Read the conspiracy theory of who rules the world. Conspiracy theories: Who rules the world? From the Dulles Doctrine

Global crises, revolutions, wars change our world, turn the entire course of history upside down. Is this a coincidence? Perhaps all such events are planned? If yes, then by whom? Who takes charge and runs the world? Most likely, similar questions arise in the minds of almost every person living on Earth. Today we will try to figure it all out.

A clear hierarchy of world management - myth or reality?

When choosing governments and presidents, we are sure that we are predetermining the course of history, not knowing that everything has already been decided for us long ago. In fact, the top of any country has long been planned by world rulers for their own purposes. Many attribute the leadership of the world to the Freemasons. There may be some truth in this, but there is no direct evidence of it. But the desire of famous dynasties for world domination can be traced back to ancient times. However, they were able to realize their dream only after the Second World War, when they created a powerful banking system. Then with its help it was possible to influence any country. If you think that global crises are an absurd accident, then you are very mistaken. Having the most powerful levers of control in their hands, secret organizations can easily influence the policies of any state.

At the printing press

Have you ever wondered who controls all of America's money? President, government? No no and one more time no. The media rarely writes about these people. They do not occupy the first positions in Forbes ratings, and it is quite difficult to find out the real size of their fortune. However, these people exist and do very well. Have you guessed who we'll be talking about yet? This is the Rothschild family and the Rockefeller family. Interest in them has not waned for a long time. Not many clans can compete with their fortune. These include Morgans, Kunovs, Loebs, Goldmans, Mellons, Sachsovs, Duponts, Lemanovs. They all have only one thing in common: the capital was laid long before the birth of today’s heads of families. Today, families prefer not to withdraw capital outside the family, which is why dynastic marriages are popular among them. However, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers remain the most popular and mysterious.

“Let me issue and control the money of the whole country, and then I will not care at all who makes the laws!” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild uttered this phrase at the beginning of the 19th century. It should be noted that his descendants will not have to be ashamed of their great-grandfather; they fulfilled his order 100%. Today in the world they say that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds completely control the US Federal Reserve System (FRS), therefore they are responsible for the fact that the dollar has captivated the whole world. They may have been at the origins of the Fed, but it is very difficult to believe that the whole world is dancing to their tune. Whatever their power, there are still parliaments, governments and simply charismatic leaders in the world who may not care at all about the ambitions of shadow financial emperors. Perhaps all this is true, but all our state rulers are to some extent dependent on the situation in the world. And the Fed plays a very significant role in the world. Most likely, not everyone knows what the US Federal Reserve System is - this is an organization that performs the functions of the Central Bank of the States. However, the main difference from all other similar organizations in the world is that the Fed is a private organization. It should be noted that Fed shares do not give owners the right to control the organization, and they cannot be sold or pledged. The Fed's main job is to print currency, and it does it so well that the dollar is the leader among reserve currencies. Today it is unknown who actually owns the Fed. Only the long history of the organization points to the true rulers.

Intrigue in medicine: the evil demon of pharmacology

Yes, money decides everything in our world, but many believe that it is not rich clans that rule the world, but our medicine. Panic around vaccinations against certain diseases is becoming increasingly widespread. Many refuse to take them because they are sure there are no diseases, it is doctors who need to “fuse” the vaccine. Already today, the theory is gaining popularity in the world that there is actually no AIDS, it is just an immunodeficiency caused by other diseases, stress, and poor nutrition. And HIV has nothing to do with AIDS at all - the virus was simply made a scapegoat. Accordingly, this disease is not transmitted from person to person. The point of this grandiose deception, apparently, is to force people to buy expensive drugs. Moreover, many are confident that it is the doctors themselves who will invent most of the diseases, but it is not clear for what purposes this is being done: to exterminate as many people as possible, to earn money by then selling the vaccine, or some “own” goals. But, despite the persecution of doctors and scientists, more and more new strains of viruses appear in the world every year, many of which cannot be treated. Perhaps all this was planned by the same Rothschilds and Rockefellers, but it is impossible to prove this. The world is much more complex and diverse, no matter how flat various kinds of “researchers” would like to present it. And even two very powerful families cannot be its full owners. After all, the modern world is a very complex system that only a few people can manage. However, families, of course, strive for dominance. But this can be explained, having such a state, probably everyone would strive to be at the head of the world.

Conspiracy theories [Who rules the world?] Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

Chapter 1 Who is Russia interfering with?

Who is Russia interfering with?

According to the plan of American ideologists, by the end of the 20th century, Russia was supposed to become a territory divided into many republics, torn apart by civil strife, drunkenness and corruption. And so it happened. But by some miracle the country survived!

“If earlier it was a geopolitical confrontation in which final victory was excluded, then in the 21st century we are talking about the last battle, not for life, but for death. We are talking about the end of history for one of the centers – the West or Russia.” This statement was made in 2011 leading ideologist of US foreign policy Zbigniew Brzezinski.

What kind of fight are we talking about? If we mean a “cold” ideological war, then we lost it back in the 1990s. Fight for resources? It is believed that they are under the complete control of global corporations. What is actually the main goal? What pushes world leaders to a decisive showdown?

Scientists have calculated that if the threatening dynamics of melting Arctic ice continues, the level of the World Ocean will rise by about 10 meters. Maps of future flooding have already been drawn up, where you can see that the territories of many countries, and primarily the United States, should almost completely go under water. This is a question for the coming decades. The leading powers of the world will soon simply have no living space left!

“There is a global ruling class, united in closed secret societies, which, in fact, have existed for almost the entire observable history of capitalism. Closed secret structures play a prominent role in this story."

When the Iron Curtain fell in the early 1990s, information about a certain secret society of Freemasons began to actively penetrate into the post-Soviet space. Then, for the first time, they openly talked about the fact that the roots of attacks on Russia go much deeper than the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. And behind this are closed structures created and financed by secret societies. But who are these people?

Sergei Morozov, writer, conspiracy theory researcher: “From the beginning, the Masons are primarily England and France. What were they doing in the lodges? They talked and reached agreements with the aristocrats. For example, when the aristocracy conducts some shady business with the bourgeoisie, it is more convenient for them to meet in the Masonic lodge.”

This is how the most influential representatives of power structures were recruited as agents of the secret society. Researchers claim that back in the 16th century, the conspirators had a fully developed strategy for further actions. One of the main objectives of this strategy was the creation of a new, powerful state.

The radiant delta is one of the main symbols of the Masons

It was built by people knowledgeable in secret, esoteric sciences. Mastery of the occult and magic was part of the heritage passed on to the Freemasons by the Knights Templar. Researchers of secret societies are convinced that it was the Catholic order of the Knights Templar that kept certain knowledge that provides unlimited power on Earth.

Olga Chetverikova, associate professor at MGIMO, candidate of historical sciences: “It is believed that most of the Templars moved to Scotland. It was these people who became the founders of the early Masonic lodges, which took shape in England back in the 16th century.”

The exploration of North America was not without the Freemasons. The first English settlement in the New World was the colony of Virginia. Among its founders was a certain Nathaniel Bacon, known in narrow circles as a member of the Masonic lodge. He first voiced the idea of ​​​​creating the strongest world state in North America, New Atlantis, in memory of an ancient highly developed civilization that disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

Alexander Vostokov, Russian philologist, poet: “There was a nation of Atlanteans: beautiful tall men, very beautiful women. They did yoga, levitated, traveled in space, in time.”

Science has no evidence of the existence of the Atlantean civilization. But many believe that tens of thousands of years ago there was an island state in the Atlantic Ocean, the power of which was due to the mystical knowledge and superpowers of its inhabitants. Legends say that the Atlanteans were the unchallenged rulers of their contemporary world.

Alexander Vostokov: « Like all civilizations, naturally, they were destroyed by the desire for power, for money, for gold. Therefore, an atomic explosion was carried out there. The earth sank, and this place is now the Atlantic Ocean.”

The superpowers hidden in the lost knowledge of Atlantis have always interested people. The ancient Greeks were looking for a sunken civilization. Both British monarchs and the leaders of the Third Reich sent secret expeditions in search of ancient knowledge.

Olga Chetverikova: “The USA, in general, was created as the implementation of the idea of ​​a new Atlantis.”

There is an opinion that it was members of the secret society of Freemasons who organized the American War of Independence. They also drafted the Declaration of Independence, and later the American Constitution. By the end of the 18th century, the Freemasons had completely seized power in the new state, ready to begin their mission as a world leader.

Olga Chetverikova: “Almost all the Founding Fathers were members of Masonic lodges. This is Franklin, this is Jefferson, this is Washington. Accordingly, the US Declaration bears the imprint of Bacon’s ideas.”

Political scientists argue that the mission of the United States was determined by a secret society long before the creation of the state itself. This goal is world domination. But few people know that back at the end of the 19th century, Russia was assigned a sad fate in this global strategy.

Leonid Ivashov, Russian military and public figure, Colonel General: “At the end of the 19th century, Western geopoliticians Halford John Mackinder and Alfred Mahan began to formulate a doctrine of consolidating world domination for the Anglo-Saxon world.”

In 1904, Mackinder presented the results of his research to the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain. He revealed that the center of the Earth is Russia without the Far East.

Leonid Ivashov: “Without control over this space, control over Eurasia is impossible, and without control over Eurasia there is no point in dreaming of world domination. And so Russia came under the radar of Anglo-Saxon politics.”

At that time, Russia was actively transforming from a backward agrarian country into an agrarian-industrial power. In terms of industrial output, it was among the top five, along with England, the USA, Germany and France. That empire was characterized not by the export, but by the import of capital. This economic recovery strengthened Russia’s resistance to any external provocations.

Mikhail Delyagin, Russian economist, politician: “You and I have half or at least a quarter of all pathogenic bacteria known to science floating in our blood. Our body’s immunity is crushed by all this. And when the immune system weakens, we get a cold at best, or something more serious at worst.”

At the end of the 19th century, one of the leading French ministers sent several specialists to actively developing Russia. Upon receiving the report, the minister states: “ By the middle of the 20th century, Russia will dominate in all areas of Europe: economics, social programs, demography, culture, education, and art." Who was hindered by a strong and, most importantly, independent Russia?

Sergey Mikheev, political scientist: “The West actively provoked Russia to get involved in the First World War, realizing that participation in the war would very seriously weaken the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire was truly on the rise at that time. And the fact that the West then contributed to the development of revolutionary movements in the country is also absolutely certain.”

Despite the losses in the First World War, Russia continued to gain momentum. Its borders were reliably protected from any encroachments of enemies. Then Western politicians decided to act from within.

« At the beginning of the 20th century, a ship arrived from Canada with 167 people. They made the revolution in Russia - simple sons and daughters of pharmacists and others. They put on leather jackets, took Mausers, established Soviet power, without completely understanding what it was.”

Later, the ideologists of Freemasonry stated with satisfaction that the four-year revolutionary hard times plunged Russia into a state of chaos and complete stagnation. In a state that can be defined as a systemic economic disaster.

Alexander Margelov: “Trotsky, despite the devastation in our fatherland, demanded the construction of 100 thousand tanks, the creation of powerful airborne troops and other equipment, while tractors and other production equipment were required. And he demanded that we arm ourselves to carry out a world revolution.”

Trotsky's words are widely known: “Russia is the brushwood that we will throw into the fire of the world revolution.”

The once strong country no longer posed a threat to the world's superpowers. The new ideologists were faced with the task of how to maintain the confidence of the hungry people that a bright future awaited them.

Sergey Mikheev: “The revolutionaries seemed to interrupt historical memory. They said: “Everything that happened before 1917 was wrong, there is no need to think about it at all. Now a new story begins."

Researchers are confident that it was then that one of the most important tools of the world conspiracy began to actively operate - the substitution of history. Then we watched more than once how textbooks were rewritten, heroes and traitors changed places.

Leonid Ivashov: “Why do our youth so easily accept imposed Western stereotypes? Because we have stopped telling the truth about the history of our country, the deep true truth.”

After the October Revolution, it seemed that Russia was finished and would perish under its own rubble. But at the end of the 1920s, a global crisis began, and for some time the West was busy solving its own problems. When the Russian issue reappeared on the agenda of world politics, it was already too late...

Leonid Ivashov: “There was a powerful breakthrough in the 1920s and 1930s, because people lived with a dream - to make the country beautiful, strong, happy, to build heaven on earth, and for this you need to work, think, create.”

By the end of the 1930s, it became obvious that Russia had not only survived, but was also gaining industrial and military power. Conspiracy theorists are confident that it was then that the world elite arose a new project, powerful enough to destroy now not Russia, but the strengthened union of fifteen republics.

Mikhail Delyagin: “Hitler was cultivated by Western capital in order to destroy the Soviet Union. It was financed by the Americans until it took over Europe; it was financed by Jewish capital, which we are tactfully keeping silent about.”

The USSR leadership tried to avoid a collision. Stalin’s team understood that a weakened Russia, which had only recently been written off from the political arena, was not ready to take a powerful blow. During the revolution, the Civil War, and then political repression, almost the entire color of the military elite was destroyed. But the Western elite also understood this well.

Mikhail Delyagin: “Hitler was released by the West against communism. Let one idea of ​​social justice kill another idea of ​​social justice, and we and our business will look like decent people against this background - that was the strategic plan.”

Conspiracy theorists claim: the world behind the scenes was aware that a further respite would give the USSR the opportunity to finally strengthen. Stalin's uncompromising reprisal against the “fifth column” stopped any possible unrest among the Soviet people. And in a strong, united Russia, the conspirators saw the main threat to their plans.

Leonid Ivashov: “We are the most productive people, the most productive civilization in the world, if from the point of view of benefits. We save all the time - either from the Huns, or from the Horde - and, first of all, Europe. From their own Napoleons, Hitlers and so on. We have been given this mission, and they are afraid of it.”

Historians studying documents that had remained secret for many years came to an unexpected discovery. In addition to the destruction of the USSR, Hitler’s clique, wittingly or unwittingly, carried out another order from the world’s puppeteers. An order that fit perfectly into the “Fascism” project and the idea of ​​which was carefully kept behind the scenes.

“The idea of ​​radical Judaism about the need to create a state of Israel populated by healthy and outstanding people led to the idea of ​​​​Operation Cutting Dead Branches.”

Historians claim that a secret protocol was signed between the Gestapo Ahnenerbe order and the Lausanne Lodge, which represented the interests of radical Judaism. The essence of the contract was that Ahnenerbe would take responsibility for the destruction of Jews unnecessary for Judaism and ensure the transfer of those that were needed.

Dr. Shmuel Spector: “The people the rabbis needed were transported to neutral countries quite comfortably. Those who were in doubt were kept in isolated settlements, as was the case with the Hungarian Jews, who lived almost until the end of the war. Then, however, they too were destroyed.”

It is customary for the world community to remain silent about the genocide of Soviet people. USSR losses amounted to 26.6 million people. Of these, 6.8 million military personnel are listed as killed, 4.4 million were captured and missing. However, most of the terrible numbers are civilians who died from Nazi executions and starvation. Old people, women, children...

Sergey Mikheev, political scientist: “During World War II, Americans realized that remote participation was much better than direct participation. All post-war doctrines were built precisely on the remote solution of problems on the territory of a potential enemy, and even better - by the wrong hands.”

US losses during World War II amounted to approximately 400 thousand soldiers. England's losses were approximately 360 thousand. In 1945, two leaders clearly emerged in the world: the USA and the USSR. But during the war years, the USSR was technically thrown back far back, and America, on the contrary, became stronger and richer.

Sergey Mikheev: “The United States managed, by manipulating aid to both European countries and the Soviet Union, to receive its bonuses and dividends from that war... The Second World War actually opened the era of the United States.”

The world behind the scenes got what they wanted: Germany fell, and Russia was again in ruins. But Russia’s experience, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, has forever disturbed Western strategists. Much later, in 1999, US Secretary of Defense William Perry, in a personal conversation with Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, frankly admitted that they were worried.

Leonid Ivashov: “When I began to criticize him: “But you helped us disarm, we are still destroying our heavy missiles, why are you moving NATO towards our borders again,” Dr. Perry says: “1921, your country is dead, it lies in ruins . But 20 years passed, and the whole world was praying for you, only you could stop the Hitler machine, only you could win. “This,” he says, “scares us.”

Victory in the Great Patriotic War united the peoples of the USSR for a long time

In 1945, the West was afraid not only of Russia’s authority, but also of its increased territory at the expense of the Union republics. United by a common misfortune, the peoples of the USSR posed a danger to the implementation of the “World Domination” project - a project based on the fragmentation and weakness of all states except one dominant one.

Mikhail Delyagin: “The Soviet Union was a real threat to the rest of the world, because the ideology of not just socialism, that is, the state’s service to society and not to business, triumphed there, but also international socialism, which did not destroy people on the basis of nationality or race.”

The principle of “divide and conquer” was actively used by Masonic lodges in the war for spheres of influence. But in the post-war period, an internal split occurred in the ranks of the Freemasons. The Masonic lodges of the USA, which gained enormous power during the Second World War, decided to leave the control of the British lodges.

Andrey Sinelnikov, writer, historian of Freemasonry: “Let's see who has wider breeches, who has bigger stripes, who has brighter buttons. This is inherent in a person. Someone says: “Our Masonic lodge is regular, it is the most regular, it couldn’t be more regular.” And another says: “And here we have the right one, the very right one, and you couldn’t find one more to the right.”

Post-war Europe lay in ruins. In the English colonies, the anti-colonial movement, skillfully fueled by American Freemasons, sharply intensified. The days of the British Empire were numbered. The Western project of world domination has only one rival left - the USSR.

Sergey Mikheev: “We are not the only obstacle to this project, but we are one of the most powerful obstacles, because, indeed, we have a civilizational tradition. That is, we are not just fighting for resources, but history is behind us, so to speak.”

Despite all the strength gained during World War II, the United States did not plan to use military aggression against the USSR. The plan of American strategists was “long-term,” well-thought-out and completely safe for the West itself.


“The human brain, the consciousness of people, is capable of change. Having sowed chaos in the Soviet Union, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values.”

This is one of the points of the doctrine created in 1945 by US military adviser Allen Dulles, who later became director of the CIA. The ultimate goal of the developed plan was the collapse of the USSR without firing a single shot.

Andrey Sinelnikov: “I quote verbatim: “We cannot speak now with Ivan Ivanovich, who has decorated his chest with orders. We must talk to little Vanka, who in 20 years will become Ivan Ivanovich. The pattern of our conversation with him in 1968 should have been like this: 90% music, 9% truth and 1% lies.”

Psychologists note that a person’s immunity is triggered against outright lies. But if a lie is mixed with the truth and natural desires of people, then the possibilities of deception and manipulation become limitless.

Andrey Sinelnikov: “In 1985, we got perestroika - that’s what it means to purposefully, strategically begin to powder our brains.”

There was indeed a lot of Western music praising the values ​​of a free America, and the ban on it only increased interest. The truth was that the standard of living of well-fed American citizens was much higher than the war-ravaged Soviet people. The lie was easily lost against the background of the human desire to live “beautifully.”

Sergey Mikheev: “It was the same with the Soviet people. Yes, he didn’t understand a lot, he was deceived about something. But he voluntarily and joyfully hung his ears, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. And, frankly, he sold his own country for Playboy, chewing gum and canned beer.”

The implementation of such a plan was practically impossible under the Iron Curtain, when the main instruments of such propaganda - the media, cinema and books - were not allowed across the borders of the Soviet Union. However, Dulles' plan also took this problem into account.


“We will find our like-minded people... our allies and assistants in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on Earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out.

One of the main roles in the implementation of this doctrine was played by the “fifth column”. People recruited by American intelligence services, cultural figures, scientists, politicians who traveled abroad and were delighted with the comfort they saw. And also those who simply did not support Soviet power and were ready to serve anyone.

Maxim Kalashnikov: “What have the Russians become? Into the poor, lumpen herd. Why? Because those who introduced these memes to us knew very well that industry, science, education and culture are a connected structure. With a blow to one point, the Russians were sent towards degradation along an inclined plane.”

However, the developers of the plan made the main bet on the so-called “reformatting” of the top of the Soviet government. For example, Mikhail Gorbachev was warmly received by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and even received the Nobel Prize as a politician who abandoned the logic of the Cold War.


“We will create confusion in the management of the state... We will quietly contribute to the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unprincipled behavior. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue..."

In November 1988, Thatcher openly stated: "We are no longer in a Cold War", because the “the new relationship is broader than ever.” And a little later, she just as openly said what she expected from the breadth of this relationship.

Alexander Margelov, Hero of Russia, colonel: “Thatcher said: “We need a Russia consisting of a number of appanage principalities, with a population of no more than 30–40 million people.” Thatcher said this while in high government office in Great Britain."

Political scientists note that the most effective way to achieve the division of a large country into small regions is to actively provoke religious and national clashes. This also makes it possible to significantly reduce the population with his own hands.


“Nationalism and enmity of peoples, and above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will cleverly and quietly cultivate all this. All this will bloom in full bloom. We will make vulgarities out of them - immoral cosmopolitans..."

Research by sociologists over the past 20 years shows that the number of ethnic conflicts in modern Russia has increased significantly compared to the Soviet Union. Sociologists especially note the fact that Russians steadily develop contempt for themselves, which distinguishes them from all other peoples!

Sergey Mikheev: “One of the emigration figures recalled: when he was a student, it seemed to him that he hated the old and, so to speak, dark Russia. But when he grew up and became involved in politics, he realized that he simply hated Russia - old, new, dark, light - it didn’t matter. He just hates her, that’s all.”

A completely different picture can be seen in American society. In contrast to the Russian model of belief in their own inferiority, Americans actively cultivate absolute self-confidence. And most importantly, confidence in one’s right not only to interfere in the politics of any country, but also to aggressively dictate one’s will as the only fair and humanistic one.

Leonid Ivashov: “Here is an ordinary farmer, a participant in the Vietnam War. I say: “Why did you fight, did you have any doubts that you were killing citizens?” - “No, we fought for a just cause.”“What is your just cause?” “And we are responsible for all Vietnamese, not only the southern ones, but also the northern ones.”“Why are you answering?” - “Why, we are Americans, we are responsible for everything that happens.” This is what was instilled in them.”

Perhaps this sophisticated provocation, created by Allen Dulles' team, was only presented as a tool of the Cold War. After all, even in the early 1990s, when we lost the Cold War, the impact did not stop.

Mikhail Delyagin: “There was such a Korean Protestant preacher Moon. In 1981 he said: “The Third World War is already underway, and victory will be won on the field of ideas.” We must not forget that economics is an applied science and, strictly speaking, a secondary one. Human life and the life of human civilization are determined by ideas.”

The August putsch, which marked the subsequent collapse of the USSR

Researchers of long-term relations between Russia and the West have come to the conclusion that this is not a battle of political models. This is not a competition of intelligence services or an arms race. This is a metaphysical struggle. This strategy in the modern world is called “globalism”. Democracy has become a reliable tool of globalism. Democratic slogans about everyone’s right to choose are quite safe - if you create conditions where there is simply nothing to choose from.

Dr. Shmuel Spector, renowned Holocaust researcher: “The American armed forces in all countries... are diligently destroying historical monuments, monuments of pre-civilizations, monuments of other cultures. Their goal is to reduce everything to the fact that the only source of historical, cultural things belongs to Judaism.”

With the collapse of the USSR, the West was freed from its last serious rival. However, Russian political scientists and historians are confident that this is not the end point of the operation. Even in Russia, which has lost all its allies, they see a threat to their plan. Their next goal is the division of Russia itself.

Sergey Mikheev: “The West presents its own new system of values ​​as the only correct one. Russia in this sense, both before and today, is perceived as a threat to the existence of this worldview.”

Historians note that the desire for enrichment and power attributed to the mythical Atlanteans is still observed today among the world elite. And the threat of a nuclear explosion often appears in news reports. Are we really repeating the fate of ancient civilization? Are we really going to go through their path, which, as legends say, ended with the Great Flood?

Nikolay Osokin, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “The earth is a self-regulating system, and so it can endure for a while, and then it will respond in some way and restore its balance.”

In the Omsk region there is the village of Okunevo. In 2004, a devotee of the god Babaji named Rasma Rosite appeared there and completely changed the fate of the village. She was able to explain to the residents that this is the future “ark”, where a new civilization will begin. Okunevo has grown a lot in recent years. In the hope of escaping from the coming flood, not only Russian residents, but also foreigners are moving there.

Nikolay Osokin: “Now the era of meridional circulation is coming, that is, from north to south or from south to north, which should lead to an increase in dangerous natural phenomena that are associated with both climate and hydrometeorology.”

Did the world behind the scenes always know about this danger? And while the masses were caught up in geopolitical passions, it deliberately prepared for displacement? Isn’t this why in the “new promised land” the most “rebellious people” were turned into service personnel with a slave mentality?

Alexander Margelov:“Pacific coast of the United States: two mobile underwater layers of the earth’s crust are gradually shifting, and ultimately they may converge so that a powerful wave several hundred meters high will arise, which will go to the coast of the United States. There will be destruction of everything that is there.”

“Siberia is too large a territory to belong to one state” - This statement is attributed to Madeleine Albright. All of her polemics around our territory boil down to the desire to put Siberia under the control of the international community, that is, the class managing the “World Domination” project.

Maxim Kalashnikov, Russian journalist, public and political figure: “Brzezinski has long said that the new world order will be built on the ruins of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia.” Perhaps, for this purpose, the world government is “rocking the boat”, creating constant conflicts in the world, organizing staged revolutions in potential countries that are allies of Russia, doing everything to prevent it from strengthening and hindering the “Siberian” plan.

Maxim Kalashnikov: “The strong point of closed societies is the principle of meta-action... The main thing is to achieve the goal, but how is not important: war, business, special operation, murder, information dumping; they are ready to use all means to achieve the goal.”

But how does the West achieve its goal? Since the fall of the USSR, the post-Soviet space has become a testing ground for all types of influence. But the most dangerous thing turned out to be not overt aggressive influence, but what the human mind is not able to recognize immediately.

Lyudmila Yasyukova, candidate of psychological sciences, head of the laboratory of social psychology at St. Petersburg University: “Somewhere at the turn of the 1990s, with perestroika enthusiasm, they began to reform all education. And at the very beginning, focusing on Western versions of education, they began to throw science out of the school system. With the modern education system, we get rather infantile young people who do not have conceptual thinking or independent thinking.”

The first subject to be removed from the school curriculum was “Natural Science”. These lessons laid the foundations of natural scientific thinking; children were taught to analyze and systematize information.

Lyudmila Yasyukova: “They are not able to assess the situation in which they find themselves, assess the prospects, work in those places, positions and perform such duties that require independent decision-making. That is, our education system prepares performers.”

A young man who has not developed his own thinking becomes dependent on the will of others. He is subject to the influence of the crowd, the so-called herd reflexes. Having entered adulthood, he is lost and forced to look for clues and directions to action.

Mikhail Delyagin: “You need to understand that when you are offered comfort, you are offered it for a reason, but for something. For comfort that you did not build with your own hands, you will pay something. And if they don’t ask you for money for it, if they don’t ask your soul for it, it means that your future is being taken away from you, because we have nothing else except these three things.”

The childhood diagnosis of “hyperactivity” is becoming increasingly widespread. This disease is associated with birth trauma, when the vertebral artery is pinched and the brain does not receive enough nutrition. As a consequence, a decrease in self-control, an inability to concentrate, and therefore, make an informed decision. If the spine is not corrected, the brain simply gets used to working at a low level.

Lyudmila Yasyukova: “Having switched to the American version of treatment, neurologists are obliged to give drugs that limit hyperactivity, that is, the cause is not cured, the spine is not straightened, the blood supply to the brain is not normalized, but external behavioral aspects are slightly eliminated.”

Doctors studying these drugs have discovered many side effects, the main ones being intoxication and addiction. If you look at prices in pharmacies, it is easy to see that the cost of children's drugs is an order of magnitude higher than drugs for adults. This is explained by the fact that parents are ready to save on themselves, but not on their child.

Lyudmila Yasyukova: “Pharmacology is quite cynical. Manufacturers do not try to produce drugs that would cure completely. They are trying to produce medications that maintain a certain level. Otherwise it’s not profitable for them.”

Galina Kirillicheva has been working in the Laboratory of Natural Immunity for many years. She studies immunotropic drugs - drugs that affect the immune system. Childhood vaccination occupies a special place in her research.

Galina Kirillicheva, immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences: “The immune system of newborn children is still immature, and it is completely inappropriate to vaccinate them. In addition, if the mother feeds the child with her milk, he has protection that he receives from the mother. In many countries, newborns are not vaccinated.”

In matters of vaccination, Russia occupies a special position in the world, since since the early 1990s there has been no corresponding experimental base in our country. We are not able to check in detail the products that are distributed in our country by foreign pharmaceutical corporations. Therefore, no one knows exactly what our newborn children are vaccinated.

Galina Kirillicheva: “They are trying to replace all our vaccines with foreign vaccines, and people pay a lot of money for them. These vaccines are said to be of better quality. Unfortunately, statistics show that we are receiving vaccines that have proven negative in other countries.”

Galina Kirillicheva’s colleagues are also confident that the weakening of children’s immunity is a deliberate process. It is aimed at creating and maintaining weakness, sickness in the child, and therefore dependence on medications. Scientists, driven only by their own enthusiasm and the desire to open parents' eyes to the true state of things, continue their research in this area.

Galina Kirillicheva: “Here are two groups of laboratory mice: one group is a control group, we did not administer the vaccine to them, and the second group was administered. After introducing the vaccine, we exposed some harmful environmental factor (injected a toxin), and the group of mice that were previously administered the vaccine almost all died from the action of small doses of the toxin. In the control group, the mice did not die.”

The scientists' conclusions are simple and unambiguous. As a result of vaccination, we reduce sensitivity to some infections, but significantly increase it to all other unfavorable factors. The result is cancer, autism and other immune diseases.

Galina Kirillicheva: “The goal of all vaccine distribution is to make us hostage to pharmaceutical and life sciences companies. As a result of the action of vaccination, the natural immune system is destroyed, and we are no longer able to live without these immunotropic drugs.”

Today in Russia there is a law allowing parents to decide for themselves whether to vaccinate or not. Despite the fact that there is constant debate in the medical community about the need to make vaccination mandatory, many researchers continue to insist on voluntary choice. In the existence of this law they see their main hope...

Galina Kirillicheva: “If universal vaccination is introduced, then it will be easiest through it to carry out microchipping. This is the mechanism that is easiest to use. In many countries, children are implanted with chips immediately after birth.”

...An ordinary Russian apartment in a multi-storey building. The area is far from elite. Vyacheslav Pavlovich Kovalkov, a candidate of sciences and a specialist in problems of the theory of physics, lives there. He studies electrodynamics. In the early 1990s, Vyacheslav Pavlovich discovered that the electricity supplied to apartments had changed its characteristics. He claims these changes are deliberate. The consequences of such exposure are chronic fatigue, oncology, circulatory disorders, premature aging, strokes, heart attacks...

Vyacheslav Kovalkov: “The normal performance of the electrical circuit must be constant. Since Soviet times it is 50 hertz and no high frequencies that would manifest themselves. All indicators indicate that frequencies have now appeared that are modulated to certain rhythms, human biological rhythms. Moreover, it is very surprising that in the daytime some frequencies are observed, and at night - others.”

The scientist, together with his fellow physicists, organized a laboratory to study these radiations. Over the past 20 years, active research has been conducted in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Russia.

Vyacheslav Kovalkov: “We come to the understanding that someone in our time - well, we jokingly say that it is an “evil spirit” - is conducting an experiment on all of us. Some kind of high-frequency wave that is launched into the electrical network... It is further modulated in the form of a low-frequency wave, and if this is connected to the receiver, then we hear the sounds of vibration. This is the biorhythm.”

Scientists conducted an experiment. Using a wired radio connected to the mains, Kovalkov tried to detect biorhythms modulated in the general flow of electricity.

Vyacheslav Kovalkov: “With the help of the simplest device, we can now see how dirty our electrical network is. Let's turn it on and listen. So, these are FM, they are clean, these are ordinary radio stations. We switch to AM - there are no radio stations there. There are eight or nine different ranges. Please note that the sound is the same on all these bands. How can this be?”

To demonstrate that biorhythms are supplied precisely through electricity, Kovalkov took a radio receiver that runs on batteries, that is, without being connected to the mains.

Vyacheslav Kovalkov: “Let's step away from the power grid and turn on the receiver. Making maximum sound. You see, there is silence in places. This suggests that the electrical grid has become a radio antenna for all these high-frequency radio waves. The study of audible biorhythms allowed scientists to determine that these are the rhythms of the heart and brain. And in the body of every person there is a protective mechanism that does not allow him to adapt to external rhythms. He resists, and this resistance consumes human strength. As a result, he wakes up unrested, constantly cannot get enough sleep, and looks for a place where he can hang out and sleep.”

After many years of research, the physicist became convinced that it is not at all difficult to supply simulated electricity, which makes the sabotage invisible and practically safe for the organizers.

Vyacheslav Kovalkov: “High-frequency generators can be connected to the network in any place: in basements, in the attic, in utility rooms. And in this case, high frequencies travel along one wire both to the right and to the left.”

Physicists have determined that the most dangerous time for humans is night. It is when the body is at complete rest that it is most vulnerable to influence. Scientists also do not recommend falling asleep while intoxicated or very tired. In these cases, sleep is especially deep and the body is practically unable to resist.

Vyacheslav Kovalkov: “What needs to be done in our conditions? Well, first of all, try to turn off the electricity in your apartment. Take it and turn it off right on the staircase. Are you going to talk about the refrigerator? Well, what is more important to you, the refrigerator or your health?

The scientific world is full of rumors that the agenda is not a cure for AIDS, not a victory over cancer. Active development of the elixir of youth is underway in closed laboratories. The so-called “families” generously fund this research.

Sergey Morozov: “Today, the Rockefeller family, for example, numbers 160 people, that is, it is a real clan. But this is only a clan of people who have the last name Rockefeller. But you can’t give Rockefeller’s daughter to Rockefeller’s son, and so the daughters went to other clans. The result is that the Rockefeller family has enormous connections.”

Members of secret societies were greatly strengthened by family ties. Unity of goals, organization of the banking system and penetration into all government bodies endowed them with enormous power.

Alexander Margelov: « At one time, the Rothschild mother in France said: “What my sons want will happen. If they want, there will be war; if they want, there will be peace.”

Did the conspirators draw these principles on the path to world domination from the ancient knowledge of Atlantis? In this case, their final final stage is the destruction of the consciousness of the Russian people and the seizure of Siberia. After all, perhaps it is there that they hope to avoid repeating the fate of the Atlanteans.

On the modern world map, Russia is still depicted as a single state. Our consciousness is diluted with alien ideology, battered by artificially created conflicts and threats. But no matter how much Western strategists would like to put an end to this struggle, it is not over yet.

Leonid Ivashov: “We have the potential, we have the strength, we just need to organize ourselves, and we will be able to organize ourselves when we see the abyss behind us.”

Do we agree to become a raw material appendage? World government service personnel? An obedient transmitter of other people's values, when our values ​​are so strong that the outstanding minds of the planet spent several centuries destroying them? The question is open...

From the book Who Took the Reichstag. Default heroes... author Yamskoy Nikolay Petrovich

“Who cares about the order, well, who cares about the tower...” All who remained to serve the Fatherland in the army ranks were subsequently placed in accordance with ranks, ranks and the course of historical events. None of the middle and, especially, senior command staff of the 3rd Shock Army knew the fate of those who fell into

From the book The Last Secret of the Reich. Shot in the Fuhrerbunker. The case of Hitler's disappearance by Arbatsky Leon

Chapter 31. Who cares about all this, especially now?! When the war ended, I was twelve. Neither my children nor my grandchildren will have the opportunity to experience what we experienced on May 9, 1945. They will have their own holidays and their victories, but there will never be such a day. My

From the book There's something wrong with their heads, these Russians author Lauren Anna-Lena

Chapter 14. RUSSIA - A COUNTRY OF CONTRASTS Sometimes in the Moscow metro a distinct aroma hits your nose. Namely, the smell of a homeless person. An experienced Muscovite instantly notices where exactly in the carriage the homeless person is lying. Literally the entire carriage stinks of an indescribable mixture of dirty body, urine,

From the book First in Space. How the USSR defeated the USA author Zheleznyakov Alexander Borisovich

CHAPTER VI One of them had to become the first. So, the missiles were chosen. The creation of ships was in full swing, and by the end of the 1950s they already had very real and tangible features. Both with us and with the Americans. But to fly into space, specially trained people were also needed.

From the book The Barbarossa Plan. The collapse of the Third Reich. 1941–1945 by Clark Alan

CHAPTER XVI About those who were not destined to become the first If the reader remembers, in one of the previous chapters I gave biographies of all those who were included in the first Soviet and American cosmonaut teams. The story about these twenty-seven pilots, our “twenty” and the American

From Churchill's book. Roosevelt. Stalin. The war they fought and the peace they achieved by Faith Herbert

Chapter 2 MOTHER RUSSIA In the summer of 1941, the Red Army posed a mystery to Western intelligence services, including Germany. Her equipment was, by all accounts, impressive (indeed, she had as many aircraft and more tanks than the rest of the world),

From the book The Navy of the Third Reich. 1939–1945 by Ruge Friedrich

THIRTEENTH PERIOD Spring 1945: victory is near, but mistrust between the West and the Soviet Union hinders the common cause. The Germans propose surrender in Italy; amazing Soviet mistrust - March-April 1945 While the troubles associated with Poland were dragging on,

From the book Mysticism and Philosophy of Intelligence Services author Sokolov Dmitry Sergeevich

Chapter 10 RUSSIA OR THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA? FORCED ATTENTION TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SEAMussolini launched a campaign in Greece for the sake of prestige, but the situation had changed so much for the worse that by February 1941 the Greeks were able to organize a powerful counter-offensive. Although it

From the book World War II author Churchill Winston Spencer

Chapter 5 Russia, army, era Question: What is Russia’s special mission? Answer: Every country has a special mission. Russia must be seen as the spirit of the planet. And she coughs, and she is sick, and she has dysentery from the many foreign currencies and the sale of her wealth.

From the book Twelve Dissenters author Panyushkin Valery

Chapter 14 Germany and Russia Hitler failed to bring England to its knees or conquer it. It was clear that our island would survive to the end. Since supremacy at sea or in the air was not assured, it seemed impossible to move the German armies across the English Channel. Has arrived

From the book The Collapse of the Nazi Empire author Shearer William Lawrence

Chapter 1 Another Russia

From the book of Efremov. No retouching author Razzakov Fedor

Chapter 6 “Barbarossa”: Russia Next While Hitler was busy conquering the West in the summer of 1940, Stalin, taking advantage of this circumstance, entered the territory of the Baltic states, and also moved towards the Balkans. At first glance, the relationship between

From the book In Search of Energy. Resource wars, new technologies and the future of energy by Yergin Daniel

Oleg Life after the USSR, or some before the order, and some before the “tower” So, in January 1992, a new countdown began in the history of our country - the post-Soviet one. Oleg Efremov accepted the collapse of the USSR without any particular tragedy, confident that the new government personally and his brainchild, the Moscow Art Theater, would not be in trouble.

From the book Galoshes for La Scala author Nikitin Yuri Anatolievich

Chapter 1 Russia Returns On the evening of December 25, 1991, USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev made a statement on national television that shocked everyone, since it seemed unthinkable just a year ago: “I am ceasing my activities as president of the Union of Soviet

From the author's book

Chapter 1. Russia returns 1. New York Times, December 26, 1991.2. Interview with Valery Graifer.3. Vagit Alekperov, introduction to Dobycha, the first Russian edition of The Prize.4. Yegor Gaidar, Collapse of an Empire: Lessons for Modern Russia, trans. Antonina Bouis (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 2007), p. 102.5. Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, Commanding Heights; Thane Gustafson, Crises Amid Plenty: The Politics of Soviet Energy under Brezhnev

From the author's book

“Personally, this does not interfere with our lives” Writer Bykov and a lady named Corruption They say that he is a talented writer. I don't know, I haven't read it. I know Bykov, a writer of comic couplets, a kind of literary brother of Jerome’s Harris, and I must admit, in this field he (Bykov, and

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Igor Prokopenko
Conspiracy theories. Who rules the world?

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Every day the world looks more and more like a global social network. Millions of people every day consume a host of information materials that are created according to certain rules. Whoever dictates these rules rules the minds of the majority, he is the world leader. For this reason, the media have long been called the fourth estate.

However, despite globalization, the Russian world and the West cannot understand each other. For example, a normal Russian person has no idea why offensive caricatures of the prophet in the French magazine Charlie Hebdo are so widely supported by the masses in the politically correct and tolerant West.

Let's try to figure out together why “mine is yours not to understand”, what is the key difference between Western and Russian mentalities. Everything is very simple: not a single European or American doubts that Western society is on the right path - it was bad in the Middle Ages, it became better during the Renaissance, and when the Enlightenment took root the first liberal ideas, it became completely good! Man received all the freedoms, the authoritarianism of power and oppression by the church remained in the past, and there will never be a return to such a past. For a Westerner, laughing at religion or at your government is a sign of civilization and progressiveness. We did not have the Dark Ages or the Renaissance, and we still doubt the correctness of our historical path, we cannot come to a consensus on whether a revolution was needed, whether it was good or bad under socialism, whether things got better after “perestroika.” And we don’t find it funny when people hooligan in church or insult prophets; it seems to us disrespect and rudeness, which, in addition, threatens a split in society and serious conflicts.

The book you are holding in your hands is designed to help all readers figure out whether, if something happens, they should grab posters like “I AM CHARLIE.” After all, according to the plan of those who set the vector of the “correct” Western path, by the end of the twentieth century such a state as Russia should not have been on the world map. This book is about those who are hindered by Russia, and about why our country has risen from the ashes every time, like a phoenix.

Chapter 1
Who is Russia interfering with?

According to the plan of American ideologists, by the end of the 20th century, Russia was supposed to become a territory divided into many republics, torn apart by civil strife, drunkenness and corruption. And so it happened. But by some miracle the country survived!

“If earlier it was a geopolitical confrontation in which final victory was excluded, then in the 21st century we are talking about the last battle, not for life, but for death. We are talking about the end of history for one of the centers – the West or Russia.” This statement was made in 2011 leading ideologist of US foreign policy Zbigniew Brzezinski.

What kind of fight are we talking about? If we mean a “cold” ideological war, then we lost it back in the 1990s. Fight for resources? It is believed that they are under the complete control of global corporations. What is actually the main goal? What pushes world leaders to a decisive showdown?

Scientists have calculated that if the threatening dynamics of melting Arctic ice continues, the level of the World Ocean will rise by about 10 meters. Maps of future flooding have already been drawn up, where you can see that the territories of many countries, and primarily the United States, should almost completely go under water. This is a question for the coming decades. The leading powers of the world will soon simply have no living space left!

“There is a global ruling class, united in closed secret societies, which, in fact, have existed for almost the entire observable history of capitalism. Closed secret structures play a prominent role in this story."

When the Iron Curtain fell in the early 1990s, information about a certain secret society of Freemasons began to actively penetrate into the post-Soviet space. Then, for the first time, they openly talked about the fact that the roots of attacks on Russia go much deeper than the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. And behind this are closed structures created and financed by secret societies. But who are these people?

Sergei Morozov, writer, conspiracy theory researcher: “From the beginning, the Masons are primarily England and France. What were they doing in the lodges? They talked and reached agreements with the aristocrats. For example, when the aristocracy conducts some shady business with the bourgeoisie, it is more convenient for them to meet in the Masonic lodge.”

This is how the most influential representatives of power structures were recruited as agents of the secret society. Researchers claim that back in the 16th century, the conspirators had a fully developed strategy for further actions. One of the main objectives of this strategy was the creation of a new, powerful state.

The radiant delta is one of the main symbols of the Masons

It was built by people knowledgeable in secret, esoteric sciences. Mastery of the occult and magic was part of the heritage passed on to the Freemasons by the Knights Templar. Researchers of secret societies are convinced that it was the Catholic order of the Knights Templar that kept certain knowledge that provides unlimited power on Earth.

Olga Chetverikova, associate professor at MGIMO, candidate of historical sciences: “It is believed that most of the Templars moved to Scotland. It was these people who became the founders of the early Masonic lodges, which took shape in England back in the 16th century.”

The exploration of North America was not without the Freemasons. The first English settlement in the New World was the colony of Virginia. Among its founders was a certain Nathaniel Bacon, known in narrow circles as a member of the Masonic lodge. He first voiced the idea of ​​​​creating the strongest world state in North America, New Atlantis, in memory of an ancient highly developed civilization that disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

Alexander Vostokov, Russian philologist, poet: “There was a nation of Atlanteans: beautiful tall men, very beautiful women. They did yoga, levitated, traveled in space, in time.”

Science has no evidence of the existence of the Atlantean civilization. But many believe that tens of thousands of years ago there was an island state in the Atlantic Ocean, the power of which was due to the mystical knowledge and superpowers of its inhabitants. Legends say that the Atlanteans were the unchallenged rulers of their contemporary world.

Alexander Vostokov: « Like all civilizations, naturally, they were destroyed by the desire for power, for money, for gold. Therefore, an atomic explosion was carried out there. The earth sank, and this place is now the Atlantic Ocean.”

The superpowers hidden in the lost knowledge of Atlantis have always interested people. The ancient Greeks were looking for a sunken civilization. Both British monarchs and the leaders of the Third Reich sent secret expeditions in search of ancient knowledge.

Olga Chetverikova: “The USA, in general, was created as the implementation of the idea of ​​a new Atlantis.”

There is an opinion that it was members of the secret society of Freemasons who organized the American War of Independence. They also drafted the Declaration of Independence, and later the American Constitution. By the end of the 18th century, the Freemasons had completely seized power in the new state, ready to begin their mission as a world leader.

Olga Chetverikova: “Almost all the Founding Fathers were members of Masonic lodges. This is Franklin, this is Jefferson, this is Washington. Accordingly, the US Declaration bears the imprint of Bacon’s ideas.”

Political scientists argue that the mission of the United States was determined by a secret society long before the creation of the state itself. This goal is world domination. But few people know that back at the end of the 19th century, Russia was assigned a sad fate in this global strategy.

Leonid Ivashov, Russian military and public figure, Colonel General: “At the end of the 19th century, Western geopoliticians Halford John Mackinder and Alfred Mahan began to formulate a doctrine of consolidating world domination for the Anglo-Saxon world.”

In 1904, Mackinder presented the results of his research to the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain. He revealed that the center of the Earth is Russia without the Far East.

Leonid Ivashov: “Without control over this space, control over Eurasia is impossible, and without control over Eurasia there is no point in dreaming of world domination. And so Russia came under the radar of Anglo-Saxon politics.”

At that time, Russia was actively transforming from a backward agrarian country into an agrarian-industrial power. In terms of industrial output, it was among the top five, along with England, the USA, Germany and France. That empire was characterized not by the export, but by the import of capital. This economic recovery strengthened Russia’s resistance to any external provocations.

Mikhail Delyagin, Russian economist, politician: “You and I have half or at least a quarter of all pathogenic bacteria known to science floating in our blood. Our body’s immunity is crushed by all this. And when the immune system weakens, we get a cold at best, or something more serious at worst.”

At the end of the 19th century, one of the leading French ministers sent several specialists to actively developing Russia. Upon receiving the report, the minister states: “ By the middle of the 20th century, Russia will dominate in all areas of Europe: economics, social programs, demography, culture, education, and art." Who was hindered by a strong and, most importantly, independent Russia?

Sergey Mikheev, political scientist: “The West actively provoked Russia to get involved in the First World War, realizing that participation in the war would very seriously weaken the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire was truly on the rise at that time. And the fact that the West then contributed to the development of revolutionary movements in the country is also absolutely certain.”

Despite the losses in the First World War, Russia continued to gain momentum. Its borders were reliably protected from any encroachments of enemies. Then Western politicians decided to act from within.

« At the beginning of the 20th century, a ship arrived from Canada with 167 people. They made the revolution in Russia - simple sons and daughters of pharmacists and others. They put on leather jackets, took Mausers, established Soviet power, without completely understanding what it was.”

Later, the ideologists of Freemasonry stated with satisfaction that the four-year revolutionary hard times plunged Russia into a state of chaos and complete stagnation. In a state that can be defined as a systemic economic disaster.

Alexander Margelov: “Trotsky, despite the devastation in our fatherland, demanded the construction of 100 thousand tanks, the creation of powerful airborne troops and other equipment, while tractors and other production equipment were required. And he demanded that we arm ourselves to carry out a world revolution.”

Trotsky's words are widely known: “Russia is the brushwood that we will throw into the fire of the world revolution.”

The once strong country no longer posed a threat to the world's superpowers. The new ideologists were faced with the task of how to maintain the confidence of the hungry people that a bright future awaited them.

Sergey Mikheev: “The revolutionaries seemed to interrupt historical memory. They said: “Everything that happened before 1917 was wrong, there is no need to think about it at all. Now a new story begins."

Researchers are confident that it was then that one of the most important tools of the world conspiracy began to actively operate - the substitution of history. Then we watched more than once how textbooks were rewritten, heroes and traitors changed places.

Leonid Ivashov: “Why do our youth so easily accept imposed Western stereotypes? Because we have stopped telling the truth about the history of our country, the deep true truth.”

After the October Revolution, it seemed that Russia was finished and would perish under its own rubble. But at the end of the 1920s, a global crisis began, and for some time the West was busy solving its own problems. When the Russian issue reappeared on the agenda of world politics, it was already too late...

Leonid Ivashov: “There was a powerful breakthrough in the 1920s and 1930s, because people lived with a dream - to make the country beautiful, strong, happy, to build heaven on earth, and for this you need to work, think, create.”

By the end of the 1930s, it became obvious that Russia had not only survived, but was also gaining industrial and military power. Conspiracy theorists are confident that it was then that the world elite arose a new project, powerful enough to destroy now not Russia, but the strengthened union of fifteen republics.

Mikhail Delyagin: “Hitler was cultivated by Western capital in order to destroy the Soviet Union. It was financed by the Americans until it took over Europe; it was financed by Jewish capital, which we are tactfully keeping silent about.”

The USSR leadership tried to avoid a collision. Stalin’s team understood that a weakened Russia, which had only recently been written off from the political arena, was not ready to take a powerful blow. During the revolution, the Civil War, and then political repression, almost the entire color of the military elite was destroyed. But the Western elite also understood this well.

Mikhail Delyagin: “Hitler was released by the West against communism. Let one idea of ​​social justice kill another idea of ​​social justice, and we and our business will look like decent people against this background - that was the strategic plan.”

Conspiracy theorists claim: the world behind the scenes was aware that a further respite would give the USSR the opportunity to finally strengthen. Stalin's uncompromising reprisal against the “fifth column” stopped any possible unrest among the Soviet people. And in a strong, united Russia, the conspirators saw the main threat to their plans.

Leonid Ivashov: “We are the most productive people, the most productive civilization in the world, if from the point of view of benefits. We save all the time - either from the Huns, or from the Horde - and, first of all, Europe. From their own Napoleons, Hitlers and so on. We have been given this mission, and they are afraid of it.”

Historians studying documents that had remained secret for many years came to an unexpected discovery. In addition to the destruction of the USSR, Hitler’s clique, wittingly or unwittingly, carried out another order from the world’s puppeteers. An order that fit perfectly into the “Fascism” project and the idea of ​​which was carefully kept behind the scenes.

“The idea of ​​radical Judaism about the need to create a state of Israel populated by healthy and outstanding people led to the idea of ​​​​Operation Cutting Dead Branches.”

Historians claim that a secret protocol was signed between the Gestapo Ahnenerbe order and the Lausanne Lodge, which represented the interests of radical Judaism. The essence of the contract was that Ahnenerbe would take responsibility for the destruction of Jews unnecessary for Judaism and ensure the transfer of those that were needed.

Dr. Shmuel Spector: “The people the rabbis needed were transported to neutral countries quite comfortably. Those who were in doubt were kept in isolated settlements, as was the case with the Hungarian Jews, who lived almost until the end of the war. Then, however, they too were destroyed.”

It is customary for the world community to remain silent about the genocide of Soviet people. USSR losses amounted to 26.6 million people. Of these, 6.8 million military personnel are listed as killed, 4.4 million were captured and missing. However, most of the terrible numbers are civilians who died from Nazi executions and starvation. Old people, women, children...

Sergey Mikheev, political scientist: “During World War II, Americans realized that remote participation was much better than direct participation. All post-war doctrines were built precisely on the remote solution of problems on the territory of a potential enemy, and even better - by the wrong hands.”

US losses during World War II amounted to approximately 400 thousand soldiers. England's losses were approximately 360 thousand. In 1945, two leaders clearly emerged in the world: the USA and the USSR. But during the war years, the USSR was technically thrown back far back, and America, on the contrary, became stronger and richer.

Sergey Mikheev: “The United States managed, by manipulating aid to both European countries and the Soviet Union, to receive its bonuses and dividends from that war... The Second World War actually opened the era of the United States.”

The world behind the scenes got what they wanted: Germany fell, and Russia was again in ruins. But Russia’s experience, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, has forever disturbed Western strategists. Much later, in 1999, US Secretary of Defense William Perry, in a personal conversation with Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, frankly admitted that they were worried.

Leonid Ivashov: “When I began to criticize him: “But you helped us disarm, we are still destroying our heavy missiles, why are you moving NATO towards our borders again,” Dr. Perry says: “1921, your country is dead, it lies in ruins . But 20 years passed, and the whole world was praying for you, only you could stop the Hitler machine, only you could win. “This,” he says, “scares us.”

Victory in the Great Patriotic War united the peoples of the USSR for a long time

In 1945, the West was afraid not only of Russia’s authority, but also of its increased territory at the expense of the Union republics. United by a common misfortune, the peoples of the USSR posed a danger to the implementation of the “World Domination” project - a project based on the fragmentation and weakness of all states except one dominant one.

Mikhail Delyagin: “The Soviet Union was a real threat to the rest of the world, because the ideology of not just socialism, that is, the state’s service to society and not to business, triumphed there, but also international socialism, which did not destroy people on the basis of nationality or race.”

The principle of “divide and conquer” was actively used by Masonic lodges in the war for spheres of influence. But in the post-war period, an internal split occurred in the ranks of the Freemasons. The Masonic lodges of the USA, which gained enormous power during the Second World War, decided to leave the control of the British lodges.

Andrey Sinelnikov, writer, historian of Freemasonry: “Let's see who has wider breeches, who has bigger stripes, who has brighter buttons. This is inherent in a person. Someone says: “Our Masonic lodge is regular, it is the most regular, it couldn’t be more regular.” And another says: “And here we have the right one, the very right one, and you couldn’t find one more to the right.”

Post-war Europe lay in ruins. In the English colonies, the anti-colonial movement, skillfully fueled by American Freemasons, sharply intensified. The days of the British Empire were numbered. The Western project of world domination has only one rival left - the USSR.

Sergey Mikheev: “We are not the only obstacle to this project, but we are one of the most powerful obstacles, because, indeed, we have a civilizational tradition. That is, we are not just fighting for resources, but history is behind us, so to speak.”

Despite all the strength gained during World War II, the United States did not plan to use military aggression against the USSR. The plan of American strategists was “long-term,” well-thought-out and completely safe for the West itself.


“The human brain, the consciousness of people, is capable of change. Having sowed chaos in the Soviet Union, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values.”

This is one of the points of the doctrine created in 1945 by US military adviser Allen Dulles, who later became director of the CIA. The ultimate goal of the developed plan was the collapse of the USSR without firing a single shot.

Andrey Sinelnikov: “I quote verbatim: “We cannot speak now with Ivan Ivanovich, who has decorated his chest with orders. We must talk to little Vanka, who in 20 years will become Ivan Ivanovich. The pattern of our conversation with him in 1968 should have been like this: 90% music, 9% truth and 1% lies.”

Psychologists note that a person’s immunity is triggered against outright lies. But if a lie is mixed with the truth and natural desires of people, then the possibilities of deception and manipulation become limitless.

Andrey Sinelnikov: “In 1985, we got perestroika - that’s what it means to purposefully, strategically begin to powder our brains.”

There was indeed a lot of Western music praising the values ​​of a free America, and the ban on it only increased interest. The truth was that the standard of living of well-fed American citizens was much higher than the war-ravaged Soviet people. The lie was easily lost against the background of the human desire to live “beautifully.”

Sergey Mikheev: “It was the same with the Soviet people. Yes, he didn’t understand a lot, he was deceived about something. But he voluntarily and joyfully hung his ears, opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. And, frankly, he sold his own country for Playboy, chewing gum and canned beer.”

The implementation of such a plan was practically impossible under the Iron Curtain, when the main instruments of such propaganda - the media, cinema and books - were not allowed across the borders of the Soviet Union. However, Dulles' plan also took this problem into account.


“We will find our like-minded people... our allies and assistants in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on Earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out.

One of the main roles in the implementation of this doctrine was played by the “fifth column”. People recruited by American intelligence services, cultural figures, scientists, politicians who traveled abroad and were delighted with the comfort they saw. And also those who simply did not support Soviet power and were ready to serve anyone.

Maxim Kalashnikov: “What have the Russians become? Into the poor, lumpen herd. Why? Because those who introduced these memes to us knew very well that industry, science, education and culture are a connected structure. With a blow to one point, the Russians were sent towards degradation along an inclined plane.”

However, the developers of the plan made the main bet on the so-called “reformatting” of the top of the Soviet government. For example, Mikhail Gorbachev was warmly received by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and even received the Nobel Prize as a politician who abandoned the logic of the Cold War.


“We will create confusion in the management of the state... We will quietly contribute to the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, and unprincipled behavior. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue..."

In November 1988, Thatcher openly stated: "We are no longer in a Cold War", because the “the new relationship is broader than ever.” And a little later, she just as openly said what she expected from the breadth of this relationship.

Alexander Margelov, Hero of Russia, colonel: “Thatcher said: “We need a Russia consisting of a number of appanage principalities, with a population of no more than 30–40 million people.” Thatcher said this while in high government office in Great Britain."

Political scientists note that the most effective way to achieve the division of a large country into small regions is to actively provoke religious and national clashes. This also makes it possible to significantly reduce the population with his own hands.


“Nationalism and enmity of peoples, and above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will cleverly and quietly cultivate all this. All this will bloom in full bloom. We will make vulgarities out of them - immoral cosmopolitans..."

Research by sociologists over the past 20 years shows that the number of ethnic conflicts in modern Russia has increased significantly compared to the Soviet Union. Sociologists especially note the fact that Russians steadily develop contempt for themselves, which distinguishes them from all other peoples!

Sergey Mikheev: “One of the emigration figures recalled: when he was a student, it seemed to him that he hated the old and, so to speak, dark Russia. But when he grew up and became involved in politics, he realized that he simply hated Russia - old, new, dark, light - it didn’t matter. He just hates her, that’s all.”

A completely different picture can be seen in American society. In contrast to the Russian model of belief in their own inferiority, Americans actively cultivate absolute self-confidence. And most importantly, confidence in one’s right not only to interfere in the politics of any country, but also to aggressively dictate one’s will as the only fair and humanistic one.

Leonid Ivashov: “Here is an ordinary farmer, a participant in the Vietnam War. I say: “Why did you fight, did you have any doubts that you were killing citizens?” - “No, we fought for a just cause.”“What is your just cause?” “And we are responsible for all Vietnamese, not only the southern ones, but also the northern ones.”“Why are you answering?” - “Why, we are Americans, we are responsible for everything that happens.” This is what was instilled in them.”

Perhaps this sophisticated provocation, created by Allen Dulles' team, was only presented as a tool of the Cold War. After all, even in the early 1990s, when we lost the Cold War, the impact did not stop.

Mikhail Delyagin: “There was such a Korean Protestant preacher Moon. In 1981 he said: “The Third World War is already underway, and victory will be won on the field of ideas.” We must not forget that economics is an applied science and, strictly speaking, a secondary one. Human life and the life of human civilization are determined by ideas.”

The August putsch, which marked the subsequent collapse of the USSR

Researchers of long-term relations between Russia and the West have come to the conclusion that this is not a battle of political models. This is not a competition of intelligence services or an arms race. This is a metaphysical struggle. This strategy in the modern world is called “globalism”. Democracy has become a reliable tool of globalism. Democratic slogans about everyone’s right to choose are quite safe - if you create conditions where there is simply nothing to choose from.

Dr. Shmuel Spector, renowned Holocaust researcher: “The American armed forces in all countries... are diligently destroying historical monuments, monuments of pre-civilizations, monuments of other cultures. Their goal is to reduce everything to the fact that the only source of historical, cultural things belongs to Judaism.”

With the collapse of the USSR, the West was freed from its last serious rival. However, Russian political scientists and historians are confident that this is not the end point of the operation. Even in Russia, which has lost all its allies, they see a threat to their plan. Their next goal is the division of Russia itself.

Sergey Mikheev: “The West presents its own new system of values ​​as the only correct one. Russia in this sense, both before and today, is perceived as a threat to the existence of this worldview.”

Historians note that the desire for enrichment and power attributed to the mythical Atlanteans is still observed today among the world elite. And the threat of a nuclear explosion often appears in news reports. Are we really repeating the fate of ancient civilization? Are we really going to go through their path, which, as legends say, ended with the Great Flood?

Nikolay Osokin, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “The earth is a self-regulating system, and so it can endure for a while, and then it will respond in some way and restore its balance.”

In the Omsk region there is the village of Okunevo. In 2004, a devotee of the god Babaji named Rasma Rosite appeared there and completely changed the fate of the village. She was able to explain to the residents that this is the future “ark”, where a new civilization will begin. Okunevo has grown a lot in recent years. In the hope of escaping from the coming flood, not only Russian residents, but also foreigners are moving there.

Nikolay Osokin: “Now the era of meridional circulation is coming, that is, from north to south or from south to north, which should lead to an increase in dangerous natural phenomena that are associated with both climate and hydrometeorology.”

Did the world behind the scenes always know about this danger? And while the masses were caught up in geopolitical passions, it deliberately prepared for displacement? Isn’t this why in the “new promised land” the most “rebellious people” were turned into service personnel with a slave mentality?

Alexander Margelov:“Pacific coast of the United States: two mobile underwater layers of the earth’s crust are gradually shifting, and ultimately they may converge so that a powerful wave several hundred meters high will arise, which will go to the coast of the United States. There will be destruction of everything that is there.”

“Siberia is too large a territory to belong to one state” - This statement is attributed to Madeleine Albright. All of her polemics around our territory boil down to the desire to put Siberia under the control of the international community, that is, the class managing the “World Domination” project.

Maxim Kalashnikov, Russian journalist, public and political figure: “Brzezinski has long said that the new world order will be built on the ruins of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia.” Perhaps, for this purpose, the world government is “rocking the boat”, creating constant conflicts in the world, organizing staged revolutions in potential countries that are allies of Russia, doing everything to prevent it from strengthening and hindering the “Siberian” plan.

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Every day the world looks more and more like a global social network. Millions of people every day consume a host of information materials that are created according to certain rules. Whoever dictates these rules rules the minds of the majority, he is the world leader. For this reason, the media have long been called the fourth estate.

However, despite globalization, the Russian world and the West cannot understand each other. For example, a normal Russian person has no idea why offensive caricatures of the prophet in the French magazine Charlie Hebdo are so widely supported by the masses in the politically correct and tolerant West.

Let's try to figure out together why “mine is yours not to understand”, what is the key difference between Western and Russian mentalities. Everything is very simple: not a single European or American doubts that Western society is on the right path - it was bad in the Middle Ages, it became better during the Renaissance, and when the Enlightenment took root the first liberal ideas, it became completely good! Man received all the freedoms, the authoritarianism of power and oppression by the church remained in the past, and there will never be a return to such a past. For a Westerner, laughing at religion or at your government is a sign of civilization and progressiveness. We did not have the Dark Ages or the Renaissance, and we still doubt the correctness of our historical path, we cannot come to a consensus on whether a revolution was needed, whether it was good or bad under socialism, whether things got better after “perestroika.” And we don’t find it funny when people hooligan in church or insult prophets; it seems to us disrespect and rudeness, which, in addition, threatens a split in society and serious conflicts.

The book you are holding in your hands is designed to help all readers figure out whether, if something happens, they should grab posters like “I AM CHARLIE.”

After all, according to the plan of those who set the vector of the “correct” Western path, by the end of the twentieth century such a state as Russia should not have been on the world map. This book is about those who are hindered by Russia, and about why our country has risen from the ashes every time, like a phoenix.

Chapter 1
Who is Russia interfering with?

According to the plan of American ideologists, by the end of the 20th century, Russia was supposed to become a territory divided into many republics, torn apart by civil strife, drunkenness and corruption. And so it happened. But by some miracle the country survived!

“If earlier it was a geopolitical confrontation in which final victory was excluded, then in the 21st century we are talking about the last battle, not for life, but for death. We are talking about the end of history for one of the centers – the West or Russia.” This statement was made in 2011 leading ideologist of US foreign policy Zbigniew Brzezinski.

What kind of fight are we talking about? If we mean a “cold” ideological war, then we lost it back in the 1990s. Fight for resources? It is believed that they are under the complete control of global corporations. What is actually the main goal? What pushes world leaders to a decisive showdown?

Scientists have calculated that if the threatening dynamics of melting Arctic ice continues, the level of the World Ocean will rise by about 10 meters. Maps of future flooding have already been drawn up, where you can see that the territories of many countries, and primarily the United States, should almost completely go under water. This is a question for the coming decades. The leading powers of the world will soon simply have no living space left!

Maxim Kalashnikov, Russian journalist, public and political figure: “There is a global ruling class, united in closed secret societies, which, in fact, have existed for almost the entire observable history of capitalism. Closed secret structures play a prominent role in this story."

When the Iron Curtain fell in the early 1990s, information about a certain secret society of Freemasons began to actively penetrate into the post-Soviet space. Then, for the first time, they openly talked about the fact that the roots of attacks on Russia go much deeper than the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. And behind this are closed structures created and financed by secret societies. But who are these people?

Sergei Morozov, writer, conspiracy theory researcher: “From the beginning, the Masons are primarily England and France. What were they doing in the lodges? They talked and reached agreements with the aristocrats. For example, when the aristocracy conducts some shady business with the bourgeoisie, it is more convenient for them to meet in the Masonic lodge.”

This is how the most influential representatives of power structures were recruited as agents of the secret society. Researchers claim that back in the 16th century, the conspirators had a fully developed strategy for further actions. One of the main objectives of this strategy was the creation of a new, powerful state.

The radiant delta is one of the main symbols of the Masons

It was built by people knowledgeable in secret, esoteric sciences. Mastery of the occult and magic was part of the heritage passed on to the Freemasons by the Knights Templar. Researchers of secret societies are convinced that it was the Catholic order of the Knights Templar that kept certain knowledge that provides unlimited power on Earth.

Olga Chetverikova, associate professor at MGIMO, candidate of historical sciences: “It is believed that most of the Templars moved to Scotland. It was these people who became the founders of the early Masonic lodges, which took shape in England back in the 16th century.”

The exploration of North America was not without the Freemasons. The first English settlement in the New World was the colony of Virginia. Among its founders was a certain Nathaniel Bacon, known in narrow circles as a member of the Masonic lodge. He first voiced the idea of ​​​​creating the strongest world state in North America, New Atlantis, in memory of an ancient highly developed civilization that disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

Alexander Vostokov, Russian philologist, poet: “There was a nation of Atlanteans: beautiful tall men, very beautiful women. They did yoga, levitated, traveled in space, in time.”

Science has no evidence of the existence of the Atlantean civilization. But many believe that tens of thousands of years ago there was an island state in the Atlantic Ocean, the power of which was due to the mystical knowledge and superpowers of its inhabitants. Legends say that the Atlanteans were the unchallenged rulers of their contemporary world.

Alexander Vostokov: « Like all civilizations, naturally, they were destroyed by the desire for power, for money, for gold. Therefore, an atomic explosion was carried out there. The earth sank, and this place is now the Atlantic Ocean.”

The superpowers hidden in the lost knowledge of Atlantis have always interested people. The ancient Greeks were looking for a sunken civilization. Both British monarchs and the leaders of the Third Reich sent secret expeditions in search of ancient knowledge.

Olga Chetverikova: “The USA, in general, was created as the implementation of the idea of ​​a new Atlantis.”

There is an opinion that it was members of the secret society of Freemasons who organized the American War of Independence. They also drafted the Declaration of Independence, and later the American Constitution. By the end of the 18th century, the Freemasons had completely seized power in the new state, ready to begin their mission as a world leader.

Olga Chetverikova: “Almost all the Founding Fathers were members of Masonic lodges. This is Franklin, this is Jefferson, this is Washington. Accordingly, the US Declaration bears the imprint of Bacon’s ideas.”

Political scientists argue that the mission of the United States was determined by a secret society long before the creation of the state itself. This goal is world domination. But few people know that back at the end of the 19th century, Russia was assigned a sad fate in this global strategy.

Leonid Ivashov, Russian military and public figure, Colonel General: “At the end of the 19th century, Western geopoliticians Halford John Mackinder and Alfred Mahan began to formulate a doctrine of consolidating world domination for the Anglo-Saxon world.”

In 1904, Mackinder presented the results of his research to the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain. He revealed that the center of the Earth is Russia without the Far East.

Leonid Ivashov: “Without control over this space, control over Eurasia is impossible, and without control over Eurasia there is no point in dreaming of world domination. And so Russia came under the radar of Anglo-Saxon politics.”

At that time, Russia was actively transforming from a backward agrarian country into an agrarian-industrial power. In terms of industrial output, it was among the top five, along with England, the USA, Germany and France. That empire was characterized not by the export, but by the import of capital. This economic recovery strengthened Russia’s resistance to any external provocations.

Mikhail Delyagin, Russian economist, politician: “You and I have half or at least a quarter of all pathogenic bacteria known to science floating in our blood. Our body’s immunity is crushed by all this. And when the immune system weakens, we get a cold at best, or something more serious at worst.”

At the end of the 19th century, one of the leading French ministers sent several specialists to actively developing Russia. Upon receiving the report, the minister states: “ By the middle of the 20th century, Russia will dominate in all areas of Europe: economics, social programs, demography, culture, education, and art." Who was hindered by a strong and, most importantly, independent Russia?

Sergey Mikheev, political scientist: “The West actively provoked Russia to get involved in the First World War, realizing that participation in the war would very seriously weaken the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire was truly on the rise at that time. And the fact that the West then contributed to the development of revolutionary movements in the country is also absolutely certain.”

Despite the losses in the First World War, Russia continued to gain momentum. Its borders were reliably protected from any encroachments of enemies. Then Western politicians decided to act from within.

Alexander Margelov, Hero of Russia, colonel: « At the beginning of the 20th century, a ship arrived from Canada with 167 people. They made the revolution in Russia - simple sons and daughters of pharmacists and others. They put on leather jackets, took Mausers, established Soviet power, without completely understanding what it was.”

Later, the ideologists of Freemasonry stated with satisfaction that the four-year revolutionary hard times plunged Russia into a state of chaos and complete stagnation. In a state that can be defined as a systemic economic disaster.

Alexander Margelov: “Trotsky, despite the devastation in our fatherland, demanded the construction of 100 thousand tanks, the creation of powerful airborne troops and other equipment, while tractors and other production equipment were required. And he demanded that we arm ourselves to carry out a world revolution.”

Trotsky's words are widely known: “Russia is the brushwood that we will throw into the fire of the world revolution.”

The once strong country no longer posed a threat to the world's superpowers. The new ideologists were faced with the task of how to maintain the confidence of the hungry people that a bright future awaited them.

Sergey Mikheev: “The revolutionaries seemed to interrupt historical memory. They said: “Everything that happened before 1917 was wrong, there is no need to think about it at all. Now a new story begins."

Researchers are confident that it was then that one of the most important tools of the world conspiracy began to actively operate - the substitution of history. Then we watched more than once how textbooks were rewritten, heroes and traitors changed places.

Leonid Ivashov: “Why do our youth so easily accept imposed Western stereotypes? Because we have stopped telling the truth about the history of our country, the deep true truth.”

After the October Revolution, it seemed that Russia was finished and would perish under its own rubble. But at the end of the 1920s, a global crisis began, and for some time the West was busy solving its own problems. When the Russian issue reappeared on the agenda of world politics, it was already too late...

Leonid Ivashov: “There was a powerful breakthrough in the 1920s and 1930s, because people lived with a dream - to make the country beautiful, strong, happy, to build heaven on earth, and for this you need to work, think, create.”

By the end of the 1930s, it became obvious that Russia had not only survived, but was also gaining industrial and military power. Conspiracy theorists are confident that it was then that the world elite arose a new project, powerful enough to destroy now not Russia, but the strengthened union of fifteen republics.

Mikhail Delyagin: “Hitler was cultivated by Western capital in order to destroy the Soviet Union. It was financed by the Americans until it took over Europe; it was financed by Jewish capital, which we are tactfully keeping silent about.”

The USSR leadership tried to avoid a collision. Stalin’s team understood that a weakened Russia, which had only recently been written off from the political arena, was not ready to take a powerful blow. During the revolution, the Civil War, and then political repression, almost the entire color of the military elite was destroyed. But the Western elite also understood this well.

Mikhail Delyagin: “Hitler was released by the West against communism. Let one idea of ​​social justice kill another idea of ​​social justice, and we and our business will look like decent people against this background - that was the strategic plan.”

Conspiracy theorists claim: the world behind the scenes was aware that a further respite would give the USSR the opportunity to finally strengthen. Stalin's uncompromising reprisal against the “fifth column” stopped any possible unrest among the Soviet people. And in a strong, united Russia, the conspirators saw the main threat to their plans.

Leonid Ivashov: “We are the most productive people, the most productive civilization in the world, if from the point of view of benefits. We save all the time - either from the Huns, or from the Horde - and, first of all, Europe. From their own Napoleons, Hitlers and so on. We have been given this mission, and they are afraid of it.”

Historians studying documents that had remained secret for many years came to an unexpected discovery. In addition to the destruction of the USSR, Hitler’s clique, wittingly or unwittingly, carried out another order from the world’s puppeteers. An order that fit perfectly into the “Fascism” project and the idea of ​​which was carefully kept behind the scenes.

Dr. Shmuel Spector, renowned Holocaust researcher: “The idea of ​​radical Judaism about the need to create a state of Israel populated by healthy and outstanding people led to the idea of ​​​​Operation Cutting Dead Branches.”

Historians claim that a secret protocol was signed between the Gestapo Ahnenerbe order and the Lausanne Lodge, which represented the interests of radical Judaism. The essence of the contract was that Ahnenerbe would take responsibility for the destruction of Jews unnecessary for Judaism and ensure the transfer of those that were needed.

Dr. Shmuel Spector: “The people the rabbis needed were transported to neutral countries quite comfortably. Those who were in doubt were kept in isolated settlements, as was the case with the Hungarian Jews, who lived almost until the end of the war. Then, however, they too were destroyed.”

It is customary for the world community to remain silent about the genocide of Soviet people. USSR losses amounted to 26.6 million people. Of these, 6.8 million military personnel are listed as killed, 4.4 million were captured and missing. However, most of the terrible numbers are civilians who died from Nazi executions and starvation. Old people, women, children...

Sergey Mikheev, political scientist: “During World War II, Americans realized that remote participation was much better than direct participation. All post-war doctrines were built precisely on the remote solution of problems on the territory of a potential enemy, and even better - by the wrong hands.”

US losses during World War II amounted to approximately 400 thousand soldiers. England's losses were approximately 360 thousand. In 1945, two leaders clearly emerged in the world: the USA and the USSR. But during the war years, the USSR was technically thrown back far back, and America, on the contrary, became stronger and richer.

Sergey Mikheev: “The United States managed, by manipulating aid to both European countries and the Soviet Union, to receive its bonuses and dividends from that war... The Second World War actually opened the era of the United States.”

The world behind the scenes got what they wanted: Germany fell, and Russia was again in ruins. But Russia’s experience, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, has forever disturbed Western strategists. Much later, in 1999, US Secretary of Defense William Perry, in a personal conversation with Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, frankly admitted that they were worried.

Leonid Ivashov: “When I began to criticize him: “But you helped us disarm, we are still destroying our heavy missiles, why are you moving NATO towards our borders again,” Dr. Perry says: “1921, your country is dead, it lies in ruins . But 20 years passed, and the whole world was praying for you, only you could stop the Hitler machine, only you could win. “This,” he says, “scares us.”

Victory in the Great Patriotic War united the peoples of the USSR for a long time

In 1945, the West was afraid not only of Russia’s authority, but also of its increased territory at the expense of the Union republics. United by a common misfortune, the peoples of the USSR posed a danger to the implementation of the “World Domination” project - a project based on the fragmentation and weakness of all states except one dominant one.

Mikhail Delyagin: “The Soviet Union was a real threat to the rest of the world, because the ideology of not just socialism, that is, the state’s service to society and not to business, triumphed there, but also international socialism, which did not destroy people on the basis of nationality or race.”

The principle of “divide and conquer” was actively used by Masonic lodges in the war for spheres of influence. But in the post-war period, an internal split occurred in the ranks of the Freemasons. The Masonic lodges of the USA, which gained enormous power during the Second World War, decided to leave the control of the British lodges.

Andrey Sinelnikov, writer, historian of Freemasonry: “Let's see who has wider breeches, who has bigger stripes, who has brighter buttons. This is inherent in a person. Someone says: “Our Masonic lodge is regular, it is the most regular, it couldn’t be more regular.” And another says: “And here we have the right one, the very right one, and you couldn’t find one more to the right.”

Post-war Europe lay in ruins. In the English colonies, the anti-colonial movement, skillfully fueled by American Freemasons, sharply intensified. The days of the British Empire were numbered. The Western project of world domination has only one rival left - the USSR.

Sergey Mikheev: “We are not the only obstacle to this project, but we are one of the most powerful obstacles, because, indeed, we have a civilizational tradition. That is, we are not just fighting for resources, but history is behind us, so to speak.”

Despite all the strength gained during World War II, the United States did not plan to use military aggression against the USSR. The plan of American strategists was “long-term,” well-thought-out and completely safe for the West itself.


“The human brain, the consciousness of people, is capable of change. Having sowed chaos in the Soviet Union, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values.”

This is one of the points of the doctrine created in 1945 by US military adviser Allen Dulles, who later became director of the CIA. The ultimate goal of the developed plan was the collapse of the USSR without firing a single shot.

Andrey Sinelnikov: “I quote verbatim: “We cannot speak now with Ivan Ivanovich, who has decorated his chest with orders. We must talk to little Vanka, who in 20 years will become Ivan Ivanovich. The pattern of our conversation with him in 1968 should have been like this: 90% music, 9% truth and 1% lies.”

Psychologists note that a person’s immunity is triggered against outright lies. But if a lie is mixed with the truth and natural desires of people, then the possibilities of deception and manipulation become limitless.

Conspiracy theories. Who rules the world? Igor Prokopenko

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Title: Conspiracy theories. Who rules the world?

About the book “Conspiracy Theories. Who rules the world?" Igor Prokopenko

Does a world government exist or is all this an invention of political scientists and journalists? Is it possible to take seriously the statement that for hundreds of years a worldwide conspiracy has been hatched against this or that country with the aim of destroying it? Are the political, economic and cultural elites of some European countries and the United States really trying to destroy Russia? I tried to answer these and other questions in my new book “Conspiracy Theories. Who rules the world?" famous Russian journalist Igor Prokopenko.

Every day, most people watch the news, listen to the radio, and read newspapers. It seems to many of us that the events happening in the world have no explanation; we do not see and cannot understand what is happening. In our opinion, many events are not connected with each other at all. Is this really so or does someone control the world? Someone so powerful that they can start and end wars, organize or stop revolutions, destroy states, or help found new powers. Every person is interested in these questions – our lives, among other things, depend on them.

In addition, it is no secret to anyone that in the 21st century wars are fought not only and not so much by military methods, but by economic ones. Igor Prokopenko in his journalistic investigation “Conspiracy Theories. Who rules the world?" shows the reader that behind every such news there is someone’s ominous shadow. Be it the world government, the Freemasons or other political and economic organizations. Are their activities directed against Russia? If this is so, then what was the role of the conspirators in organizing the 1917 revolution? Did Lenin really make a coup with the money of European capitalists or is this an invention of anti-communists.

In addition to these issues, the author also explores the role of the media and religion in influencing the masses of people, ways of manipulating billions of inhabitants of the Earth. Igor Prokopenko is also trying to understand why Western and Eastern civilizations have been at war with each other for centuries. Are there objective reasons for this, or is the confrontation created and fueled by certain political and economic circles in Europe and the USA? If you are interested in politics, if you are interested not only in events, but also in their causes, read the bestseller “Conspiracy Theories. Who rules the world?".

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