Pain at the end of urination in women. It hurts to write at the end of urination: what is it? The mechanism of development of pain syndrome during urination

Cramping and pain after urination in women and men is a symptom of a number of diseases of the urinary system. It is very painful for patients to write or there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen after urination, spotting is visible in the urine, they constantly want to go to the toilet, pain appears in the right side. In this case, you can not take painkillers. You should consult a doctor and be examined to identify the cause.

Possible causes of pain after urination

Heaviness in the lower abdomen in men and women, pink discharge and acute pain during urination are manifestations of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Pain after urination in men and women is a manifestation of the disease of one of the organs of the urinary system. Each disease has characteristic symptoms, but pain is characteristic of most of them. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a specialist, indicate the accompanying symptoms and undergo a comprehensive examination as prescribed by a doctor.

Painful urination in men

Pain is accompanied by such pathologies:

Discomfort in women

Discomfort after urination in women is a manifestation of such diseases:

  • Candidiasis. The fungus Candida leads to pathology. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse. In the case of the development of candidiasis, women are concerned about the sharp pains of irritated genitals, pain in the vagina. The process of urination is especially painful.
  • Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. It is more often observed in the beautiful half of humanity. In women, the lower abdomen hurts after urination, there is a feeling that the ureter is not completely empty, you often want to urinate, blood is released from the urethra in women.
  • Urinary endometriosis. The urea is overgrown with the uterine endometrium. Signs are pain in the uterus, a burning sensation during urination, blood in the urine, after urination, the stomach hurts.

Common Causes

Stones in the urination system provoke pain during the release of urine in both women and men.

Diseases that cause pain after urination, regardless of gender:

  • Urolithiasis disease. Stones form in any part of the urinary system. If the stones are in the bladder, the patient has pain after urination, and urine is excreted with blood (hematuria). If at the same time the left side or right side hurts, or the patient is sure that his kidneys hurt, the presence of stones in them is also assumed (an additional examination is required). It may seem to women that the uterus hurts, as it is in close proximity to the inflamed ureter.
  • Urethritis. Pain at the end of urination in women and men appears due to inflammation in the urethra. Severe, excruciating pain in the urethra and bleeding is a sign of an acute course of the disease. Burning pain indicates a chronic process.
  • Chlamydia. Venereal disease affecting the urinary tract.
  • Trichomoniasis. It provokes a complication in the form of colpitis and cervicitis in women, resulting in abdominal pain. Because of this infection, men suffer from urethritis and prostatitis, which causes headaches, prostate pain, pain in the groin. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, but little urine comes out, literally drops, since it does not have time to accumulate due to frequent visits to the restroom.

Pain in children

If symptoms occur in children, you should contact your pediatrician to prevent the development of complications.

If the child complains that it hurts to pee at the end of urination, you should immediately go to the hospital. This symptom is inherent in such pathologies as:

  • Cystitis. Often diagnosed in children, it is a common complication of SARS.
  • Pyelonephritis. You need to pay attention to the kidneys. If a child has pain in his side, frequent urges, but literally a drop of urine is excreted, this may indicate inflammation in the kidneys.
  • Urolithiasis disease. This diagnosis explains why a child's urine sometimes goes poorly, with a strong concentration, and blood and pus are present in it.
  • Pathology of the urethra. In boys, there is a congenital narrowing of the urethra, due to which the outflow of urine is disturbed, pain appears during and after urination.
  • If a girl experiences discomfort after urination and blood appears in the urine, this can be triggered by inflammation, allergies, neglect of hygiene rules, or washing errors.

Pain during urination is quite common.. It can indicate a variety of pathologies and requires the immediate initiation of therapy.

To cope with this symptom, it is imperative to conduct a detailed diagnosis in order to establish provoking factors.

The doctor should tell about the causes and treatment of pain during urination in women at home.

The reasons

This symptom may be present in many women. In most cases, pain is due to the development of diseases of an infectious origin.

All pathologies of this nature are divided into several categories:

  1. Ascending infections- in this case, infection with bacterial microorganisms occurs from the bottom up. They usually enter the body due to a violation of the rules of hygiene.
  2. Entry into the bloodstream- bacteria enter the organs of the genitourinary system with blood.
  3. Downward infections- Bacteria move from top to bottom. Almost always, the focus is the kidneys.
  4. Contact with lymph- in such a situation, the infection enters the organs through the lymphatic vessels.


This pathology is an inflammation that is localized in the region of the bladder.

Provoking factors are usually bacterial microorganisms that enter the urethra from the external environment, after which they rise into the bladder.

As a rule, pathogenic microflora is transferred from the anus. This is due to a violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

There may also be pain after sex when urinating. Infection can occur with prolonged or rough sexual intercourse.

Cystitis is usually accompanied by such manifestations:

  • urination becomes more frequent, but at the same time a small amount of urine is released - it seems to women that they constantly want to go to the toilet;
  • there is a burning sensation during or after urination;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region;
  • urine acquires an unpleasant odor;
  • urine is excreted with blood;
  • the temperature increases.

Cystitis. Symptoms and treatment

Kidney disorders

If the infection affects the kidneys, we are talking about the development of pyelonephritis. Since this organ is responsible for the outflow of fluid, other elements of the genitourinary system also suffer.

In such a situation, a woman may complain of intense discomfort in the lumbar region. The pain in the side is especially strong.

Unpleasant sensations increase significantly with movement or a change in body position. In addition, body temperature often increases.

Another contributing factor is kidney stones.. They provoke a violation of the process of urine excretion, making it more aggressive.

As a result, there is a cutting pain when emptying the bladder.

Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory kidney disease


This term is understood as an inflammatory lesion of the urethra - the urinary canal. Pathology develops due to infection with sexual infections - mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.

Also, the causes may lie in allergies and lesions of the urinary canal.

The main manifestations of this disease include the following:

  • the appearance of pain when emptying the bladder;
  • sensation of itching and burning in the urinary canal;
  • increase in temperature;
  • discharge from the urethra is very rare.

Sometimes the disease has a mild course. In this case, there are no symptoms. In more difficult situations, the infection spreads throughout the body, which is why it is so important to detect and eliminate the pathogen.

To do this, the doctor takes a smear from the urethra and selects antibiotic therapy.

Urethritis in women

All these pathologies are inflammations that are localized in the vagina.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of these ailments:

  • imbalance of hormones;
  • the use of antibacterial agents;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the digestive organs.

With the development of these pathologies, the following manifestations are observed:

  • inflammation and redness of the vagina;
  • the appearance of copious discharge, which has a purulent character and an unpleasant odor;
  • sensation of itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • cutting pains;
  • increased urination;
  • temperature rise.

If burning and pain occurs during urination in women, a smear should be done. Based on the results of this study, the specialist selects antibiotics in the form of ointments or tablets.


Sexual infections

Many women periodically experience sexual infections - trichomoniasis, herpes, gonorrhea, etc.

The symptoms of these pathologies are similar:

  • vaginal discharge;
  • redness;
  • itching and burning;
  • irritation.

If urine enters the vagina after emptying the bladder, there is a risk of pain.

Therapy of such infections is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease. The doctor should select drugs after a detailed diagnosis.

allergic reactions

Women must follow the rules of personal hygiene. If they are violated, there is a risk of irritation. In such a situation, the bladder often hurts and other unpleasant symptoms occur.

Wearing tight or uncomfortable underwear can cause discomfort.. Also, the sensation of itching and burning often results from the use of certain hygiene products that provoke allergic reactions.

Features of pain

There are certain symptoms of diseases that allow the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

The formation of bloody impurities in the urine is called hematuria..

Although the causes of the development of the disease can be different and indicate many pathologies, most often this indicates the appearance of cystitis.

In addition, the provoking factors include the following:

  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • damage to the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • problems with blood circulation in the genitourinary system;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • bladder cancer;
  • the formation of kidney stones - when they move, pain and blood appear.

SOS signals of our body. Blood in the urine

Pain at the end of urination

If pain is observed at the end of urination in women, this most often indicates the development of such pathologies:

  • cold;
  • infections;
  • formations in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hygiene violations;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs.

In addition, the appearance of this symptom is associated with the use of too acidic foods, the intake of energy drinks and other carbonated drinks. All this provokes irritation of the mucous membranes of the urethra.

The following disorders can also lead to pain at the end of urination:

  • genital infections;
  • gynecological anomalies - colpitis, cervicitis, vaginitis;
  • congenital or acquired lesions of the uterus.

As a rule, severe pain at the end of bladder emptying is considered an alarming symptom that needs to be determined as to its cause.

In addition to this symptom, the following manifestations may also occur:

  • vaginal discharge;
  • feeling of itching;
  • swelling and redness of the genitals;
  • bad smell;
  • increased urination;
  • pain during sex.

Also, often the lower abdomen hurts when urinating.

All these manifestations should be the basis for contacting a specialist.

Burning in the vagina when urinating

Most often, this symptom indicates an exacerbation of inflammation - for example, endometritis or adnexitis. They may be due to a violation of the vaginal microflora as a result of hormonal imbalance.

In addition, this symptom is the result of hypothermia, weakening of general and local immunity, prolonged use of antibiotics, depressive states.

Often the cause of burning becomes candidiasis, the development of which leads to infection with a yeast fungus.

Also, the feeling of pain in the vagina that occurs during urination can be the result of the development of vulvitis. This term refers to inflammation associated with opportunistic pathogens or sexually transmitted infections.

The appearance of pain at the time of emptying the bladder during pregnancy should be the basis for a visit to a specialist.

The reason may lie in diseases that are sexually transmitted. It could be gonorrhea, chlamydia, candidiasis.

When this symptom appears, the gynecologist prescribes a number of studies. According to their results, you can choose an effective therapy.

If, in addition to pain symptoms, there is an increase in urination and turbidity of urine, this indicates the development of cystitis. If there is a history of this disease, and the symptoms persist, there is a threat of pyelonephritis. This disease is a dangerous complication of cystitis.

In addition, the doctor may suspect the presence of kidney stones or the development of urethritis. If there is pain during urination, it is worth checking for a fungal infection.

After childbirth, pain during urination occurs due to improper placement of the catheter. This condition does not need treatment - it goes away on its own in a few days.

The appearance of pain after cesarean may be the result of an inflammatory lesion of the urinary ducts.

This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • specific smell;
  • cloudy urine;
  • increase in temperature;
  • discomfort in the lower back.

The treatment regimen should be selected by a doctor - a gynecologist, urologist or infectious disease specialist. This is carried out according to the results of the diagnosis, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

Most often, treatment includes the following elements:

After eliminating the acute symptoms of the disease, physiotherapy is prescribed.

In addition to medicines, you can use traditional medicine to help improve the condition. In this case, it is useful to apply such recipes:


To prevent pain, you need to follow these recommendations:

Pain during urination occurs quite often and indicates the development of serious pathologies.

To prevent complications, you should consult a doctor in time. After a detailed diagnosis, the specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and select the required therapy.

Most women complain that it hurts to write, and this is often associated with various diseases of the genitourinary system. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by frequent urges, polyuria, abdominal pain and other manifestations. The most common factors include: infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact, inflammation of the female organs, urolithiasis.

Additional reasons why it hurts to write to a woman

Cystitis is more common in the weaker sex, because the ureters in women are wider and shorter than in men. The causative agent is staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, streptococcus, Proteus, etc. In addition to bacterial microorganisms, cystitis is caused by mycoplasmas, Trichomonas, candidiasis, and viruses. Inflammation is manifested by frequent urination, while it is painful for a woman to write, false and frequent urges occur. The color of the urine changes, rarely there is blood in the liquid.


Venereal disease of a bacterial nature. The route of transmission is predominantly sexual, but infection by household means (personal hygiene products) is not excluded. Gonococcus (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae) affects the urethra and the mucous membrane of the genital organs. If the pathology is not treated, then the microbes spread very quickly. The clinical picture is as follows: it is painful for a woman to write, itching in the genitals and burning, chills, as well as high fever, purulent discharge.


When a fungal infection appears indomitable itching, severe irritation and redness of the mucous membrane, cheesy discharge. In the advanced form, it is painful to write at the end of urination, there is swelling of the labia and vaginal walls. Similar phenomena appear with vulvitis. With trichomoniasis and urolithiasis, there are complaints of pain during emptying. Discomfort, pain and cramps during urination are just symptoms of some kind of pathology, diagnosis is necessary to determine the exact cause.

Other factors

Frequent and painful urination can occur with hormonal imbalance, endocrine diseases (diabetes often causes similar symptoms), menopause and pregnancy. A complete examination is required. You should pay attention to the time of day when urination becomes more frequent, also determine the amount of fluid released - the specialist will definitely ask the patient all these questions in order to prevent serious conditions.

When should you sound the alarm?

  1. With severe cutting pain after emptying, constant deceptive urges, abdominal cramps.
  2. When there is a burning sensation in the urethra, pain extends to the perineum and vagina.
  3. It hurts to write after the removal of fibroids, uterus, cysts or after a caesarean section.
  4. With an installed spiral, cap or taking contraceptive drugs.

Before going to the clinic, you can drink an infusion of cherry twigs, it cleans well from harmful microorganisms and helps to eliminate uric acid. Cranberry juice or a decoction of bearberry will help reduce the acidity in the urine. Chamomile baths will relieve pain and burning.

It hurts to write to a man - it is quite common among the symptoms of various diseases in urology. Today you will learn what are the causes, treatment and prevention. This problem cannot be ignored.

Modern men rarely visit a urologist, but in vain. There are plenty of reasons to be concerned.

The reasons

Various inflammations and pathologies of the genitourinary system are the source of itching, discharge from the urethra, and it hurts to write. These symptoms negatively affect the quality of life, the potency of the stronger sex, spoils the mood and plunges into depression. To avoid this, you need to identify the causes and begin treatment.

  • Chlamydia. Sexual infection is accompanied by pain when urinating, itching, fever - 37.2 ℃, clots of transparent consistency from the urethra. It is transmitted exclusively by PP (sexually) from an infected woman. Also sometimes it hurts in the testicles;
  • Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Exclusively transmitted PP. Accompanied by purulent clots with a specific smell (rotten eggs), cramps and pain when urinating. Gonococci affect the genitals of a man, and treatment is prescribed by a venereologist;
  • Urolithiasis (urolithiasis). In the genitourinary system, dense formations, stones, grains of sand are formed, which, when passing, injure the urethra and pain, cramps and burning appear.
    It happens that the stones, in general, do not pass urine and this becomes the cause of general intoxication.
  • Trichomoniasis (Trihomonas vaginalis). Transmitted sexually. The main signs are a painful exit of fluid from the body and green, frothy, clot-like discharge;
  • Urethritis (urethra). This pathology in men occurs quite rarely due to the anatomical structure of the penis. The disease is transmitted from a woman through sexual contact. Symptoms - cramps, when a man pees, malaise, frequent urge to urinate, transparent mucous discharge;
  • Prostatitis (prostatitis). Now they suffer from 25% of men. Stress, poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, alcoholism, chronic incurable diseases, reduced immunity lead to this male pathology.

When the prostate gland becomes inflamed, the following symptoms appear: frequent urge to go to the toilet “in a small way”, pain and cramps during urination, intermittent stream, general malaise, depression.

Analyzes and diagnostics

A man with such a problem, when it hurts to write, you need to contact a specialist. After a full-time examination and complaints of a man, the urologist will prescribe the appropriate tests:

  • General analysis of urine, blood.
  • Analysis for STDs.
  • RV for syphilis.
  • PCR method.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • A smear from the urethra.
  • After the results of the tests, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and therapy is prescribed depending on the pathological process.


  • Chlamydia. According to the antibiotic scheme: Doxycycline, Unidox Solutab, Vibramycin, Tsifran, Spiramycin, etc. If the treatment is followed correctly, chlamydia completely disappears.
  • Gonorrhea. The principle of therapy is the destruction of gonocci: Cefixime, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin.
  • urolithasis. Use Ibuprofen, Naproxen.
  • Trichomonas. Preparations of the nitroimitazole group: Tinidazole, Nimorazole, Ornidazole, Ternidazole.
  • Urethritis. Removed with antibiotics: Amoxiclav, Norfloxacin, Tsiprinol.
  • Prostatitis. According to the scheme: Amoxicillin, fluoroquinolones, creams.
  • Do not self-medicate to avoid complications.


To prevent any inflammatory process in the body, preventive measures are needed.

  1. Use condoms.
  2. Take vitamins.
  3. Avoid stress and insomnia.
  4. Do not drink alcohol.
  5. Prevent hypothermia.
  6. Eat properly.

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Urological diseases are a common reason for visiting a doctor. With inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, patients complain that it hurts to write at the end of urination. Such a symptom should be alarming, because it can be a manifestation of a serious illness. Only by conducting a thorough diagnosis and receiving adequate medical treatment, you can achieve a complete recovery.

Pain at the end of urination is the first symptom of acute cystitis, which women suffer much more often than men. An unpleasant burning sensation during the excretion of urine, which develops into acute pain at the end of the act of micturition, indicates that the mucous membrane of the bladder and ureters is inflamed, edematous and hyperemic. Deurination becomes painful and frequent. Sometimes there are droplets of blood in the urine, in which case doctors talk about hematuria.

With urolithiasis, when sand and stones are removed from the kidneys, severe pain appears at the end of urination. There are also cases when the mucous membrane of the urinary tract is not inflamed, but the cause of the pain is an injury or neoplasm. In such a case, it is recommended to contact a urologist for medical assistance.

Women during pregnancy experience discomfort and burning, which is provoked by the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. In this case, the process is physiological, and the problem goes away without medical intervention after delivery. At the same time, if discomfort and cramps appear after childbirth, then you need to inform the doctor about this. This may be a symptom of rupture of the urethra during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Causes of the disease in men

Men can also complain that it has become painful to write. This is the first symptom of an inflammatory process in the bladder. In some cases, against the background of cystitis, urethritis develops, which exacerbates the pain.

Enuresis (spontaneous urination) in men is accompanied by pain and burning when passing urine. In the presence of urolithiasis, patients often notice burning and painful contraction of the muscles of the bladder, but this phenomenon is also preceded by pain in the lumbar back.

Young boys may also experience pain and burning when they pee. The pain is so sharp and unpleasant that the kids are afraid to go to the toilet again in a small way. Why are there such problems with the baby? The reason for such troubles is the physiological feature of the development of the male genital organs. In newborn boys, the glans penis is covered by the foreskin. After a year, cavities filled with a secret (smegma) form between the foreskin and the head.

The danger of this secret is that it is a carcinogen, which becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and fungi. As a result of pathological processes, inflammation occurs - balanitis or balanoposthitis. To save the child from such problems, it is necessary to carefully care for the baby's genitals, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate for baths and washings.

In men, burning occurs with inflammation or prostate adenoma, which are accompanied by the appearance. Venereal diseases make themselves felt by unpleasant sensations when excreting urine. In this case, medical and physiotherapeutic treatment will be required.

The genitals are a sensitive and delicate part of the human body that requires careful hygienic care. Urologists are constantly faced with the problem of dermatitis in the urogenital area. The reason is the aggressive chemicals that are present in detergents and laundry detergents.

Diagnostic methods

There are many reasons why it becomes painful to write. The further outcome of the disease depends on the correct diagnosis. With untimely diagnosis and treatment, there are adverse consequences for the patient, up to chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area and infertility.

If you experience discomfort or pain while going to the toilet, you should urgently contact a specialized specialist - a urologist. To establish the exact reason why there is pain during the act of urination, the doctor will conduct the necessary examination.

  1. Gathering an anamnesis of the disease.
  2. Examination of the external genital organs with the sampling of biological material.
  3. Laboratory research: blood and urine tests, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, bacteriological analysis of blood and urine.
  4. Instrumental diagnostic methods: cystoscopy, ultrasound, biopsy.

The appearance of blood elements and leukocytes in urine confirms the development of an acute inflammatory process in the urinary system.

Medical therapy

The tactics of treatment directly depend on why the alarming symptoms arose. Be sure to take broad-spectrum antibiotics. If fungi are the cause of the pain, then a course of antifungal therapy is carried out.

In inflammatory processes in the body, immunomodulatory and restorative treatment is prescribed. Be sure to carry out thorough hygiene of the genital organs with the use of antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, potassium permanganate).

With inflammation of the urinary tract, the use of herbal tinctures and decoctions is effective. Preparations Urolesan, Canephron, Urocholum are made on the basis of medicinal herbs. Helps relieve inflammation tea made from urological herbal collection. Before starting the use of medicines, a consultation with the attending physician is required.

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