What names are given to boys born in March? Name days in March, Orthodox holidays in March. Suitable names for boys born in March

What name should I give to a boy born in March? Parents often ask themselves a question of this nature. Choosing a name for a child is an incredibly important step and should not be neglected. As a rule, you always want to name your baby something unusual. This can emphasize its peculiarity and individual traits. Many parents dream of making a lasting impression on others. The time of year when the baby was born is of no small importance. For example, spring is a time of rapid change. During this period, you always want something unusual, something that attracts attention. In this article we will look at the names of boys born in March, according to the church calendar.


An original Russian name, which is currently gaining great popularity. Timofey will always attract attention with his originality and individuality. He will never stay away. The meaning of this name is translated as “who worships God.” Name days are celebrated. Since childhood, a child has a calm, compliant character. From the outside it may seem that he is constantly thinking about something, since the appearance of a baby sometimes resembles the gaze of a philosopher.

Timofey is an inquisitive child: he constantly strives for something new. At the same time, the boy is quite conservative and does not like to change his familiar environment for something unknown. He is quite happy if the situation remains unchanged for a long time.


What name is suitable for a boy born in March? You can call him Maxim. This is a very memorable and rare name, translated from Greek it means “greatest”. Many couples decide to name their child this way. This is because the name sounds noble and is quite bright in itself. Name days are celebrated. Maxim’s character is usually calm and predictable. Such a child usually does not cause much trouble to his parents.

His positive character traits are determination and a responsible attitude towards everything. Maxim is easily captivated by some interesting activity, since he is open to self-knowledge. Usually the child studies well and enjoys attending additional classes. Maxim is a very suitable name for a boy born in March. It reflects the nobility of nature and emphasizes its integrity.


The name is quite rare and is not widely used today. Name days are celebrated. Since childhood, Arseny has positioned himself as a brave and self-sufficient person. He wants to be considered. At every opportunity, the baby will strive to show his character and demonstrate his individuality. It is unlikely that he will be too obedient and unquestioning. In Arseny’s character there is willfulness, a desire to prove something to others, to demonstrate one’s worth.

In most cases, he will occupy a leading position in the company. When thinking about how to choose a name for a boy born in March, you should pay attention to unusual options. Arseny is just one of them.


Today it is a very common name, albeit a very popular one. It has ancient roots and biblical origins. Name days are celebrated on March 1st. As a rule, Daniel is distinguished by reliability, loyalty, and colossal inner strength. At the same time, his personality does not tolerate any pressure or coercion. Daniel strives to do everything on his own. He prefers to fill his own troubles rather than listen to the advice of his elders.

It’s incredible who appreciates life and knows how to be happy. His love for life is truly enviable. In most cases, such a child strives to satisfy his own desires under any circumstances. It’s difficult to refuse him something, even if you come up with meaningful arguments.


This is a fairly common name that is found in all corners of the globe. Name days are celebrated on March 5th. From an early age, Ivan has been distinguished by his obedience and penchant for experimentation. A child is quite independent from childhood, but he needs the praise and attention of adults. He wants his achievements to be recognized and his talents to be admired. The names of boys born in early March should be noble and carry some kind of strength. Ivan is the best fit for this occasion.


A very interesting option for those who value individual victories. Name days are celebrated on March 6th. Alexander is the name of a true leader who always and in everything strives to follow the voice of his own heart. As a rule, from childhood he knows what he wants to achieve in life. Natural stubbornness and determination help him not to stop at the achieved result. Alexander is incredibly ambitious; he will never miss an opportunity to demonstrate his worth. He may even begin to conflict with others if it suddenly seems to him that they are limiting his independence in some way. Sasha's need to develop his individuality is very strong. This is perhaps the most important thing in life for him, as is the willingness to defend his interests. If you want to choose the right name for a boy born in March, you need to pay attention to names with strong energy.


The name is beautiful, although not particularly rare. Name days are celebrated on March 2. Since childhood, Roma has been distinguished by some inconsistency in judgment. He loves a beautiful life and for his desires to be immediately satisfied. The brightness of his nature helps him always and everywhere to remain noticed and attract attention. It must be admitted that Roman really knows how to make the right impression: he behaves politely with people, has good upbringing and manners.

Thus, to choose a name for a boy born in March, you need to listen to your own heart. It will definitely tell you the most suitable option and help you understand your desires. To name a child unusual means to give him a bright destiny, in which there will be many discoveries. It is no coincidence that ancient people paid great attention to a person’s name, believing that it determined his entire subsequent life.

Who celebrates name day in March? What female and male names should be given to newborns? We publish everything about the Orthodox holidays of March in the article!

Name day in March (what to name boys and girls in March)

1 – Daniel, Ilya, Makar, Nikon, Pavel, Porfiry, Julian.

2 – Maria, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor, Feodosius.

3 – Anna, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Pavel.

4 – Arkhip, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot, Filimon.

5 – Agathon, Anton, Athanasius, Varlam, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignat, Jonah, Leo, Leonty, Luke, Nikolai, Pakhom, Pimen, Savva, Sergei, Sidor, Titus, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Thomas, Yaroslav.

6 – Alexander, George, Gregory, Daniil, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Olga, Pavel, Timofey.

7 – Andrey, Afanasy, Vavila, Varvara, Vladimir, Victor, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolay, Praskovya, Sergey, Stepan, Titus, Fedor, Philip.

8 – Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Demyan, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolay, Polycarp, Sergey.

9 – Ivan, Hilarion.

10 – Alexander, Anton, Evgeniy, Taras, Fedor.

11 – Anna, Ivan, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey.

12 – Makar, Mikhail, Peter, Prokop, Sergei, Stepan, Timofey, Titus, Julian, Yakov.

13 – Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Kira, Marina, Nestor, Nikolay, Sergey.

14 – Alexander, Alexandra, Anna, Anton, Antonina, Vasily, Veniamin, Daria, Evdokia, Ivan, Matrona, Mikhail, Nadezhda, Nestor, Nikifor, Olga, Peter, Sylvester.

15 – Agathon, Arseny, Joseph, Savva, Fedot.

16 – Martha, Michael, Sebastian.

17 – Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gerasim, Gregory, Daniil, Pavel, Yakov.

18 – Adrian, George, David, Ivan, Iraida, Konstantin, Nikolai, Mark, Fedor, Feofan.

19 – Arkady, Konstantin, Fedor.

20 – Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Evgeniy, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Ksenia, Lavrenty, Maria, Matrona, Nadezhda, Nestor, Nikolai, Neil, Pavel.

21 – Athanasius, Vladimir, Ivan, Lazar, Theodosius.

22 – Alexander, Alexandra, Alexey, Afanasy, Valentin, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Irakli, Kirill, Leonty, Mikhail, Natalya, Nikolay, Sergey, Taras.

23 – Anastasia, Vasilisa, Victor, Vasilisa, Galina, Georgy, Denis, Dmitry, Cyprian, Claudia, Kondraty, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nika, Nikifor, Pavel, Theodora.

24 – Vasily, George, Efim, Ivan, Sophron, Theodora.

25 – Alexander, Vladimir, Gregory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semyon, Sergei, Feofan.

26 – Alexander, Gregory, Mikhail, Nikifor, Nikolai, Terenty, Christina.

27 – Venedikt, Mikhail, Rostislav, Theodosius.

28 – Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Nikandr.

29 – Alexander, Anton, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Pimen, Roman, Trofim, Julian.

30 – Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Pavel.

31 – Daniil, Dmitry, Kirill, Natalya, Trofim.

Church Orthodox holidays in March

Theodore lived at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century. in the city of Alasiya on the Black Sea coast and was a warrior who openly professed faith in Christ. In 306, under Emperor Galerius, the military commander tried in vain to force Theodore to sacrifice to the pagan gods. After much torment, the saint was sentenced to be burned at the stake. His body, undamaged by the fire, was buried in the city of Evkhaitakh, and later the relics were transferred to Constantinople.

Fifty years after the death of Theodore, Emperor Julian the Apostate ordered the mayor of Constantinople to sprinkle all food supplies in the markets with blood sacrificed to idols during the first week of Lent. Saint Theodore, appearing in a dream to the archbishop, ordered to announce to all Christians that no one should buy anything in the markets, but should eat boiled wheat with honey. In memory of this event, the church annually holds another celebration of the holy great martyr Theodore Tiron - on Saturday of the first week of Lent.

Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

2nd of March the church also remembers. Saint Hermogenes lived at the end of the 16th – beginning of the 17th centuries. He was the first Metropolitan of Kazan and did a lot to convert local residents to Christianity. In 1606, Metropolitan Ermogen was elected to the primate see. During the Time of Troubles, when Polish troops captured Moscow, the patriarch was taken into custody in the Chudov Monastery. From captivity, he addressed his last message to the Russian people, blessing the liberation war against the conquerors. After nine months in captivity, the patriarch suffered martyrdom from hunger. After the liberation of Russia from the invaders, the body of the holy martyr was buried in the Chudov Monastery, and in 1654 it was transferred to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral.

Holy Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise

5th of March- Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Holy Prince Yaroslav was born in 978 and was the son of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. He left a memory of himself by compiling a set of laws of Kievan Rus - “Russian Truth”, which, supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh, became the legal basis for the life of the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav paid a lot of attention to Christian education; on his orders, dozens of churches were built in various cities. The veneration of the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise as a locally revered ascetic began immediately after his repose in 1054. The prince was glorified as a saint in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

Head of St. Prophet John the Baptist

P>Your son was born in March, and you want to give him the name of the Saint? You are making the right choice. After all, in this way, from birth you place your son under the protection of the righteous. But how to choose the right names for boys according to the Saints in March? What names are suitable for boys born in the first month of spring? - we will talk about this with you today.

When choosing a boy's name, remember that the name is the main carrier of information about a person's character. In the old days, all nations had traditions and rituals, religious signs and rituals, according to which people gave names to their children. One of the oldest traditions of naming remains the choice of a boy’s name according to the Saints, that is, in honor of the memory of some great Saint. According to this tradition, the Saint whose name the boy acquires will patronize him throughout his life.

The influence of the meaning of names on the character of a boy

What names according to the Saints are suitable for boys born in March? When choosing boys' names according to the Saints of March, remember that boys born in March can be flexible, gentle, indecisive, sensitive, vulnerable and even impressionable. They react strongly to external stimuli and are very difficult to bear insults. But boys born in March are distinguished by their activity, charm, talent, they can easily win people over and most often express their emotions through art. Therefore, when choosing boys' names according to the Saints in March, be careful. Try to choose bright, strong and strong-willed names, this way you will help your son reveal his existing strengths and give him confidence. For example, in the Saints of March there are such names as Egor, David, Maxim, Kirill - sonorous, beautiful names. But what do these names mean? And what will a boy born in March named Kirill, for example, or Maxim be like?

The name Egor means "Farmer". The boy Yegor will be a diligent and hardworking boy, but he will be stubborn and distrustful, and if you indulge the boy’s whims in childhood, he will be hot-tempered and annoying.

The name David means "beloved son." The boy David will be proud, persistent, pragmatic, and sociable by nature.

The name Kirill means "Lord, Lord." Boy Kirill will be inquisitive. But as he grows up, he will most likely become selfish and have high self-esteem, so he will have few friends.

The name Roman means "Roman, Roman." The boy Roman will be amorous, but tough towards his chosen ones. Having matured, Roman will be an exemplary husband, everyone will respect him, but they will be a little afraid of him. Roman's negative feature is his inability to complete a task.

As you can see for yourself, the meaning of names greatly influences the child’s character. We hope the following list of boy names helps you in choosing a name for your March baby boy.

Boys' names according to Saints: March

1. Paul, Porfiry, Julian, Ilya, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Makar

2. Fedor, Mikhail

4. Arkhip, Filimon, Fedor, Maxim, Fedot, Evgeniy, Makar, Dosifey, Dorofey

5. Leo, Titus, Tikhon, Sergei, Varlaam, Savva, Pimen, Ivan, David, Cornelius, Niphon, Athanasius, Anatoly, Luke, Leonty, Thomas, Denis, Philip, Ignat, Vasily, Pakhom, Ignat, Fedor, Nikolai, Agathon, Cornelius

6. Timofey, Eustathius, Alexander, Daniel, Gregory, George, Constantine

7. Joseph, Vladimir, Ivan, Sergey, Andrey, Antip, Stepan, Filaret, Fedor, Philip, Afanasy

8. Polycarp, Alexey, Nikolay, Sergey, Ivan, Anton, Moses, Alexander

10. Taras, Alexander

11. Fedor, Porfiry, Peter, Sergey, Ivan

12. Prokofy, Titus

13. Vasily, Arseny, Kasyan, Nikolay, Nestor, Ivan

14. Vasily, Peter, Ivan, Mikhail, Veniamin, Alexander, Markel, Anton

15. Fedot, Arseny, Agathon

16. Mikhail

17. Gerasim, Daniel, Alexander, Vasily, Joseph, Pavel, Yakov, Vyacheslav, Gregory

18. Ivan, Feofan, Fedor, David, Constantine, Adrian, Onisius, Mark

19. Gregory, Constantine, Theophilus, Job, Arkady, Fedor

20. Ephraim, Vasily, Kapiton, Evgeniy, Nikolai, Neil, Pavel, Emil

21. Ivan, Vladimir, Lazar, Afanasy

22. Claudius, Fedul, Ivan, Alexander, Ilya, Theophilus, Leonty, Athanasius, Kirill, Nikolai, Valery, Alexey, Dmitry, Sergey, Georgy, Taras

23. Denis, Pavel, Victor, Nikifor, Claudius, Leonid

24. Sofron, Efim

25. Feofan, Alexander, Vladimir, Sergei, Gregory, Semyon

26. Nikifor, Gregory, Mikhail, Terenty, Alexander

27. Rostislav, Mikhail

28. Agap, Alexander, Denis, Alexey, Mikhail, Nikandr

29. Alexander, Julian, Trofim

30. Alexey, Makar, Alexander, Victor

31. Kirill, Dmitry, Trofim

Spring. If a child was born in the spring, then in life he will show flexibility in various situations, and it will be more difficult for him to achieve success. The month of March suggests that people born in this month are very impressionable and sensitive. They are also very talented and if not limited, they will express their emotions through art. Since children with a soft character and very impressionable are born in March, in order to emphasize courage, it is necessary to name, as some say, a “hard” and very sonorous name. The girl should be called, on the contrary, a softer, but at the same time bright name. Many people think it will be if the name contains the letter P or N.

Names for those born in March: Daniil, Konstantin, Arkady, Makar, Mikhail, Evgeny, Victor, Roman, Savva, Rostislav, Denis, David, Anton, Stepan, Trofim, Peter, Egor, Yuri, Mark, Gerasim, Vyacheslav, Vasily , Maxim, Venedikt, Pavel.
, born in March: Kira, Marina, Daria, Matryona, Sofia, Galina, Anastasia, Maria, Svetlana, Lydia, Nika, Alla, Ulyana, Anna, Eva, Tamara, Irina, Ekaterina, Christina.

If you don't like the ones listed, and the baby is due in March, read the characteristics of the name that you really like. And then think carefully about whether the child should have your favorite name. If you are, you can choose according to Christmastide - on what day, in honor of that Saint, and name it.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to remember the child’s middle name. The name and patronymic must be consonant, for example, Regina Dmitrievna or Venedikt Denisovich sound very rude, they have no euphony.

Attention to future parents! If you want to name your child an unusual name so that it always stands out, remember that the child will have the name all the time, and many people may laugh at it in the future. Before you name your child Cosmos, Russia, Militsiya, Zhuzha, Kasper the Beloved and others, think about whether the child himself will be happy when he grows up.


How to name a child by date of birth. There is a theory that every person is born with a certain name. There are several options for choosing a name for a child based on his date of birth. The church version is according to the calendar. The Church believes that a newborn should be named after a saint or martyr born on this very day.

Helpful advice

The choice of a child’s name can be influenced by family traditions, fashion trends, and national and religious roots. It is not uncommon today to decide to name a child with a double or even triple name. After the baby is born, you will have a month to make a final decision. How to name a child by date of birth. The time of year in which a child is born has a great influence on his character. If the child was born in winter. Winter is the time of birth of talented and purposeful people.


  • what are the names in March

March in the calendar of the Orthodox Church usually passes under the sign of Great Lent. However, in March Every day there are holidays in honor of saints whose names may be suitable for your child.


In the question of what to name this or that month, there is an echo of the ancient naming of newborns in honor of those saints whose memory fell on or on their day. In this way, a heavenly patron was chosen for the child - a saint, who with his prayer protected the child from all evil.

The most famous and great saint is the prophet John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan and died under tragic circumstances. He was executed by the ruler of Galilee, Herod, at his request.

March girls are almost the most feminine according to astrological forecasts: they are very homely, feminine and calm. The sensitive soul of such a girl will often fall in love, be offended, or be filled with joy from every little thing. Vulnerability and uncertainty will go hand in hand with her throughout life, so a girl born in March should be protected for a long time and try to pay more attention to her. This girl won’t tell you directly what’s eating her or how you might have hurt her, but you’ll see a change in her mood right away. She will become a caring and loving mother, a reliable wife and best friend. Don’t give your baby a too feminine and soft name; it’s better to pay attention to the advice of astrologers.

What to name a girl born in March - astrology

Some names will be able to give the March girl more determination and self-confidence, so that in the future she will not suffer from excessive vulnerability, which is inherent in many Pisces. Give preference to more strong-willed names:

  • Stanislava,
  • Martha,
  • Kira,
  • Irina,
  • Rome,
  • Christina,
  • Veronica,
  • Tonya,
  • Nina,
  • Nika,
  • Svetlana,
  • Catherine,
  • Evgenia,
  • Marina,
  • Arina,
  • Natalia.

With them, the girl will feel a little more confident in what she is doing. Avoid the following names:

  • Tatiana,
  • Alyona,
  • Dina,
  • Sofia,
  • Raisa.

Try to surround her with more care throughout her life and learn to feel any changes in the March girl’s mood, since behind them lies something significant for her.

What to name a girl born in March - church names

This list is perfect for all branches of Christianity. Don't forget that each name only corresponds to a specific day of the month. As an example, see:

  • March 1 – Valentina, translated from Latin as “strong, healthy girl.”
  • March 6 – Varvara.
    Elizabeth, which is from the Hebrew “girl who worships God.”
    Irina, translated from Greek as “loving peace.”
    Olga, a name derived from the Scandinavian name Helga, meaning “holy or wise.”
  • March 22 – Alexandra.
    Natalya, translated from Latin as “native”.
    Alina, from the ancient German dialect “noble”.
  • March 30 – Marina, which from Latin means “sea”.
  • March 31 – Cornelia.

When choosing a name according to the church calendar, pay attention to unfavorable names from astrologers for March girls.

How to name a girl born in March in honor of great people

The name of a great man always serves as a good example for a young girl to follow:

  • On the first day of spring, name the girl Vera, in honor of the great chess player of the Soviet Union Vera Menchik,
  • March 4 is perfect for Larisa, since theater artist Larisa Luzhina was born on the same day.
  • On March 13, give preference to the name Anastasia, in honor of actress Anastasia Vyaltseva.
  • On March 23, Elizaveta, Agata, Elizaveta, named after the children's writer Elizaveta Vodovozova, also Juliet, are preferred.

If you turn to the full calendar of famous people, then you can easily choose a good role model for the March girl and an interesting name that will harmonize beautifully with her last and middle names.

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