Prevention of SARS in children with folk remedies. Competent treatment of orvi in ​​children: drugs, care and folk remedies in the fight against colds. Features of treatment in children

Can the treatment of a viral infection with folk remedies be effective? Nobody likes to be sick, that's a fact. But, in most cases, the disease comes unexpectedly. And, the most unpleasant thing is that it comes "without warning."

Here, for example, I drove a couple of stops in public transport or just visited my mother-in-law with a cold, as after a certain period of time a runny nose and poor health appear. And the virus that “does not ask for a special invitation” is to blame.

Infections are an extensive group of diseases, the appearance of which is provoked by various types of viruses.

Viral diseases are common among both children and adults.
The most common ailments of viral etiology are:

  • influenza virus;
  • adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • hepatitis virus;

The first place among all diseases of viral origin belongs to respiratory viral infections, which are characterized by an epidemic rise and mass destruction. In addition, any infection can provoke the attachment of pathogenic bacterial flora and.

Some historical facts

Infections of viral etymology, as contagious diseases, have been known since ancient times. In the 19th century, after the discovery of bacteria, it was believed that the causative agent of infection was a small bacterium that could not be seen under a microscope.

The term "virus", which means "poison" in Latin, was introduced by the microbiologist Martin Beijerinck in 1898.

They began to study this type of microorganisms in detail after the electron microscope was developed. Today, about two thousand types of viruses are known.

What are viruses?

  • adenovirus - the causative agent of colds;
  • - the causative agent of papillomatosis;
  • - the causative agent of shingles, herpes, chicken pox;
  • Hepadnovirus is the causative agent of viral hepatitis B.
  • flavivirus - provokes the appearance of viral hepatitis C;
  • orthomyxovirus - the causative agent of influenza;
  • poliovirus - the causative agent of poliomyelitis;
  • retrovirus - provokes the appearance of AIDS.

What contributes to the penetration of viruses into the body?

A decrease in the body's resistance to various kinds of viruses occurs due to:

  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • improper unbalanced nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic stress;
  • rare exposure to fresh air;
  • low physical activity;
  • a number of hereditary diseases;
  • work with chemicals and toxic substances.

Treatment of antiviral infections with folk remedies

For many centuries, people have used medicinal plants that can cure viruses to fight viruses. Nothing has changed to this day. All kinds of infusions, alcohol tinctures, ointments and decoctions are used.

Medicines from the people are the best way to treat viral infections. Firstly, they are no less effective than drugs, and secondly, they do not have side effects.

1. If you feel that you have “caught” a virus, you should drink tea with pepper at the first manifestations of the disease. It helps to activate blood circulation, improve lymph outflow and increase the body's resistance to viruses.

2. In addition, to “expel” the virus, you need to sweat well. For this purpose, you can drink tea with honey and raspberries.

3. The well-known plant, echinacea, has excellent immunostimulating properties. To treat a viral infection, it is recommended to drink echinacea tea three times a day. The course of such treatment is ten days.

4. Elderberry. For viral infections, it is recommended to use elderberry syrup. But, it is important to know that cyanide is included in the composition of such a product. Take the dried fruits of the plant and pour them with a glass of boiled water. Let it brew for two hours. Consume three times a day.

Do not forget about garlic, which has a powerful antiviral effect and a positive effect on the immune system.

5. Ginger is a plant that can defeat almost any virus.

6. Centaury is a truly unique plant that is used to fight viruses.

7. Canadian goldenseal contains a substance - berberine, which prevents the spread of viruses.

8. Take two tablespoons of clover inflorescences and pour boiled water over it. Leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink half a cup with honey before each sitting at the table.

9. Take one spoonful of raw materials from aspen buds and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Use the remedy by adding a little honey three times a day.

10. Grate a small onion and pour half a liter of boiled milk. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Strain and drink half of the remedy before going to bed, the second - in the morning. You need to drink the infusion hot, for four days.

Folk antiviral remedies for children

Rosehip infusion. Take the berries of the plant and crush them with a mortar. Then fill them with water, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for five hours. Use the infusion with the addition of honey or jam. Do not forget to rinse your mouth after each medication.

Tea for fever. Take berries and raspberry leaves, oregano and coltsfoot leaves. Chop and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Fill with boiled water, leave to brew. Use instead of tea.

The use of inhalations for viral infections

  1. Take eucalyptus leaves and pour boiled water over them. Inhale the vapors first through the nose, then through the mouth.
  2. Boil potato peelings, drop a little fir oil there, put a handful of thyme and eucalyptus. Breathe in the steam for five minutes.
  3. Make a small pillow and stuff it with lemon balm, put a couple of drops of cypress or pine essential oil and put it at the head of the bed.

In no case do not ignore the manifestations of a viral disease. Consult with your family physician. Only through timely and proper treatment can you overcome the disease.

In addition, try to avoid contact with your loved ones, drink more fluids, spend time in the fresh air and try to avoid stressful situations that weaken the immune system.

SARS stands for Acute Respiratory Viral Infections. This group of infections is one of the most extensive, characterized by airborne transmission and respiratory manifestations of varying degrees of complexity, ranging from a mild cold to pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis. It is believed that almost everyone is affected by this disease, regardless of age, gender or race. According to statistics, SARS is the most common disease in the world. Virologists note that more than 200 different pathogens can trigger the disease. In this article, we will consider in more detail the treatment of ARVI with folk remedies.

ARVI and ARI (acute respiratory diseases) are two different groups of diseases. The first is caused exclusively by viruses, while the second can be caused by microbial agents called opportunistic and pathogenic. It is believed that ARVI is a group of diseases that are very unpleasant, but also relatively harmless.

Studies show that these diseases often occur in a mild form and the patient can be healed even without the use of medicines. And the treatment of SARS folk remedies is very effective. This statement even applies to the flu, which many fear because of the possible consequences and complications. But there are certain groups of people for whom a common cold poses a serious threat, since they have very weak immunity. First of all, these are people suffering from serious illnesses, as well as children and the elderly. In this situation, influenza can provoke a complication of major chronic diseases or lead to pneumonia.

Ways of infection with SARS

ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, when talking with an infected person, coughing, sneezing, as well as by contact - kisses (especially from adults to children), unwashed hands, using dishes after the patient, etc.

Viruses are more likely to spread during the changing season. This is due to warm and humid weather - ideal conditions for their life and long-term preservation. The human body is more susceptible to infection during hypothermia or sudden changes in temperature. Especially dangerous is the accumulation of people in closed and unventilated areas.

Monotonous nutrition and a lack of nutrients in the diet, in particular vitamins, as well as stress and poor ecology lead to a weakening of the immune system, which makes the body less protected from viruses. In turn, the exacerbation of chronic pathologies has a direct effect on the decrease in immunity.

Symptoms and consequences

The viruses that cause the disease are different, and the classic clinical picture of the onset of the disease is usually the same and is characterized by common symptoms - chills, fever (sometimes significant), runny nose, pain in muscles and bones ("body ache"), excessive weakness, heaviness in the head, pain in the eyes, possible enlargement of the lymph nodes (on the back of the head, behind the auricles, under the lower jaw, discomfort in the throat and nasal congestion.

Often there is a cough (barking or dry, manifested by attacks), which can sometimes be accompanied by sputum, usually light.

The most severe symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed with influenza, the most common viral infection. After it, most often there can be complications - otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear with partial or complete hearing loss), bronchitis, pneumonia. In order to prevent the occurrence of sad consequences from the virus, sufficient attention should be paid to the treatment and prevention of this disease. There are many time-tested folk recipes that will not only quickly put the patient on their feet, but also help prevent serious malfunctions in our biological system.

Treatment of SARS with folk remedies

Prevention, general advice:

In order to protect other family members and others from infection, the sick person must be isolated. The room where the patient stays, who is shown strict bed rest, should be regularly ventilated. The carrier of the virus must use an individual towel and a set of dishes, which can be disinfected by boiling. It is advisable for others to wear gauze bandages. A person in direct contact with the patient can soak his bandage with onion or garlic juice, which release powerful phytoncides that destroy viruses.

You can clear the air of viruses with chopped onions and garlic. It is enough to put in each room a plate with chopped root crops. Pieces of vegetables can be hung in gauze bags at the head of the patient. Pine needles also have disinfecting properties, so the delivered bouquet of pine branches will help in purifying the air.

Quite effective is the use of an aroma lamp with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus, cypress, seaside pine, sage, rosemary, tea tree, cedar, fir, lavender, which not only destroy bacteria and viruses in the room, but also have a beneficial effect on the immune system of the inhabitants of the home, raising the body's resistance to infections and cleansing the respiratory system. 5-6 drops of any of the above oils or a mixture of them will fill the air with aroma and help fight SARS. In addition, wearing an aroma pendant with essential oils is a good protection during flu epidemics, as well as in the cold season. Tea tree oil works especially well.

During the period of illness, as a rule, appetite decreases - this is a kind of protection for the body. In this regard, food should be dietary, light, sparing. One-two-day hunger will only benefit a weakened body. These days, you can cleanse the intestines using herbal laxative teas and fees (buckthorn bark, senna, harrow, fennel fruit).

Particular attention should be paid to the water regime, since the consumption of a large amount of fluid helps the body to more easily cope with intoxication and excrete decay products in the urine. The daily dose should be at least one and a half to two liters. This includes fruit drinks, herbal infusions and decoctions, vitamin teas, juices, milk and pure spring water.

Teas, fruit drinks and infusions:

1. Cranberry juice with the addition of natural honey, especially linden, raspberry and its polyfloral varieties (forest, field, alpine) exhibits a pronounced antitoxic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

2. Cowberry juice with honey has antibacterial, diuretic and analgesic properties. You can also make an infusion of lingonberry leafy sprigs: put 1 tbsp in one glass of boiling water. a spoonful of grass, insist for half an hour and filter. Take two tbsp. spoon five times a day.

3. Birch sap helps in cleansing the body of free radicals, as well as toxic substances (virus decay products), reduces the level of inflammation and temperature, and exhibits antimicrobial abilities.

4. Rosehip infusion compensates for the deficiency of a huge amount of biologically active phytonutrients, which are so necessary for the body to function normally, especially during the period of the fight against the virus. First of all, wild rose is a source of ascorbic acid, carotene and iron. It is better to steam the infusion in a thermos at the rate of 15 g of dry fruits chopped with a knife, per 250 ml of boiling water. Cooking time from 12 hours. Take the infusion should be three times a day, after meals, a glass, you can add honey or lemon.

5. Ginger: The root of this medicinal herb is effective in killing germs, boosting the body's resistance, and helping to deal with a cold or flu faster and more painlessly. Drinks based on ginger facilitate the separation of mucus, relieve coughing fits and reduce irritation of the throat mucosa. To brew tea, you will need a dessert spoon (about 10 g) of fresh ginger (or dried powder) finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater in a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour. It is desirable to add lemon and honey to the resulting drink.

6. An infusion of dried raspberries helps well: put one tbsp in one glass of boiling water. a spoonful of fruit and insist 20 minutes. Drink one glass twice a day.

7. Dry flowers of Siberian elderberry: put 1 tbsp. in one glass of boiling water. a spoonful of flowers Insist 20 min. and filter. Accepted in 10 min. before meals, a quarter cup. You can add honey.

8. A decoction of viburnum berries with honey helps in cases where the disease is accompanied by a headache and cough with loss of voice. One glass of berries per liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes and strain. Add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of honey Drink one third of a glass 3 times a day.

Medical fees:

  • 1 part linden flowers + 1 part viburnum fruits;
  • 2 parts raspberries + 2 parts coltsfoot leaves + 1 part oregano (herb);
  • 1 part peppermint leaves + 1 part black elderberry flowers + 1 part linden flowers.

Prepare the above fees as follows: 2 tablespoons of the mixture per half liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and filter. Take at bedtime 100-200 ml.

  • cowberry berries (20 gr), rose hips (30 gr) and nettle leaves (30 gr). Brew in a thermos at the rate of 25 g of the mixture per 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 5-6 hours. Take a glass 3 times a day.
  • pine buds, birch leaves, rose hips, eucalyptus leaf, dandelion flowers, flax seeds, sage (2 large spoons of each plant) and wormwood herb (1 large spoon). The mixture is prepared at the rate of 15 g per 750 ml, steamed in a thermos for 3 hours, then pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil and immediately remove. Cool, strain and take 5-6 times a day for 2/3 cup.

Traditional medicine offers symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, including antipyretic drugs (based on paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid), cold remedies, as well as various antiviral drugs and immunostimulants.

It is quite easy to contract a respiratory viral infection. Treatment takes at least 5 days. But what if you need to cure a cold quickly? To eliminate all the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to treat ARVI with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for viral infection

Every year, during the period of exacerbation of colds, the question arises of how to treat the virus quickly and safely. You can alleviate the patient's condition with warm tea with raspberries and honey. But there are other effective natural ways to treat a cold.

During a cold, adults should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. The best drinks for a quick recovery are cranberry juice, rosehip broth, tea from raspberry and currant leaves.

Decoction of coltsfoot has a complex effect on the body - it eliminates inflammatory processes, fights pathogenic microorganisms, and has a diaphoretic effect. Pour 45 g of raw materials into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Strain the medicine, divide into 4 equal portions. Drink warm throughout the day.

A decoction of sage in milk helps to quickly overcome viruses. This remedy is effective for severe cough and sore throat. Pour 15 g of dry grass with 240 ml of water, bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 3 minutes. Steep covered for 1 hour. Take in filtered form, 120 ml 4 times a day.

Healing fee

The decoction reduces the temperature, facilitates breathing, eliminates a strong cough. It contains the following herbs:

  • elderberry inflorescences;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • thyme;
  • centaury;
  • oregano.

Each herb you need to take 10 g, mix. Pour 300 ml of boiling water 15 g of the collection. Leave covered for 10 minutes, drink before bed.

With a cold, the throat often becomes inflamed and sore. Herbal rinse solutions help to eliminate the problem.

Brew 200 ml of boiling water 30 g of sage, cover with a lid. Infuse for a quarter of an hour. Add 15 ml of apple cider vinegar, 5 ml of honey to the filtered liquid. Gargle your sore throat at least 5 times a day.

It is best to rinse the nose with saline. Dissolve 5 g of salt (regular or sea) in 220 ml of warm water, add 2 drops of iodine. For rinsing, use a small syringe without a needle. During the procedure, the mouth must be open so that the liquid can flow down the tongue to the outside.

At the first symptoms of a cold, if the body temperature is not elevated, it is necessary to make a mustard foot bath. To do this, dissolve 30 g of mustard powder in 2 liters of hot water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After you need to put on woolen socks and go to bed.

SARS in children

Children get SARS more often than adults. This is due to kindergartens, schools, non-observance of hygiene rules, weak immunity. How to treat a virus in a child? To treat a cold at home, you can use effective and safe traditional medicine.

Medicines for a child should not only be useful, but also taste good. Sour rosehip broth will help to overcome the disease, improve appetite. Pour 75 g of dry rosehips into 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos or a carefully wrapped pan for 2 hours. Strain, drink the resulting broth during the day. On the second day, reduce the amount of rose hips by 2 times.

Drops against a severe cold are made from 3 ml of liquid honey, 15 ml of warm water and 12 ml of beet juice. Mix the mixture, instill 2 drops into each nasal passage every 2 hours.

Phytotherapy can be used for children older than 5 years. Mix 5 g of dried raspberry and oregano leaves. Add 10 chamomile flowers. Collection pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Drink warm after meals, 50 ml.

Young children can prepare chamomile or linden tea at the rate of 3 g of raw materials per 250 ml of boiling water. You can add honey, lemon to the drink.

Pour 14 g of dry crushed burdock leaves with 240 ml of boiling water. Simmer covered in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Drink warm medicine 15 ml 6 times a day. The medicine normalizes body temperature, strengthens the body, promotes rapid recovery. If a child has a severe sore throat, this decoction can be used as a gargle.

Pour 100 g of fresh pine needles into 1 liter of boiling water, let the mixture boil, turn off the heat. Insist under the lid for 2 hours. Take in filtered form, 120 ml 4 times a day. Add 5 ml of honey to each serving. This bactericidal infusion contains a lot of ascorbic acid, and therefore contributes to a speedy recovery.

At the first sign of a cold in a child, it is necessary to prepare a medicinal oil. In 50 ml of almond oil, add 1 drop each of eucalyptus and clove essential oils. Lubricate the chest, the area near the nose.

SARS during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system weakens. This can lead to frequent colds. How to cure a virus during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby?

During a cold, a woman needs to drink more. Weak herbal teas with honey, rosehip broth, dried fruit compote, berry fruit drinks, water without gas are useful. Tea with mint and lemon balm should be discarded - these herbs thin the blood, which can cause uterine bleeding.

A stuffy nose is one of the first signs of SARS. With a severe runny nose, a woman does not receive enough oxygen, and the exhaust air is retained in the lungs, so the fetus may begin oxygen starvation. To avoid this, it is necessary to prepare drops by mixing aloe juice and warm water in equal proportions. Bury in each nasal passage 3 drops up to 5 times a day. The tool can be used in the second half of pregnancy.

At any time, you can get rid of a runny nose with the help of inhalations with a decoction of chamomile. Pour 30 g of herbs into 500 ml of boiling water, let it boil. Breathe in vapors, covered with a towel. You can also breathe over a pot of boiled potatoes. Such inhalations also help with coughing (vapors must be inhaled by mouth).

With sinusitis, you need to drink a decoction of St. John's wort. Boil 30 g of herbs in 300 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Take in strained form, 120 ml 2 times a day.

To combat viruses, a pregnant woman can inhale vapors of onions or garlic. To do this, you need to finely chop them and wrap them in gauze. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 10 minutes.

With an exacerbation of a cold, horseradish root will help. This plant is a natural immunostimulant. It has no side effects, is safe for mom and baby, helps to quickly reduce the temperature. Grind fresh horseradish root on a grater, mix with an equal amount of sugar, leave in a warm place for 12 hours. Strain the resulting mixture, take 15 ml every hour.

You can't soar your legs during pregnancy.

Prophylactic agents against SARS

Any disease is always easier to prevent than to treat. In folk medicine, there are many remedies that strengthen the protective functions of the body. You need to take them from late autumn to early spring - it is during this period that the body is most weakened. For prevention to be effective, it is necessary to fully relax, get enough sleep, do not forget about hardening and proper nutrition.

A prophylactic vitamin remedy that is suitable for adults and children can be prepared from:

  • 2 large lemons (no need to peel)
  • 300 g pitted raisins;
  • 100 g almonds;
  • 170 g walnuts;
  • 300 ml of liquid honey.

Pass all components through a meat grinder and pour honey. Stir, insist 2 days in a darkened room. Eat 15 g of medicine three times a day 1 hour before meals. Children should be given 5 g of the vitamin mixture.

garlic drops

Almost all viruses enter the body through the nasal mucosa. During epidemics, it is necessary to prepare garlic oil, which will serve as a barrier to the penetration of viruses and microbes. Grind 1-2 cloves of garlic in the evening, pour 15 ml of heated vegetable oil. Leave overnight, filter in the morning. Bury 3-4 drops in each nostril before going outside.

The treatment of colds must be approached with all responsibility. SARS is not such a harmless disease. For the elderly and young children, it can be fraught with serious complications. It is necessary to carry out all preventive measures in a timely manner. In case of infection, observe bed rest, follow the doctor's instructions. Folk remedies strengthen the protective functions of the body, contribute to a speedy recovery, so you should not refuse to use them.

ARVI or the common cold is something that every person faces. Adults suffer from it less often than children, however, it is also common. A cold is not dangerous, but it can be fraught with various complications, so you need to know how to get rid of it quickly and effectively.

SARS is an acute respiratory viral infection, popularly referred to as the common cold. This condition is caused by viruses that are transmitted by airborne droplets. The people know the periods called "cold seasons". This is spring and autumn, when immunity weakens, and the body resists viruses and bacteria worse.

The ARVI group includes many viral diseases, which, however, proceed in almost the same way and manifest the same symptoms. ARVI is in the top three in terms of incidence. On average, adults can get sick 3-6 times a year. During cold seasons, whole epidemics are possible, since infection occurs with minimal contact. Typically, viruses are located in the upper respiratory tract, which makes it possible to classify them in the same group.

Viruses that provoke SARS are resistant to external factors and can be transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is extremely easy to get infected. This can happen in any public place. The main reason that viruses and bacteria enter the body is a weakened immune system.

It does not create barriers to infection, as it cannot resist a harmful microorganism, and sometimes even recognize them. Therefore, a person can endure a cold “on his feet”, without having a fever, but feeling weak, headache and muscle pain.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

In the initial stages, SARS can be confused with a simple headache or fatigue. But there are symptoms that will help to distinguish a cold:

These are the first symptoms. ARVI develops extremely quickly, and after a few hours others join them: fever, nasal congestion and severe headache. Possible cough. It is usually possible to diagnose a cold on your own if the disease is in an acute period. Additional diagnostic methods are usually not required. In certain cases, an x-ray of the sinuses or chest may be needed.

How and what can be treated for a cold?

The first aid in identifying the symptoms of a cold is the observance of bed rest. It is also advisable to call a doctor. You can’t go to work, otherwise you can infect others and earn complications. This is very important for fast and effective treatment.

The patient needs rest. A cold is a signal to your body that you need to rest. Sometimes a few days of rest is enough to cure a mild cold. It is important to drink plenty of fluids. It is desirable that it be alkaline water, for example, Borjomi. The fact is that viruses are afraid of an acidic environment. It is better to drink non-carbonated water, which will help to quickly remove toxins from the body. It is also recommended to use teas with lemon, rosehip infusions (they contain a lot of vitamin C), fruit drinks.

If your temperature is more than 38 degrees, we can talk about infectious intoxication. A proven remedy in this case is raspberry tea. It is safe, so it can be used even by pregnant women and children. To prepare it, you need to add a few tablespoons of jam to freshly brewed tea. You can prepare a drink from dry raspberries like this: pour a spoonful of fruits with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

Special antiviral drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections have not yet been developed, symptomatic drugs are used for treatment. They include the following groups of funds:

  • Antipyretic drugs are used at a temperature of more than 38.5-39 degrees and deterioration of health.
  • Remedies for the common cold: Pinosol, Sanorin, Otrivin and so on.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents: Hexoral, Kameton, Tantum Verde.
  • Antitussives (Codelac, Sinekod), expectorants (psyllium syrup, tussin), sputum thinners (ACC, Ascoril).
  • Vitamin C in high doses, multivitamins.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are also widely used. You can pay attention to such recipes:

  • Cranberry juice with honey helps to lower the temperature, get rid of inflammation, remove toxins from the body.
  • Cowberry juice also works well. Traditional healers recommend making an infusion with lingonberry sprigs. A tablespoon of herbs should be insisted for half an hour, then strain. Eat five times a day, two tablespoons.
  • Birch juice. Helps cleanse the body of toxic substances, free radicals, relieve inflammation and fever.
  • Infusion. Best source of vitamin C and anti-inflammatory for colds. It is better to prepare the infusion in a thermos. Grind 15 grams of fruit, pour a glass of boiling water. It is advisable to insist at least 12 hours. Consume three times a day after meals in the amount of one glass.
  • effectively kills microbes, increases the level of body resistance. Drinks based on it fight cough, irritation of mucous membranes. You need to finely chop or grate fresh ginger to get about 10 grams, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Lemon and honey can be added to the drink.
  • Mustard. For sore throat and runny nose, it is recommended to do foot baths with mustard before going to bed. It is recommended to soar your feet in them for 10-15 minutes, regularly adding hot water. The feet should turn red, and then the legs should be wiped dry, put on warm socks and go to bed. But keep in mind that if the temperature is high, you can’t soar your legs.

Medicinal herbs

Phytotherapy, in turn, offers the following recipes:

It's also important to watch your diet. Eat enough vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. But it is recommended to refrain from heavy meals during the illness.

During a cold, you should adhere to bed rest. In no case should you freeze, carry it "on your feet." It is also important to exclude from the diet products that can aggravate the course of the disease: coffee, sweet, fatty, alcohol. Often patients do not want to eat at all when they have a cold. You do not need to force yourself, as overeating can give microorganisms a chance to linger longer. It is usually not recommended to treat SARS with antibiotics and immune preparations.

If this disease is not treated in time, the infection will spread through the upper respiratory tract. In this case, complications are possible, such as acute rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis.

Prevention measures

To prevent SARS, you need to do everything to protect yourself from viruses. The room in which you are, you need to ventilate, wash your hands as often as possible and do everything to strengthen and strengthen the immune system.

During the height of the epidemic, for prevention, treat the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment. Avoid contact with people who have a cold. If you become infected with SARS, you should quarantine for at least two weeks to prevent re-infection. In the early stages of the disease, you can treat it yourself, using antiviral and antipyretic drugs, as well as drinking plenty of fluids. However, do not forget that a cold that has dragged on is an occasion to consult a specialist.

As soon as there is slush, dampness, chilly wind outside, get ready for seasonal diseases in the form of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza. What are these diseases and how do they differ?

ORZ- an acute respiratory disease caused by viruses, bacteria and other infectious representatives.

SARS- an acute respiratory viral infection, the causative agent of which is viruses and only viruses, such as: rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, reoviruses, as well as influenza and parainfluenza viruses.

For seasonal diseases such as SARS, you must always be prepared.

It all starts with what you feel:

  • malaise
  • discomfort in the body and aching joints
  • stuffy nose
  • sore throat and discomfort when swallowing

If you do nothing after these manifestations, then colors will be added to this picture in the form:

  • temperature
  • runny nose, at first in the form of a clear incessant discharge, turning into a viscous thick mucus
  • cough
  • sore throat

How to cure SARS?

If your plans did not include at least a week's absence from work and other important places, then the first thing you need to do is stay at home. At home, take the following steps quickly:

  • bed rest
  • plenty of warm drink
  • cool room temperature

Such measures in the early stages in the treatment of SARS will stop the onset of more serious symptoms and help you get back on your feet in a day or two. These rules apply to both adults and children.

For the treatment of SARS, you need to drink plenty of fluids and bed rest.

If the temperature has already risen above 38 ° C, is it possible to quickly defeat SARS and bring yourself back to normal? It is definitely difficult to answer. Here your initial state plays a role: strong immunity, you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well, are not in a state of stress - in this case, the body will not be difficult to overcome the infection.

There are times when "well, you really need not get sick." If on the first day you take flukold (4 tablets) or any of the antipyretic teas and with good immunity, then everything will probably stop at the initial stage.

If for some reason the time was lost and you could not take the above measures, then most likely it will not be possible to cure SARS in 1 day.

Of course, it is better not to get sick, and preventive actions are more pleasant and less costly, but, since it happened, you need to take measures to quickly cure SARS at home.

cold drinks

When you take them, remember two simple rules:

  1. Drinking should be plentiful, in small portions, but on the first day a lot, this will promote sweating, which means that toxins will be removed with sweat
  2. The liquid should not be hot, not cold, but warm, why? Because in order for it to be rapidly absorbed, the temperature of the liquid must be the same as the temperature in the intestines. If the drink is hot, then the absorption process will occur only after the liquid has cooled down, and if it is cold, then you will need to wait for it to warm up

The body will spend its energy and strength on the process of regulation, and not on fighting the infection. In addition, time will be spent on this, which will not contribute to the rapid treatment of SARS.

  • If a viral infection in a small child under one year old, then “raisin water” would be the best option for the baby. It is easy to prepare: a spoonful of washed raisins is poured with a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for 30 minutes and give to drink, pouring into a bottle
  • For older children, a regular dried fruit compote is suitable.
  • For adults, offer herbal tea with lemon and a spoonful of honey
  • Chamomile tea will work as a mild anti-inflammatory
  • Ginger tea, rosehip decoction and echinacea tea will help strengthen the immune system
  • Spices (black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric) can be added to tea with raspberries, linden, mint to enhance the diaphoretic effect
  • And of course, cranberry juice is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Ginger tea strengthens the immune system

It is better if the drinks are without additional sugar, warm and freshly prepared. If the child is naughty and does not drink the drink you suggested, offer another, eventually water. Let him drink whatever he wants. It's better than not drinking at all.

Cough with SARS

Viral infection enters the human body in different ways. One of them is the respiratory tract. Penetrating into them, the virus causes a cough, in fact, this is one of the main symptoms of the disease. Getting on the mucous membrane, viruses destroy epithelial cells and actively breed their own kind. Going down the trachea and bronchi, they irritate the receptors that are there. The cough reflex is triggered, which is an assistant to the body during illness, as it allows you to remove the accumulated sputum.

How to cure a cough and cold on your own with folk remedies

Of course, the doctor prescribes medicines, and an experienced doctor will definitely prescribe you folk remedies to help you recover quickly from SARS. When treating a cough, what is the goal? It is necessary to remove sputum and clear the airways. To do this, you need to turn a dry cough into a wet one. You can choose one of the options, unless your doctor prescribes something specific:

  1. Breastfeeding helps a lot. There are 4 types of them and each of them helps to quickly recover from a cough, and therefore, in general, from a viral infection. They have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Which one is right for you - the doctor will prescribe. The composition and instructions for preparation are usually indicated on the pharmacy packaging.
  2. Cocoa butter is very helpful in treating cough. It will appeal to both kids and adults, because it has a pleasant taste and smell. The oil very well softens the inflamed, cough-scarred throat, and facilitates the removal of sputum, leaving a thin fatty film in the respiratory tract. It has a healing, regenerating property. If the cough is dry, you can dissolve small, pea-sized pieces of oil up to 6 times a day. You can add it to warm milk or tea, wait until it dissolves - and drink it.
  3. The following recipe is also known from grandmothers: a lid is cut off from a black radish, a small depression is cut out in the radish itself, which is filled with honey, covered with a lid and left overnight. In the morning there will be juice with honey in the depression. You need to take it in a tablespoon before meals and in the evening before going to bed, not forgetting to report honey to the recess.
  4. Frayed viburnum promotes easy coughing. Many do not like it because of the smell, but you can stir it in warm boiled water and add lemon. If you want to quickly cure SARS, then you can put up with the smell. Take with caution, as viburnum lowers blood pressure.
  5. If you mix 3 tablespoons of aloe juice, 100 g of unsalted butter or cocoa butter, 100 g of honey, then you need to take the mixture by adding it in a tablespoon to warm milk 2 times a day. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Cough medicines

Treatment of the respiratory system should be carried out comprehensively and take into account all the key points of the disease. Since the cause of the disease is a virus, in addition to antiviral drugs, pathogenetic therapy uses agents that help restore bronchial patency. These are primarily mucolytic drugs, which not only thin the sputum, contributing to its excretion, but also regulate its amount.

Mucolytic drugs can help with coughing

Mucolytics do their job very well if the patient is a small child with an undeveloped cough reflex, an elderly person or a bedridden patient. The accumulated sputum can cause a lot of trouble. But since coughing is still a protective reaction of the body, the goal of treatment is not to get rid of coughing, but to alleviate the condition. All medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.


One of the telltale signs of a viral infection is fever. In both children and adults, it signals that the body is taking action to fight a cold. High temperatures stimulate the body to produce its own interferon, a special type of protein that can neutralize viruses. Its maximum amount is reached on the 2nd-3rd day of illness, and it is thanks to this that most acute respiratory viral infections end on the 3rd day.

If you bring down the temperature below 38-38.5 ° C, then this can help your body not fight the disease itself, it will not use its immune system and become stronger in the fight. By lowering the temperature, you allow the infection to spread. The body will weaken, conditions will be created for the development of complications.

If the disease was mild, and on the third day of a cold, the temperature rose, this may indicate that a complication is developing (pneumonia, tracheitis, otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.).

What is the right thing to do in this case and help yourself recover from ARVI and from its companion - high temperature?

First, as mentioned above, drinking plenty of warm water will encourage sweating. Sweat, evaporating, cools the body and saves it from overheating. Secondly, the air in the room should be cool (16-18 ° C). If these two basic conditions are not observed, then all other steps will be ineffective and the risk of adverse reactions will increase.

What is the danger of high fever in children

Here it is worth paying more attention to the moment when the child has a high temperature. Up to the limit marks (38-38, 5 ° C), you do not try to knock it down, but only observe the reaction of the baby. If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C and lasts more than two hours, there may be a danger of blood clotting, the water-salt balance will be disturbed and the body's energy reserves will run out. At the same time, the load on the heart and blood vessels will increase and the regulation process in the structures of the brain may be disrupted. All these negative phenomena can contribute to the occurrence of febrile seizures.

Febrile seizures can occur due to a high temperature in a child

Children with birth pathologies are predisposed to them if the central nervous system is affected. Every mother should know these nuances and be warned how to act in such cases.

What to do if a child has seizures:

  • Do not panic and fall into hysterics. Make sure that the child's face is open and nothing interferes with breathing (pillow, blanket)
  • Do not open your mouth with a spoon or other object, this is not the case.
  • As soon as the attack has stopped, give the baby an antipyretic, give him a drink and call an ambulance
  • If he's asleep, don't wrap him up

You will have to undergo an examination: make an electroencephalogram and ultrasound, as convulsions may indicate impaired brain function.

Runny nose with SARS

Another symptom of a cold is a runny nose. Probably there is no such person who would not experience all the delights of a stuffy nose, heaviness in the head, lack of air.

When illness strikes, we become vulnerable and defenseless. Don't be afraid, there are a few simple recommendations and rules that can alleviate this condition:

  • Make sure that the mucous does not dry out, constantly moisturize it. To do this, use saline solutions. You can buy them at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself, it's not difficult at all: dilute 1 teaspoon of ordinary table salt in 1 liter of cooled boiled water. The resulting solution should be washed and irrigated nose regularly, preventing drying.
  • It is necessary to blow your nose correctly, not to overdo it: in turn, each nostril separately with an open mouth.
  • Use vasoconstrictors in the form of drops and aerosols with caution, as they are addictive and provoke vasospasm.

A runny nose is one of the symptoms of a cold.

Don't take a cold lightly. This ailment can cause a lot of trouble if you do not take the necessary steps to treat SARS and carry the disease on your feet. It is also worth noting that all procedures in the form of inhalations, applying mustard plasters and compresses can be performed only in the absence of temperature, otherwise you can only do harm.

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