What is reverse word order in a sentence called? Word order in a simple sentence. Direct and reverse word order

QUESTION 1. Direct and reverse word order in a sentence (inversion).

Grammatical syntactic norms regulate the correct construction of phrases, sentences, text.

In the texts of the official business style, there are often constructions that cause difficulties in the preparation of documents (sentences with prepositions, sentences with variants of the connection between the subject and the predicate, sentences containing participial and adverbial phrases, etc.).


The correctness of speech is largely determined by the order of words in a sentence.

Word order, i.e. the syntactic sequence of the components of a sentence is relatively free in Russian. There are direct (objective) and reverse word order or inversion (inverse word order).

Inversion in logic - reversal of meaning, replacement of "white" by "black".

Inversion in literature (from lat. inversio - turning over, rearranging)- violation of the usual order of words in a sentence.

Inversion (dramaturgy) is a dramatic technique that demonstrates the outcome of the conflict at the beginning of the play.

In direct word order, the given precedes the new: Petrov's testimony was verified.

With inversion, a different arrangement of parts is possible:

Hydrogen peroxide stain test positive

Hydrogen peroxide stain test positive

The inversion word order is used for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the sentence.

RULE 2 Direct word order

But it must be remembered that the last word in the sentence is stressed (carrying a semantic load), therefore, in order to avoid ambiguity and ambiguity in the text, normative inversion is used only in artistic and journalistic speech.

The norm of the modern Russian literary language of official business style is direct word order, which obeys a few general rules:

1. The subject usually comes first (in preposition): Judicial debate was resumed.

If adverbial words are at the beginning of a sentence, a predicate may be in preposition:Traces from the tread of a Volga car were found on a country road.

2. For secondary members of the sentence, the following placement within the phrase is recommended: agreed words precede the core word, and controlled ones follow it: He gave his (agreeable word) car (core word) to a neighbor (controlled word).

3. Agreed definitions are usually placed before the word being defined: material values; civil marriage;

4. Separate definitions are placed after the word being defined: a quarrel that arose earlier; evidence available in the case;

5. Addition, as a rule, follows the management: sign the application; execute the decision.

Thus, the direct word order in Russian implies the following of the predicate after the subject, the definition before the word being defined, the main members of the sentence before the secondary ones.

IN from a direct word order, for example: A lone sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea ...
and here is the familiar inversion: A lone sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea ...

Inversion- Unusual word order. This is one of the visual means of the language.
Inversion helps to highlight the most important word, as well as the stylistic and emotional coloring of speech.


Very often poets and writers use inversions in their works.

Exercise 1.

Let us turn to an excerpt from the story of L. N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

There was once a strong thunderstorm, and the rain poured for an hour like a bucket. And all the rivers were clouded; where the ford was, there the water went three arshins, the stones were turned over. Streams flow everywhere, the rumble is in the mountains.
That's how the storm passed, everywhere in the village streams run. Zhilin begged the owner for a knife, cut out a roller, planks, feathered the wheel, and attached dolls to the wheel at both ends.

All sentences begin with different members of the sentence (1 - verb-predicate, 2 - conjunction, 3 - adverb-adverb, 4 - demonstrative pronoun-adverb, 5 - noun-subject).

All sentences are constructed in different ways (1 - compound, 2 - complex with different types of connection, 3 - complex non-union, 4 - complex, 5 - simple with homogeneous predicates).

The words are in an unusual order.

Note that the predicate comes before the subject, the definition after the word being defined. This is not typical for the Russian language.

Exercise: Find such examples in the text.

(answer: There was a thunderstorm, the rivers were cloudy, a thunderstorm passed, a strong thunderstorm).

Task 2.

Swap the subject and predicate to get the author's text.

The forest drops your crimson attire,
Frostrebrite withered field,
The day will glimpse, as if involuntarily,
And over the edge disappear district mountains.

The forest drops its crimson dress,
The withered field is silvered by frost,
The day will pass, as if involuntarily,
And hide behind the edge of the surrounding mountains.

Reverse word order in interrogation protocol.

Sometimes observed inversion(reverse word order) control and controlled words, mainly verb-predicate and object, for example:

Interviewed in the case, the accused Spiridonov pleaded not guilty.

The combination "guilty of myself" often has additions (for example, guilty of murder), but even then, as a rule, it is placed before the predicate. This is due to the fact that the verb-predicate (not) recognized is often used with a homogeneous verb, indicating an additional action of the testifier.

For example, Savina pleaded guilty to stealing household appliances and said during interrogation that ...

Reverse word order should be avoided in cases where the phrase "guilty myself" has many dependent words. In such sentences, the predicate is so far removed from the subject that the reader is forced to return to the beginning of the phrase in order to understand its meaning.

For example: Badma-Khalgaev admitted that he was guilty of giving a bribe in the amount of 120,000 rubles to Ivanov for illegally enrolling a student in a university and fully confirmed the above circumstances. This sentence can be modified by replacing the chain of dependent words with a subordinate clause. The order of the words in the sentence will change. Badma-Khagaev pleaded guilty to giving a bribe in the amount of 120,000 rubles to Ivanov for illegal admission to the university, and fully confirmed the above circumstances. The reverse word order is justified in those cases where the meaning expressed by the addition is more important than the meaning of the predicate: when it is necessary to emphasize not so much that the accused pleaded guilty, but rather what acts he confessed to.

RULE 3: Subject-verb connection

When formalizing official business texts, there are often difficulties in using sentences containing variants of the connection between the subject and the predicate. You must remember the following rules:

1. With a masculine noun naming a profession, position, title, but denoting a woman, the predicate in official business speech is put in the masculine form: A competent lawyer should help in resolving this issue;

2. With a subject expressed by the combination of a common noun + a proper noun, the predicate is consistent with the latter: Petrova's lawyer should help resolve this issue;

3. If the subject is expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ("a lot", "a lot", "several", etc.), the predicate can be used in the singular and in the plural: Seven people are registered at the place of residence.

4. If time, space, measure, weight are indicated, or the clarifying words "only", "total", "only" the predicate is used in the singular: two days have passed; There were only ten people in the house.

QUESTION 2. The main difficulties in the use of participial and participle constructions in Russian.

A prerequisite for the use of participial phrases is that two actions, one of which is expressed by a verb-predicate, and the other by a participle, must be carried out by the same person (or refer to the same person).

An error in the use of the adverbial turnover was made in the following sentence: After working for only two months, he had complications with the head of the shop. It would be correct to say: After working for only two months, he ruined relations with the foreman.

1. The construction of a participial turnover is also possible in an impersonal sentence, if the predicate contains an indefinite form of the verb, with which the participle corresponds.

Considering the facts of the caseneed to make a fair decision.

Recognizing non-fulfillment of labor duties as “repeated”, several factors should be taken into account that enable the employer to comprehensively analyze the violations committed by the employee and make the right, informed decision.

2. The adverbial turnover should not be used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the gerund belong to different persons or if the impersonal sentence has a logical subject expressed in the indirect case:

Coming out of the entrance, a strong wind hit him in the face.

After considering the circumstances of the case, a fair decision was made.


The formation of adverbial revolutions and their isolation

Participles (germs with dependent words) and single gerunds are always isolated, regardless of the location of the main verb:

Upon reviewing the submitted document, he was forced to testify truthfully.

At the bus station, they boarded bus number 5 and, getting off at the bus stop "Institute", went along Kurortnaya Street to the beach.

worrying he began his story.

REMEMBER : if the adverbial turnover refers to one of the homogeneous predicates connected by the union AND, a comma before the union

And not set:

He stopped and looking around, remembered.

Do not separate:

* Single words silently, sitting, lying, standing, joking, not looking, because they are similar in meaning to adverbs:

He listened in silence.

* Participle turns represented by phraseological units:

He ran headlong across the road.


Exercise 1. In the sentences taken from the work of A.F. Koni "Moral principles in the criminal process", place the missing punctuation marks. Find adverbial phrases, comment on the rules for their isolation using the example of these sentences.

1. Judicial statutes, creating the prosecutor-prosecutor and pointing out to him his task, also outlined moral requirements that facilitate and elevate his task, taking away its formal callousness and soulless diligence from the execution.

2. Although, under the dominance of the search, investigative process, the judiciary itself collects evidence, but having collected them, it does not give the judge the right to freely compare and compare them guided by inner conviction, but indicates to him a ready-made immutable measure for this.

3. Sometimes, without thinking deeply into the meaning of the judicial activity of jurors, they want to see in them representatives of public opinion in this case.

4. That is why the law, protecting the freedom of opinion of jurors, establishes strict rules about the secrecy of their deliberations.

5. The legislator, guided by moral and social ideals, the needs of the state and the goals of community life, derives one typical concept from a number of similar everyday phenomena, which he calls a crime, imposing a punishment defined within its extreme boundaries.

Task 2.

Set up punctuation marks. Comment on their setting.

The pilots of TU 134 informed the "ensemble" that there would not be enough fuel to reach London. Having started a short tantrum, the family nevertheless agreed to refuel in Finland. Convinced of the futility of repeated attempts to break into the cockpit, the Ovechkins demonstrated the seriousness of their intentions. Wanting to psychologically influence the crew members, they shot one of the stewardesses from a sawed-off shotgun. Following such a course that not only the uninitiated, but even an experienced pilot without a navigator did not immediately understand where he was (in the USSR or already in the country of Suomi), the plane began to descend over the Gulf of Finland. Landing TU 154 on a narrow fighter strip not adapted for aircraft of this class was successful.

Task 3.

Answer the question whether sentences with adverbial phrases are constructed correctly. Make the necessary corrections.

1. Arriving at the scene of the crime, it was very dark, only after three hours it began to get light. 2. Having received a new task, the employees of the department faced new difficulties. 3. Taking into account the comments, reducing the volume, making tables, the article was recommended for publication. 4. While in prison, his mother often visited him. 5. Having become acquainted with this case, new, hitherto unknown facts open up before me. 5. Arriving home, consciousness left him. 6. Arriving in Paris, he was invited to the embassy. 7. Doctors told him: "Without restoring your health, you will not be able to seriously engage in sports."

Task 2.

Restore the original text by making a synonymous replacement of subordinate clauses with separate definitions. Explain punctuation marks.

Sample:Peter sits on a rearing horse, which has stopped at full gallop at the edge of a cliff. // Peter sits on a rearing horse that has stopped at full gallop at the edge of a cliff.

The equestrian monument to Peter I in St. Petersburg was made by the French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falconet, who was invited to Russia by Catherine II. The name "The Bronze Horseman" was assigned to the monument thanks to the poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin.

On August 7, 1782, on Senate Square, to the sound of cannon fire, a canvas cover was pulled off from the Bronze Horseman.

Peter sits on a rearing horse, which has stopped at full gallop at the edge of a cliff. The horse is still on the move. The majestic landing of the rider, the gesture of his hand, which is stretched out towards the sea - all this speaks of a mighty will. The snake, which the horse trampled under its hooves, reminds of the defeated enemies of Russia. It symbolizes envy and intrigues of enemies. The pedestal of the monument was a granite rock, which was processed in the form of a sea wave. This stone block weighs about one hundred thousand pounds. Here, in St. Petersburg, to the building of the Winter Palace, she was brought from afar, putting on wooden skids that were upholstered in iron. The delivery of such a stone block in those days was an unparalleled technical achievement.

QUESTION 3. The use of homogeneous members of the proposal in the design of official business texts. Types of management.


Exercise 1.

Pay attention to speech stamps in professional legal vocabulary and follow the nature of the errors in their use.

1. “The same acts committed repeatedly (how?) or by a person (by whom?) who previously committed rape”; “the same acts committed on a large scale (how?) or by a person (by whom?) Previously convicted” - heterogeneous disparate concepts, different members of the sentence.

2. "On the basis and in execution"; "on time and in order"; "in the amount, on time and in order"; "on the grounds and in order"; "in order and on the grounds"; “on conditions and within the limits” - words that are not homogeneous members are connected by a coordinative connection; their grammatical form is different: “on the basis” - in the prepositional case; "in execution" - in the accusative case; "in time" - in the plural, in the accusative case; "okay" - in the singular, in the prepositional case etc.

Exercise 1.

In these combinations, synonymous words require the use of different cases. Transform the proposed options, make sentences with them.

to admire, bow down (courage)

despise, neglect (danger)

To be fond of, to love, to be interested in, to study (music)

Resent, be angry, be angry (disgraceful)

To be afraid, to be afraid (necessity)

To be, dissatisfied, disappointed (review)

reprimand, reproach (employee)

Understand, be aware of (need)

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily cumbersome structures.

1. One of the most common shortcomings is the clutter of a complex sentence with subordinate clauses.

Wed: The statement of representatives of foreign circles, ignoring the fact that trade relations, which in recent years have been steadily developing and showing a trend of further growth, indicates that someone is still interested in maintaining the atmosphere of the cold war and eliminating the mass desire for friendship that has embraced the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of negotiations, although it understands that it will not be easy to achieve progress in such negotiations, but we are used to overcoming difficulties.

2 . In a complex sentence, structures are weighted due to the "stringing" of subordinate clauses: "The sail appeared in the sea as happy news that everything is in order with the fishermen and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm ".

3. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses in sequential submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which was lying on the shore with a keel."

4. In some cases, the same situation can be expressed using both complex and complex sentences.

Wed: He entered And we got up; When he came in, we got up.

At the same time, cases of “structural failure” are often observed in speech: a sentence that begins as a complex sentence ends as a complex one, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Wed: When Murka was tired of messing with kittens, And she went somewhere to sleep.

The order of the members of the sentence in the sentence - SUBJECT - PREDICT - is usually called in grammar direct word order(the Direct Order of Words). Direct word order is the norm of an affirmative sentence in English:

Walking can be recommended as a good exercise.

Reverse word order

Putting the predicate before the subject is usually called reverse word order or, to use the common term, inversion(the Indirect Order of Words, Inversion).

Distinguish between complete and partial inversion.

At complete inversion the predicate, expressed in one word, is placed before the subject. Cases of complete inversion are few:

Is anyone at home? (as a semantic verb). Has anyone twenty dollars to lend me? (as a semantic verb).

Much more numerous cases partial inversion, i.e. setting the part of the predicate-auxiliary or modal verb, as well as the linking verb before the subject:

Has you received any new emails? Can walking be recommended as a good exercise? Is it cold today?

When forming a question with an auxiliary verb do like: At what time does the sun rise now? - in fact, there is no reverse order of words. The question indicator is an auxiliary verb do; the remaining members of the sentence are placed in the usual order: subject - predicate: Does the sun rise?

An indirect question in English is constructed as an affirmative sentence: Ask if he can come to see me tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what time it is. In Russian, there is a reverse word order, as well as the presence of a particle in the sentence: Ask if he can come to me tomorrow. Find out if the director has arrived.

Other cases of inversion

The predicate comes before the subject also in the following cases:

In design there is (are) and with all verbs preceded by a formal there: There is a meeting today. There must be a meeting today.

In exclamatory sentences expressing wishes: Long Live the King!

In conditional sentences beginning with verb forms: were, had, should: Were I in your place, I would act differently. Should the weather keep fine in September, come down to see us in the country.

When repeating an auxiliary or modal verb in sentences like: You are here, so am I.

Note: The subject takes its usual place if it refers to the same subject in both sentences: “You seem to be very pleased with your work,” said my friend to me. “So I am,” I replied.

Order of words in a sentence

The mutual arrangement of the members of the sentence, which has a syntactic, semantic and stylistic meaning. The first is expressed in the fact that its syntactic function can be associated with the place occupied by a member of a sentence. So, in the sentence Sunny day, the adjective solar acts as a definition with the word day - the main member of the nominative sentence; with a different word order (Sunny Day), the same adjective plays the role of a predicate in a two-part sentence. In sentences like Mother loves daughter with homonymous nominative and accusative cases, the syntactic role of both nouns is determined by their place in the sentence: in direct word order ( cm. below) in the first place is the subject, in the second - the direct object. In the sentence Free brother returned, the adjective patient occupies the position of an agreed definition, and in the sentence Brother the patient returned - the position of the nominal part of the compound predicate. In sentences of identity like Moscow - the capital of the USSR, the subject is in the first place, the predicate is in the second; in a different word order (the capital of the USSR is Moscow), the former predicate becomes the subject, and the former subject becomes the predicate.

The grammatical-semantic meaning of word order finds its expression, for example, in combinations of a quantitative numeral with a noun. In the sentence Fifty people attended the meeting, the prepositive cardinal numeral indicates the exact number of persons; in the sentence At the meeting fifty people were present, the postpositive numeral indicates the approximate number of persons (with a rearrangement of words, the so-called category of approximation is created).

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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In most sentences of the Russian language, there is a usual, straight word order. In direct word order, the given, known, topic precedes the new, unknown, rheme. The direct word order (it is also called objective) is adopted in most stylistically neutral statements, where an extremely accurate, exhaustively objective statement of facts is necessary, for example, in scientific texts, official business documents.

When solving special semantic and stylistic tasks in expressive and emotionally colored statements, reverse (subjective) word order in which the rheme precedes the topic. For the subjective word order, it is necessary to change the place of the phrasal stress, which falls on the beginning or middle of the sentence: Gloomy and gloomy Sergei Timofeevich. And how can he be different? Joyless were the last, before meeting with Turkina, the years of his life(I SK.). In this sentence, using the subjective word order ( inversions) the court speaker manages to create a psychological characteristic of the client.

The actual division of any sentence is determined by its formal structure, lexical content and semantic organization. For each type of sentence, there is a neutral word order, which involves placing a phrasal stress at the end of the sentence and expressing the semantic division of the sentence into topic and rheme. With a neutral word order, usually grammatical, semantic and actual articulation coincide. Inversion(changing the neutral order of words) is usually a means of actual articulation, in which phrasal stress, falling at the end of a sentence, highlights syntagmas or syntagma that are important in a semantic sense; in this case, the grammatical division of the sentence does not coincide with its semantic and communicative organization. Cases of transferring the place of phrasal stress serve as a stylistic means that highlights a given sentence or statement in the general context as a whole.

The norms of official business style, which also includes legal texts, require a direct word order in a sentence. It obeys some general rules.

The subject in a sentence usually precedes the verb, for example: In relation to Sidorin, the prosecutor opened a criminal case under article 113 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; Semenyuk committed the theft of materials in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. If there are adverbial words at the beginning of the sentence, then the subject is usually placed after the predicate: On January 11, 2000, a fire broke out at the warehouse of Rospromtorg; On the fact of theft, a criminal case was opened.

The agreed definition is usually always placed before the word being defined: lenient punishment, grievous bodily harm, dangerous injury. Separate definitions are after the defined words, for example persons under the influence of alcohol; a quarrel that arose while drinking alcohol; a crime under Art. 107 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; pressure deal.

The order of words in constructions with several definitions depends on the morphological nature of these definitions. Definitions expressed by pronouns precede the word being defined and all definitions expressed by other parts of speech: these extreme measures, his careless handling of fire, their unspecified alibi, her outstanding criminal record and etc.

If with one word being defined there are two definitions expressed by qualitative and relative adjectives, then the qualitative adjective is used first, then the relative, because. the relative adjective is more closely related to the word it defines: grievous bodily harm, dangerous stab wound, severe craniocerebral injury, new criminal case.

Heterogeneous definitions expressed by relative adjectives are arranged depending on the logical gradation of the concepts assigned to these words: definitions expressing narrower concepts precede definitions denoting broad concepts: Bryansk Regional Court, Moscow City Bar Association, Soviet District Council of People's Deputies.

Inconsistent definitions are in a position after the word being defined: expert opinion, commission on juvenile affairs, collegium for civil cases, investigator for especially important cases.

Complement usually follows the control word: count on justice, resignation, charge, sue. If there are several objects in the sentence with one control word, then the direct object, i.e. an object expressed by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition precedes all other objects: write a letter of resignation, make a statement about what happened. If the sentence has an indirect object with the meaning of a person, which is expressed by a noun in the dative case, then it is placed before the direct object, denoting the subject to which the action is directed: report to the management about the events, inform the police about the impending terrorist attack.

In a sentence, the direct object can be the same as the subject. The means of delimiting the members of the sentence in this case is the word order: the subject is in the first place, the direct object is in the last, for example: The court applies the law. However, in some cases in such constructions there is ambiguity, ambiguity. In a sentence Motorcycle hit a bike subject motorbike, expressed in the nominative case of a noun, formally coincides with the direct object bike, expressed by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition, as a result of which semantic ambiguity is created. To avoid such ambiguity arising from the formal coincidence of grammatical forms, it is necessary to change the grammatical construction. In this sentence, it would be appropriate to use a passive phrase: Bicycle hit by motorcyclist.

The circumstances of the mode of action, measure and degree, purpose, place and time usually come before the predicate. The circumstances of place, time and purpose are usually determinants, i.e. free distributors of the entire sentence, therefore they most often occupy the preposition (they stand at the beginning of the sentence), and if the sentence has a tense clause, then it usually precedes all the others: November 2, 2002 near the store on the street. Uritsky committed the theft of alcoholic beverages in the amount of 5037 rubles; March 30, 1999 the defendant Gulyaev died suddenly.

We emphasize once again that the rules of word order in a sentence must be strictly observed in book speech, especially in official business texts, since violations of the direct word order contradict the basic requirements for such texts - strict objectivity, accuracy and clarity of content.

In colloquial speech, journalistic and literary texts, the reverse (subjective) word order can be used, in which the rheme precedes the topic. Changing the normal, direct word order in a sentence in order to create expressively meaningful contexts is called inversion. Inversion is an important rhetorical device, a means of expressive syntax used in fiction (prose and poetry) and journalism.

As a means of speech expressiveness, inversion is also used in judicial oratory. The brilliant Russian lawyer F.N. Plevako skillfully used the technique of inversion in his speeches: “ Russia had to endure many troubles, many trials during its more than a thousand-year existence ... Russia endured everything, overcame everything”; “The last day has come. She was preparing for something terrible.”. The preposition of the complement in these sentences contributes to the accentuation of a part of the statement.

The most common case of inversion is the postposition of the agreed definition. Most often, the agreed definition is placed after the word being defined in colloquial speech; the tendency to colloquialism explains many cases of inversion in judicial oratory, for example She saved up this money for years with her labor. Or: Kitelev / drunk in a frenzy / started a fight(See: Ivakina N. N. S. 237).

A means of strong semantic highlighting of a circumstance is to put it at the beginning of a sentence: She was worried like a mental patient; working in the laundry, he asks every minute if Lukerya has come, if she has seen the drowned woman. Almost unconsciously, under the heavy yoke of an oppressive thought, she betrays herself.(A.F. Koni).

Thus, inversion (reverse word order) has rich stylistic possibilities, is an effective means of verbal expressiveness of an utterance.

Order of words in a sentence

In fact, here we will talk not just about the direct and reverse order of words (but about it too), today we will try to analyze many aspects of the German sentence with you.

1) Direct and reverse word order

What it is? In German, one cannot compose sentences as our soul wants. It doesn't work like that) There are special rules, we need to follow these rules. Let's start with the simplest: Direct word order

Direct order:

In the first place - the subject (answers the questions who? what?)

In third and subsequent places - everything else

Example: Ich fahre nach Hause. - I'm driving home .

In the first place - the subject (who? - me)

In second place is the predicate (what am I doing? - food)

In third place - everything else (where? - home)

That's it, it's very simple

What then is reverse word order?

In the first place - some additional member of the sentence (as a rule, these are adverbs (when? how? where?))

In second place is the predicate (that is, the verb: what to do?)

In third place is the subject (answers the questions who? what?)

In the following places - everything else

Example : Morgen fahre ich nach Hause. - Tomorrow I will go home.

In the first place - an additional member of the proposal (when? - tomorrow)

In second place is the predicate (what will I do? - I will go)

In third place - the subject (who? - me)

In fourth place - everything else (where? - home)

What is reverse word order? In our opinion, he decorates the speech. Speaking using only direct word order is boring. So use different designs.


What is this rule? And I'll tell you: "Very cool rule!". We have dealt with the direct and reverse word order, and then what? We read and understand!

First, let's figure out what these letters mean.


TE - temporal - time - when?

KA-causal - reason - for what reason? For what?

MO - modal – mode of action – how? on what? how?

LO-local - place, where? Where?

Sometimes this rule is also called in Russian KOZAKAKU. To be honest, we don't really like this option, but you can remember it that way. The Russian version is composed by the first letters of the questions.

KO - when?

FOR - why?

KA - how?

KU - where?

Great, figured out what these letters mean! Now why do we need them? So, if, for example, we compose a large sentence that does not consist of two or three words, then this rule will come in very handy for us! Consider with you the direct word order and the following sentence: I will go to Berlin by train tomorrow in connection with the exam.

We know that the word order is direct: first the subject, then the predicate, and everything else. But we have a lot of everything else here, and it is according to this rule that we will arrange everything correctly with you.

I will go to Berlin tomorrow by train in connection with the exam.

Ich fahre - first step taken

Ich fahre morgen (time - when?) wegen der Pr ü fung (reason - for what reason? why?) mit dem Zug (mode of action - how? in what way?) nach Berlin (place - where?).

This is how the proposal will sound. Remember this rule, and everything will be okay. Of course, in a sentence, for example, there can only be time and place: I will go to Berlin tomorrow. Then what are we to do? Just skip the rest.

I will go to Berlin tomorrow.

Ich fahre morgen nach Berlin.

3) Known and unknown

Let's move on to the next point. I named it: known and unknown. We know that German has definite and indefinite articles. Definite articles are known. Indefinite articles are unknown. And here we also have a rule!

If the sentence contains a word with a definite article, then it comes before "TIME"

Example: I will buy this chain tomorrow in Berlin (by the word "this" we can understand that we are talking about a specific item).

Ich kaufe die Kette morgen in Berlin.

We put with you the word " die Kette » before the time, and then comes the word order according to the rule TEKAMOLO.

If the sentence contains a word with an indefinite article, then it comes after "PLACE"

Example: I will buy some chain tomorrow in Berlin (by the word “some” we can understand that we are talking about a non-specific subject).

Ich kaufe morgen in Berlin eine Kette.

We put with you the word " eine Kette" after the place.

4) Where to put place names?

And we all also analyze the word order in the German sentence. The next point is where to put the pronouns? Let's go figure it out! Here you need to remember only one thing - as a rule, pronouns are closer to the verb! That is, if we have a pronoun in a sentence, then we will put it immediately after the verb.

Example: I will buy you some chain tomorrow in Berlin.

Ich kaufe dir morgen in Berlin eine Kette.

Example: I will buy you this chain tomorrow in Berlin.

Ich kaufe dir die Kette morgen in Berlin.

5) But what aboutDativ und Akkusativ?

And the last point that we will analyze is the position of the dative and accusative cases. In fact, it will not be scary at all if you mess something up. But still, let's get acquainted with the rule.

— If Akkusative is something vague and Dative - specific, then Dative will stand before Akkusative.

Example: I give (this) man (some) a book.

Ich gebe dem Mann ein Buch.

This is the right choice!

That was the basic information on word order in a sentence! I wish you success in learning German!

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