Elevated hemoglobin levels in women. Increased hemoglobin in men: what does it mean and what to do. How to lower hemoglobin

Elevated hemoglobin is the result of the development of a negative condition called polycythemia. Contacting a therapist is a mandatory step, diagnostics and tests should be taken at the first symptomatic manifestations.

The doctor will tell you what to do with elevated hemoglobin values ​​​​and how to return them to normal age. The problem can appear in both men and women, age is not an obstacle to the appearance of a violation: even in children, hemoglobin levels are not always within the normal range.

Hemoglobin (Hb) is a complex biological structure consisting of protein components and iron-containing elements. The main function is the transport of oxygen. In case of violations, in addition, consultation with other specialists, such as a general practitioner, cardiologist or oncologist, may be required.

In contact with

The usual composition of blood includes erythrocytes and other formed elements, plasma (liquid medium). If there is an increase, then an increase in blood viscosity is recorded. The process is associated with a decrease in plasma, which negatively affects the work of internal organs, the state of health deteriorates sharply.

What does it say?

The change in hemoglobin levels in the blood is determined by several factors:

  • increased erythrocyte synthesis (due to disease);
  • internal pathological processes are present.

With increased hemoglobin, the ratio of blood cells is disturbed

Also, the change in hemoglobin content is influenced by natural factors that are in no way associated with deviations in health. If hemoglobin is elevated, what does it mean:

  • there was prolonged physical activity;
  • the reaction of the body to taking medications with a diuretic effect;
  • dehydration;
  • reaction to vitamin complexes (containing B vitamins, folic acid);
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of bad habits associated with increased tobacco use.

To eliminate negative factors, it is recommended to undergo an examination, since diseases associated with impaired activity of the heart and blood vessels can affect the change in hemoglobin levels in the blood - signs of angina pectoris, tachycardia appear, and the likelihood of blood clots and plaques increases.

Causes in men and women

The indicator can be increased in all people, regardless of gender, but in women this pathology is less common than in men. So, in women, the causes and consequences are as follows:

  • long stay in the area located in the mountains (2 km and higher in height) - the oxygen content in the composition of the air decreases, an insufficient amount enters the blood, the number of red blood cells increases, the hemoglobin index increases;
  • monotonous or prolonged physical activity - exercise, fitness and sports. This increases the need for tissues and cells in oxygen, as there is an intensive consumption. The result is an increase in breathing and an increase in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • dehydration is observed when a woman performs work in hot conditions. It occurs when people work physically for a long period and do not use water. As a result, the blood thickens, the hemoglobin index increases. Concomitant diseases accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea can provoke a lack of water;
  • taking diuretics;
  • kidney disease in various phases and degrees of severity;
  • excessive sweating (in hot weather, against the background of hormonal disruptions in women
  • a long-term course of taking vitamin complexes containing components B9 and / or B12;
  • pregnancy - the load on the body and the components taken to strengthen it (vitamins and trace elements) can cause an increase in the level of iron in the blood, which will lead to an excess of hemoglobin;
  • erythrocytosis (a pathology that causes an increase in the level of red blood cells).
  • neoplasms in the kidneys;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • bone marrow diseases.

If a blood test showed elevated hemoglobin, then you should not take independent actions to reduce it - all appointments should be made by a doctor. Normalize the values ​​​​allow special medications or dietary restrictions (individually composed diets).

If hemoglobin is elevated in the blood of men, then this means the same as listed above in this paragraph. In addition, in men involved in sports, this parameter may exceed the normal rate.

  • women - 120-140;
  • men - 130 -160;
  • children (up to adolescence) - range from 100 to 150.

What could be the consequences?

Since the blood component hemoglobin is a complex structural substance, which includes iron and protein elements, it is involved in respiratory processes that are important for the body. When this indicator is increased, what does this mean, the doctor will tell. What threatens the development of pathology: fatigue increases, processes that affect the coordinated work of all systems are disrupted.

Changes are symptoms that require increased attention, as they lead to the formation of blood clots. They, in turn, are the cause of blockage of blood vessels and the development of concomitant serious diseases. When there are increased indicators of blood viscosity, then its ability to carry nutrients and oxygen decreases. This leads to the fact that the body begins to experience a lack of these elements, the synthesis of substances, metabolic processes and most of the functions are violated. If hemoglobin is elevated in the blood of women, what this means in each of the cases can be found out by undergoing an examination.

If you do not take measures to restore the indicators, then the condition will worsen. It is important to remember that thick blood causes an increased load on the vascular system and significantly increases the risk of associated diseases.

Why is it elevated in a child?

Increased rates can be in a child. It is important to remember here that for newborns, upward deviations are the norm without concomitant diseases. Explanations - the body in the first days of life adapts to new physiological processes for itself, but most often, what the problem is about is oxygen starvation.

What to do at home?

In the case when hemoglobin values ​​increased due to natural causes, special interventions are not required for short-term signs of a problem or a single manifestation, but long-term retention of these indicators is a reason for therapy. At home, in addition to taking medication, you will need to adjust the nutrition system in order to remove the factor that is a provocateur for the body. It is recommended to lower the level of iron in the blood (reduce the consumption of foods with iron in the composition). From the menu, in whole or in part, you need to exclude:

  • red meat (beef);
  • offal;
  • (do not drink juice, do not eat fresh fruit);
  • apples.

Completely at the time of recovery and during the period of prevention, you need to stop taking a complex of vitamin preparations, and taking alcohol, sparkling water. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that a natural remedy that can normalize hemoglobin levels is a liquid.

You can improve the taste of water by adding a couple of slices of fruit.

Quickly and guaranteed to thin the blood drinking water. If hemoglobin is elevated in the blood, what does this mean in men is considered by a specialist. Example: a latent inflammatory process may occur. The recommended amount of drink per day is 2-3 liters. This amount also includes teas, juices, compotes and fruit drinks (not red ones).

Preference should be given to such products:

  • yogurt, cottage cheese (also any natural sour milk);
  • hard cheese (light and medium in terms of fat content);
  • vegetables and fruits (green and yellow);
  • vegetable proteins - soy and legumes;
  • porridge - excluding buckwheat;
  • loaves.

It is also recommended to use traditional medicine recipes at home. Boiled and stewed dishes are the best solution when forming a nutrition program. To normalize hemoglobin allows a decoction obtained from birch leaves. It should be drunk 1-2 times a day, 100 ml. The duration of the course of preventive or therapeutic effects is 10 days.

  • shepherd's bag;
  • horsetail;
  • dandelion root.

To eliminate severe itching, antihistamine and antiserotonin drugs are prescribed. If vascular complications are present, acetylsalicylic acid should be taken at the lowest effective dose. The presence of thrombosis requires that Heparin be used during treatment (it is taken at home at the dosage indicated by the doctor).

The decrease in indicators contributes to:

  • undergoing an electrophoresis procedure;
  • bloodletting;
  • erythrocytapheresis (1 time per week, course 1-2 procedures);
  • taking cytostatics (Hydrea);
  • medicines are used to change the composition of the blood - Aspirin, Ticlid.

Sometimes bloodletting is required to normalize the condition. It should be carried out by a doctor, since up to 500 ml of blood is taken from a person. To restore physiological parameters, a special nutrient solution is introduced.

Bloodletting, as an independent method of treatment, is used at any age if the disease proceeds without complications. Bloodletting is performed 1-2 days after taking 0.5 g of acetylsalicylic acid and administering 400 ml of rheopolyglucin. 2 months after the first procedure, the treatment in this way is repeated if necessary.

Useful video

Dr. Komarovsky answers the question of why a high level of hemoglobin in a child is dangerous:


  1. Elevated hemoglobin is a cause for concern, since it does not benefit the body, how dangerous it is for the body during the diagnosis, the doctor will explain in detail, based on individual health indicators.
  2. The reasons for rejection in both a child and an adult are different, so it is important to monitor your own well-being, follow the rules and recommendations regarding nutrition.
  3. To reduce iron, you need to abandon foods high in iron, including liver and beef.

Hemoglobin is the main protein of the respiratory cycle. It is involved in the processes of oxygen transfer from the respiratory organs to tissues, and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. Hemoglobin is found in human erythrocytes, and is used to assess hemoglobin content. Normally, the hemoglobin index in women is 120-140 g / l (gram per liter) and may vary slightly depending on the condition of the woman, monthly cycles and stress on the body.

Causes of an increase in hemoglobin

Sometimes a high hemoglobin content can be due to the influence of some human actions, circumstances or environmental factors:

  1. This is possible with intense physical exertion in athletes (especially skiers, skaters, marathon runners), as well as due to the use of anabolic steroids.
  2. In high altitude conditions, a person produces more hemoglobin in the blood, so the body compensates for the increased load on the body associated with a lack of oxygen at high altitudes. People whose profession is associated with frequent flights (female pilots, stewardesses), as well as climbers, may experience an increased level of hemoglobin.
  3. When pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which can provoke jumps in hemoglobin levels. During this period, indicators of the hemoglobin content in the blood of the order of 150-160 g / l can occasionally be observed.
  4. Immoderate - smokers often have elevated hemoglobin levels, this is due to the effect of carbon monoxide on the body.
  5. The so-called falsely elevated hemoglobin level due to heat and profuse sweating, dehydration (). After establishing a fluid intake regimen, the hemoglobin level returns to normal.
  6. Due to exhaustion, violent vomiting.
  7. An increase in hemoglobin can occur due to the intake or iron supplements.

If the above factors are excluded, MirSovetov recommends not to try to independently guess the causes of high hemoglobin, but to contact a qualified specialist.

It is necessary to conduct a medical examination in order to exclude possible pathologies:

  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (chronic, pneumosclerosis);
  • violations of intestinal patency, atrophy of the gastric mucosa;
  • poisoning and;
  • oncological diseases;
  • erythrocytosis (exceeding the physiological norms of the number of red blood cells in the blood due to a decrease in the liquid part of the blood) and hemoglobinemia (increased hemoglobin content in the blood plasma);
  • hemochromatosis (a hereditary genetic disorder of iron metabolism in the body, in which iron accumulates excessively in organs and tissues) - about 10 percent of the population are carriers of this gene, and the likelihood of developing the disease is about 0.3 percent);
  • (There is an increase in glycated hemoglobin due to an excess of glucose in the blood).

Symptoms of high hemoglobin levels

External manifestations of elevated hemoglobin are as follows:

  • increased fatigue, weakness and deterioration in general well-being;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • decrease or loss of appetite;
  • blurred vision;
  • violations of the urinary organs;
  • sleep disorders.

A high level of hemoglobin is associated with thickening of the blood in the body, which leads to a decrease in its oxygen saturation and the risk of thromboembolism, limb thrombosis, angina pectoris, and.

Elevated hemoglobin levels during pregnancy

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood of pregnant women is 110-130 g / l, which is slightly lower than the physiological norms for women in general. In the first half of pregnancy, the expectant mother's hemoglobin level remains practically unchanged, in the second half the volume of circulating blood changes, to which the body can respond with a decrease or, in some cases, an increase in hemoglobin levels. The growth of hemoglobin may be associated, among other things, with the intake of a complex of multivitamins and minerals with an increased content of iron preparations. In this case, after the abolition of multivitamins, hemoglobin returns to the average.

If a high level of hemoglobin in the blood is detected in pregnant women, additional examinations are prescribed, such as a general urinalysis, as well as specialist advice (you may need to see a general practitioner, endocrinologist, cardiologist, urologist, oncologist).

Possible disorders during pregnancy associated with a high level of hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman can be:

  • chronic and intrauterine growth retardation;
  • , intrauterine death;
  • increased risk of thrombosis in pregnant women and women in labor.

These complications are associated with an increase in the density and viscosity of the blood due to an increased content of hemoglobin in the blood.

Preventive measures during pregnancy:

  • timely registration in the antenatal clinic, regular monitoring of the general blood test (during registration and at different stages of pregnancy);
  • must be abandoned;
  • conducting a thorough medical examination before planning a pregnancy;
  • healthy lifestyle, prevention and timely treatment of chronic diseases.

How to normalize hemoglobin levels

First of all, based on the diagnostic examination and the identified diseases, drug treatment is prescribed. The intake of drugs that thin the blood, stimulating normal hematopoiesis, is shown. At the same time, the doctor offers a treatment regimen and a specific diet.

It is also necessary to mention some basics that are useful to know and consider for every person. With dehydration due to heavy physical exertion, sweltering heat and increased sweating, the diet should be aimed at restoring fluid balance. At the same time, MirSovetov recommends changing the diet, increasing fluid intake, drinking little but often. The norm of fluid intake is at least 40 milliliters per day per kilogram of body, including all fluid from food and drink. It is advisable to limit the use of meat, heavy and fatty foods in the heat, include light cold soups and more vegetables, as well as seafood and dairy dishes in the diet.

With hemachromatosis (impaired iron metabolism in the body), you should minimize the intake of foods high in iron in your diet:

  • red meat, especially beef, rabbit (in the composition of veal, lamb and pork, iron levels are much lower), organ meats;

Elevated hemoglobin in the blood is quite rare in women. But, nevertheless, in some cases this phenomenon occurs. How high hemoglobin is manifested in women, the causes and treatment of this disease should be considered in more detail, since an increase in this indicator has its own characteristics.

An increase in this indicator usually indicates the development of certain pathologies in the body. Most often these are:

  • violation of the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • disruption of the bone marrow;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the body;
  • liver disease;
  • infectious diseases.

Also, some irritating factors can contribute to an increase in hemoglobin in the fair sex, namely:

  • excessive prolonged physical activity;
  • loss of fluid, usually this occurs in the warm season or in areas with a hot climate;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they are usually accompanied by frequent vomiting and loose stools, which leads to dehydration;
  • excessive use of diuretics.

In these cases, there is a gradual increase in hemoglobin, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Important to remember! You should regularly take a blood test for hemoglobin, especially in the presence of the above diseases! This will help to influence this indicator in a timely manner and improve the general condition of the body.

Symptoms of high hemoglobin

A change in the level of this indicator in the blood usually does not cause discomfort. But in some cases, or with an excessive increase, a woman may feel the following symptoms:

  • body aches;
  • dizziness;
  • constant thirst;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • causeless mood swings;
  • critical days are longer in nature, they are painful.

The above signs are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, so it is not always possible to detect high hemoglobin in a timely manner.

Treatment of pathology

What should I do if the blood test results show too high a value? In no case should this pathology be ignored. Drug treatment involves the use of such drugs:

  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Aspirin;
  • Curantyl;
  • Trental.

They help thin the thick blood. But without following a special diet, it is quite difficult to achieve a positive result. Therefore, it is necessary to follow certain nutritional rules. Useful products for high hemoglobin are:

  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken meat.
  • offal;
  • vegetables and fruits of red color;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • butter;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Also, such an addiction as smoking negatively affects the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Therefore, it is better to get rid of it.

Important to remember! This pathology usually manifests itself in the development of certain diseases! But we should not forget that in addition to treating the underlying disease, it is also necessary to influence the decrease in hemoglobin.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many ways to reduce this indicator, which have been tested by more than one generation. Their advantage is the absence of side effects and contraindications.


This is one of the most effective and common ways to deal with this pathology. To reduce hemoglobin, you will need a small piece of mummy (it can be purchased at any pharmacy), which should be dissolved in 1 glass of purified water. Use the resulting solution should be 1 time per day, preferably before going to bed. The duration of such treatment should be about 2 weeks. During this period, it is required to refrain from drinking alcohol and sleeping pills.

Donated blood

In women who regularly donate their blood for donation, the increased rate usually returns to normal. Therefore, this procedure can benefit not only other people, but yourself.


At the present time, this method of exposure is becoming more and more popular. Treatment with leeches has a positive effect on the composition of the blood, since their saliva contains special enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the blood.

It's important to know! Before using a certain alternative medicine, you need to coordinate it with your doctor! Modern experts adequately relate to traditional medicine, so the doctor will help you choose the most effective method of exposure in each individual case.

Herbal treatment

This method of exposure also applies to traditional medicine. For many years, women have been using herbal medicines. The most effective means are:

  1. All ingredients must be taken in the same proportions: willow bark, fresh celandine grass, mistletoe, valerian root, lavender, rose hips. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture of herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3 hours. After the time has passed, take the strained broth 1 glass 3 times a day before eating.
  2. Mix 100 g of rose hips, 50 g of mistletoe and 50 g of chamomile. Add 1 tsp to 1 cup of boiling water. the resulting mixture. Insist for 1 hour. Then strain the prepared broth and drink 2 times a day for 1 glass.
  3. You will need shepherd's purse, dandelion roots, horsetail and mistletoe in equal amounts. Mix all ingredients well. 1 st. l. the resulting mixture should be poured with 1 glass of water, put on fire and boil for about 3 minutes. Then strain the broth and take 1 cup 3 times a day after eating.

Regarding the dosage of these drugs, it is better to consult with your doctor. Since excessive consumption of such decoctions can reduce hemoglobin, and not normalize.

Increased hemoglobin during pregnancy

This pathology is often found in pregnant women. Reasons why hemoglobin may increase:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system;
  • poor absorption of folic acid;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • smoking.

A high rate causes such symptoms in pregnant women:

  • constant feeling of lack of sleep;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • change in skin color;
  • violation of the functioning of the genitourinary system.

How to lower hemoglobin? To normalize this indicator, you need to contact your doctor.

Important to remember! During pregnancy, you should not choose the method of treatment yourself! Since many medications and medicinal plants are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Consequences of pathology

Why is high hemoglobin dangerous? A high rate in a woman who has been observed for a long period can lead to the following consequences:

  • thick blood can lead to blood clots and a heart attack;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients in the body;
  • increase in blood pressure.

The mood and general condition of a woman is constantly changing for no reason, which interferes with normal life. Therefore, it is better for preventive purposes to introduce foods that are useful for normalizing hemoglobin into the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

High hemoglobin can be an indicator of a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 in the body. Elevated hemoglobin is an excessively high level of hemoglobin in a person's blood. High hemoglobin and thick blood can cause cardiovascular disease. In such cases, drugs that thin the blood are prescribed. Against the background of high hemoglobin, a woman can develop various oncological diseases, prolonged and painful menstruation. If your hemoglobin is higher than normal, you should also consult a doctor. For women, this figure is above 150 g / l, and for men 170 g / l. High hemoglobin- this is not good. The blood at this time becomes thick and viscous, which leads to the formation of plaques and blood clots.

Hemoglobin (Hb, hemoglobin), from Greek. haima ‘blood’ and Latin. globus ‘ball’: the coloring matter of blood, an integral part of erythrocytes – red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the main component of red blood cells. The hemoglobin level measures the ability of the blood to transport oxygen. High hemoglobin is not the same as high red blood cells because not every red blood cell contains the same amount of hemoglobin. Thus, hemoglobin can be high even if the level of red blood cells remains within the normal range. We all know that low hemoglobin is a sign of anemia and therefore needs to be treated. But not everyone knows that a high level of hemoglobin is an equally dangerous symptom. High hemoglobin is characterized by an excessive amount of red blood cells at any particular age and for a particular person.

Usually, a high hemoglobin level is considered to be greater than 17.5 g/dl for men and 15.5 g/dl for women. In children, the normal hemoglobin level depends on age and gender. High hemoglobin in women can be a symptom of congenital diseases of the heart and cor pulmonale, pulmonary fibrosis, polycythemia vera, and disorders in the body.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the very concept of "high hemoglobin". The hemoglobin level in the blood of a healthy woman is

120-140 g / liter of blood, healthy men - 135-160 g / l. Accordingly, a high hemoglobin level is more than 150g/l for women and more than 170g/l for men.

Before implementing measures to lower the concentration of hemoglobin, it is necessary to make a diagnosis based on the results of a blood test. Normal indicators of hemoglobin in the blood are: for women - from 120 to 140, for men - from 135 to 160. High hemoglobin is diagnosed when the rate rises by 20 or more.

High hemoglobin is corrected by limiting the penetration of proteins and iron of animal origin into the body, which contribute to an increase in hemoglobin. Such products are considered - red meat and meat offal, cereals and red berries, and so on. Often, when limiting the intake of these foods, hemoglobin in the blood returns to normal.

Causes of an increase in hemoglobin levels

Globin levels can rise if the body increases the production of red blood cells to compensate for the lack of oxygen in various body tissues caused by a bad heart or lungs.

The same can happen if the kidneys produce too much of a protein (erythropoietin) that increases the production of red blood cells, or if you are taking drugs that stimulate the production of red blood cells.

In addition, high hemoglobin is observed with bone marrow dysfunction, as well as while staying at high altitudes.

The following factors can cause high hemoglobin levels:

  • Congenital disorders of the structure and / or functioning of the heart;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Dehydration;
  • emphysema;
  • Erythropoietin injections to enhance athletic performance;
  • Heart failure;
  • kidney cancer;
  • Liver cancer;
  • Long stay or permanent residence at high altitude, in conditions of reduced oxygen content in the air;
  • Other types of heart disease;
  • Other types of lung diseases;
  • Smoking (it leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood).

In addition, increased hemoglobin levels can be caused by dehydration, diuretics (diuretics), burns, stress, and high blood pressure. Polycythemia vera is a myeloproliferative disorder in which red blood cell production and hemoglobin levels increase without stimulation by the hormone erythropoietin. In secondary polycythemia, hemoglobin levels rise as a result of exposure to the hormone erythropoietin.


Among the symptoms of polycythemia: the appearance of purple spots on the skin, the presence of blood in the stool, soreness and redness of the skin, itching, fever and causeless weight loss.

A high level of hemoglobin in professional athletes is one of the signs of doping and the basis for disqualification.

As a rule, a high level of hemoglobin is detected during a medical examination that was carried out for some other reason. Usually, the doctor, having received such results, himself suggests the patient to undergo a more thorough medical examination.

High hemoglobin in the blood is observed, as a rule, in people who are engaged in active sports, for example, skiers or runners. Most often, the problem occurs due to low hemoglobin. However, there are also cases of high hemoglobin in the average person.

In addition to physical stress, the cause of high hemoglobin can be living in high mountain areas, where, as you know, the air is quite rarefied. To determine the method of lowering the level of hemoglobin, it is imperative to find out the causes of high hemoglobin. In particular, it is necessary to establish whether an increased hemoglobin content is a concomitant sign of any pathology of the circulatory system or internal organs. For this reason, you should not independently guess the cause of high hemoglobin, but seek the advice of a qualified specialist.

Meanwhile, a person can recognize the manifestations of high hemoglobin on their own, since with an increase in this protein in the blood serum, blood pressure indicators increase, a person begins to suffer from sleep disorders, the skin turns red, and general well-being worsens. High hemoglobin indicates an unsatisfactory state of the blood, which can cause severe consequences.

With an increase in the hemoglobin content in the blood, the blood acquires a greater viscosity and density, which prevents its normal movement through the vessels. These phenomena can lead to the formation of blood clots and blood clots and, as a result, blockage of blood vessels, heart attacks and strokes.

Treatment for high hemoglobin

High hemoglobin is also reduced by prescribing drugs that are designed to thin the blood, such as Cardiomagnyl, Trental, Curantil, etc. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor only after appropriate tests have been performed and a diagnosis has been made.

Elevated hemoglobin is sometimes treated with erythrophoresis, a procedure that aims to remove "excess" red blood cells from the bloodstream, thereby lowering hemoglobin levels. However, such a procedure is resorted to extremely rarely and only if other methods of treatment are not possible.

Thus, high hemoglobin should never be ignored. In the absence of proper treatment, an increased content of hemoglobin in the blood can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

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When it comes to hemoglobin, the first thought is: "Just not low."

Anemia, anemia, oxygen starvation, unsightly appearance and prolonged internal discomfort ...

We know the drugs that increase its level, we are familiar with the list of products that should be introduced into the diet as a preventive measure, and after each blood test we are already ready to take additional “iron”.

But here came the results of the study and it turns out that hemoglobin is elevated.

How to react in such a case? Let it be as it is? But health is not happy. Need to lower the level? But how? Is it really dangerous and what consequences should be expected? Why did he rise at all? All answers to these questions can be found below.

First you need to figure out “what does high hemoglobin look like and why do people often confuse it with low?”

accepted norm for an adult becomes 115-140 g / l (for women) and 130-165 g / l (for men). That is, in any case, the excess of these indicators refers to pathologies and requires immediate intervention. Why immediate? Consider symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sleep disturbance from constant drowsiness to sudden insomnia.
  • Bruising and bruising quickly appear on the skin. Once bleeding begins, it is extremely difficult to stop.
  • The body "aches", joints and bones hurt.
  • After contact with hygiene products, the skin begins to itch and itch.
  • Your stomach may hurt.
  • Vision drops.
  • The skin turns red despite the fact that the fingertips remain white due to insufficient blood circulation.
  • The veins on the legs swell, even if there was no load as such.

But the most important sign high hemoglobin is considered thickening of the blood - it becomes viscous, easily forming clots. Most of all, blood clots are feared, which can easily provoke a stroke or pulmonary embolism, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, myocardial infarction, or thrombosis of the lower extremities.

If a patient is diagnosed with at least one of these diseases, this will mean long treatment and rehabilitation for him. As well as a real threat to life and further condition. A chronic condition that is very difficult to cure.

The reason for the increase in hemoglobin

What is the increase, what is the decrease in hemoglobin - this is the first "bell" that notifies about failure in the body. This failure can occur in any system, in any organ, so the examination should be taken responsibly and carefully.

It will show that the most common causes of excess iron in the body include:

  1. an increase in red blood cells;
  2. diabetes mellitus and, as a result, "extra" glucose;
  3. malignant tumors with oncological cells;
  4. "surplus" of vitamin B12;
  5. dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. dehydration of the body;
  7. congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  8. bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  9. abuse of iron-containing products;
  10. constant intake of vitamin complexes;
  11. pregnancy;
  12. experiences and nervous stress;
  13. body burn;
  14. poisoning;
  15. hereditary aspect.

Exceptions become only mountain dwellers for which high rates are the norm. Moreover, their body greedily accumulates iron in itself, since oxygen is sorely lacking at high altitudes.

This category includes pilots, stewardesses, climbers. As well as bodybuilders who, in order to quickly gain muscle mass, take steroids that have the same ability to influence the body.

Why is high hemoglobin dangerous?

After reviewing the main symptoms, one cannot help but pay attention to the most dangerous of them: blood clots.

What does it mean?

First of all, the fact that there are a lot of red blood cells in the plasma, the blood from this becomes viscous and thick.

This can be regarded as a definite plus when it comes to minor wounds, scratches and other external damage. Everything will heal very quickly, without blood loss and complications.


With slow blood circulation, plaques settle on the walls of blood vessels, and the likelihood of blood clots increases. What it threatens and what diseases you can “earn” with such a pathology, almost everyone knows (thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, stroke, heart attack).

In addition, as with low hemoglobin, health begins to suffer: appetite disappears, the body begins to tire quickly. Headaches are becoming more and more common.

In children whose analyzes showed high hemoglobin, cognitive functions may suffer, and new knowledge will be more and more difficult to be given.

In addition, these same examination results will show that the red blood cells have changed their shape and become like a crescent. In medicine it is called sickle anemia and is considered a rather dangerous disease.

High hemoglobin during pregnancy

Usually during pregnancy there is a continuous deficit, since the body gives all its reserves to an actively growing baby. In addition, he is obliged to qualitatively supply the fetus with oxygen in order to avoid anemia (oxygen starvation, which equals a violation of development and growth).

It is for the careful control of all these indicators that expectant mothers are forced to take regular tests and undergo scheduled screenings. Most of all, they are afraid of a low hemoglobin index, which is fraught with serious complications and even death.

Therefore, studying generally accepted norms iron in the blood, pregnant women are faced with the fact that for their position and the result of 100 is not bad (at a rate of 120-145), which is good news. They are undergoing a routine examination and ... the hemoglobin level is 170. Shock. Rejoice? But where did he come from? Baby not getting his share? Is it good or bad for him?

If you live high in the mountains then good. Rather, it’s even normal, the body “stores” like that. Otherwise, this figure should warn of some kind of trouble, illness, pathology and other violations. This may be a lack of vitamin B group, diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal tract. Heredity is also not excluded, but this is more the exception than the norm.

In addition to the examination of the whole organism of the future mom should more revise your diet and drinking regimen, take more walks and follow all the doctor's recommendations. After all, this is not only a signal of excess iron, but also evidence that the blood has become thick, can form blood clots and not “bring” oxygen to the baby. And there are more births to come...

Increased hemoglobin in women

With pregnancy, it is clear that the body is trying to “not be offended” or, due to weak immunity, it activates old chronic ailments. But what if a woman is not pregnant, and her tests are extremely unsatisfactory and frighten by high hemoglobin levels?

Again, the cause must be looked for much deeper. Among the most common:

  • The reaction of the body to prolonged hypoxia (the living environment changed or the woman suffered from anemia for a long time).
  • Have diabetes, heart or lung disease.
  • The patient abuses iron-containing products.

Most often, symptoms become obvious even with an insignificant increase and it is difficult not to notice them:

  • The tips of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities turn blue.
  • There is chronic fatigue, emotional instability, poor appetite.
  • Everything annoys a woman, she is inattentive and absent-minded.

But! Even if all these symptoms are present, the indicators differ from the norm by 10-20 units, everything can be corrected without medical intervention. Exceeds much more - long-term therapy is indispensable.

In men

It is not strange, but men suffer from elevated hemoglobin even more often than women.

This is explained quite simply: the stronger sex is more prone to heavy physical exertion and is more often fond of extreme sports.

Under such conditions, the blood produces more red blood cells to relieve the heart and lungs. The same situation can be observed in those who are seriously involved in running, cycling or skiing professionally.

We should not forget about diseases that can provoke a pathological increase in hemoglobin:
  • Baquez's disease.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the kidneys.

And also, diseases associated with prolonged dehydration (caused by vomiting and diarrhea) or uncontrolled intake of diuretics.


Both low and elevated hemoglobin are not an independent disease, but rather a symptom of it. Therefore, any therapy should begin with a qualitative examination and the correct diagnosis.

Only then will it be possible to proceed to the most dangerous consequence of this pathology - viscosity and density of blood. For this, drugs that can thin the blood are usually used. But only on doctor's orders!

If the situation is not critical, then it will be enough correction of the patient's diet, namely, temporarily limit any sources of iron and animal protein (buckwheat, meat, seafood, liver, green apples and red berries). You should also reconsider the drugs you may be taking - they can also contain iron and affect hemoglobin levels.

The main thing is not to fall into all serious troubles and not to refuse walks in the fresh air, not to “press” on coffee and not to prescribe treatment for yourself. After all, the benefits of causing harm are very close ...

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