Marilyn Monroe was much more than just a beautiful and sexy blonde. Marilyn we didn't notice

In the history of world cinema, Marilyn Monroe was much more than just a beautiful and sexy blonde. (documentary film "I'm afraid.")

"She was one hundred percent woman, the most feminine of all women in the world..." Arthur Miller

The sexiest woman of the fifties - Marilyn Monroe. She conquered everyone with her beauty and at the same time did not love anyone. She was so able to teach herself that films with her participation are still watched. They want to be like her, they idolize her. I want to show you the best Marilyn Monroe quotes that she once wrote down in her diary.

*** I agree to live in a world ruled by men, as long as I can be a woman in this world.

*** A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses an opportunity to tell you your age.

*** We women only have two weapons... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time.

*** They are so bright and so lonely. Our world is the world of appearances.

*** The dream of millions cannot belong to one.

*** The woman did not work out of me. Men, because of my image of a "sex symbol", created by them and myself, expect too much from me - they expect bells to ring and whistles to blow. But my anatomy is no different from that of any other woman. I don't live up to expectations.

*** We, beautiful women, are obliged to appear stupid so as not to disturb men.

*** Run away if you want to be loved.

*** A strong man does not need to assert himself at the expense of a woman who had the weakness to love him. He already has a place to show his strength.

*** And I am a real blonde. But after all, one does not become a blonde just like that, by nature.

*** A career is a wonderful thing, but it cannot warm anyone on a cold night.

*** A smart girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe and leaves before she's left.

*** Hollywood is that place where you get paid a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know this because I have rejected the first repeatedly and held out my hand for fifty cents.

*** Old homo! What does he understand about this body with which I earn my living?

*** For the first time in my life, I am not asked to open my mouth and spread my legs. That's lucky!

*** I often thought that to be loved means to be desired. Now I think that to be loved means to throw another into dust, to have complete power over him.

*** A sex symbol is just a thing, and I hate being a thing. But if it's to be a symbol, it's better to be a symbol of sex than anything else.

*** Men have sincere respect for everything that is boring.

*** Children, especially girls, should always be told that they are beautiful and that everyone loves them. If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she is beautiful, I will comb her hair and I will not leave her alone for a minute.

*** If I'm a little lucky, someday I'll find out why people are so tormented by the problems of sex. I personally care about them no more than cleaning shoes.

Marilyn Monroe "I'm afraid" Documentary 2008 SATRIP From Vlad D

Marilyn Monroe. Real name and surname: Norma Jean Baker Mortenson. Marilyn Monroe was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles and died August 5, 1962 in Braithwood, California. She studied at the Actors Studio in New York. A legend in life and a legend after death, Marilyn Monroe lived a colorful but short and difficult life.

The sex symbol of America, the object of dreams of thousands of men, a beauty envied by millions of women, an actress whose rapid “rise” to the top of the film Olympus seemed a miracle, she was actually a tragic figure. A failed personal life and vain attempts to prove to the directors that the "beautiful Merlin" is capable of something more on the screen than demonstrating her charms - these are the main reasons for the tragedy that took place in a rich mansion, where on the morning of August 5, 1962, the police found Merlin's body.

But, probably, in order to understand the full depth of this tragedy, it makes sense to return to the past, when the blonde Norma Jean comprehended the first lessons of life. And they were more than severe: poverty, mother's tantrums, rape by her stepfather when the girl was only eight years old, a feeling of loneliness and longing. And who knows what the fate of Marilyn Monroe would have been if nature had not rewarded her with a beautiful body, amazing skin and a pretty face, where the charm of an angel was combined with the seductiveness of a temptress.

An unsuccessful early marriage, which quickly ended in divorce and invitations to work as a fashion model and fashion model - such was the youth of Marilyn Monroe. The first proposal to act in films came in 1947, when the aspiring actress appeared in an episode of the film "Dangerous Years". This was followed by several more small roles in the films "Skudda-U! Skudda-hey!" (1947), "Ladies from the corps de ballet" (1949), "Thunderball" (1950) and others. The public and critics liked the pretty young actress. Especially noted was her play in the familiar film "All About Eve", where in a small episode Marilyn Monroe (by this time she had already chosen a pseudonym for herself) managed to convey a whole palette of feelings and emotions that gnaw at a small ambitious creature - her heroine Miss Coswell, an aspiring actress who dreams of becoming a star and does not disdain for this by any means.

However, for directors, Marilyn Monroe, first of all, remained a beautiful, sexy woman, and none of those who invited her to act in film saw or wanted to see an actress in her. This explains the repertoire of tapes with her participation. The content of the films can be judged even by their titles: "Love Nest" (1951), "Let's Get Married" (1951), "We're Not Married" (1952), "You Can Enter Without Knocking" (1952), "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (1953), "How to Marry a Millionaire" (1953), etc. Merlin becomes a star, her photographs in evening dresses and "without" diverge in millions of copies, and the smallest details of her personal life are constantly savored on the pages of the press.

When, in 1956, it became known that the famous American writer and playwright Arthur Miller became the next husband of M.M. image" are doomed to failure. She attends classes at the theater studio of E. Kazan and Lee Strasberg - this causes grins, in her personal interviews she speaks of her desire to act in serious films and ... receives invitations to participate in regular melodramas, comedies, where she is still assigned the role of seductive and empty-headed beauties ("There is no better business than show business", 1954; "Seven years after the wedding", 1955; "The Prince and the chorus girl", 1957). And although many actors and directors, including the famous Laurence Olivier (M.M's partner in the film "The Prince and the Chorus Girl"), note her undeniable talent as a dramatic actress, nothing changes in the life of Marilyn Monroe.

For the audience - she is still Darling - the heroine of the most famous film "Some Like It Hot", 1959 (in our box office - "Only Girls in Jazz") - a sweet, pretty soloist of a cheerful ladies' orchestra, who dreams of marrying a millionaire, but has found her happiness in the arms of the same beggar, but a charming musician (Tony Curtis). Perhaps, only once Merlin managed to go beyond the usual role - it was in her last screen work, which bears a very symbolic name "The Misfits" (1961). Alas, at the moment when the actress Marilyn Monroe was "born", the woman bearing this name had very little time left to live ...

Constant thoughts about approaching old age, a divorce from Arthur Miller (1961), dissatisfaction with work naturally led the actress to depression, and as a way out of it - the abuse of alcohol, drugs and sleeping pills. And yet ... although the official conclusion "suicide" has not yet been refuted by anyone, to this day the death of Marilyn Monroe causes a lot of gossip and conjecture. And the version of the assassination for political reasons (recently a lot has been written in the press about Merlin's stormy romance with Senator Robert Kennedy) also has a right to exist. The only man close to M. M., who saw the actress on her last journey, was her second husband, the famous athlete Joe Di Maggio. But even after her death, Merlin continued to attract attention.

Both in America and in Europe, many books and articles were published where an attempt was made to understand the phenomenon of M. M., and several films dedicated to her work were released on the screens: "Merlin" (1963), "Goodbye Norma Jean!" (1976), Merlin: The Untold Story (1980), The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe (1985), Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend (1987). Each in a different way, the authors of these tapes sought to penetrate the soul of a woman who passed away misunderstood... And the fact that more than thirty years after her death, the memory of her is alive, proves that in the history of world cinema M. M was much more than just a beautiful and sexy blonde.

23. Appearance of Marilyn

And Marilyn Monroe appeared to the world ... True, no one knew about this, including Marilyn herself.

She got used to her new name instantly. America is a country whose citizens do not need documents. Bank card, driver's license, pass somewhere... Passport? Yes, if Americans have to travel outside the country. Or at will - if you need some kind of identity card.

Marilyn had birth certificates, marriage certificates and a court decision on divorce in her hands. She did not (for the time being) have a bank account, because she earned so little that she managed to spend everything before the next fee; no driver's license ... It turned out that she did not have any identity documents? And she could be called by any name? Yes it is. But still not quite - she got a pass to the 20th Century Fox studio. And it clearly stated - "Marilyn Monroe, actress" ...

Her asset was natural beauty and the ability to stay in front of the camera. She was not afraid of the camera, although, to be honest, she did not know how to act. Her first films are a rather pathetic sight. But the roles are quite small, minute. And she also knew how to sing. True, it turned out later - while her roles were almost without words and completely without music. But then, when she sang... Her voice was small, clearly not operatic. But when she sang, the hall froze.

Already Marilyn. 1952

This text is an introductory piece.

Marilyn Monroe Prostitute for a bite to eatMarilyn Monroe? (No? Rma Jean Baker) (1926-1962) - American film actress, singer and sex symbol. Darwin Porter, author of the biographical book about Marlon Brando, says that in 1946 in New York, where Brando

Marilyn Monroe ETERNAL SHINE OF FEMININENESS In modern history, there is no woman more sexy, more desirable, more legendary than Marilyn Monroe. Millions of men rave about her, millions of women imitate her, fortunes are still being made in her name, and her image is

FOREVER YOUNG MARILYN Marilyn Monroe There is a simple pattern: the higher the rise, the more painful the fall. There are many cases in history when fate lifts a person to heaven (and Gagarin to cosmic heaven), and then suddenly cuts him off - like a bird in flight. So it happened with

Monroe Marilyn Real name - Norma Jean Baker Mortenson (born in 1926 - d. in 1962) American film actress, sex symbol of America in the 1950s. Marilyn Monroe ... Until now, this magical name has attracted everyone's attention in much more so than any other woman's name.

Marilyn Monroe Natasha Lightess was called the black crow by many. You know, it is, it seems to me just like that, moreover, it outlines a border around me that cannot be crossed. She completely subordinated to her dictate. Natasha thinks Marilyn Monroe did

MONROE MARILYN Real name - Norma Jean Baker Mortenson (b. 1926 - d. 1962) Famous film actress. The performer of the roles of sexy beauties in westerns, melodramatic and comedy films. American sex star of the 50s. Honorary Award Winner:

50. Marilyn - blonde Thanks to the discovery of the stylists of the 20th Century Fox film studio and, of course, her own intuition, Marilyn, a brown-haired woman by nature, turned into a blonde. And thus introduced the concept of "artificial blonde" into fashion. Millions of women began to recolor their hair

67. Marilyn's illness Since Marilyn had no other relatives and close people who would come to her clinic, DiMaggio was told the diagnosis. Hearing it, Joe closed his eyes and turned pale... Schizophrenia... It was a sentence. And Joe immediately remembered those nine restless

Marilyn vs. Marilyn The official version is suicide. Perhaps random. Monroe took a whole handful of Nembutal tablets, forgot about it and took more. The dose turned out to be fatal. How they saved her and whether they saved her at all is another matter, but take Marilyn's medication

Part 2 Letters from Marilyn July 2, 1960 Dear Doctor, Beginning in April of this year, I began filming a film called Let's Make Love, and while working on it, I began an affair with my partner Yves Montand. You will not believe! Although, perhaps knowing me and

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Working with Marilyn When the film "The Prince and the Chorus Girl" was ready, Laurence Olivier was shocked - the predictions of Wilder and Logan came true, Marilyn was magnificent on the screen and overshadowed everyone, including himself. And indeed, in spite of everything, this film became, perhaps

Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe, who at birth bore the name Norma Jean Mortenson, was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles and died there on August 5, 1962, was an American film actress, fashion model, singer and universally recognized sex symbol. Norma Jean

How to write about Marilyn ... And on the screen a mug - He really likes Marilyn Monroe! Alexander Galich It cannot be said that no one has heard of her, despite the fact that practically nothing is known. About twenty years ago, a novel was translated from French, not a novel, a biography not a biography

Marilyn On July 16, I was sitting in my office when my secretary, Mary Elias Jones, called me on the intercom and said that a certain beautiful young girl would very much like to see me, but she did not have an appointment. I replied: "Mary, you know that in order

Monroe, Marilyn Oh, you, Kennedy, you insignificant bastard, we thought, you are a friend of the USSR, Well, you pulled Marilyn Monroe, asshole, fuck her like a beast in all holes! -and before the verdict of history, you showed yourself complete as a goat. Fuck her,

Marilyn was called the "Goddess of the Nuclear Age" at the time of her popularity. It was during these years that her career flourished and the birth of more and more types of deadly nuclear weapons. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that her appearance is depicted on the poster of the Japanese artist. No, this poster is not one of those that adorned movie theaters advertising the films of the famous movie star. And the name of this poster has nothing to do with the films in which Marilyn played - "Hiroshima is calling." Having embodied his idea in a political poster, the artist combined two concepts-symbols - the sex bomb of the American screen and the explosion of a nuclear bomb dropped by the Americans in August 1945 on Hiroshima. (A fatal coincidence: the death of the actress and the atomic bombing falls on August.)

At first glance, such a shift in events of a historical scale seems "drawn" and ridiculous, but there is some truth to it. Recall the film "Hiroshima, my love", in which the French film director Alain Resnais compared the death of human love alone with the tragedy of Hiroshima - they are inseparable and interconnected...

On the one hand, death gave the fate of Marilyn true greatness, on the other hand, by revealing the story of her life to the public, it gave it a truly epic meaning. Anyway, back to the poster. To some extent, he confirms what he said. The very name of Monroe continues to excite the world. The "Monroe Phenomenon", like a nuclear reaction, has penetrated into the minds of people, into art, culture, and even into criminal cases...

Marilyn herself constantly turned to the words from the Bible: "What good is it for a man if he conquers the whole world, but destroys his soul." To some extent, that is what happened to her. Metastases of myths and legends about Monroe continue to excite and, like a chain reaction, create new legends. But the main thing, I think, is that Marilyn was and will remain with her secrets and the restless fate of one of the most sorrowful legends of the 20th century - the “great Monroe” ...

Every year on August 5 - the day of the death of the actress - night processions take place in the cities of the United States. With portraits of Marilyn, with burning candles in their hands, people pay tribute to their idol. “Under Marilyn” dress, “under Marilyn” in hairdressers and beauty salons stamp millions of American women. On this day, her name is on the lips of many. As one critic said: "Marilyn lives in the next world extremely restlessly, because her soul is constantly disturbed from the earthly world." This is true. There is no actress in the world about whom so much has been said as about Monroe.

She is imitated. And not just fans. The idol-making industry abhors a vacuum. Hollywood began to feverishly look for a replacement. Two years have passed since her death, but not a single actress has such charm, such childish naivete and beauty. The most likely competitors for the vacant seat were: Lee Remick, Sue Lyon, Jane Fonda ... However, each lacked something to become the new Monroe. Three years later - in 1965 - in the foreground was the young "Baby Doll" - Carol Baker; then - the Italian Virna Lisi ... And again, the heiress Marilyn did not take place. Even Monroe's former understudy, the English actress Margaret Lee, who played in Arthur Miller's drama After the Fall, reworked for cinema, the role of Maggie - the prototype of Monroe - also remained only an understudy ...

"Marilyn is one! And a quarter of a century later, - notes Gloria Steinem in her book "Marilyn", - she remained a part of New York life. Even when showing summer clothing collections, the basis of the exposition are photographs, which depict Marilyn in the famous white dress in life size. By the way, about dresses. Under the hammer of Sotheby's auction, a movie star's evening dress was seized, almost torn, for almost two thousand dollars, and more than $14,000 was paid for the dress in which Marilyn starred in the movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".

The famous rock star Madonna, who imitated Monroe's platinum hair, clothes and style and became an idol of girls from 13 to 19 in the 80s, nevertheless failed to become a symbol of femininity, which was for many Marilyns. Madonna had to become a brunette ...

The days and hours of Monroe's life are described by biographers and journalists with protocol scrupulousness. Not everyone is attracted by the idea of ​​​​artistic understanding of the “legend”, in which the truth is mixed with lies, and the personality of Marilyn has long ceased to be real. It is no coincidence that Norman Mailer invented the successful word "factoid", characterizing almost everything that was written about Marilyn earlier ... He also owns the statement that "in her ability to attract the attention of the whole world, she was Napoleon."

Playwright Arthur Miller (the ex-husband of the movie star), answering the question why the long-dead Marilyn is still interested in the world, said: “If Marilyn were alive, she would now be about sixty years old, but it is impossible to imagine such a thing. She doesn't feel like a real person, she's a legend, and the legendary Monroe is amazing and incomprehensible, but she has nothing to do with the Marilyn I knew." And this is true, because the Hollywood goddess combines the inaccessibility of the universal standard and the imaginary accessibility for everyone, including the right to write about her sentimentally, scandalously, frivolously - whatever, if only sensationally.

The “eyewitnesses” and “friends” of the actress include S. Rener with his, to put it mildly, indiscreet novel “The Tragedy of Marilyn Monroe”; but, perhaps, the actor Ted Jordan surpassed all, who published in 1989 a book written according to the memoirs of his ex-wife - stripper Lily Cyr - a book called by critics "revolutionary" only because it opened a "new page" in the love life of the famous movie star - her connections with women, as well as with the famous gangster Bugsy Siegel,

But, perhaps, according to N. Mailer, no one has let in as much fog enveloping the legend as Ben Gecht, to whom most of the “stories” were allegedly broadcast by Marilyn herself, and he published them in endless “factoid” Sunday supplements of 1954 ...

More recently, American actor Robert Mitchum, known for his raw candor, stated that Marilyn, who became a cinematic sex symbol for a whole generation, in real life “...was not very attractive, not at all. There was no sexuality in her. No. She had many different physical disabilities. And besides, she was very shy.”

In 1930, the English critic C. Connolly proposed a test to determine time-tested popularity: to calculate the term of popularity in ten years. Since that time, the emphasis in defining values ​​has significantly shifted, views and forms of culture have changed, the content of which has been transformed by upbringing, taste, feminism and many other reasons ... Nevertheless, for more than a quarter of a century, the name Monroe continues to be among the most popular names in the world. She continues to be more famous than many living movie stars, politicians and television celebrities.

One of the factors in the duration of the popularity of the actress, many consider her early death. But, I think, this is not the main thing - not in the tangle of mysteries around her tragic death lies the key to the enduring interest in her personality.

They return to the “Monroe phenomenon” again and again, because behind the screen image of the sex bomb, America managed to discern both the real talent and the touching human defenselessness of Marilyn in the past time. Interest in Monroe is not a tribute to fashion, not nostalgia for the past, for the "stars" that have long cooled down, not an idealization of the past. No wonder some stars are sifted through the sieve of time and nostalgia, while others remain. The phenomenon of Marilyn is most likely that she, as an actress and as a person, fits more into our time than into her own. Her place was, as often happens in such cases, unoccupied.

Time can not cope with either fans or talents. Myths often turn out to be more tenacious than the truth, because they penetrate deep into the consciousness of people, and they do not like to part with them. You don't have to be a prophet to assume that the myth of "Marilyn Monroe" will live on for a long time to come.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the virgin Mary was considered the ideal of beauty. Remember the wonderful poem by A.S. Pushkin about a knight who once and for all fell in love with the mother of Christ:

Since then, with a burning soul,

He did not look at women

And to the grave with no one

I didn't want to say a word.

In the twentieth century, the place of churches was taken by cinemas, and the place of icons was taken by film actors and film actresses. And it’s not “Lumen coelum, sancta rosa” that captures the feelings of billions of men, but not the holy female trinity at all: Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe.

Not holiness at all, but sinful sex appeal began to be appreciated by men who went through two of the most terrible world wars.

By that time, thanks to the development of photography and pornography, it was no longer necessary to talk about any mysteries and secrets of the female body. Even fourteen-year-old high school students knew that both an aristocrat and a prostitute could actually offer the same product, except perhaps in a different wrapper.

And suddenly it turned out that the wrapper matters. The way a woman looks at you, how she smiles mysteriously or touchingly, how many centimeters she lifts her already short skirt, as if by chance, bending over, demonstrates her magnificent breasts ... It turns out that this is what you can go crazy with.

And if anyone thinks that no special talent is required for this, then he is mistaken. Just as mistaken is the one who believes that only thin women, one might say, aristocratic ones, are capable of such a game. With a fine mental organization ...

Be at Norma Jean Baker-Mortenson (1926 - 1962)(namely, this is the real name Marilyn Monroe) a subtle mental organization, she would have died, probably in early childhood. Because her childhood was not happy. To put it bluntly, she had a troubled childhood.

My mother's name was Gladys Monroe-Baker. She worked at the "dream factory", in Hollywood as a film editor. Norma was already the third child, and her mother considered Martin Edward Mortenson to be her biological parent. But she baptized her daughter under her last name, left over from her former husband, Baker. Although by that time Gladys was no longer married. All in all, a complicated story. Which was further complicated by the fact that Gladys Baker had problems with both mental health and money.

Thanks to all this, Norma Jean spent her childhood years in shelters and in foster families. When Gladys entered a psychiatric clinic in December 1934, her mother's friend, Grace McKee, took custody of the girl. A year later, Grace got married, and the girl lived in an orphanage for two years, and then Grace took her to her family.

But again, no peace, no serenity. The girl was beautiful, red-haired, curly. And she has already begun to turn into a pretty girl. Immediately there were hunters "to pick a flower." First, Norma tried to rape her stepfather, Grace's husband. She was sent to live with her aunt, where she was abused by one of her half-brothers. In early 1938, Norma Jean settled in the family of her other aunt, Annie Lowe. Four years spent in the Lowe house, Marilyn Monroe later called the most peaceful in her life.

In June 1942, sixteen-year-old Norma Jean marries a classmate, after which she leaves school. Soon she gets a job at an aircraft factory that produces drones. June 1945 dates the first public photograph of the future Marilyn. Photographer David Conover came to the plant. He had the task of taking pictures of women who worked in military factories, taking the place of men who had gone to the front. The head of this propaganda program, by the way, was Ronald Reagan.

This photo shows that Norma Jean was an attractive and sweet girl. That is, the initial data necessary for any film actress was available. Well, a photograph is a photograph, but even better evidence for this is that Conover asked the girl to become a model and pose for him for $ 5 an hour. At the time, when a hot dog cost 20 cents and a hamburger 50 cents, the offer was attractive.

So, in the summer of 1945, Norma Jean Baker began her journey to worldwide fame.

A year later, Norma Jean Baker was gone. In August 1946, she signed a contract as an extra with 20th Century Fox. Then she changed her name to a more harmonious one - Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn is a pretty name, and Monroe is her mother's last name. In September of the same 1946, Marilyn separated from her first (but not last) husband, Jim Dougherty.

Marilyn's film career was very successful. Since 1948, she has not had a single downtime. Every year there was a film, or even several! Marilyn played and sang in these films, and most importantly, charmed all the men of America.

What was her secret? First (and this has already been said), in personal attractiveness. In order to look more sexy, Marilyn changed her hair color, became a blonde. Gentlemen do prefer blondes! It’s hard to say whether she caught the “blonds are sexy” trend, or created this trend herself.

Secondly, she liked to act in films, and she did it, although Marilyn never specifically studied as an actress. Apparently, the ability to act was innate in her. But besides this innate talent, she did not hesitate to learn acting from all the surrounding actors and learned this willingly. To this, the girl also had considerable abilities.

Thirdly, Marilyn knew that men liked her, and was not shy about it. Moreover, she learned to use the sympathy of men to her advantage and constantly improved this skill. It was not prostitution (you to me, I to you), it was, in fact, a high art of manipulation, in which - let's tell the truth - women are great masters.

Perhaps this manipulation would not have been so successful if Marilyn had not been completely unsophisticated at the same time. Even after becoming a famous actress, she continued to be a simple and honest American girl. Men were also “caught” for this, and for this they forgave Marilyn a lot. This is the fourth reason for her tremendous success as a film actress. First of all - the success of the male half of the cinema.

It is hard for us to imagine that in the 1950s the US was a very conservative country with very high moral standards. Despite this, Marilyn Monroe had enough husbands and lovers. Among them are very well-known faces: the writer Arthur Miller (have you read The Tropic of Cancer? Read it. Then it was considered such pornography that it was printed not in the USA, but in blasphemous France). And two more Kennedy brothers, John and Robert. All this created additional excitement around the name of Marilyn, which, of course, contributed to popularity. But which, on the other hand, strongly pressed Marilyn Monroe on the nerves. She was no more depraved than her contemporaries. And she lived in the same country with rather conservative views on how a “decent” woman should behave. And, by the way, in a country where the sexual revolution has not yet come. Contraceptives were just being developed, and in the dictionary of many respectable American women there was no word "orgasm" or - God forbid - the clitoris.

By the way, the laws prohibiting segregation in the United States at that time had not yet been adopted. Therefore, the position of black Americans was unenviable. But Marilyn Monroe was devoid of racist prejudice. Perhaps because she was born in one of the most free American states, in California. It was Marilyn Monroe who "launched into orbit" the famous Negro singer Ella Fitzgerald.

On August 4, 1962, Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of sleeping pills. The police suspected suicide, although this has not been proven. But such an end of the famous film actress was obvious to many. It is quite possible that the “trigger” was a mental breakdown, which Marilyn, for the above reasons, experienced more and more. Some do not rule out the intervention of the secret services, which, quite possibly, were tasked with eliminating the factor compromising the US president.

A star named Marilyn Monroe went out, apparently never reaching its highest point in its flight across the sky.

Yes, all the posters and posters for the film "Niagara" flaunted the curves of the sensual body of Marilyn Monroe. And of course, she got the role of a seductress - but not a stupid blonde, but a real femme fatale, who not only hugs somewhere in the corners with a random passerby, but quite prudently plans to kill her own husband. However, that's not even the point. The film was quite passable for its time, and the special effects used in it now seem at least frivolous, but it still makes you think.


Of course, this is not War and Peace, but after watching it, you will surely spend some time thinking about love and passion. Last but not least, this is facilitated by the game of Marilyn, for whom this role, in general, has become not the most characteristic. Yes, she knew how to surprise - and the audience as well.

Be gentle and elegant at the same time

Marilyn in the movie "How to Marry a Millionaire" both laughs and touches to tears. This is an amazing combination that will help conquer any man. Moreover, most of the absurdities with the heroine Monroe are due to her poor eyesight. The girl does not wear glasses, embarrassed by her lack. However, even with all these ridiculous steps that Marilyn performs on the screen, the film star remains the standard of elegance. And a gentle look from myopia is unlikely to leave at least someone indifferent. No, we do not suggest putting glasses on a shelf and tripping over everything, but you can practice at the mirror.

"How to Marry a Millionaire"

Do not be shy about the definition of "cute, how stupid"

The film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", like the song "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" sounded in it, is considered a classic of the genre.

Marilyn in this film is a classic blonde, showing intelligence in exclusively female matters. However, it is precisely such women that are classified as “charm, what a silly one.” Sometimes this works better than any other strategy. Especially if you understand about yourself what Monroe herself understood: “I am not offended when they say that I am a fool - I know that this is not so.”

"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"

Be charmingly sexy

The Seven Year Itch is probably a fairly typical film for that time. It is almost about the forbidden fruit that everyone wants and always. Sorry, puritans, this is, of course, about sex.

"The Seven Year Itch"

But Marilyn has turned what is generally a rather vulgar text into an acceptable spectacle, because her sexuality is absolutely charming. She does everything casually, completely unaware that she is torturing a man in the most sophisticated way: “In this heat, I keep my laundry in the refrigerator ...” Even the famous scene (yes, you can’t do without mentioning this) with a fluttering dress comes out of her naturally, like would be by accident. The secret of this turned out to be quite simple: “Women's charms cannot be produced industrially. True beauty comes from femininity. This famous actress is definitely worth learning from.

"The Seven Year Itch"

Fall in love like the first time

Marilyn Monroe is a little funny, a little rustic, naive, stupid. But we have seen such Marilyn in other films. The main thing that distinguishes her in the film “Some Like It Hot” (in our country it is known as “Only Girls in Jazz”) is the state of love, into which a young girl gradually but firmly plunges.

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