Why do dead people dream? What did the dead man say, or why do you dream that a dead person is alive? A dead man gives something in a dream

What amazing, sometimes unimaginable dreams we have.

Sometimes we even jump up in a sticky cold sweat and complete bewilderment as to why we dreamed of this or that terrible phenomenon.

This is especially true for terrible dreams associated with the afterlife. A morgue, a cemetery, meetings with the living dead - such dreams are more like a horror movie, but they are dreamed for a reason and carry important meaning.

If we see a dead person in the world of dreams, it is usually unpleasant and creepy. Sometimes deceased relatives or friends “visit” us in dreams. But sometimes we just have to contemplate dead people, funerals, or, worse, the living dead.

As every dream book testifies, a dead person in a dream is an important sign. It provides valuable knowledge and cannot be ignored.

Unfortunately, most visions of the dead carry a dark and bad meaning and do not promise anything good. But you need to listen to them especially carefully, because it is precisely such a dream that gives a warning about something extremely important.

What happened in your night vision?

Dreams involving the dead can be divided into the most common, such as:

  • You saw in a dream a dead person lying in a coffin or in a cemetery.
  • A deceased relative comes to you in a dream and says something.
  • You saw a lot of corpses.
  • You had to see a dead stranger, acquaintance or enemy.
  • You saw the death of a loved one or friend who is alive in reality.
  • You yourself died in your sleep.
  • You hug or even kiss a dead person in a dream.
  • You were buried alive in a dream.
  • You are carrying or moving a deceased person.
  • The dead man gives you something - money, food, clothes.
  • Lie with the dead.
  • You see a living dead man who can behave differently.

There can be a huge variety of dreams involving the dead, and each such dream can portend something important. So you should be careful when trying to decipher what the dead man is dreaming of, and make correct and verified decisions, depending on the advice of the dream book.

I had to see a dead man in a dream

Seeing a dead person in a dream can be shocking and scary. Especially if this is your relative or acquaintance who is alive in reality.

But don't rush to get scared. First, you should find out why the dead man is dreaming - such a dream can warn you about something serious.

1. If in a dream you saw a dead person unknown to you lying quietly in a coffin or on a table, or even you had to visit a morgue or cemetery where a dead person lies, this means that the dream does not pose any danger, but warns and advises you to be more careful.

2. If a dead person lies in a coffin or on a table in your home, this means that you are in danger in life. It may be small, but be careful in everything for a while, look around carefully.

3. If lovers see a dream in which there is a morgue, a dead person, a coffin or a cemetery, this means that the relationship with the other half, even if it has just begun, will not lead to good things and is doomed to collapse.

4. Seeing a lot of dead people in a dream is, oddly enough, a good sign. It promises the sleeper the start of some profitable business, success in all matters. You are on the right path, the interpreter promises.

5. If in your dream you suddenly witnessed how someone unfamiliar to you died, Miller’s dream book will tell you the answer.

This means that you yourself will cope with the difficulties that are now taking place in your life. Get good news, your reality will soon become better and easier.

6. But if in your dreams you saw how a person you know, who is alive in reality, died, this, according to Miller’s interpreter, means a quick separation from this person, worries about this, or at least difficulties and troubles in the relationship with the participant in the dream.

7. But the enemy dying in your dream is a sign that you will win complete victory over him. Of course, this dream does not promise death to a person, he will simply lose in competition with you.

8. If you dream of your own funeral, you have died - this promises you a quick move, or a change of job. In other words, a new milestone in life, a transition to something completely new for you. It may be difficult, but it is a transition to good things.

9. But if you experienced such a thing in a dream that you were buried alive in the ground, do not be alarmed, this only promises anxiety and difficulties in life, but nothing tragic. You may experience a period of melancholy and depression, but you will get through it.

10. In a dream, did you accidentally meet a person who died? This could be your deceased relative, such as a grandparent, or someone you know.

When a dead person does not tell you anything, and does not try to do anything, then this marks something new for you. Business, love, friendship - depending on what kind of connections you had with the deceased person before, during his lifetime.

Contact with the afterlife

Often in dreams you have to not only see a dead person, but also do something with him. In this case, it is extremely important to understand why the dead man dreams.

Such dreams can be especially unpleasant, and almost always carry a warning about something unfavorable and advise you to be on guard.

1. Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream promises anxiety, obstacles in business, difficulties. You have to make an effort to deal with them.

2. Carrying a coffin with a deceased person in a dream - expect a period of sadness, hopelessness, and depression. The reason may not be tragic, but your feelings will be strong.

3. Trying to move the deceased from his place, to somehow move him - this is a sign that now in reality you are busy with an empty and meaningless task that is needlessly taking away your strength. You should reconsider your affairs and stop doing stupid things.

4. If in a dream you happen to be lying next to a dead person, this means that your relationship with your partner has come to an end, it’s time to end it, they have died. If you take this step, then a new, good future awaits you.

5. And if you are between two dead people, this portends an illness, and it can become very serious. Take this warning and try to prevent the disease.

6. If you had to give money, food, or clothes to a deceased person in a dream, this is an unkind sign. It promises misfortune, a great misfortune that is possible in the near future.

7. Dressing a dead person in a dream is a signal that it is time for you to take special care of your health.

He comes to life!

Undoubtedly, a dream in which a dead person comes to life can be very creepy. As any dream book says, a dead person who becomes alive in a dream warns the sleeper about danger or enemies.

Why do we sometimes dream of the living dead, and what do they want to communicate?

1. If you saw a dead person come to life, the meaning of such dreams is unpleasant - difficulties and delays in business, losses and losses await you.

2. But if he not only comes to life, but also gets rowdy, tries to do something, attack - this already promises serious troubles and worries, so be careful.

3. If a living dead person comes to you and speaks to you, this means an unfamiliar dead person - this means changes for the worse. And if you come and remain silent, on the contrary, for the better.

4. If in a dream a dead person who has come to life is having fun, this foretells you good news that will be sent by relatives or a friend. On the contrary, sad dead people dream of bad news and warn that enemies are not asleep.

5. If a living dead man in your dream came to your room and straightened your bed, this promises you illness.

6. Gives you food or money - a good sign, foreshadowing income, prosperity, reward.

7. But if you happen to fight with a dead man who came to life, this means that quarrels with people await you. Most likely, these are your relatives.

Relatives or friends

Deceased relatives are often seen alive. And believe me, they never appear to us without a reason.

Don’t be afraid of the dream and decipher what the deceased father, mother, grandmother or other relative is dreaming about - most likely, they are bringing you important news.

1. If you dream of a deceased mother, father, grandmother, and so on, calling you and leading you - beware, this promises a very great danger. An illness or accident may await you, be especially careful.

2. If a deceased person, whose funeral you attended in reality, came to you and began to talk to you, remember everything he said. This person in a dream will bring you an important warning or simply reveal a secret. So remember everything he said and take what you hear seriously.

3. A dead person crying in your dream, with whom you were close during life, also indicates danger in life, and advises you to be careful in everything.

Despite the horror of such dreams, instead of being scared, take the advice and warnings into account. And do your best to avoid trouble. Author: Vasilina Serova

Why do you dream about a Dead Man in a dream?

  • According to the dream book, the Dead Man is alive and dreams of talking- such a dream warns you of troubles that will arise on your life path. What was discussed in the conversation with the deceased? This dream will give you the answer to the question of which area to expect problems from.
  • Why do you dream of a dead person alive and talk to him in a dream?- a new period will begin in your life. You can quit your job or break off a relationship that has been bothering you, in any case, changes await you.
  • Revived dead man- A long and eventful life awaits you.
  • Why do you dream of a revived dead person visiting you?- if a living dead person is in your house and he is someone you know, then you simply yearn for this person in real life.
  • Why do you dream that a dead person is giving money or something else?- this person, if he is your friend, wants you to repeat his fate. If he gives you some advice, you should remember them and listen to them.
  • A dead man gives gifts in a dream– the interpretation of the dream depends on the thing you received from him as a gift.
  • Deceased relatives dream of being alive and call with them- to illness, possibly death. Walking after the dead, kissing them, hugging them - the same thing.
  • Why do dead relatives dream about being alive?– these people want to support you, you may start to succeed. You will receive spiritual help and support. However, it is possible that you simply miss these people, which is why you see them alive in your dreams and talk to them.

In a dream, what does a Dead Man dream about:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Dead man - Tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

What does a dead man mean in the dream book?

If you dream of seeing a Dead Man in a dream, this symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any claims, then the dream means a change in the weather. To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin means trouble; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers. Seeing a person who died long ago in a dream as if he were still alive means a change in the weather. Seeing a person whose pale appearance closely resembles a dead person is a sign of illness; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to meet with older people.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Dream Interpretation: What does a dead person mean?

Deceased - For rain, changes in weather; outside the coffin - a guest.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Seeing a Dead Man in a dream

  • Dead man - The dead man is crying. - Portends a squabble, a quarrel.
  • You see a dead man standing - portends great trouble.
  • The dead man collapses with tears. - Portends prosperity.
  • The dead man comes to life. - Foretells news, a letter.
  • You see another person or yourself dead. - Fortunately.
  • You see your son dead. - There will be a joyful event with an addition.
  • You see your dead ancestors, respectable people. - Great happiness.
  • You accept condolences from other people. - It foretells the birth of a son, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

If you dream of a Dead Man, what does this mean these days?

According to the dream book, what does a Dead Man dream about – Health and longevity, weather change

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing a Dead Man in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream of seeing a dead person in a dream - Health, longevity

Ancient Russian dream book

What does it mean when you dream of a Dead Man:

Interpretation of the dream book: To see a dead person in a dream foreshadows a change in the weather.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why do you dream about the Dead Man according to the dream book?

Seeing Dead People in a Dream - The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in a dream: normal presence, resolution of issues and condemnation. Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation.

In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way reveals hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around. The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow related to the resolution of the relationship,

Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, such dreams contain a degree of condemnation or joy. Judgmental dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation. What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was vile as a snake, etc.) Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or go against it? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of dead people (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream) - In general - to a change in the weather; relaxation, peace of mind. Taking and giving something from a deceased person, being taken “to one’s place” is very bad (unfortunately, serious illness, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Maly Velesov dream book

Why does a Dead Man appear in a dream:

  • Deceased people (dead fathers) - Towards death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered;
  • deceased mother - severe illness, grief;
  • deceased - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);
  • to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death;
  • man - success;
  • woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;
  • to be with the dead means to have enemies;
  • seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness;
  • to see a sick person dead - he will recover;
  • hugging a dead person is a disease;
  • kissing a dead person - longevity;
  • giving him something is a loss, a loss;
  • moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness;
  • congratulating is good;
  • talking to a dead person - interesting news // illness;
  • the dead man calls with him - death.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the Dead Man dream and what does it mean:

Seeing a dead person in a dream - fortunately, a dead person in a coffin - to material profit, a dead person coming to life - to news, a letter, a dead person rising from the coffin - to a guest from the side, a dead person standing - to big trouble, crying - to a squabble, quarrel, crumbling into dust - to prosperity, opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky.

Kissing a dead person means health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, but if he is dead, then it means a change in the weather. Talking to a deceased person who was your friend in life means arranging your affairs well and behaving with dignity.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Dead Man in a dream?

If you see a dead person, the dream warns you of impending grief. Usually this dream is followed by disappointments.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about the funeral of the Dead?

The symbolism of the interpretations is based on the postulate that the afterlife is a great sacrament. Images of the deceased can be interpreted both as a sign of warning and as a symbol of blessing from loved ones. The dead seem to pave the way for the dreamer, with their actions they help to find a safe path.

  • When a dead person dreams of being alive, this marks a change in fate.
  • A detailed conversation with a deceased person in a coffin is also a kind of hint for the dreamer: the topic of the conversation indicates aspects that will soon become important, and advice will protect you from danger.
  • In a dream, how does a dead person make gifts, give money? You can repeat his fate, predict awkward circumstances, and avoid them.
  • Deceased relatives appear in dreams and provide support. But under no circumstances follow them, even if they beg you, and beware of hugs or kisses from a dead person.
  • Dreaming of a dead person calling from the other side foreshadows illness or death.
  • You dreamed that the dead person was smiling while communicating with you - to find out their future, because through a spiritual connection they want to warn you about something or give advice.
  • The deceased relative in the portrait personifies the fact that you have a spiritual connection with them.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Dead

Dreaming of a dead man? One of the psycho-emotional ideas of the plots when the deceased is dreamed is the thesis that the dead always know more than the living. You will receive an important clue if you happen to see the dead: they rarely appear, but they always give instructions on how to get out of the situation. The deceased is not necessarily an active person, he is just sometimes present to indicate the emotional coloring of events in your realities.

  • If you dreamed of a dead person in the form of a zombie or a classic living corpse, it means that the dreamer will be faced with insoluble problems from which it is impossible to escape. You need to thoroughly rework your plans if you do not want to drag out the situation for many years.
  • To dream of a dear person (a dead person) alive is a symbol of approval and patronage, with which luck will not leave you.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a dead person?

Patronage takes different forms, and when there is a need for the blessing of a loved one, it is not necessary to turn to the living. A sign of the attention of ancestors: past generations watch and care about the happiness of their descendants. Appearing alive in dreams, the dead personify the support you need. They tell you how to behave in a given life situation, so you need to remember everything you talked about with the deceased, the inhabitant of the afterlife. Advice will help resolve conflicts in the family and at work.

  • Images of the dead can also symbolize an upcoming acquaintance with a bad person, which is better to throw out of your head so that a potential love affair does not lead to disappointment.
  • If you dreamed about how a dead person handed you money, it means that he offered to repeat his fate: accept it or refuse it - your choice. But often such stories are interpreted as a sign of protection and stability in the home.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living person as a dead person, either to the fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death for this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your feelings of guilt towards this person.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Dead Man

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any claims, then the dream means a change in the weather. To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin means trouble; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers. Seeing a person who died long ago in a dream as if he were still alive means a change in the weather. Seeing a person whose pale appearance closely resembles a dead person is a sign of illness; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to meet with older people.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

To rain, changes in weather; outside the coffin - a guest.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

The deceased according to Chinese ancient books:

  • A dead man is crying - portends a squabble, a quarrel.
  • You see a dead man standing - portends great trouble.
  • A dead man collapses with tears - portends prosperity.
  • A dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.
  • If you see another person or yourself dead - Fortunately.
  • You see your son dead - There will be a joyful event with an addition.
  • Seeing your dead ancestors, respectable people - Great happiness.
  • You accept condolences from other people - portends the birth of a son, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book


Health and longevity, weather changes.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Health, longevity.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed of a dead man

Presages a change in weather.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did the Dead Man dream?

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of dead people in dreams: normal presence, resolution of issues, and condemnation. Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that in a dream this way hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around is manifested.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

Judgmental dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation. What character traits were the deceased endowed with during their lifetime? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was vile as a snake, etc.) Did their behavior in the dream coincide with reality or go against it? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Dead Man from your dream

In general - to a change in weather; relaxation, peace of mind. Taking and giving something from a deceased person, taking him “to one’s place” is very bad (unfortunately, serious illness, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a dead person?

  • Deceased people (dead fathers) - Towards death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered;
  • deceased mother - severe illness, grief;
  • deceased - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);
  • to meet a dead person - for good, good luck // illness, death;
  • man - success;
  • woman - obstacles; the dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;
  • to be with the dead means to have enemies;
  • seeing the dead alive - long years // a big nuisance, illness;
  • to see a sick person dead - he will recover;
  • hugging a dead person is a disease;
  • kissing a dead person - longevity;
  • giving him something is a loss, a loss;
  • moving the deceased, moving - bad, sadness;
  • congratulating is good;
  • talking to a dead person - interesting news // illness;
  • the dead man calls with him - death.

Why do women and men dream about the Dead Man?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Dead Man in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

How to learn to understand your dreams

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate.

For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find someone his own age.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a deceased person for burial means good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance.

Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Deceased fathers

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered;

Deceased mother - severe illness, grief;

Dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);

To meet a dead person is good, good luck // illness, death;

Man - success; woman - obstacles

The dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;

To be with the dead means to have enemies;

Seeing the dead alive means long years // a big nuisance, illness;

Seeing a sick person dead means he will recover;

Hugging a dead person is a disease;

Kissing - longevity;

Giving him something is a loss, a loss;

Moving or carrying a deceased person is bad, sadness;

Congratulations are good;

Talking - interesting news // illness;

Calls with him - death.

Interpretation of dreams from

Sometimes the dead come into people's dreams, often these are deceased relatives or close friends - those with whom the dreamer was closely connected by emotional ties. Some are frightened by such dreams, others, on the contrary, perceive them as news from the other world and look for a secret encrypted meaning in it. So why do we dream about dead people? A dream interpreter will help you understand this interesting and mysterious issue.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Talking to a living dead person in a dream is a sign warning of problems and troubles that will appear in the near future. It is very important to understand the essence of what was said, to remember what was discussed in the conversation. Perhaps he will give answers to questions that have been tormenting you for a long time, and will also tell you in which area of ​​life to expect trouble.

A long life, full of many events - this is indicated by a dream with a revived dead man.

If a deceased person gives money and he is your acquaintance, then he wants you to live his life, repeating his fate. You need to listen to the advice he gives and remember them. Gifts from the deceased symbolize the things he gave. You need to pay special attention to this, since this thing symbolizes a certain message.

If you dream of a deceased relative alive and calling you with him, this could mean illness or even death. Following him, hugging him and kissing him means the same thing.

If deceased relatives very often appear in dreams, then this is no longer just a coincidence, it is a signal - they are warning you, most often of trouble. They are watching you and trying their best to help. But perhaps you just miss them very much, you miss them in real life, such a dream is a projection of your thoughts.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, dreams with the dead are interpreted as a warning about some kind of misfortune or danger. If in a dream you are visited by a deceased parent and you are having a conversation with him, a difficult matter awaits you, which will end unsuccessfully for you. You need to be extremely careful when communicating with other people - secret enemies have appeared among your friends. If you dreamed about your deceased mother, this is a signal of a serious illness in the near future.

This is also a warning that you should restrain your aggression and not pour out your negativity on other people. A close friend who appears in a dream and is no longer in the world of the living means that some person is in great need of friendly support and will soon turn for it.

A cheerful living dead man who came into your dream means that you are under someone’s strong negative influence, which can cause your property losses. If a dead person wants to talk to you in a dream, it means that he is waiting for a promise from you to do something that can save him from harm in the future.

Vanga's Dream Book

A terrible time of disasters, epidemics and diseases is coming - this is how this dream interpreter explains the vision. If the deceased person who comes in a dream is sick, then you will soon encounter great injustice on your life path.

To indicate the coming changes, you dream of a deceased friend. It is very important to listen to his words - perhaps he wants to help you, give you friendly advice and get you out of trouble. A dream in which you saw the death of your friend or acquaintance speaks of the betrayal of friends and weaving intrigues.

Loff's Dream Book

When a deceased person appears in a dream, this may indicate the resolution of complex problems. Because of dreams in which the main characters were dead people, very often people develop anxiety and a depressed mood.

If you look at a dream as a general picture, then the deceased person present in it does not carry an important semantic load. It's just a dream in which one of the heroes is a dead man. If you saw a deceased person in a dream, it means that you blame yourself for something, since you could have prevented a certain situation, but did not. Such a dream suggests that a person is burdened by sorrows, and he regrets bitterly.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

All words spoken by the deceased should be taken literally, that is, as if they were said during life. A wish or a warning - this is symbolized by a dead person appearing in a dream. In the case when a living person dreamed of being dead, perhaps in real life you have a complex, hostile relationship with him.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This dream book interprets such a vision in its own way - very positively. It symbolizes the dreamer's good health and longevity.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the deceased? This is a bad sign associated with problems in the family. Bringing a dead person back to his senses or watching him come to life means the return of an old unresolved problem that you have already safely forgotten, you want to run away from it, but you need to finally solve it.

It may also indicate that a friend or relative of the deceased wants to convey something through you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If a deceased person appears alive in a dream, it means weather changes and peace of mind. It is a very bad sign to take or give anything to a deceased person, or if he calls and takes you to his place. This is an omen of great troubles, tragedies and terrible losses, in particular, the deaths of loved ones.

People's dream book

A visit from the deceased in a dream warns of tragic and painful anticipation, as well as hidden fear. Seeing a living person dead indicates a fear of losing something or a secret desire for death for such a person. When a dead person is a living person in a dream, this means a feeling of guilt towards this deceased person, a desire to make amends.

Dead people dream of being alive, why is this? If we summarize all the interpretations of dreams about death and funerals, then they not only indicate grief, but also carry a good message, except when the dream contains a specific warning of danger. You should also pay attention to the details of the dream, for example, the coffin is a bad sign, symbolizing grief and tears.

Every dream is a journey into the magical world of dreams, which lifts the curtain on the secret and unknown. Why dead people dream and how to perceive the information received depends only on the person. Whatever the dream, you must always remain optimistic and believe that the best is yet to come!

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