Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports. An example of a wall newspaper design about a healthy lifestyle for a school A poster on the topic of health for children

What to teach children at school, if not healthy lifestyle? Teachers annually arrange planned competitions for drawing wall newspapers, posters, or simply ask students, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades, to prepare picture or at least redraw the picture on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" or "I am for a healthy lifestyle." Since this topic is extensive, it is difficult to immediately understand what to draw, therefore we will give examples of finished works.

How to draw a picture about a healthy lifestyle for children?

Think about what can be depicted on a poster or picture about a healthy lifestyle. Take a look at this picture for a hint:

Six Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle Poster

This wall newspaper has all the components of a healthy life:

  • food(more fruits and vegetables - less sweet and fatty);
  • sport(football, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, swimming - any activity);
  • healthy sleep(at least 8 hours a day);
  • self-control training(yoga, meditation, discipline);
  • emotional health(to be able to control their emotions, not to fall into depression and despondency);
  • social health(participate in circles, clubs, communicate with peers, do not withdraw into yourself).

Each of these components of a healthy lifestyle can be depicted in a separate picture. For example, a girl can draw such a picture, which shows what foods are best to eat:

Poster "Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle."

Drawing a healthy diet is easy - the main thing is to understand how to depict fruits. To do this, you can view two step-by-step lessons in the photo below. The first picture is about how to draw an apple:

Step-by-step instruction "How to draw an apple for a healthy lifestyle poster."

And the second picture is about how to draw a pear in stages:

How to draw a pear step by step for a picture about a healthy lifestyle.

Take pencils and try to draw something similar yourself. When you learn how to depict fruits, try to draw a person on a piece of paper, combining several factors of a healthy lifestyle. For example, this figure combines sports and nutrition:

Drawing "A healthy lifestyle is sports and proper nutrition."

This picture shows a girl meditating - this picture is suitable for depicting self-control as an aspect of a healthy lifestyle:

Poster "Meditation is a way of self-control for a healthy life."

How to draw a poster (wall newspaper) for elementary school students (grades 1, 2, 3, 4) about healthy lifestyles?

A health poster will be more difficult to draw, as it must consist of several elements at once. You can use the first picture for this. Or draw a wall newspaper in the form of steps to health to show classmates or younger students what needs to be done to achieve health, moral and physical:

Wall newspaper in English: "5 steps for a healthy lifestyle."

It is important to depict sports on the poster so that children do not forget to be active. This picture shows enough sports to keep every student interested, especially the boys:

Wall newspaper "Sport is health."

And the highest manifestation of talent will be the image of all the factors of a healthy life in one picture. Here is a good example of such a picture that will pull on the "five" if you put it up for a wall newspaper or poster competition at school:

health theme poster

Healthy lifestyle coloring pages for kids

For the little ones, kindergarten students, first graders and schoolchildren up to grade 4, we have prepared special coloring pages. It will be enough to print one of them so that your child can decorate the drawing with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens as he pleases. In any case, it will turn out beautifully:

Coloring page Work is a component of a healthy lifestyle.

Coloring page "Activity is healthy lifestyle".

Coloring page "Proper nutrition".

Another coloring book about nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

And remember that health is your personal choice! Do not forget to write your ideas for a drawing on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" in the comments and, perhaps, the article will be supplemented with them.

It will also be useful for you to look at posters on other topics.

The topic of a healthy lifestyle is raised not only among adults, but also among children in schools and kindergartens. From childhood, kids are taught to engage in physical education and sports, eat right, and observe the daily routine. Promotion of healthy lifestyle gradually gives results, helps to strengthen the physical and emotional health of the child. Class hours and conversations are held with the children, the guys learn the material in a playful or creative way. Schoolchildren are often asked to draw a thematic picture. The following are options for how to draw a drawing in stages to school and kindergarten on the topic of a healthy lifestyle.

How to draw a drawing step by step

When performing a simple image on a given topic, children draw one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. For example, a proper diet, sports and physical education, daily routine. Simple drawings are made by children from the senior group of the kindergarten, students of the 1st or 2nd grade.

It is also customary to attribute a person’s social life, the ability to control the emotional state, and the training of self-discipline to good health. But it is not easy for a child to portray such positions.

Middle and high school children draw intricate posters. They depict several parts of a healthy lifestyle or all the components at once. To do this, a sheet of paper or drawing paper is divided into the required number of parts, on which the desired composition is drawn.

Healthy lifestyle

Examples of social posters promoting a healthy lifestyle can be downloaded for free on the Internet. There are many photos and pictures for sketching that will help to cope with the task. If desired and creative abilities, schoolchildren independently think over the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdrawing.

About sport

Here they depict how children go in for sports, play outdoor games, dance, run. Usually they draw safe or less traumatic sports: jumping, football, basketball. You should not portray freestyle, fights without rules and other extreme physical activities.

Proper nutrition

Physical education

For health day

For the holiday, posters or small pictures are often drawn. They depict any component of a healthy lifestyle. The following phrases are suitable as signatures: “Make friends with health!”, “I love sports!”, “We want to be healthy! And you?"

How are tempered

Children draw a strong, healthy man pouring water. You can draw an adult bathing in an ice hole, wiping himself with snow, or walking barefoot on cold ground.

A strong family

Bad habits

The image of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction is the reverse side of a healthy lifestyle, but it is often used. Children motivate people to stop bad habits by showing their harmful effects in drawings.

You can depict a smoky, coughing person, signing: "Destroyed beauty." Or draw a drinking alcoholic, signing: “How are you? Quit drinking, friend!

How to make posters for kids

Signatures of drawings are popular - a short expressive phrase will make passers-by pay attention to the poster. Usually the title is written at the top in large letters, using red, blue or other bright paint.

Notable signatures include:

  • "In a healthy body healthy mind!";
  • “To be healthy is fashionable!”;
  • "Our health is in our hands!"

Phrases for thematic posters are chosen based on the type of drawing. For example, if children promote healthy eating, then the drawings are signed:

  • "Eat for health!";
  • Healthy food is the key to longevity!

If the posters touch upon sports issues, then they are signed by:

  • “If you want to be healthy, train!”;
  • “Dad, mom, I am a sports and healthy family!”

We are for healthy lifestyle!

Be healthy!

I choose Life!

Sports, physical education and me!

My wealth!

How to draw pictures about healthy lifestyle

The choice of topics depends on the age of the children. Toddlers from the senior preparatory group or children from elementary school are offered to draw simple drawings. Among the common topics: "My favorite sport", "Hardening rules", "Tasty and healthy food".

Art school students or high school kids can handle complex topics that require thought and imagination.

For example:

  • "Healthy Russia";
  • “Take care of your health from a young age!”;
  • "The ABC of a healthy lifestyle";
  • "Health is everything!"

For kindergarten

Very young children are given ready-made coloring pages, they can be downloaded on the Internet and printed. Older kids can draw simple pictures on a given topic themselves. To develop imagination and motor skills, educators recommend doing crafts on the topic of a healthy lifestyle.


wall newspapers

For a wall newspaper, drawings and a competent text are required: these are the rules of a healthy lifestyle, news. For example: “Nikolay S. from class 5 A pulled himself up on the horizontal bar 15 times!” or “Student 3 “B”, Semyon V. set a record by running 1 kilometer in 5 minutes!”

There are several headings in wall newspapers. For a publication on a healthy lifestyle, sections are suitable:

  • sports through the eyes of children;
  • our school is a territory of health;
  • week of sports and nutrition.

Next to the columns of text, draw a small picture, if necessary, a caricature (depicting people smoking or drinking).


Basic rules for a successful drawing

The educator, elementary school teacher or parents need to help the baby determine the purpose of the task. It is important to think over the drawing in advance or find a suitable image on the Internet for sketching.

While working on a drawing, the rules of fine art are applied:

  • respect for perspective - objects that are closer are larger in size, and distant ones are smaller;
  • to give volume to the drawing, a shadow from the object is depicted on the other side of the light source;
  • penumbra also gives volume, it is depicted on the side of the object opposite to the light source.

Simple rules will give the drawing additional pictorial value.

This is how you can design a wall newspaper for a school about a healthy lifestyle. To design a newspaper, you must be able to work in Corel and be able to print on a large-format plotter. It can be easily re-registered as a wall newspaper against smoking or drugs. All information is available on the Internet.

(click on the image to see it in full)

To design a wall newspaper on the prevention of influenza, you can use the following material:

General hygiene products

Avoid cold, dampness and drafts to avoid colds.

Hardening is the most important method of preventing respiratory infections.

One of the most common and affordable means of preventing influenza is a cotton-gauze bandage (mask). However, this is not an effective method of protecting yourself, and in case of illness, those around you from infection.

Do not shake hands with anyone, even at the risk of appearing rude.

During a flu epidemic, try to travel less on public transport where the virus circulates and spend more time outdoors. It is almost impossible to catch the flu and acute respiratory infections in the fresh air!

Ventilate the rooms you are in.

Disinfection of premises with vinegar. Pour 0.5 liters of table vinegar or 1 dessert spoon of vinegar essence into a small saucepan and put on fire. When the solution boils, reduce the heat. Vinegar should evaporate in the apartment within 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 days a week during the epidemic period.

Try to eat as little as possible, but drink as much as possible - herbal teas, juices. Lemon, orange, cranberry and pomegranate are especially useful.

Take after breakfast 1 tsp. ascorbic acid. It must be taken for another 2 days at the same time, this will facilitate the course of the disease, help to cope with it more effectively. But this method should not be abused. The body can get used to large doses of ascorbic acid and respond with weakened immunity as soon as these doses are reduced.

The largest amount of vitamin C is found in sauerkraut juice, as well as citrus fruits - lemons, kiwi, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits. Useful salad of fresh cabbage with sunflower oil, containing a large supply of vitamins and minerals.


There is no need to hurry with antipyretics if the temperature is not higher than 38 ° C and if this is not a child with a tendency to convulsions. It does not pose a danger and shows that the body is fighting, creating unfavorable conditions for viruses.

Raspberry ordinary. It is used both in various collections and separately. Raspberry juice with sugar is a good refreshing drink at high temperatures. Infusion of dry fruits. Brew 1 tablespoon of fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass of hot infusion 2 times a day.

At elevated body temperature, Bulgarian naturopaths recommend orange juice (100 ml) + lemon juice (100 ml) + or apple juice (100 ml) + tomato juice (75 ml) + beetroot juice (25 ml).

To reduce body temperature during influenza, it is good to have a tincture of pine buds or young fir branches at hand in the house: chop 1 kg of young shoots of fir or pine buds and 0.5 kg of raspberry roots, put them in layers in a glass jar, putting sugar and honey between the layers (1 kg of sugar and 0.5 kg of honey). Add 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for a day, then simmer in a water bath for 6-8 hours. Again insist two days. The resulting bright raspberry juice is drained and stored in a dark, cool place. Adults take juice 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day before meals. (P&M note: this juice will take about 4 days to make)

With a cold

It is very useful to inhale the volatile secretions of freshly prepared gruel from onions and garlic. Especially actively it releases volatile phytoncides in the first 10-15 minutes, then their flow is quickly depleted. Getting into the respiratory tract, phytoncides cleanse them of pathogenic bacilli, tone and heal the body.

You can use a rather unpleasant, but very effective procedure: chop a clove of garlic and push it into the nasal passages. Endure the burning sensation, let the tears flow, rest from the heart - the runny nose will stop in three hours.

“Garlic” oil is milder for instillation into the nose: pour one clove of garlic overnight with one tablespoon of vegetable oil, filter in the morning and instill the resulting liquid into the nose 3-4 times a day, after removing mucus from it.

A remedy for the common cold is obtained if honey is added to the juice of raw red beets: 1 tsp. honey 2.5 tsp beet juice. Bury 5-6 drops in each nasal passage 4-5 times a day.

Rinse snotty noses with infusion of onion and honey. Infusion recipe: pour 3 tablespoons of finely chopped onion into 50 ml of warm water, add 1/2 teaspoon of honey (sugar), insist for 30 minutes.

Any wall newspaper should be not only meaningful and informative, but also bright, catchy, spectacular, richly illustrated. A wall newspaper or a poster on the topic of health and sports - even more so. After all, this is an effective means of promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, physical activity, and family sports.

We have collected positive examples of such "wall media" for you in this section. Ideas for beautiful design in wall newspapers of such topics as "For health in kindergarten", "If you want to be healthy, temper yourself", "Mom, dad and I are a healthy family", "Our healthy team", you will find here in abundance.

"Healthy" wall newspapers and posters.

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All sections | Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports

In May, in our kindergarten passed health day. By this day, we invited the guys to release wall newspaper about health and physical education. Our students really liked this idea. They gladly accepted our proposal. For wall newspapers we took a sheet of drawing paper and printed it out ...

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Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports - Making a poster "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

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MAAM Pictures Library

We spent a week of health in our group. Our goal was: development of healthy lifestyle skills; education of physical culture of the individual. Every day we had a new theme, we implemented it in a group and involved parents in this, so that they would be at home with their children ...

Every year we all must explain to our children and students about the correctness of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Together with the students of the 2nd grade, we highlighted this lesson and made a poster of healthy fruits and vegetables. I started my speech like this: "Vegetables and fruits - ...

From April 1 to April 7, 2019, the action "Day of Healthy Deeds" was held in the kindergarten. Its purpose was to draw attention to the problem of the formation of a culture of health. During the action, the following events were held: 1. The opening of the week "Day of Healthy Affairs" teachers showed a dramatization, in ...

Health Day. Wall newspapers and posters on the topic of health and sports - Wall newspaper "Grow up, baby healthy" or "Healthy lifestyle in an early age group"

On the eve of the events on healthy lifestyles held in our preschool educational institution, among others, an exhibition of wall newspapers on this topic was held from each group. The early age group was no exception. We have created such a wall newspaper. This material is educational in nature, ...

It is necessary to teach a child to sports from childhood, parents should show their children an example of an active, interesting and mobile life. Movement is the main manifestation of life and at the same time a means of harmonious development of the personality. In infancy, the level of development of motor ...

Alena Paltina

Health- this is the main value of any person. good strong health allows you to achieve many serious goals, while weak health forces its owner to spend a significant part of his life for medical and rehabilitation procedures. Therefore, in order to have a good health, you need to lead healthy lifestyle. To do this, from early childhood it is necessary to observe healthy lifestyle for your health. Health baby from day one life depends on people that surround him. The interaction between the kindergarten and the family introduces healthy lifestyle, develops physical qualities and skills.

This was made for parents wall newspaper:

Pupils of our middle group, together with their parents, drew pictures. The works turned out to be very bright, and most importantly, probably, causing a desire to actually lead healthy lifestyle. That's what happened!

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