Dioscorea Caucasica and antidepressants are compatible. Dioscorea Caucasian: how to be treated with a healing vine. Dried apricots: composition, properties and benefits for the body

The genus Dioscorea, to which the valuable medicinal plant Dioscorea Caucasica belongs, has hundreds of species, but at present scientists have been able to describe and partially study only a few dozen of them. This species of Dioscorea is called “Caucasian” in Russia, since in its natural environment it is found in the southern regions of the country - in the Krasnodar Territory and western Transcaucasia, but its real homeland is India. It was there that once upon a time - they say, back in the pre-glacial era - perennial herbaceous vines appeared, called “deltoid” by modern botanists - the length of the stems of Dioscorea reaches 4 m.

The plant is a relic and is listed in the Red Book; Dioscorea Caucasica is considered the most valuable species of all plants of this genus studied today. Dioscorides, the famous Roman military doctor and pharmacologist who lived under Emperor Nero, described this plant in his medicinal reference books; Dioscorea owes its name to him.

It has been included in the pharmaceutical reference books of other countries for a long time, but in our country it was well studied back in the days of the USSR, but “ordinary” people could hardly be treated with this plant - with the exception of those who lived in places where dioscorea was widespread. The healing properties of Dioscorea are such that it is popularly known as the “root of youth”; it grows in the mountains, and it is not always easy to get it. Therefore, in the USSR only the “chosen ones” could be treated with it: it is no coincidence that the plant had another name - “Kremlin grass”. Fortunately, now the situation is different, and Dioscorea is grown specifically not only in the Caucasus and Kuban, but also in the Far East, and even near Moscow: it can grow in oak forests, in clearings, as well as on neutral, clay and rocky soil.

Rhizomes with roots are used as medicinal raw materials: they are thoroughly cleaned and washed, dried, crushed and dried again to the required degree of moisture - everything is done by hand; Dioscorea preparations cannot be called cheap.

Composition and properties of Dioscorea Caucasica

The most important and main component of the Caucasian Dioscorea rhizome are saponins, or steroid glycosides - substances characterized by a very wide range of biological activity. It is with their help that hormonal drugs are synthesized: for example, diosgenin, a phytoestrogen, is actively used in domestic medicine, on the basis of which medications, dietary supplements, anti-aging cosmetics and contraceptives for women are created.

Among the therapeutic effects of Dioscorea, I would like to highlight the anti-sclerotic one: its preparations slow down the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension even in unfavorable conditions, since saponins destroy unwanted compounds of proteins with lipids, on the basis of which the disease develops.

Dioscorea infusions and extracts improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver and biliary tract; slow down the absorption of cholesterol into the blood - cholesterol is actively excreted in bile, and the liver more easily copes with its function of “the body’s filter.” Decoctions and infusions are also prescribed for eye diseases and insomnia, headaches, fatigue, tinnitus, memory and vision impairment, epilepsy, obesity and diabetes, gout, tachycardia and angina, after strokes and heart attacks. Dermatologists also use dioscorea: it is prescribed internally for dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Other properties of Dioscorea Caucasica: diuretic, restorative, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic.

Folk uses of Dioscorea Caucasica

As already noted, roots and rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes. Powders, decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, but the most effective medicinal form is considered to be an alcohol tincture of the root of Dioscorea Caucasica: the active substances in this case are quickly absorbed without being exposed to hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, let's talk about other forms of using the plant.

Due to the high content of diosgenin, a decoction of dioscorea root is used for hormonal problems, sexual dysfunction and cardiac problems. 1.5 g of dry root powder is poured into a glass of hot water (70°C), boiled for 20 minutes in a boiling water bath, removed, cooled for 45 minutes, filtered and topped up with boiled water to the original volume. Take 15 ml 3 times a day for a month, then take a three-week break and drink the decoction for another month. The course is repeated 2-3 times.

It's prepared in much the same way water infusion to normalize blood circulation, treat tachycardia and headaches, fatigue and nervous diseases, but they do not use powder, but crushed root. 1 tsp raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered; drink as indicated above, but take breaks for only a week.

Tea with dioscorea root helps improve sleep and restore memory, normalize the balance of cholesterol in the blood. The crushed root (1 part) is mixed with green tea (2 parts), brewed in the usual way and drunk once a day, after breakfast.

For chronic kidney and gastrointestinal diseases eat thin rice porridge, to which dioscorea root powder is added - about 1/3 tsp.

For cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular disorders powder is also used. It is taken for 10 days, 3 times a day, 1/3 tsp, mixed with honey (3 tsp) and washed down with plain water. Then a six-day break, and repeat the course - this is done 4-5 times.

Externally, dioscorea powders are used for frostbite and furunculosis.

Tincture of Dioscorea Caucasica

Dioscorea Caucasian tincture is prepared in different ways. In recent years, it has been widely used for recovery after strokes, as it effectively cleanses blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The crushed root (7 tablespoons) is poured into 1.5 liters of vodka and infused for 10 days in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 23°C. Strain and drink with tea for a month, 3 tsp. 3 times a day. The course is repeated 3-4 times, taking breaks for a month.

For chronic inflammatory diseases of various organs and allergies, 50 g of crushed raw materials are infused with vodka (0.5 l) for a month, in a dark, cool place, shaking regularly. The tincture is filtered and drunk 3-4 times a day, 30-60 drops with water. The course can last 4-12 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Contraindications and features of taking Dioscorea Caucasica

There are few contraindications to the use of Dioscorea Caucasica. It is better not to use it for bradycardia and hypotension, but sometimes it helps to normalize low blood pressure. Also, pregnant and lactating women should not take Dioscorea preparations.

In other cases, you just need to strictly adhere to the dosage, and it is better to start with half the dose of the medicine: an overdose can cause heart palpitations and swelling. If this happens, the dose should be reduced for several days: as a rule, the body “adjusts” and the side effects disappear.

You should take any Dioscorea Caucasian preparations only after meals.: This rule cannot be broken - otherwise the substances contained in the plant may irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Caucasian Dioscorea (Dioscorea caucasica) is a perennial herbaceous vine with climbing stems, reaching a height of 3-4 m. The rhizome is horizontal, long, branched, thick. Leaves 6–15 cm long are petiolate, heart-ovate, pointed, with a slightly pubescent lower surface of the blade. The flowers are green, small (3-4 mm in diameter), unisexual, dioecious, in simple axillary spikes or racemes.

The fruit is a round, triangular capsule (with three membranous wings).

Blooms in May - June, bears fruit in July - September.

Part used: plant rhizome. Preparations made from the rhizomes of vines that have reached 25 years of age have the most effective effect on the human body.

The plant is endemic, growing only in Abkhazia and the Adler region of the Krasnodar Territory. It is listed in the Red Book, and therefore measures have been taken to cultivate Dioscorea.

Chemical composition of Dioscorea Caucasica .

Dioscorea Caucasica contains steroid glycosides (up to 25%) in the rhizome. The main part of saponins is dioscin, which is broken down into glucose, rhamnose and diosgenin. It is known that the saponins contained in Dioscorea combine with both cholesterol and blood proteins. They destroy the protein-lipid complex, which is the basis for the development of atherosclerotic changes.

Useful properties of Caucasian dioscorea.

Decoctions and infusions of dioscorea have immunomodulatory, vasodilating, antisclerotic, tonic, sedative, diuretic, and choleretic effects. Taking Dioscorea preparations lowers blood pressure, relieves bile stagnation in the liver, normalizes sleep, improves memory and well-being.

In official medicine, Dioscorea Caucasica is recommended for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. In this case, as a rule, headaches, irritability, fatigue, tinnitus decrease or disappear, mood, sleep, memory improve, and vision improves.

Forms of application dioscorea caucasian : in the form of powder, decoction, infusion, honey extract and vodka tincture.

Application Dioscorea Caucasus.

DioscoreaCaucasian is used:

- to restore the body after a stroke, after a heart attack.

- in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

- in the treatment of hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

- for headaches.

- with increased intracranial pressure.

- to improve heart function.

- to stimulate stomach function.

- to cleanse blood vessels from plaques.

- from tinnitus, headaches and high blood pressure.

- in case of dysfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus or immune system.

- in the treatment of arthritis, blepharitis, tendovaginitis.

- in the treatment of fungal and viral diseases, conjunctivitis, allergic dermatitis.

Thanks to Dioscore, bile secretion increases, blood clotting decreases, sleep, vision, memory, kidney, liver and heart function improves.

Dioscorea reduces cholesterol in the blood and prevents lipid deposition in the arteries and liver, dilates peripheral vessels and improves coronary blood flow, reduces the frequency of angina attacks and relieves tachycardia.

Tinctures and extracts of Caucasian dioscorea reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and stimulate the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the general condition improves and positive changes in lipid metabolism are noted, the prothrombin index is normalized.

The infusion improves heart function, reduces angina attacks, improves coronary blood flow (to the heart), slows the pulse (relieves tachycardia), that is, it is indicated for palpitations.

Recipes dioscorea caucasian

- Dioscorea root powder: grind the root and grind it into powder in a coffee grinder. Take the powder for atherosclerosis with a predominant localization of the process in the vessels of the brain and heart: on the tip of a knife 2-3 times a day before or after meals, with a small amount of water, for 10 days, break 4-5 days. Then repeat the treatment again (4-5 courses in total).

Infusion of Dioscorea Caucasian root: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed Dioscorea roots with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals or 20 minutes after meals.

- Dioscorea Caucasian tea: 30% Dioscorea root (crushed), add 70% green tea - stir. Brew like tea and drink 1 time a day: in the morning 1 hour after meals to normalize blood cholesterol levels, improve memory, as a preventive measure for hypertension and atherosclerosis.

— tincture of Dioscorea Caucasica: chop 100 g of roots, pour in 500 ml of vodka. Leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally, then strain. Shake the tincture before use. Take 25 drops 3 times a day after meals for the treatment of heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis and hypertension. The course of treatment is 30 days, break is 7 days. Take at least 3-4 courses.

— honey extract from the root of Dioscorea Caucasica: grind the root of Dioscorea into powder in a coffee grinder. 100 g of Dioscorea root powder, 1 kg of honey - mix. Leave to infuse for 7 days in a cool, dark place. Then stir again. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before or after meals.

— decoction of Dioscorea Caucasica: chop 1 teaspoon of Dioscorea roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 - 3 times a day for a month, after which - a break for 7 days. The decoction is taken in the treatment of tachycardia, to improve coronary blood flow, vision, sleep, memory, eliminate headaches, and tinnitus.

Contraindications for use Dioscorea Caucasus. It is not recommended for pregnant women to undergo treatment based on this plant.

Dioscorea preparations irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so they should always be taken only after meals.

I welcome all guests to the pages of the blog “Notes of the village Aibolit”. Today's post is dedicated to a medicinal plant called Dioscorea Caucasica. After reading this article to the end, you can learn about what diseases this plant is used for, as well as what healing effect it has.

Dioscorea is a herbaceous perennial vine, quite long, with a branched rhizome. It can reach 2.5 – 4 meters in length. Its leaves are heart-shaped, the flowers are small and greenish in color. The fruit of Dioscorea is a triangular capsule with three membranous wings.

The basis of medicinal raw materials are rhizomes and roots. The shelf life of such raw materials is approximately 3 years. After a three-year period, it is better not to use it for medicinal purposes, since the healing effect practically disappears.

Medicinal properties of Dioscorea Caucasica

The active ingredients are alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, vitamins B1, B2, C, potassium, beta-carotene, silicon, manganese and many others. A whole complex of substances that are ideally beneficial for health, all in one plant.

Glycosides, for example, can have a pronounced effect on how it proceeds. They have the unique ability to form complex, insoluble compounds together with cholesterol and thereby lower blood lipid levels.

The mechanism of antilipid activity is that glycosides bind in the human intestine to cholesterol, which is secreted along with bile and intestinal juice. The difficultly soluble complexes formed in this case are not absorbed back into the intestines, and therefore there is much less cholesterol in the blood.

There are suggestions that glycosides combine not only with cholesterol, but also with blood proteins and, apparently, are capable of destroying the protein-lipid complex as the basis for the development of atherosclerotic changes.

The use of Dioscorea for medicinal purposes

Dioscorea Caucasica has choleretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. She is also very stimulates digestion well and improves kidney function.

This plant is one of the most effective remedies for relieving spasms and relaxing muscles. That is why it is recommended for colic associated with catarrhal colitis or diverticulosis, as well as for extremely painful menstruation.

It is very effective for severe menopause and urinary problems. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, this wonderful plant alleviates rheumatoid arthritis.

It has long been proven that the active substances of Dioscorea Caucasica are capable of producing hypocholesterolemic and mild hypotensive effects.

The positive effect of this plant on cholesterol levels in patients with hypertension () and atherosclerosis has been confirmed in clinical practice.

Electroencephalographic studies show that the saponins contained in this plant have an excellent calming effect on the human central nervous system.

Also, tincture of Caucasian dioscorea has a choleretic effect and enhances the motor function of the intestines and stomach.

Indications for use of Dioscorea tincture

  • Treatment and prevention of coronary heart disease, stroke () and micro-stroke (can be combined with Japanese saphora)
  • sclerotic, age-related, traumatic disorders of cerebral circulation
  • hypertension (reduces blood pressure very smoothly and gently)
  • dysmenorrhea, menopause, menstrual cramps
  • cholecystitis and diverticulosis
  • intermittent claudication
  • rheumatism, arthritis
  • decreased potency (improvement occurs due to increased peripheral circulation.

For all these diseases, it is possible and even necessary to use Dioscorea Caucasica for medicinal purposes. She has practically no contraindications! The only thing more precise is a stroke. In all other cases, it brings nothing but benefits. How do you use this plant? I suggest sharing recipes in the comments, it will be very interesting!

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Dioscorea Caucasica has been used by folk healers and healers since ancient times. Its homeland is Indochina. The specific and generic name of the plant is a tribute to the works of the “father of pharmacognosy and botany”, the ancient naturalist doctor Dioscorides. In unofficial medicine, due to its healing properties, the plant was called the “root of longevity and youth.” In Russia they began to use it only in the middle of the twentieth century.

Due to limited natural resources, Dioscorea medicines were available only to the elite. In 1979, the plant was listed in the Red Book. A special government program was issued for it, according to which all the dug up rhizomes went to the “granary of the state.” Dioscorea tablets could only be taken by party leaders, members of their families, officials and astronauts. Today people have learned to grow the plant. And anyone can prepare a potion from it or purchase a ready-made one.

The roots of the plant are used in the production of "Polysponin" and "Diosponin" - new galenic products. Diosponin is an anticholesterolemic drug that has powerful anti-sclerotic properties and helps reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood, increase the lecithin/cholesterol ratio and reduce the likelihood of cholesterol deposition on the vascular walls and the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the drug helps in normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system, dilating peripheral vessels, lowering blood pressure, as well as increasing diuresis and reducing blood clotting. As for Polysponin, this drug helps not only lower cholesterol levels, but also increase the content of phospholipids in the blood. Both drugs are available in tablet form.

The plant is also used for landscaping. Its vines decorate gazebos and fences.

Botanical characteristics:

Dioscorea caucasica is a perennial herbaceous vine belonging to the genus Dioscorea and the Dioscoreaceae family and reaching a height of three meters. The plant is endowed with a powerful thick and long brownish-brown, horizontally located rhizome covered with hard roots, heart-shaped oval whorled lower and opposite or alternate upper leaves, small green unisexual dioecious flowers collected in simple axillary racemes.

Over the years, the root system of the plant in question can go more than a meter into the ground. Flowering occurs at the end of the spring period, and fruiting occurs in the middle of the summer period. The fruits of Dioscorea are three-lobed, triangular capsules.

Dioscorea is an endemic plant. Caucasus, Transcaucasia - habitat. Oak forests and bushes are the habitats.

Collection and preparation

Medicines are made mainly from the rhizomes of the plant in question. It is recommended to dig up raw materials before the period of sap flow, using picks or shovels. Next, the raw materials are cleaned of soil and other impurities, damaged parts and stems, cut into small pieces and dried outside - laid out in a thin layer on paper or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding fifty degrees.

Then the raw materials are poured into cardboard boxes or glass bottles and stored in a dry room with sufficient ventilation.

Composition and beneficial properties

The plant is not in vain used in folk medicine. People have long appreciated it. It is a storehouse of useful substances and healing properties. Dioscorea Caucasica contains a considerable amount of:

  • starch;
  • selenium;
  • saponins;
  • discipline;
  • rhamnose;
  • glucose.

Preparations based on Dioscorea have restorative, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic, vasodilating, hypotensive and antimicrobial effects.

Remedies from the plant contribute to:

  • reducing the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • reduction of lipoid deposits in the liver and arteries;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • improving the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • activation of bile secretion;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increased diuresis;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • therapy for drug and alcohol addiction, gout, arthritis, chronic fatigue, insomnia, allergies, migraines, epilepsy.

Folk recipes

There are many prescription drugs for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and pathological conditions. They are certainly effective and efficient. But it is important to understand that they will only bring benefits if they are used appropriately. You cannot take medicines from the plant in question for the treatment of a particular pathology without the permission of the attending physician or replace medications with drugs from Dioscorea. Be as vigilant as possible and try to adhere to the recommended proportions when preparing the medicine and do not overuse it.

Chronic inflammatory processes, allergies: tincture therapy

Pour fifty grams of finely chopped dried rhizomes of the plant with half a liter of high-quality vodka. Store the tightly closed container in a cool, dark place for four weeks. Take thirty drops of strained medicine diluted in ¼ glass of water three times a day. The therapeutic course is three months.

Pathologies of the brain and cardiovascular system: the use of a healing drug

Grind the dry rhizomes of the plant to a powdery consistency. Mix ten grams of raw materials with honey - with a spoon. Take the medicine three times a day. The course of therapy is one and a half weeks.

Tachycardia, chronic fatigue, migraines: use of infusion

Steam fifteen grams of dioscorea rhizomes in two hundred milliliters of just boiled water. Infuse the composition in a thermos for an hour. Take a spoonful of strained medicine twice a day.

Infusion for the treatment of obesity

Mix in equal proportions the roots of dioscorea with elecampane, birch leaves, kelp, immortelle, white willow bark, parsley, rose hips, fennel, mulberry and currant leaves. Brew twenty grams of raw material in half a liter of boiled water. Place the mixture in a warm place for an hour. Drink ¼ drink three times a day.

Infusion for diabetes therapy

Combine in equal proportions the dried rhizomes of dioscorea with lingonberry leaves, kelp, plantain, mantle, bearberry, speedwell, centaury, peppermint, immortelle, juniper. Grind the ingredients and brew thirty grams of raw materials in five hundred milliliters of boiling water. Let the composition brew. Drink ½ cup of filtered medicine at least twice a day.

Dioscorea normalizes sleep and improves memory

Combine a spoonful of finely chopped discorea roots with green tea - two spoons. Steam the raw materials with boiling water - a liter. Leave in a thermos for an hour. Drink instead of tea.

Preparation of a miracle ointment for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the legs

Mix one hundred grams of dried dioscorea rhizomes, crushed to a powdery consistency, with melted pork fat - 300 grams. Warm the mixture over low heat for half an hour. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator. Use the product to rub into your lower extremities before going to bed. After application, wrap your feet in a warm towel (hold over the steam).


Any preparation from the plant in question for oral administration can be taken exclusively after a meal. Otherwise, you risk deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not advised to use Dioscorea-based medications. It is not recommended to treat hypotensive patients and people with individual intolerance with drugs. Do not give drugs to small children.

Loss of appetite, gastrointestinal upset, itchy skin, and increased sweating indicate poisoning. In this case, you must refrain from taking the drug and seek qualified help.

Dioscorea Caucasica is a herbaceous climbing vine, perennial, monocotyledonous plant belonging to the Dioscoreaceae family. Listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant species. The stems can grow up to three to four meters long. The leaves are arranged alternately on the stem and can be oval, slightly elongated and pointed towards the tip of the leaf. The color of the leaves is bright green.

The lower part of the leaf blade of Dioscorea is covered with a weakly expressed fluff; the edges of the leaf do not have serrations, but are slightly concave. The arcuate veins are clearly visible on the surface of the leaf; their number ranges from nine to twelve on one leaf.

Dioscorea Caucasica blooms with small, inconspicuous flowers collected in a raceme inflorescence. The flowering period is from May to June, the fruits ripen closer to September. The fruit is shaped like a box with three transparent membranous wings.

It has a thick, horizontally located, highly branched rhizome, which is of medicinal value.
It is found in natural conditions on the territory of Abkhazia and in some areas of the Krasnodar Territory.

Preparation of Dioscorea for medicinal raw materials

The roots and rhizomes of Dioscorea, which are at least three years old, are suitable for harvesting medicinal raw materials. The rhizome is dug up either in spring or late autumn, when the seeds are ripe. Only the rhizome is used, cutting off the herbaceous part of the plant and carefully removing adhered pieces of soil and rotten areas of the root. Then the roots must be finely chopped and dried. It is better to dry in a special dryer, if there is none, then in the shade, but then you need to stir periodically and carefully level it. The layer of roots cut for drying should be thin and even.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Of all the species of the genus Dioscoreaceae, it is the “Caucasian” that occupies a leading position in the amount of steroid glycosides it contains. So, its rhizome contains about 25% of this substance, which is almost three times more than in other types of Dioscorea.

Dioscorea Caucasica also contains saponins, which are the main component of the drug diosponin. The saponins contained in Dioscorea interact well with cholesterol and blood proteins, which leads to the destruction of the protein-lipid complex, which in turn is the basis for the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

After using preparations made on the basis of Dioscorea Caucasica, patients experience a decrease in tinnitus, headaches, fatigue and irritability. Dioscorea has also been noted to have a positive effect on memory, sleep, human vision, and heart function.

Preparations with dioscorea also help to normalize high blood pressure. Dioscorea Caucasica is used to prepare various medicines. Thus, tincture of Dioscorea in alcohol improves the secretory functions of the stomach and is very effective in the treatment of chronic gastritis. Tablets or powders called diosponin are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, often accompanied by hypertension.

Treatment of Dioscorea Caucasica

In medical practice, the rhizome of dioscorea is used for use as medicinal preparations (powders, tablets of alcoholic tinctures), and also as a component for the production of dietary supplements. In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions are made from the rhizome and used in powder form.

  • for cerebral atherosclerosis and hypertension Traditional healers suggest making a tincture according to the recipe: take one hundred to one hundred twenty grams of well-crushed rhizome of Caucasian Dioscorea and pour in a liter of vodka, leave for at least ten days in a dark place. After which the tincture can be filtered and taken 30 drops with a glass of water. Drink three times a day after meals. The course of treatment is a month, then a break for a week and repeat the same course again. The treatment process is long - at least four such courses. Or take dioscorea root crushed to a fine powder. Take the powder in a dose “at the tip of a knife” three to four times a day after meals, but it is advisable to either mix it with honey or drink it with water with honey dissolved in it. Treatment is also long-term – up to four months. The course is usually ten days, then take a break for five days and so on.
  • for inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), arthritis and retention of uric acid in the blood It is recommended to take a quarter cup of decoction at least six times a day. A decoction is prepared from 10 grams of well-chopped rhizome, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to simmer over low heat for about twenty minutes. Then remove from the heat, wrap the dishes and infuse the broth for another four hours.

Dioscorea Caucasica is simply necessary for older people; it is not for nothing that it is called the “root of youth”. This plant cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, thanks to it, tinnitus disappears, headaches are reduced and blood pressure is normalized. Gives a positive therapeutic effect for strokes, heart attacks, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

The use of dioscorea as a choleretic and antispasmodic agent for intestinal colic and various liver diseases is also very effective.

Dioscorea treats dysfunction of the adrenal glands. Tincture from dioscorea rhizomes is used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, to reduce attacks of angina, expand blood flow and reduce tachycardia. This plant also helps with insomnia - it improves sleep, relieves stress and lifts your mood.

Dioscorea is also called a women's herb - traditional healers have found use for it in the treatment of female diseases. Thus, Mexican women used diascorea as a means of contraception, and also used it when there was a threat of miscarriage.

To date, the positive effect of this plant has been identified for maintaining pregnancy, which is especially important in the early stages. In addition, Dioscorea is a natural regulator of hormonal balance in the female body and prevents excessive estrogen production (very important for endometriosis).


Dioscorea Caucasica has almost no contraindications, but it is necessary to take medications made from this plant only after consulting with your doctor. It is possible that you have an individual intolerance to any substances that make up the plant. You should also be careful when using Dioscorea for those patients who suffer from bradycardia (slow heartbeat) and hypotension.

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