Which increases sperm motility. How to improve the quality of spermogram: a review of medications and folk remedies. Medical solution to the problem

More and more often you have to think about how to increase the activity of spermatozoa. After all, the diagnosis of "infertility" is now put to many couples. It is usually placed if conception has not occurred after a year of regular attempts. There is no need to be afraid, because sometimes it is not so difficult to cope with the problem. It is enough to pass a complete examination. This applies to both men and women. Most likely, you will find out what the problem is. Sperm activity analysis is one of the most important studies. If a woman is absolutely healthy, most likely, it is because of the poor quality of sperm that conception does not occur. How to fix the situation?

Source of infertility

In case of problems with conception, it is usually customary to blame women for everything. Indeed, it is often along the female line that various diseases are observed. But in the modern world, life is rapidly changing, for men as well. And often it is some male problems that prevent conception.

The most common scenario is poor sperm quality. The thing is that low sperm activity prevents conception. As a result of this phenomenon, the egg cannot be fertilized. And no matter how often you try, nothing will work. After all, poor sperm quality affects the speed of sperm movement. They die before they reach the egg.


Strictly speaking, it is not so difficult to make an appropriate analysis. It is recommended even when planning a pregnancy to sign up for a spermogram. This is the very study that helps determine the activity of spermatozoa.

You won't have to do anything special. The man must submit fresh sperm for examination. Biological material is placed in an acidic environment (as on the way to the egg in a woman's body), after which the "behavior" is observed. Thus, you can find out how long spermatozoa live. Ideally, their life expectancy is 3-4 days. The spermogram also determines the speed of movement of spermatozoa. If it is low, you will have to somehow increase this indicator. This is not such a quick thing - on average, it will take about three months for the normalization of reproductive function. But most often a longer interval is needed. It all depends on how many spermatozoa are contained in the male biomaterial, as well as on the speed of their movement.

We are looking for a reason

When you learn about the poor quality of sperm, do not rush to panic. Most likely, you will be prescribed a variety of medications to restore reproductive function. This is correct to some extent. But pills don't always help. The first step towards correcting the situation is to find the true cause of the disease. Only by eliminating it, it will be possible to hope for success. Unfortunately, the spermogram indicates how long the spermatozoa live, as well as their speed and concentration in the semen. You will have to find out the cause of this disease yourself.

What are the options? Various. But it's hard to predict them. In the modern world, several options can be combined at once. Among the most common causes of low sperm activity are:

  • overvoltage;
  • stress;
  • strained relationship with a partner;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad ecology;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • vitamin deficiency.

As practice shows, pure infertility in men is rare. Usually, sperm quality deteriorates due to the above factors. As soon as you can figure out where the trouble came from, you can think about the selection of treatment. When reconsidering their lifestyle, not only men, but also women should. How to increase sperm activity? There are a lot of options: from revising your own lifestyle to taking a variety of drugs. It is desirable to combine the proposed methods. So you can improve the quality of sperm faster.

Breaking habits

No one doubts that when planning a pregnancy, a woman should give up bad habits. And it is right. Only at the same time a man should give up smoking and alcohol, as well as psychotropic substances. Conception depends on both partners. And if a man has low sperm motility, then he should seriously approach the issue.

If you have had any addiction for a long time, giving it up should be gradual. Do not quit smoking right away - it is a huge stress for the body. But you shouldn't hesitate either. Doctors recommend giving up bad habits about a year before the intended conception.

Be patient - you will see changes in the spermogram no earlier than a month after giving up alcohol, tobacco and other addictions. After recovery, try not to get involved in bad habits anymore - at one fine moment they can lead to infertility.

Are pills needed?

Of course, many, when deciding how to increase sperm activity, decide on drug treatment. This is quite normal. It is believed that it is medicines that best and fastest help restore the reproductive functions of the body. To some extent, this is true. But what can you take? What pills should I pay attention to? Usually they are prescribed by the attending physician. But you can also manage on your own. Especially if you are just planning a pregnancy and did not immediately go for an examination of the body.

In general, some point out that improving the quality of sperm is a serious and difficult issue. But it can often be solved without medication. Just vitamins and a revision of your lifestyle are enough. Therefore, it is not always necessary to take pills as directed by a doctor. But they should not be neglected either. After all, drugs to improve sperm prescribed by a doctor will only speed up the process of restoring reproductive function. What medicines should be paid attention first of all?


There is such a drug for the activity of spermatozoa, like "Spermactin". These are the most commonly used oral tablets. They are recommended for daily use with meals. Just one capsule for a month - and sperm will improve significantly. "Spermactin" is prescribed by doctors most often. Its high efficiency is noted.

It is easy to get this tool, which is very pleasing. The tablets have certification, doctors have proven the positive effect of "Spermactin" on male sperm. Women point out that taking pills regularly significantly increases the chances of conception. It is advisable to take this drug before pregnancy.


How to increase sperm motility? Another medication that will help you cope with the task is SpermActive. Many confuse it with "Spermactin". Doing this is not worth it. After all, the first drug is usually not prescribed by doctors, it is easier to find it in pharmacies, the cost of the drug is lower. But the action is no different.

We can say that SpermActive is a less expensive analogue of SpermActive. These capsules have certification, their effectiveness has also been proven. It is taken 1-2 times a day for a month. Remember to take the tablets with meals. As in the previous case, it is recommended to use the drug before pregnancy.

dietary supplements

Not everyone likes medication. Therefore, some rely on the action of biological supplements. Solving the question of how to increase the activity of spermatozoa, you can stumble upon a huge variety of miraculous dietary supplements. For example, "Parity", "Power of the Emperor", "Alycaps", "Secret of Tibet" and so on.

Doctors do not recommend such drugs when planning a pregnancy. As practice shows, despite the herbal composition of biological additives, they still have low efficiency. But the cost of such drugs is often overestimated. You can take dietary supplements, but only to enrich the body with a variety of vitamins and minerals. But not for treatment.

Nutrition Revision

Diet during pregnancy planning also plays a huge role. And not only for women, but also for men. Depending on what a person eats, the general condition of the body will change. Therefore, by reviewing your diet, you can improve the activity of spermatozoa.

What is the best way to eat? Of course, you will have to give preference to healthy food. Eliminate to the maximum fatty, spicy, starchy foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables. AT without fail need to eat nuts. Just a handful a day - and you will notice significant changes in spermogram for the better.

Useful red meat, liver, grain products. Do not forget about dried apricots, dates, pumpkin seeds, bananas, sour cream, cottage cheese and raisins. In principle, any balanced diet enriched with useful substances will do. Sweets do not need to be completely excluded from the diet. Bitter chocolate, for example, in moderation only has a positive effect on reproductive function. So eat it at least once a week.


Do not forget about the additional enrichment of the body with a variety of nutrients. This is done by taking vitamins. Do not confuse them with dietary supplements, these are completely different drugs. Vitamins for sperm activity are varied. What components should be paid attention first of all?

For starters, folic acid. It is prescribed during pregnancy for all women. And men are recommended to take folic acid to improve the quality of sperm. You should start using it in advance - 3-4 months before the planned conception.

Vitamin C is another very important ingredient. Take it daily, and within a month, progress will be noticeable in restoring sperm activity. Usually no pills are required - only ascorbic acid.

It is also helpful to take vitamins A and B. They are most often prescribed in tablets. Injections with these drugs to improve sperm quality are almost never found in practice. Do not forget about vitamin E. Just 2 capsules a day for a month - and the number of spermatozoa with normal activity will increase.

You can drink a course of magnesium. It increases the speed of sperm movement, improves the fertilizing function and prolongs the life of sperm.

Instead of a conclusion

In principle, this is all that can be offered. In addition to the options listed, a man can take Spermaplant, Speman, Verona tablets. They are released without a doctor's prescription in all pharmacies.

A few more practical tips - stress less, relax more and build relationships with your partner. Stress is the source of most ailments. Take it into account. Remember, the better the general condition of your body, the higher the chances of conception. If you have any diseases, you must first get rid of them, only then plan a pregnancy. Now it is clear how to increase sperm motility.

A man uses his chance for fatherhood only if he has quality sperm. Before IVF using the patient's ejaculate, it is recommended to pre-diagnose, determine the characteristics of the guy's health. There is a need for a clear understanding of how to increase the activity of spermatozoa, and to use the chances of a successful result.

Diagnostic capabilities

The patient, turning to the doctors, gets the opportunity to take part in special diagnostics to successfully determine the characteristics of the state of health. When planning to take an analysis for sperm activity, you should clearly understand the results of the upcoming examination. To obtain reliable results, it is advisable to give up sex for 3 to 5 days.

How to check sperm activity? The main analysis is a sprogram that allows you to closely monitor the following data:

  1. low sperm motility - asthenozoospermia;
  2. dysfunction - teratozoospermia;
  3. azoospermia indicates the absence of spermatozoa. In this case, male infertility is diagnosed;
  4. at a time, a man must allocate at least two milliliters of ejaculate. If this is not fixed, hypospermia is noted;
  5. one of the most difficult options is the lack of seminal fluid. This disorder is called aspermia;
  6. inflammatory process diagnosed by detecting leukocytes.

Decrease in the number of spermatozoa in a single dose of seminal fluid. One milliliter should contain at least 20 million cells. The deviation is called oligozoospermia.

In many situations, a one-time analysis is not enough, so it is advisable to re-examine. If the results are confirmed, in-depth studies are required for subsequent treatment.


On an individual basis, one can understand why there was a decrease in sperm activity and how the situation can be improved. To eliminate unnecessary risks, it is recommended that the patient listen to every advice given by an experienced doctor. Before starting the treatment course, it is recommended to take tests, to understand the essence of the pathology.

Why spermatozoa are not active:

  • transferred injuries of intimate organs;
  • diseases and inflammations of the organs of the reproductive system, for the treatment of which suitable pills are prescribed to increase sperm activity;
  • complications after past illnesses;
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate);
  • negative impact of the environment, malnutrition, bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • high and constant physical stress.

Normally, for successful conception, the ejaculate should contain 30 - 35% of active male germ cells.

According to the degree of activity, spermatozoa are divided into four categories:

  1. young, moving in a straight line at a speed of 0.02 millimeters per second;
  2. revolving around themselves (no more than 15%);
  3. with impaired morphology and moving at a minimum speed (no more than 10%);
  4. immobile and dead.

Doctors note that poor sperm motility is one of the most unpleasant situations that threatens many men. In order to increase the activity of spermatozoa, you should switch to the right lifestyle, give up bad habits. Nutrition, daily routine, frequency of sex determine the characteristics of intimate health. In this regard, drugs for the activity of spermatozoa are far from being prescribed in all cases.

Important nuances

Poor sperm quality is not a reason to panic. A man has the right to fight for the improvement of his health and the restoration of reproductive function.

The first task is to determine the causes of the disease. After the elimination of negative factors, a worthy basis appears for the normalization of spermogram parameters.

What affects the activity of spermatozoa:

  • emotional and physical stress;
  • constant stress;
  • irregular sex;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad ecology;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits (smoking and alcoholism);
  • lack of vitamins.

Pure infertility in men is rare, so the chances of improving the situation still remain.

Most often, even a change in diet, the rejection of bad habits increases the activity of spermatozoa, which acquire the ability to fertilize eggs.

When planning a pregnancy, the future father should reconsider the features of his schedule, the emotional state of life, and the menu. It is undesirable to hurry with the start of drug treatment, since special drugs are not always required.

Men have the right, with the help of a specialist, to try to change the situation for the better. Modern medicine allows the successful use of medicines and therapeutic techniques.

How to improve sperm activity:

  • hormonal agents are taken if the activation of seminal fluid is reduced due to endocrine pathologies and failures of the hormonal system;
  • Physiotherapy is one of the most important areas of treatment. It is planned to increase the activity of sperm cells with the help of massage of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, ozone physiotherapy, procedures with microcurrent;
  • surgical treatment is used in cases where drug therapy does not bring the desired results and progression of the disease is noted;
  • taking antioxidants involves the use of drugs with components that protect maturing sperm from the negative effects of free radicals.

It is widely practiced to increase the activity of sperm with the help of stimulant drugs. The main task is to improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the testicles, stimulate spermatogenesis. Additionally prescribe drugs with selenium, zinc, vitamins, L-carnitine.

The problem of conceiving a child worries every tenth married couple in Russia. In half of the cases, the cause of failure is male infertility. Asthenozoospermia (low sperm motility) is the main factor in poor male fertility, it accounts for 70% of cases of impaired human reproductive function. Pathology is diagnosed by visual examination of the ejaculate under a microscope or using a special apparatus that determines sperm motility based on changes in sperm density. The speed of movement of spermatozoa is assessed in real time using a special computer program.

Categories of sperm motility

The activity of male germ cells is determined by the amount of their movement in one second. During this time, a normal spermatozoon moves more than half its size in length, which is about 0.025 mm. There are the following criteria for its mobility:

  • Category A - the trajectory of movement is straight, the speed is normal (not less than 0.0025 mm / s).
  • Category B - movement is correct, rectilinear, but slow (less than 0.0025 mm / s).
  • Category C - the movement of spermatozoa around its axis or in a circle.
  • Category D - immobile spermatozoa.

What determines the mobility of male germ cells?

It is not always possible to determine the cause of low mobility. In 30% of cases, an idiopathic form of asthenozoospermia is recorded. Known factors affecting the activity of spermatozoa in the ejaculate:

  • Decreased testosterone levels. It is faced by people suffering from hypertension, overweight. Testosterone synthesis also declines with age.
  • An increase in temperature in the scrotum with varicocele (dilation of the veins of the vas deferens) or when wearing warm and thick underwear. The optimal temperature for sperm motility is 37 degrees, a higher temperature not only reduces mobility, but also causes the formation of abnormal forms.
  • Infections penetrating the gonads. These include smallpox, mumps, typhus, influenza, tuberculosis. In this case, the cause of infertility is a specific inflammation of the testicles.
  • Sperm motility depends on proper nutrition. Not enough zinc, vitamins and microelements leads to a violation of the synthesis of protein structures of gametes, which leads to low sperm motility.
  • Delayed ejaculation as a result of decreased libido (sex drive). This happens with the abuse of alcohol, smoking. Sexual desire decreases with age and also with diabetes.
  • Promiscuous sex life not only reduces the quality of male germ cells, but also increases the risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence from sexual life leads to the aging of spermatozoa, and a decrease in their mobility.

Gamete immobility can be caused by many factors. All of them are subject to correction before treatment. Many cases of low sperm motility are corrected by the appointment of the necessary trace elements and nutritional correction.

Degrees of asthenozoospermia

There are 3 degrees of impaired sperm motility, which determines the severity of the disease and the choice of treatment tactics:

  • Mild degree - mobility retains a sufficient number of spermatozoa of category A and B (50%) for conception. The speed of movement is determined one hour after ejaculation. Achieving normal activity is achieved by correcting lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Medium degree - an hour after ejaculation, 70% of spermatozoa become immobile. At this stage resort to the appointment of bioactive pharmacological agents.
  • Severe - 80-90% of semen consists of immobile, atypical spermatozoa. The patient is facing difficult treatment.

The classification was proposed by WHO, it is used for the diagnosis of male infertility in all clinics of the world. The degrees are determined by the results of spermatoscopy.

Treatment of insufficient sperm motility

The scale of medical intervention for asthenozoospermia is different and depends on the causes. With varicocele, you can not do without surgery. But this is an extreme case. In the absence of pathologies, it is often enough to correct spermatogenesis, eliminate bad habits and add the necessary substances to the diet. The male reproductive system cannot function properly without the necessary substances: L-carnitine, antioxidants, vitamins E and B9, zinc and selenium. Therefore, complexes of these substances are included in the course of therapy, for example, the Russian drug Speroton.

The production of normal sperm is prevented by tight, tight-fitting underwear. Men with poor sperm motility are advised not to take hot baths, not to visit saunas and baths. Experts recommend wearing loose, non-restrictive clothing. Preference is given to cotton underwear.

How to avoid low sperm motility?

To ensure a fruitful conception, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Overheating of the testicles reduces sperm motility, so it is recommended to refrain from baths, saunas, heating in car seats.
  • The amount of alcohol drunk should not exceed 50 ml for spirits or 200 ml of dry wine.
  • It is better to exclude smoking completely, since nicotine destroys the necessary vitamins, trace elements and bioactive substances.
  • Physical activity activates the production of testosterone. For this, 30-40 minutes of exercise or swimming three times a week is enough.
  • Stress, as the main factor in reducing blood circulation in the genitals, should be excluded from your life as much as possible.

Low mobility is treated in simple, affordable ways for everyone. You just need to follow the proposed recommendations for 4-6 months.

Pharmacological correction of asthenozoospermia

Low sperm motility can be the cause of failed conceptions. Every third man suffering from infertility has no reasons for insufficient activity of germ cells. Therefore, it is possible to increase the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize with the help of means whose effectiveness has been proven.

In particular, the above-mentioned Speroton passed 9 clinical studies, which showed its effectiveness in asthenozoospermia. Taking the drug for 3 months increased sperm motility, their concentration in semen and increased the number of sperm with a normal structure.

Sperm motility is the main factor affecting the fertilization of the egg. Therefore, stimulating the activity of male germ cells gives a real chance for the birth of a baby.

Not only the reproductive function of a man, but also the general state of his sexual health depends on the activity of spermatozoa.

Bad sperm can be a consequence and cause of the development of many diseases that lead to the development of infertility or significant potency disorder.

The reason for the development of this condition can be both the existing inflammatory processes in the body and the impact of negative external factors.

    Sedentary spermatozoa

    In the male body, spermatozoa are in a stationary state. Activity begins only after they enter the reproductive organs of a woman. The term "inactivity" includes several concepts that relate not only to the ability of spermatozoa to move, but also to fully carry out their functions. Bad sperm can be:

    • inactive;
    • motionless;
    • lethargic;
    • slow;
    • lazy;
    • dead.

    These varieties of the state of sperm directly affect the likelihood of conception.

    Having studied the list of reasons why there may be low sperm motility, a man can independently identify the negative factors that affected his health and reproductive function, however self-medication is not recommended. Some concomitant diseases imply complex and long-term treatment.

    The reasons for the development of bad sperm can be the following factors:

    • intoxication with substances contained in alcohol, nicotine or drugs;
    • lowering the level of the immune system in the body;
    • development of varicose veins in the testicles;
    • malnutrition;
    • the negative impact of high temperatures;
    • development of endocrine diseases;
    • lack of folic acid in the body;
    • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
    • infectious diseases;
    • inflammation of the prostate gland;
    • genital trauma;
    • the patient's age is over 45 years.

    REFERENCE! The reason for low sperm motility may be the result of the negative effects of chemotherapy or radiation exposure. Some medications can also provoke this deviation (for example, long-term use of potent medicines categories of antibiotics).

    Diagnosis and possible diseases

    Based on the study, not only the quality of sperm and spermatozoa is revealed, but also possible disease diagnoses. The doctor analyzes the general condition of the patient, the presence of negative external and internal factors. If necessary, an additional examination by specialized specialists can be assigned.

    Impaired sperm motility can lead to development of the following diseases:

    • teratospermia (a large number of sperm with a violation of the structure);
    • necrospermia ("dead spermatozoa");
    • asthenozoospermia (inactive sperm).

    IMPORTANT! Some diseases accompanied by poor sperm motility can be inherited. When diagnosing, it is important to exclude or identify the risk of a genetic predisposition. This type of deviation is the most difficult to correct.


    One of the main components of the course of treatment and increase in sperm activity is change in diet. A man needs to eat foods that increase sperm activity.

    Foods that replenish not only the supply of vitamins in the body, but also increase the level of folic acid. The diet must contain orange juice, legumes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, liver and beef.

    Restoration and increase in sperm motility occurs in several stages:

    • identifying and eliminating the cause of the deviation;
    • spermogram(the procedure is repeated several times);
    • change in lifestyle and diet;
    • laboratory study of ejaculates;
    • a course of treatment with vitamin complexes;
    • drugs to increase sperm activity and improve sperm quality (Speman, SpermaPlant, Verona, Tribestan, etc.);
    • antibacterial drugs (in the presence of infections);
    • androgen intake;
    • adherence to a therapeutic diet.

    ON A NOTE! Treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating the cause of the deviation. After the diagnosis is made, wearing tight underwear or trousers, hot baths should be avoided and, if possible, the abuse of bad habits should be reduced.

    How to increase sperm motility on your own?

    If the diagnosis did not reveal significant deviations in the work of the genital organs, but was disturbed as a result of the negative impact of external factors, then it will be necessary to restore the condition an average of three months. During this time, it will be necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor, and pay special attention to lifestyle.

    Tips to help increase sperm motility:

    • elimination of excess weight, if any;
    • the introduction of healthy foods into the diet (vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.);
    • reduction in the use of pastries, smoked meats, fatty foods and other harmful foods;
    • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • regular physical activity (excluding a sedentary lifestyle);
    • psychological state control;
    • exclusion of overheating of the genital organs;
    • timely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • regular sexual intercourse (once every three days).

    You can increase your activity with folk remedies. Good results of treatment show folk methods.

    For example, the use of decoctions from the root of kolgan, plantain, ginseng, the introduction of parsley and perga (a beekeeping product) into the diet. You can improve the mobility, production and quality of sperm by taking a bath with the addition of chamomile decoction.

    If it is not possible to normalize the condition and increase sperm activity by the indicated methods, then a course of treatment with special preparations may be necessary, and the only way to conceive will be artificial insemination female egg.

If it is necessary to increase the activity of spermatozoa and improve their morphological parameters, doctors recommend first of all to pay attention to the lifestyle and diet of a man. If their correction does not help, you can switch to taking special drugs and dietary supplements. Some pathologies that lead to a deterioration in seminal fluid must be eliminated surgically.

What affects sperm counts

3 ml of healthy male sperm contains 120-600 million spermatozoa. Their insufficient amount reduces the likelihood of pregnancy. The quality of sperm is affected by the following indicators:

  • sperm motility;
  • morphology (anatomical structure);
  • viscosity of seminal fluid;
  • acidity;
  • percentage of live sperm;
  • semen liquefaction time;
  • adhesion of spermatozoa to each other;
  • the presence of antisperm antibodies.

The normal quality of sperm is formed by many factors. It is influenced by both the lifestyle of a man and the health of the organs of the reproductive system.

It is possible to improve performance without taking drugs. It is necessary to eliminate the factors that worsen the quality of sperm:

Factor Description
Alcohol and smoking

In men who smoke and regularly drink alcohol, the quality of sperm is noticeably reduced.

When conceiving, it is very important to give up bad habits.

Taking medications

The quality of sperm can be affected by anti-inflammatory drugs, anabolics, antibiotics.

Zinc and vitamin C deficiency

The lack of these substances significantly lowers the quality of sperm.

To eliminate it, it is necessary to include in the diet such foods: citrus fruits, sauerkraut, lean meat, cereals, nuts and seafood.

It is important not to exceed the daily calorie intake

protein diet

A diet based on the exclusion of all fatty and cholesterol-containing foods leads to a lack of sex hormones.

This is due to the fact that their precursors are lipids.

This leads not only to a decrease in seminal fluid, but also to impotence.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Diseases such as complications of childhood infections, sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia, prostatitis, hepatitis, etc. can be affected.

Pathologies lead to a significant decrease in performance and require treatment

Tight underwear and clothes

This reduces the mobility of male germ cells.

It is necessary that the underwear is loose and made of natural materials, and trousers or jeans are not too tight.

inactive sex life

Lack of ejaculation for a long time has a negative effect.

A lot of dead spermatozoa appear in the seminal fluid, this leads to congestion in the pelvic area and provokes a disease such as prostatitis

Violation of the patency of the seminiferous ducts

There are several reasons for this pathology. These are scars after surgery, adhesions, cysts, tumors, congenital anomalies.

To eliminate this cause, you must consult a doctor. Often, surgical correction is required.

immune diseases

Such pathologies activate the work of antibodies that attack their own spermatozoa, which leads to their sticking together and the inability to participate in the fertilization process.

In severe cases, this problem is not treatable.

Pesticide poisoning

Among men who are constantly in contact with them, a study was conducted on the effect of substances on the body. It showed a significant deterioration in sperm quality.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and care are the key to successful conception. In most cases, it is possible to improve spermogram parameters without taking medicines. If this fails, they turn to drug therapy.

Essential Vitamins

Vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system, the production of hormones that affect the quality of seminal fluid. To improve it, you need:

  • Vitamin C. Without it, normal blood circulation is disturbed and a sufficient amount of nutrients to the genitals. He also takes part in the synthesis of male hormones, due to which erection and libido work. A daily intake of 1000 mg leads to an improvement in sperm activity by 30% and ejaculate volume by 60%.
  • Folic acid. It is involved in the synthesis of many enzymes, the formation of blood elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) and in the process of hematopoiesis. It is also responsible for the synthesis of nucleic acids responsible for the genetic information in the cell. Without this vitamin, spermatogenesis is impaired. With a decrease in its concentration in the blood, the percentage of defective spermatozoa increases.
  • Vitamin A. It improves the functioning of the sex glands. It is the most important antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals that damage all types of cells, especially those that have a high rate of formation.
  • Vitamin E. Another antioxidant. Has a similar effect. Improves the functioning of the endocrine glands and has a positive effect on the immune system. Reduces the risk of increased thrombosis, treats erectile dysfunction.

Minerals and active substances

Not only vitamins, but also minerals affect the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of seminal fluid. The most significant among them are zinc and selenium, so many drugs to improve sperm counts necessarily include these two elements.

Zinc is involved in the production of more than 200 enzymes and substances, including nucleic acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also has antioxidant activity. Zinc is used in preparations to improve men's health. Until the sixties, selenium was considered poisonous, but its role has been revised. Positive effects were found: the trace element is able to increase the number of viable spermatozoa and their activity.

Another popular substance for improving spermogram with proven effectiveness is Coenzyme Q10. It is part of the cells, it is necessary to maintain the life of a man.

The following active substances also have an effect, which is often included in vitamin complexes and dietary supplements:

  • L-carnitine. Allows you to improve the quality of spermatozoa and speed them up.
  • L-arginine. It has similar properties to L-carnitine.
  • Mother's milk. Improves the anatomical structure of the male germ cell.
  • Taurine. Increases sperm activity and sperm viability.
  • Fructose. The source of available energy for the male body.

You can buy vitamins and minerals separately or buy the whole complex at once:




A photo

Selenium forte with vitamin C

The complex contains 100% of the daily value of elements

Price from 100 rubles for 20 tablets

Multivitamin complex for men.

The composition includes vitamins A, D, E, C, group B, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, manganese and others.

Take one capsule 2 times a day

For 30 capsules you need to pay about 450 rubles

The composition includes numerous minerals and vitamins, ginseng extract, bioflavonoids, arginine and methionine.

One capsule per day is taken

Price for 30 capsules - 400 rubles

A complex of vitamins and minerals with the addition of biologically active substances.

The most significant in the composition are: ginseng extract, taurine, eleutherosides, polyphenols.

One tablet is taken 3 times a day

The cost for 60 tablets is about 300 rubles

The norm of the concentration of vitamins and minerals in the complexes can vary significantly. It is compiled based on the regions of the country in which the medicine is sold. Therefore, tablets that improve the quality of seminal fluid may have a different composition. The norms for the corresponding region and the most suitable for a particular man are best checked with a doctor.

Preparations for improving the quality of male sperm

In some situations, it is possible to improve the morphology and increase the speed of spermatozoa movement only with the help of special medicines. Andrology uses antibiotics, enzymes, hormones and other drugs. But there are also safer dietary supplements.

You should not take them without the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation.

Name Description A photo

Contains L-Carnitine, Fructose and L-Carnitine Derivatives


The composition of the drug includes fructose, aerosil, taurine, citric acid, L-carnitine, L-Ornithine, nettle extract, L-tartrate


It is a phytopreparation, which contains orchids of seeds, fruits and other parts of medicinal plants.

Received a huge amount of positive feedback and recommendations.

Used by many men in preparation for conception

Tentex Forte

The composition is similar to Speman, consists of powders of various plants


Consists of grass creeping tribulus


Restorative herbal remedy


Contains unsaturated fatty acids, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), zinc, selenium, phytosterols, etc.


Source of epigallocatechin 3, indole-3-carbinol and fan palm extract

How medicines work

Most drugs have a similar composition and effect. The difference lies in related additives, manufacturers, names and other small nuances.

Speman is used to treat prostatic hyperplasia and infertility that has developed against the background of oligospermia (insufficient amount of spermatozoa in the ejaculate). ). It has a plant origin - it is based on an orchid, creeping tributaries and many other medicinal herbs.

In men taking the drug, the size of the prostate decreases, congestion in the gland disappears, the narrowing of the urethra, which developed against the background of prostate hypertrophy, is eliminated. This allows you to empty your bladder completely.

Under the influence of the drug, sperm begins to be intensively produced, its quality and sperm activity increase. It has a mild anti-inflammatory and diuretic action. Drugs such as Speman, Himkolin,it makes sense to apply in the following cases:

  • in the presence of infertility that has developed against the background of oligospermia;
  • in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system;
  • in the presence of prostatic hyperplasia.

Speman shows high efficiency in combination with Tentex forte.

The medicine does not cause any harm, has no contraindications and side effects. It contributes to the delay and prevention of surgical intervention.

With a decrease in libido, as well as in the presence of functional disorders, psychogenic sexual dysfunction, are prescribed Himkolin i Tenteks forte. Himkolin has a stimulating effect on the nerve endings, due to which the filling of the penis with blood increases, the erection and the duration of sexual intercourse increase.

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