

Below are the most common types of viruses and the formations the growth of which they provoke:

  • Common flat warts— their appearance can be caused by more than 10 types of virus;
  • Virus 30, 11 and 6 types- can provoke the appearance of condylomas in the genital area or papillomas on the mucous membranes of the larynx and respiratory tract;
  • Virus 40, 43, 44, 45, 51 and 54 types- provokes the appearance of genital warts;
  • Virus type 41- causes the appearance of ordinary and genital papillomas.

Why is HPV dangerous in women?

Papillomas that appear due to the activation of HPV do not themselves pose any threat to health.

The complications that they can provoke are dangerous:

  • The appearance of malignant neoplasms, such as cancer of the vulva or cervix;
  • Infertility;
  • Deterioration in quality of life due to physical discomfort during defecation, urination or sexual intercourse.

What type of HPV is considered the most dangerous in women?

The most dangerous types of HPV in women are the following viruses, which can lead to the development of severe complications:

  • Virus 34, 42 and 55 types- already at the initial stage it is considered a precancerous condition, and therefore requires treatment under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Virus 45 and 51 types- provokes the appearance of condylomas, in which there is a tendency to pathologies in the development of uterine tissue and the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • Virus types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 52, 56 and 58- often causes cancer and provokes cervical cancer.

65% of infections with the most dangerous type of HPV result in cancer for women. Each strain carries some risk of developing into cancer.

Diagnosis of the disease in women

When infected with HPV, a woman will need to undergo comprehensive diagnostics to confirm the diagnosis, determine the type of virus and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Diagnostic measures are as follows:

How to treat HPV in women?

Depending on the type of virus and the characteristics of the disease, women may be prescribed the following treatment methods to get rid of HPV:

  • Reception and local use of pharmacological drugs;
  • Undergoing hardware treatment to eliminate existing papillomas.

Various methods of traditional medicine are also popular, which should first be agreed upon with the attending physician.

The procedure is determined after the diagnosis and receipt of research results:

  • In the absence of a risk of developing malignant neoplasms and physical discomfort no treatment is required, it is recommended to visit a specialist for preventive purposes once a year;
  • If there is a risk of developing malignant neoplasms due to infection with oncogenic HPV, but in the absence of clinical manifestations, specific treatment is not required - you must be examined by a specialist every 3 months. Symptomatic and antiviral therapy may be prescribed, as well as a set of measures to maintain immunity;
  • If malignant neoplasms are present, a consultation with an oncologist is scheduled, who will conduct additional diagnostics and, based on it, determine the next course of action.

Drug therapy

When starting treatment for HPV in the early stages, immunostimulants are often prescribed if the diagnosis has confirmed a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system.

This group of drugs stimulates the immune system and helps the body independently resist the virus, accelerating the overall healing process.

When treating HPV, the following immunostimulating agents are usually prescribed:

  • Immunomax— corrects the state of weakened immunity and allows you to eliminate pathological phenomena caused by HPV activity. Before use, the contents of the ampoules are dissolved in 1 ml of injection solution; a total of 3 to 6 intramuscular injections are prescribed over 10 days, depending on the degree of damage and severity of symptoms. The cost of the drug is from 750 rubles ;
  • Gepon— is an immunostimulant with increased antiviral activity, available in the form of a solution for external treatment once a day. The solution can be taken orally; the daily dosage should not exceed 10 mg. The duration of the course can be from 1 to 3 months. Cost of the drug in pharmacies from 720 rubles ;
  • Galavit— in tablet form contains 25 mg of aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium. If HPV activity increases and complications caused by this virus occur, 3-4 tablets per day are prescribed; The duration of the course is determined individually. A specialist can prescribe intramuscular injections of Galavit with a treatment regimen of 100 mg of the drug per day for 5 days, then another 15 injections are given every other day. The cost of the tablets is from 320 rubles, cost of injection solution from 560 rubles .

To date, there are no specific antiviral drugs aimed at completely eliminating HPV. However, complex therapy involves the use of broad-spectrum antiviral drugs - they reduce the activity of HPV and inhibit the process of its reproduction.

Some drug options are discussed below:

  • Viferon- Available in the form of ointment, gel and suppositories; Only ointment is suitable for treating papillomas. The product locally affects the lesions and stops the process of HPV reproduction. Treatment is carried out 3-4 times a day immediately after the first formations appear, the duration of the course is no more than a week. The cost of a tube of Viferon ointment varies from 100 to 180 rubles ;
  • Altevir- has a combined effect, eliminating viral activity and stimulating the immune system. The solution is used for subcutaneous administration when papillomas are localized in the larynx; the procedure is carried out 3 times a week after removal of the formation to prevent relapses. The dosage is determined individually. If there is a tendency for new papillomas to appear, treatment can be long and last up to six months. Cost of injection solution from 1000 rubles ;
  • Allokin-Alpha- considered one of the most powerful antiviral drugs, available in the form of an injection solution. Its use is prescribed to women when problems arise with the cervix due to HPV activity. A single dosage is 1 mg, administered subcutaneously every other day, the course includes 6 injections. The average cost of a package for HPV treatment is 7500 rubles .

Drugs with destructive effects are prescribed to destroy existing papillomas.

Several modern effective means are discussed below:

  • Solcoderm— is a solution for external use, which contains oxalic, lactic, acetic and nitric acid. The product is applied to the papilloma using a capillary, then it is distributed over the surface of the formation with a special capillary. After 5 minutes, the papilloma can be easily removed, but this process is best left to a qualified specialist. The cost of a bottle of solution is from 620 rubles ;
  • Kondilin- like other drugs based on podophyllotoxin, it is indispensable in the treatment of papillomas. Treat 2 times a day – 3 days. Break 4 days. Again processing 3 days. Again a break of 4 days. The course of treatment is no more than 5 weeks. You can purchase the solution at a price from 500 rubles .

Hardware methods to combat HPV in women

If it is impossible to eliminate papillomas through the use of pharmacological drugs, hardware removal techniques are practiced.

Modern techniques are as follows:

  • Cryodestruction- consists of freezing and subsequent removal of the papilloma;
  • Electrocoagulation— destruction of papilloma using electric current discharges. After the procedure, it is possible to transfer the formation for histological examination;
  • Laser removal- This is the most common and modern method of removing papillomas, carried out in most clinics. The procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly, the wound is immediately cauterized, which speeds up the healing process and eliminates the risk of secondary infections. The only drawback is the complete destruction of the material, which makes it impossible to conduct additional histological studies;
  • Surgical removal– excision of papilloma using a scalpel; today such an operation is almost never practiced, since it is inferior in all respects to laser removal.

Treatment of HPV in women using traditional methods

The use of any traditional medicine methods should be previously agreed with the attending physician, otherwise you can cause serious harm to your own health.

One of the ways to get rid of papillomas is to prepare and drink a pine vitamin drink.

It has antiviral and immunostimulating effects and is suitable for the treatment of HPV, regardless of the location of the formations.

The recipe and instructions for use are outlined below:

Another folk remedy is made from potato juice; it is also aimed at stimulating the immune system and is suitable for the treatment of HPV with any localization of formations.

Preparation and use are described below:

No traditional medicine methods are used for self-removal, cauterization, or other means of eliminating papillomas that have arisen on the genitals. This procedure should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

HPV during pregnancy

HPV does not affect the health and development of the fetus; infection during childbirth can only occur if papillomas are localized in the vagina or near the anal area.

In most cases, the body of a newborn child is able to independently resist the virus. A threat to the life of the fetus occurs in rare cases.

This occurs when a pregnant woman has the following types of HPV in her body:

During pregnancy, the activation of a virus that was previously present in the woman’s body and was in a dormant state often occurs, and existing papillomas can change their color, shape and size.

During pregnancy, treatment of HPV by taking pharmacological drugs and burning out papillomas with liquid nitrogen is contraindicated.

The following options for getting rid of formations are possible:

  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Surgical excision;
  • Laser removal.


It is impossible to rid yourself of the risk of getting HPV into your body.

Compliance with the following preventive measures will reduce the likelihood of activation and replication of the virus:

  • Normalization of sex life- close relationships and sexual contacts only with trusted and permanent partners;
  • Providing protection against diseases sexually transmitted diseases using barrier means of protection;
  • Active sports and giving up bad habits– smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Visit a gynecologist at least once a year and preventive testing;
  • Compliance with the norms and rules of personal hygiene, as well as ensuring a balanced and nutritious diet;
  • Ensuring adequate rest, avoiding stressful situations and emotional fatigue;
  • Proper education of girls from a very early age.

Human papillomavirus infection is currently a common pathology. The causative agent of the disease mainly affects the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genitals. They are selected after undergoing an examination, during which the type of virus can be determined. Modern treatment methods can only get rid of the external symptoms of the disease.

Causes of papillomas

Experts say that most of the population is infected with the papilloma virus, but the disease does not always manifest itself. Some people are not even aware of the infection and are only carriers. The appearance of characteristic formations on the skin indicates the presence in the body of diseases of inflammatory etiology in an advanced stage. Papillomas can also occur due to severe stress.

Infection occurs not only through sexual contact (unprotected). Although this method is more common than others. You can become infected with the virus through contact with a carrier’s skin or through a kiss. The virus enters the body through wounds and scratches on the skin.


Papillomas look like moles with a short stalk. They look unaesthetic, especially on open areas of the body. Neoplasms appear most often in the genital area, both in women and in the stronger sex. Papillomas can have various shapes: flat, pointed, thread-like, mosaic-shaped. The color of the growth is somewhat different from the skin and can be lighter or, conversely, darker. Depending on the external manifestation of the disease, the specialist selects the optimal medicine for papilloma.

A person infected with the virus is usually only concerned about the appearance of characteristic moles or warts. However, it has been established that internal organs are also under attack. During medical diagnostics, formations are identified on the mucous membrane of the stomach, bladder, and cervix.

How is papilloma treated?

Which medications are suitable for getting rid of those caused by HPV can only be determined by the attending physician (dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist). It is highly undesirable to get rid of papillomas on your own. Modern medicine offers several ways to treat the pathological condition. Medication is the basis of therapy. The medicine for papillomas acts on the problem from the inside, blocking the proliferation of infection and improving the body's protective functions.

From the mucous epithelium and skin using methods such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser and surgical removal. One of the modern methods of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect is the use of a radioknife, which cuts off not only the tumor itself, but also the epithelium.

Effective drugs for papillomavirus infection

It should be borne in mind that there are no medications that can destroy the papilloma virus in the body. A properly selected medicine for papillomas can improve the condition of the immune system and suppress the replication of the virus. It is not recommended to take such medications without a doctor's prescription.

To combat viral infections in dermatology and gynecology, the following medications are most often recommended:

  1. "Isoprinosine."
  2. "Cycloferon".
  3. "Interferon".
  4. "Panavir".
  5. "Viferon".
  6. "Feresol".
  7. "Verrukacid."

Some medications are quite complex and can cause side effects. After passing the examination, the doctor determines an individual dosage regimen.

Description of the drug "Isoprinosine"

Isoprinosine is considered one of the most effective drugs (according to many doctors) for eliminating papillomavirus infection. The drug belongs to the group of antiviral drugs and is capable of directly affecting the pathogen, preventing it from developing.

The drug for the correction of pathological conditions of the immune system is available in the form of tablets. The active ingredient is inosine pranobex (500 mg). The tablets have both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. “Isoprinosine” effectively suppresses the development of HPV (the production of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase is blocked), and by stimulating the body’s protective function, viral particles and infected cells are completely destroyed.

using Isoprinosine

The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated depending on the type of virus. For ordinary papillomas, drug treatment is quite sufficient. If condylomas are observed on the skin, in addition to tablets, surgical intervention is indicated.

Medicine for papillomas is taken for at least 14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 28 days on the recommendation of a specialist. The dosage depends on the patient's age. Children over 12 years of age and adults need to take two Isoprinosine tablets three times a day. In pediatric practice, tablets are prescribed to children from 3 years of age, calculating the dose of the active substance depending on the child’s weight. For 10 kg of body weight, 500 mg of inosine pranobex is indicated. That is, if a child weighs 15 kg, he needs to take 750 mg per day. The result obtained is divided into three doses (250 mg at a time).

When surgically removing papillomas and condylomas, it is also necessary to carry out antiviral therapy to prevent relapse of the disease. Before using the medicine, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Natural drug "Panavir"

Another medicine for papillomas is Panavir, which is based on substances of natural origin. The product has a wide spectrum of action and is used as a powerful immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Panavir is produced in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, gel and spray for external application, and solution for injection.

The active substance of Panavir is an extract from potato tops. It has been established that the substance has strong immunomodulatory properties and promotes the production of interferon in the body. For the treatment of papillomas, it is most often prescribed in the form of a gel, which is applied twice a day. In the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, the product, according to experts, is also effective. Suppositories help get rid of papillomas in the anus and vagina.

Treatment of papillomas should begin at an early stage, without waiting for the moment when they begin to increase in size. According to patient reviews, the gel is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions. In most cases, it helps get rid of warts and various types of papillomas. If the growths are minor, it is sufficient to use only a product for external application. In more advanced cases, complex therapy is indicated.

In the form of a spray and gel, Panavir is used in pediatric practice. This natural-based medicine against papillomas can also be used to treat pregnant women.

"Ferezol" for papillomas

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by the presence of the papilloma virus in the body using the drug Feresol. The product is designed specifically for removing skin growths. The solution is effective for warts, papillomas and condylomas. However, it should also be used as directed by a specialist. The effectiveness of the drug is based on its cauterizing and mummifying effect.

How to use it correctly?

According to the instructions, the liquid medicine for papillomas is applied directly to the affected area and try to avoid getting the solution on healthy skin. You can first steam the area of ​​the dermis with the neoplasm and allow the moisture to dry completely. This manipulation will allow the drug to penetrate into the deeper layers of the tumor. You can apply the medicine using a small stick.

If the papilloma is small in size, then a single use of the Feresol solution may be sufficient for removal. For large affected areas, it is necessary to apply the drug several times at intervals of 15-20 minutes. It is dangerous to use the product on some areas of the body, such as the armpits, due to the high risk of burns.

What do the doctor's say?

Experts strongly recommend that patients not self-medicate with condylomas and papillomas. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate therapy after the patient has been examined. The optimal medicine for papillomas and warts is selected individually for each patient. Some patients may only need medication to treat the disease, while others cannot do without surgical removal of the growths. The duration of treatment also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system.

Human papillomavirus infection is considered the most common pathology today. The pathogen affects the integumentary epithelium and mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, mouth, throat, tongue, and nose. Medications are selected taking into account the type of virus, which is determined during the diagnostic process. Modern methods of treating HPV in women with effective drugs can eliminate the external manifestations of the infection, curb its spread, and strengthen the immune system.

HPV is a highly human-specific infection that can infect cells of the integumentary and mucosal epithelium. High concentrations are found in seminal fluid, urethra, and Bartholin's glands located in the vestibule of the vagina. Infection occurs through sexual or household contact, and the presence of microtrauma increases the risk of infection. To date, more than 100 types of papillomavirus have been identified, 35 of them have a pathological effect on the urogenital tract.

The degeneration of normal cells into cancer cells is preceded by tissue dysplasia, which is treatable in the early stages. The appearance of genital warts and warts rarely leads to such severe complications; most often they cause cosmetic discomfort. But localized on the body in places of greatest trauma (genital organs, anus, inner thighs), they increase the risk of developing a precancerous condition. To avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and remove growths.

Attention! It has been proven that HPV is the only group of viruses that causes the formation of malignant processes. The most dangerous of them are cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men.

Treatment of HPV in women is a complex process. Its effectiveness and feasibility to this day remain relevant topics for discussion given the existing probability of complete elimination of the virus. So far, no specific drug treatment has been developed, so attempts to achieve complete destruction of the pathogen remain unsuccessful. The fight against HPV is mainly aimed at suppressing its activity, removing existing pathological neoplasias, and immunocorrection.

The importance of diagnostics

Genital warts and other growths on the skin are easy to diagnose, since their presence is determined by visual examination. It is much more difficult to identify pathology at an early stage, because the disease is characterized by a long latent period, during which the virus lies dormant and does not attempt to reproduce. And this is where modern diagnostics come to the rescue.

The use of laboratory methods is aimed at studying biopsy material at the cellular level, detecting HPV DNA, E7 oncoprotein and determining antibodies to the virus. An integrated approach involves the following procedures:

  • clinical examination of the external genitalia to identify growths;
  • colposcopy to determine the presence of intraepithelial neoplasia;
  • Papanicolaou testing (PAP test);
  • immunological methods - PIF, ELISA, RSK;
  • PCR – polymerase chain reaction;
  • DNA probe;
  • cytological examination;
  • histology and biopsy of tissue sample.

It is important to know! HPV typing and determination of its group membership, taking into account oncogenic risk, are considered important in the research process. This is achieved using the Digene test.

Goals of drug treatment

Despite the rapid development of medicine, the creation of progressive diagnostic methods and highly effective medications, a specific cure for papillomavirus to completely destroy it has not yet been invented. Therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating the external manifestations of HPV, as well as treating a number of other problems:

  • prevention of reactivation of the virus;
  • reducing the risk of complications, including prevention of cervical cancer;
  • stimulating the immune system, strengthening the defense mechanism.

What methods the doctor will operate on and how he will treat HPV in women, what kind of drugs he will choose, depends on many factors: medical history, somatic status, size of tumors, their number and location. The woman’s tolerance to prescribed medications is also taken into account.

Commonly used medications for women

Local treatment of HPV in women is aimed at removing growths (warts, condylomas) and atypically changed epithelium using cytostatics, chemical coagulants, as well as destructive methods. After this, in order to prevent relapse, therapy with antiviral drugs, nonspecific immunomodulators, and interferon inducers is indicated. Since the virus is transmitted sexually, both partners must be treated at the same time.

Drugs that enhance immunity

A fairly common range of antiviral drugs for human papillomavirus, which increase the body's defenses, are prescribed after determining the woman's immune status. They allow you to achieve stable remission, and in some cases reduce the size of papillomas. The following dosage forms are considered accessible and easy to use:

  • dragees, lozenges, tablets against papillomavirus;
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories;
  • suspensions;
  • solutions for injections;
  • ointments, gels, creams for external use.

Among medications, the drug “Indinol” and vitamin complexes are popular.

For human papillomavirus, the following list of drugs is also used for treatment.

"Lycopid". Sublingual tablets against HPV for women. They have a pronounced effect, strengthening the immune system, allowing the body to independently fight the virus. The effect of the drug is equivalent to a vaccine.

"Viferon". One of the most effective means in the treatment of HPV infection in women. A pronounced stimulating effect is achieved due to the recombinant human interferon Alpha 2 included in the composition. Prevents infection by strains of highly oncogenic risk. Prescribed in the form of suppositories or ointments.

"Altevir." An effective immunostimulant. Contains human Alpha 2 interferon. The combined agent has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Used in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Stimulates the synthesis of cytokines and enzymes. Prescribed by injection.

Antiviral medications

To date, there are no medications with a specific action aimed at destroying the DNA of the papillomavirus. Antiviral drugs for HPV suppress the replication of the pathogen's RNA. The list of the most popular includes the means described below.

"Groprinosin". Highly effective medicine against HPV. The action is aimed at stimulating immunoglobulin, the production of Alpha and Gamma interferon. As a result, the manifestations of the virus are significantly suppressed, and the risk of re-formation of neoplasia is reduced. If necessary, the drug can be replaced with an effective but cheaper analogue, Isoprinosine.

"Allokin-alpha." The drug is effective against HPV of high carcinogenic risk and is often used in the treatment of cervical dysplasia. It is also actively used in the treatment of recurrent papillomatosis. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug during pregnancy, lactation and autoimmune diseases.

"Panavir". The inexpensive combined antiviral drug has a good antiviral and immunostimulating effect. It is prescribed for the formation of genital warts in the urogenital tract. The peculiarity of the medicine is the absence of an addictive effect.

With no less success in the treatment of HPV, medications such as Acyclovir, Galavit, Proteflazid (for the treatment of papillomavirus and child herpes) are used.

Means for destroying growths

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by viral infections using cytostatics and chemical coagulants. The following drugs are widely used.

"Podofilin." The product is created from resins of plant origin. Available in the form of a solution, which is used externally on warts or papillomas. The exception is genital warts, which form on the mucous membranes of the internal genital organs. It is recommended to use the product according to the following scheme: apply to the pathologically changed area directly under the root and wash off after 4-6 hours. Used once every 3-6 days, in a course of 4-5 weeks.

"Feresol". A cytotoxic drug in the form of a solution with mummification properties. Contains phenol and tricreazole. Treatment with the composition is carried out once every 10 days. Used until clinical effect is obtained. Compared to other medications, it has a low price.

"5-fluoroacyl." The most popular cytostatic is available in the form of a cream. It is used externally to treat pathological growths once every ten days, preferably before bedtime.

"Solcoderm". Consists of a mixture of acids of organic and inorganic origin. Apply using an applicator to an area reaching 4-5 cm. Each session is carried out at intervals of 1-4 weeks. Can be used both externally and on internal surfaces.

Epigen spray. It is used to irrigate altered areas both externally and on the mucous epithelium for a course of seven days. In the latter case, a special nozzle is used. It is allowed to apply up to 6 times throughout the day.

Advice! Prescription cytostatics can only be recommended for external use. They cannot be used when treating warts localized on mucous membranes. During therapy, side effects such as nausea and vomiting are possible.

Reviews from women about the best drugs

Medicine does not stand still, which allows many women not only to get rid of external growths caused by HPV, but also to achieve stable remission. This is evidenced by reviews that can be found on the Internet.

Alena, 37 years old

“Several years ago I developed small “pendulous” papillomas. They did not cause discomfort, but I still went to the doctor. He diagnosed me with HPV infection. I was prescribed Cycloferon injections and immunomodulators - Lykopid, Lavomax. The growths were removed by the surgeon. After I completed the course of treatment, I was able to achieve stable remission.”

Lyudmila, 29 years old

“During my early pregnancy, I noticed strange growths in the form of moles on a thin stalk. Frightened, I immediately ran to the therapist. He referred me to the gynecology department. The doctor prescribed the drug "Aevit" and suppositories "Viferon". He explained that this will not affect the intrauterine development and subsequent life of the fetus, but I can infect it at the time of labor. Now I’m seeing him, and I’m looking forward to the birth of the baby.”

Preventive measures

Vaccination is considered an effective measure to prevent the proliferation of HPV.
Carrying out a full course of three vaccinations leads to the production of antibodies to 4 strains, and strengthens the protective mechanism against many other types of virus. For immunization, quadrivalent serum “Gardasil” and bivalent serum “Cervarix” are used. The vaccine does not contain HPV DNA, so it is not dangerous and does not pose a risk of infection. The procedure is carried out at will, it is recommended for adolescents 9-14 years old and women under thirty years of age.


HPV is considered a dangerous disease that requires highly accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment. Properly selected therapy allows you to get rid of the external manifestations of the infection within a few days, and at the next stage - suppress the activity of the virus and strengthen the immune system. Only with this approach will the patient have a better chance of a full recovery.

In this article we will look at the treatment of HPV, how to live and what to do with this disease, we will also tell you.

The papilloma virus is a whole family of viruses that cause the appearance in humans, along with dysplasia or cancer of the cervix, and, in addition, of the genital organs. This is the most common viral infection of the genital area. Once in the body, it is firmly fixed in it for a long time. Signs of the disease do not appear immediately. The virus may simply be dormant, waiting for the right moment. As a rule, such a moment is a weakening of the immune system. Damage to the body occurs not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Unpleasant growths in the form of papillomas, warts and condylomas may appear on the skin and mucous membranes. If HPV treatment is not started on time, the consequences can lead to considerable problems. Therefore, the sooner measures are taken, the fewer complications will appear in the future.

Virus information

In fifty years, more than one hundred have been discovered. Eighty types are considered pathogenic for humans. According to data, 70% of the population is currently infected with this virus. Virus types 16 and 18 most often lead to cervical cancer. The papilloma virus in the vast majority of cases is considered the cause of the development of genital cancer not only in women, but also among men.

What does treatment for HPV 18, 16 and other types mean?

Oncogenic classification

Oncogenic classification is a division of virus types that takes into account the likelihood of developing cancer depending on the subtype. In practical medicine there are divisions into 3 groups:

  • HPV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is considered a non-oncogenic group.
  • HPV 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 - in this group there is a low probability of developing cancer.
  • HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59, 68 - group has high oncogenic activity. In a woman’s body, the risk of a possible cancer process in the cervix and mammary glands increases under the influence of these viruses. In men, oncogenic subtypes can cause bladder cancer. Treatment of HPV 33, 16, 18 and other types will be discussed below.

Naturally, these strains do not always indicate that oncology will definitely arise. But with the slightest changes in well-being and with the appearance of various growths on the mucous membranes and skin, it is necessary to quickly undergo a full examination in a medical institution.

Treatment of HPV in women depends directly on the type.

Diagnosis of the disease

As part of the diagnosis, the following patient examination procedures are carried out before direct treatment:

HPV treatment: modern methods

One thing to keep in mind is that this pathology may not completely disappear from the body. The main goal of its therapy today seems to be to remove the manifestations of the virus and reduce its concentration in the body. Thus, doctors ensure that the patient’s immunity itself can suppress the virus. Today, HPV treatment takes place in the following three areas:

  • Procedures aimed at removing manifestations of the virus. Thus, warts, condylomas, and so on are removed.
  • Prescribing antiviral drugs to patients.
  • Strengthening the immune system.

All of the listed areas for combating the papilloma virus are effectively carried out by modern medicine. As for self-medication, it is low in effectiveness and can lead to progression of the disease. It is especially dangerous to self-medicate if you have sexually transmitted diseases.

Let's take a closer look at HPV treatment.

Removing manifestations

Removing manifestations of the virus today is carried out using the following methods:

  • The procedure for removing papillomas using a laser.
  • Carrying out radio wave removal of external manifestations of the virus. It is worth noting that radio waves evaporate defective virus formation like a laser.
  • The procedure for removing papilloma using a scalpel.
  • The procedure for removing manifestations of the virus using an electric knife. In reality, it is the same scalpel, but only electric. True, at present it is almost never used in cosmetology.
  • Removal of papillomas and warts with liquid nitrogen.
  • The use of cauterizing agents in the treatment of HPV type 18. In this case, local necrotizing drugs are used in the form of various acids and alkalis, for example, “Superchistotel”, “Solcoderm”, “Duofilm”, “Verrukatsid” and others.

Let us now consider methods for removing papillomas in more detail.

Modern techniques for removing papillomas

A method such as electrocoagulation involves removing growths using current. This technique has a number of advantages and disadvantages at the same time. This is generally effective, and, in addition, a method suitable for almost everyone to get rid of papillomas. But, nevertheless, it is quite painful. And the remaining wounds after removal of papillomas take much longer to heal than after using radio wave exposure. As a rule, the recovery period takes ten days. In addition, as a result of improper procedure, the risk of relapse increases. In addition, the consequence of such an operation may be the formation of unattractive scars.

Carrying out cryodestruction in the treatment of HPV 16 in women involves the procedure of freezing the formation using liquid nitrogen. This technique is very effective. But the healing itself can take about three weeks. The consequences of this method are often swelling of the affected area. In addition, a red bubble may appear, and the wound itself takes a long time to heal.

Burning out with a laser is today a fairly popular and effective way to get rid of growths in the treatment of HPV 51. But, nevertheless, negative consequences can be:

  • The appearance of a severe thermal burn that will not heal for quite a long time.
  • Formation of a liquid bubble.
  • The appearance of a wet wound.

Removal surgery with a scalpel is used as a last resort in the treatment of HPV 52. It is used if the formation is located in a hard-to-reach place or has a large lesion diameter. The consequence of this event is long-healing wounds, the care of which requires a lot of time. In addition, scars occur that remain for life after the intervention area has healed.

Radio wave treatment of HPV in women is today very widely used for the treatment of external manifestations. I must say that this technique gives a fairly effective result. It is limited to non-serious consequences. After it is carried out, there is likely to be a slight redness, but the wound heals quite quickly.

Use of antiviral drugs

In addition to removing manifestations of the virus, doctors also prescribe patients treatment with the following antiviral drugs:

  • Treatment with Isoprinosine. Doctors prescribe two tablets of this drug three times a day. The treatment course should last from fourteen to twenty-eight days.
  • The drug "Allokin-alpha" is used in the treatment of HPV type 16 in women, one ampoule at a time. The powder is dissolved in one milliliter of sodium chloride and administered subcutaneously every two days. The general course involves the use of six injections. Drugs for the treatment of HPV in women are not limited to this.
  • Epigen intimate spray. They should spray the affected area four times a day during the course of treatment, which should be prescribed individually by a doctor.
  • The drug "Panavir" is effective in the treatment of HPV types 16 and 18. This product is available in various forms: gel, spray, suppositories, injection solution, and so on. Its use directly depends on the location and extent of the pathological process.
  • Using Aldara cream. The active ingredient of this drug is imiquimod. The cream is used to treat HPV 56 in the presence of genital warts. It is considered quite effective.

What else does HPV treatment involve in women? How to live after such a diagnosis?

Boosting immunity

Among other things, as part of the treatment of the papilloma virus, doctors also prescribe drugs that increase immunity:

  • The drug "Immunal" is usually prescribed for the treatment of HPV 16 in women, one tablet up to four times a day. The therapeutic course ranges from two to eight weeks.
  • Means "Reaferon". The contents of the bottle are diluted with water and drunk half an hour before meals. The drug is taken twice a day for ten days.
  • The drug "Polyoxidonium". As part of the treatment of HPV type 16, this remedy is used one suppository inside the vagina, it can also be used in the rectum, this is done at night. The course of therapy is ten doses.

We looked at what HPV treatment is. How to live and what to do?

Consequences of HPV pathology

So, seven out of ten people are infected with the papilloma virus to a certain extent in the modern world. This pathology lives in the human body and does not manifest itself until the immunity decreases. HPV causes significant harm to the human body, depriving it of a full and happy life, manifesting itself in the form of disgusting growths, and, in addition, warts. The first signs of its presence in the body are so-called papillomas. If left untreated, the disease will further spread throughout the body.

People, as a rule, rarely think about the consequences of infection with this virus. It must be said that patients are mainly concerned about the external manifestation of the disease. When formations appear, after a number of treatment methods for HPV 31, 33, 51 and other types, scars may remain on the surface of the skin, and sometimes red blisters appear. But, nevertheless, an unattractive papilloma is just the tip of the iceberg. And when a person gets rid of it with celandine, which was picked from the garden, he will not be able to protect himself from the occurrence of more serious complications. The most well-known, and at the same time very common, consequences that can occur after HPV treatment are:

It is important to understand that the virus being described is a serious disease. There is no way to ignore him. You should also not self-medicate, otherwise you may worsen the disease.

HPV and possible oncological consequences

A number of papilloma viruses are known to medicine for their high oncogenicity. For example, when infected with species 16, 18, 33, 39, 52, 59, the risk of oncological processes increases greatly. Having penetrated human DNA, the infection begins to cause the process of cell degeneration. Due to this, a malignant formation can form. In women, the papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer. In addition, the papilloma virus can cause oncology of the liver, intestines and lungs, and, in addition, the stomach in 10% of cases.

The most common site of this infection has always been the human genitals and anus. The main reason for this, first of all, is that the disease belongs to the category of pathologies that are sexually transmitted. In this regard, it is worth noting that often the cancer process affects the human reproductive system. In any case, if any compaction occurs after infection with this virus, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible. The necessary tests make it possible to determine the type of viral infection along with the degree of its oncogenicity.

Therefore, it is so important to carry out complete and timely treatment of HPV in women.

Consequences of removing viral formations

If any growths appear on the skin and mucous membranes, of course, the question arises of removing them. Often such operations give a positive result. But in some situations, negative consequences may also arise. Thus, removal of papilloma can bring a variety of consequences, and everything will depend directly on the type of operation used, and, in addition, on the skill of the operating specialist.

HPV: how to prevent negative consequences

Any complications in the presence of human papillomavirus occur as a result of a late visit to the doctor. As a rule, by ignoring symptoms or self-medicating, a person begins to expose himself to unjustified danger. To avoid complications, a person needs to follow several of the following recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to contact a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease. In the event that at least one small formation appears on the skin, you should not delay time and delay a visit to the doctor. At the same time, it is very important to undergo all the necessary tests to identify the type of virus and determine the current treatment methods. HPV 18, 16 are quite common.
  • It is recommended to take only those medications that are prescribed directly by your doctor. Self-medication using questionable medications can only worsen the course of the disease. In addition, treatment of the papilloma virus should be carried out comprehensively and within an individual approach.

Men as carriers of infection

Often, HPV-infected men are a reservoir of infection, which contributes to a high risk of transmitting the virus to women. It is necessary to distinguish between carriage of the virus without clinical manifestations and situations in which the virus leads to such in the form of genital warts. In this regard, doctors often recommend that men be examined for the papilloma virus if women exhibit clinical manifestations and not just latent carriage of the infection.

The most effective examination is one that is aimed at detecting the virus in a scraping of the epithelium of the glans penis. In addition, recently it has been actively recommended to examine the material taken from the anus. To do this, the following two methods are used: polymerase chain reaction and DNA hybridization in solution (this test is also called the “Dajin test”). However, in a number of European countries, screening men is still not considered mandatory.

Like women, HPV is also a factor in the development of cancer in men. Experts believe that the types of HPV that affect the epithelium of the anal region are identical to those that cause cervical pathology. Anal cancer affects men in 40% of cases. The incidence of anal cancer is trending upward, with an annual increase of two percent.


HPV is the human papillomavirus. In women, the virus causes the development of dangerous diseases - oncology in 68% of cases.

The virus is dangerous because it does not manifest any special symptoms and can lead to surgery and death (as a result of cancer). This virus is not dangerous for men as it is for women.

With this disease, warts and “pedunculated moles” appear on the body. Medical research has proven that there is a direct link between HPV and cancer in women. In 90% of cases of cervical cancer, HPV was detected in the blood.

If the virus is found in the blood, there is no cure for HPV. But the virus can be made to remain in a “dormant state” if the doctor selects the correct treatment regimen.

HPV appears much more often in women than in men

Causes of HPV

How is HPV transmitted? Doctors believe that most of the population is a carrier of HPV, but not everyone develops it.

The virus can be transmitted not only through unprotected sexual intercourse, but also through kissing. The pathogen is able to enter the body through skin scratches and abrasions.

Experts have identified routes of infection:

  • sexual – during vaginal/anal/oral sex;
  • contact - when kissing;
  • household - through common utensils, toilet seats, personal hygiene items;
  • vertical – transmission of the virus to the child from the mother when passing through the birth canal.

The virus can be transmitted to children when playing, through abrasions and scratches. The HPV virus enters the body, and after the end of the incubation period it manifests itself in the form of warts on the skin.

The virus may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, and when it is detected, the disease already progresses in a chronic form. This is his cunning and danger.

A woman may not know that she is a carrier of the virus. When immunity decreases, papillomas may appear. This usually occurs during hypothermia, pregnancy, or after suffering stress.

Papillomas appear on the skin - they look like micro-moles, they are mobile. Many papillomas do not decorate a woman; their accumulation on the neck looks especially ugly.

Papillomas also appear in the genital area.

There are a number of ways the virus can be transmitted

Their shape can be different: pointed, in the form of mosaic spots, flat. The color of papillomas can be flesh-colored or darker than the skin tone.

In addition to external manifestations on the body in the form of growths, papillomas can appear on internal organs.

Experts identify a number of symptoms that can suggest the development of HPV in women:

  1. Oncogenic disease of the cervix.
  2. Small typical formations on the genitals, under the breasts in women, in the armpits, on the eyelids.
  3. Genital warts appear on the vulva.

You need to carefully monitor every wart or papilloma that appears. If you do not pay attention to changes on their part, they can develop into malignant neoplasms.

Types of HPV

Science knows about 150 known varieties of HPV.

They are conventionally divided into several types, based on the degree of threat to a woman’s life:

  • HPV of high oncogenic risk;
  • with an average risk of cancer;
  • with a low level of cancer.

HPV types 16, 18, as well as 58, 59, 31, 35, 33, 45, 67, 64 are considered dangerous types; they are most often found in patients. They manifest themselves as formations on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of warts, condylomas, papillomas, etc.

One of the diagnostic stages is colposcopy

Diagnosis of HPV

The virus can be detected by undergoing certain laboratory tests. Their goal is to identify not only the presence of the virus in the body, but also to clarify its type (oncogenic or not).

For diagnostics use:

  • PCR for the presence of a virus is an effective test that allows you to detect viruses in DNA and body tissues. High efficiency of the study is achieved by collecting a vaginal smear.
  • HPV DNA test – it is called the “Daigen test”. The method allows the detection of papillomavirus using hybrid capture. The test is able to find the DNA strands of the virus and effectively determine its typicality.
  • Gynecological diagnostics includes: colposcopy (examination of the cervix under a microscope, cytology analysis (smear from the mucous membrane of the cervix), biopsy (sampling of a microscopic piece of the mucous membrane).

HPV treatment

The main goal of treatment for human papillomavirus is to rid a woman of the external manifestations of the virus by removing tumors on the body.

HPV therapy is simultaneously aimed at solving a number of other problems:

  • prevention of repeated manifestations of the virus;
  • reducing the risk of complications, preventing the occurrence of cervical cancer;
  • stimulating a woman's immune system.

There are a number of methods that are designed to combat the manifestation of the virus - cryotherapy, laser exposure, surgical methods for removing papillomas.

They also use medications (medicines for treatment) - tablets, solutions and ointments.

If papillomas occur, you should immediately visit a doctor

The drug method is considered a conservative method of treatment; some experts prefer to treat with this method first.

Treatment of HPV in women, types of drugs prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • medicines based on salts, acids, alkalis;
  • cytostatics;
  • antiviral drugs.

To achieve an effect, a specialist can prescribe drugs for the treatment of HPV in a complex, which will include drugs from several categories.

The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the case, the individual characteristics of the body, the stage of the disease, and the body’s responsiveness to the proposed treatment. The approximate duration of therapy is up to 20 days.

With a properly selected method of treating HPV in women, followed by preventive methods, you can significantly reduce the risk of the disease occurring again.

HPV is treated by several doctors. If tumors appear on the external genitalia and internal vaginal vault, you should contact a gynecologist. If papillomas appear on the body, a dermatologist will help.

Antiviral drugs are divided by method of use - tablets, vaginal and rectal suppositories, external ointments.

Modern products include immunomodulatory components. As a result, using one remedy, two problems are solved - the activity of the virus is suppressed, and immunity is raised.

Antiviral medications:

  1. The drug Isoprinosine has a detrimental effect on the process of viral cell division, as a result, the external manifestations of HPV disappear. The work of its own immune system is stimulated, and the body begins to fight the disease itself. In the presence of genital warts, medications are prescribed together with another drug in combination.
  2. Groprinosin is a medicine that affects the functioning of the virus and stimulates the immune system. When using the drug, warts gradually disappear. But the drug is powerless against genital warts.
  3. Panavir suppositories for rectal or vaginal use are effective if women have papillomas in the genital area. The drug was developed by Russian scientists. The medicine stimulates the immune system and treats inflammation. Sometimes the drug is used intravenously. A positive quality of the drug is that the body is not addictive.
  4. External antiviral agents - Acyclovir, Acigerpin, Zovirax are available in the form of ointments. They are applied to the skin, the drugs do not cause irritation or burns. These drugs can be used by pregnant women if prescribed by a doctor. But all medications are prescribed to a woman after delivery.

Neovir can improve immunity

In an uncomplicated course of the disease, immunomodulatory drugs for HPV can work effectively, and no other treatment is required.

If a woman has large-scale growths of warts or genital warts, then she may be prescribed a different treatment.

Medicines for papillomavirus, including salts, alkalis and acids:

  1. Condilin. Aimed at eliminating condylomas on the genital organs of women. The product is equipped with a disposable applicator and is applied to the condyloma. After 7 uses of the drug, the neoplasms disappear. The medicine has one drawback - there is a risk of burns, since it contains components aimed at burning out the formation. Therefore, the drug is prescribed together with a regenerating cream.
  2. Feresol is a solution used to cauterize tumors due to HPV. This is an effective drug and a single use may be sufficient. To prevent accidental burns to healthy areas of the skin, treatment with the drug is carried out by a specialist.
  3. Salicylic acid in the form of an ointment is used to treat small papillomas. The advantage of this product is its low price. The doctor should determine the degree of acid concentration. The downside is long-term treatment - from two to four weeks. The product is applied with a disposable cotton swab, and a bandage is secured on top.

The drug is used to remove genital growths

Immunomodulatory drugs:

  1. Viferon, rectal suppositories, can be used to treat condylomas in women. The medicine is effective in preventing the appearance of oncoviruses. Therapy with Viferon lasts no more than two weeks. It can be combined with antiviral agents or agents for burning out formations.
  2. Neovir is an injection medicine designed to stimulate the patient’s immune system. It can be prescribed if a woman has other serious diseases - cancer, AIDS, herpes viruses, hepatitis. Course treatment is prescribed for up to two weeks.
  3. The oral remedy Likopid is prescribed for the appearance of papillomas on the cervix. The medicine is effective in combination with antiviral drugs.
  4. Vitamins help strengthen a woman’s immune system; the doctor prescribes vitamins of groups B, C, E, A.

Antibiotics for the treatment of HPV:

  1. Drugs from the cephalosporin group are prescribed when there is an inflammatory process or if there is an STD.
  2. Rifamcin, Ampicillin, Kanamycin, Penicillin are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are effective for the treatment of inflammatory diseases that develop due to HPV. Antibiotics are prescribed in combination with drugs to restore intestinal microflora.

But antibiotics are rarely used to treat HPV.


Drugs are prescribed for precancerous conditions; the drug can affect the cell, inhibit its growth and reproduction:

  • 5-fluorouracil is available as an ointment;
  • podophyllin is a solution;
  • bleomycin – solution for injections;
  • podophyllotoxin – solution for topical use.

According to research results, the effectiveness of cytostatic therapy is quite high and reaches up to 90%.

HPV is a dangerous disease that requires highly accurate diagnosis, tests to determine the type of HPV, followed by treatment. It is unacceptable to treat on your own without consulting a doctor. The consequences can be dire.

Bleomycin injections are used in precancerous conditions

A woman’s diet is also important in HPV therapy. Food should include foods rich in microelements and vitamins.

It must be remembered that only correct therapy prescribed by a specialist can cure and lead not only to recovery, but also to suppression of the activity of the virus.

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