Spelling of prefixes before and under: a rule from the new Russian language textbook. Prefixes “pre” and “at” in some words Lexical meaning of prefixes pre and at

It happens: a child finished 5th grade in one school, and in 6th grade he went to another, more advanced one. And there is another program in the Russian language, and all the spelling has already been studied (but he has not yet). How to catch up? For similar purposes - to remember what has been passed or to study what has not been covered, to structure fragmentary information - there is now a “Non-Textbook on the Russian Language”. These are fun and useful books, written with great respect for the reader. Here is an example of a chapter on the prefixes pre and pr.

Boring story

On this side of the hill Sigismund the Precious ruled, at the top was Vasily the Beautiful, and behind the hill was Arthur the Precious.

Sigismund had only one courtier left, the rest fled to Vasily. Everyone fled from Arthur to Vasily. Well, Vasily ended up with 29 courtiers.

Another in Vasily’s place would have long ago conquered two neighboring kingdoms. With such an army! But Vasily didn’t even think about it. He also released criminals from prison. A strong king, an army almost thirty times larger than the enemy's...!

The Minister of Defense said a hundred times at the military council that descendants would not forgive Vasily such a boring story. "What will they teach in history lessons at school! Not a single war!" - the Minister of Defense got excited.

But Vasily doesn’t care. He stomps on the minister, just to make him fall behind, and again runs after his mice. Enthusiasm. They would bring him as many of these mice on a golden tray as you want - no, he runs around on his own.

The fur is on end, the tail is like a pipe - so beautiful.

In the story by Arthur Givargizov, prefixes in words terrible, greedy, on the one hand, and stomp, courtier, bring- these are two different prefixes, and you need to learn to distinguish them.

You need to distinguish them by meaning, but the trouble is that each prefix has several different meanings. The prefix is ​​especially rich in them. Here are its most important meanings.

The first is related to the idea of ​​contact, rapprochement, connection: run, tie, land, come, stick, bring, attach, pull, sew and etc.

With verbs of movement, the idea of ​​contact is most often specified as getting somewhere or to someone: Today the children brought paint to school or Guests came to us.

The idea of ​​rapprochement is often specified as a connection with something larger: To send a letter, you need to put a stamp on the envelope, or Mom sews a button on your shirt.

The second important meaning of the prefix when is related to incompleteness, weak degree: get sick, muffle, lie down, hug, sit down, sprinkle etc. So, sit down differs from sit down the fact that it is either not for long, or somehow not completely, for example, on the edge of the sofa, or simply a person is ready to jump up at the first request: Petya sat down in a chair and looked at Yasha, who sat hesitantly on the edge of the chair. A hug means hug loosely, bringing it a little closer to you. This is the meaning of the prefix at often combined with words a little, a little, not completely, not for long: to be a little sick, to muffle the sound a little, to lie down for a while.

Both of these meanings are characteristic of verbs, but with adjectives and nouns the prefix at can also mean proximity or contiguity: Urals(the area around the Ural Mountains), Amur region(area around the Amur River), Primorye(area near the sea), seaside(located near the sea or in a suitable area), coastal(located near the shore or in the appropriate area), etc.

Prefix meanings

Console pre also has several meanings. She adds an idea to adjectives and adverbs. high degree: kind, dear, most unpleasant, most boring etc., that is, equal in meaning to the word very. Disgusting- This very nasty.__

With verbs, the prefix pre can also denote a high degree and even excessive action: extol, exaggerate, satiate xia, etc. In addition, it can mean moving through something: overcome, transgress- And division or termination: block, break, interrupt.

These last two ideas are also typical for the console re, with which they are related: for example, to step over, as well as to block and break. Verbs with the prefix pre are more archaic, often have not a physical, but figurative meaning: break the law, block a path, break off a relationship I.

If nouns and adjectives are formed from verbs, then they, of course, keep the prefix: to transgress is a crime; surpass - superiority, excellent; arrive - arrival, visitor.

Let us turn once again to Arthur Givargizov’s story “A Boring Story,” where there are several words with these prefixes.

With letter And words are written will stomp And courtier. The first of them means “to stomp lightly,” that is, it contains the prefix at. The second can be either an adjective or a noun and denotes proximity to royalty and the royal court. These words also contain the prefix at, which has the meaning of proximity not so much in terms of physical status as in terms of social status.

With letter e words are written terrible, greedy and criminal. They contain a prefix pre, because the first two words have high degree value: "very scary" And "very greedy", A criminal- This "one who has broken the law" .

Two more comments need to be made.

Firstly, with pre And at In the Russian language there are many words borrowed from other languages, for example: president, present, prestige, privilege. In the Russian language, prefixes are not distinguished in them, and they do not obey the rule. Such words need to be checked using a dictionary and memorized.

Interestingly, some of these words contain a Latin prefix. Word the president spelled with a letter e, therefore it goes back to the Latin word praesidentis, in which the prefix prae means "ahead" and sidentis- "sitting". It is easy to notice that in meaning this Latin word corresponds to the Russian word chairman, which consists of morphemes that are close in meaning.

Secondly, there are words in which it is very difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix. For example, here are the words whimsy, adventure or neglect were once formed using one of our two prefixes. But gradually the meanings of the prefix and the root merged so much that they can no longer be separated. Even the prefix can not be isolated, but considered part of the root.

In the fairy tale by Arthur Givargizov, King Vasily is named twice wonderful. Once upon a time a word red was the same root as the word Beautiful- they had a common root kras and the meaning was the same. So, a beautiful maiden meant the same thing as beautiful girl. Yes and Red Square it is called so because of its beauty, not because of its red color.

The adjective beautiful was formed from the word red(“beautiful”) using the prefix pre to mean a high degree. Time passed, and the adjective red acquired the meaning of color, and now the root is highlighted in it red. And in the adjective beautiful it is already difficult to separate the prefix and the root, especially since its meaning has changed: it means not only “very beautiful”, but also “very good”, for example great solution.

The spelling of such words must be memorized, and in doubtful cases, seek help from a dictionary. Here are some examples:


Let's pay attention to pairs of words that differ in prefixes. Yes, in pairs arrive and abide the first verb is associated with the idea of ​​arrival (arrival, coming), that is, approaching: The train arrives at the station, and the second - with the idea of ​​staying (being): The theater is on tour.

In the pair give and betray, the first verb is associated with the idea of ​​connecting, fastening and ultimately creating ( give meaning or form to something), and the second is associated with betrayal, extradition, that is, in the original meaning, the transfer of someone to someone or something to something ( betray a friend).

Exercise 1. Which explanation is incorrect?

  1. In the word (antique) prop_danie letter is written e, since the prefix used to have a meaning close to the meaning of the prefix pere. Tradition is a story that is passed down from generation to generation.
  2. In a word weird(sound) a letter is written in place of the gap e, since the prefix in this word means “very”.
  3. In a word pr_mute(sound) letter is written And, since the prefix in this word means “approximation”.
  4. Word pr_neglect spelled with a letter e. It is difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix in this word, so the basic rule cannot be applied. The correct spelling needs to be found in the dictionary and remembered.

Exercise 2.| Which example in each line would be superfluous?


Pr_rich, pr_big, pr_keep silent, pr_flattering. All words, except the word to become silent, have the prefix pre with the meaning “very”. This means that the word “shut up” is superfluous: there is a different prefix.

  1. Pre_warm, pre_hold, pr_cut, pr_pocket.
  2. Bring a kettle, drive a horse, bring a friend, bring a son.
  3. Pr_rude, pr_sea, pr_evil, pr_sweet.
  4. Squint, limp, get sick, squint.
  5. Huge, homely, harmful, unpleasant.
  6. Flying, sticking, flowing, flowing.
  7. Pr_powdered, pr_covered, pr_puffy, pr_wise.
  8. Pr_raise, pr_boil, pr_prick, pr_semolina.
  9. Pr_dirty, pr_Volga, pr_excellent, pr_curious.
  10. Pr_cut, pr_attach, pr_sculpt, pr_twist.

Exercise 3. In each paragraph, phrases are chosen to illustrate the different meanings of the prefixes pre or at. In addition, in the exercise there are words in which the prefix is ​​not highlighted, for example, borrowings or words that have changed meanings.

Insert the missing letters.

  1. High city, building next to the house, bad weather, nowhere to sit, space adventures.
  2. Ugly view, breaking bread, lying a little, station buffet, following the enemy.
  3. Price_list for new goods, put screws back to the ceiling, bend your head, electric breaker, nasty weather.
  4. Pr_stand on tiptoes, pr_long conversation, terrible vision, criminal plan, bottom fish.
  5. Deep canyon, overcome difficulties, sprinkle with snow, Siberian freedom, successful landing.
  6. The potatoes were burning, the light was refracting, the film was long, staring at you, imagining a fairy tale.
  7. The sun is warming, a dangerous obstacle, the root layer of the earth, a terrible monster, stopping the outrages.
  8. Block the road, hit yourself hard, shout at the horses, lady of the court, pick at little things.
  9. Pr_steep slope, somewhat late, sliding table, rust converter, medicinal product.
  10. Open the window, stern speech, stop traffic, funny incident, stop work.


It’s a pity, I don’t remember exactly how they explained it to us in distant Soviet times. the meaning “very” was definitely there, and I remember about the approach, the rest was forgotten. However, I am writing correctly. explained it to us well. Why change a proven method and create an incomprehensible garden, at the end citing a bunch of exceptions?

Spelling prefixes is an important section when learning the Russian language. Vowels in prefixes pre- and pre- depend on lexical meaning words. Their spelling principles are few and not complex. But, despite this, not only children, but also adults are confused about the rules when writing the vowel -e or -i. Consider the rule for writing pre-/pri-.

In contact with

The attachment is

Words with express:

  1. Joining and approaching. Addition, application, come, arrive, fasten.
  2. Incompleteness of action. To lull, to become poor, to jump up, to look after, to warm, to sip, to rise, to limp.
  3. Being near something. Coastal, mountainous, bedside, frontline, suburban, station.
  4. Gradual completion of the process. Taming, instilling, getting used to, addiction, reconciliation, provision.

Note! What is incomplete action? These are expressing the half-action of a person or object, i.e. doing something not completely. Stand up - stand up, sit down - sit down, lie down - lie down

learning Russian

The meaning of the prefix is can be expressed:

  1. Excellent meaning of the word. Great, most important, wise, advantage, mature, supreme.
  2. The prefix pre- can be replaced with re-. A passing moment is a passing moment (a moment that will change); swim (obsolete form) – swim across.

Important! In there are words in which pre- and come to the root of the word. It is difficult to explain the spelling of such words (in most cases this is the case), so it is better to remember them. Examples: president, price list, teacher, drug, throne, contender, preference, private, privilege.

Confusion in spelling may occur in Homophones – words that sound alike, but have different spellings. Implement - bring to life, pretend - close, transitory - temporary, coming - appearing somewhere; despise - hate, despise - care about someone; bow down - respectfully lower, bow down - bend over; betray - deceive, impart - strengthen the role of an object.

Spelling of pre-/pre- prefixes on verbs

The prefixes pre-/at- are often used with verbs, so we will pay special attention to them.

Words with the prefix pre- have the following interpretation:

  1. Change something. The frog turned into a princess. Spring has transformed everything around.
  2. Implement = bring something to life.
  3. Completing an action or process. Block a path, interrupt speech, stop a crime, stop an activity, impede entry.
  4. An action is above or below a certain measure. Extol, surpass, exceed, understate.
  5. Abide = live, be, exist. He lives in Rostov. = It is located in Rostov.

You can use the help site http://bezbukv.ru/mask/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5$/verb, on the page of which verbs with a prefix written -e- are presented.

Note! Most verbs with are found in works of art.

The prefix pri- is used in writing verbs in the following cases:

  1. Completion of an action or movement. To arrive, to run, to drive, to fly.
  2. A certain position of one object in relation to another. Apply a compress, glue a sheet, stick tightly, touch your hand, attach a shelf, attach parts, pin a brooch.
  3. Addition. Speed ​​up, add extra, buy things, add a balcony, increase your capital.
  4. Incomplete action. The verbs “sit down” and “lie down” can have the meaning of a short-term action. I lay down on the bed to take a little nap. I’ll sit down for a minute and run on with my business.
  5. The verbs of perception “look” and “listen” with the prefix and postfix -sya express deepening into the action - take a closer look, listen carefully.
  6. The verbs “to call” and “to attract” with the prefix - = to turn to someone, to induce to action - to call, to attract.
  7. Verbs “accustom”, “tame”, “instill” (figurative meaning), “get used to” = transfer or acquisition of any qualities, properties, skills. Parents taught their children discipline. Animal lovers can even tame a lion. The literature teacher instilled in us a love of poetry. Anyone who is used to getting up early gets a lot done.

The prefix pri- on verbs can be used not only literally, but also figuratively. Verbs of motion fall under this category. Let's look at examples in which the verb “to come” has a figurative meaning:

  1. Meaning "to obtain a certain result." We have come to a definite solution to this problem.
  2. May contain a conclusion/conclusion or agreement. After working for two years after school, he came to the decision to leave his hometown and start life anew. As a result of lengthy negotiations, representatives of the two countries came to an agreement on territorial problems. The commission came to the conclusion that there were no violations in the bank's work.
  3. The meaning is “to agree”, “to have a common decision”. We argued for a long time about where to go on vacation, and when we came to a common opinion, we decided to go to the White Sea.
  4. Meaning "understanding" or "awareness". As he grew older, he began to understand how important it is to take care of his health.
  5. Meaning "to gain power." As a result of the elections, the Republicans came to power in the country.

In verbal parts of speech, the spelling pre-/at will be preserved. To block - blocking - blocking, trying on - trying on - trying on.

The verb "to come" also appears in phraseological turns: How could this occur to you? - Think about something. He was never able to recover from that terrible accident. - Come to your senses.

If you are in doubt about the spelling of a word and cannot decide which vowel, -e- or -i-, should be inserted into a given word, then be sure to look in the dictionary. We remind you that the spelling of pre-/pri- directly depends on the meaning of the word.

Rules for writing prefixes in Russian

Spelling words with prefixes is pre-pri-

The writing of the prefixes PRE- and PRI- is based on a semantic principle. that is, the choice of one prefix or another depends on the meaning it brings to the word.

The prefix PRE- is written in the following cases. Firstly, when it introduces into the word the meaning of the ultimate degree of action, a quality that exceeds measure. For example, excellent, extol, exaggerate, very pretty, lovely.

Secondly, the prefix PRE- will be written in cases where it is close in meaning to the prefix PERE-. For example, tradition, compare - “transmit”; block, compare - “block”, cross the line, compare - “to step over”.

The prefix PRI- can have the following meanings. Firstly, proximity to something, contiguity. For example, school, seaside, Amur region.

Secondly, in the sense of incompleteness of an action, i.e. an action that is performed incompletely or for a limited period. For example, lie down, sit down, cover.

Thirdly, the prefix PRI- can have the meaning of joining, approaching. For example, sew, tie, freeze.

Fourthly, the prefix PRI- can have the meaning of bringing an action to its logical end, to a conclusion, to completion. For example, accustom, finish off.

The prefix PRI- can also have the meaning of accompanying action: dance, whistle.

And finally, the prefix PRI- can denote an action that is performed in one’s own interests: dress up, listen.

It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words with the prefixes PRE- and PRI- that are close in sound but completely different in meaning. Such, for example, as despise a coward And despise in meaning give shelter, close the door And make your dream come true. stay in meaning to be, to be somewhere And arrive in meaning come. Bow your head or bend the branch to the ground. The meaning of such prefixes and these words is determined by the context, that is, by the words that are next to them. The complexity of this rule is that in the modern Russian language there are quite a lot of words in which it is difficult or impossible to isolate the prefix PRE- and PRI-. The spelling of such words should be checked using a spelling dictionary. In particular, such words include obsolete words used in phraseological units. For example, stumbling block or bring about the end of the world.

The spelling of borrowed words with the prefixes PRE- and PRI- or words simply starting with PRE- and PRI- should also be checked in a spelling dictionary. For example, president, preamble, drug, prima donna etc.


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Additional exercises ().
  2. ReferenceTable().


Task No. 1

Insert the missing letters. Distribute and write the words in two columns: in the first - with the prefix PRI-, in the second - with the prefix PRE-.

An ancient legend, a stumbling block, miracles of nature, pr...step (to the point), a rich tradition, the treachery of fate, continuation obstacles, no need to reproach, acknowledge what you have done, remain inactive, obey unquestioningly, adherent of new views, give a friend, etc. ..to reconcile enemies, the existence of a train, an indispensable condition, a useful acquisition, life without pr...beauty, pr...funny incident, refraction of rays, etc. ..excess of authority, stop...the hearing of the case, give an oath, adventure seekers.

Task No. 2

Replace these phrases with words with the prefix PRE- or PRI-.

“Diligent, diligent”, “located near a school”, “come somewhere”, “oral story, history passed down from generation to generation”, “tendencies that have become common, permanent”, “stop doing something”, “ open up a little."

Spelling words with prefixes PRE- and PRI-

In order to write words starting with PRE- or PRI without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approaching, joining: ARRIVE, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BEND, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to an end: SHOOT, IMAGINE.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word “very”: WORST, PRECIOUS, PREVAIL.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter), BEND (kneel) – BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) – BEAR (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) – COMING (postman),
STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.


1. Korotkov didn’t hear, although he kept his ear to the keyhole. (M. Bulgakov, "Diaboliada")
2. Dasha climbed onto the stove with difficulty, covered herself with her coat, and pulled up her legs. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
3. So, I got down and went to my unit. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
4. Overcoming a headache, he got ready for the last fight. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
5. This Kuzma Kuzmich, while still in the carriage, was looking at Dasha - somehow he liked her. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
6. The siskin was constantly chirping and jumping, and the cage was constantly swaying and shaking. (According to I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
7. He pushed his hat to the back of his head, holding the rifle. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
8. Instead of sunflowers, luring the sun into the small windows of the huts, only rotten stems stick out. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
9. At that moment the boat was sailing. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
10. Let grief give you strength. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
11. Isn’t this property based on the fact that they have fewer traces of nobility than we do? (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
12. But I cannot feel inferior, the last of all. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
13. Why assume in advance that I am an enemy? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
14. You will have to give up all your habits; there, alone, you will have to work... (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
15. I, despite numerous vices, have never known misfortune. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
16. Further service record is enclosed with the passport. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
17. At that moment A.V. entered the room, and the conversation stopped. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
18. Insarov read Elena’s note and immediately began to put his room in order. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
19. Agrippina walked as if tied, step by step - behind her husband. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
20. I know a nasty tavern where they will give us a nasty little lunch. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
21. Kuzma Kuzmich lined up on the bench under the stove and also couldn’t fall asleep right away - he muttered, smacking his lips. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
22. And you speak to him and look at him at the same time. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
23. Ivan Ilyich, without moving, opened his eyelids just a little. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
24. The expression in her eyes was charming. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
25. Even if you have seven spans in your forehead, you haven’t mastered science, and you will always make a mistake. (According to A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
26. And the girl is written badly. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
27. I advise you, my friend, to botanize: this is the best thing you can think of. (According to I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
28. You seem to be a smart person: why should we pretend? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
29. And good men will definitely cheat your father. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
30. The singer surrendered to the wave that lifted her, her face was transformed. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
31. Bring him to me, I’ll interrogate him myself. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
32. Elena could no longer carelessly indulge in the feeling of her happiness. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
33. She put the lamp on the table, turned off the light, and sat down. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
34. And N.P. took out the notorious brochure from the back pocket of his coat. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
35. There he saw her for the first time, she seemed to him as red as spring. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)

The exercise was prepared by D. Zhuzhleva and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

→ Spelling: Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-

Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Although there are a great many prefixes in the Russian language, spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI- most often causes difficulty. Why?

It is difficult to distinguish these prefixes by ear (vowels “ e" And " And"- unstressed). We should all know from our school course: the spelling of words with the prefixes PRE- and PRI- is determined by their meaning in the word. However, there are many cases where the prefix value is not so easy to set ( resort And seduce).

In addition, there are often several prefixes in one word ( teacher, distribute); in order to find out what meaning each of them added, you need to find them correctly, for which, having understood the structure of the word, be able to identify the prefix, root and suffix in it.

In addition, there are many borrowed words in which PRE- and PRI- or are part of the root ( premiere, a priority), or also taken from a foreign language with its own meaning, different from Russian ( president, privilege).

Still, there are several rules, guided by which, you can choose the correct spelling.

Basic rule:

The spelling of vowels in the prefixes PRE- and PRI- is determined by the meaning that these prefixes give to the word.

PRE- indicates

  1. The highest or ultimate measure of quality, attribute, action; Instead of a prefix, you can use the word “very”. For example: very long(=very long); get fed up(enjoy beyond measure).
  2. Change of action, change, transfer, termination; the meaning is close to the prefix re-(“in a different way”, “through”). For example: stop(stop); turn(make it different); block(block).

PRI- indicates

  1. Approach: Approach (crawl), accession (stick), being nearby (seaside).
  2. An action not completed completely (= “a little bit”) ( got up- stood up a little, listen- listen a little).
  3. Completeness and exhaustion of action (land, tame).
  4. "take for yourself" (to appropriate, to lure).

Let's try to apply this information in practice. Let's say we need to write dream about. We reason: the prefix PRE- means transition (“re-”) and change (“in a different way”), and also indicates the highest degree of quality. Let's try to determine whether these meanings are in the searched word. If they are not there, write the vowel in the prefix And. The word "dream" does not have these meanings when compared with the original verb dream. Therefore, we must write PRI -.

Sometimes helper rules will help:

  1. Words with the prefix PRI- with the meaning of joining and approximation can have synonyms with the prefix POD-. For example: glue - glue; come - drive up. In addition, you can often find an antonym for them with the prefix U- or OT-: come - leave; attach - detach.
    There are no similar antonyms or synonyms for words with the prefix PRE-.
  1. Many verbs with the prefix PRI- with the meaning of joining and approximation require a prepositional case with the preposition “in” or “to”, that is, explanatory words that answer the questions “ where?", "to what?"(adapt for what?- to new conditions; come Where?- to the village).
    Verbs with PRE- do not need explanatory words in the prepositional case with the prepositions “in” or “to” (except “to forward”).
  1. Words with the prefix PRE-, indicating the highest or ultimate measure of quality, are easily replaced by a phrase consisting of the same word, but without the prefix, and the adverb “very” or “most”: beautiful - the most beautiful (previously “red” meant “beautiful "), wise - very wise.
    Words with the prefix PRI-, meaning incomplete action, can be replaced by the phrase “a little” (or “a little”, or “for a while”) + the same word, but without the prefix. Opened it - a little bit opened slightly; took a nap - fell asleep not for long stuck somewhere; became more dignified - became slender, fit for a while.

    Pre reduce - significantly, Very decrease
    At decrease - A little decrease

  1. The spelling of some words with difficult to determine meanings of prefixes (as well as some borrowed words) can be established using a test word:
    pr[?]prize → premium → pr e pacify
    charming → charming → pr e flattering

Difficulties in writing PRE- and PRE-

There are words that do not fit these rules (which is a very characteristic phenomenon for the spelling of the Russian language). It can be

  1. words of foreign origin. In such words, PRE- and PRI- are either not prefixes at all, or have a completely different meaning. Therefore, the rules discussed above cannot be applied to them. For example, consider the following words that came into Russian from Latin: “presidium”, “president”, “prelude” - “e” is in the Latin prefix prae- (before). Presidium in ancient Rome meant “guard, protection”, president - “sitting in front or at the head”. Prelude (PRE- - before, ludus - game) - a small piece of music; originally this was the name for the introduction to a large piece of music (fugue, chorale). In the words “premiere” (from the French premier - first) and “prima donna” (from the Italian primadonna, literally meaning “first lady”) PRE- and PRI- and were not prefixes at all.
  2. words in which the meaning of the prefix PRE- or PRI- is unclear, or it doesn’t stand out at all ( obstacles e, perverse, deceive, bizarre, presence).

The spelling of such words must be remembered, and if necessary, consult a spelling or explanatory dictionary.


1. Summary table of the values ​​of the prefixes PRE- and PRI-

2.It is necessary to distinguish by meaning

There are a number of words that are similar in pronunciation, the spelling of which is PRE- or PRI- associated with different meanings.



limit (spatial or temporal boundary, the extreme edge of something): outside the country, within a year, tensile strength

aisle (a small extension to a church with an additional altar)

successor (follower, continuer of someone's activities, traditions): appoint a successor to oneself

receiver (receiving sound signals)

despise (neglect, treat with disrespect)

look after (give shelter to the disadvantaged, surround with care, keep an eye on, look after; an Old Slavonic word derived from zret - “look, observe.”)

break the law (meaning transition, step over...)

get to work (incomplete action, beginning)

kneel (to be treated with great respect; to bow “very” strongly)

bow your head (incomplete action)

stay in the country (stay)

arrive at the pier (approach)

betray the country (change)

give meaning (meaning of adding)

vicissitudes of fate (misadventures), a wrong view of things (distorted, false)

gatekeeper (guard at the entrance, at the gate)

transient (short-lived): transitory ideas

visitor (one who comes): visiting nurse

minimize (significantly, greatly reduce)

downplay (reduce a little)

ancient legend (transmission meaning)

dowry (wedding - meaning of addition)

bring to life (implement plans, translate into action - the meaning of transition)

close the window (close - the action is not completed completely)

3. PRE- and PRI- with unclear meaning and words of foreign origin

Remember the spelling of the following words

Group of words with PRE-

prevail (prevail), perverse (false), preposition, purpose (fate), reprehensible (blameworthy, immoral), presentable (representative), president, presidium, underworld (hell), full, seduce, prelude, neglect, (not) fail, present, premiere, preparation, (punctuation marks), prerogative (exclusive right), pursue, notorious, grovel, prestige (authority), contender, claim, throne, (stumbling block), precedent, neglect

Group of words with PR-

fastidious (too picky, capricious), privatization, handsome, unacceptable, adventure, diligent, decent, example, primitive, priority (championship), nature, innate, dream, impartial, oath, claim, whimsical, hairstyle, reason, lamentation, bizarre, deplorable, shelter

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