Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. The most complete list. Exercise on the horizontal bar is a great way to build muscle

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To achieve the result, you need: self-motivation, a scheduled set of exercises on the horizontal bar and a lot of effort.

      • Remember what works best. You need to focus your workouts on these simulators.

There are a lot of videos on the Internet on the topic “video on the horizontal bar”, designed for different audiences. A set of exercises for women and men, for various muscle groups, for people of different physical fitness, on home, outdoor equipment or in gyms.

Wide grip pull-ups

Amateurs and experienced athletes record videos of their workouts, in which they show and talk in detail about the sets of exercises on this sports equipment. To get started, beginners are advised to watch videos on this topic.

Do the body right

There was a stereotype that strength training on the horizontal bar is more of a male occupation, since the main element - pull-ups - perfectly develops the muscles of the hands, makes the muscles sculptural and beautiful.

Exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars: technique - video

In fact, this is not so: the exercises on this simulator are suitable for men and women, since the body of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is arranged a little differently, and as a result of training on the horizontal bar, the body is first brought into tone, and only then the muscles are pumped up. Again, the female and male sets of exercises on the horizontal bar are different, they have different exercises,

Start training on the horizontal bar

As in any other business, a set of exercises on the horizontal bar for beginners starts with the simplest elements and then, gradually, the complexity increases.

      • to start training, you should choose a low horizontal bar (its height should be such that you can hold on to it with slightly bent arms, while standing on the floor). This height of the horizontal bar is enough to start working out the pectoral muscles.
      • do not overdo it at the very beginning of classes, because excessive physical activity is harmful. It is recommended to start exercising on the projectile after warming up.

Start training
      • If your horizontal bar is not equipped with anti-slip handles or, for example, it does not have a special coating that also prevents hands from slipping, you can sprinkle your palms with ordinary baby talc (sold at a pharmacy, it is inexpensive).

The most popular exercises on the horizontal bar for beginners are pull-ups on the bar (you can pull yourself up with a direct grip or reverse grip) and raising your legs as close to the bar as possible (simplified version - lifting, just bent at the knees and lifting the knees as close to the chest as possible or higher ).

For beginners, it is important to understand that while training with the help of the crossbar, you can change exactly those muscle groups that work and develop as much as possible. The change occurs by changing the grip of the crossbar and the distance in the grip between the hands:

      • direct grip - fingers point away from the body;
      • reverse - fingers are located towards the face;
      • mixed - the left and right hands use the first and second methods alternately;
      • parallel - done on two crossbars;
      • wide - palms are located at a distance of 60-80 cm;
      • medium - the position of the hands parallel to the shoulders;
      • narrow - hands touch each other with an edge.

This rule is followed by experienced athletes, it is also suitable for beginners: do exercises in sets. For example, in one approach on the horizontal bar, perform five pull-ups.

And the most important rule for beginners who start exercising on the crossbar and uneven bars: if you learn to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar a lot and with high quality, then master other more complex elements on this simulator. The main thing is to practice regularly.

Sculptural work on the horizontal bar

Exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for various muscle groups - this type of power load is especially often used not only among professionals, but also among beginners in this type of training. The main muscles of the body are effectively developed on the crossbars: the muscles of the chest, hips, back, shoulders, arms, and of course the buttocks and torso muscles are noticeably tightened. Regular exercises contribute to the creation of an ideal relief, make the body sculpturally expressive, and help keep oneself in good shape.

Exercises differ as follows: the horizontal bar is used mainly for pull-ups, and the bars for push-ups.

Extra workouts with the right food

The golden rule is that before starting a workout, you should definitely warm up your muscles (do a little gymnastics or a light jog).

The second rule: it is forbidden to make sharp jerks, the correct training algorithm is to be smooth and perform the lift solely with the help of one's own strength, and not by inertia.

The third rule is when training, control the execution technique so as not to get various injuries and injuries. With this type of physical exercise, most of the stress goes to the joints, and frivolity during training can be harmful to health - dislocations, bruises, and sprains are possible.

Press exercises during exercises on the horizontal bar

Exercises on the horizontal bar to work out the muscles of the press are appreciated by men and women for their effectiveness. For women, this complex helps to quickly remove excess weight in the waist area, effectively bring muscles into tone. For men, this set of exercises is relevant in that muscles are being worked out, volume appears.

The training program for swinging the press using a horizontal bar is very diverse: hanging, turning, swinging, corner.

The classic corner is performed by raising the outstretched legs while hanging relaxed on the crossbar. This is a rather difficult exercise, its implementation requires good preparation, so to begin with, you should perform a lightweight option: legs bent at the knees are pulled as close to the chest as possible, while exhaling at the peak and inhaling in the original position.

An individual system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is necessary for every person who wants to have strong and relief muscles. After all, this exercise has long been considered effective and useful. Now horizontal bars or crossbars are located on all playgrounds, in every yard, gym. Pull-ups have been familiar to all people since school days, but not every person knows and understands that in order to achieve real results, you will need to do much more and better than what is offered in training programs for certain ages.

The article will tell you what pull-ups are, how to perform them correctly, and also help you figure out whether the pull-up system on the horizontal bar is beneficial or is it a waste of time. To achieve maximum results, you should follow all the rules and follow the recommendations presented in the article.

History and theory

In ancient Greece and many other developed and developing countries, there was no clear system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but they were necessarily included in the complex of basic exercises. Already in those days, people realized that this strengthens muscles quite well, helps to build mass and forms a harmonious relief.

Tibetan monks developed the first system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch, improving an already existing technique. They included in it several original elements that make it possible to reach great heights in a short time. Today, far from one system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is known to people. Among the whole variety of unique techniques, everyone can find the best option for themselves, whether they are a beginner or an experienced athlete.

What muscles can be pumped

Athletes who have been doing the horizontal bar for a long time know exactly how these exercises help. Beginners do not know all the advantages of the horizontal bar. Therefore, before moving on to the pull-up system on the horizontal bar for beginners, you need to understand which muscle groups can be pumped with this projectile:

  • biceps;
  • upper and lower press;
  • pectoral muscles;
  • forearm;
  • back muscles.

The horizontal bar, of course, is a universal sports equipment, because it allows you to work out the whole body at the proper level.

Crossbar exercises

People often turn to the pull-up system on the horizontal bar in order to develop muscles and perform more complex exercises. Indeed, the crossbar gives a fairly wide field for the athlete's imagination. On this projectile, you can perform incredible tricks and exercises that develop various muscle groups.

The most popular exercises are listed below. They attract the attention of not only men, but also women, even despite their complexity.

At the end of the individual system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, in a month you will achieve significant results, these exercises will seem easy, and they can no longer be embarrassed to be performed on the street or in the gym.


Among athletes of various categories, this exercise is most common. Its main distinguishing feature is the fact that it is popular even among martial artists who prefer to constantly develop their own endurance, strength and agility. But with all this, one should not forget that this exercise should by no means be included in the system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch, because it is not always easy even for experienced athletes.

The burpee technique is not so difficult, but it requires maximum concentration. The first step is to take the starting position - stand in front of the horizontal bar, stretch your arms along the body, and place your legs clearly shoulder-width apart. The following should be done at a fast pace:

  • to squat;
  • jump to point-blank prone;
  • do one push-up;
  • again with a jump to return to your haunches;
  • take a starting position;
  • jump out and do pull-ups;


Core is an almost complete system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar for building muscle, developing strength and endurance. An unusual set of exercises can be easily performed at home, since the only necessary projectile is a horizontal bar.

The first step is to take exactly the same starting position as in the previous exercise. Next, you need to perform the movements in this order:

  • jump to the crossbar and do pull-ups;
  • raise straight legs so that they are perpendicular to the body;
  • lingering in this position for a couple of seconds, the legs should be lowered;
  • raise your legs again, but at a right angle, and then lower;
  • once again raise straight legs so that the socks touch the crossbar;
  • return to starting position.

This exercise should be repeated for at least four sets.

The best system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is given step by step below. It is ideal for beginners, but more experienced athletes will need to complicate the task. For them, the ideal option would be to perform this exercise before and after daily pull-ups according to this system.

How to pull up correctly

Many novice athletes want to independently develop a system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Of course, not a single beginner can pull himself up 50 times, which is why many of them strive to achieve good results with their efforts. Unfortunately, most of them fail to do this, because not every person who has not previously been involved in sports knows how to pull themselves up correctly. Because of this, people get injured instead of the desired result, and it’s much easier to spend time studying theory than recovering from your own

When pulling up, the back and legs must be straight. It is necessary to raise the body to the stop so that the chin touches the crossbar. The horizontal bar contains many secrets that can lead to the success of any athlete. Fortunately, you don’t need to solve them, because other people have already done this for a long time:

  1. In order to increase the mass, it is necessary to rise as slowly as possible, and to fall, on the contrary, quickly.
  2. To strengthen the muscles and increase endurance, you will need to carry out fast ascents, but you will have to go down slowly.
  3. To improve stretch and flexibility, you should both ascend and descend at a fast pace, and in between sets, it is recommended to simply hang on the horizontal bar for ten seconds.

Types of pull-ups

As you know, you can pull yourself up in different ways:

  1. Direct grip. In this type of lifting on the crossbar, the hands must be directed with the back to the projectile. Narrow straight grip - hands at shoulder level; medium straight grip - arms wider than shoulder width by about 10 centimeters; wide straight grip - hands are located as far apart as possible.
  2. Reverse grip. In this case, the hands should be directed with the palms towards the crossbar. Here you can also pull up with a narrow, medium or wide grip.

Novice athletes who have never pulled up in their lives or have done it for a very long time should definitely listen to the recommendations given by real professionals. Experienced lifters can recommend some great ways to help you learn how to pull up from scratch. Among them:

  1. With a stool. Standing on it, it will be much easier to do pull-ups. Having reached the highest point, it is required to linger in this position for about three seconds, and with each subsequent rise, gradually increase this time.
  2. Rubber insurance. This method involves tying yourself around the belt with a special sports rubber band, which is attached to the horizontal bar at the other end. Thanks to this auxiliary element, it will be easier to get to the top point.

Pull-up system on the horizontal bar for beginners: program

An ideal program, understandable and accessible to everyone, would be the following table.

As you can see, the load increases gradually and carefully enough to protect the athlete from unnecessary injuries, as well as overwork. After successfully completing the first month of training, the load needs to be increased by about 2-3 times.


Before you start exercising on the crossbar, you need to learn the rules that are guaranteed to help you avoid injuries and get the desired effect as quickly as possible. These include the following items:

  1. As before any workout, before starting pull-ups, you need to do a little warm-up. Only 5-10 minutes of cardio will be enough (running, jumping rope, cycling, walking at a fast pace, and so on).
  2. In order to increase the mass, you need to reconsider your diet. It should include more proteins, and the consumption of sweets should be reduced to a minimum. You should also slightly increase the number of calories consumed daily, which will save you from drying muscle mass.
  3. Absolutely every workout must be completed with stretching. This will allow the muscles to recover faster after a workout.

Armstrong pull-up system

This system was used by the well-known United States Marine Corps Major Charles Lewis Armstrong. The program includes all the necessary items that contribute to physical improvement: overload, variety, regularity.

People who have already tried this system on themselves have achieved incredible results in just 5-6 weeks. At the end of the program, almost all beginners could already perform more than 20 pull-ups in just one set.

morning workout

Every morning, immediately after getting up, you must perform exactly three sets of push-ups from the floor to the maximum. Push-ups are the best exercise to help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Armstrong himself performed the first set of push-ups right on deck, and then went to the bathroom, where he put himself in order. Then he again came to the deck, performed the second set and again went to the bathroom to shave. Immediately after that, the major would come to his cabin and do the final set and go take a relaxing shower.

This type of workout should be done every morning. For many people, it takes about a month to achieve a good result. This is exactly the time during which morning sets will already become a habit and become an integral part of the workout.


It is recommended to start pull-ups approximately 4-5 hours after morning sets. The Armstrong program is divided into 5 training days (weekdays). That is, you need to do it only from Monday to Friday, but on weekends you should definitely give your body and muscles a rest.

On the first day, you need to do five sets, pushing yourself to the maximum. The intervals between sets should be no more than 90 seconds. There is no need to worry about the number of repetitions, since all this time you need to give all the best to the maximum, making all your efforts.

Training on the second day is based on the "pyramid" system. You should start with one repetition, and then add one in each approach, reaching the maximum.

On the third day, you need to do three sets with a medium straight grip, and then the same number with a narrow grip. Breaks between each set should last exactly one minute.

On the fourth day, you need to complete the maximum number of sets with breaks of one minute. You need to pull up as long as you can do it right.

On the last day, you must repeat any of the four days that seemed the most difficult. In each subsequent week, the fifth day will necessarily be different from the previous one.

In social networks, as well as on our forum, beginners very often ask - where to start their workouts, namely, what exercises should be included in their first and subsequent workouts? To which the advanced give such an answer - do the "base"!

What is a "base"?

By "base" they mean - basic multi-joint exercises, during which large muscle groups are included in the work: pectoral muscles, back muscles, arm muscles, abdominal muscles, and leg muscles. It is the development of these muscle groups that should be given special attention at the beginning of the first months of training. Why? The answer is very simple. Each beginner is obliged to raise the level of his general physical fitness and strengthen the ligaments, and without a "base" this is almost impossible. "Base" will form a very powerful foundation, which in the future will pave the easy way to complex power elements. An old Russian proverb is appropriate here - "Moscow was not built right away!". No foundation - you can not build a house. And "home" for us is complex and seemingly incomprehensible power elements.

What workout exercises are considered basic?

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar
2. Push-ups on the uneven bars
3. Pushups
4. Force outs for two
5. All kinds of squats

Let's take a closer look at each exercise and find out which muscle groups it affects.

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar pronated (grip from above, direct grip) - include in the work: back muscles, arm muscles, to a lesser extent pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles.

The question immediately arises - is it necessary to pull up with a supinated grip (grip from below, reverse grip), behind the head, etc.? Yes need! Because all kinds of pull-ups, although they involve almost the same muscles to a greater or lesser extent, it allows you to shift the emphasis of the load from one muscle to another!

2. Push-ups on parallel bars- include in the work: pectoral muscles, arm muscles, to a lesser extent, back muscles and abdominal muscles.

However, it should immediately be warned that the width of the bars should be comfortable (the accepted world standard in gymnastics is 52 cm), because bars that are too wide or too narrow can lead to changes in the technique of performing exercises and creating excessive load on those parts of the body where it is not needed (for example, on the shoulder joint or acromal-clavicular joint).

3. Pushups- include in the work: pectoral muscles, arm muscles, back muscles, to a lesser extent abdominal muscles.

Push-ups from the floor - everyone's favorite classic. This exercise can be done anywhere and anytime. Especially when there is no horizontal bar and bars at hand. What makes them even more remarkable is the almost limitless possibilities for complication. You can do regular push-ups, you can do plyometrics, you can do claps, you can move around, you can even do one-arm push-ups!

4. Exits by force on two hands- include in the work: back muscles, arm muscles, pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles.

This complex strength element is the most useful exercise of the above, as it involves the largest number of muscle groups in the upper body. Despite their specific versatility, power outs also develop explosive strength, and this is a very big plus for physical development in general.

5. All kinds of squats- include in the work: leg muscles, to a lesser extent abdominal muscles.

In all strength sports, the squat is the base exercise for the lower body. There are many different variations of doing squats. This includes both classic bodyweight squats and squats with additional weights. You can also do squats on one leg - this will be the best option for a street workout. For those who enjoy running or cycling, squats can be done at will.


Friends, take these recommendations with great responsibility. Performing basic exercises, you will prepare your body for more difficult tests. Never run ahead of a train! Remember that masters are not made in a year or two. Carefully work out the technique in the basic exercises. Constantly monitor your well-being. If you feel any discomfort, weakness or pain, stop exercising immediately. Learn to respond appropriately to the reactions of your body. Analyze how you feel before your workout, during your workout, and after your workout.

  1. Availability and prevalence. There are horizontal bars in every yard: you don’t have to waste time getting to the training site. In large cities, there are more and more well-equipped workout areas with horizontal bars of different heights and widths, bars, rings, ladders for grip training, ropes and other equipment. All this is free. You can do it even easier - buy or make a horizontal bar yourself and play sports without leaving your home.
  2. Variety of the training process. If you think that training on the bar is limited to pull-ups, you are deeply mistaken. Having a certain physical training, on the horizontal bar you can work out almost all the muscles of the torso.
  3. Safety. If you follow the correct technique for performing exercises, the risk of injury is minimized. The rules are simple: during pull-ups and other traction exercises, we do not strongly tilt our head back, we do not round the thoracic spine, we do not make circular movements with our shoulders.
  4. Increase in muscle mass and strength. On the horizontal bar, it is easy to implement the principle of progression of loads, which will make you bigger and stronger. Also, from training with your own weight, ligaments and tendons are strengthened, which increases the power potential.
  5. Saving time. Training on the horizontal bar will not take much time. 25-30 minutes is enough to complete the entire planned amount of work.

Positive effect on the body

It has been proven that prolonged hanging on the horizontal bar without the use of wrist straps relieves hypertonicity from the spinal extensors, strengthens the grip, improves posture and reduces the risk of back injuries.

Continuous work with your own weight allows the muscles to overcome the pain and burning sensation in the muscles. Rejection comes much later. Over time, athletes adapt to such loads, and training on the horizontal bar is much easier.

Among other things, playing sports in the fresh air is much more beneficial for the body than in a stuffy gym. Higher oxygen content in the air promotes rapid recovery between sets, improves the process of oxidation of adipose tissue.


Not all athletes will benefit from training on the horizontal bar. It is widely believed that hanging on the horizontal bar has almost miraculous properties and helps with hernias and protrusions. Unfortunately, this is far from the case.

With such problems with the spine, you should not train on the horizontal bar at all, since a long time in an extended position can aggravate the situation.

Before you start a full-fledged workout, be sure to consult a qualified doctor. Only he will correctly answer the question of how to play sports and not harm your health.

It is also not recommended to engage in horizontal bars for those who have relatively recently had sprains or torn ligaments in their shoulders or elbows. Hanging for a long time will cause pain, especially if your own weight is above average. You risk recurrence of the injury.

Beginner Program

The first thing beginners need to do is to learn how to pull up technically correctly. Pulling up is performed not due to the biceps and forearms, but due to the latissimus dorsi. This is the foundation on which all other exercises are built. The easiest way to do this is to try to bring the shoulder blades together as the body rises. The traction movement itself should be performed not due to some kind of impulse, but due to compression of the latissimus dorsi muscles. Feeling this movement is quite difficult, and often it takes more than one month of training. But when you learn how to do this, the back will begin to grow at an enviable rate.

The training program on the horizontal bar for beginners is designed for 3 classes per week. Each workout is short enough, no more than 30 minutes.

As soon as you can effortlessly complete the entire amount of work, begin to slowly increase the number of repetitions and sets. Also, from time to time, measure your progress separately in pull-ups, because this is the basis of all exercises on the horizontal bar. If you can easily and technically complete 15 reps, it's time to move on to harder workouts for more experienced athletes.

The program on the horizontal bar for weight gain

If you are a fairly experienced athlete and have a good command of the technique of all basic exercises, then this weight training program on the horizontal bar is for you. By doing it, you will add muscle mass in the arms, back and shoulders.

The weight training program on the horizontal bar is built around multi-joint movements that involve several large muscle groups at once. The work is carried out in the repetition range from 8 to 15. Only three workouts per week, however, the rest between sets should be minimal - this way you will increase the blood supply to the working muscles, without which muscle growth is impossible.

As you can see, in every workout we directly or indirectly load all the main muscles of the body. This approach to training does not lead to overtraining at all, since the amount of work is not as large as with the classic three-day split in the gym. Muscles have time to fully recover. To maintain the intensity of the training process, try to rest as little as possible between working sets - no more than one minute. If the indicated amount of work is too small for you, add 1-2 sets to each exercise and increase the number of repetitions to 15.

Relief program

In terms of the strength component, the training program on the horizontal bar for relief is not too different from working on the mass. And there, and there we train in the average range of repetitions (from 8 to 15) and do similar exercises. This is the optimal amount not only for mass gain, but also for its support. The only difference is the intensity of the training. To become leaner, you need to spend a lot of calories and burn excess fat. Accordingly, it is necessary to optimize the training process for these goals.

The training should be high-intensity, the heart rate should be above 120, the rest between sets should be minimal. It is recommended to use a heart rate monitor. For a more enhanced calorie consumption, various CrossFit exercises will come in handy. In addition, when working on terrain, it is useful to pause at points of peak contraction. From this, the muscles become visually stiffer and more developed.

Imitation of the French press on the low bar3x12
Hanging leg raise3x15
Wide grip pull-ups4x15
Push-ups from the horizontal bar3x15
Superset of pull-ups with a reverse grip and with a narrow stance4x10
Superset of squats and two-arm power-ups3x10

To get the most out of this program, make it a habit to pause at the point of peak contraction in pull-ups. The muscles of the back respond well to this technique, the back quickly becomes more rigid and bumpy. Work strictly according to your feelings. When the latissimus dorsi muscles are most tense, squeeze the shoulder blades and try to fix this movement. If you do everything right, you will feel something like a slight cramp in the latissimus dorsi. The main thing at this moment is not to transfer the load to the biceps and forearms.

If you want to increase the intensity of your barbell workout while burning fat, follow the same program but in a circuit format. This is done as follows: we perform one approach of 10-15 repetitions of each exercise without rest. This is one round. After each round, rest for one and a half to two minutes. There should be 3-6 rounds in total. To track the progression of loads, gradually increase the number of repetitions in sets. For example, do 3 rounds of 10 reps for each set. Then 11, then 12 reps... When you reach 15 reps, add one extra round and repeat all over again.

Back and abs workout

If your back muscles are far behind in development, then the horizontal bar training program for the development of back muscles and abs is exactly what you need. These are the best exercises for growing the back in width, nothing more effective has yet been invented. By adding several variations to the classic wide-grip pull-ups, you will work out the entire array of spinal muscles, to which they will certainly respond with growth.

Also, with the help of the horizontal bar, you can fully train the press. Agree, doing monotonous twists on the floor or in simulators at different angles is boring. In such situations, hanging leg raises come to the rescue, there are a huge number of variations of this exercise. There will be four workouts in just a week, the first two are hard, the second two are lighter. So you will be less tired without sacrificing progress.

Wide grip pull-ups5x10-15
Pull-ups with a parallel grip3x12
Reverse pull-ups3x12
Horizontal pull-ups on the low bar4x15
Raising straight legs to the bar3x15
Alternate hanging leg raises3x10
Hanging knee raise3x20
Horizontal pull-ups on the low bar4x15
Wide grip pull-ups3x10
Hanging leg raise3x10
Raising straight legs to the bar3x10

The volume of work on Monday and Tuesday is almost twice as much as on Friday and Saturday. This is necessary to unload the psyche and muscles from hard work. If you are able to do four hard workouts a week, no one forbids you from doing this, but then recovery will have to be given a lot more attention.

strength exercise program

If your goal is to increase strength and increase strength, a program of training on the horizontal bar for strength will help you.

Exercises such as plyometric pull-ups (with hands off the bar and claps), power-ups with two arms, and pull-ups with additional weights will make you much stronger. Remember that force is the product of mass and speed. Therefore, all exercises are performed at maximum speed, and the nature of the movement must be explosive. So you will also develop explosive strength, which will be a good help for future strength records.

In total, it is advisable to conduct three workouts per week, on each of which you need to purposefully work on strength in a relatively small range of repetitions.

If you've been training with the programs above but aren't seeing significant changes in your fitness, don't lose heart. These tips will help you reach your full potential.

Technical nuances

  1. Follow the technique. When doing pull-ups on the bar, focus on the muscles of the back, and not on the arms. To better feel the contraction and stretching of the latissimus dorsi, use the wrist straps. Try to lower your shoulders a little down, so you "free" the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, and the back will get more load.
  2. If the grip is the weakest link in your chain, pay more attention to hanging on the horizontal bar. You can use additional weights by hanging a weight or disc on a chain to your belt. Another option is to use a towel. Hanging on a towel is great for developing forearm strength. You can also wrap a towel around the bar to make it wider, which will strengthen your hands and increase finger strength. It is recommended to use magnesia, so it will be much more convenient to hold the horizontal bar, and the grip is unlikely to let you down.
  3. Extinguish the force of inertia. Do not engage in self-deception - each repetition should be performed under control. All of them should be “clean”, you should not squirm with your whole body to pull yourself up. It doesn't make any sense. It is better to do less exercise, but technically correct, the benefits of this will be much greater.
  4. Try to keep the same pace of exercise. This will make it easier to use the neuromuscular connection and focus on stretching and contracting the muscles. This applies to all bodyweight exercises. However, this does not mean that the faster the better.
  5. If you are still a beginner, and the training program indicated by us is difficult for you, pay attention to working out the auxiliary exercises. Do back exercises on blocks in the gym - this way you will become stronger, and pull-ups will be much easier. Another option is to get help from a partner. Let him push you up a little during pull-ups, thereby simplifying the task. After a while, you will be able to calmly pull yourself up. The third option is to do incomplete pull-ups. Over time, you will delve into the biomechanics of movement and be able to easily overcome dead spots and perform pull-ups in full amplitude. The last most effective option is pull-ups in the gravitron. This is a great exercise, but it's a completely different story, they have little in common with regular pull-ups. Additional pushing from the bottom point completely changes the biomechanics of movement. Gravitron pull-ups will build your back muscles, but you won't learn how to do regular pull-ups.

Safety of the training process

  1. Be careful while doing pull-ups. Many athletes do not have enough flexibility to fully perform this exercise, which causes damage to the joints and ligaments of the shoulder. Approximately the same story is connected with two similar exercises: a bench press from behind the head and a pull of a vertical block behind the head.
  2. If you feel discomfort during any exercise, stop doing it. It is better to replace this element with something more comfortable, but with a load on similar muscle groups.
  3. Do not forget to do a thorough joint warm-up before training. Pull-ups, power-ups, push-ups, hanging leg raises involve almost all the muscles of the body, so the warm-up should be appropriate. Thoroughly stretch your hands and rotator cuff to minimize the risk of injury. Do several sets of forward bends to properly stretch your lower back. Do not be afraid to spend 15-20 minutes warming up - your muscles, joints and ligaments will thank you for it. An indicator of a good warm-up is the appearance of sweat on the forehead. If it is available, feel free to start training.

And in conclusion, one more important tip: decide on the individual frequency of training. Do not train every day, bringing the body to exhaustion and exhaustion. This is fraught not only with overtraining, but also with injuries. 3-4 sessions per week will be enough to achieve any sports goals.

Relief muscles, a toned back, excellent endurance and strong immunity are pleasant consequences of regular exercises on the horizontal bars. Do long runs tire you with monotony, do gyms annoy you with a large number of people in a confined space? Strive not only for the external beauty of a pumped-up body, but also for real inner strength and dexterity? Discover the life style of the turnstile!

In the morning on the horizontal bars - you will be strong all your life!

Yard sports have never lost their relevance, although after the collapse of the USSR it went out of fashion for some time - the old outdoor playgrounds went out of order in a short time and were unsuitable for training.

In recent years, there has been a pleasant trend - society is gradually returning to a healthy lifestyle. New yard simulators, parallel bars and various horizontal bars began to appear everywhere. Young people are re-learning street sports for themselves, learning the basics of the correct training regimen for turnstiles.

Street athlete - dexterous turnstile

The artificial origin of the term turnik-men (turnikmen) does not eliminate the need to correctly draw up a program of classes on the horizontal bars. Any person who performs exercises on street horizontal bars can be considered a turnikman. The simplest and most boring exercise is the usual pull-up, known to everyone from school. More interesting and complex options are rollovers, “sun”, pull-ups on one arm and other “pirouettes”.

Unlike professional gymnasts, the training program is distinguished by a rather gentle regimen. Performing exercises on street horizontal bars is designed not so much for high achievements, but for strengthening the body and increasing physical strength.

Restrictions for yard sports

Anyone can become a turnikman, regardless of age and gender. The most impressive results are demonstrated by athletes who, from childhood (4-5 years of age), constantly perform a set of exercises on the horizontal bars.

For girls, due to the physiological characteristics of the body (the structure of the muscular frame, thinner bones), it is much more difficult to achieve impressive results. The optimal age to start training for guys is 15-16 years old, although it’s not too late to start exercising at 25-30 years old, and old age (up to 60) is not an obstacle. The main thing is to correctly draw up a training program and not overload the body with unnecessary loads.

People who have various problems with the spine (curvature, trauma), as well as those suffering from underweight or overweight, should be approached with caution. Classes are categorically contraindicated for muscle dystrophy, serious problems with tendons and joints.

The program of effective training of the turnstile

The training program depends on the physical fitness of the athlete. A person who, for the first time in many years, went out into the street to play sports, will not be able to master complex exercises. And a fit man who needs an extra load will be bored to perform monotonous actions. The better the physical form, the more intense and varied the classes can be.

Exercises on the horizontal bars include four stages:

  • warm-up (warming up muscles, breathing exercises, bringing the whole body into tone);
  • power load (strengthening the back and arms, pulling up on the uneven bars, going to the back);
  • performance of technical elements (“sun”, “scrolling”, “endo”, all kinds of turns);
  • completion of training (stretching, relaxation exercises).

The effectiveness of training directly depends on the quality of the passage of each stage:

  • A lazy athlete who refuses to warm up and decides to immediately show his prowess risks serious injury due to cold muscles and low concentration.
  • Without strength training, it is impossible to either strengthen the muscles or learn how to properly control them. So the next stage (honing technique) will be a completely pointless exercise - if physical strength is not enough for elementary pull-ups, where will they come from for the “sun”?
  • The development of technology is necessary for the diversity of the training process. Doing the same exercises is incredibly boring! And to increase the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to involve all muscle groups, which will be possible only when performing complex technical exercises.
  • The correct completion of the workout allows you to get rid of excessive tension in the muscles, return the body to a relaxed state. Strength exercises are necessarily combined with yoga, stretching, meditation - without this, the body wears out quickly and instead of improving health, it brings unnecessary problems.

Basic exercises on the horizontal bars

The main stages of the training of the turnstile are a block of exercises for technical improvement and a block of exercises for power loading. Warming up and proper completion of a workout is a necessary component in any sport.

Strength exercises

Beginners need to start training on the horizontal bars with strength exercises. The load is formed individually, depending on the neglect of the body.

With frail muscles, obvious shortness of breath and a long absence of physical activity, classes begin with a “sparing” workout: the usual pull-ups and push-ups on the uneven bars. The traditional scheme is to perform each exercise for 3 sets of 5-10 times. Then the transition to the jump rope, pumping the legs, strengthening the press and the gradual completion of the workout by stretching the muscles, yoga. With each day of training, the number of exercises increases, the technique becomes more complicated.

technical prowess

Turnikman trains the technique traditional for professional gymnasts. True, complex and traumatic exercises are excluded, which can only be performed in a specially equipped gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

They begin classes by performing pull-ups on their hands with a coup, then they switch to the "sun" familiar from childhood. After mastering the basic techniques, the technique becomes more complicated and complex turns become available to the turnstile - “endo”, “stalder”, “Russian-Czech revolutions”.

Basic rules for training on horizontal bars

Horizontal bars are available to everyone, but you should not be overly zealous. You are not on the podium and the main task is not to impress the admiring audience, but to strengthen the muscles and create a beautiful, embossed body.

Safety rules on horizontal bars:

  • Use a comfortable grip. Hands before training are treated with sand or talc. In the cold season, it is recommended to use special, not too slippery gloves.
  • Distribute your weight correctly. For most exercises, the basic position is suitable: legs crossed and bent at an angle of 90 degrees, back straight, arms comfortably wrapped around the horizontal bar.
  • Try to move smoothly. Sharp, rough movements are unacceptable. When pulling up, do not use the pelvis (sudden movements of the hips can lead to injury to the hands). Consistently strengthen the muscles of the arms and back, by gradually increasing the load.
  • Start simple. Becoming a pro in two days is an unrealistic task. Move on to complex exercises only after complete assimilation of simple ones.
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